Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Keywords: Wire + Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) has proven its capability to build medium to large metallic parts
WAAM thanks to its high-rate deposition and its potentially unlimited build volume. Moreover, the low-cost equipment
Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing and the ability to deposit various metals make WAAM a strong candidate to become a standard industrial
Path planning process. However, like all Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies, the key to manufacturing suitable parts
Toolpath generation
lies in the generation of an optimised path that guarantees a uniform defect-free deposition. Most AM tech-
nologies have been able to use traditional path strategies derived from CNC machining, but the specificities
inherent to the arc deposition make the use of those solutions unreliable across a variety of topologies.
Nevertheless, studies have shown that superior results can be achieved by using a feature-based design approach,
but developing a path strategy for each new geometry would be a very time-consuming task. Therefore, this
paper introduces the Modular Path Planning (MPP) solution that aims to incorporate the modularity of feature-
based design into the traditional layer-by-layer strategy. By dividing each layer into individual deposition sec-
tions, this method allows users to adapt the path planning to the targeted geometry allowing the construction of
a wide variety of complex geometries. This paper also proposes a software implementation that limits user
interventions and reduces user inputs to basic CAD modelling operations. Moreover, the MPP has been compared
to a traditional path planning solution and used to build a complex part for industry.
1. Introduction build volume and a high-rate deposition of various metals, such as steel,
aluminium alloys or titanium alloys [3].
In the past 30 years, Additive Manufacturing (AM) has gradually Post-processing consolidation treatments like Hot Isostatic Pressing
evolved from prototype applications to parts production by improving (HIP), which reduces porosity and lack of fusion, can be difficult to
manufacturability and reducing lead time [1]. Even though AM is al- apply to large components due to the absence of sufficiently-big HIPing
ready used in many commercial processes, its full potential might ap- facilities. For this reason, defect-free deposition is essential to build
pear in the near future, bringing a significant societal impact [2]. primary structures that require high-structural integrity. Ding et al.
Among numerous AM technologies, Wire + Arc Additive [4,5] have shown that, in WAAM, the quality of deposition is funda-
Manufacturing (WAAM) stands out, especially in the field of medium to mentally linked to the tool path strategy used. Therefore, the WAAM
large metallic deposition. Indeed, by combining arc welding tools with technology requires a dedicated software approach to generate opti-
standard robotic manipulators, WAAM provides a potentially unlimited mised paths, thus guaranteeing uniform deposition and ultimately
Declaration of interest statement: We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication and there has been no
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and that there are no other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed. We further confirm that the order of authors listed in the manuscript
has been approved by all of us. We confirm that we have given due consideration to the protection of intellectual property associated with this work and that there
are no impediments to publication, including the timing of publication, with respect to intellectual property. In so doing we confirm that we have followed the
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E-mail address: (F. Michel).
Received 27 July 2018; Received in revised form 21 April 2019; Accepted 11 May 2019
Available online 25 May 2019
0736-5845/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
F. Michel, et al. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 60 (2019) 1–11
enabling a complete commercial solution. In fact, many studies have purpose of AM.
focused on this particular topic from which two mains approaches can Furthermore, one must bear in mind the fundamental differences
be distinguished. between powder-bed AM and directed-energy deposition AM. In the
The first approach is to slice a geometry and to generate a path former, the layer height is fixed by the downward movement of the
using the same path planning strategy, for each resulting layer. build platform and the consistency between thickness of the sliced
Although this solution has been successfully used on other AM process layers in pre-processing, and thickness of the layer built is somehow
such as FDM [6], it is not directly applicable to WAAM, which has always ensured. The latter, instead, is closer to micro-casting, and nu-
specific requirements inherent to arc welding deposition. Indeed as merous factors can influence the shape of the deposited bead (width
Ding et al. describe in their research [4,5], several path characteristics and height). One of these factors is the local variation in the part
such as discontinuities, sharp turns and overlaps contribute to an un- geometry. This means that even if the same set of parameters is used,
stable deposition that, layer after layer, can lead to a catastrophic the resulting bead geometry can vary. Imagine a linear deposit; in such
failure. These limits have been understood for a long time, in fact, early a case there is a balance between energy introduced, energy conducted
studies [7,8] have designed path planning strategies for WAAM that away, energy used to melt the wire, and energy used to melt the un-
generate continuous paths. Unfortunately, removing discontinuities derlying material. In this steady state, the resulting geometry does not
increases other factors like sharp turns. For these reasons, Ding et al. change. However, when that linear structure changes into an intersec-
introduced several path planning strategies [4,5,9,10] limiting si- tion, the energy balance is disturbed; more heat is conducted away; the
multaneously all the faulty factors in a path to improve deposition. melt pool would shrink resulting in thinner wall width, and larger layer
Nevertheless, in this approach, all the proposed solutions apply the height, if no compensation is applied to the process parameters.
