WA380-6 Brake System

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Machine model Serial number

WA380-6 65001 and up

10 Structure, function and

maintenance standard 1
Brake system
Brake system .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Brake piping diagram ........................................................................................................................... 2
Charge valve ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Brake valve ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Accumulator (for brake)...................................................................................................................... 15
Brake.................................................................................................................................................. 16
Parking brake control ......................................................................................................................... 21
Parking brake ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Parking brake solenoid valve ............................................................................................................. 24
Emergency parking brake release valve ............................................................................................ 26

WA380-6 1
SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Brake system 1
Brake piping diagram 1

1. Brake valve 7. Parking brake solenoid valve

2. Accumulator (for rear) 8. Parking brake
3. Accumulator (for front) 9. Emergency parking brake release valve
4. Cooling fan pump 10. Charge valve
5. Hydraulic tank 11. Front brake
6. Rear brake

2 WA380-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01031-01

Charge valve 1

P: From pump
A: To cooling fan motor
PPC: To PPC valve
ACC1: To brake valve port PA
ACC2: To brake valve port PB
T: Drain
S1: Brake oil pressure switch (Low)
S2: Emergency brake oil pressure switch
G: Accumulator charge pressure pickup port

WA380-6 3
SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

1. Valve body Function

2. Sequence valve (H1) q The charge valve maintains the oil pressure
3. Relief valve (R2) from the pump to the set pressure and accu-
4. Shuttle valve (S1) mulates it in the accumulator.
5. Priority valve q If the pressure is accumulated in the accumu-
6. PPC relief valve (R3) lator, the circuit to the cooling fan motor opens
7. Main relief valve (R1) and the oil from the pump is output as cooling
fan motor drive pressure.
q As the oil pressure rises above the set pres-
sure, the oil from the pump is led to the drain
circuit to reduce the load on the pump.
q The charge valve reduces the pressure of the
oil from the pump and outputs the basic pres-
sure of the pilot circuit.

4 WA380-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01031-01


When oil is not supplied to accumulator (Cut-out state)

q Since the pressure in oil passage (B) is higher

than the set pressure of relief valve (1), piston
(2) is pushed to the right by the oil pressure
from oil passage (B).
q Relief valve (1) opens and oil passage (C) is
connected to port (T).
q The oil from the pump flows through orifices (a)
and (b) and oil passage (C) to port (T).
q Since the oil pressure is reduced before and
after orifice (a), a pressure difference is made
between pressure receiving chambers (D) and
q If the pressure in pressure receiving chamber
(D) becomes higher than the set pressure of
priority valve (5), priority valve (5) compresses
spring (6) and moves to the right.
q The open area on the side of port (P) and ori-
fice (c) is reduced and port (P) is connected to
port (A) gradually.
q The oil from the pump flows through port (P),
sequence valve (7), and port (A) to the cooling
fan motor.

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SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

When oil is supplied to accumulator

1. Cut-in state

q If the pressure in oil passage (B) goes below

the set pressure of relief valve (1), relief valve
(1) is returned to the left by the repulsive force
of springs (3) and (4).
q Relief valve (1) closes and oil passage (C) is
disconnected from port (T).
q Since oil passage (C) is disconnected from
port (T), pressure drop through orifice (a) is
reduced and the pressure difference between
pressure receiving chambers (D) and (E) is
q Priority valve (5) is moved to the left by the
repulsive force of spring (6).
q The open area on the side of port (P) and ori-
fice (c) is increased and port (P) is discon-
nected from port (A) gradually.
q If the oil pressure from the pump becomes
higher than the pressure in ports (ACC1) and
(ACC2), it pushes up check valve (8), starting
feeding of pressure from ports (ACC1) and
(ACC2) to the accumulator.
q The oil of a specific quantity being set by the
size (area) of orifice (c) and the pressure differ-
ence between through it (equivalent to the load
of spring (6)) is supplied through ports (ACC1)
and (ACC2) to the accumulator. The excessive
oil flows to ports (A) and (PPC).

6 WA380-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01031-01

2. When cut-out pressure is reached

q If the pressure in oil passage (C) reaches the

set pressure of relief valve (1), relief valve (1)
is pushed to the right by the oil pressure from
oil passage (C).
q Relief valve (1) opens and oil passage (C) is
connected to port (T).
q A pressure difference is generated between
the right side and left side of piston (2), and
piston (2) moves to the right and opens relief
valve (1) forcibly.
q Since pressure receiving chamber (E) of prior-
ity valve (5) is also connected to oil passage
(C), the pressure in pressure receiving cham-
ber (E) is set to the drain pressure.
q Since the pressure in pressure receiving
chamber (D) also goes low by the level equiva-
lent to the load of spring (6), oil supply to oil
passage (B) is stopped.

