November 21, 2010 Bulletin

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Last Sunday after Pentecost The21,flowers

November 2010 within the chancel are giving to the

Liturgical Color: White Eleven o’clock
God and in memory of Carlisle Cox.
Christ the King Sunday
CHILDREN’S PACKS are located in a basket in the narthex. Children are
the contents and keep their work. Please return unused portions and bags to
*THE CHIMING OF THE HOLY TRINITY following the worship service so they may be refilled for future use.
*THE CHORAL INTROIT Come Ye Thankful People, Come Alford/Elvey
PARENTS OF ACOLYTE AND CRUCIFER Please have the kids upstairs and r
*THE HYMN OF PRAISE O Worship the King minutes
No. 73 the Worship Service starts.
WE WILL NO LONGER BE COLLECTING CANS. Due to the cost of alumin
*THE GLORIA PATRI and not having a proper place to store the cans, we have decided not to colle
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; longer.
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.
are beginning to prepare and plan for their upcoming ski trip and other activit
THE PASTORAL PRAYER The Lord be with you. And also with you. Let us pray. will be having fund raisers to help with the cost and are asking for donations.
THE LORD’S PRAYER (The Chancel Choir will be leading us in song) advance. MYF Leaders and Members
Malotte/ Douglas
THE ANTHEM Give Thanks Smith/Fettke
UPDATING EMAILS…..We are in the process of updating our email addres
THE PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS members and people who are friends of Trinity. During computer and server
THE OFFERTORY lost our email list. If you would like to continue to be on the Trinity email list,
http://eepurl.combeahg and complete the form. We hope very soon that new
*THE DOXOLOGY return.No. 94 so much, Bill
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Tidelands Community Hospice, Inc. is very proud to be a participant in the
program. This program is a further extension of the ministry provided by you
*THE HYMN OF PREPARATION Ye Servants of God No. 181
hospice. Having a Watchman representative in your congregation will ensur
*THE SCRIPTURE LESSON Jeremiah 23:1-6 of our church family will be conveyed to Tidelands and more people will have
Please bring your Bibles for next week’s text.
to receive Hospice services. If you have questions about Hospice please co
THE SERMON “The Righteous King” Watchman, Earline Moore at 264-5334 or Tidelands at 546-3410.
American Red Cross Christmas Day Gift Bags! We are collecting cash or
* THE HYMN OF DEDICATION Victory in Jesus cardsNo. 370
to purchase the items for the gift bags. This year our committee wants
*THE BENEDICTION same kinds of gifts for each bag. Send your donation to Trinity UMC. If you
*THE SENDING FORTH The Lord’s Prayer (reprise) questions, Contact Earline Moore at 264-5334 or email her at earlinemoore@
No children’s choir this week, but will resume the following week. Also Su
*Congregation standing (as we are able). love to start a Youth Choir. This would be for middle school and high school
you are interested please call Suzette at 359-0567.
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Upcoming Events….. BY OU R SER V ICE TOD A Y :

CRUCIFER: Tripp Cooper ACOLYTE: Sully Hutto

UMW BAKE SALE Sunday, November 21st following the Worship Service.
STEWARDSHIP TELLERS: Jackie Gallaher and Robert Phillips
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH “Hanging of the Greens Service” We will start decoratingGREETERS: Bill Bailey and Rose Rogers
classrooms at 5PM, Worship Service will be at 6PM, and “soup and cornbread” supper will
USHERS: Head Usher: Herbie Davis;
follow in FLC. The Congregation is asked to bring drinks and desserts.
Al Lewis, Virgil Blakely, Donnie Lambert, Walker Morris
SATURDAY DECEMBER 4TH Come have breakfast and your picture made with Santa. The
NURSERY: Meredith Rodgers and Suzanne Blakeley Monthly Coordinator
tickets will be $5. All proceeds go to Relay for Life. This will be at the FLC 8-10AM.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 6TH Tour of Homes will be held. If you would like to volunteer your
home for that evening, please contact Earline Moore at 264-5334.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12TH The Andrews Christmas Parade will be held at 3PM. “Singing
on the Steps” will be at 6PM following lots of food and fellowship in the Family LifeBY OUR PRESENCE: November 14th: Sunday School: 47 Worship Ser
BY OUR GIFTS: Needed: $5,388 ~ Week of November 14th 5,390.0
SUNDAY DECEMBER 19TH The Chancel Choir will be having the Christmas Cantata at MYF: $ 50.00

TUESDAY DECEMBER 21ST Come join us for Christmas Caroling. All ages are invited to
participate starting at 5PM. The kids will stay afterwards for a meal and a movie.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24TH Christmas Eve Service will be held at 5PM.


