Inglês 5º Ano - Prepositions of Time

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Prepositions of time

On, at, in

1. ____________ January.

2. ____________ Sunday.

3. ____________ the afternoon.

4. ____________ 3rd December.

5. ____________ six o’clock.

6. ____________ Christmas.

7. ____________ 1988.

8. ____________ night.

9. ____________ Wednesday.

10. ____________ Spring.

11. ____________ June.

12. ____________ 2005.

13. ____________ half past two.

14. ____________ the weekend.

15. ____________ the evening.

16. ____________ Winter.

17. ____________ Monday morning.

18. ____________ the morning.

19. ____________ ten to three.

20. ____________ July.

21. ____________ Easter.

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