Implementation of ISO 22000 As A Food Safety Management Tools in Wheat Milling Industry

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Implementation of ISO 22000 as a Food Safety Management Tools in Wheat

Milling Industry

Article · August 2013

DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjdfs.2013.8.1.1116

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4 authors, including:

Medhat mohamed Elbayoumi Yehia Heikal

Ain Shams University

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World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences 8 (1): 27-37, 2013
ISSN 1817-308X
© IDOSI Publications, 2013
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjdfs.2013.8.1.1116

Implementation of Iso 22000 as a Food Safety Management

Tools in Wheat Milling Industry

M. M. El-Bayoumi, Y.A. Heikal, Salwa M. Abo-El-Fetoh and M. M. Abdel- Razik

Department of Food Science Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Abstract: Wheat products (flour and semolina) are of great importance in the Egypt diet. Although food
poisoning not frequently recorded, it is a very common phenomenon in Egypt. Food poisoning symptoms in
the mild stages go unnoticed because the sufferer gets treated for the symptoms that include diarrhea
(sometimes bloody), vomiting, nausea or stomach cramps but rarely samples are drawn to identify the cause
of the illness. The United States of America and the United Kingdom have more concrete evidence and
statistics that can trace the micro-organism involved. The overall view is that food safety receives very little
attention although it has been suggested that the food should be safe from farm to fork. Therefore, it is advised
that food safety should be controlled by having a food quality management system (FSMS) in place. Such a
system includes the pre-requisite programs and a HACCP plan which able to ensure that all factors affect the
quality of the product are under control. In terms of the regulations in Egypt, FSMS will become mandatory
especially if they want to export to European Union countries since December 1995 and to the United States
of America since December 1997. ISO 22000 is used as a tool for trade barrier since it has become a requirement
for export. Therefore, there was a need within the milling industry for controlling food safety especially due to
customer’s demands and government’s regulations. The best way to ensure food safety was with the
implementation of (FSMS) which represented in ISO 22000. Accordingly the principal aim of this study was to
develop a generic FSMS model for the flour milling industry. Afterwards this generic model could then be
adapted for each specific mill and its needs

Key words: Wheat flour ISO22000 Milling industry Food safety Flour microbiology

INTRODUCTION within the food handling enterprises, since the flour is

mainly used for baking purposes. However, there are
Egypt is the most populous country in the Arab pathogens, that which might produce toxins heat stable
world and the second most populous in Africa behind and can cause illness even after the product has been
Nigeria and the first country in importing wheat baked, such as Bacillus and Staphylococcus species. In
(Egypt is the world’s largest wheat importer, importing an some cases the flour does not undergo heat treatment
estimated 8.3 million tons in the 2011/12 marketing (cooking or baking) such in the case of flour used for
year [1]. This wheat consumed yearly in many phases candy coatings and in such cases consumers are at risk of
(bread which by government is subsidizes, pasta and contracting food poisoning. In other cases where the flour
pastries ….etc.); so that Egypt gives a priority to wheat are used in sauces, the heat treatment sometimes are not
milling process because it's a strategic industry. Flour is at the extreme and the chance that the micro-organisms
produced from wheat kernels, with the aid of the milling are not killed off completely, exist. Flour is generally
process. Milling aims at separating the wheat endosperm regarded as a microbiologically safe product because it
from the bran coating and embryo or germ and has a low water activity commodity. Although the growth
consequently comminuting the endosperm to a fine of pathogenic bacteria may not be supported under such
powder. Flour comprises a mixture of endosperm particles conditions, pathogens that contaminate flour may survive
with starch granules and protein matrix particles [2]. for extended periods [3]. There is little information on the
The flour milling industry is considered a low risk area micro-flora of wheat and flour or the influence of milling

Corresponding Author: M.M. El-Bayoumi, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture,

Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 8 (1): 27-37, 2013

practices on the microbiological quality and safety of Sampling: Samples of raw wheat grains were collected up
flour and other end products. Substantial amounts of on receiving during the cleaning and the storage steps of
data were generated in some studies as reported by Eyles grains. Other stages of sampling were carried out during
et al. [4] and Hesseltine and Graves [5]. However, there the different milling steps of wheat flour. Sampling
may also be a significant body of data from ongoing methods were carried out according to ES: 1251-2 [15].The
monitoring and quality assurance by the flour milling samples from processing surfaces and hands of plant
industry that is not in the public domain. In the same time, workers were taken by swab method according to Stinson
there is little information on the micro-flora of wheat and and Tiwari [16].
flour or the influence of milling practices on the
microbiological quality and safety of flour and other Analytical Methods: Moisture content of raw wheat
end products. grains and wheat flour samples was determined according
There was a need within the milling industry for to A.O.A.C [17].
controlling food safety especially due to customer’s
demands and government’s regulations. The best way to Microbiological Analysis: Microbiological analysis of
ensure food safety was with the implementation of ISO different samples taking from raw wheat grains, different
22000 as a tool for food safety system. Food borne wheat flour, water, processing surfaces and hands of
disease and some outbreaks like E. coli; salmonellosis; plant workers were determined as follows: Total Viable
yeast and Moulds as a source of Aflatoxin resulted in count [18]. Coliforms group [19]. Staphylococcus aureus
consumer mistrusts ; so that many organization providing Coagulase-positive [20]. Fecal streptococci [21].
food safety management systems (FSMS)to find a Salmonella sp. [22] and MICROBACT 12A (from oxoid)
standard criteria to prevent any outbreak could be occur for biochemical confirmation and polyvalent O-I (from
and to define an effective documentation system to assist Defco); yeast and Moulds [23]. Aerobic and anaerobic
tracing back the production process flow. Other methods spore former using [24]. Bacillus ceruse [25] and swab
were instructed to control the hazarded point in the samples [26].
process of production like hazard analysis critical control
point (HACCP). Nowadays, The ISO 22000 international Application of Food Safety Management System
standard specifies the requirements for a food safety Program
management system that involves interactive Listing the Prerequisite Programs: The prerequisite
communication, quality management system, prerequisite programs (PRPs) represent the conditions and/or the
programs and the HACCP principles [6-13]. Therefore, necessary basic activities to develop a generic FSMS
ISO 22000 becomes one of the most important standards model during wheat flour milling industry were evaluated
in the food industries filled. On the other hand, consumers according to ES: 3393 [27] and ES: 3856 [28].
have become increasingly concerned about the food
safety and the quality of their food product [14]. Application of HACCP System: According to ISO 22000
Accordingly the aim of this study was to develop a [6] HACCP system was applied based in the following
generic FSMS model during wheat flour milling industry seven principles: 1. Conduct a hazard analyses, 2. Identify
based on the ISO 22000.The prerequisite programs were the critical control points (CCPs), 3. Establish critical limits
developed in order to control the microbial, chemical and for preventive measures associated with each identified
physical hazards in wheat flour during milling process and CCP, 4. Establish CCP monitoring requirements, 5.
set up corrective actions maintaining the safety of final Establish corrective actions to be taken when monitoring
product. indicates then a deviation from an established critical limit,
6. Establish verification procedures and 7. Establish
MATERIALS AND METHODS record-keeping and documentation procedures. Flow
diagram of wheat milling processing line was constructed
This study was carried out during 2010-2011 in one of in order to provide a clear, simple description of the steps
companies for wheat milling industry, located in the involved in the process. CCPs were determined according
industrial zone of Badr city Sharkia Governorate, Egypt. to the decision tree as described by CAC/RCP1-1969
The company involved in many kind of wheat flour milling (Rev.4-2003) [29]. The wheat milling line was summarized
producing beaker flour (BF); semolina flour (SF); Pastry with reference to hazard analysis results and CCPs and
flour (PF). their monitoring on the HACCP worksheet.

World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 8 (1): 27-37, 2013

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION process as it used in conditioning step before milling,

