Throws Keyword Followed by The Exception Name I.E. Ioexception in This Case, Is Used To Handle
Throws Keyword Followed by The Exception Name I.E. Ioexception in This Case, Is Used To Handle
Throws Keyword Followed by The Exception Name I.E. Ioexception in This Case, Is Used To Handle
throws keyword followed by the exception name i.e. IOException in this case, is used to handle
anomalous situations in a program. Throwing exceptions over a function body helps in
preventing/correcting possible errors in java programs.
2. What is an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Language?
An OOP language is one which follows OOP paradigm. An OOP language like C++, Java, PHP etc
consists of classes which have data members and member functions. These languages use the OOP
concepts of Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Inheritance.
3. What is data abstraction?
Data Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without showing background
details or explanations. It can be achieved by making use of private/protected methods in a class.
4. What is encapsulation?
The ability of the data to be perceived in more than one form is known as polymorphism. It is
implemented using function(constructor) overloading and operator overloading.
7. Difference between for-loop and while-loop.
For loop runs for a fixed number of times whereas while loop runs as long as the given condition is
8. Difference between while-loop and do-while loop.
Unlike while loop, a do-while loop runs as long as the given condition is true.
9. Difference between iteration and recursion.
In iteration, memory space once allocated is used repeatedly for computation whereas in recursion
new memory space is allocated for each function call. This makes recursion slower than iteration.
10. Difference between class and interface.
A class consists of data members and functions which are defined using these data members.
Whereas, an interface consists of only function prototypes with no definition. The class which
implements interface agrees to provide definition for all of its methods. An interface cannot be
instantiated like classes. By default, the members of an interface are abstract and public.
11. Difference between interface and abstract class.
Abstract Class
Abstract classes are used to declare common characteristics of subclasses. An abstract class cannot
be instantiated. It can only be used as a super class for other classes that extend the abstract class.
Abstract classes are declared with the keyword abstract.
An Interface is used to define a generic template. Interfaces just specify the method declaration
(implicitly public and abstract) and can only contain fields (which are implicitly public static final).
Interface definition begins with a keyword interface. An interface may never contain method
definitions. An interface cannot be instantiated. Multiple Inheritance is facilitated through interfaces
in Java. A class that implements an interface must implement all of the methods described in the
interface, or be an abstract class.
12. Difference between throw and throws keywords.
1. Throws clause in used to declare an exception and throw keyword is used to throw an exception
2. If we see syntax wise than throw is followed by an instance variable and throws is followed by
exception class names.
3. The keyword throw is used inside method body to invoke an exception and throws clause is used
in method declaration (signature).
4. The keyword throw is used inside method body to invoke an exception and throws clause is used
in method declaration (signature). For example:
5. Throw:
7. ....
8. static{
9. try {
10. throw new Exception("Something went wrong!!");
11. } catch (Exception exp) {
12. System.out.println("Error: "+exp.getMessage());
13. }
14. }
16. ....
17. Throws:
19. public void sample() throws ArithmeticException{
20. //Statements
22. .....
24. //if (Condition : There is an error)
25. ArithmeticException exp = new ArithmeticException();
26. throw exp;
27. ...
28. }
29. By using Throw keyword in java you cannot throw more than one exception but using throws you
can declare multiple exceptions. For example:
30. Throw:
32. throw new ArithmeticException("An integer should not be divided by zero!!")
33. throw new IOException("Connection failed!!")
35. Throws:
37. throws IOException, ArithmeticException, NullPointerException,
38. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
public meqdesc the function main can be accessed from anywhere i.e. its access is not limited.
static meqdesc the function can be called using its class name and there is no need to create an
object of its class to call it.
void meqdesc null/empty. It meqdesc that the function is not returning any value.
main() is the function present in every java program. Every java program starts and ends within the
15. What is constructor overloading?
Constructors are functions with the same name as that of its class. When several constructors with
different signature are defined it is known as constructor overloading.
16. What is a copy constructor?
Overloading uses the concept of polymorphism where multiple functions with same name are
allowed provided their signatures are different.
A method in a subclass hides or overshadows a method inherited from the super class if both
methods have the same name and signature. This property is known as overriding the inherited
19. Explain super keyword.
super keyword is used to access the members of base class from a derived class in inheritance.
recursive case consists of the problem that is to be solved. It contains the logic to solve a problem
along with the function call. base case is the part of the problem whose solution is known to us.
For ex:- To calculate factorial of a number
we know that
this is the base case.
Also, the factorial of a number 'n' is calculated as
n!= n x (n-1)!
this part is known as the recursive case.
21. What is fall-through condition in switch-case?
When break statement is missing in a switch statement, the control falls to the cases following the
matched case. This is known as fall-through condition.
22. What are wrapper classes?
The classes corresponding to the primitive data types are known as wrapper classes. For ex:- For
primitive data type int we have Integer class. Wrapper classes contain functions which are used in
data manipulation.