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SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Main relief valve (R1) PPC relief valve (R3)

q If the pressure in port (P) (pump pressure) q If the pressure from port (PPC) (pilot pressure)
rises above the set pressure, it compresses rises above the set pressure, the oil from the
spring (1) and moves ball (2) to the left. pump compresses spring (1) and moves ball
q The pressure of the oil from the pump is (2) to the left.
reduced through orifice (a), and the resulting q The pressure of the oil from the pump is
pressure difference compresses spring (3) and reduced when the oil flows through orifice (a),
moves valve (4) to the left largely. and the pressure difference compresses spring
q Port (P) being connected to port (T) drains the (3) and moves valve (4) to the left.
pump pressure and, thereby, regulates the q Since the open area between port (PPC) and
maximum pressure in the charge circuit to pro- port (P) is reduced and the pressure drop
tect the circuit. results, the pressure in port (P) is at the current
level without being not lowered to the set pres-
sure of the relief valve.
q The pressure in port (PPC) is adjusted to a
specific desired level according to the open
area between port (PPC) and port (P) and sup-
plied as the basic pressure of the pilot circuit.
q If abnormal pressure is generated in port
(PPC), port (PPC) is connected to port (T) to
release the abnormal pressure and protect the
pilot circuit.

8 WA380-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01031-01

Sequence valve (H1) Shuttle valve (S1)

q The pressure in port (P) (pump pressure) is q When the pressure in port (ACC1) is higher
applied to the left end of sequence valve (1) than that in port (ACC2), shuttle valve (1)
and the drain pressure is applied to the right moves to the left to disconnect port (ACC1)
end. from oil passage (B).
q If the pump pressure rises above the set pres- q The open area between port (ACC2) and oil
sure of spring (2), sequence valve (1) moves to passage (B) is increased and the oil is supplied
the right and port (P) is connected to port (A). to the accumulator on port (ACC2) side.
q The oil from the pump flows through priority q When the pressure in port (ACC2) is higher
valve (3) and port (A) to the cooling fan motor than that in port (ACC1), the oil is supplied to
and is used to drive the motor. the accumulator on port (ACC1) side.
q Even when the cooling fan motor drive pres- q The oil from the pump is supplied first to the
sure is low, the pump pressure is kept above low-pressure side of the 2 systems.
the set pressure of spring (2) to protect the
accumulator charge pressure and pilot circuit
basic pressure from going low.

WA380-6 9
SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Brake valve 1

PA: From charge valve ACC1 port TA: Plug

PB: From charge valve ACC2 port TB: Drain
A: To rear brake SA: Stop lamp oil pressure switch
B: To front brake SB: Plug

1. Piston 4. Spool (for front)

2. Spool (for rear) 5. Cylinder (for front)
3. Cylinder (for rear)

10 WA380-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01031-01

q The brake valve is installed in the lower front
side of the operator's seat. Pressing the brake
pedal conducts oil to the brake piston, operat-
ing the brake.
q The left side and right side brake pedals are
mechanically interlocked. Pressing one of the
pedals operates another pedal at the same
q As the brake pedal is pressed, the transmis-
sion cut-off oil pressure sensor is operated,
sending the signal to the transmission control-
ler and, as the result, setting the transmission
to neutral electrically.

When the brake pedal is pressed down

q Brake pedal (1) pressing effort is transmitted to

spool (5) through rod (2), piston (3) and spring
q As spool (5) is pushed to the right, port (TA) is
closed and the oil from the pump activates the
rear brake after being conducted through accu-
mulator, port (PA), port (A) and rear brake pis-
q As spool (5) is pushed rightward, spool (6) is
also pushed rightward, closing port (TB). The
oil from the pump flows through the accumula-
tor, port (PB) and port (B) to the front brake pis-
ton to activate the front brake.

WA380-6 11
SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

When brake of one side operated

(When the other brake failed)

q When only one of the brakes failed due to leak-

age of oil in the front or rear brake system,
brake pedal (1) pressing effort is capable of
mechanically moving spools (5) and (6) to the
Thus, the oil from the pump is normally sup-
plied to the healthy brake piston, enabling it to
continue the operation. The brake, therefore, is
capable of stopping the machine as needed to
ensure the intended safety level.