cleaning and disinfection of machines and in personal
Implementation Steps of the ISO 22000 Standard hygiene. The results of microbiological analysis of air
Listing the Prerequisite Programs (PRPs): The PRPs samples collected from different areas of milling
represent the conditions and/or the necessary basic processing line under investigation are shown in Table 3.
activities to maintain a hygienic environment for the Different air samples were collected from different
production, handling and the provision of safe finished processing areas of milling line as areas listed in Table 3.
products all along the food product process. The Total bacterial count of collected air samples was 2.30,
prerequisite programs should be established in the 1.97, 2.05, 2.40, 2.32, 2.00 2.09 log cfu/plate for areas of
processing line before applications of FSMS were control room + miller and breaker, control sieves + carter
determined using chick list according to ES: 3393 [27] disc, cleaning machines + bran brushes, main sieves,
and ES: 3856 [28] and the results are presented in Table 1, conditioning area + flour silos, bran storage and flour
it could be noticed that, location and design of the milling storage + motors + calendars, respectively during
processing line, walls, doors, devices and machines and Autumn. On the other hand, total bacterial count of air
disposals tanks were satisfactory constructed according samples collected from the aforementioned areas during
to the criteria listed in ES: 3393 [27] and the objectives spring was 2.10, 1.86, 1.86, 2.27, 2.21, 1.96 and 1.80 log
evidences are listed in Table 1. On the other hand, quality cfu/plate, respectively. It could be noticed there is a little
control and its device was not applicable where no variation in values of total bacterial count of collected air
monitoring for the temperature of the milling processing samples during different investigation periods, which
line and no monitoring control for the safety of water used indicate the high microbiological quality of air in milling
in the milling processing line. The infrastructure of wheat processing areas.
milling processing line under investigation was evaluated Concerning the conditions of personal hygiene of
and it was satisfactory according to the criteria listed in workers in milling processing line under investigation
ES: 3393 [27], except aeration and quality of air was swab samples were taken from their hands during working
unsatisfactory as there in no document of quality control day at different investigation periods and the results are
of air used in the milling processing line (Table 1). From shown in Table 4. Swab samples of hands of workers were
the same table it could be observed that, monitoring of tested for total plate count, counts of coliform group, S.
necessary hygienic principles in the milling processing aureus and Moulds and then detected for presence of
line was not applicable. Salmonella. The aforementioned parameters were chosen
After the surveillance of the prerequisite programs for as microbiological criteria for the evaluation of personal
the milling processing line under investigation, the hygiene as listed in many studies [31]. According to the
unsatisfactory and not applicable criteria were reviewed results presented in Table 4, it could be noticed that, total
with the management of establishment to undertake the plate count of swabs from hands of plant workers in the
corrective actions establishment of before application of range of 3.00 to 1.50 log cfu/swab during the investigation
FSMS. In the same time, microbiological analysis of water period of Autumn, while it was ranged from 2.00 to 1.48
samples, swabs from working surfaces and different air log cfu/swab during spring period. In the same time,
samples from different areas of milling processing line counts of Moulds were ranged from 2.13 to 1.00 and from
under investigation ware conducted and the results were 1.54 to <9 log cfu/swab during the aforementioned
as follows: Microbiological analysis of different water investigation periods, respectively. About the
samples from wheat milling processing line under microbiological criteria of concern, there are no references
investigation were illustrated in Table 2. It could be or standards listing the limits accepted or unaccepted for
noticed that, water used in the milling processing line was these criteria, but it varies according the natural of
in high microbiological quality, since the result of establishment and types of food products. The obtained
microbiological criteria tested in any water samples during results could be accepted according to the standard
different investigation periods expressed, as total plate established by the food establishment under
count, coliform group, E. coli and fecal Streptococci were investigation. For this, swab samples of plant workers
not detected at detection limit (101 cfu/ml). According to were tested also for both of coliform group and S. aureus
reference [21] for water used in food establishment the as criteria used for evaluation of hygienic conditions for
microbiological quality of water were acceptable. Water workers in food establishments, as listed in ES: 3393 [27].
has an important technological role during wheat milling According to the results which were listed in Table 4,

