EE201: Digital Circuits and Systems: Section 6 - Memory

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EE201: Digital Circuits and Systems

Section 6 – Memory

Data memory types:

1. Random Access Memory which can be read & written

 Static & Dynamic RAM

2. Read Only Memory which retains data


Programmable Logic:

1. Programmable Arrays
 PLDs, PALs, GALs
2. Complex Programmable Devices
 CPLD, FPGA technology
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6.1 Static RAM (SRAM)

 Static Random Access Memory
 Static: Data value is retained as long as VDD is present.
 Random Access: Any location can read at a point in
time.(Doesn’t need sequential addresses)

SRAM can be built using either:

 D-type latch
 6-transistor CMOS RAM cell

6.1.1 D-type Latch

 Used for building CPU registers, etc
 Derived from inverted S-R flipflop

/S /R Q’
0 0 X
Inverted S-R flip-flop:
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 Q

D-type latch

E D /S /R Q’
0 0 1 1 No Change
0 1 1 1 No Change
1 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 1 1

When the Enable line is zero (En=0)

 /S = /R = 1 and the inverting SR flipflop retains its previous

When the enable line is high (En=1)

 The value of data line D is latched into the flipflop.
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Each BIT would need 16 transistors (NAND gate = 4 transistors)

 For large SRAM modules not very efficient.
o 1-MB SRAM -> 8-Mb -> 128 Million transistors

6.1.2 Edge Triggered D-type Register

 For use with a combinational circuit it is more important to
have devices respond to clock edges.
o D-type Latch ‘works’ when En=1 or En=0
o D-type Register ‘works’ when En is rising or falling.

Edge triggered flip-flop for use in synchronous circuits.

 Uses 2 D-type transparent latches(Red Boxes) and 2 NOT

When the clock is low (Clk=0)

 The first D-type latch is ON,
 The value of D latched into first flipflop.

When clock goes high (Clk=1)

 The first D-type latch switches OFF and the second D-type
latch is enabled.
 The output of latch 1 propagates through the second flipflop
to the output.

Value of output is retained until next rising edge

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Falling clock edges: Remove leftmost inverter from the circuit.

6.1.3 6-Transistor Cell (Cross Coupled Inverter)

 For larger SRAM modules the above circuit is not very efficient
o Transistor count per bit is too high

 BIT lines are charged high
 Enable line WL is pulled high, switching access transistors M5
and M6 on`
 If value stored in /Q is 0, value is accessed through access
transistor M5 on /BL.
 If value stored in Q is 1, charged value of Bit line BL is pulled up
to VDD.
 Value is ‘sensed’ on BL and /BL.

 Apply value to be stored to Bit lines BL and /BL
 Enable line WL is triggered and input value is latched into
storage cell
 BIT line drivers must be stronger than SRAM transistor cell to
override previous values

While Enable line is held low, the inverters retain the previous value
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Could use tri-state WE line on BIT to drive into specific state.

Transistor count per bit is only 6 + (line drivers & sense logic)
6.1.4 Addressed SRAM
 Can view RAM as N-bit by M-word black box:
o N input lines DIN
o N output lines DOUT
o A address lines (2 = M) A
o WE write enable line WE Single SRAM Bit

When A = 0,
 Latch Enable is off.
o Data cannot be written into the D-type latch
o DOUT = 0.
When A = 1
 Latch is Enabled
o If W = 1 (Data-Write)
 Data at DIN can be written into the D-type latch
 Output gate is enabled
o IF W = 0
 New value on DIN is not stored.
 Output gate is enabled.

 Not very efficient since 1-bit address line can access 2 memory
 This memory is 1-bit X 1-word RAM
o Stores one 1-bit data value
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A W DI FlipFlop Out DO
0 0 0 Q(t-1) 0
0 0 1 Q(t-1) 0
0 1 0 Q(t-1) 0
0 1 1 Q(t-1) 0
1 0 0 Q(t) Q(t)
1 0 1 Q(t) Q(t)
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1-bit X 2-word SRAM

W 1-Bit Memory Cell


1-Bit Memory Cell
W W 1
A1 A
When address bit AI = 0
 Cell1 is disabled and Cell0 is enabled
o IF W = 1 : Value of DIN is written to cell0
o IF W = 0 : Data out is Cell0 OR 0

When address bit AI = 1

 Cell0 is disabled and Cell1 is enabled
o IF W = 1 : Value of DIN is written to cell1
o IF W = 0 : Data out is Cell1 OR 0

