The Gamma Mindset Technique Guidelines

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The Gamma Mindset

Technique Guidelines
The 5 Steps to The Gamma Mindset Technique:
Step 1. Prime Your Brain and Body - Tap-
ping 10 Sets of
Acupuncture Points in a 3x3 Rhythm

I guide you to tap these 10 sets

of acupuncture points in a 3 x 3

Activating these particular acu-

puncture points correlates to
specific effects in precise areas
of the brain. Research shows that
these enhance serotonin secre-
tion. Serotonin is our feel-good

By tapping these specific acu-

puncture points in a 3 x 3 rhythm
you bring coherence and balance
to your brain and your nervous
system which primes your body
for the new information – new
beliefs about to be integrated into
your subconscious mind during
the technique.
Step 2. Brain Hemisphere
Synchronisation using
The Whole Brain Posture
The ‘whole brain posture’ was devised by learning specialist
Dr Paul Dennison PhD. It is an effective and simple way to
synchronise the left and right hemispheres of your brain, so
that they better communicate with one another.

The right hemisphere controls the left motor functions of

the body and vice-versa, by crossing your arms and legs at
the midline of your body, you ensure that you are activating
both hemispheres and creating what’s termed a ‘whole-brain’

With the eyes closed, this posture quickly relaxes the body
and leads to a balance between intelligence and logic, wis-
dom and intuition.
Option 1

Option 2
Step 3. Activate the Relaxation

Here I guide you through a relaxation process for 30 sec-

onds focusing on your scalp, forehead, eyes, cheeks, jaw and

The relaxation response increases your ability to release

chemicals and brain signals that make your muscles and or-
gans slow down and increases blood flow to the brain.

This relaxation effect is amplified whilst in the whole brain


Brain wave activity measurement has shown that the first

3 steps of this technique create a dominant theta and alpha
brain wave signature showing a deeply relaxed brain and
Step 4. The Heart-Brain Connection -
Activating a Heart Based Emotion

Here I guide you to think about a person, place or event that

creates a heart based emotion.

The simplest thing is to think of someone or something you

love. Could even be chocolate!

Your heart and brain are constantly sending signals to each

other. Heart based feelings like love, gratitude, happiness,
appreciation, kindness etc., directly activate your brains
frontal lobes, the most evolved part of your brain. This
changes the chemical state of the body; it increases your lev-
els of DHEA - an anti-ageing hormone and reduces the stress
hormone cortisol.

When you activate your heart based emotion combined with

the 3 steps above you create a peak brain wave signature of
Gamma, Theta and Alpha brain waves.

Gamma waves ‘bind’ the brain creating a super focused

mind known as the zone or flow. High Theta and Alpha brain
waves show a deeply relaxed brain and body. So, The Gam-
ma Mindset is the optimal state to program your mind-body
with new information and also receive new information
through expanded awareness.
Your heart is your body’s main electrical power centre, pro-
ducing 40–60 times more electrical power than your brain.
Every time your heart beats, the electrical field it produces
permeates every cell, forming a body wide communication
network. In fact your thoughts and feelings are communicat-
ed to every cell of your body via this electromagnetic super-

What is more, this electromagnetic field doesn’t just radiate

throughout your body, but actually streams from you to the
outside world, in a 360-degree field that is shaped like a to-
rus (a ring doughnut) and that radiates up to 15 feet outside
your body. It is actually thought to extend much further, but
our current measuring equipment can only confirm its exten-
sion to this distance.

Your heart’s huge electro-magnetic power source is the

‘carrier wave’ of the new information program—the new
belief— amplifying it to every cell of your body with each
heartbeat and beyond your body in your unique personal en-
ergy signature.
Step 5. Integrate the New Positive Belief
into Your Subconscious Mind.

Here you hear me say a belief statement twice and then you have
one minute to silently repeat it. Then you hear me say the next
belief and again you have one minute to repeat it. There are two
beliefs per session.
In this peak state of consciousness, silently repeating the belief
statement creates new electrical activity in the brain, influencing
the body’s chemical output and sending the information through-
out and beyond the entire body. (This is very different and in-
finitely more powerful than simply repeating affirmations).
It actually takes less than 60 seconds to integrate a new belief
into your subconscious mind whilst your brain is in The Gamma
This has been proven with over 2000 pre and post muscle tests!
Each guided audio has 2 belief statements which you repeat for
60 seconds each.
In The Gamma Mindset Taster Program you have 2 guided au-
dio sessions and in the full program there are 75 guided sessions
covering 12 categories.
In the full program you also have a Gamma Mindset Technique
Free-Flow session which guides you through the process and
allows you to integrate your own specific belief statements, see
guide – ‘Creating Your own Belief Statements’.
Gamma Mindset Guided
Free-Flow Session:

1. Create two belief statements specific to you. Write them

down and makes sure you can remember them for this guid-
ed session.

2. I then guide you into the Gamma Mindset where you use
your specific belief statements when promoted to.


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