World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 8 (1): 27-37, 2013

Table 1:Observations results of the check prerequisite programs in wheat milling processing line
Location Assessment criteria S U NA Objective evidence/comments
Location of the milling [27]. (3-1) Miller were built in industrial zone which the government supplemented
with all facilities for manufacturing
Design Buildings external [27]. (3-1) supplemented with all facilities for manufacturing
Buildings internal [27]. (3-1) supplemented with all facilities for manufacturing
Walls [27]. (3-2) Covered with glazed ceramic (easy to clean)
Doors [27]. (3-2) Bound with rubber selling with forced air blinds
Devices and machines [27]. (4-1) In place and areas accepted for maintenance
Quality control and its device [27]. (4-2) 1. No monitoring for the temperature of the milling processing line
2. No monitoring control for the water
Disposals tanks [27]. (4-3) In place
The infrastructure[27]. (5)
Water [27]. (5-1) Supplied from government and have a store tanks for it
Sewage [27]. (5-2) Supplied from government
Windows [27]. (3-2) Bound with rubber selling
Cleaning [27]. (5-3) in place
Bathrooms [27]. (5-4) in place
Temperature monitoring [27]. (5-5) No devices for this category
Aeration and quality of air [27]. (5-6) No document of quality control for that
Lightness [27]. (5-7)
Storage [27]. (5-8)
Operation control [27]. (6)
Control of hazard points [27]. (6-1) Using HACCP system
Basics of hygienic principles [27]. (6-2-1)
temperature and time No monitoring devices for this issue
Microbiological criteria [27]. (6-2-3&4)§
[27]. (6-2-5&6)
Filling [27]. (6-4) Using a woven bags printed with edible ink
Maintenance and sanitations [27]. (7)
Pest control [27]. (7-3) Effective and implemented
Waste management [27]. (7-4)
Personal hygiene [27]. (8) Not controlled and there are no document for that
Visitors [27]. (9) No special clothes for visitor or overshoes or overhead available
S: satisfactory - U: unsatisfactory - NA: not applicable

Table 2: Microbiological analysis of water samples used in wheat milling line

Time of Investigation
Microbiological analysis (Log cfu/ml) Autumn Spring
Total plate count <1 <1 <1 <1
Coliform group <1 <1 <1 <1
E. coli. <1 <1 <1 <1
Feacal Streptococci <1 <1 <1 <1
<1: viable colony was not detected at detection limit < 101 cfu/ml

Table 3: Total bacterial count (Log cfu of investigation number/ plate)of air samples collected from different milling areas during different investigation periods
Time of Investigation
Milling area Autumn Spring
1stFloor (control room)+ miller and breaker 2.30 ± 0.30 2.10± 0.42
2nd Floor Control sieves +carter disc 1.97± 0.30 1.86± 0.14
3rdFloor Cleaning machines +bran brushes 2.05± 0.17 1.86± 0.27
4thFloor main sieves 2.40± 0.1 2.27± 0.17
5thFloor conditioning area + flour silos 2.32± 0.2 2.21± 0.21
Bran storage area 2.00± 0.46 1.96± 0.33
Flour storage area +motors + calendars 2.09± 0.29 1.80± 0.26
± : standard deviation

World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 8 (1): 27-37, 2013

Table 4: Microbiological analysis of swabs from workers is in touch with the product during different investigation periods.
Microbiological analysis
Visit number Total plate count# Coliform group# S. aureus#. Salmonella sp*. Moulds & yeast#
First Autumn Investigations 2.00 <9 <9 Not detected 1.80
2.43 1.56 <9 Not detected 2.13
3.00 <9 <9 Not detected 1.56
2.86 <9 <9 Not detected 1.73
Second 1.70 <9 <9 Not detected 1.48
2.08 <9 <9 Not detected 1.65
1.50 <9 <9 Not detected 1.00
2.00 <9 <9 Not detected 1.30
Third Spring Investigations 1.48 <9 <9 Not detected 1.54
1.95 <9 <9 Not detected 1.40
2.00 <9 <9 Not detected 1.54
1.65 <9 <9 Not detected 1.30
Fourth 1.00 <9 <9 Not detected <9
1.60 <9 <9 Not detected <9
1.54 <9 <9 Not detected <9
1.65 <9 <9 Not detected <9
*: detected or not detected in swab sample
#: log cfu/swab
<9: viable colony was not detected at detection limit < 101 cfu/g

