E3 A YETI IN TOWN Teacher Notes PDF
E3 A YETI IN TOWN Teacher Notes PDF
E3 A YETI IN TOWN Teacher Notes PDF
A Yeti in Town
The story
Tim and Emma’s dad is an explorer. One day, when Tim and Emma are at home with their mum, Dad
phones from the Himalayas. He tells the children that he has sent them a box of Himalayan things. He
also says that he has found some exciting footprints in the snow, which he thinks were made by yetis –
shy, bear-like creatures, which hardly anyone has seen.
The next day, a big wooden box arrives. Mum has lost her glasses and can’t see very well without them,
so she asks Tim and Emma to open the box while she looks for them. Inside the box, the children find
several presents from Dad. Suddenly, a small, furry animal jumps out of the box. The animal is friendly,
and tells Tim and Emma his name is Yeti. He explains that he was shut inside the box by accident, in
Dad’s camp. Mum comes back, still missing her glasses. She mistakes Yeti for a toy bear.
That night, Yeti explores the house and wakes everyone up. The next morning, Dad phones again. The
children tell him about Yeti. He is very excited, but is worried that England is too warm for Yeti. The
children agree to send Yeti home, after showing him the sights of London. Mum is happy to go into
London, as she needs to order some new glasses. She still doesn’t realise that Yeti is real!
After an eventful day sightseeing, the children pack Yeti in the box again, and send it to the airport, ready
to be flown back to the Himalayas. But Yeti gets bored in the box. He escapes and causes chaos at the
airport. A TV news reporter happens to be at the airport, interviewing a famous footballer. The footballer
likes Yeti and is filmed with him. Mum, Tim and Emma see the TV broadcast at home. Mum has now
found her glasses, and can see at last that Yeti is real. She and the children hurry to the airport.
More reporters arrive to interview Yeti and the family. Yeti is an instant celebrity. He is taken to a zoo,
where the manager gives him a special cold room.
But Yeti is unhappy. He is homesick, and grows thinner, scruffier and sadder each day. Tim and Emma
realise they must get him out of the zoo. They telephone one of the news reporters with an idea. The next
day, the children go to the TV studios with the Manager of the zoo. They make a programme about Yeti.
At the end of the programme they ask the public to vote on whether Yeti should be kept at the zoo, or
returned to the Himalayas. The result is that Yeti should go home.
Mum and the children accompany Yeti on his flight home. They all have dinner with Dad at his
mountain camp. The children give Yeti their mobile phone, so that he can keep in touch with them.
During the night, Yeti hears a noise outside the tent. When he looks outside, he sees… his parents! After a
happy reunion they leave together.
In the morning the children see the footprints and realise what has happened. They are sad – but also
happy that Yeti is with his parents again. Yeti phones to tell them what he is doing – until the batteries of
the mobile phone run out. The children write a farewell note to Yeti in the snow before they return home.
Introducing the book l Point to the picture. Ask What do you think is
in the wooden box? Why do you think it is in the
The cover box? Who are looking in the box? Do they look
surprised? What do you think will happen?
Passive vocabulary
beautiful colourful explorer
fossil Himalayas lost
mobile phone shy statue
Before reading
l Pre-teachthe active vocabulary (see the
Teacher’s Notes Introduction on page 13 and
the Glossary). Use the notes in the table to
discuss any interesting features of the words.
l Askthe children to do the activity on
page 2 of their Workbook to practise
the new vocabulary.
l Read the title of Chapter 1. Show the cover of
the book again. Ask Whose dad do you think
the Chapter 1 title refers to?
l Tellthe class to look at the picture on page 3.
Ask Are they the same children? Do they look
excited? What is the boy holding in his hand?
Who is he is talking to? Who do you think the
Active vocabulary lady is? How does she look?
camp l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
exciting the ‘c’ after ‘x’ is pronounced like pages 4 and 5. Ask Who do you think the man
‘s’ is? Who is he talking to on his mobile phone?
footprints a compound word, made up of two Where is he? (In the mountains.) What is the
separate words joined together weather like there? (Point out the snow, the
(like football, footstep, etc.)
warm clothes the man is wearing.) Is he on
glasses a homonym, with two separate his own? (Point out the other people in the
background and what they are doing.) Why
mountain the ‘ou’ sounds like ‘ow’ (as in how) do you think he is in the mountains? Where does
snow the ‘ow’ sounds like the name of he sleep? (In one of the tents.) Draw attention
the letter ‘o’, and rhymes with slow to the footprints in the snow. Ask children
surprise the ‘ur’ sounds like ‘er’ or ‘ir’ who (or what) they think made them.
3 Why do you think Dad was exploring the l Ask Do you think being an explorer is an exciting
Himalayan Mountains? job? Why? Is it dangerous? Why do you think
people want to be explorers?
4 Do you think Dad has been away for a long
time? l Ifappropriate, try some Extension Activities
(see the Teacher’s Notes Introduction page
5 Why do you think Dad didn’t tell Tim what
was in the box?
l Ask What do you think will happen next in the
6 Why do you think Dad said the footprints in
the snow were exciting?
