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Designation: C 270 – 07

Standard Specification for

Mortar for Unit Masonry1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 270; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope* C 91 Specification for Masonry Cement

1.1 This specification covers mortars for use in the construc- C 109/C 109M Test Method for Compressive Strength of
tion of non-reinforced and reinforced unit masonry structures. Hydraulic Cement Mortars(Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube
Four types of mortar are covered in each of two alternative Specimens)
specifications: (1) proportion specifications and (2) property C 110 Test Methods for Physical Testing of Quicklime,
specifications. Hydrated Lime, and Limestone
C 128 Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific
NOTE 1—When the property specification is used to qualify masonry Gravity), and Absorption of Fine Aggregate
mortars, the testing laboratory performing the test methods should be
C 144 Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar
accredited in accordance with Practice C 1093.
C 150 Specification for Portland Cement
1.2 The proportion or property specifications shall govern as C 188 Test Method for Density of Hydraulic Cement
specified. C 207 Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Pur-
1.3 When neither proportion or property specifications are poses
specified, the proportion specifications shall govern, unless C 305 Practice for Mechanical Mixing of Hydraulic Cement
data are presented to and accepted by the specifier to show that Pastes and Mortars of Plastic Consistency
mortar meets the requirements of the property specifications. C 511 Specification for Mixing Rooms, Moist Cabinets,
1.4 The text of this specification references notes and Moist Rooms, and Water Storage Tanks Used in the
footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes
footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be C 595 Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements
considered as requirements of the standard. C 780 Test Method for Preconstruction and Construction
1.5 The terms used in this specification are identified in Evaluation of Mortars for Plain and Reinforced Unit
Terminologies C 1180 and C 1232. Masonry
1.6 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the C 952 Test Method for Bond Strength of Mortar to Masonry
test methods section of this specification: This standard does Units
not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, C 979 Specification for Pigments for Integrally Colored
associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this Concrete
standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices C 1072 Test Method for Measurement of Masonry Flexural
and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior Bond Strength
to use. C 1093 Practice for Accreditation of Testing Agencies for
Unit Masonry
2. Referenced Documents
C 1157 Performance Specification for Hydraulic Cement
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 C 1180 Terminology of Mortar and Grout for Unit Masonry
C 5 Specification for Quicklime for Structural Purposes C 1232 Terminology of Masonry
C 1324 Test Method for Examination and Analysis of Hard-
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C12 on
ened Masonry Mortar
Mortars and Grouts for Unit Masonry and is the direct responsibility of Subcom- C 1329 Specification for Mortar Cement
mittee C12.03 on Specifications for Mortars. C 1357 Test Methods for Evaluating Masonry Bond
Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2007. Published February 2007. Originally Strength
approved in 1951. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as C 270 – 06.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or C 1489 Specification for Lime Putty for Structural Purposes
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM C 1506 Test Method for Water Retention of Hydraulic
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Cement-Based Mortars and Plasters
the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

C 270 – 07
C 1586 Guide for Quality Assurance of Mortars be added to mortar unless specified. Coloring pigments shall
E 72 Test Methods of Conducting Strength Tests of Panels conform to Specification C 979. Calcium chloride, when ex-
for Building Construction plicitly provided for in the contract documents, is permitted to
E 514 Test Method for Water Penetration and Leakage be used as an accelerator in amounts not exceeding 2 % by
Through Masonry weight of the portland cement content or 1 % by weight of the
E 518 Test Methods for Flexural Bond Strength of Masonry masonry cement content, or both, of the mortar.
2.2 Masonry Industry Council:3
NOTE 2—If calcium chloride is allowed, it should be used with caution
Hot and Cold Weather Masonry Construction Manual, Janu- as it may have a detrimental effect on metals and on some wall finishes.
ary 1999
5. Requirements
3. Specification Limitations
3.1 Specification C 270 is not a specification to determine 5.1 Unless otherwise stated, a cement/lime mortar, a mortar
mortar strengths through field testing. cement mortar, or a masonry cement mortar is permitted. A
3.2 Laboratory testing of mortar to ensure compliance with mortar type of known higher strength shall not be indiscrimi-
the property specification requirements of this specification nately substituted where a mortar type of anticipated lower
shall be performed in accordance with 5.3. The property strength is specified.
specification of this standard applies to mortar mixed to a 5.2 Proportion Specifications—Mortar conforming to the
specific flow in the laboratory. proportion specifications shall consist of a mixture of cemen-
3.3 The compressive strength values resulting from field titious material, aggregate, and water, all conforming to the
tested mortars do not represent the compressive strength of requirements of Section 4 and the proportion specifications’
mortar as tested in the laboratory nor that of the mortar in the requirements of Table 1. See Appendix X1 or Appendix X3 for
wall. Physical properties of field sampled mortar shall not be a guide for selecting masonry mortars.
used to determine compliance to this specification and are not 5.3 Property Specifications—Mortar conformance to the
intended as criteria to determine the acceptance or rejection of property specifications shall be established by tests of labora-
the mortar (see Section 8). tory prepared mortar in accordance with Section 6 and 7.2. The
laboratory prepared mortar shall consist of a mixture of
4. Materials cementitious material, aggregate, and water, all conforming to
4.1 Materials used as ingredients in the mortar shall con- the requirements of Section 4 and the properties of the
form to the requirements specified in 4.1.1 to 4.1.4. laboratory prepared mortar shall conform to the requirements
4.1.1 Cementitious Materials—Cementitious materials shall of Table 2. See Appendix X1 for a guide for selecting masonry
conform to the following ASTM specifications: mortars. Portland Cement—Types I, IA, II, IIA, III, or IIIA of 5.3.1 No change shall be made in the laboratory established
Specification C 150. proportions for mortar accepted under the property specifica- Blended Hydraulic Cements—Types IS, IS-A, IP, tions, except for the quantity of mixing water. Materials with
IP-A, I(PM), I(PM)-A, I(SM), or I(SM)-A of Specification different physical characteristics shall not be utilized in the
C 595. mortar used in the work unless compliance with the require- Hydraulic Cements—Types GU, HE, MS, HS, MH, ments of the property specifications is reestablished.
and LH of Specification C 1157. NOTE 3—The physical properties of plastic and hardened mortar Slag Cement (for Use in Property Specifications complying with the proportion specification (5.1) may differ from the
Only)—Types S or SA of Specification C 595. physical properties of mortar of the same type complying with the Masonry Cement—See Specification C 91. property specification (5.3). For example, laboratory prepared mortars Mortar Cement—See Specification C 1329. batched to the proportions listed in Table 1 will, in many cases, Quicklime—See Specification C 5. considerably exceed the compressive strength requirements of Table 2. Hydrated Lime—Specification C 207, Types S or NOTE 4—The required properties of the mortar in Table 2 are for
SA. Types N or NA limes are permitted if shown by test or laboratory prepared mortar mixed with a quantity of water to produce a
flow of 110 6 5 %. This quantity of water is not sufficient to produce a
performance record to be not detrimental to the soundness of mortar with a workable consistency suitable for laying masonry units in
the mortar. the field. Mortar for use in the field must be mixed with the maximum Lime Putty—See Specification C 1489. amount of water, consistent with workability, in order to provide sufficient
4.1.2 Aggregates—See Specification C 144. water to satisfy the initial rate of absorption (suction) of the masonry units.
4.1.3 Water—Water shall be clean and free of amounts of The properties of laboratory prepared mortar at a flow of 110 6 5, as
oils, acids, alkalies, salts, organic materials, or other substances required by this specification, are intended to approximate the flow and
properties of field prepared mortar after it has been placed in use and the
that are deleterious to mortar or any metal in the wall.
suction of the masonry units has been satisfied. The properties of field
4.1.4 Admixtures—Admixtures such as coloring pigments, prepared mortar mixed with the greater quantity of water, prior to being
air-entraining agents, accelerators, retarders, water-repellent placed in contact with the masonry units, will differ from the property
agents, antifreeze compounds, and other admixtures shall not requirements in Table 2. Therefore, the property requirements in Table 2
cannot be used as requirements for quality control of field prepared
mortar. Test Method C 780 may be used for this purpose.
Available from the Mason Contractors Association of America, 1910 South NOTE 5—Air content of non-air-entrained portland cement-lime mortar
Highland Avenue, Suite 101, Lombard, IL 60148. is generally less than 8 %.