counts of coliform group and S. aureus were <9 indicating reception of the raw material until expedition of the
that the count was not detected at detection limit < 101 finished products and could be summarized as follows.
cfu/g. In the same time, Salmonella was not detected in Flour milling begins with cleaning and scoring of wheat
any tested swab samples. These results could be due to grains to separate and remove non-wheat material. Wheat
the highly attention of personnel hygiene and sanitation is stored under dry conditions (usually 8-12% moisture, aw
practices listed in food establishment under investigation, between 0.40 and 0.65) to prevent development of fungal
but there was no documented could be used as references growth. Such dry wheat is not suitable for milling as it is
to determine the hygienic conditions of workers in plant too brittle. After initial cleaning, before wheat enters the
under investigation. Therefore it should be suggested mill, water is added, usually by means of a fine spray, to
that, record keeping of the results of personal hygiene are increase the moisture content of the wheat to 14-15%,
very important and could be used as verifying tool for (aw0.68-0.70) in manufacturing step recognized as
the prerequisite programs of FSMS. conditioning. The amount of water is carefully calculated
from the initial moisture content of the wheat. This
Preliminary Hazard Analysis: Before the preliminary increases the plasticity of the outer bran layer of the grain,
hazard analysis of wheat milling processing line could be preventing it from fracturing during milling and ensuring
described, the food product, its distribution and intended easier separation from the endosperm (flour) later in the
use should be established by developing a complete milling process. To ensure even penetration of water into
description of the food product (wheat flour), such as the the bran layer, conditioned wheat is held in large
composition, chemical, biological and physical conditioning bins, usually overnight, but sometimes for
characteristics, the undergone treatments, packaging, up to 24-36 h, depending on wheat type and initial
durability, storage conditions and distribution methods. moisture content. During milling, grains are broken open
The description concerns raw materials (wheat grains) as and undergo a sequence of reduction, grinding and sifting
well as finished products (wheat flour) [6]. operations to separate endosperm from outer grain layers.
Developing processing flow diagrams was very Inner endosperm fractions are ground to produce
important step for implementation of FSMS in milling semolina and then flour. Outer grain layers comprising
processing line under investigation. A flow diagram bran, wheat germ and pollard are removed by sifting.
concerning flour manufacturing (as shown in Fig. 1) These operations create a considerable amount of heat, so
presents the manufacturing general diagram from the that moisture condensation in the break rolls, reduction

World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 8 (1): 27-37, 2013

rolls and sifters can sometimes lead to buildup of flour On the other hand, count of yeast and E. coli were being
residues inside equipment. Microorganisms, particularly at the minimum level of detection during different
fungi, may become established in these moister residues, investigation periods as listed in the same table.
causing contamination of the mill products. Concerning the results of analysis wheat grains for
the presence of pathogenic bacteria e.g. B. cereus and
Conducting a Hazard Analysis: Hazard analysis is ready S. aureus it could be noticed that these criteria were being
to be conducted now as the flow diagram has been at the minimum level of detection during different
developed and verified. To facilitate this task, hazard investigation periods, (un-tabulated data). At the same
analysis was conducted step by step from the reception time, Salmonella sp. was not detected at any period of
of the raw material (wheat grains) to the finished products investigation. Wheat quality is of high importance to flour
(wheat flour). Hazard analysis aims to identify at each step quality. A comparison of the milling of high and low
what could actually go wrong and result in food being microbiological quality wheat and their respective end
unsafe to consume. Hazards are categorized into three product flour showed that wheat of low microbiological
general areas: biological (pathogens), chemical (toxic quality yields flour with high microbial loads as reported
substances and pesticide residual) and physical (foreign by Berghofer et al. [3].
bodies). Table 6 illustrates the results of hazard analysis During different investigation periods (autumn and
of raw materials and different milling steps of wheat spring) wheat flour has been produced from milling
milling plant under investigation. According to the processing line under investigation were microbiologically
already-identified hazards, several preventive measures analyzed and the results were tabulated in Table 8.
such as visual inspections, supervision, correct cleaning It could be noticed that wheat flour, after different milling
and maintenance and good personal hygiene were steps as illustrated in Fig. 1 had a microbiological load of
conducted in the company. After conducting the Hazard 4.30, 3.63, 2.10, 1.58 and 2.53 log cfu/g for total platee
Analysis of wheat grains and different milling steps, count and counts of Moulds, aerobic & anaerobic spore
microbiological analysis of wheat grains was made for forming bacteria and coliform group, respectively during
identification of different microbiological hazards that autumn seasons. The microbiological load of tested wheat
could be affecting the safety of final product, flour for the aforementioned microbiological criteria were
(wheat flour). 4.17, 2.45, 1.89, 1.22 and 1.80 log cfu/g, respectively during
Results of microbiological analysis are shown in the spring seasons. The variation in microbiological load
Table 7, It could be noticed that, wheat grains contained of wheat flour in comparison to wheat grains as noticed in
microbiological load with little differences according to Tables 7 and 8 showed that wheat flour had generally
the season of investigation. Therefore, wheat grains microbiological load lower than wheat grains especially
tested during autumn contained 4.85, 2.72, 2.10, 1.89 and anaerobic spore forming bacteria and coliform group,
4.69 log cfu/g for total plate count and counts of Moulds, which could be attributed to the effect of milling steps
aerobic & anaerobic spore forming bacteria and coliform such as cleaning and hydration steps on reduction of the
group, respectively. At the same time, tested wheat grains microbiological load of grains. These results could be
during spring season have a microbiological load of 4.84, correlated to the results of the presences pathogenic
2.73, 1.89, 1.36 and 4.74 log cfu/g for the same bacteria B. cereus, S. aureus and Escherichia coli as the
aforementioned microbiological criteria, respectively. results of these criteria were being at the minimum