 Only 1 cell can be active at one time

 Output line is always driven by one cell
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o Important for shared bus

6.1.5 4-bit X 16-word SRAM

a A
A3 . DO
A2 .
A1 .
a 15

Chip Select
W => to all cells


When CS = 1 AND A4 A3 A2 A1 = 0000
 Address decoder decodes A4-A1 to
o 1000000000000000 (a0 = 1, a1-a15 = 0
 Data at DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 is written to address 0 when W = 1
 If W = 0, No new data is stored and address0 drives the
output bus
 Contents of memory address 0 appear at output

Address decoder maps input address bits to row control signals

 Should only set one bit for every possible input
o 2A states where A is the number of address lines

The CS (chip select) line allows the memory to be doubled with only
one inverter [+ OR gates].
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6.1.5 Tri-State Outputs:

 In previous examples, one location is enabled during each
operation which can drive the output bus.

 If RAM is on shared bus, the RAM cannot be allowed to drive

the bus at all times
 Must have method of removing RAM from bus
 Solution is to use Tri-State logic

A1 DI0 . . . .DI3

DO0 . . .DO3

A1 A1 DI0 . . . DI3
A2 A2
A3 A3
A4 A4

DO0 . . . DO3

Data Bus

 Outputs from each cell are tri-state outputs.

 When not active the outputs are in high impedance.

 Can either use CS line to control when Hi-Z or another ‘global’

memory signal which controls the output OE

 Allows both other RAM cells and other devices to control data
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6.2 Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

 SRAM requires a number of transistors per bit
o Difficult to cost-effectively scale for larger memories

 DRAM utilises MOSFET capacitance to store data bit

o Transistor per bit cost is approx 1

 Si02 insulates gate and substrate

o Creating dielectric capacitor between gate and substrate

 Data bit is stored in this capacitance

 Each bit now only requires 1 MOSFET per bit.

o However the charge stored in cell dissipates over time and
must be recharged over time to avoid corruption

DRAM Refresh
o Must read data bit and write value back to cell.

o JEDEC standardises DRAM row refreshes at least every 64

 All bits in row must be refreshed.

o Dedicated hardware control DRAM refresh

 Refresh is transparent to user
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 Above 64 Kbits, DRAM more economic than SRAM logic

o Even with refresh.

Write Operation
X Y Data I/O C
0 X X -
X 0 X -
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1

Read Operation
X Y Data I/O C
0 X X C
X 0 X C
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1

6.2.1 DRAM Organisation

 DRAM is organised as “row by column” matrix.

o Matrix stores n 1-bit words
o N is determined by the number of address lines available

 Each matrix is parallelised to create word size memories

o i.e : 8 parallel 4Kx1-bit DRAM matrices creates an 4K * 8-bit
RAM module
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An 8x8 array forms a 64 x 1 dynamic RAM

 The row and column select logic are comprised of address

o 8-rows and 8-columns need 3-address bits each.

 Above block is 64x1-bit DRAM

 Diagram omits but matrix has 1 data I/O line.

o Row and Column address control which bit is active
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This block can be parallelised to create larger data word

Each bit of data word is read/wrote in parallel

Example 2

How to build 4k X 1 dynamic RAM?

Step 1: How to arrange row & columns
Step 2: 64 x 64 array provides 4096 (4K) bits
Step 4: How many address lines needed for 64-line decoder?
26 = 64, Need 6 row lines and 6 column lines
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Pin Requirements
 12 Address Bits: 6-bit for row and 6-bits for column
 3 Control Bits: WE , CS and OE
 1 Data I/O bit bus
 VDD and GND
Entire IC will require 18 pins

6.2.3 Multiplexed Address Lines

 To further reduce cost, DRAM uses multiplexed address
o 4K x 1 = 12 Address lines
o 16M x 1 = 24 Address lines

Since column address is independent of row address

o We can provide row address and then column address

o If 12-bit address bus is multiplexed we can address 16M DRAM

with only 2 additional lines (RAS and CAS)
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o RAS : Row Address Strobe

o CAS : Column Address Strobe

Multiplexed Address, Step by Step:

Step 1: Latch out 12 row address bits
Step 2: Strobe RAS line which causes DRAM to latch in row
Step 3: Wait until you are sure it has been registered and
latch out column address bits
Step 4: Strobe CAS line which causes DRAM to latch in
column address
Step 5: Wait some period of time and read/write to data bus

6.2.4 DRAM Timing

 DRAM module is asynchronous

o Timing depends on how long it takes to respond to each
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DRAM cannot be read as fast (or as easy) as SRAM

