Cosmic Vistas - A Popular History of Astronomy
Cosmic Vistas - A Popular History of Astronomy
Cosmic Vistas - A Popular History of Astronomy
Biman Basu
Popular Science
A Popular History of Astronomy
Acknowledgemen ts vii
Preface ix
1. In the Beginning 1
2. Patterns in the Stars 7
3. Vedic Concepts 15
4. Earth at the Centre 21
5. Place of the Sun 28
6. Planetary Paths 36
7. Beyond the Eye 44
8. Newton's Genius 53
9. Einstein's Universe 63
10. Amazing Reflectors 71
11. The Radio Sky 80
12. View from Space 93
13. Planetary Worlds 105
14. Measuring the Cosmos 115
The Nakshatras 125
Recommended Reading 127
Index 129
We all become familiar with the sky above right from our
childhood days. We see the daily journey of the Sun across
the sky the waxing and waning of the Moon and the star-
filled night sky. But in my childhood days we hardly ever
gave a thought to what these celestial objects were or why
they behaved or moved the way we saw them in the sky
We gradually learnt about them as we grew up. Today, how-
ever, things have changed. Children know a lot about the
celestial objects thanks to the discoveries made by scientists
over several centuries. The story of their discoveries has all
the elements of a detective thriller. The exploration of space
during the past four decades has further changed the sce-
nario, revealing the solar system and the Earth's cosmic
neighbourhood like never before.
To our distant ancestors, the Sun, Earth, Moon, plan-
ets and the stars made up the entire universe, with our Earth
at the centre of it. Our ancestors believed that all the celes-
tial bodies visible to the unaided eye—the Sun, Moon, five
planets and the stars—move around the Earth in very com-
plex paths. The ancient people did not even know what the
stars and planets really were or how far they were from us.
There is, however, evidence that tells us that Vedic In-
dians, who probably lived more than 6,000 years ago, had
considerable knowledge of astronomy. We find evidence of
astronomical observations as early as 4,000 B.C. in the verses
of the Rig Veda. But the oldest astronomical text in India is
the Vedanga Ji/otisha, which is dated about 1,400 B.C.
then died. Even our Sun will die eventually, but not in the
near future. Astronomers say, it will continue to shine like
it does now for at least 5,000 million years more.
Technological developments during the Second
World War led to yet another breakthrough—the discovery
of radio waves coming from space—that opened up a new
dimension in our understanding of the universe. Galaxies
and stars, and even our Sun, which appeared serene and
shining steadily, turned out to be objects seething with ex-
treme violence, spewing out highly energetic particles and
powerful radiation. The universe as seen through the radio
telescope appeared totally different from the visible universe
we are familiar with.
Radio telescopes also brought forth new kinds of
star-like objects, such as pulsars and quasars, the existence
of which were never known before. Pulsars turned out to
be fast-spinning dead stars that behaved like extremely ac-
curate celestial clocks, sending out precisely-timed pulses
of radio waves. Quasars on the other hand are extremely
distant objects, which emit extremely powerful radio waves.
The real nature of quasars and the source of their enormous
energy still remain a mystery.
The study of radio waves from space also provided
a proof of the way the universe was born, some 14 billion
years ago. As early as in 1927, the Belgian priest and as-
tronomer Abbe Georges Lemaitre had formulated the mod-
ern theory of the origin of the universe, which holds that
the universe began in a cataclysmic explosion of a small,
primeval 'super-atom', which is now widely accepted. The
modern version was formulated by the Russian-born Ameri-
can physicist George Gamow and his associates in 1940. The
British astronomer Fred Hoyle termed the cataclysmic event
as 'big bang'. According to the big bang theory, initially the
universe was extremely hot, only in the form of energy,
which later cooled and condensed into various subatomic
particles. These particles, in turn, came together to form
atoms and molecules of hydrogen that filled the universe.
Human curiosity about the Sun, Moon and the stars is per-
haps as old as the appearance of the modern human on this
planet. As the early humans were evolving, their well-de-
veloped brain and an erect posture must have made them
look up and wonder at the sky and the various phenomena
going on there. The daily movement of the Sun across the
sky from east to west, the changing phases of the Moon,
and the sparkling star-speckled night skies must have ap-
pealed to him as it does to us even today. But unlike modern
humans, the early humans did not have the means to study
the celestial phenomena except with unaided eye. Their vi-
sion of the Earth, the sky and the universe was based solely
on visual observations and their fertile imagination.
Yet, some of the ancient civilisations and prehistoric
cultures had a surprisingly good understanding of the mo-
tions of the celestial bodies and of practical geometry.
Around 4,000 B.C., Vedic Indians had considerable knowl-
edge of astronomy, including the knowledge of the spherical
shape of the Earth, phases of the Moon. Around 3,100 B.C.
Stone-Age people in what is now United Kingdom had built
one of the earliest astronomical observatories, in the shape
of concentric circles of large standing stones. This group of
standing stones at Stonehenge was probably used for mark-
ing the directions of sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset
at different times of the year (Plate I).
About the same time as Stonehenge was being built,
apart from India, much more advanced civilisations were
Fig. 2: The disappearance of the Sun during a total solar eclipse was a
frightening experience for ancient people.
The Constellations
After millennia of observation, the wandering people of the
ancient world could make out patterns in the randomness
of the star-filled sky. They could imagine familiar objects
outlined by prominent stars, much like a child of today who
makes up hidden figures by joining up the.1 dots in puzzle
books. Ancient records in the form of prehistoric seals, vases
and stone tablets mentioning the constellations date back
only to around 2,000 B.C. But it is quite likely that the names
of the 12 zodiacal constellations were of Vedic origin and
Fig. 4: Only a few of the constellations such as Leo and Scorpius resemble
the objects they are named after.
other than the Sun, during the day and the stars at night to
go by while in the high seas.
An interesting outcome of using the constellations as
direction-finders at sea was the discovery of new constella-
tions not visible from the northern hemisphere, something
our ancestors may not ever have imagined. The new dis-
coveries provided the earliest evidence that the Earth is
shaped like a sphere. It was because of the spherical shape
of the Earth that constellations visible from the southern
hemisphere always lay below the southern horizon when
seen from the north. But, once intrepid explorers sailed south
of the equator, these southern constellations came into view
and it is no wonder that as many as 12 constellations of the
southern sky, not visible from the northern hemisphere, were
discovered in the 16th century. Other constellations were
subsequently added to the list. Today, a total of 88 constel-
lations, into which the entire sky is divided, are recognised
by the International Astronomical Union.