Table 5: Wheat flour description and its intended use

Product name Wheat flour
Product characteristics Wheat flour is the product prepared from grain of common wheat, Triticum aestivum L., or club wheat,
Triticum compactum Host or mixtures thereof, by grinding or milling processes in which the bran and
germ are partly removed and the remainder is comminuted to a suitable degree of fineness [32 ].
Intended use In powder form production bakery products e.g. Bread ; pan bread ; Pasta; Biscuit
Packaging handle in woven plastic bags
Shelf-life (9 Months ) [ 33 ].
Where the product will be sold Supermarkets
Special distribution control No physical damage, excess humidity or temperature extremes.
Labeling instructions Required to ensure product safety, weight; flour type; additives if any ;trade mark

World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 8 (1): 27-37, 2013

Table 6: Hazard analysis of wheat milling processing steps

Processing step HazardBiological (B) Physical (P) Chemical (C) Control measuring Verification
Receiving In site Contamination from the supplier and shipping Supplier MSDS Verify of MSDS & Buying from certified suppliers
Moulds and insects (B) Lab inspection Visual inspection before receiving
Exotic materials and metals (P)
Heavy metals(C)
Pesticide Residues (C )
Insect injury (B)
Storage in Silos Contamination during storage conditions Lab inspection& 3rd party lab Fumigation for silos
Fungal infection and insect (B) Re-aeration
Pathogenic bacteria (B)
Preparation for milling (Get rid of Impurities and exotic metals (P) Lab inspection Re-sieving & maintenance for sieve
impurities and insects in wheat) Insects(B)
Hydration water used in Hydration 3rd party lab Verification for water safety
Microbial infection(B)
Heavy metals from (P)
Milling (smoothing and sieving) Foreign Impurities(P) Lab inspection Re-sieving & maintenance for sieve
Packaging Harmful substances from packaging material ( C) Purchases officer Verify of MSDS & Buying from certified
suppliersVisual inspection before receiving
Caching and transporting the product Infection with Fungal or insect (B) 3rd party lab and Lab inspection Verify of good aeration
Oxidation (C ) Visual inspection for trucks

Table 7: Microbiological analysis of wheat grains during different investigation seasons

Microbiological analysis (log10 cfu/g)
Total plate Count Count Aerobic spore Anaerobic spore Coliform Escherichia
Investigation seasons count of Yeast of Moulds forming bacteria forming bacteria group coli.
Autumn 4.85 ± 0.01 <1 2.72 ± 0.1 2.10± 0.03 1.89 ± 0.07 4.69 ± 0.03 <1
Spring 4.84± 0.01 <1 2.73 ± 0.01 1.98 ± 0.07 1.36 ± 0.16 4.27 ± 0.04 <1
±: standard deviation
<1: viable colony was not detected at detection limit < 101 cfu/g

Table 8: Microbiological analysis of wheat flour during different investigation seasons

Microbiological analysis (log10 cfu/g)
Total plate Count Count Aerobic spore Anaerobic spore Coliform Escherichia
Investigation seasons count of Yeast of Moulds forming bacteria forming bacteria group coli.
Autumn 4.30 ± 0.02 <1 3.63± 0.04 2.10 ± 0.04 1.58 ± 0.2 2.53 ± 0.05 <1
Spring 4.17 ± 0.05 <1 2.45 ± 0.07 1.98 ± 0.12 1.22 ± 0.18 1.80 ± 0.1 <1
± :standard deviation
<1: viable colony was not detected at detection limit < 101 cfu/g