6.3 Read Only Memory (ROM)

 Disadvantage with RAM (static or dynamic) is that the contents of the
memory are lost when power is removed.
 Volatile memory: Content lost when VDD is removed (RAM)
 Non-Volatile memory: Data is retained after VDD is gone.
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ROM Types:
1) ROM : Most basic memory
2) PROM : Additional functionality on ROM
3) (UV) – EPROM : Can be reprogrammed
4) EEPROM : Can be reprogrammed (easier than EPROM)
5) Flash : Current technology (easier again)

6.3.1 ROM
o Most basic type of ROM is factory-programmed diode matrix

 The diode can be replaced by a multiple emitter transistor for each

data word.
o During manufacture, a diode is placed at those connections
which are required by the customer.
o Complete transistor array is programmed via fabrication mask
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o Those connections without diode cannot be changed later and

 Memory is read-only

ROM is economic when several thousand devices are needed.

6.3.2 Programmable ROM (PROM)

 ROM device is factory-programmed device
o Need to tell fab plant which connections to make/skip

 More useful solution would be to allow customer to program device

in the field.
o Place diode at every junction with nichrome fusible link in series.
o Any link can be blown by selecting its address and applying a
high voltage to its data output
o Once fuse has been blown it cannot be repaired.
 Memory is read-only

Advantage over ROM

 Device is ‘field-programmable’:
o Customer can buy a blank PROM to programme
o Manufacturer can made identical PROM for every
customer, reducing cost

Disadvantages over ROM

 Need 2 voltages:
o Operating voltage
o Programming voltage

6.3.3 Erasable PROM (EPROM)

 An EPROM can be programmed in a similar manner to a PROM
 Each diode/fuse is replaced by 2-Gate MOS transistor
 High programming voltage injects electrons into transistor
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 Process can be reversed by exposing device to UV light

o UV lightwave reforms conductive channel

Advantage over ROM/PROM

 Device is field programmable plus the code can be re-written
at a later date

Disadvantages over ROM/PROM

 Still need 2 voltages
 Quartz crystal is expensive.

6.3.4 Electrically Erasable PROM (EEPROM)

 Unlike EPROM, no UV light is required to erase memory.
o Thin insulator layer allows voltage to erase

 Program/Erase voltage generated on-chip

o Single VDD line required.

Advantage over ROM/PROM/EPROM

 Can be reprogrammed easier
 Only single power supply needed

Disadvantage over ROM/PROM/EPROM

 Thin gate insulator layer is damaged by erase/write operations
o New EEPROM device has 1,000,000 cycles

6.3.5 Flash PROM (FLASH) []

Flash memory stores information in an array of memory cells made from floating-
gate transistors.
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The floating gate may be conductive (typically polysilicon in most kinds of flash
memory) or non-conductive (as in SONOS flash memory)

The ångström or angstrom (symbol Å) is equal to 0.1 nanometre or 1 × 10−10 metres.

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 Flash memory is improvement on EEPROM technology

 Lower operational voltage, program voltage

Flash Disadvantages
 As gate insulator is thinned, the number of times it can be written is
reduced. Flash might have 1,000,000 write cycles
 Entire block(or page) must be erased at one time in flash,(byte can be
erased in EEPROM)
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All ROM memory is quite slow compared to DRAM and SRAM

 Typically try to use it to store code/data but execute code and manipulate
data in RAM

6.3.5 ROM’s for Combinational Logic

 A suitably programmed ROM can generate any combinational logic
 Number of inputs ≤ Number of address lines
 Number of outputs ≤ Number of bits.


 Converter from 3-bit binary to 7-segment display code. (0 = on, 1 = off)

C B A a b c d e f g
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

An 8-word by 7-bit ROM is needed.

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Characteristics of the various memory types

Erase Max Erase

Type Volatile? Writeable? Cost (per Byte) Speed
Size Cycles
SRAM Yes Yes Byte Unlimited Expensive Fast
DRAM Yes Yes Byte Unlimited Moderate Moderate
No No n/a n/a Inexpensive Fast
Once, with a
PROM No device n/a n/a Moderate Fast
Yes, with a device Entire
EPROM No (consult Moderate Fast
programmer Chip
Fast to read, slow
EEPROM No Yes Byte (consult Expensive
to erase/write
Fast to read, slow
Flash No Yes Sector (consult Moderate
to erase/write
NVRAM No Yes Byte Unlimited (SRAM + Fast

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