same path planning strategy regardless of the layer shape. Yet, the Therefore it is absolutely essential that parameters are changed ad hoc
higher the topological complexity of a geometry, the more dis- to compensate for such variation and to ensure that the geometry ob-
continuities and sharp turns are likely to appear. Thus, the resulting tained is the same as that expected per sliced CAD file, and no errors are
quality can vary substantially according to the geometry. accumulated throughout the build. This is also why simple reverse-
The alternative approach is the feature-based design introduced by machining strategies, which fill the sliced layers, cannot be applied.
Kazanas et al. [11]. In their research, they demonstrated WAAM’s To tackle these challenges, this paper introduces a new approach to
ability to build complex parts like enclosed structures by designing a generate paths for WAAM of complex 3D geometries. The proposed
path strategy that fits the requirement of this particular targeted shape. solution, called Modular Path Planning (MPP), integrates the adapt-
This solution has been then followed by the development of cross ability of the feature-based design into a more efficient layer-by-layer
structures [12], T-crossing features [13] and more recently, multi-di- path planning solution. Thus, it will be shown how this solution guar-
rectional pipe joints [14] (Fig. 1). Thus, this approach has shown that antees a uniform layer deposition, leading to high-quality part building,
designing a path strategy ad hoc for a given topology guarantees the and with limited effort in the pre-processing stage.
deposition quality; however, this solution requires a time-consuming The following Section presents the MPP concept and defines the
path design research for each new part, which is incompatible with the rules and the decomposition process to guarantee the uniform
F. Michel, et al. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 60 (2019) 1–11
deposition of a layer. Then, Section 3 describes the MPP implementa- crucial to provide particular attention to the topology of the intersec-
tion that reduces user inputs to basic CAD modelling operations. To tions since poor junctions can create critical defects in the final part. As
describe the entire solution, an application example is presented in it can be seen in Fig. 6, many junction configurations are possible when
Section 4. Section 5 compares the MPP to a traditional path solution using only parallel and oscillated paths. Some of these intersections can
and shows its ability to build complex parts for industry. Finally, in be more complicated to deposit than others as they are more likely to
Section 6, the benefits and limits of the presented solution are dis- produce defects. In any case, an appropriate research study should be
cussed, followed, in Section 7 by the conclusion and the presentation of conducted on each intersection type to determine deposition para-
future work. meters that will assure a defect-free junction.
2. Theoretical approach
2.3. Path planning
2.1. Slicing
Once the layer has been segmented, a path can be generated in each
As introduced previously, the MPP aims to integrate modularity into section. An advantage of the segmentation is that, compared to the
the popular layer-by-layer deposition strategy. Therefore, like the tra- traditional approach, multiple path planning strategies can be used
ditional approach, the first step consists of slicing the 3D Computer across a single layer to best fit the requirement of each section.
Aided Design (CAD) model into layers. However, it should be high- Any path planning strategies can be used to build those individual
lighted that the deposition thickness is not necessarily the same for each paths, however, the oscillated path (Fig. 13a) is the most recommended
layer. For instance, the heat dissipation variation within the first layers since it can handle width variation and slight curve very well, and
has a critical impact on the layer height [15]. The slicing interval could, therefore its deposition is easier to control. Nevertheless, the parallel
thus, compensate for this issue. path (Fig. 13b) can also be an adequate alternative, especially when
The result of this slicing operation is a set of layers represented as used to build narrow shapes since it produces smoother surface wavi-
2D geometries. As it can be seen in Fig. 2, these layers extracted from a ness [16]. Still, interconnections can be more problematic when using
single 3D CAD model can have substantial topology variation. There- parallel paths.
fore, applying the same path planning solution to these diverse topol-
ogies will lead to disparate results. For this reason, the MPP allows the
definition of a path planning strategy for each layer. 2.4. Zoning
2.2. Segmentation As mentioned previously, although path design improves the de-
position uniformity significantly, appropriate deposition parameters are
Segmentation is the fundamental idea of the MPP to integrate essential to control the deposition. Deposition parameters depend on
modularity into the path design process. Indeed, where a traditional the geometry; on the location within a part; on the material being de-
approach would apply a single path planning on the entire layer, the posited and on the chosen WAAM sub-process (MIG, TIG, plasma, etc).
