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Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. It Although the symptoms of appendicitis are the
may be acute or chronic. It’s more common in same for adolescents as they are for adults, they
males than in females. Appendicitis is the most may begin differently. In adolescents,
common reason for abdominal surgery in appendicitis can begin as a vague stomachache
children. About four of every 1,000 children near the navel. This pain may progress to the
under the age of 14 will undergo surgery called lower right side of the abdomen.
an appendectomy to remove their appendix. The study was done after approval of ethical
Appendicitis rarely occurs in children under the board of Jazan university.
age of two, and mostly occurs in people between Causes of appendicitis
the ages of 15 and 30. In many cases, the cause for appendicitis is
symptoms of appendicitis. unknown. There can also be multiple causes for
Nausea one case of appendicitis1.
Vomiting Doctors believe an obstruction in the appendix
Pain when touched on the lower right side of may cause appendicitis. Obstruction may be
the abdomen either partial or complete. Complete obstruction
Abdominal pain or tenderness, usually in the is a cause for emergency surgery.
center of the abdomen above the belly Obstruction is often due to an accumulation of
button, then shifting to the lower right fecal matter. It can also be the result of:
side of the abdomen. The pain increases enlarged lymphoid follicles
when moving, taking deep breaths, worms
coughing, or sneezing. trauma
Fever, usually low-grade (under 100 degrees) tumors
Inability to pass gas Types of appendicitis
Diarrhea 1-Acute appendicitis:
Constipation IT is an inflammation of the appendix and is one
Abdominal swelling of the most frequent causes of acute abdominal
Lack of appetite pain. It is often treated surgically as an
If symptoms of appendicitis appear, it is emergency. As we still do not know the real
important that the patient does not take laxatives reason behind the occurrence of acute
or enemas to relieve constipation. These appendicitis, it needs to be treated cautiously.
medications could cause the appendix to burst. Some may get it because of an obstruction of
Patient should also avoid taking pain medications food or fecal matter; others may get it due to an
that could mask the symptoms. The doctor would infection2. Under certain conditions, the bacteria
need to know the diagnosis of the condition. may multiply within the appendix. The appendix
may swell, and become filled with pus, and
Received: 12/10/2017 DOI: 10.12816/0043096
Accepted: 22/10/2017
Momen Shawk et al.
Length of Stay and Patient Satisfaction…
Figure 1: length of stay after appendectomy (comparison between laparoscopic and open appendectomy)
Momen Shawk et al.
Figure 2: Incidence of various postoperative complications and total complications in the laparoscopic and
open appendectomy