C 270 – 07
TABLE 1 Proportion Specification Requirements
NOTE—Two air-entraining materials shall not be combined in mortar.
Proportions by Volume (Cementitious Materials)
Mortar Type Portland Aggregate Ratio
Cement or Hydrated Lime (Measured in
Mortar Cement Masonry Cement
Blended or Lime Putty Damp, Loose Con-
Cement ditions)
Cement-Lime M 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1⁄ 4

S 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... over 1⁄4 to 1⁄2

N 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... over 1⁄2 to 11⁄4
O 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... over 11⁄4 to
2 1⁄ 2

Mortar Cement M 1 ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... Not less than 21⁄4
M ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... and not more than
S 1⁄ 2 ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... 3 times the sum of
the separate vol-
S ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... umes of cementi-
N ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... tious materials
O ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ...

Masonry Cement M 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ...

M ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ...
S 1⁄ 2 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ...
S ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ...
N ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ...
O ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ...

TABLE 2 Property Specification RequirementsA

Mortar Type Average Compressive Water Retention, min, % Air Content, max, %B Aggregate Ratio (Measured
Strength at 28 days, min, in Damp, Loose
psi (MPa) Conditions)
Cement-Lime M 2500 (17.2) 75 12
S 1800 (12.4) 75 12
N 750 (5.2) 75 14C
O 350 (2.4) 75 14C

Mortar Cement M 2500 (17.2) 75 12 Not less than 2 1⁄4 and not
S 1800 (12.4) 75 12 more than 3 1⁄2 the sum of
N 750 (5.2) 75 14C the separate volumes of
O 350 (2.4) 75 14C cementitious materials

Masonry Cement M 2500 (17.2) 75 18

S 1800 (12.4) 75 18
N 750 (5.2) 75 20D
O 350 (2.4) 75 20D
Laboratory prepared mortar only (see Note 4).
See Note 5.
When structural reinforcement is incorporated in cement-lime or mortar cement mortar, the maximum air content shall be 12 %.
When structural reinforcement is incorporated in masonry cement mortar, the maximum air content shall be 18 %.

6. Test Methods 6.1.1 When converting volume proportions to batch

6.1 Proportions of Materials for Test Specimens— weights, use the following material bulk densities:
Laboratory mixed mortar used for determining conformance to Material Bulk Density
Portland Cement 94 pcf (1505 kg/m3)
this property specification shall contain construction materials Blended Cement Obtain from bag or supplier
in proportions indicated in project specifications. Measure Hydraulic Cement Obtain from bag or supplier
materials by weight for laboratory mixed batches. Convert Slag Cement Obtain from bag or supplier
Masonry Cement Obtain from bag or supplier
proportions, by volume, to proportions, by weight, using a Mortar Cement Obtain from bag or supplier
batch factor calculated as follows: Lime Putty 80 pcf (1280 kg/m3)
Hydrated Lime 40 pcf (640 kg/m3)
Batch factor 5 1440/~80 times total sand volume proportion! (1) Sand 80 pcf (1280 kg/m3)

Determine weight of material as follows: NOTE 7—All quicklime should be slaked in accordance with the
Mat. Weight 5 Mat.Volume Proportion 3 Bulk Density 3 Batch Factor manufacturer’s directions. All quicklime putty, except pulverized quick-
(2) lime putty, should be sieved through a No. 20 (850 µm) sieve and allowed
to cool until it has reached a temperature of 80°F (26.7°C). Quicklime
NOTE 6—See Appendix X4 for examples of material proportioning. putty should weigh at least 80 pcf (1280 kg/m3). Putty that weighs less