MPP requires users to segment the given layer into sub-parts called For those reasons, the MPP adopts a concept of zones: where a zone,
sections (Fig. 3) to then generate individual paths. identified by a colour, contains a particular set of parameters (Fig. 7a)
The purpose of this segmentation step is to create a set of sections to be specified by the user after the path planning phase.
shaped into basic geometries, usually narrow rectangular shapes, to Thus, as it can be seen in Fig. 7a, a simple straight wall contains
facilitate their deposition. However, the optimum segmentation is de- three zones to accommodate the different thermal conditions in the
termined based on experience and is highly dependent on the part stages of deposition start, steady state, and end. This must be done
geometry. Nevertheless, some basic rules need to be followed. For ex- whichever path is used: single bead, oscillated or parallel. Additionally,
ample, if curved trajectories can be deposited, sharp turns should be if a section contains a notable width variation requiring specific de-
avoided, and instead replaced by corner intersections (Fig. 4). Simi- position parameters, a zone can be defined to account for that change in
larly, if a slight width variation does not alter the deposition (Fig. 5a), width, and to manually adapt the parameters locally (Fig. 7b). How-
an abrupt width variation can create irregular paths (Fig. 5b) leading, ever, this situation could also be solved by using an algorithm that
layer after layer, to significant defects. Therefore, to avoid those irre- would calculate automatically the parameters needed to produce the
gularities, it is preferred to divide this part in multiple sections (Fig. 5c). desired layer width and height. Finally, because the heat dissipation is
The sections shape is fundamental to provide a controlled deposi- drastically different at the intersections, it is crucial to create zones at
tion but, to assure uniform deposition of the entire layer, it is also those locations (Fig. 7c), as explained in the Introduction Section.
F. Michel, et al. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 60 (2019) 1–11
Once a path has been generated for all sections, they are combined
into a single layer path. However, it is important to highlight that the
deposition is not continuous along the entire layer. Instead, when
reaching the end of a section, the deposition is stopped and the torch
moves to the starting point of the following section with the arc off and
without feeding any material (Fig. 8).
Sorting algorithms [17] can be used to reduce downtime by defining
a better order of deposition. Yet, a particular deposition order can
benefit some intersections. Indeed, in the case of the perpendicular
intersection of oscillated paths (Fig. 6b), depositing section 2 after
section 1 helps to melt the waving border at the junction reducing risk
of voids. Moreover, the deposition sequence has a significant impact on
distortion [18,19] and should, then, be taken into consideration to
minimise buckling risk.
Finally, once the path of the first layer is made, the same metho-
dology can be applied to each following layer, generating a set of layers Fig. 7. Zones definition.
F. Michel, et al. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 60 (2019) 1–11
3. Practical approach
3.1. Slicing
Fig. 8. Layer path. The MPP solution aims to build a part by individually generating the
path of each layer. However, as explained previously, the path planning
of a layer can be laborious since it consists of partitioning the layer into
simple sections (Segmentation); generating the appropriate paths for
each section (Path planning) and integrating zones into each section
(Zoning). Therefore, to avoid complex CAD modelling operations, the
following Sections introduce a three-step process called Building
Strategy (BS) (Fig. 10). This process offers users the ability to outline
the desired layer path configuration with basic CAD inputs while, in the
background, the application processes the technical CAD operations to
generate the actual path.
3.2.1. Segmentation
For their first intervention, users are asked to identify each section
of an extracted layer by following the rules defined in the theoretical
approach (Section 2). Firstly, the active layer is shown in the back-
Fig. 9. Full part path.
ground (Fig. 11a). Secondly, the user overlays planar closed-curves on
the targeted sections (Fig. 11b). Thirdly, following the user’s input, the
that can be combined to build the entire part (Fig. 9). software extracts automatically and instantaneously the sections
As shown, building complex geometries of various topologies can be (Fig. 11c) by applying a boolean intersection function (Fig. 12).
achieved thanks to the presented MPP. However, applying the proposed The result of this operation is multiple empty sections represented
solution can be challenging in practice. Indeed, the path planning of a by their boundaries as planar closed curves (Fig. 10). However, no path
single layer can already be a complex and time-consuming process: can be generated yet since it requires an additional user intervention as
partitioning on its own involves many highly-technical CAD modelling described in the following Section.
operations. Therefore, repeating this operation for each layer of a
standard-size part, which can contain hundreds of layers, multiplies the 3.2.2. Path planning
effort required to build the entire part by as much. The next Section Once the layer is divided into sections, a path planning strategy
proposes an implementation of the MPP that reduces the operational needs to be applied to each section to generate paths. As mentioned
F. Michel, et al. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 60 (2019) 1–11
3.2.3. Zoning
In the theorical approach (Section 2.4), a concept of zones has been
Fig. 11. Segmentation process.
presented to facilitate the integration of various deposition parameters
across sections assuring a uniform deposition. The zoning method,
presented here, allows users to define zones intuitively within a section.