8:45 AM Prayer Service
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Worship Service
2 Josh Martin 15 Paige Clemons 5:00 PM SonShine Kids and WYF
5 Luther Langley 16 Clark Tims 6:00 PM MYF
6 Austin Beard 17 Angie Rogers
7 Trevor Davis 19 Candace Smith TUESDAY
8 Mason Brett 23 Rick Hemingway 7:00PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal
9 Willie Towne Michael Smith
Tracy Dunn 24 Crystal Morris THURSDAY
12 Spivey Cooper Emily Brown HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
Sue Lambert 26 Bethany Moore
Graham Blakely Jason McBee
14 Ginger Morris 27 Jared Driggers The Office will be closed on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in
of Thanksgiving.
Please contact the church office with additions or corrections to our birthday calendar.

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All Military Personnel
in memory of given by: given to: Eric Borchers – Fort Hood, Texas
Ted Davis Ina Clare and Lanier Livingston General Daniel Winstead, Germany
J. Phillips, Fort Jackson, Columbia, SC
Amber, Jason and Davis MYF
William and Judy Morris General Fund
Peggy Smith General Fund
Tommy and Wanda Cox General Fund INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES
Bobby and Dora Lynn Dail General Elva
FundBailey T.D. Walters
Roy and Sarah Shaw General Robert
Fund Phillips Wini Harmon
Edsel Hemingway General Tim
Fund Moore Mildred Gaskins (aunt of Bill G
T. D. and Jackie Walters General Mary
FundBelle Stalvey Dot Black (Crystal Morris’ grand
Gordon and Cary DeShaw General Robert
Fund Arnette (friend of William Morris) Ellerbe Ackerman
Donald and Edith Cooper General Fund Barrineau
Diane Sadie Clemons
Stephanie Barrineau Ruth Edgin (mother of Norma P
Dee and Edie Cooper General Fund
Economic Crises Walter Poston
Patsy McCutcheon Ellen Tanner
Jimmie Talbert Billie Talbert General
Luther J. Forbes (grandfather of Michelle Morris) Inez Altman (aunt of Annette W
Fund Wayne Morris Jean Blumetto
Carolyn Stalvey Victor Rowell
James and Mabel Billie Talbert Vera
General FundMae Wright Boyle Mrs. Bearfield (Bob Bearfield’s
Robin Wright Lee Lonnie and Rosa Fulton
Lowder Jeanine Lamb (aunt of Raymond Newton) Ellison Morris (cousin of Willia
Crystal White (cousin of Willie Towne) Chase Towne
Martha Fowler (Jean Terry’s daughter) Amber McBee
Estell Bouchette John Campbell (co-worker of D
Bobby Maglich Gail Moore
Doris Moore William Freeman
Words can not express the love that we have for our church family. Thomas Wilson Norma Phillips
Doris Williamson (friend of Judy & William Morris) Joyce Fulton
Everyone has been so kind and the outpourings of your love, prayers,Walt Thomas (friend and co-worker of Denise Clemons) Jamie Eaddy
food, flowers, and memorials have been so comforting to Momma Tomand
Collier (friend of Judy & William Morris) Pat Tyler (Suzette’s step-mothe
Vickie Kennedy (friend of Judy & William Morris) Jimmy Rauch (father of Susan
all us of. Thank you for whatever part you may have played in helping
Debbie Clemons Spivey Cooper
our family go through this difficult time. Daddy looked forward to Ronald Smith ( Suzette Douglas’ step-Father) Clyde Cheezum (uncle of Ralp
Virginia McConnell Doris Crowe (Brad Watford)
being in church on Sundays so he could pick and tease with everyone Lisa Hudson(Barbara Morris’ Cousin’s daughter) The Family of Ted Davis
there, it was one of the highlights of his week. God bless you all and
Susan Beard Goldie Moore
continue to keep us in your prayers. HOSPITAL
Wayne Morris, Prince George; Stephanie Barrineau, MUSC
The Ted Davis Family
Please contact Gail Moore at or the church office to have concerns an
or removed from to the Prayer List. Names are occasionally rotated on the list.

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Trinity United Methodist Church
205 South Rosemary Ave.
Andrews, South Carolina

Parsonage: 843-264-3484
Pastor David’s Cell: 843-372-0826
Office: 843-264-5217
Fax: 843-264-9647
Ministers, Congregation
Pastor: Reverend David D. Marcy
Director of Music, Suzette Douglas
Organist, Roberta Cox
Pianist, Wini Harmon
Temporary Pianist, Scott McDowell
Administrative Assistant, Edie Cooper

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