The Gamma Mindset Technique Guidelines
The Gamma Mindset Technique Guidelines
The Gamma Mindset Technique Guidelines
Technique Guidelines
The 5 Steps to The Gamma Mindset Technique:
Step 1. Prime Your Brain and Body - Tap-
ping 10 Sets of
Acupuncture Points in a 3x3 Rhythm
With the eyes closed, this posture quickly relaxes the body
and leads to a balance between intelligence and logic, wis-
dom and intuition.
Option 1
Option 2
Step 3. Activate the Relaxation
Here you hear me say a belief statement twice and then you have
one minute to silently repeat it. Then you hear me say the next
belief and again you have one minute to repeat it. There are two
beliefs per session.
In this peak state of consciousness, silently repeating the belief
statement creates new electrical activity in the brain, influencing
the body’s chemical output and sending the information through-
out and beyond the entire body. (This is very different and in-
finitely more powerful than simply repeating affirmations).
It actually takes less than 60 seconds to integrate a new belief
into your subconscious mind whilst your brain is in The Gamma
This has been proven with over 2000 pre and post muscle tests!
Each guided audio has 2 belief statements which you repeat for
60 seconds each.
In The Gamma Mindset Taster Program you have 2 guided au-
dio sessions and in the full program there are 75 guided sessions
covering 12 categories.
In the full program you also have a Gamma Mindset Technique
Free-Flow session which guides you through the process and
allows you to integrate your own specific belief statements, see
guide – ‘Creating Your own Belief Statements’.
Gamma Mindset Guided
Free-Flow Session:
2. I then guide you into the Gamma Mindset where you use
your specific belief statements when promoted to.