By default, the path generated in a section is automatically asso-
ciated with a zone (Fig. 14a), meaning that all movements in this newly
generated path are sharing the same deposition parameters. From this
state, the user can split the main zone in two by simply locating a point
on the path (Fig. 14b). Thus, knowing the location of the point, the
software regenerates a new path and changes the parameters dataset
reference whenever it passes over a splitting point. This process can
then be repeated to generate the necessary number of zones (Fig. 14c).
Alternatively, users can zone the path by defining a length at the
beginning and/or at the end of this path (Fig. 14d). The benefits of this
solution are detailed in Section 3.3 but are mainly related to the fact
that arc-based deposition requires particular parameters at the ignition
and termination stages for a limited length.
Finally, it is important to notice that both of these alternatives can
be used simultaneously (Fig. 14f), giving substantially more flexibility
to the user throughout the process.
At this stage, all required inputs for building a layer are completed,
and the software can, therefore, combine all the generated section paths
into a single layer path (Fig. 10). However, although this process is fast
and straightforward to produce a single layer, repeating it over hun-
dreds of layers can still be tedious.
Fig. 12. Boolean intersection function.
3.3. Mask and 3D zoning
previously, any path planning solution could potentially be im-
plemented, however, in this paper only the oscillated and parallel de- All the inputs needed to generate the path of a layer can be grouped
position strategies are presented (Fig. 13). In general, at this point, into one entity, the mask (Fig. 15). The advantage of this approach is
users pick the best deposition strategies between those available, to best that the same mask can be used over multiple layers. In fact, as can be
meet the requirements of the targeted geometry. seen in Fig. 16, even when each extracted layer is slightly different
However, given that sections are mere planar closed surfaces, other (Fig. 16a), applying a unique mask to all layers (Fig. 16b) results in a
information is needed. Firstly, the user must specify the direction of path accommodating layer boundaries and users’ instructions, for each
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F. Michel, et al. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 60 (2019) 1–11
F. Michel, et al. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 60 (2019) 1–11
Fig. 22. Validation study. The circles indicate keyhole defects; the bounding boxes indicate the profile of the target geometry.
be adapted to new materials and processes. its entirety. In traditional CAM software, a part is divided into a number
However, to successfully build a part, it is also essential that the part of manufacturing features each of which may have different process
design complies to the rules explained by Lockett et al. [26]. Moreover, parameters, tools, etc. The CAM software then creates a toolpath for
to build parts containing overhang components, subdivision solutions each of these manufacturing features and then stitches the different
[27–29] should be used beforehand to divide the geometry into paths together into longer larger path that is encoded into the NC
buildable sub-features. Finally, in some cases, especially regarding program. Previously-published tool-path-planning approaches treat a
simple building like cones, it can be more appropriate to use path sliced layer as if it were a single manufacturing feature, which they try
strategies that take advantages of 5 axis depositions to follow the curve to fill with a path, according to a certain desirability criterion and do
of the part, as shown by Hascoet et al. [30]. not consider the need for local changes to process parameters de-
It should be noted that the definition of process parameters is be- pending on the feature geometry. This approach works well for powder-
yond the scope of this paper. Instead, the software provides dedicated based additive manufacturing and FDM using polymers, but is too
inputs so users can define those parameters. Indeed, such parameters limited for complex WAAM deposition.
depend on the process and the material used and, as such, would re- Our approach proposes that the ”traditional” feature-based ma-
quire extensive studies on their own [31,32]. Similarly, parameters chining tool-path planning approach should be taken also in the case of
related to the path construction, such as stepover or bead-overlap, AM, and a layer should be subdivided into simpler building blocks
should be determined through experiments that define the deposition whose paths are then merged in an overall piece of code. This enables
profile [10,33–35]. the definition of feature-specific tool paths, which on the one hand
Finally, as previously stated, the MPP approach differs substantially requires a certain amount of manual work, but on the other hand it
from the other tool-path-planning approaches published so far within ensures the level of control needed to program whatever geometry with
the world of AM; however, the MPP is actually quite similar to what is the right focus on structural integrity.
done, in general, when planning the machining paths of a component in
Fig. 23. A320 aft pylon bracket mount built for Airbus.
F. Michel, et al. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 60 (2019) 1–11