7 Why do you think not many people have
seen a yeti?
8 How do you think Emma and Tim felt when
the box arrived?
9 How do you think the box got from the
Himalayas to the children’s house?
10 Why do you think Dad sent a) the statue
b) the hats c) the fossil d) the rug?
11 Do you think Dad sent the animal?
Chapter 2 scared
Yeti arrives
Passive vocabulary
Pages 7 to 10 comfortable stretched
Before reading
l Pre-teachthe active vocabulary (see the
Teacher’s Notes Introduction on page 13 and
the Glossary). Use the notes in the table to
discuss any interesting features of the words.
l Askthe children to do the activity on
page 4 of their Workbook to practise
the new vocabulary.
l Askthe class to recall what happened in the
previous chapter.
l Read the title of Chapter 2. Explain arrives if
necessary. Explain again that the animal is a
yeti, but his name is also Yeti, so where the
text refers specifically to him, Yeti has a
capital letter.
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
page 7. Ask them to describe Yeti. Elicit the
word furry. Point out how Tim is crouching
down so he is at the same height as Yeti, and
that Emma is pulling away slightly, looking
worried. Ask How do you think Tim and Emma
Active vocabulary feel? What do you think they are saying? What
afraid afraid, frightened and scared are about Yeti?
synonyms – they all have similar
l Tell
the children to look at the picture on
page 8. Ask What is Yeti doing? What are the
dark ‘ar’ is a common letter pattern
people doing? Have they seen Yeti, climbing in
– change the first letter (to ‘b’, ‘m’,
‘p’, ‘sh’) to make other words the box?
frightened l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
page 9. Ask What do you think Tim and Emma
funny these two words have a similar
word ‘shape’, differing only in their are telling Mum? Point out that Mum is
furry double consonant looking at Yeti but looks a little puzzled. Ask
inside the opposite of outside Do you think she can see Yeti properly? Why not?
real the words real and true (see below)
have similar meanings
l Tell
the children to look at the picture on 18 What did Emma tell Mum about Yeti?
page 10. Ask Who do you think Yeti is thinking 19 Did Mum think it was true?
about? Why might he be thinking about his
20 Where did Yeti say his mum and dad were?
mum and dad?
21 What did he climb into?
During reading 22 When did Yeti come out of the box again?
l Read the chapter to and with the class. 23 What did he do then?
Follow the same procedure as you did for
Chapter 1 (see page 4) to help the children l There are lots of adjectives in Chapter 2. Ask
read and understand the text. Use the audio the children to find the following words and
cassette/CD, if you wish. discuss who (or what) they refer to: small,
dark, furry, frightened, afraid, scared,
Stage 1 comprehension (literal) comfortable, sad.
Ask these questions orally, or set them as l Ask the children to find and read aloud
a written activity. You can also ask the examples of any words containing ‘ai’, ‘oo’,
children to do the activity on page 5 of ‘ee’ or ‘ea’.
their Workbook.
l Ask the children to find and read aloud
1 What did the animal look like? examples of verbs that end with ‘ed’ (the
2 Did the animal look frightened or happy? suffix which indicates that the verb has a
3 How did Emma and Tim feel when they first ‘regular’ past tense).
saw the animal? l Finally,
ask individuals to re-read short
4 What did the animal ask? sections of the text aloud. Encourage them to
read expressively and with appropriate
5 Why didn’t the children answer?
intonation. (You might like to ask children to
6 What did the animal stretch? play the role of particular characters and
7 What did he do next? read their parts.)
8 Who asked the animal his name?
After reading
9 Who asked the animal how he got in the
Stage 2 comprehension (extension)
10 Where did Yeti say he was exploring?
Ask these questions orally, or set them as a
11 What did Yeti pull over the top of him in the written activity for the more able. Answers
box? will vary. Encourage the children to give
12 Was Yeti in the box for a short or a long reasons for their suggestions, and accept any
time? answer they can justify.
13 Where do Tim and Emma live? 1 Why do you think Yeti was a little frightened
14 Is it a short or long way from the Himalayas? when he first got out of the box?
15 Who came in? 2 Why do you think Tim and Emma were
afraid at first?
16 Was Mum wearing her glasses?
3 Why do you think Yeti stretched and jumped?
17 What did Mum think Yeti was?
4 Why do you think Yeti said, ‘At last I’m out l Ask Do you like exploring unknown places?
of that box.’? Discuss whether it was sensible for Yeti to get
5 Did Dad put Yeti in the box? How do you into the box. Discuss the possible dangers of
know? exploring enclosed spaces, for example
cupboards with doors that may shut.
6 Why do you think Yeti was in the box for a
long time? l Ifappropriate, try some Extension Activities
(see the Teacher’s Notes Introduction page
7 Why do you think Mum thought Yeti was a
big toy bear?
l Ask What do you think will happen next in the
8 Why do you think Mum did not believe
Emma or Tim when they said Yeti was real?
9 Do you think Yeti’s mum and dad were
looking for him in the mountains?
10 Why do you think Yeti felt sad when he
talked about his mum and dad?