12 WA380-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01031-01

Balancing operation

q As the rear brake piston is filled with oil and the

oil pressure rises between port (PA) and port
(A), the oil being conducted to chamber (E)
through orifice (c) of spool (5) pushes spool (5)
leftward resisting repulsive force of spring (4).
As the result, port (PA) and port (A) are discon-
At this time, port (TA) remains closed. Thus,
the oil conducted to the brake piston is
retained and the brake remains operable.
q At the same time as spool (5) moved to the left,
the front brake piston is filled up with oil,
increasing the oil pressure between port (PB)
and port (B). Thus, the oil conducted to cham-
ber (F) through orifice (d) of spool (6) pushes
back spool (6) in leftward by the move distance
of spool (5). As the result, port (PB) and port
(B) are disconnected.
At this time, port (TB) remains closed. Thus,
the oil conducted to the brake piston is
retained and the brake remains operable.
q Oil pressure in the rear brake circuit [port (A)
side] and the brake pedal pressing effort are
balanced and oil pressure in the front brake cir-
cuit [port (B) side] and oil pressure in the rear
brake circuit [port (A) side] are balanced.
As spools (5) and (6) are driven in rightward to
the stroke end, port (PA) and port (A) as well
as port (PB) and port (B) are opened com-
pletely. Thus, pressure of oil to the front and
rear brake circuits becomes equal to the oil
pressure from the pump.
Thus, the braking force is adjustable by adjust-
ing the brake pedal pressing effort until spools
(5) and (6) are driven in rightward to the stroke

WA380-6 13
SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

When brake pedal is released

q Releasing brake pedal (1) releases the pedal

pressing effort being applied to spool (5).
q As spool (5) is pushed back to the left by back
pressure of the rear brake piston and repulsive
force of spring (7), port (PA) is closed and the
oil in the rear brake piston is conducted
through port (A) to port (TA) and then drained
from port (TB) to the hydraulic tank. As the
result, the rear brake is released.
q At the same as spool (5) is moved to the left,
spool (6) is also pushed back to the left by
back pressure of the front brake piston and
repulsive force of spring (7). Thus, port (PB) is
closed and the oil in the front brake piston is
conducted through port (B) to port (TB) and
then drained from port (TB) to the hydraulic
tank. As the result, the rear brake is released.

14 WA380-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01031-01

Accumulator (for brake) 1

1. Valve
2. Top cover
3. Cylinder
4. Free piston

q The accumulator is installed between the
charge valve and brake valve. The space
between cylinder (3) and free piston (4) is filled
with nitrogen gas. The nitrogen gas absorbs
the hydraulic pulses generated by the hydrau-
lic pump and secures the braking force and
operability when the engine is stopped by uti-
lizing its compressibility.

Gas used: Nitrogen gas
Amount of gas: 2,850 cc
Charging gas pressure: 3.43 ± 0.1 MPa
{35 ± 1.0 kg/cm2} (At 20°C)
Max. pressure used: 20.6 MPa {210 kg/cm2}

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SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Brake 1

1. Differential housing
2. Bearing carrier
3. Piston
4. Spring
5. Inner ring
6. Sun gear shaft
7. Axle housing
8. Outer ring
9. Disc (3 pieces)

16 WA380-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01031-01

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
10 Thickness of plate 6 ±0.1 5.5
3.2 ±0.1 2.7
Thickness of brake disc 6.5 ±0.15 5.7
11 Depth of lining groove 0.8 (Min.) — 0.4
Thickness of lining 1.0 0.9 (Min.) —
Standard size Repair limit
Installed height Installed load Installed load
12 Load of spring
1,870 N 1,730 N
{191 kg} {176 kg}

q The front brake is a wet-type multi-disc brake,
which consists of piston (3), inner ring (5), disc
(9), outer ring (8), and spring (4).
q The brake cylinder consists of differential
housing (1) and bearing carrier (2). And piston
(3) is assembled to them.
Inner ring (5) and outer ring (8) are coupled
with the spline of axle housing (7).
q Disc (9) has liners stuck to its both sides and is
installed between inner ring (5) and outer ring
(8), and they are coupled together by the
spline of sun gear shaft (6).

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SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard


1. Differential housing
2. Bearing carrier
3. Piston
4. Spring
5. Inner ring
6. Sun gear shaft
7. Axle housing
8. Outer ring
9. Disc (3 pieces)

18 WA380-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01031-01

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
10 Thickness of plate 6 ±0.1 5.5
3.2 ±0.1 2.7
Thickness of brake disc 6.5 ±0.15 5.7
11 Depth of lining groove 0.8 (Min.) — 0.4
Thickness of lining 1.0 0.9 (Min.) —
Standard size Repair limit
Installed height Installed load Installed load
12 Load of spring
1,870 N 1,730 N
{191 kg} {176 kg}

q The rear brake is a wet-type multi-disc brake,
which consists of piston (3), inner ring (5), disc
(9), outer ring (8), and spring (4).
q The brake cylinder consists of differential
housing (1) and bearing carrier (2). And piston
(3) is assembled to them.
Inner ring (5) and outer ring (8) are coupled
with the spline of axle housing (7).
q Disc (9) has liners stuck to its both sides and is
installed between inner ring (5) and outer ring
(8), and they are coupled together by the
spline of sun gear shaft (6).

