Seminar On Disaster Nursing
Seminar On Disaster Nursing
Seminar On Disaster Nursing
In the past two decades, there have been many natural and man made disasters in
India. Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, cyclones, droughts and human made such as
terrorist acts, Nuclear or chemical war, fires and industrial accidents. Disasters can
significantly lead to a degradation of social and economic progress achieved over decades of
initiatives by the people. 80% of countries geographical area is disaster prone and the
majority of people live at or below the poverty line.
India has been devastated by three major disasters in last five years- Super Cyclone in Orissa,
earthquake in Gujarat and now the latest one the tsunami in the Andaman and Nicober
Islands, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. Each disaster brought a great deal of
miscarry to the affective population.
Due to climatic changes, biodiversity and various environmental problems, the types
of disaster and their occurrences is changed. Therefore we should take care of all the aspects
of disaster management.