11 Why do you think Yeti climbed back into
the box and stayed there until everyone was
12 Why do you think Yeti began to explore the
Passive vocabulary
believe bounced crossly
cousin fridge gushed
human information leapt
radio shower shrieked
switch warm worried
Before reading
l Pre-teachthe active vocabulary (see the
Teacher’s Notes Introduction on page 13 and
the Glossary). Use the notes in the table to
discuss any interesting features of the words.
l Askthe children to do the activity on
page 6 of their Workbook to practise
the new vocabulary.
l Askthe class to recall what happened in the
previous chapter.
Active vocabulary
bathroom a compound word, made of two l Read the title of Chapter 3 and discuss what
shorter words added together the class think the chapter is about.
(bath + room)
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
computer the endings of computer and page 11. Ask Where is Yeti? What is he doing?
mirror (see below) sound similar –
Why do you think he is happy sitting in the
both ‘er’ and ‘or’ are common
endings fridge? Ask the class if they can identify
anything in the fridge. Ask What has Yeti
dance the ‘c’ here is a soft ‘c’ – it sounds
like ‘s’ dropped on the floor? Why do you think Tim and
Emma are wearing pyjamas? Do they think Yeti
different the first ‘e’ in different is an
unstressed vowel and is not is funny?
sounded when we say the word
l Tell the children to look at the picture on 9 Did Tim and Emma brush Yeti’s teeth or his
page 12. Ask What is Yeti doing now? Do Tim fur?
and Emma think it’s funny? How can we tell? 10 What did Yeti ask Tim and Emma?
What do you think Mum is saying? How can we
11 What did Emma reply?
tell she has just come from her bedroom?
12 What did Tim show Yeti on his computer?
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
page 13. Ask What are Emma and Tim doing? 13 What did Yeti say when he pointed at the
What are they showing Yeti on the computer computer again?
screen? Discuss how Yeti looks. Ask Is he 14 When did Dad ring again?
surprised? 15 Was Dad excited when he saw Yeti on the
l Tell
the children to look at the picture on screen of his phone? What did he do?
page 14. Ask Who is in the picture? How is he 16 Why was Dad worried about Yeti?
dressed? Where is he? What is he doing? Who do
you think he is talking to? l Ask the children to find some commas in the
text. Discuss their purpose. Remind children
During reading that they tell you to pause for a moment.
l Read the chapter to and with the class. Read a few sentences again to demonstrate.
Follow the same procedure as you did for Discuss and name other punctuation marks
Chapter 1 (see page 4) to help the children in the chapter.
read and understand the text. Use the audio l Thereare a lot of prepositions in the text,
cassette/CD, if you wish. such as under, on, into, and through. Ensure
the children know the meaning of these.
Stage 1 comprehension (literal)
l Askthe children to find and read some
Ask these questions orally, or set them as
examples of two-syllable words in the
a written activity. You can also ask the
chapter, such as surprise, bathroom, water, or
children to do the activity on page 7 of
music. Say them clearly and slowly to
their Workbook.
emphasise each syllable. Ask the children to
1 What did Yeti do in the hall? What tap out and count the syllables as they say
happened? the words.
2 What did Yeti do in the bathroom? What l Finally,
ask individuals to re-read short
happened? sections of the text aloud. Encourage them to
3 What did Yeti do in the living room? What read expressively and with appropriate
happened? intonation. (You might like to ask children to
4 What woke Tim and Emma? play the role of particular characters and
read their parts.)
5 Where did they find Yeti? What was he
6 What things did Yeti do when Tim and
Emma showed him around the house?
7 Why did Mum wake up?
8 What did Mum say to the children?
Passive vocabulary
buildings cheered homesick
order puzzled sights
Before reading
l Pre-teachthe active vocabulary (see the
Teacher’s Notes Introduction on page 13 and
the Glossary). Use the notes in the table to
discuss any interesting features of the words.
l Askthe children to do the activity on
page 8 of their Workbook to practise
the new vocabulary.
Active vocabulary l Askthe class to recall what happened in the
bought the irregular past tense of the verb previous chapter.
‘to buy’.
l Read
the title of Chapter 4 and explain the
bridge draw attention to the ‘d’ before meaning of sightseeing.
the soft ‘g’; other ‘dge’ words are:
fridge, badge, ledge, judge, hedge, l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
sledge page 15. Ask What is Tim showing Mum? (a
bronze book showing famous sights in London)
What do you think he is asking her? (repeat the
cool change the ‘c’ to ‘f’, ‘p’, ’t’, or ‘st’ to
make some rhyming words title, as a clue) What is Mum holding? (an
empty glasses case – remind the class that
crowd the ‘ow’ is a common letter
pattern, for example cow, owl, she has lost her glasses and can’t see
crown, flower, towel, powder, properly without them.) Why do you think she
shower, coward is showing this to the children?
l Ask the class to find and read all the words l Encourage the children to make up sentences
in the chapter with double consonants or using lots of, such as ‘I have lots of books.’
double vowels in them, such as glasses, good. l Write the words bear and square on the board
l Finally,
ask individuals to re-read short and say them. Point out how the ‘ear’ and
sections of the text aloud. Encourage them to ‘are’ sound the same. Give other examples,
read expressively and with appropriate such as wear, pear; care, stare, share, dare,
intonation. (You might like to ask children to glare, or rare.
play the role of particular characters and l Ask the children to find and read words with
read their parts.) two or more different vowels next to each
other, such as pointed, seat, or lions.