C 270 – 07
than this may be used in the proportion specifications, if the required 6.5.1 Determine the density of oven-dry sand, P4, in accor-
quantity of extra putty is added to meet the minimum weight requirement. dance with Test Method C 128, except that an oven-dry
NOTE 8—The sand is oven-dried for laboratory testing to reduce the specimen shall be evaluated rather than a saturated surface-dry
potential of variability due to sand moisture content and to permit better specimen. If a pycnometer is used, calculate the oven-dry
accounting of the materials used for purposes of air content calculations.
It is not necessary for the purposes of this specification to measure the unit
density of sand as follows:
weight of the dry sand. Although the unit weight of dry sand will typically P4 5 X1 / ~Y 1 X1– Z! (4)
be 85–100 pcf (1360–1760 kg/m3), experience has shown that the use of
an assumed unit weight of 80 pcf (1280 kg/m3) for dry sand will result in where:
a laboratory mortar ratio of aggregate to cementitious material that is X1 = weight of oven-dry specimen (used in pycnometer) in
similar to that of the corresponding field mortar made using damp loose air, g,
sand. A weight of 80 lb (36 kg) of dry sand is, in most cases, equivalent Y = weight of pycnometer filled with water, g, and
to the sand weight in 1 ft3 (0.03 m3) of loose, damp sand. Z = weight of pycnometer with specimen and water to
6.1.2 Oven dry and cool to room temperature all sand for calibration mark, g.
laboratory mixed mortars. Sand weight shall be 1440 g for each If the Le Chantelier flask method is used, calculate
individual batch of mortar prepared. Add water to obtain flow the oven-dry density of sand as follows:
of 110 6 5 %. A test batch provides sufficient mortar for P4 5 X2 / @0.9975 ~R2 2 R1!# (5)
completing the water retention test and fabricating three 2-in.
cubes for the compressive strength test. where:
6.2 Mixing of Mortars—Mix the mortar in accordance with X2 = weight of oven-dry specimen (used in Le Chantelier
Practice C 305. flask) in air, g,
R1 = initial reading of water level in Le Chantelier flask,
6.3 Water Retention—Determine water retention in accor-
dance with Specification C 1506, except that the laboratory-
R2 = final reading of water in Le Chantelier flask.
mixed mortar shall be of the materials and proportions to be
6.5.2 Determine the density of portland cement, mortar
used in the construction.
cement, and masonry cement in accordance with Test Method
6.4 Compressive Strength—Determine compressive
C 188. Determine the density of hydrated lime in accordance
strength in accordance with Test Method C 109. The mortar
with Test Methods C 110.
shall be composed of materials and proportions that are to be
used in the construction with mixing water to produce a flow of
7. Construction Practices
110 6 5.
6.4.1 Specimen Storage—Keep mortar cubes for compres- 7.1 Storage of Materials—Cementitious materials and ag-
sive strength tests in the molds on plane plates in a moist room gregates shall be stored in such a manner as to prevent
or a cabinet meeting the requirements of Specification C 511, deterioration or intrusion of foreign material.
from 48 to 52 h in such a manner that the upper surfaces shall 7.2 Measurement of Materials—The method of measuring
be exposed to the moist air. Remove mortar specimens from materials for the mortar used in construction shall be such that
the molds and place in a moist cabinet or moist room until the specified proportions of the mortar materials are controlled
tested. and accurately maintained.
6.5 Air Content—Determine air content in accordance with 7.3 Mixing Mortars—All cementitious materials and aggre-
Specification C 91 except that the laboratory mixed mortar is to gate shall be mixed between 3 and 5 min in a mechanical batch
be of the materials and proportions to be used in the construc- mixer with the maximum amount of water to produce a
tion. Calculate the air content to the nearest 0.1 % as follows: workable consistency. Hand mixing of the mortar is permitted
with the written approval of the specifier outlining hand mixing
~ W1 1 W 2 1 W 3 1 W 4 1 V w !
D5 W procedures.
1 W2 W3 W4
P1 1 P2 1 P3 1 P4 1 V w NOTE 9—These mixing water requirements differ from those in test
Wm methods in Section 6.
A 5 100 2 4D (3)
7.4 Tempering Mortars—Mortars that have stiffened shall
be retempered by adding water as frequently as needed to
D = density of air-free mortar, g/cm3, restore the required consistency. No mortars shall be used
W1 = weight of portland cement, g, beyond 21⁄2 h after mixing.
W2 = weight of hydrated lime, g, 7.5 Climatic Conditions—Unless superseded by other con-
W3 = weight of mortar cement or masonry cement, g, tractual relationships or the requirements of local building
W4 = weight of oven-dry sand, g, codes, hot and cold weather masonry construction relating to
Vw = millilitres of water used, mortar shall comply with the Masonry Industry Council’s “Hot
P1 = density of portland cement, g/cm3, and Cold Weather Masonry Construction Manual.”
P2 = density of hydrated lime, g/cm3,
NOTE 10—Limitations—Mortar type should be correlated with the
P3 = density of mortar cement or masonry cement, g/cm3,
particular masonry unit to be used because certain mortars are more
P4 = density of oven-dry sand, g/cm3, compatible with certain masonry units.
A = volume of air, %, and
The specifier should evaluate the interaction of the mortar type and
Wm = weight of 400 mL of mortar, g. masonry unit specified, that is, masonry units having a high initial rate of

C 270 – 07
absorption will have greater compatibility with mortar of high-water no ASTM method for determining the conformance of a mortar
retentivity. to the property specifications of Specification C 270 by testing
hardened mortar samples taken from a structure.
8. Quality Assurance
8.1 Compliance to this specification is verified by confirm- NOTE 11—The results of tests using Test Methods C 780 Annex 4 and
C 1324 can be compared with Specification C 270 proportion require-
ing that the materials used are as specified, meet the require-
ments; however, precision and bias have not been determined for these test
ments as given in Section 2.1, and added to the mixer in the methods.
proper proportions. Proportions of materials are verified by one NOTE 12—The results of tests done using Test Method C 1324 can be
of the following: compared with the Specification C 270 proportion requirements, however,
8.1.1 Implementation and observation of appropriate proce- precision and bias have not been determined for this test method.
dures for proportioning and mixing approved materials, as NOTE 13—Where necessary, testing of a wall or a masonry prism from
described in Section 7. the wall is generally more desirable than attempting to test individual
8.1.2 Test Method C 780 Annex 4, Mortar Aggregate Ratio components.
to determine the aggregate to cementitious material ratio of NOTE 14—The cost of tests to show initial compliance are typically
mortars while they are still in a plastic state. borne by the seller. The party initiating a change of materials typically
bear the cost for recompliance.
8.2 Guide C 1586 is suitable for developing quality assur-
Unless otherwise specified, the cost of other tests are typically borne as
ance procedures to determine compliance of mortars to this
If the results of the tests show that the mortar does not conform to the
8.3 Test Method C 780 is suitable for the evaluation of requirements of the specification, the costs are typically borne by the
masonry mortars in the field. However, due to the procedural seller.
differences between Specification C 270 and C 780, the com- If the results of the tests show that the mortar does conform to the
pressive strength values resulting from field sampled mortars requirements of the specification, the costs are typically borne by the
are not required nor expected to meet the compressive strength purchaser.
requirements of the property specification of Specification C
270, nor do they represent the compressive strength of the 9. Keywords
mortar in the wall. 9.1 air content; compressive strength; masonry; masonry
8.4 Test Method C 1324 is available to determine the cement; mortar; portland cement-lime; water retention; water
proportions of materials in hardened masonry mortars. There is retentivity


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Scope—This appendix provides information to allow a good mortar practice. Realistically, mortars differ from con-
more knowledgeable decision in the selection of mortar for a crete in working consistencies, in methods of placement and in
specific use. the curing environment. Masonry mortar is commonly used to
bind masonry units into a single structural element, while
X1.2 Significance and Use—Masonry mortar is a versatile concrete is usually a structural element in itself.
material capable of satisfying a variety of diverse require- X1.3.3 A major distinction between the two materials is
ments. The relatively small portion of mortar in masonry illustrated by the manner in which they are handled during
significantly influences the total performance. There is no construction. Concrete is usually placed in nonabsorbent metal
single mortar mix that satisfies all situations. Only an under- or wooden forms or otherwise treated so that most of the water
standing of mortar materials and their properties, singly and will be retained. Mortar is usually placed between absorbent
collectively, will enable selection of a mortar that will perform masonry units, and as soon as contact is made the mortar loses
satisfactorily for each specific endeavor. water to the units. Compressive strength is a prime consider-
ation in concrete, but it is only one of several important factors
X1.3 Function:
in mortar.
X1.3.1 The primary purpose of mortar in masonry is to bond
masonry units into an assemblage which acts as an integral X1.4 Properties:
element having desired functional performance characteristics. X1.4.1 Masonry mortars have two distinct, important sets of
Mortar influences the structural properties of the assemblage properties, those of plastic mortars and those of hardened
while adding to its water resistance. mortars. Plastic properties determine a mortar’s construction
X1.3.2 Because portland cement concretes and masonry suitability, which in turn relate to the properties of the hardened
mortars contain some of the same principal ingredients, it is mortar and, hence, of finished structural elements. Properties of
often erroneously assumed that good concrete practice is also plastic mortars that help determine their construction suitability

