FLSmidth Cross-Bar Cooler Brochure
FLSmidth Cross-Bar Cooler Brochure
FLSmidth Cross-Bar Cooler Brochure
Cross-Bar® Cooler
The latest standard
in clinker cooling
Setting the standard in
clinker cooling technology
The FLSmidth® Cross-Bar® cooler represents the latest
evolution in clinker cooling technology. It is based on
proven and refined FLSmidth cooler technology. The result
is a cooler representing the highest standard in clinker
cooling technology at an attractive investment level.
Key benefits
spillage or conveying system, separation of the conveying and cool- ■■ Self-adjusting mechanical flow regulators
ing systems, air distribution plates with mechanical flow regulators, ■■ Stationary, sealed grate line
Quick and easy to install, the FLSmidth Cross-Bar cooler ensures The FLSmidth® ABC™ fixed inlet as standard prevents the formation
maximum availability with minimum maintenance. And with a com- of snowmen and gives an optimal start to the cooling process with a
pletely new size and structure of its modules, it makes for an ideal more uniform clinker layer.
new cooler or upgrade.
The six fundamental
design features
Air Blast Controlled inlet Self-adjusting mechanical flow regulators
– No Snowman – Stable operation, fuel savings
MFR cooling process supplemented by an air blast released directly Each air distribution plate in the FLSmidth Cross-Bar cooler is
to the grates and the clinker bed. Eliminates snowmen and prevents equipped with a mechanical flow regulator (MFR) that regulates
dead zones where traditional blasters in back and side walls cannot the airflow via a self-adjusting orifice. This optimal principle of
reach. Ensures uniform clinker distribution. continuous airflow reg-ulation was invented by FLSmidth and
helps optimise heat recuperation and distribution of air throughout
the entire cooler. In turn, it enables fuel savings and few installed
cooling fans.
Air through
Low ∆P High ∆P
A well proven and patented sealing design consisting of U- and A further benefit to this separation is that gradual wear of the bars
C-profiles around the drive plates forms a dust trap, preventing has no effect on cooler operation, and thermal efficiency stays high.
clinker from entering the undergrate compartment. No requirement
for undergrate spillage system.
Horizontal design with optimised transport method Modular concept
– Low civil costs, low wear rates – Fast, easy, cost-effective installation
The cooler’s new drive mechanism is designed to obtain optimal The FLSmidth Cross-Bar cooler is designed not only for completely
transport efficiency. Each lane of movable frames in the cooler is new coolers, but also as an upgrade for most existing coolers. To
operated by 1 to 3 hydraulic cylinders depending on the cooler meet these requirements, the cooler is constructed as a modular
size, and has an independent drive. While all bars move in a shuttle system with units of varying size.
motion, the movement of each lane can also be separately adjusted
to accommodate diverse clinker bed conditions. The standard units are preassembled in the workshop to ensure
high quality and swift, simple installation.
High clinker transport efficiency allows horizontal construction in
order to minimise installation height or maintain overgrate and kiln To form a whole cooler, a number of units are put together length-
hood velocities in cooler upgrades – leading to low cost of civil wise and widthwise, and the movable frames are connected along
work and reduced dust recirculation. the length of the cooler.
Step 1.
Step 3.
C 06-17 400-5-ENG
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trademarks of FLSmidth A/S. This brochure makes no offers, representations or warranties (express or
implied), and information and data contained in this brochure are for general reference only and may change
at any time.