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SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

When brake is operated When brake is released
q As the brake pedal is pressed, oil pressure (P) q If the oil pressure is released, piston (2) is
being supplied through the hydraulic tank, brake returned by the returning force of spring (8)
charge valve to the brake cylinder acts on piston and clearance is made between inner ring (3)
(2) in the brake cylinder to move the piston. and outer ring (5), and disc (4) becomes free.
Accordingly, disc (4) between piston (2), inner The linings stuck to disc (4) have cross
ring (3), and outer ring (5) is stopped and the grooves on them. While disc (4) is turning, oil
brake is applied to the machine. flows in those grooves to cool the linings.

20 WA380-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01031-01

Parking brake control 1

1. Parking brake switch

2. Valve assembly
3. Parking brake solenoid valve
4. Parking brake
5. Emergency parking brake release valve

q Parking brake (4) is a wet-type multi-disc brake q While the parking brake is applied (While the
built in the transmission. It is installed to the solenoid valve is turned “OFF”), the signal from
output shaft bearing and operated mechani- the transmission controller to the transmission
cally by the pressing force of the spring and solenoid valve is stopped by the neutralizer
released hydraulically. signal to keep the transmission in neutral.
q If parking brake switch (1) installed to the oper- q Emergency parking brake release valve (5) is
ator's seat is turned “ON”, parking brake sole- installed to move the machine when it is
noid valve (3) installed to valve assembly (2) stopped (and the parking brake is applied)
shuts off the oil pressure and the parking brake because of a trouble in the engine or drive sys-
is applied. tem.
q If parking brake switch (1) is turned “OFF”, the
hydraulic force in the cylinder releases the
parking brake.

WA380-6 21
SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Parking brake 1

1. Output shaft Outline

2. Adjustment screw for manual release of q The parking brake is a wet-type multi-disc
parking brake brake being operated mechanically with
3. Plate springs (7) and (8) to apply braking to output
4. Disc shaft (1).
5. Wave spring q The repulsive force of springs (7) and (8)
6. Piston presses disc (4) against plate (3) with piston
7. Spring (outside) (6) to stop output shaft (1).
8. Spring (inside) q When releasing the brake, oil pressure is
applied to the back side of piston (6) to sepa-
rates plate (3) and disc (4) from each other. As
the result, output shaft (1) is released.

22 WA380-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01031-01

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Installed Installed Installed
Free length Free length
9 Parking brake spring (outside) length load load
981 N 932 N
78.6 56.4 76.2
{100 kg} {95 kg}
517 N 491 N
10 Parking brake spring (inside) 74.5 56.4 72.3
{52.7 kg} {50.1 kg}
Standard size Tolerance Repair limit Replace
11 Plate 4.0 ±0.05 3.9
Strain — 0.05 0.6
12 Disc 3.2 ±0.08 2.97
Load of wave spring 1,106 N ±57 N 940 N
(Testing height: 3.2 mm) {112.8 kg} {±5.8 kg} {95.9 kg}

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SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Parking brake solenoid valve 1

1. Valve assembly
2. Coil (ON/OFF type)
3. Push pin
4. Spring
5. Spool
6. Valve seat
7. Check valve

24 WA380-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard SEN01031-01


When parking brake is applied When parking brake is released

(When solenoid is de-energized) (When solenoid is energized)

q Setting the parking brake switch to “ON” sets q Setting the parking brake switch to “OFF” sets
coil (1) to “OFF”. As the result, spool (2) is coil (1) to “ON”, moving spool (2) upward.
pushed back downward by the repulsive force q The pressurized oil from the pump flows to the
of spring (3). parking brake through port (P), inside of spool
q Pump port (P) is disconnected from parking (2) and port (A). At the same time, port (T) is
brake port (A), stopping flow of the oil from the closed and the oil is not drained.
pump to the parking brake. At the same time, q As oil pressure is applied to the back side of
the oil that was working as back pressure of the piston, it compresses the spring, separat-
the parking brake is drained through port (A) ing the plate and disc from each other. As the
and port (T). result, the parking brake is released.
q As the back pressure of the piston is drained,
the piston being pushed back by the spring
contacts the plate and disc closely to enable
the parking brake.

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SEN01031-01 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

Emergency parking brake release valve 1

A: From accumulator
B: To parking brake solenoid valve

1. Grip
2. Valve

q The emergency parking brake release valve is
installed between the accumulator and parking
brake solenoid in the brake circuit. When sup-
ply of oil pressure from the power train pump is
stopped because of an engine trouble, etc.,
opening the valve with manually allows con-
ducting the accumulator charge pressure in the
brake circuit to the parking brake cylinder.

26 WA380-6

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