After reading
l Ask Has anyone been to London? Encourage
children to share their experiences.
Stage 2 comprehension (extension)
l Ask What sights are there to see where you live?
Ask these questions orally, or set them as a
written activity for the more able. Answers l Statethat London is the capital of England.
will vary. Encourage the children to give Ask Can you name any other capital cities?
reasons for their suggestions, and accept any l Ifappropriate, try some Extension Activities
answer they can justify. (see the Teacher’s Notes Introduction page
1 Do you think the children lived near London, 19).
or far from it? l Ask What do you think will happen next in the
2 Did Mum know Yeti was real? How do you story?
3 Do you think it was safe, or right, to allow
Yeti to climb the gates of Buckingham
4 Why do you think Mum said, ‘Is that toy
bear moving?’
5 How do you think the children felt when they
were sightseeing?
6 Why do you think Yeti was scared when he
went on a boat?
7 Why do you think lots of tourists go down the
river on boats in London?
8 Why did Yeti become tired in the afternoon?
9 Do you think it was a good idea to buy Yeti
some ice creams?
10 Why do you think Yeti thought of mountains
when he looked at the tall buildings?
11 Why did the children feel sorry for Yeti?
Passive vocabulary
checked costume crew
dodged interviewing reporter
Before reading
l Pre-teach the active vocabulary (see the
Teacher’s Notes Introduction on page 13 and
the Glossary). Use the notes in the table to
discuss any interesting features of the words.
l Ask the children to do the activity on
page 10 of their Workbook to practise
the new vocabulary.
l Ask the class to recall what happened in the
previous chapter.
l Read the title of Chapter 5. Ask What do you
think this chapter is going to be about?
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
page 19. Ask What is the man carrying? What
Active vocabulary
do you think is in the box? Where do you think
address point out the two pairs of double
consonants: address he will put the box? Where will he take it in the
van? Why do Tim and Emma look so sad?
airport a compound word (air + port)
Encourage the children to discuss the house
amazed one of few English words that
and street that Tim and Emma live in.
contain ‘z’
l Tell the children to look at the picture on
bored point out the different sound of
the ‘ed’ endings of these two pages 20 and 21. Ask Where is Yeti now? How
chased words did he get to the airport? How do you think he
cute demonstrate the difference adding got out of the box? How can we tell it is the
a magic ‘e’ makes: cut becomes airport? Discuss clues in the picture. Ask What
cute is Yeti doing? Why do you think the men are
chasing him? Who do you think the men are?
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on 15 Did the famous footballer like Yeti? What did
page 22. Ask Where do you think the TV is? he say?
Where do you think Yeti is? Is someone 16 When was Yeti on TV?
interviewing him? Why, do you think? What do
17 Why was Mum able to see the TV?
you think they are saying? Who might the man
in the background be? 18 Why was Mum amazed?
2 How do you think Yeti felt when the children l Play a word-changing game to look at words
put him in the box? How did the children with similar letter patterns. In each case,
feel? write the start word on the board, then rub
3 Emma said to Yeti, ‘You were so naughty!’ out and replace the beginning letters:
Do you think she liked it when he was – Change the ‘b’ in book to ‘l’, ‘t’, ‘sh’, ‘c’, ‘h’
naughty? – Change the ‘p’ in past to ‘l’, ‘f’, ‘m’
4 Why did they write dad’s address on the box? – Change the ‘m’ in man to ‘v’, ‘c’, ‘f’, ‘p’, ‘r’
5 Where do you think Mum was when the van – Change the ‘r’ in round to ‘b’, ‘f’, ‘gr’, ‘h’,
arrived to collect the box? ‘p’, ‘s’
6 Why do you think Yeti got bored inside the – Change the ‘sh’ in shop to ‘h’, ‘ch’, ‘t’, ‘st’,
box? ‘m’, ‘p’
7 What do you think the man thought when – Change the ‘c’ in came to ‘n’, ‘s’, ‘t’, ‘sh’,
he heard someone shouting from inside the ‘bl’, ‘f’, ‘g’
l Point out examples of compound sentences
8 What do you think the man thought when in the text (such as ‘He ran into a shop and
Yeti jumped out of the box? hid in a window.’) and discuss how they
9 Why did the man chase Yeti? could be written as two shorter, simple
10 Do you think Yeti was clever to hide in the sentences (‘He ran into a shop. He hid in a
shop? Why? window.’)
11 Why do you think the famous footballer was l Discuss children’s experiences of airports. List
at the airport? things they associate with them.
12 Why do you think the reporter told Yeti to go l Ask Can you name any famous footballers? (or
away? other famous people who might be on TV).