C 270 – 07
include workability and water retentivity. Properties of hard- strength in the masonry. This is because most masonry units
ened mortars that help determine the performance of the will remove some water from the mortar once contact is made.
finished masonry include bond, durability, elasticity, and com- While there may be some discernible relationship between
pressive strength. bond and compressive strength of mortar, the relationship
X1.4.2 Many properties of mortar are not quantitatively between mortar flow and tensile bond strength is apparent. For
definable in precise terms because of a lack of measurement most mortars, and with minor exceptions for all but very low
standards. For this and other reasons there are no mortar suction masonry units, bond strength increases as flow in-
standards wholly based upon performance, thus the continued creases to where detectable bleeding begins. Bleeding is
use of the traditional prescription specification in most situa- defined as migration of free water through the mortar to its
tions. surface.
X1.4.3 It is recommended that Test Method C 780 and X1.5.4 Water Retention and Water Retentivity—Water re-
assemblage testing be considered with proper interpretation to tention is a measure of the ability of a mortar under suction to
aid in determining the field suitability of a given masonry retain its mixing water. This mortar property gives the mason
mortar for an intended use. time to place and adjust a masonry unit without the mortar
stiffening. Water retentivity is increased through higher lime or
X1.5 Plastic Mortars: air content, addition of sand fines within allowable gradation
X1.5.1 Workability—Workability is the most important limits, or use of water retaining materials.
property of plastic mortar. Workable mortar can be spread X1.5.5 Stiffening Characteristics—Hardening of plastic
easily with a trowel into the separations and crevices of the mortar relates to the setting characteristics of the mortar, as
masonry unit. Workable mortar also supports the weight of indicated by resistance to deformation. Initial set as measured
masonry units when placed and facilitates alignment. It adheres in the laboratory for cementitious materials indicates extent of
to vertical masonry surfaces and readily extrudes from the hydration or setting characteristics of neat cement pastes. Too
mortar joints when the mason applies pressure to bring the unit rapid stiffening of the mortar before use is harmful. Mortar in
into alignment. Workability is a combination of several prop- masonry stiffens through loss of water and hardens through
erties, including plasticity, consistency, cohesion, and adhe- normal setting of cement. This transformation may be accel-
sion, which have defied exact laboratory measurement. The erated by heat or retarded by cold. A consistent rate of
mason can best assess workability by observing the response of stiffening assists the mason in tooling joints.
the mortar to the trowel.
X1.5.2 Workability is the result of a ball bearing affect of X1.6 Hardened Mortars:
aggregate particles lubricated by the cementing paste. Al- X1.6.1 Bond—Bond is probably the most important single
though largely determined by aggregate grading, material physical property of hardened mortar. It is also the most
proportions and air content, the final adjustment to workability inconstant and unpredictable. Bond actually has three facets;
depends on water content. This can be, and usually is, regulated strength, extent and durability. Because many variables affect
on the mortar board near the working face of the masonry. The bond, it is difficult to devise a single laboratory test for each of
capacity of a masonry mortar to retain satisfactory workability these categories that will consistently yield reproducible results
under the influence of masonry unit suction and evaporation and which will approximate construction results. These vari-
rate depends on the water retentivity and setting characteristics ables include air content and cohesiveness of mortar, elapsed
of the mortar. Good workability is essential for maximum bond time between spreading mortar and laying masonry unit,
with masonry units. suction of masonry unit, water retentivity of mortar, pressure
X1.5.3 Flow—Initial flow is a laboratory measured property applied to masonry joint during placement and tooling, texture
of mortar that indicates the percent increase in diameter of the of masonry unit’s bedded surfaces, and curing conditions.
base of a truncated cone of mortar when it is placed on a flow X1.6.1.1 Several test methods are available for testing bond
table and mechanically raised 1⁄2 in. (12.7 mm) and dropped 25 strength of mortar to masonry units, normal to the mortar
times in 15 s. Flow after suction is another laboratory property joints. These include Test Methods C 952, C 1072, C 1357,
which is determined by the same test, but performed on a E 518, and E 72. Test Method C 952 includes provisions for
mortar sample which has had some water removed by a testing the flexural bond strength of mortar to full-size hollow
specific applied vacuum. Water retention is the ratio of flow masonry units, constructed in a prism. It also contains a crossed
after suction to initial flow, expressed in percent. brick couplet method for testing direct tensile bond of mortar
X1.5.3.1 Construction mortar normally requires a greater to solid masonry units. Loading of the specimens in Test
flow value than laboratory mortar, and consequently possesses Method C 952 is such that a single joint is tested in tension.
a greater water content. Mortar standards commonly require a Test Method C 1072 tests the flexural bond strength of hollow
minimum water retention of 75 %, based on an initial flow of and solid units and mortar, constructed in prisms. Individual
only 105 to 115 %. Construction mortars normally have initial joints of the prisms are tested for tensile bond strength. Test
flows, although infrequently measured, in the range of 130 to Method C 1072 is becoming more widely used to test the
150 % (50–60 mm by cone penetration, as outlined in the flexural bond strength than the others, due to the large amount
annex of Test Method C 780) in order to produce a workability of data produced by relatively small amounts of material. Test
satisfactory to the mason. The lower initial flow requirements Method C 1357, which incorporates Test Method C 1072, has
for laboratory mortars were arbitrarily set because the low flow two distinct methods. The first method, for laboratory prepared
mortars more closely indicated the mortar compressive specimens, is intended to compare bond strengths of mortars