The Zodiac
As we have just seen, all the stars in the sky are grouped
into 88 constellations. So, every star in the sky belongs to
one constellation or another. Among the 88, there are 12
that straddle the sky along the apparent yearly path of the
Sun, called the ecliptic. These 12 are known as the 'zodiacal
constellations' and the band of the 12 zodiacal constella-
tions is known as the 'zodiac'. The rest of the constellations
are known as 'non-zodiacal constellations'. The 12 zodiacal
constellations are: Aries (the Ram), Taurus (the Bull),
Gemini (the Twins), Cancer (the Crab), Leo (the Lion), Virgo
(the Virgin), Libra (the Scales), Scorpio (the Scorpion),
Sagittarius (the Archer), Capricornus (the Sea-goat),
Aquarius (the Water-bearer), and Pisces (the Fishes). A zo-
diacal sign denotes each of the zodiacal constellations. This
division into 12 segments was probably made because there
are 12 complete (actually about 12.4) lunar cycles or months
m one year. As a result the Sun 'occupies' each segment, or
The Nakshatras
The zodiacal constellations were of special interest to Vedic
astronomers in India, who were more interested in the
motion of the Moon in the sky. This interest could have been
due to the much swifter motion of Earth's only satellite
across the sky, which places it daily against a different
backdrop of stars in the sky. No other celestial body moves
as swiftly. More than 6,000 years ago, Vedic astronomers
were aware that the Moon transits through every one of the
constellations of the zodiac once in a little more than 27 days.
To mark the position of the Moon every day, they divided
the zodiac into 27 lunar 'mansions', each identified by a
bright star or a group of stars, which they called the naksliatra.
In later periods, the concept of the nakshatras played an im-
portant role in the development of a reliable calendar system,
which remains valid even today.
The oldest system of Indian calendar, known from the
Vedanga Jyotisha (composed as an aid to the Vedas around
1,400 B.C.) divides the solar year of approximately 354 days
into 12 lunar months of 29.5 days, based on the daily move-
ment of the Moon through the 27 nakshatras. To account for
the resulting discrepancy between the solar and lunar years,
a 'leap month' was added every few years, which made it a
'luni-solar' calendar.
The Wanderers
The grouping of the stars into easily recognisable patterns
of constellations and nakshatras must have made it easier
for early sky-watchers to detect and record the unusual and
apparently erratic movements of some of brighter 'stars' that
seemed to belong to no particular constellation, but weaved
their way across the sky quite independently through the
zodiacal belt. Their motions were complex; sometimes they
moved forwards, sometimes backwards, and on certain oc-
casions they appeared to stand still.
Of course, today we know that these bright star-like
objects are planets, but the early sky watchers did not have
any idea of what they really were nor did they know that,
unlike the stars, they shone only by the light of the Sun.
However, the irregular and what appeared to be erratic
Sun as God
As in many contemporary civilisations of the past, the Vedic
people understood the importance of the Sun in sustaining
life on Earth. They are also said to have believed that the
stars are like the Sun but being far away appeared tiny. But
they had no idea about the real nature of the Sun or how it
produced so much energy; understandably so, because they
had no means of finding it out for themselves. The Rig Veda
describes the Sun as the sole light-giver of the universe
(which, as we know today, is not quite true), as the cause of
the seasons, and as the controller and lord of the world.
Such an idea is not surprising, because the Sun was held in
such high esteem and worshipped in many other early civi-
lisations too, the most prominent being the Nile Valley
civilisation in what is now Egypt, which flourished on the
banks of the Nile around 3,000 B.C. Of course, we cannot
deny the crucial role the Sun plays in sustaining life on Earth;
but that is not because it has divine powers but because it is
the source of enormous energy in the form of light and heat,
the origin of which is nuclear fusion. And it is the light and
heat of the Sun that sustains life on Earth.
The Vedic people also held the planets in high esteem.
Unaware of their real nature, they described the five plan-
ets known at that time—Mercury (Budha), Venus (Shukra),
Mars (Mangala), Jupiter (Brihaspati) and Saturn (Shani)—as
gods, maybe because of their apparently strange motion in
the sky. Although all this may appear ridiculous today, we
have to remember that the ideas about the Sun, the Moon
and the planets some 6,000 years ago were based on noth-
ing more than simple naked-eye observation, and nothing
more could be found out about the celestial bodies by this
The Calendar-makers
The Vedic people were a highly disciplined race. Their
daily routine included various rituals, which they performed
as prescribed by their religious texts. They also had some
Fig. 6: The position of the Full Moon on 27 May 2002, near the star Jyestha
(Antares), designating the Indian month of Jaistha.
Units of Time
The Vedic people also had a fairly good knowledge of the
variation of the day length between summer and winter
and of the summer and winter solstices. However, unlike
the present system of measuring the day from midnight to
midnight, which makes the length of the day including the
night the same, irrespective of the month or season, the Vedic
people reckoned the day from sunrise to sunrise. This led
to wide variation in the length of the day from season to
season. The Vedic people broadly divided the day in two
ways. They divided the daytime into four equal parts, each
called a prahara. The nighttime was similarly divided into
four equal praharas. The prahara (equal to about three hours)
was a very popular unit in Indian time measurement. An
alternative system of division of time used by the Vedic
people was the unit of the muhurta. The normal day was
divided into 30 mnhurtas (one muhurta corresponding to 48
minutes)—15 muhurtas each of day and night. But in sum-
mer the longest day had a length of 18 muhurtas whereas
the shortest day in winter lasted only 12 muhurtas. It is quite
amazing how mere knowledge of the motions of the Sun
and the Moon could be put to use to devise an accurate
time-measuring system.
Although Vedic astronomy was largely observational,
with very little effort to find theoretical explanations for the
observed phenomena, it made significant contribution to
our knowledge of the intricate relationship between the mo-
tions of the celestial bodies and the passage of time on our
Earth. We still use variants of the Vedic system to fix dates
of our festivals such as Holi, Diwali, Raksha Bandhan, Makar
Sankranti, etc., which are decided by the position or phase
of the Moon or the position of the Sun in the zodiac.