13 Why did the reporter film Yeti with the l Ifappropriate, try some Extension Activities
footballer? (see the Teacher’s Notes Introduction page
14 How do you think Mum felt when she found
her glasses? l Ask What do you think will happen next in the
15 What do you think Mum thought when she
discovered that Yeti was not a toy?
Passive vocabulary
camera collect complain
manager prove sensational
Before reading
l Pre-teachthe active vocabulary (see the
Teacher’s Notes Introduction on page 13 and
the Glossary). Use the notes in the table to
discuss any interesting features of the words.
l Askthe children to do the activity on
page 12 of their Workbook to practise
the new vocabulary.
l Askthe class to recall what happened in the
previous chapter.
l Read the title of Chapter 6. Ask What do you
think the chapter is going to be about?
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
page 23. Ask What is Yeti doing? Why do you
think Mum, Tim and Emma are there, too? What
do you think they are saying to Yeti? Who else is
Active vocabulary in the crowd? (the man who chased Yeti.) Ask
finally What are the people doing and saying?
interested useful for demonstrating l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
syllabification – say the word slowly page 24. Ask Who is talking to Yeti? How can
and ask children to tap and count you tell it is a reporter? What do you think they
the (four) syllables
are talking about?
machine the ‘ch’ here is pronounced like ‘sh’
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
newspaper a compound word (news + paper) page 25. Ask Why do you think reporters are
photo the consonant digraph ‘ph’ is interviewing Mum, Tim and Emma? Encourage
pronounced ‘f’ (interestingly, the the children to talk about any equipment
longer word photograph contains
they can see. Ask How do Mum and the
two examples of ‘ph’)
children look? Are they excited? How does Yeti
l Tell
the children to look at the pictures on 14 Why did the Manager of a zoo send a car to
page 26. Ask How can we tell the top picture is collect Yeti?
a newspaper? What is its name? What is the 15 Describe Yeti’s room at the zoo.
headline? Tell the children to look at the
16 Did Yeti like his room?
bottom picture. Ask Where is Yeti now? Discuss
what clues there are. Ask the children to
l Draw attention to examples of dialogue in
describe the cage Yeti is in. Ask Does he look
the text. Discuss the use of speech marks. Ask
happy? Why not?
the children what the exact words were that
were spoken in each case – the words inside
During reading
the speech marks.
l Read the chapter to and with the class.
l Point out examples of contractions in the
Follow the same procedure as you did for
text, such as isn’t and don’t. Ask children
Chapter 1 (see page 4) to help the children
what the longer form of each is (for example
read and understand the text. Use the audio
isn’t = is not).
cassette/CD, if you wish.
l Point out examples of words containing the
Stage 1 comprehension (literal) consonant digraphs ‘ch’ (as in children); ‘sh’
Ask these questions orally, or set them as (as in she); ‘th’ (as in they); ‘wh’ (as in what);
a written activity. You can also ask the and ‘ph’ (as in photo).
children to do the activity on page 13 of l Finally,ask individuals to re-read short
their Workbook. sections of the text aloud. Encourage them to
1 Why did Mum and the children go to the read expressively and with appropriate
airport? intonation. (You might like to ask children to
play the role of particular characters and
2 How did they get to the airport?
read their parts.)
3 What was Yeti doing when they found him?
4 Was he on his own? After reading
5 What did he ask Emma?
Stage 2 comprehension (extension)
6 Why did Yeti say he didn’t feel well?
Ask these questions orally, or set them as a
7 Why did a television reporter ask Yeti to show
written activity for the more able. Answers
her his fingers, toes and teeth?
will vary. Encourage the children to give
8 Why did the TV reporter say, ‘It’s reasons for their suggestions, and accept any
sensational!’ answer they can justify.
9 How did Mum, Tim, Emma and Yeti spend 1 Why do you think Mum wanted to make sure
the afternoon? Yeti got back home?
10 Why did Tim ask Yeti what was wrong? 2 Why do you think Yeti was pleased to see Tim
11 Why did Yeti spend the night at the airport? and Emma?
12 Where was Yeti’s photo the next morning? 3 Why did Yeti say he wanted to go home?
13 Why didn’t people want Yeti to go home? 4 Why was the TV reporter so excited?
5 Why do you think the children liked being
Before reading
l Pre-teach the active vocabulary (see the
Teacher’s Notes Introduction on page 13 and
the Glossary). Use the notes in the table to
discuss any interesting features of the words.
l Ask the children to do the activity on
page 14 of their Workbook to practise
the new vocabulary.
l Ask the class to recall what happened in the
previous chapter.
l Read the title of Chapter 7. Explain trapped.
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
page 27. Ask How can we tell Yeti is still in the
zoo? Who do you think the man with Tim, Emma
and Yeti is? What is happening? How does the
man look? What about Yeti, and the children?
What do you think the man is saying?
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
page 28. Ask Where is Yeti? How does he look?
(Discuss the way he is sitting and his facial
Active vocabulary
expression.) Point out the uneaten ice cream.
