Duinkerken Homes Newsletter: Why Lead Based Paint Rules Are Punishing You

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Duinkerken Homes

November 2010 www.duinkerkenhomes.com

In This Issue Why Lead Based Paint Rules are

 Why Lead Based Paint Punishing You
Rules are Punishing You About 6 months ago the EPA made a “ground breaking”
 Vendor Spotlight: rule that for any job in a pre-1978 home, apartment, or
Appalachian Ironworks child-occupied facility, there MUST be a Certified
Renovator on the job site at set up and clean up and
 Useless Information Quiz!
available by phone at other times. That Certified
 Professional Women in Renovator must work for a Certified Firm. As a
Building Council Certified Renovator, the lead based paint rules are the
 Parade Information most ridiculous thing we have to deal with. We were so
 Williams Residence thrilled to be one of the first contractors in WNC to be
Update certified to work on homes that fit in to such a category
and then we had to start bidding on them and we have
yet to sign a contract on a remodel with a reported lead
based paint issue. First, the cost of working on any
house that has tested positive and been reported for lead
based paint is more expensive because all of the paperwork, hoops,
Contact Us
insurance and precautions contractors and subcontractors have to deal with
Duinkerken Homes to work on the house. Unfortunately, 90% of the Asheville population
10 Lakeview Lane who wants work on their lead based paint house and have to abide by these
Weaverville, NC 28787 rules are middle class folks who just cannot afford it. Most of our clients
are scrimping and saving (as we are) to do little projects around their
house. Adding another $2k or $3k to cover these extras has really put these
828-450-9395 –Brandon people out of financial chance of fixing their house. Secondly, the possible
828-450-5690 –Kate fines a contractor might incur for not
Dhomes@charter.net wearing the proper gear into your home,
setting up the removal site properly,
disposing of the removed substances
properly or even posting their sign correctly,
Visit us online! is around $37,500 per incident. In this
economy it just really isn’t worth the risk to
a contractor or subcontractor to get caught
taking off his breathing mask and get fined.
Have you ever had to wear a breathing mask
for more than 15 minutes while working? It
is sweaty and uncomfortable and itchy and is bound to be lifted from your
face. If OSHA were to catch you without that mask on, the fines begin
coming in at $37,500 and it just isn’t worth it. The 3rd reason on why this
law is ridiculous is because of the disposal rules. Are you aware of what is
happening to the health hazardous waste that is being removed from your
home? It is being put into plastic garbage bags and disposed of in the land
fill. Here is what the EPA is telling us: “The United States Environmental
Protection Agency allows contractors to dispose of residential lead-based
paint waste, such as doors, windows, frames, etc., at construction and
demolition landfills. Other materials generated from the remodeling
activities, such as towels, mop-heads, plastic sheeting, sponges, etc., must
be disposed of at a municipal solid waste landfill.” So, while the EPA is
Contact Us wanting to protect your children from lead based paint issues, we are
Duinkerken Homes required to kick up all kinds of damaging dust to eliminate
10 Lakeview Lane paint that has been covered with 30 additional coats of
Weaverville, NC 28787 paint and most likely not touchable to your child. In
addition, we are damaging the Earth by putting all of these
very unhealthy waste products into our grounds where it
828-450-9395 –Brandon will seep into our water systems, turn into rain, and then
828-450-5690 –Kate contaminate our vegetable gardens and animals. I ask
you, what is really harming you? What should we do? I
implore you to contact your local politician and talk with
him about this new rule and how it is negatively impacting the average
consumer, how it is negatively impacting your economy, how it is
Visit us online!
negatively impacting your environment, and ask them how the EPA can
make a rule that is supposed to help the consumer, but is actually hurting
www.duinkerkenhomes.com them instead.

Vendor Spotlight: Appalachian Ironworks

Appalachian Ironworks, of Marshall, NC is our vendor of the month.
Brian Leonard, the owner of Appalachian Ironworks is the manufacturer of
quality custom ornamental and architectural iron work. He specializes in
metal spiral stairs, metal stairs, railings, gates, balconies, metal furniture,
metal sculpture, and offers on-site welding, installation, and steel erection
services. Brian designed and donated this gorgeous garden gate to the
PWB silent auction. He also made and welded on-site the railings for the
Williams residence. Appalachian Ironworks can help you with your
residential, commercial, and industrial metal fabrication needs. They help
you every step of the way – from designing to manufacturing to delivering
and installing your custom piece. Brian can also help with the restoration
or repairing of your existing iron work. Appalachian Ironworks has over
25 years experience and are involved locally to make our community a
better place. From the donation of monuments for local projects and
charities, they take an active role in helping our town remain a nice place
to live. Appalachian Ironworks also strives to reduce waste and
consumption with all their projects. From simple things like carefully
choosing finish products that are low V.O.C. to actively participating in
recycling programs, they are doing their part in helping keep the world a
greener place. Please give Brian Leonard of Appalachian Ironworks a call
at (828) 702-0697 for all your bending, blacksmithing, brazing, cutting,
designing, installation, repairs and restoration or welding needs.
Contact Us
Duinkerken Homes
10 Lakeview Lane
Weaverville, NC 28787
828-450-9395 –Brandon
828-450-5690 –Kate

Useless Information Quiz!

Visit us online!
The first person to answer the “Useless Information Quiz” will win a $5
www.duinkerkenhomes.com gift card to Subway! I realize with the easy access to technology, the
“Useless Information Quiz” answer might be found without much effort!
So, we ask that you PLEASE do not to Google the question! Send your
reply and address to dhomes@charter.net! Again, the first person to
correctly answer the quiz will get a $5 gift card to Subway!

An apple, onion, and potato all have the same ______.

We will announce the winner on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

The Professional Women in Building Council

The Professional Women in Building Council (PWB) of the Asheville
Home Builder Association (AHBA) is dedicated to promoting,
enhancing and supporting women within the building industry.

Our Wine Tasting & Silent Auction

fundraiser for our scholarship fund
was held at the Wine Studio on
November 18th. Thank you to
everyone who attended our event and
participated in the raffle and silent
auction. The exact numbers are not
available, but we made well over our
goal amount and will be able to give
out a great scholarship for the 2011
year! I would like to personally
thank Spiral Way Jin Shin Jyutsu, Shepherd’s Finish Grade, Math
Insurance, Pearlman’s Carpet One, Appalachian Iron Works, Probuild,
Stacy and Scott Lewis, Lisa Zahiya (Belly Dancing), Phoenix Gymnastics,
and Kelly Jones (Fung Shui) for their very generous donations. Without
all our donators, this event would not have been possible. Click here to see
a video on the event and I will keep you posted as to the final amount
raised and when we will be awarding our scholarship.

Contact Us Weaverville Parade Information

Duinkerken Homes The Town of Weaverville hosts its annual Christmas Parade on Saturday,
December 4th and we are excited to be 16th in line this year. The parade
10 Lakeview Lane
begins at 1 p.m. at the intersection of North Main Street and Dula Springs
Weaverville, NC 28787
Road, travels through downtown Weaverville, and ends at the intersection
828-645-2728 of South Main and Yost Streets. Join us on Main Street along with local
828-450-9395 –Brandon bands, floats, marching units, local dignitaries and Santa!!! We will be
828-450-5690 –Kate
throwing out lots of goodies and our kids will be thrilled to see all your
familiar faces in the crowd! Come out and cheer as we pass by!!!

Williams Residence Update

The Williams Residence is getting close to the end. Here are some pictures
Visit us online! of the work that has been done in the last month.

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