Large Numbers
An interesting aspect of the astronomical knowledge of the
Vedic Indians was their knowledge of large numbers, which
they used for calculating time. They had developed notions
of the cycle of years, comprising round numbers of solar
and lunar years taken together. They had even developed a
system of larger cycles that took into account the revolu-
tions of the planets, as they came back to the same position
in the background of stars in the sky. The Vedanga Jyotisha,
composed around 1,400 B.C., speaks of a five-year luni-solar
cycle, called yuga. The beginning of the cycle was reckoned
from the time both the Sun and the Moon are in the nakshatra
named Dhanistha, which is identified with the present-day
constellation of Delphinus. During one yuga, according to
the scheme, the Sun 'passed' through all the zodiacal con-
stellations five times, and the Moon went through all the
nakshatras 67 times. This relationship gave the length of a
sidereal month as 27.31 days and that of a synodic month
(the period between New Moon to New Moon or between
Full Moon to Full Moon) as 29.52 days, which show the
remarkable astronomical and computational knowledge of
the Vedic Indians. The Hindu astronomers of the Siddhantic
age expressed the periods of the Sun, the Moon and the
planets by the number of their periods in a mahayuga—a
period of 4,320,000 years—during which the planets, the
Sun and the Moon return to their original position.
It is quite amazing how much wealth of knowledge
about the celestial bodies could be amassed by the Vedic
Indians merely on the basis of naked-eye observation and
mental calculation. One reason may be their skill in math-
ematics, which enabled them to make highly accurate
predictions about astronomical events, such as eclipses. But,
as mentioned before, the Vedic people did not have any idea
about the real nature of the astronomical bodies nor were
they aware of the mechanism behind the apparent motions
of the various celestial bodies in the sky, except, perhaps a
vague idea about gravity. The earliest attempts to explain
the various observed celestial phenomena began around 2nd
century A.D., when theories of the 'solar system' were first
put forward.
Aristotle's Universe
One of the earliest accepted models of the universe is
Ptolemy's System
One of the main problems with the geocentric, or Earth-
centred, model of the universe was that it could not explain
all the observed facts satisfactorily. For example, it could
not explain why the pattern of stars, visible at night, changed
with the seasons, or why the Moon waxed and waned over
a period of a month. But one of the most troubling observa-
tions concerned the apparent motion of the planets against
the starry background. Unlike the Moon, which steadily
moved eastward against the background of stars each day,
or the stars themselves, which moved westward a bit every
night, the planets appeared to move without any set pat-
tern. First they appeared to move westward against the
background of the stars; then they appeared to stop in their
paths and then move eastward (which astronomers call 'ret-
rograde motion'). Again, they would appear to stop and
finally move westward, as in the beginning. This cycle would
be repeated after different intervals of time for the different
planets. No simple model of celestial bodies revolving
around the Earth could explain such an unusual motion.
So, early astronomers took recourse to all sorts of compli-
cated orbits, epicycles and other weird mechanisms to
Fig. 8: The apparent backward motion of Mars in the sky is due to the
Earth periodically overtaking it in orbit.
Fig. 10: The Ptolemaic system invoked complicated cycles and epicycles
o explain the observed motion of the planets in an Earth-centred system.
entry of the Moon into the Earth's shadow and that a solar
eclipse is caused when the Moon 'enters' the Sun. Bhaskara
II, who lived in 12th century A.D., gave a very clear and
lucid exposition on eclipses. He suggested that the orbit of
the Moon being below that of the Sun, just as a cloud mov-
ing from behind covers the Sun so does the Moon; moving
faster, it covers the Sun from behind, causing it to obscure
the Sun.
All scientific theories develop through repeated refine-
ments. As new deficiencies are encountered, changes are
made to remove them. The theory of the universe had also
to pass through many stages before it could account for all
the observed celestial phenomena. Most of the theories of
the universe proposed up to the 16th century considered
the Earth to be at the centre, around which all celestial bod-
ies revolved. There were deficiencies in the various models,
which were sought to be removed by invoking complicated
systems of cycles and epicycles. But no one dared to come
out with a model that displaced the Earth from its hallowed
position at the centre. It was left to the 15th century Polish
astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus to make the breakthrough
with his revolutionary Sun-centred theory of the universe.
Copernicus's Universe
Copernicus was born in 1473 in Torun, Poland. He became
interested in the study of astronomy when he joined the
University of Krakow in 1491. In 1497, he was sent to the
University of Bologna in Italy for further studies. It was at
Bologna that he became acquainted with the astronomical
Unanswered Questions
Copernicus's disbelief in Ptolemy's model probably arose
out of its many inconsistencies and its inability to explain
many of the observed facts satisfactorily. For instance, he
was never quite happy with Ptolemy's cycles and epicycles,
which made the model unnecessarily complicated. Further,
it also could not explain why the brightness of the planets
changed widely from time to time, or why the Moon showed
phases, or why Mercury and Venus never rose much above
the horizon. Copernicus also wondered if the Sun revolved
around the Earth in the fixed orbit of a perfect circle, how
could one account for the change of the seasons? His was a
truly scientific mind.
After his return to his hometown in Poland in 1506,
Copernicus practised as a physician and also served the
church. In addition, like a true scientist he began his own
observations of the sky in his spare time. Nights would find
him in the tower of his mountain-top home, observing the
stars and planets, making notations about their positions
and reading all available manuscripts of the earlier astrono-
mers. But Copernicus did not have the benefit of the facilities
that today's astronomers enjoy. The telescope had not yet
been invented and for much of the year in his native place,
the local weather reduced the visibility of the sky. Natu-
rally, progress was slow.
But nothing could dampen the spirit of this Polish as-
tronomer. Using mathematical formulae and his own theory
of the movement of the planets, Copernicus predicted the
positions of Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Then he anx-
iously scanned the sky as the years went by to see whether
Religious Repercussions
The publication of Copernicus's theory had a deep impact
on the development of astronomy and science in general,
but not without some opposition. While Copernicus him-
self did not suffer any repercussions for attacking the
established and Church-approved view of the universe, later
scientists, the famous Italian Galileo among them, who went
on to provide the proof of Copernicus's ideas, did suffer at
the hands of those who did not want to give up the Earth-
centred idea of the universe.
Another victim of the Roman Catholic Church's ire
against the Copernican theory
was the 16th-century Italian
philosopher and astronomer
Giordano Bruno, who rejected
the Earth-centred Ptolemaic
system and fearlessly went in
support of Copernicus's Sun-
centred model. Bruno had to
pay for his beliefs by his life;
he was arrested by the
Inquisition and was burnt at
the stake in 1600.
But, despite the opposi-
tion from the Church, the
Copernican system appealed Fig. 13: The Italian philosopher
and astronomer Giordano Bruno
to a large number of indepen- was burnt at the stake for support-
dent-minded astronomers ing the Sun-centred system of
and mathematicians because Copernicus.
Tycho's Legacy
Although it was Kepler who enunciated the three laws of
planetary motion, one astronomer who played a key role in
his reaching that goal was a real-life Danish nobleman named
Tycho Brahe. Tycho's interest in astronomy, surprisingly,
Fig. 14: Tycho Brahe's famous quadrant, which he used for measuring
the coordinates of the stars and planets.