Discuss why Yeti has not eaten it.
l Tell the children to look at the pictures on
country the ‘ou’ is pronounced like the ‘u’ page 29. Ask Where do you think Tim and
in hunt
Emma are? What are they doing? Who are they
locked the ‘ed’ ending is pronounced ‘t’ phoning? (Look back at the picture on
lonely page 24 to help the class recognise the TV
notice point out the varied pronunciation reporter.) Where do you think the reporter is
of ‘ice’ in notice, police and nice sitting?
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on 13 What did the reporter tell Emma and Tim to
page 30. Ask Where is this? (introduce the do the next day?
words television studio if necessary) How can 14 Who went into the TV studio with Tim and
we tell? What is happening? Who is being Emma the next day?
interviewed? Is Yeti in the studio with them? Why
15 What was in the first part of the
do you think his picture is on the screen at the
back? What do you think is being discussed?
16 When Emma said Yeti looked sad, what did
During reading the Manager of the zoo say?
l Read the chapter to and with the class. 17 Where did Tim say Yeti belonged?
Follow the same procedure as you did for 18 Why did the Manager say that people
Chapter 1 (see page 4) to help the children wanted Yeti to stay in the zoo?
read and understand the text. Use the audio
cassette/CD, if you wish. l Ask the class to find examples of commas in
the text. Read the sentences that contain the
Stage 1 comprehension (literal) commas again. Pause slightly after each
Ask these questions orally, or set them as comma. Discuss why you do this.
a written activity. You can also ask the l Pointout the use of comparative adjectives in
children to do the activity on page 15 of the text – quieter, sadder, thinner, scruffier.
their Workbook. Discuss what they mean.
1 Who filmed the Manager of the zoo? l Ask the class to find and read all the words
2 Why was the Manager pleased? in the chapter that contain ‘ee’ or ‘oo’.
3 Why did Tim say he and Emma were l Ask the class how many times the word ‘the’
worried? is used on a particular page.
4 What did Emma say? l Finally,
ask individuals to re-read short
5 Did the Manager agree with Emma? What sections of the text aloud. Encourage them to
did he say? read expressively and with appropriate
intonation. (You might like to ask children to
6 How often did Emma and Tim visit Yeti?
play the role of particular characters and
7 What changes did Emma and Tim see in Yeti read their parts.)
each day?
8 Yeti was and .
9 Why did the Manager ask a vet to look at
10 What did the vet say the problem was?
11 Did the Manager take any notice of what the
vet said?
12 Why did Emma and Tim telephone the
1 Why do you think the TV crew interviewed l Write these adjectives and their comparative
the Manager of the zoo? forms on the board: quiet / quieter; sad /
sadder; thin / thinner; scruffy / scruffier. Discuss
2 Why was the Manager so pleased?
any changes there are to the spelling of the
3 Why do you think the Manager said, ‘You adjective when ‘er’ is added.
must be very proud,’ to the children?
l Discusswhat the job of the Manager of the
4 Do you think he was surprised by Tim and zoo might involve.
Emma’s replies?
l Discussin what ways the Manager of the zoo
5 Did Yeti stay in the zoo for more than one was kind, or unkind, to Yeti.
day? How can you tell?
l Ifappropriate, try some Extension Activities
6 How can you tell Yeti wasn’t eating properly (see the Teacher’s Notes Introduction page
or looking after himself properly in the zoo? 19).
7 What do you think a vet is? l Ask What do you think will happen next in the
8 Why do you think the Manager took no story?
notice of what the vet said?
9 What was Emma’s idea?
10 Do you think Emma and Tim told Mum
about going to the TV studio?
11 Why do you think the programme began
with a short film about Yeti?
12 Why do you think Yeti was not in the studio?
13 Do you agree with what Tim said or what the
Manager said?
Pages 31 to 34
Passive vocabulary
choice fans results
viewers vote wild
Before reading
l Pre-teachthe active vocabulary (see the
Teacher’s Notes Introduction on page 13 and
the Glossary). Use the notes in the table to
discuss any interesting features of the words.
l Askthe children to do the activity on
page 16 of their Workbook to practise
the new vocabulary.
l Askthe class to recall what happened in the
previous chapter.
l Read the title of Chapter 8. Ask What do you
think this chapter is going to be about?
l Tell
the children to look at the picture on
page 31. Ask Who is on the left of the picture?
Who do you think she is talking to? What do you
think she is talking about? Who is on the right of
the picture? What is Yeti doing? Why do you
think this is? Read the words at the bottom of
Active vocabulary the screen. Ask Can you guess what they mean?
at once point out that if you take the ‘c’
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
out of once you are left with one
page 32. Ask What is the reporter pointing to?
giant the ‘g’ is soft – it is pronounced ‘j’
Tell the children to look at the left hand
kind rhyming words include find, blind picture of Yeti. Discuss what it shows. Read
and mind
the word above it. Ask Does Yeti look happy
landed here? Why? Repeat for the right hand picture
paw change the ‘p’ to ‘j’, ‘s’, ‘dr’, ‘cl’, of Yeti. Draw attention to the numbers below
‘str’ to make some rhyming words each picture. Ask Can you read them? Which
pick up the phrasal verbs pick up and took number is bigger? Can you guess what these
off (see below) both have meanings numbers stand for?