C 270 – 07
using a standard solid concrete masonry unit constructed in a X1.6.3.1 The compressive strength of mortar depends
prism. The second method, for field prepared specimens, is largely upon the cement content and the water-cement ratio.
intended to evaluate bond strength of a particular unit/mortar The accepted laboratory means for measuring compressive
combination. Test Method E 518 provides a method for testing strength is to test 2 in. (50.8 mm) cubes of mortar. Because the
a masonry prism as a simply supported beam to determine referenced test in this specification is relatively simple, and
flexural strength. While individual joints are not loaded in the because it gives consistent, reproducible results, compressive
Test Method E 518 procedure, the resulting strength is deter- strength is considered a basis for assessing the compatibility of
mined as the prism behaves in flexure. The flexural strength of mortar ingredients. Field testing compressive strength of mor-
masonry walls is perhaps best indicated by testing full-scale tar is accomplished with Test Method C 780 using either 2 in.
wall specimens with Test Method E 72 with lateral uniform or (50.8 mm) cubes or small cylindrical specimens of mortar.
point loading applied to the specimen. Research4,5 on concrete X1.6.3.2 Perhaps because of the previously noted confusion
masonry indicates the flexural bond strength of concrete regarding mortar and concrete, the importance of compressive
masonry walls, using Test Method E 72, may be correlated strength of mortar is overemphasized. Compressive strength
with results of flexural bond strength of concrete masonry should not be the sole criterion for mortar selection. Bond
prisms, tested in accordance with Test Method C 1072 and Test strength is generally more important, as is good workability
Method E 518. and water retentivity, both of which are required for maximum
X1.6.1.2 Extent of bond may be observed under the micro- bond. Flexural strength is also important because it measures
scope. Lack of extent of bond, where severe, may be measured the ability of a mortar to resist cracking. Often overlooked is
indirectly by testing for relative movement of water through the size/shape of mortar joints in that the ultimate compressive
the masonry at the unit-mortar interface, such as prescribed in load carrying capacity of a typical 3⁄8 in. (9.5 mm) bed joint
Test Method E 514. This laboratory test method consists of will probably be well over twice the value obtained when the
subjecting a sample wall to a through-the-wall pressure differ- mortar is tested as a 2 in. (50.8 mm) cube. Mortars should
ential and applying water to the high pressure side. Time, typically be weaker than the masonry units, so that any cracks
location and rate of leakage must be observed and interpreted. will occur in the mortar joints where they can more easily be
X1.6.1.3 The tensile and compressive strength of mortar far repaired.
exceeds the bond strength between the mortar and the masonry
X1.6.3.3 Compressive strength of mortar increases with an
unit. Mortar joints, therefore, are subject to bond failures at
increase in cement content and decreases with an increase in
lower tensile or shear stress levels. A lack of bond at the
lime, sand, water or air content. Retempering is associated with
interface of mortar and masonry unit may lead to moisture
a decrease in mortar compressive strength. The amount of the
penetration through those areas. Complete and intimate contact
reduction increases with water addition and time between
between mortar and masonry unit is essential for good bond.
mixing and retempering. It is frequently desirable to sacrifice
This can best be achieved through use of mortar having proper
some compressive strength of the mortar in favor of improved
composition and good workability, and being properly placed.
bond, consequently retempering within reasonable time limits
X1.6.1.4 In general, the tensile bond strength of laboratory
is recommended to improve bond.
mortars increase with an increase in cement content. Because
of mortar workability, it has been found that Type S mortar X1.6.4 Durability—The durability of relatively dry ma-
generally results with the maximum tensile bond strength that sonry which resists water penetration is not a serious problem.
can practically be achieved in the field. The coupling of mortars with certain masonry units, and design
X1.6.2 Extensibility and Plastic Flow—Extensibility is without exposure considerations, can lead to unit or mortar
maximum unit tensile strain at rupture. It reflects the maximum durability problems. It is generally conceded that masonry
elongation possible under tensile forces. Low strength mortars, walls, heated on one side, will stand many years before
which have lower moduli of elasticity, exhibit greater plastic requiring maintenance, an indication of mortar’s potential
flow than their high moduli counterparts at equal paste to longevity. Parapets, masonry paving, retaining walls, and other
aggregate ratios. For this reason, mortars with higher strength masonry exposed to freezing while saturated represent extreme
than necessary should not be used. Plastic flow or creep will exposures and thus require a more durable mortar.
impart flexibility to the masonry, permitting slight movement X1.6.4.1 Mortar, when tested in the laboratory for durabil-
without apparent joint opening. ity, is subjected to repeated cycles of freezing and thawing.
X1.6.3 Compressive Strength—The compressive strength of Unless a masonry assemblage is allowed to become nearly
mortar is sometimes used as a principal criterion for selecting saturated, there is little danger of substantial damage due to
mortar type, since compressive strength is relatively easy to freezing. Properly entrained air in masonry mortar generally
measure, and it commonly relates to some other properties, increases its resistance to freeze-thaw damage where extreme
such as tensile strength and absorption of the mortar. exposure (such as repeated cycles of freezing and thawing
while saturated with water) exists. Air content within the
specification limits for mortar, however, may be above the
Thomas, Robert, Samblanet, Phil, and Hogan, Mark, “Research Evaluation of amount required for resistance to freeze-thaw damage. Dura-
the Flexural Tensile Strength of Concrete Masonry,” Seventh Canadian Masonry bility is adversely affected by oversanded or overtempered
Symposium, June, 1995. mortars as well as use of highly absorbent masonry units.
Melander, John and Thomas, Robert, “Flexural Tensile Strength of Concrete
Masonry Constructed with Type S Masonry Cement Mortar,”Eighth Canadian
Masonry Symposium, June 1998. X1.7 Composition and Its Effect on Properties:

C 270 – 07
X1.7.1 Essentially, mortars contain cementitious materials, standard sand required for certain laboratory mortar tests may
aggregate and water. Sometimes admixtures are used also. produce quite different test results from sand that is used in the
X1.7.2 Each of the principal constituents of mortar makes a construction mortar.
definite contribution to its performance. Portland cement con- X1.7.6.1 Well graded aggregate reduces separation of ma-
tributes to strength and durability. Lime, in its hydroxide state, terials in plastic mortar, which reduces bleeding and improves
provides workability, water retentivity, and elasticity. Both workability. Sands deficient in fines produce harsh mortars,
portland cement and lime contribute to bond strength. Instead while sands with excessive fines produce weak mortars and
of portland cement-lime combinations, masonry cement or increase shrinkage. High lime or high air content mortars can
mortar cement is used. Sand acts as a filler and enables the carry more sand, even with poorly graded aggregates, and still
unset mortar to retain its shape and thickness under the weight provide adequate workability.
of subsequent courses of masonry. Water is the mixing agent X1.7.6.2 Field sands deficient in fines can result in the
which gives fluidity and causes cement hydration to take place. cementitious material acting as fines. Excess fines in the sand,
X1.7.3 Mortar should be composed of materials which will however, is more common and can result in oversanding, since
workability is not substantially affected by such excess.
produce the best combination of mortar properties for the
intended service conditions. X1.7.6.3 Unfortunately, aggregates are frequently selected
on the basis of availability and cost rather than grading. Mortar
X1.7.4 Cementitious Materials Based on Hydration—
properties are not seriously affected by some variation in
Portland cement, a hydraulic cement, is the principal cemen- grading, but quality is improved by more attention to aggregate
titious ingredient in most masonry mortars. Portland cement selection. Often gradation can be easily and sometimes inex-
contributes strength to masonry mortar, particularly early pensively altered by adding fine or coarse sands. Frequently the
strength, which is essential for speed of construction. Straight most feasible method requires proportioning the mortar mix to
portland cement mortars are not used because they lack suit the available sand within permissible aggregate ratio
plasticity, have low water retentivity, and are harsh and less tolerances, rather than requiring sand to meet a particular
workable than portland cement-lime or masonry cement mor- gradation.
tars. X1.7.7 Water—Water performs three functions. It contrib-
X1.7.4.1 Masonry cement is a proprietary product usually utes to workability, hydrates cement, and facilitates carbon-
containing portland cement and fines, such as ground limestone ation of lime. The amount of water needed depends primarily
or other materials in various proportions, plus additives such as on the ingredients of the mortar. Water should be clean and free
air entraining and water repellency agents. from injurious amounts of any substances that may be delete-
X1.7.4.2 Mortar cement is a hydraulic cement similar to rious to mortar or metal in the masonry. Usually, potable water
masonry cement, but the specification for mortar cement is acceptable.
requires lower air contents and includes a flexural bond X1.7.7.1 Water content is possibly the most misunderstood
strength requirement. aspect of masonry mortar, probably due to the confusion
X1.7.5 Cementitious Materials Based on Carbonation— between mortar and concrete requirements. Water requirement
Hydrated lime contributes to workability, water retentivity, and for mortar is quite different from that for concrete where a low
elasticity. Lime mortars carbonate gradually under the influ- water/cement ratio is desirable. Mortars should contain the
ence of carbon dioxide in the air, a process slowed by cold, wet maximum amount of water consistent with optimum workabil-
weather. Because of this, complete hardening occurs very ity. Mortar should also be retempered to replace water lost by
slowly over a long period of time. This allows healing, the evaporation.
recementing of small hairline cracks. X1.7.8 Admixtures—Admixtures for masonry mortars are
available in a wide variety and affect the properties of fresh or
X1.7.5.1 Lime goes into solution when water is present and
hardened mortar physically or chemically. Some chemical
migrates through the masonry where it can be deposited in
additions are essential in the manufacture of basic mortar
cracks and crevices as water evaporates. This could also cause
materials. The inclusion of an additive is also necessary for the
some leaching, especially at early ages. Successive deposits
production of ready mixed mortars. Undoubtedly there are also
may eventually fill the cracks. Such autogenous healing will
some special situations where the use of admixtures may be
tend to reduce water permeance. advantageous when added at the job site mixer. In general,
X1.7.5.2 Portland cement will produce approximately 25 % however, such use of admixtures is not recommended. Careful
of its weight in calcium hydroxide at complete hydration. This selection of the mortar mix, use of quality materials, and good
calcium hydroxide performs the same as lime during carbon- practice will usually result in sound masonry. Improprieties
ation, solubilizing, and redepositing. cannot be corrected by admixtures, some of which are defi-
X1.7.6 Aggregates—Aggregates for mortar consist of natu- nitely harmful.
ral or manufactured sand and are the largest volume and weight X1.7.8.1 Admixtures are usually commercially prepared
constituent of the mortar. Sand acts as an inert filler, providing products and their compositions are not generally disclosed.
economy, workability and reduced shrinkage, while influenc- Admixtures are functionally classified as agents promoting air
ing compressive strength. An increase in sand content increases entrainment, water retentivity, workability, accelerated set, and
the setting time of a masonry mortar, but reduces potential so on. Limited data are available regarding the effect of
cracking due to shrinkage of the mortar joint. The special or proprietary admixtures on mortar bond, compressive strength,

C 270 – 07
or water permeance of masonry. Field experience indicates that alone or in combination with lime. Modern mortar is still made
detrimental results have frequently occurred. For these reasons, with from portland cement and hydrated lime, in addition to
admixtures should be used in the field only after it has been mortars made from masonry cement or mortar cement.
established by laboratory test under conditions duplicating X1.8.2 Portland Cement-Hydrated Lime—Cement-lime
their intended use, and experience, that they improve the mortars have a wide range of properties. At one extreme, a
masonry. straight portland cement and sand mortar would have high
X1.7.8.2 Use of an air entraining admixture, along with the compressive strength and low water retention. A wall contain-
limits on air content in a field mortar, still continues to create ing such a mortar would be strong but vulnerable to cracking
controversy. Most masonry cements, all Type “A” portland and rain penetration. At the other extreme, a straight lime and
cements and all Type “A” limes incorporate air entraining sand mortar would have low compressive strength and high
additions during their manufacture to provide required mini- water retention. A wall containing such a mortar would have
mum as well as maximum levels of air in a laboratory mortar. lower strength, particularly early strength, but greater resis-
Such materials should never be combined, nor should admix- tance to cracking and rain penetration. Between the two
tures which increase the entrained air content of the mortar be extremes, various combinations of cement and lime provide a
added in the field, except under the most special of circum- balance with a wide variety of properties, the high strength and
stances. early setting characteristics of cement modified by the excel-
X1.7.8.3 The uncontrolled use of air entraining agents lent workability and water retentivity of lime. Selective pro-
should be prohibited. At high air levels, a definite inverse portions are found in this specification.
relationship exists between air content and tensile bond X1.8.3 Masonry Cement—Masonry cement mortars gener-
strength of mortar as measured in the laboratory. In general, ally have excellent workability. Microscopic bubbles of en-
any increase in air content is accompanied by a decrease in trained air contribute to the ball bearing action and provide a
bond as well as compressive strength. Data on masonry grouts part of this workability. Freeze-thaw durability of masonry
indicate that lower bond strength between grout and reinforc- cement mortars in the laboratory is outstanding. Three types of
ing steel is associated with high air content. Most highly air masonry cement are recognized by Specification C 91. These
entrained mortar systems can utilize higher sand contents masonry cements are formulated to produce mortars conform-
without losing workability, which could be detrimental to the ing to either the proportion or the property specifications of this
masonry if excessive sand were used. The use of any mortar specification. Such masonry cements provide the total cemen-
containing air entraining materials, where resulting levels of air titious material in a single bag to which sand and water are
are high or unknown, should be based on a knowledge of local added at the mixer. A consistent appearance of mortar made
performance or on laboratory tests of mortar and masonry from masonry cements should be easier to obtain because all
assemblages. the cementitious ingredients are proportioned, and ground or
X1.7.8.4 Air can be removed from plastic mortar containing blended together before being packaged.
air entraining material by use of a defoamer, although its use in
X1.8.4 Portland Cement-Masonry Cement—The addition
the field is strongly discouraged.
of portland cement to Type N masonry cement mortars also
X1.7.8.5 Color can be added to mortar using selected
allow qualification as Types M and S Mortars in this specifi-
aggregates or inorganic pigments. Inorganic pigments should
be of mineral oxide composition and should not exceed 10 %
of the weight of portland cement, with carbon black limited to X1.8.5 Mortar Cement—Three types of mortar cements are
2 %, to avoid excessive strength reduction of the mortar. recognized by Specification C 1329. These mortar cements are
Pigments should be carefully chosen and used in the smallest formulated to produce mortar conforming to either the propor-
amount that will produce the desired color. To minimize tion or property requirements of this specification. Mortar
variations from batch to batch it is advisable to purchase cement mortars have attributes similar to those of masonry
cementitious materials to which coloring has been added at the cement mortars while satisfying air content and bond strength
plant or to use preweighed individual packets of coloring requirements of Specification C 1329.
compounds for each batch of mortar, and to mix the mortar in X1.8.6 Prebatched or Premixed—Recently, prebatched or
batches large enough to permit accurate batching. Mortar premixed mortars have been made readily available in two
mixing procedures should remain constant for color consis- options. One is a wet, ready mixed combination of hydrated
tency. lime or lime putty, sand, and water delivered to the construc-
tion project, and when mixed with cement and additional water
X1.8 Kinds of Mortars: is ready for use. The other is dry, packaged mortar mixtures
X1.8.1 History—History records that burned gypsum and requiring only the addition of water and mixing. Special
sand mortars were used in Egypt at least as early as 2690 B.C. attention should be given to the dry system, in that resulting
Later in ancient Greece and Rome, mortars were produced mortars may have to be mixed for a longer period of time to
from various materials such as burned lime, volcanic tuff, and overcome the water affinity of oven dry sand and subsequent
sand. When the first settlements appeared in North America, a workability loss in the mortar. The use of ready mixed mortar
relatively weak product was still being made from lime and is also on the increase. These are mixtures consisting of
sand. The common use of portland cement in mortar began in cementitious materials, aggregates, and admixtures, batched
the early part of the twentieth century and led to greatly and mixed at a central location, and delivered to the construc-
strengthened mortar, either when portland cement was used tion project with suitable workability characteristics for a