A New Star!
In 1571, Tycho built a small observatory at Scania, Denmark,
where another important astronomical event of his life
occurred. On 11 November 1572, Tycho suddenly discovered
a 'new star' in the constellation of Cassiopeia where no star
was supposed to be. The new star was brighter than the
planet Venus and was visible during the day. Tycho's careful
observations showed the new star to be much farther away
than the Moon—probably at a distance where the other stars
are. For the first time, a star had been seen to change in
brightness so dramatically. This was a startling revelation,
which went against the earlier held belief that the stars were
permanent and unchanging.
Kepler's Laws
Kepler was a German astronomer, who combined great
mathematical skills with patience and an almost mystical
sense of universal harmony. But even he did not come to
his great discovery about planetary orbits at once; he al-
most went astray. Around 1590, he went to Graz, in Austria,
to teach secondary school mathematics. It was around this
time that a curious thought occurred to him. At that time,
only six planets visible to the naked eye were known,
namely, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
Kepler wondered why only six? Why not 20, or 100? Kepler
also knew that there were five regular or 'platonic' solids,
whose sides were regular polygons, as known to the an-
cient Greek mathematicians, since the time of Pythagoras.
He thought that the two numbers were connected, and that
Fig. 17: Kepler mistakenly believed that the five regular platonic solids
could explain the distances of the planets from the Sun.
Fig. 18: According to Kepler's second law of planetary motion, it the takes
a planet the same time to move from A to B as it takes to move from C to
D, sweeping out equal areas as shown shaded. Thus a planet moves faster
when nearer the Sun than when farther away.
Enter Galileo
The news of the spyglass also reached the University of
Padua, Italy, where Galileo Galilei was a professor of math-
ematics. When Galileo, who had keen interest in astronomy,
heard of the spyglass he was thrilled. He immediately got
one and, as a true scientist, worked out the working prin-
ciple. He used his knowledge of optics to figure out the
mathematical relationship at the heart of the device's power
to magnify; it turned out to be the ratio of the focal lengths
of the objective lens and the eyepiece. Soon, he was able to
design and build his own telescope of higher powers by
grinding his own lenses.
During the late summer and autumn months of 1609,
Galileo, along with an assistant, continued grinding, and
polishing lenses and building longer tubes for his telescopes.
By November 1609, he had completed one capable of mag-
nifying 20 times, almost as good as today's amateur tele-
scopes (Plate II). After Galileo, telescopes that used a convex
lens as objective and a concave lens as the eyepiece came to
be known as 'Galilean telescopes'. They are not only simple
to build but also produce an erect image of the distant
Concave Convex
eyepiece objective
Fig. 20: The Galilean telescope uses a convex lens as objective and a con-
cave lens as eyepiece.
Fig. 22: Galileo's record of the movement of Jupiter's four larg.e moons.
The Inquisition
Galileo's revolutionary astronomical findings and his en-
dorsement of the Copernican theory, however, were not
taken lightly by the religious authorities of the day Soon
after his Starry Messenger was published, Galileo decided to
return to Pisa from Padua to take up an appointment at the
university. But it was a mistake, for in Pisa, instead of being
acclaimed as indisputably establishing the truth of the Co-
pernican theory, his book aroused hostility. The religious
authorities in Pisa accused Galileo of trying to mislead the
people by heresy. He tried to argue his case, but to no avail.
He was warned to desist from spreading ideas contrary to
those taught by the Roman Catholic Church, that the Earth
was at the centre of the universe. It was a classic dilemma
of a true scientist. The scientific tool was available, the ob-
servational records supported the correct theory, but society
was not prepared to accept it.
Of course, as a true scientist, Galileo did not give up,
Fig. 23: Galileo's drawings of the phases of Venus (bottom row) along
with Saturn's rings (upper left). The circles on the upper right denote
Jupiter and Mars.
Newton's Calculus
Newton has been described by his biographers as being both
Force of Gravity
What Newton was really trying to do was to find out why
the planets of our solar system keep moving in fixed orbits
around the Sun, or what keeps the Moon going in orbit
around the Earth. We can find a clue if we compare the
motion of the planets around the Sun to the path described
by a piece of stone tied to a string, which is swung round
and round by a child. There is one important difference,
however. In case of the whirling stone, the string held by
the child exerts a constant pull, which keeps the stone from
flying off and keeps it going round and round. But there is
no such mechanical link between the Sun and the planets,
or the Earth and the Moon. From simple analogy, Newton
came to the simple conclusion that a planet keeps revolv-
ing around the Sun because the two attract each other, and
same is the case with the Earth and the Moon. He further
concluded that this attractive force works at a distance be-
tween bodies in space. Newton called this type of action at
a distance 'gravitation'.
Using Kepler's third law of planetary motion, which
states that "the squares of the orbital periods of the planets
are proportional to the cubes of their average distances from
the Sun", Newton mathematically deduced the nature of the
gravitational force. He showed that the same force that pulls
an apple down to the ground also keeps the Moon in its
orbit. The famous anecdote of the falling apple comes from
Newton himself and it epitomizes the genius of Newton.
After all, things have been falling down since time imme-
morial and the fact that the Moon went round the Earth had
been believed since all human history. But Newton was the
first person ever to figure out that these two phenomena
were due to the same force. This is the meaning of the word
'universal' as applied to Newtonian gravitation.
The Principia
It was the summer of 1684. Newton was a professor of math-
ematics at Cambridge University. Halley came to see Newton
for consultation regarding the forces that control planetary
orbits. Specifically, Halley wanted to know what sort of or-
bit a planet would follow under the influence of a force that
varies inversely with the square of the distance between the
planet and the Sun. Many scientists had been working on
this problem, but none of them had been able to come up
with an answer. As mentioned earlier, Kepler had empiri-
cally worked out the planetary orbits to be elliptical on the
basis of astronomical observations of the apparent motion
of the planets in the night sky; he had no idea about the
forces that made them behave so. But Newton had already
worked it out using his calculus and came up immediately
Cometary Paths
Newton's theory of gravitation not only explained the
motion of the planets and their moons but also was able to
throw light on the motion of one of the most mysterious
objects then known to astronomy, namely, comets. Since time
immemorial, comets had been objects of dread, for they
seemed to appear and disappear without any obvious cause
or reason. They were considered evil omens and were even
believed to bring death and destruction. All the leading
astronomers of the 17th century tried to account for comets,
Halley's Comet
Fig. 26: The orbit of Halley's comet is highly elongated that takes it
beyond the orbit of Neptune.