in the story different to their literal
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on 5 What did Yeti try to do to the snow in the
page 33. Ask Where do you think this is a picture?
picture of? (Point out the man in the 6 How many people voted (a) for Yeti to go
foreground is the Manager of the zoo, home? (b) for Yeti to stay?
suggesting it might be at the zoo.) Ask What
7 Why did Emma and Tim cheer? Why did the
is happening? What do you think the Manager is
Manager sigh?
giving Yeti? Point out the car in the
background, the chauffeur, and the cheering 8 What came to the zoo to pick up Yeti?
crowd. Discuss why the children think they 9 What did the manager give to Yeti?
are there. 10 What did the big crowd of fans do?
l Tell
the children to look at the picture on 11 What did Yeti think the clouds were? What
page 34. Ask Can you guess where Yeti, Mum, did he want to do?
Tim and Emma are now? Draw attention to
12 What did Yeti do when they reached the
clues in the picture: the clouds in the window,
snow in the mountains?
the layout of the cabin, the aisle, the type of
seats, the air hostess. Encourage children
l Identify some of the pronouns in the passage
who have flown in an aeroplane to talk
and ask the class who or what each pronoun
about the picture. Ask Where do you think they
stands for.
are going in the aeroplane? Tell the children to
look back at page 33. Ask What do you think l Write a random sample of longer words from
the Manager is giving Yeti now? the chapter on the board and ask children to
find any smaller words ‘hiding’ in them (for
During reading example telephoned)
l Read the chapter to and with the class. l Finally, ask individuals to re-read short
Follow the same procedure as you did for sections of the text aloud. Encourage them to
Chapter 1 (see page 4) to help the children read expressively and with appropriate
read and understand the text. Use the audio intonation. (You might like to ask children to
cassette/CD, if you wish. play the role of particular characters and
read their parts.)
Stage 1 comprehension (literal)
Ask these questions orally, or set them as
After reading
a written activity. You can also ask the
Stage 2 comprehension (extension)
children to do the activity on page 17 of their
Workbook. Ask these questions orally, or set them as a
written activity for the more able. Answers
1 Who are ‘viewers’?
will vary. Encourage the children to give
2 What two choices did the viewers have to reasons for their suggestions, and accept any
vote on? answer they can justify.
3 How long did they have to vote? 1 Do you think it was a good idea for the
4 How could viewers contact the studio with viewers to vote? Why?
their votes? 2 Why do you think the reporter only gave
viewers five minutes to vote?
3 Why do you think Yeti was trying to lick the l Ask What is the most exciting thing that has
snow off the picture in his room? ever happened to you?
4 Do you think this made viewers feel sorry for l Ask Do you think it is a long way from England
yeti? Why? to the Himalayas? If possible, show the class
5 Were you surprised by the result of the vote? the distance in an atlas, or on a globe.
What would you have voted for? Why? l Ifappropriate, try some Extension Activities
6 Explain why the Manager and Tim and (see the Teacher’s Notes Introduction page
Emma responded in different ways when the 19).
result was announced. l Ask What do you think will happen next in the
7 Who do you think sent the big car to collect story?
8 What do you think of the way the Manager
behaved on page 33?
9 Do you think he was really a nice man or a
nasty man?
10 How do you think Yeti felt on the plane? How
can you tell?
11 Do you think the children were excited?
12 Why do you think Yeti rolled in the snow
when he arrived in the mountains?
Passive vocabulary
batteries parents peeped
Before reading
l Pre-teach the active vocabulary (see the
Teacher’s Notes Introduction on page 13 and
the Glossary). Use the notes in the table to
discuss any interesting features of the words.
l Ask the children to do the activity on
page 18 of their Workbook to practise
the new vocabulary.
l Ask the class to recall what happened in the
previous chapter.
l Read the title of Chapter 9. Ask What do you
think this chapter is going to be about?
l Tell the children to look at the picture on
page 35. Ask Who is the man in the picture?
Where are Yeti, Tim, Emma and Mum? Discuss
the contents of the tent. Point out the
Active vocabulary makeshift bench that Emma and Yeti are
adventure the ‘ture’ is pronounced as ‘cher’ sitting on. Ask What are they eating? How can
(as it is in nature, temperature, we tell it is warm inside the tent? Does everyone
furniture, future, mixture, picture) look happy? (Remind the class that the family
dinner have not seen Dad for quite a long time.)
empty the ‘y’ is pronounced like ‘ee’, as in l Tellthe children to look at the picture on
baby, lady, family and copy
page 36. Ask What is Tim showing Yeti? What
evening the second ‘e’ is unstressed, so the do you think they are talking about?
word is pronounced ‘eevning’
l Tell the children to look at the picture on
page 37. Ask Who do you think the other yetis
glad are? Do they look happy to see Yeti? Is Yeti happy
heard pronounced ‘herd’ – but point out to see them? How can you tell?
the word ear within it to help
children remember the correct
l Tellthe children to look at the picture on l Askthe class to find the words evening, night
page 38. Ask Who is carrying Yeti on his back? and morning in the text.
