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Seminar On Disaster Nursing

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In the past two decades, there have been many natural and man made disasters in
India. Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, cyclones, droughts and human made such as
terrorist acts, Nuclear or chemical war, fires and industrial accidents. Disasters can
significantly lead to a degradation of social and economic progress achieved over decades of
initiatives by the people. 80% of countries geographical area is disaster prone and the
majority of people live at or below the poverty line.
India has been devastated by three major disasters in last five years- Super Cyclone in Orissa,
earthquake in Gujarat and now the latest one the tsunami in the Andaman and Nicober
Islands, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. Each disaster brought a great deal of
miscarry to the affective population.
Due to climatic changes, biodiversity and various environmental problems, the types
of disaster and their occurrences is changed. Therefore we should take care of all the aspects
of disaster management.


Impact of natural disaster in the last 30 years.
 Death of 3 million people
 Economic loss increased due to disaster like flood
 In Indian scenario, 34jmijlion people affected per year and 5116 death per year.
 In US, economic loss is 400 million dollar and 3 million people died.
A disaster can be defined as any occurrence that cause damage, ecological disruption,
loss of human life, deterioration of health and health services, Vs a scale sufficient to warrant
as extraordinary response from outside the affected community or area.
An occurrence of a severity and magnitude that normally results in death, injuries and
property damage that cannot be managed through the routine procedure and resources of
- FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
A disaster can be defined as an occurrence either nature or man made that causes
human suffering and creates human needs that victims cannot alleviate without assistance.
- American Red Cross (ARC)
United Nations defines disaster is the occurrence of a sudden or major misfortune
which disrupts the basic fabric and normal functioning of a society or community.
Disaster Nursing can be defined as the adaptation of professional nursing skills in
recognizing and meeting the nursing physical and emotional needs resulting from a disaster.
The overall goal of disaster nursing is to achieve the best possible level of health for the
people and the community involved in the disaster.
“Disaster Nursing is nursing practiced in a situation where professional supplies,
equipment, physical facilities and utilities are limited or not available”.
‘DISASTER’ alphabetically means:
D - Destructions
I - Incidents
S - Sufferings
A - Administrative, Financial Failures.
S - Sentiments
T - Tragedies
E - Eruption of Communicable diseases.
R - Research programme and its implementation


The possibility of disaster is always hidden in hazard. When hazard become disaster, it strikes
at any place and disrupts the normal lifestyle. If a cyclone hits at inhabited place like an
isolated coastal area then it cannot be considered disaster. But if there is serious loss of life
and property then it will be called disaster. At an early stage of disaster can be considered
hazard if it indicates the arrival of disaster which can cause harm to general public. On the
contrary, disaster is such a dreadful event which cause severe harm to life and property and
shatters the normal lifestyle of the people.
The word hazard, emergency and disaster are interlinked. Hazards can anytime turn into
major disaster. Therefore in such conditions nursing depends on the intensity of calamity and
its dreadful effects.
Area Limitation Uncertainty and huge area.
Element of time Uncertainty Uncertain (in some situations
information can be sought
through premonition or
Population and loss Loss of people or only a few are Entire public gets affected in
of life and property affected, less harm. affected areas, much harm to
life and property.
Fulfilling the In small area, few people are Due to large affected area and
resources affected. So in limited resources population available resources
the situation can be handled. become inadequate to handle
the situation.
Types and roles of Institutional nursing in most of Each and every disaster is a
nursing the places. specific aspect of disaster
Functions of nursing In the beginning self dependent In many situations independent
or on the basis of standing decision are taken.
orders. Afterwards according to Intermediate disaster
doctors direction.
Disaster are affected by the following factors:
1) Poverty: Rich people are less affected by disaster as they get themselves
immediately secured. Normally poor people get much affected because
they are insecure and don’t have shelter or enough resources for
2) Environmental deterioration: Many disaster happens due to
deterioration in environment and become more serious. Deforestation,
over grazing, removal of upper soil, bad conservative techniques, low
level of the water, increasing population, all these factors make the
disaster e.g, famine more serious.
3) Change in cultural patterns: The growing inevitable changes in entire
social fabric makes society vulnerable to disasters.Sometimes change
becomes imbalance and harmful and it effects social system and available
technology.In this procedure of change the nomadic becomes permanent
resident. Density of population increases and possibility of human loss
increases through disaster.

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