A New Planet!
Newton's theory of gravitation not only provided a scien-
tific explanation for the motion of the planets and comets
but also helped astronomers discover new planets in our
solar system. The greatest triumph of Newton's law of gravi-
tation came in 1846, when a new planet was discovered
beyond Uranus in the solar system. The new planet, eighth
of the solar family, was named Neptune.
The seventh planet of the solar system, Uranus, was
discovered accidentally by William Herschel in 1781 during
routine telescopic observation of star positions. But after
calculating its orbit, astronomers discovered that the new
planet was not quite following the calculated orbit. It was
either lagging behind or moving ahead of its calculated po-
sition by a very small amount. The anomaly could be
accounted for if one presumed the existence of an unknown
planet in orbit outside the orbit of Uranus that was exerting
a gravitational pull on Uranus, thereby disturbing the latter
in its orbit.
It turned out that the gravitational pull of an outer
planet was indeed the culprit. In 1841, a 22-year-old math-
ematics student of Cambridge University in England, named
John Adams, decided to tackle the problem and worked at
it in his spare time. By September 1845, he had an answer.
Adams had worked out on the basis of Newton's law of
Fig. 28: Newtonian physics could not explain the precession of the orbit
of Mercury.
General Relativity
Why did Newton's theory fail? The basic problem with
Newton's law of gravitation was its treatment of mass and
inertia. Newton defined mass as a measure of a body's iner-
tia; that is, its resistance to any change in motion. The higher
Force vs Field
One of the fundamental postulates of Einstein's theory of
general relativity is that, over a limited region of space-time,
it is impossible for observers to tell whether they are under-
going uniformly accelerated motion or are in a gravitational
field. For example, suppose a person is shut in a chamber
without any door or window. As long as the chamber rests
on the ground, the person will feel the pull of gravity. Now,
if the chamber is transported to a location far from any mass-
exerting gravitational pull, or is made to move at a constant
speed, the person inside the chamber will not feel any pull
of Earth's gravity and will float aimlessly, as astronauts do
in a spacecraft. Now, if a force is applied (by means of a
rocket engine, for example) to the chamber to impart to it a
uniform acceleration in a given direction, the person inside
will not be able to tell whether the chamber was stationary
under Earth's gravity or it was being accelerated uniformly
in free space. Einstein showed that it was not necessary to
think of gravity as force acting at a distance. Instead, he
described gravity in terms of its local effects on space and
time, i.e. as the curved geometry of space-time, as deter-
mined by the distribution of matter and energy
Simply stated, Einstein's law of gravitation contains
nothing about force. Rather it describes the behaviour of
Parabolic mirror
Fig. 33: Different types of astronomical telescopes. In a refractor, a glass
lens is used as objective whereas a reflector uses a parabolic mirror as the
Spherical Corrector
mirror objective plate
Fig. 34: A Schmidt telescope uses a spherical mirror and a corrector plate
and can cover a much wider area of the sky.
Photon Power
The photoelectric effect, discovered by Albert Einstein in
1905, soon came to be used in a wide variety of detectors,
the simplest of which was the photocell. In this device the
incident light fell on a sensitive surface, called the 'photo-
cathode', housed within an evacuated glass tube. The ejected
electrons travelled across the evacuated space to a collect-
ing electrode, also sealed within the evacuated tube. The
intensity of the stream of electrons produced, which could
be measured using a highly sensitive ammeter, was directly
proportional to the intensity to the incident light.
The coming of the photocell opened up a new horizon
in astronomical studies of the sky. The photocell was first
used for astronomical studies in 1924, by a German astrono-
mer named Paul Guthnick and was soon followed by others
to study the stars. But the signals received from the photo-
cathodes, except for the very bright stars, were too faint to
be measured. The solution of the problem was found in the
form of what came to be known as the 'photomultiplier
The photomultiplier tube is an enhanced version of the
Patti ei Glass «nv»lop
w inckw
Photocathode if,, \
Electron multiplier ^ode
layer plates mesh
Fig. 35: A photomultiplier tube uses a series of plates to increase the num-
ber of electrons emitted to amplify the signal.
Fig. 37: Visible light constitutes only a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic
Fig. 38. The young radio engineer Karl Jansky opened up a new window
on the universe by detecting radio waves coming from space.
Radio Telescopes
Radio astronomy, or the study of the cosmos in radio
wavelengths, soon became an established subject and radio
telescopes, with large dish antennas, were discovering new
phenomena in the universe. The first really large, fully
steerable, radio telescope was completed in 1957 at Jodrell
Bank, England (Plate VII). This telescope with a dish
diameter of 76 metres is still used for a number of research
programmes. The world's largest fully-steerable radio
telescope is the 100-metre-diameter antenna operated by the
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy at Effelsberg, near
Cosmic Time-keepers
By the end of the 1960s, with the discovery of quasars and
several other radio sources in the sky, the tremendous po-
tential of radio astronomy as an observation tool was proved
beyond doubt and several refinements were already being
tried out. Astronomers had designed instruments that could
detect very short bursts of radio emission making it pos-
sible to study fast changes in cosmic radio objects. One
astronomer who was trying out such an arrangement was
Anthony Hewish, who was directing a research project at
the Cambridge University Observatory in UK. He set up an
array of more than 2,000 separate receiving detectors spread
out in an array that covered an area of a little more than 1
hectare. In August 1967, one of Hewish's students named
Jocelyn Bell detected a strange signal coming from a direc-
tion midway between the bright stars Vega and Altair that
fluctuated with uncanny regularity The bursts were aston-
ishingly brief, lasting only one-thirtieth of a second. No
natural cosmic object could perhaps emit signals with such
The discovery of the pulsating signals immediately put
the astronomical fraternity in a frenzy. Could the signals be
artificial, sent out by some intelligent race elsewhere in the
Galaxy? Such a possibility could not be ruled out altogether
in the absence of an alternative explanation.
To find out the truth, Hewish and his team kept
Radio beam
Fig. 39: A pulsar is a fast-spinning neutron star that emits radio waves
like a beacon.
very hot early stage must have cooled down with the ex-
pansion of the universe and should still be around today in
the form of microwave radiation. It was predicted that the
microwave background radiation should be characteristic
of objects at a temperature of about 5K (that is, 5 degrees
above absolute zero) and should be coming from all parts
of the sky as a homogenous background.