Are they walking towards or away from the l Askthe class to find and read any words
camp? How can we tell? Where do you think the containing double consonants, such as
yetis are going? Do you think Tim and his family middle.
know the yetis are leaving?
l Ask the class to find examples in the chapter
of verbs with regular past tenses (ending in
During reading
‘ed’, such as peeped and hugged).
l Read the chapter to and with the class.
l Finally,
ask individuals to re-read short
Follow the same procedure as you did for
sections of the text aloud. Encourage them to
Chapter 1 (see page 4) to help the children
read expressively and with appropriate
read and understand the text. Use the audio
intonation. (You might like to ask children to
cassette/CD, if you wish.
play the role of particular characters and
read their parts.)
Stage 1 comprehension (literal)
Ask these questions orally, or set them as After reading
a written activity. You can also ask the
children to do the activity on page 19 of their Stage 2 comprehension (extension)
Ask these questions orally, or set them as a
1 What did everyone talk about at dinner? written activity for the more able. Answers
2 What did Mum say about Yeti? will vary. Encourage the children to give
3 What did Dad ask Yeti? reasons for their suggestions, and accept any
answer they can justify.
4 Why was Emma sad?
1 Do you think Dad was pleased to see his
5 What did Tim give Yeti? Why?
family? Why?
6 What did Tim teach Yeti?
2 Do you think Dad was pleased to see Yeti?
7 What did Dad say about the batteries? Why?
8 Why did Yeti wake up in the middle of the 3 On page 35, how can you tell Mum liked Yeti
night? very much?
9 What did Yeti think the noise was? 4 On page 36, how can you tell Emma liked
10 Who did Yeti see when he peeped outside? Yeti very much?
11 What did Yeti and his parents do after they 5 Do you think it was a good idea of Tim’s to
hugged and kissed each other? give Yeti his phone?
12 Whose back did Yeti climb on? 6 What was the problem with this idea?
13 Why did they go into the snowy mountains? 7 Why do you think only Yeti heard the noise
14 In the morning, who found Yeti’s empty bed? outside the tent in the night?
15 What did they see in the snow outside the 8 How do you think Yeti’s parents knew Yeti
tent? was in the tent?
16 Why were they glad for Yeti? 9 How did Yeti feel when he saw his parents?
10 Why do you think Yeti’s dad put Yeti on his l Ifappropriate, try some Extension Activities
back? (see the Teacher’s Notes Introduction page
11 Why do you think the yetis did not want 19).
anyone to find them? l Ask What do you think will happen next in the
12 What do you think Dad and the family said story?
when they found that Yeti had gone?
13 How did they know Yeti had gone off with his
14 Why do you think they felt glad and sad at
the same time?
Goodbye, Yeti
Passive vocabulary
Pages 39 to 41 slope snowball fight wrestle
Before reading
l Pre-teachthe active vocabulary (see the
Teacher’s Notes Introduction on page 13 and
the Glossary). Use the notes in the table to
discuss any interesting features of the words.
l Askthe children to do the activity on
page 20 of their Workbook to practise
the new vocabulary.
l Askthe class to recall what happened in the
previous chapter.
l Read the title of Chapter 10. Ask What do you
think this chapter is going to be about?
l Tell
the children to look at the picture on
page 39. Ask What are Tim and Emma looking
at? Who do you think sent the photo?
l Tell
the children to look at the picture on
pages 40 and 41. Ask What message have
Emma and Tim written in the snow? How have
they written it? Point out that they are both
warmly dressed. Discuss the details in the
background of the picture.
Active vocabulary
enjoy rhymes with boy and toy and
contains the word joy (another
word for happiness)
forget a compound word (for + get)
hour the ‘h’ is silent and is not
promise pronounced ‘promiss’
screen other words with the ‘scr’
beginning include: scream, screw,
scratch, scribble, and scrape
Follow-up ideas
Drama Encourage the children to act out Class story Tell the children to imagine
the story. Give individuals a role to play, then a friendly extra-terrestrial has got lost and
ask them to mime their characters’ actions as landed his (or her!) rocket in the playground.
you read the story, or play the audio cassette/ He wants the class to show him around. Ask
CD. You can help the class make simple What fun could you have together? Where would
props, if you like, as an associated activity. you take him sightseeing? What would other
people think of him? How would you help him
Art Help the children make life-size pictures
get home again? Brainstorm ideas as a class,
of each of the story’s main characters. Draw
and help the children put together their own
round the outlines of children on large sheets
class story.
of paper to get the figures the correct size and
in proportion. The children could glue wool Animals in captivity Yeti was put in a zoo
or synthetic fur on Yeti to make him look for a while. There are arguments in favour
realistic. Encourage them to draw or paint a and against keeping animals in zoos. Stage a
mountain background (see pages 46/47) to class debate on this matter. Ask half the class
stick the characters on. to present arguments in favour of zoos, and
the other half to present arguments against.
Topic work Ask the children to visit the
Elicit the general opinion of the class.
library or (if appropriate) use a computer
to find out more about one of the topics
featured in the story. They could try to
find more information about yetis, famous
explorers (Marco Polo, Ibn Batuta, Scott of
the Antarctic), or the Himalayas.