C 270 – 07
period in excess of 21⁄2 h after mixing. Systems utilizing X1.9.3.6 Mortar bond is less to surfaces having an unbroken
continuous batching of mortar are also available. die skin or sanded finish than it is to roughened surfaces such
X1.8.7 Portland Cement—Mortar Cement—The addition of as a wire cut or textured finish.
portland cement to Type N mortar cement mortars also allow X1.9.4 Construction Practice—Careful attention to good
qualification as Types M and S Mortars in this specification. practice on the construction site is essential to achieve quality.
Cementitious materials and aggregate should be protected from
X1.9 Related Items That Have an Effect on Properties: rain and ground moisture and air borne contaminants.
X1.9.1 The factors influencing the successful conclusion of X1.9.4.1 Proper batching procedures include use of a
any project with the desired performance characteristics are the known volume container (such as a one cubic foot batching
design, material, procedure and craftsmanship selected and box) for measuring sand. When necessary, sand quantities
used. should be adjusted to provide for bulking of the sand. Shovel
X1.9.2 The supervision, inspecting and testing necessary for measuring cannot be expected to produce mortar of consistent
compliance with requirements should be appropriate and quality. Alternatively, a combination volumetric measure cali-
predetermined. bration of a mixer followed by full bag cementitious additions
X1.9.3 Masonry Units—Masonry units are absorptive by and shovel additions of sand to achieve the same volume of
nature, with the result that water is extracted from the mortar as mortar in the mixer with subsequent batches, should prove
soon as the masonry unit and the mortar come into contact. The adequate.
amount of water removal and its consequences effect the X1.9.4.2 Good mixing results can be obtained where about
strength of the mortar, the properties of the boundary between three-fourths of the required water, one-half of the sand, and all
the mortar and the masonry units, and thus the strength, as well of the cementitious materials are briefly mixed together. The
as other properties, of the masonry assemblage. balance of the sand is then charged and the remaining water
X1.9.3.1 The suction exerted by the masonry unit is a very added. The mixer should be charged to its full design capacity
important external factor which affects the fresh mortar and for each batch and completely emptied before charging the
initiates the development of bond. Masonry units vary widely next batch.
in initial rate of absorption (suction). It is therefore necessary
X1.9.4.3 Mixing time in a paddle mixer should usually be a
that the mortar chosen have properties that will provide
minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 min after the last mixing
compatibility with the properties of the masonry unit being
water has been added, to insure homogeneity and workability
used, as well as environmental conditions that exist during
of the mortar. Overmixing results in changing the air content of
construction and the construction practices peculiar to the job.
the mortar. Worn paddles and rubber scrapers will greatly
X1.9.3.2 Mortar generally bonds best to masonry units
influence the mixing efficiency. Concern for quality suggests
having moderate initial rates of absorption (IRA), from 5 to 25
use of an automatic timer on the mixing machine. Mixing time
g/min·30 in.2 (194 cm2), at the time of laying. More than
should not be determined by the demand of the working force.
adequate bond can be obtained, however, with many units
having IRA’s less than or greater than these values. X1.9.4.4 Since all mortar is not used immediately after
X1.9.3.3 The extraction of too much or too little of the mixing, evaporation may require the addition of water, retem-
available water in the mortar tends to reduce the bond between pering the mortar, to restore its original consistency. The
the masonry unit and the mortar. A loss of too much water from addition of water to mortar within specified time limits should
the mortar can be caused by low water retentivity mortar, high not be prohibited. Although compressive strength of the mortar
suction masonry units, or dry, windy conditions. When this is reduced slightly by retempering, bond strength is usually
occurs, the mortar is incapable of forming a complete bond increased. For this reason, retempering should be required to
when the next unit is placed. Where lowering the suction by replace water lost by evaporation. Because retempering is
prewetting the units is not proper or possible, the time lapse harmful only after mortar has begun to set, all site prepared
between spreading the mortar and laying of a masonry unit mortar should be placed in final position as soon as possible,
should be kept to a minimum. When a very low suction but always within 21⁄2 h after the original mixing, or the mortar
masonry unit is used, the unit tends to float and bond is difficult discarded.
to accomplish. There is no available means of increasing the X1.9.4.5 Weather conditions also should be considered
suction of a low suction masonry unit, and thus the time lapse when selecting mortar. During warm, dry, windy, summer
between spreading the mortar and placing the unit may have to weather, mortar must have a high water retentivity to minimize
be increased. the effect of water lost by evaporation. In winter, a lower water
X1.9.3.4 Mortars having higher water retentivity are desir- retentivity has merit because it facilitates water loss from the
able for use in summer or with masonry units having high mortar to the units prior to a freeze. To minimize the risk of
suction. Mortars having lower water retentivity are desirable reduced bond in cold weather, the masonry units being used as
for use in winter or with masonry units having low suction. well as the surface on which the mortar is placed should both
X1.9.3.5 Shrinkage or swelling of the masonry unit or be brought to a temperature at least above 32°F (0°C) before
mortar once contact has been achieved affects the quality of the any work commences. (For more inclusive suggestions, see
mortar joint. Protection should be provided to prevent exces- “Recommended Practices for Cold Weather Masonry Con-
sive wetting, drying, heating or cooling, until the mortar has at struction” available from the International Masonry Industry
least achieved final set. All Weather Council.)

C 270 – 07
TABLE X1.1 Guide for the Selection of Masonry MortarsA
Mortar Type
Location Building Segment
Recommended Alternative
Exterior, above grade load-bearing wall N S or M
non-load bearing wall OB N or S
parapet wall N S

Exterior, at or below grade foundation wall, retaining wall, SC M or NC

manholes, sewers, pavements,
walks, and patios

Interior load-bearing wall N S or M

non-bearing partitions O N
Interior or Exterior tuck pointing see Appendix X3 see Appendix X3
This table does not provide for many specialized mortar uses, such as chimney, reinforced masonry, and acid-resistant mortars.
Type O mortar is recommended for use where the masonry is unlikely to be frozen when saturated, or unlikely to be subjected to high winds or other significant lateral
loads. Type N or S mortar should be used in other cases.
Masonry exposed to weather in a nominally horizontal surface is extremely vulnerable to weathering. Mortar for such masonry should be selected with due caution.