The elusive all-pervading background radiation was
eventually detected by two scientists of the Bell Telephone
Laboratories, named Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in
May 1964. Here too, the actual discovery occurred by acci-
dent. While conducting experiments with the first Telstar
communication satellite, Penzias and Wilson detected ex-
cess of radio noise that seemed to come uniformly from all
parts of the sky The measured temperature of the radiation
turned out to be 3K. It did not take long for scientists to
infer that they had indeed stumbled upon the much sought-
after cosmic background radiation. Most astronomers con-
sider the discovery of this microwave background radiation
as conclusive evidence in favour of the big-bang theory.
In 1989 a satellite called Cosmic Background Explorer
(COBE) was launched to make detailed measurements of
cosmic microwave background radiation (Plate IX). COBE
data provided the first evidence of condensation of galaxies
in early universe (Plate X).
times the collecting area of the VLA. The GMRT will be about
eight times more sensitive than VLA because of the larger
collecting area, higher efficiency of the antennas and a
substantially wider usable bandwidth. Already some star-
tling observations of supernova remnants and radio galaxies
have been made, using the GMRT.
Indeed radio telescopes like the VLA and GMRT are
revolutionising our ideas about the cosmos, showing it to
be filled with violent activity, the like of which had been
never known before. By being able to look back in time they
are also throwing new light on the origin of the universe
and its evolution over billions of years to its present state.
In the latter half of the 20th century, advances in in-
strumentation and improved observational techniques,
especially space-borne detectors, have led to the discovery
of cosmic sources that emit in infrared, X-ray and gamma
ray wavelengths. Normally these wavelengths do not reach
the ground as they are cut off by the Earth's atmosphere.
Discovery of these objects has radically changed our view
of the universe and of the cosmic phenomena going on out
there. Astronomy no longer remains confined to ground-
based observation of the star-filled night sky. It is much more
exciting and challenging than astronomers of the past could
ever have imagined it to be.
X-ray Stars
Ever since the discovery of X-rays by the German physicist
Conrad Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895, techniques have been
developed for converting X-rays into visual images or into
electronic signals that can be recorded. In medical science,
X-rays are used only as a diagnostic tool, for imaging inter-
nal organs of the human body. In an X-ray machine, X-rays
are produced, using extremely high-voltage electricity. So,
nobody could possibly imagine that X-rays could also come
from space. But it is now a fact. The detection of cosmic X-
ray sources is evidence of the kind of energetic processes
going on in the far reaches of the cosmos. This is again an
example of how technology is changing our ideas about the
universe we live in.
Unlike optical astronomy, the earliest records of which
go back to several centuries, the history of X-ray astronomy
Chandra in Orbit
The most powerful space-borne observatory to study X-rays
from the stars was launched in 1999 by the US National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and is ex-
pected to bring about a revolution in X-ray astronomy. It is
named Chandra X-ray Observatory (Plate XIII) after the In-
dian-born Nobel laureate Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar,
who is known for his pioneering work on the evolution of
stars. Its designers say, Chandra will unearth about 1000 new
X-ray sources in every patch of sky the size of the full Moon.
An X-ray telescope is a very special form of telescope.
An ordinary telescope would be of no use because the X-
rays do not reflect off mirrors the same way that visible light
does. Because of their high en-
ergy, X-ray photons would
penetrate into the mirror in
much the same way that bul-
lets slam into a wall. In a
similar way, just as bullets rico-
chet when they hit a wall at a
grazing angle, so too will X-
rays ricochet off highly
polished mirrors. X-ray tele-
scopes make use of this
property of X-rays to focus
them for getting images with
high resolution. Mirrors used in
Fig. 40: The Indian-born astro-
physicist Subrahmanyan an X-ray telescope are shaped
Chandrasekar did pioneering like barrels, the inner surfaces
work on the evolution of stars. of which are shaped and
Four nested
Four nested
Fig. 41: The Chandra X-ray Observatory uses a special kind of barrel-shaped
mirrors to focus x-rays from cosmic objects.
A Quark Star
In April 2002, NASA announced the discovery of an entirely
new kind of star unknown before. The announcement, based
on results from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, said the new
star is possibly entirely made of fundamental particles called
'quarks'. The unique thing about this star is that it is only a
few kilometres across but weighs more than our Sun. The
star, called RX J1856 is about 360 light-years from Earth and
if it were really made of quarks, it would be the first example
of its kind.
Theoreticians had hypothesised the existence of quark
stars in the 1980s, but none could be detected earlier. The
star RX J1856 was previously thought to be a neutron star—
formed when a large star explodes and its core collapses
(neutron stars are also known as pulsars). At this stage, gravi-
tational attraction between particles in an atom overcomes
the electrical repulsion keeping them apart, fusing protons
and electrons to form neutrons, which pack together at un-
imaginable density. A teaspoonful of neutron star would
weigh a billion tonnes!
But Chandra's measurements suggested that, at just over
11 kilometres across, RX J1856 is too small to be a neutron
Beyond Violet
Ultraviolet radiation was discovered by the German
physicist Johann Ritter in 1803. He found that photosensitive
crystals of silver iodide showed the maximum darkening
when placed beyond the violet end of the spectrum. Our
Sun releases copious amounts of ultraviolet radiation but
most of it is absorbed in the upper atmosphere by the Earth's
ozone layer. Astronomers had known that high-energy
processes, especially very high temperatures, in cosmic
bodies also release copious amounts of ultraviolet radiation.
So, studies in ultraviolet wavelengths could provide new
insights into cosmic processes. But, in this case too, the
obstacle was the Earth's atmosphere. Very little ultraviolet
radiation of wavelengths relevant for astronomy (roughly
100 to 4,000 angstroms; one angstrom being equal to 1/
10,000,000,000th of a metre) penetrates the atmospheric
blanket, and the solution lay in sending detectors beyond
the atmosphere, carried in rockets or satellites. The first
successful attempt to photograph the Sun in ultraviolet was
made in 1946, when a rocket-borne camera did the job. Since
the early 1960s, the United States and several other countries
have placed in the Earth orbit unmanned satellite
observatories for ultraviolet imaging of the sky.
Many new discoveries were made by the International
Ultraviolet Explorer satellite, which was launched by NASA
in January 1978. As a joint project of NASA, the United King-
dom and the European Space Agency, the satellite sent back
data that supported the theory that a black hole with the
mass of a thousand solar systems exists at the centre of our
Milky Way galaxy. The data also provided evidence of gravi-
tational lensing by a massive galaxy as being responsible
for the so-called 'twin quasars' image. Here the strong gravi-
tation field of the massive galaxy bends the light coming
from the distant quasar, as predicted by Einstein's relativity
theory, to produce the double image. The IUE also discov-
ered that our Milky Way galaxy is surrounded by a halo of
hot gases.
Fig. 42: Mariner spacecraft revealed Mercury's surface as almost like our
Moon's - pockmarked with craters.