Table (8a): Microbiological analysis of wheat bran during different investigation seasons
Microbiological analysis (log10 cfu/g)
Total plate Count Count Aerobic spore Anaerobic spore Coliform Escherichia
Investigation seasons count of Yeast of Moulds forming bacteria forming bacteria group coli.
Autumn 5.51 ± 0.02 <1 3.34 ± 0.03 2.09± 0.10 1.89 ± 0.07 4.60 ± 0.03 <1
Spring 5.25 ± 0.02 <1 3.09 ± 0.01 2.04 ± 0.07 <1 4.16 ± 0.03 <1
± :standard deviation
<1: viable colony was not detected at detection limit < 101 cfu/g

World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 8 (1): 27-37, 2013

Table 9: HACCP worksheet of investigated wheat milling plan

Hazard Control measuring

Biological (B) --------------------------------------- Measurement criteria
Physical (P) Acceptable Critical ---------------------------------
Processing step Chemical © Target limit limit Who When How Corrective action

Receiving In site Moulds and insects(B) absent 1 bugs/kg 2 bugs/kg lab per lot visual inspection --
Exotic materials
and metals (P) absent 3% 5% lab visual inspection Re-screening process and repair screens
and magnets (metal detectors)
Heavy metals(C) absent 0.5 ppm 1 ppm external lab Atomic absorption lot rejected
Pesticide Residues(C ) absent absent positive external lab Multi residual analysis lot rejected
Insect injury (B) Re-screening process and repair screens
during transportation absent 1 bugs/kg 2 bugs/kg lab visual inspection and magnets (metal detectors)

Storage in Silos Contamination during

storage conditions -- -- -- -- per shift -- --
Fungal infection and insect(B) absent 1 bugs/kg 2 bugs/kg lab visual inspection lot rejected
Pathogenic bacteria (B) absent absent absent external lab iso test methods lot rejected

Preparation for milling Impurities and exotic metals(P) absent 0.10% 0.20% external lab monthly visual inspection Re-screening process and repair screens
and magnets (metal detectors)
Brocken absent 0.60% 1.00% monthly visual inspection
Insects(B) absent 1 bugs/kg 2 bugs/kg lab per shift visual inspection

Hydration water used in Hydration -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Microbial infection(B)
(coliform and E coli) <1 <1 <1 external lab monthly iso test methods lot rejected
Heavy metals from
(P) (Fe) &( Mn) absent 0.3 ppm
&0.1 ppm 0.5 ppm external lab monthly Atomic absorption lot rejected
foreign Impurities(P) absent 300 ppm 500 ppm lab per shift Atomic absorption lot rejected

(smoothing and sieving) residual from milling (B) absent 0.40% 0.50% lab per shift Atomic absorption lot rejected
metals particles (p) absent 0.01% lab per shift Atomic absorption lot rejected
residual insects(B) absent 1 bugs/kg 2 bugs/kg lab per shift visual inspection Re-screening process and repair screens
and magnets (metal detectors)

Packaging Harmful substances from MSDS from MSDS

packaging material (C) absent absent absent supplier per lot from suppliers lot rejected

product transporting infection with Fungal ABSENT Positive Positive lab per shift visual inspection Re-screening process and repair screens
or insect(B) and magnets (metal detectors)
oxidation (C )(Fe) absent 0.3 ppm 0.5 ppm supplier MSDS and lab per lot supplier MSDS and lab

level of detection during different investigation had been indicated the effect of sanitary programs in the
periods, (un-tabulated data). On the same time, milling line. In the same time, the microbiological quality
Salmonella sp. was not detected at any period of of incoming wheat has a strong influence on the ultimate
investigation. In the same time, as wheat grain layers are quality of milling end products. These results could be
separated during milling process, major surface-adhering correlated with the results of microbiological analysis of
contaminants especially microbial germs are concentrated bran during different investigation periods as shown in
in bran, wheat germ and pollard, which comprise the outer Table 9. From these results it could be noticed that,
layers of the grain. Consequently, the inner endosperm microbial load of produced wheat bran was 5.51, 3.34, 2.09
fraction contains lower microbial counts and flour is the and 1.89 log10 cfu/g for tested microbiological parameters
cleanest end product of the milling process. The lower of total plate count and counts of Moulds, aerobic &
microbiological counts of produced flour at the end of anaerobic spore forming bacteria, respectively during
milling process indicate that equipment contamination autumn seasons. The microbiological load of tested wheat
may not contribute to microbiological contamination; and bran during the spring seasons for the aforementioned