Seeing Close-up
One problem with observing the planets from Earth is the
large distances that separate us. For example, the planets
Venus and Mars are our nearest planetary neighbours. Even
then, when closest to Earth, Venus is more than 40 million
kilometres away and Mars is more the 56 million kilometres
away. The other planets are much, much farther away—Ju-
piter, 628 million km and Saturn, 1277 million km. So, even
with very powerful ground-based telescopes we can see the
surface details only up to a point. Atmospheric turbulence
and limitations of telescope optics limit the amount of de-
tails that can be seen. Soon after the Space Age dawned,
astronomers started thinking of sending space probes to the
planets. After all, if we could send space probes with cam-
eras to within a few thousand kilometres of the planets, it
could show much greater details than can ever be seen from
the Earth. And this indeed turned out to be so.
Ground-based telescopic observations of the planets
Mercury and Venus show almost no details of their surface.
Mercury always remains so near the Sun in the sky that for
most of the time it remains hidden behind the dazzling glare
of the Sun. (Mercury is so elusive that many renowned as-
tronomers, including Copernicus, have lived out their lives
without ever seeing it!) Venus, on the other hand, appears
so bright that no details of its surface can be discerned from
ground-based observations. Only after space probes imaged
them from near that the true nature of the surfaces of the
two planets was revealed. The surface of Mercury turned
out to be almost like our Moon's—pockmarked with cra-
ters, the largest of which is 200 km in diameter, with no
atmosphere. Venus, on the other hand, was perpetually cov-
ered under a thick blanket of cloud; it was impossible to
penetrate the cloud layer to see what lay below it (Plate
Later space missions to Venus dropped instrumented
capsules and studied the surface beneath its clouds from
orbiting spacecraft using radar-mapping technique. Both
Fig. 44: Lowell's map of the surface of Mars showing a network of 'canals'.
Remote Worlds
One of the biggest successes of space technology came in
January 1986, when the spacecraft Voyager 2 swept within
82,000 km of Uranus, the first planet discovered by using
modern scientific method. Twice as far from the Sun as Sat-
urn, Uranus turned out to be a planet literally rolling on its
side with its south polar region facing the Sun at the time
Voyager 2 flew by (Plate XXXIX). Voyager photographs
showed the colour of Uranus to be blue-green, probably due
to the presence of methane. From Earth-based observations
astronomers had known of nine thin rings and five aver-
age-sized moons in orbit around Uranus. Voyager 2
discovered an additional ring and as many as 10 new
moons orbiting the planet near the rings, bringing the total
number of known moons of Uranus to 15. Close-up views
of the large moons showed evidence of recent geologic ac-
tivity, with the presence of fault canyons, mountains and
The next and final destination of Voyager 2 was
Neptune, which orbits the Sun almost at the edge of the
solar system. (In fact, between 1979 and 1999, Neptune
was the outermost planet as Pluto's highly eccentric orbit
brought it within the orbit of Neptune.) After flying through
space for 12 years, Voyager 2 flew by Neptune in August
1989. The encounter yielded several surprises, including
what might be the fastest winds and the biggest geysers in
the solar system. Winds on Neptune streak westward at a
fantastic speed of more than 2,000 km per hour! Neptune
was also found to have a 'Great Black Spot' almost
resembling Jupiter's Great Red Spot (Plate XL). Voyager 2
Measuring Parallax
A simple method of measuring very long distances is to
measure the small shift in the position of a distant object
against a background of still more distant objects when
viewed from two separate positions. We can easily find out
how it works by doing a simple experiment. If we hold a
pencil vertically a little distance away from our eyes and
look at it, first with the left eye and then with the right, the
pencil will appear to shift from left to right, or vice versa,
against objects which are farther away. If we increase the
distance of the pencil from the eye, the shift becomes smaller
and smaller. Now, if we know the distance between our eyes,
then by measuring the apparent angular shift in position
we can easily work out the distance of the pencil from our
Since the method just described makes use of the ap-
parent change in the position of an object resulting from the
change in the direction or position from which it is viewed,
it is also known as the 'parallax method'. In this method,
Fig. 46: Measuring the parallax of a star using the Earth's orbit as the
Cosmic Yardsticks
From Bessel's discovery it became obvious that for measur-
ing distances on the cosmic scale, the commonly used unit
of kilometres was too small. It was like measuring the dis-
tance between two cities in millimetres; it was too unwieldy.
A more convenient yardstick for measuring cosmic distances
is the speed of light. Light, as we know, travels with a finite
velocity—a whopping 300,000 km a second. At this speed a
beam of light travels a distance of 9,460,000,000,000 km in
the course of a full year. Astronomers call this distance a
'light-year'. If we use this scale, the distance of 61 Cygni
comes to about 11 light-years, which is more manageable
than the previous figure. So light-year is a handy unit for
measuring distances of stars.
Since distances of stars are usually determined by
measurement of parallax, astronomers sometimes use
Variability as a Clue
But scientists are an innovative lot. They are often able to
make the most unusual use of a new discovery to solve an
apparently insuperable problem. Here the discovery came
in the shape of a new type of stars called 'Cepheids', which
provided a new measuring rod for measuring stellar dis-
tances. As the name suggests, these stars get their name from
the constellation of Cepheus in which the first star of its
kind—called Delta Cephei—was discovered in 1784, by
English astronomer John Goodricke.
Cepheids are a class of stars, which show a regular
rise and fall in their brightness over a period of time. That
is why they are called Cepheid variables. After Goodricke's
discovery, Cepheids have been identified in other galaxies
too. It was while studying these stars in a nearby galaxy
outside our Milky Way, called the Small Magellanic Cloud,
that astronomers stumbled upon a novel yardstick for mea-
suring stellar distances.
In 1912, Henrietta Leavitt, an astronomer at the
Shifting Lines
Yet another tool for measuring galactic distances makes use
of the phenomenon of the changing wavelength of radia-
tion from a moving source. We are all familiar with the
changing pitch of a train whistle as it approaches us from a
distance and then passes by. The pitch first appears to rise
and then fall as the train moves away. An Austrian physi-
cist named Christian Doppler first gave an explanation of
this phenomenon, which came to be known as 'Doppler ef-
fect'. In 1842, Doppler published a scientific paper in which
he theorised that just as the pitch of sound from a moving
source appeared to change to a stationary observer, so would
the colour of light from a star, depending on the star's ve-
locity relative to Earth. It was the French physicist Hippolyte
Fizeau who, in 1848, gave an explanation for the shift in
wavelength in light coming from a star and showed how it
could be used to measure the relative velocities of stars that
lie in the same line of sight. The shift in the position of spec-
tral lines towards the red end of the spectrum came to be
known as 'red shift'.