World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 8 (1): 27-37, 2013

microbiological criteria were 5.25, 3.09, 2.04 and <1log when the monitoring procedures indicate that, the
cfu/g, respectively. With respect to coliform group, wheat critical limits are exceeded. The corrective actions were
bran had a higher load in comparison to wheat flour as it designed to rapidly regain control over the CCP and
recorded 4.06 and 4.16 log cfu/g during investigation prevent recurrence.
periods as autumn and spring seasons, respectively. The
results of the presences pathogenic bacteria B. cereus, S. Establishing Verification Procedures: Validation,
aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. of tested verification and review of established HACCP plan
wheat bran have the same trend observed for tested were established during the investigation of milling
wheat flour during different investigation periods as these plan. The verification procedures were established in
pathogeneses were being at the minimum level of order to check if the HACCP system is working as
detection during different investigation periods, (un HACCP plan. This could be done by establishing
tabulated data). accurate records of the previous and ongoing
measurements as well as the tracking of those products
Identifying Critical Control Points: Critical Control that have exceeded the critical limits. The different
Point (CCP) refers to a step, or procedure in a food aforementioned principles of designed HACCP plan
process at which an essential control measure can be during the investigation of milling processing plant are
applied to eliminate, prevent or reduce an identified presented in Table 9.
food hazard to an acceptable limit [6]. Each CCP has
one or more critical limits to ensure that hazards CONCLUSION
are prevented, eliminated and reduced to acceptable
levels. During a flow diagram’s checking procedure The implementation of Food Safety
using the decision tree, several critical control Management system according to the standard
points have been set up: the survival of cereal ISO 22000 in food-processing industry allows
insects during wheat storage operation, the presence controlling of different hazards affecting the health of
of foreign bodies during cleaning, the proliferation of consumers. The ISO 22000 is the standard which
moulds during moistening, the proliferation of moulds and harmonizes the practices of management and the
insects during transfer and storage of finished products HACCP principles. It guarantees food safety to
and finally the presence of foreign bodies during industrialists, distributors and customers. Furthermore, it
packaging. specifies essential requirements to ensure food safety at
all levels: the prerequisite programs (PRPs) and the
Setting the Critical Limits for Critical Control HACCP plan. In this paper, Food Safety Management
Points:The critical limits must be established to guarantee system was developed during the milling processing line
that the acceptable level identified for each hazard at each of wheat grains for controlling of microbiological hazards
CCP is not exceeded. During CCP identification, establish during milling process. Various microbiological methods
critical limits should be measurable where it could be of analysis and procedures have been developed to
reasonably demonstrated that the threshold level has not monitor the safety of wheat grains at an early stage and
been exceeded. during milling processing line. The PRPs implementation
allowed us to master the likelihood of incidence of
Establishing Monitoring Procedures for the Critical physical, chemical and microbiological hazards. The
Control Points: Planned observations and measurements HACCP plan principles were established and have been
are conducted to assess whether a CCP is under control enabled to monitor and control of identified
and produce an accurate record for a future verification microbiological hazards. The ISO 22000 specifies the
process. requirements needed for a system that can monitor and
master hazards and ensure that food is safe for human
Establishing a Corrective Action: During consumption. However, its application requires an
investigation of milling processing line some understanding of the prerequisite programs and the
specific corrective actions were established for each HACCP principles as well as the procedures to be
identified CCP. These corrective actions are performed implemented.

World J. Dairy & Food Sci., 8 (1): 27-37, 2013

Flour processing flowchart

Wheat arrives at the mill by truck

Receiving other ingredients
(bags; detergent; insect sides
if any)
Storage of wheat in silos (50000
tons) 10 silos
Pest control in silos

Replacement criteria in silos for Storage of second materials

Inspection of wheat (ES)

Wheat Sieving

Removing of the stone (de-


Brushing of wheat

Cleaning Magnetic and metal


Metal detector

Flour rework

1st conditioning

Emptying bags Water

2 conditioning
Reduction rolls
Reduction rolls
Metal detector Reduction rolls
Plan sifters
Storage of conditioned wheat in (1000 to 118 Reduction rolls
milling bins (mix& weighing) micron) Reduction rolls
Reduction rolls

Metal detector
1st breaking
2nd breaking
3rd breaking
4th breaking
Milling process 5th breaking

Pneumatic dust system

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