The red shift occurs because light waves from the stars
that are moving away from us appear to become stretched,
thus moving towards the red end of the spectrum (Plate
XLffl. In 1929, the American astronomer Edwin Hubble,
while analysing the spectra of distant galaxies found them
all to be red shifted. This meant that all of them were reced-
ing away from us. Hubble conjectured that the galaxies were
moving away from each other because the universe itself
was expanding. He further proposed that the velocity of re-
cession of the galaxies was proportional to their distances;
that is, the farther they were the faster they would be mov-
ing away from us. He also gave a relationship between the
two, which has come to be known as 'Hubble's law'.
Now astronomers had another tool for measuring cos-
mic distances. By measuring the red shift and using Hubble's
law, it now became possible to measure distances of very
distant galaxies. Since 1960s, the measurement of red shifts
has enabled astronomers to measure the distances of the
farthest cosmic objects ever discovered. Known as quasars,
these strange objects have been found to be at distances of
up to 10,000 million light-years. Since the age of our uni-
verse is between 10,000 and 20,000 million years, the
measurement of red shift allows us to look at cosmic objects
almost at the edge of our universe!
The Nakshatras
Recommended Reading
Sidharth, B.G.: The Celestial Key to the Vedas, Inner Traditions, Roch-
ester, 1999.
Stone, Edward C.: 'The Journeys of the Voyagers', Britannia Year-
book of Science and the Future 1991, Encyclopaedia Britannica,
Chicago, 1990.
Trefil, James: Other Worlds, National Geographic Society, Washing-
ton, D.C., 1999.
Veverka, Joseph: 'Demystifying the Mystery Planet', Britannia Year-
book of Science and the Future 1993, Encyclopaedia Britannica,
Chicago, 1992.
Sagittarius 11 Uhuru 95
Saka calendar 18 Uraniborg 39-40
Saturn 16, 30, 37, 40,105,107,112- Uranus 61, 105, 113
113 Varahamihira 26
Schiaparelli, Giovanni 109 Vedanga Jyotisha ix, x, 13,19
Schmidt telescope 75 Vedic Indians ix, 1, 7, 12,15-20
Sco X-l 95 Venus 16,30,31,39,40,49,105,107
Scorpius 9, 95
Sirius 6, 116 Very Large Array see VLA
Small Magellanic Cloud 120, Very Large Telescope see VLT
121 Viking spacecraft 110
Sojourner 110 Virgo 11
space-time 67-69 VLA 90-91
spyglass 44, 45 VLT 74-75
Starry Messenger 46-47, 51
Stonehenge 1 Voyager spacecraft 111-113
Sun-centred model 28-35, 49
supernova 89, 103 Wilson, Robert 90
Plate II: Galileo built his own telescopes capable of magnifying 20 times,
almost as good as today's amateur telescopes.
Plate III: Isaac Newton was one of the greatest figures in the history of
Plate IV: Pyrex glass allows mirrors to be cast as a hexagonal cellular
structure that reduces their weight compared to a solid disc by half.
Plate V: The Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory
at Paranal in Chile comprises four telescopes, each with a mirror of
diameter 8 metres. With a combined effective diameter of 16 metres, VLT
is the largest optical telescope in the world.
Plate XII: VLA discovered radio emission coming from the jei of the quasar
3C273, which appears in false colour in the image.
Plate XIII: The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the most powerful space-borne
observatory to study X-rays from the stars.
Plate XIV: The Chandra X-ray Observatory imaged a powerful jet shooting
from the quasar 3C273.
Plate XV: The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) was the first satellite
exclusively devoted to infrared imaging of the sky.
Plate XVI: Whole-sky images from IRAS show two bright intersecting
bands, one associated with the plane of the Milky Way (the brighter band)
and the other with the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun (the S-shaped
faint bluish band).
Plate XVII: The Crab Nebula as it appears through optical telescopes in
visible light.
Plate XX: The Crab Nebula as it appears in the far ultraviolet wavelengths.
Plate XXI: The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO) was launched in
April 1991 to probe gamma rays coming from space.
Plate XXII: Gamma ray sources in the sky are mainly located along the
plane of our Milky Way galaxy, visible here as a yellow-orange band.
Plate XXIII: Through ground-based telescopes, Venus appears perpetually
covered under a thick blanket of cloud.
Plate XXIV: False-colour image produced from radar signals sent back by
the Magellan spacecraft show the surface of Venus to be covered with huge
impact craters, volcanic craters and solidified lava flows.
Plate XXV: Mars, as it appears through the Hubble Space Telescope.
Plate XXVI: The 25-km-high Olympus Mons on Mars is the largest volcano
in the solar system.
Plate XXVII: The orange-coloured surface of Mars, as seen by the Viking
Plate XXX: The Hubble Space Telescope is the first orbiting observatory
that has vastly expanded our reach to observe the universe in visible
Plate XXXI: The Voyagers sent back close-up pictures of Jupiter and its two
Plate XXXIV: The surface of Europa is covered with ice, with a 'cracked-
eggshell' appearance.
Plate XXXV: Ganymede is covered with dark cratered areas having lighter
grooved terrain.
Plate XXXVIII: Images sent back by the Voyagers show that Saturn's rings
are divided into thousands of narrow ringlets that give it the appearance
of a grooved gramophone record, seen here in false colour.
Plate XXXIX: Uranus turned out to be a planet literally rolling on its side
with its south polar region facing the Sun at the time Voyager 2 flew by in
1986. •
Plate XL: Voyager found Neptune to have a 'Great Black Spot' (right),
almost resembling Jupiter's Great Red Spot.
Plate XLI: Image of a 'blank' piece of sky, taken by Hubble Space Telescope,
shows hundreds of galaxies, some of which are about four billion times
fainter than can be seen by the human eye. Some of these galaxies emitted
their light when the universe was just one-third of its present age.
Plate XLII: Spectral lines shift towards the red end of the spectrum because
light waves from the stars that are moving away from us appear to become
With advancements in observation techniques over the
millennia, mankind's ideas about the cosmos have
changed dramatically. Beginning with naked eye
observation of the ancient astronomers, observation
techniques have progressed dramatically with the
invention of the optical telescope, radio telescope, and
telescopes capable of "observing the cosmos in X-ray and
gamma ray wavelengths. This book presents the exciting
story of the unravelling of the cosmos, beginning with
ancient ideas to the most recent findings made, using
the latest technological tools.
ISBN 81-237-3942-7