X1.9.5 Workmanship—Workmanship has a substantial ef- however, could prove to be more detrimental than curing of
fect on strength and extent of bond. The time lapse between mortar by retention of water in the system from its construc-
spreading mortar and placing masonry units should be kept to tion. The addition of excess moisture might saturate the
a minimum because the flow will be reduced through suction of masonry, creating movements which decrease the adhesion
the unit on which it is first placed. This time lapse should between mortar and masonry unit.
normally not exceed one minute. Reduce this time lapse for
hot, dry and windy conditions, or with use of highly absorptive X1.10 Summary:
masonry units. If excessive time elapses before a unit is placed
X1.10.1 No one combination of ingredients provides a
on the mortar, bond will be reduced. Elimination of deep
mortar possessing an optimum in all desirable properties.
furrows in horizontal bed joints and providing full head joints
Factors that improve one property generally do so at the
are essential. Any metal embedded in mortar should be
expense of others. Testing of mortars in the laboratory by this
completely surrounded by mortar.
specification’s referenced methods, and in the field by Test
X1.9.5.1 Once the mortar between adjacent units has begun
to stiffen, tapping or otherwise attempting to move masonry Method C 780 is beneficial. Some physical properties of
units is highly detrimental to bond and should be prohibited. mortar, however, are of equal or greater significance to
The movement breaks the bond between the mortar and the masonry performance than those properties commonly speci-
masonry unit, and the mortar will not be sufficiently plastic to fied. When selecting a mortar, evaluate all properties, and then
reestablish adherence to the masonry unit. select the mortar providing the best compromise for the
X1.9.5.2 Tooling of the mortar joint should be done when particular requirements.
its surface is thumb-print hard utilizing a jointer having a X1.10.2 Bond is probably the most important single prop-
diameter slightly larger than the mortar joint width. Joint erty of a conventional mortar. Many variables affect bond. To
configurations other than concave can result in increased water obtain optimum bond, use a mortar with properties that are
permeance of the masonry assemblage. Striking joints with the compatible with the masonry units to be used. To increase
same degree of hardness produces uniform joint appearance. tensile bond strength in general, increase the cement content of
Finishing is not only for appearance, but to seal the interface the mortar (see X1.6.1.4); keep air content of the mortar to a
between mortar and masonry unit, while densifying the surface minimum; use mortars having high water retentivity; mix
of the mortar joint. mortar to the water content compatible with workability; allow
X1.9.5.3 The benefits of the finishing operation should be retempering of the mortar; use masonry units having moderate
protected from improper cleaning of the masonry. Use of initial rates of absorption when laid (see X1.9.3.2); bond
strong chemical or harsh physical methods of cleaning may be mortar to a rough surface rather than to a die skin surface;
detrimental to the mortar. Colored mortars are especially minimize time between spreading mortar and placing masonry
susceptible to damage from such cleaning. Most chemicals units; apply pressure in forming the mortar joint; and do not
used in cleaning attack the cementitious materials within the subsequently disturb laid units.
mortar system, as well as enlarge cracks between mortar and X1.10.3 Table X1.1 is a general guide for the selection of
masonry unit. mortar type for various masonry wall construction. Selection of
X1.9.5.4 With very rapid drying under hot, dry and windy mortar type should also be based on the type of masonry units
conditions, very light wetting of the in-place masonry, such as to be used as well as the applicable building code and
fog spray, can improve its quality. Curing of mortar by the engineering practice standard requirements, such as allowable
addition of considerable water to the masonry assemblage, design stresses, and lateral support.

C 270 – 07


X2.1 Efflorescence is a crystalline deposit, usually white, of directly to materials may be reduced by the restrictive selection
water soluble salts on the surface of masonry. The principal of materials. Masonry units with a rating of “not effloresced”
objection to efflorescence is the appearance of the salts and the are the least likely to contribute towards efflorescence. The
nuisance of their removal. Under certain circumstances, par- potential for efflorescence decreases as the alkali content of
ticularly when exterior coatings are present, salts can be cement decreases. Admixtures should not be used in the field.
deposited below the surface of the masonry units. When this Washed sand and clean, potable water should be used.
cryptoflorescence occurs, the force of crystallization can cause
disintegration of the masonry. X2.5 Moisture can enter masonry in a number of ways.
Attention must be paid to the design and installation of
X2.2 A combination of circumstances is necessary for the flashing, vapor barriers, coping and caulking to minimize
formation of efflorescence. First, there must be a source of penetration of rainwater into the masonry. During construction,
soluble salts. Second, there must be moisture present to pick up masonry materials and unfinished walls should be protected
the soluble salts and carry them to the surface. Third, evapo- from rain and construction applied water. Full bed and head
ration or hydrostatic pressure must cause the solution to joints, along with a compacting finish on a concave mortar
migrate. If any one of these conditions is eliminated, efflores- joint, will reduce water penetration. Condensation occurring
cence will not occur. within the masonry is a further source of water.
X2.3 Salts may be found in the masonry units, mortar
components, admixtures or other secondary sources. Water- X2.6 Although selection of masonry construction materials
soluble salts that appear in chemical analyses as only a few having a minimum of soluble salts is desirable, the prevention
tenths of 1 % are sufficient to cause efflorescence when leached of moisture migration through the wall holds the greatest
out and concentrated on the surface. The amount and character potential in minimizing efflorescence. Design of masonry using
of the deposits vary according to the nature of the soluble the principle of pressure equalization between the outside and
materials and the atmospheric conditions. A test for the a void space within the wall will greatly reduce the chances of
efflorescence of individual masonry units is contained within water penetration and subsequently efflorescence.
ASTM standards. Efflorescence can occur with any C 270
X2.7 Removal of efflorescence from the face of the
mortar when moisture migration occurs. There is no ASTM test
masonry can frequently be achieved by dry brushing. Since
method that will predict the potential for efflorescence of
many salts are highly soluble in water, they will disappear of
mortar. Further, there is no ASTM test method to evaluate the
their own accord under normal weathering processes. Some
efflorescence potential of combined masonry materials.
salts, however, may require harsh physical or even chemical
X2.4 The probability of efflorescence in masonry as related treatment, if they are to be removed.


X3.1 General: TABLE X3.1 Guide for Selection of Tuck Pointing MortarA
X3.1.1 Tuck pointing mortars are replacement mortars used Location or Service Mortar Type
Recommended Alternate
at or near the surface of the masonry wall to restore integrity or interior O K,N
improve appearance. Mortars made without portland cement exterior, above grade exposed O N,K
may require special considerations in selecting tuck pointing on one side, unlikely to be
frozen when saturated, not
mortars. subject to high wind or other
X3.1.2 If the entire wall is not to be tuck pointed, the color significant lateral load
exterior, other than above N O
and texture should closely match those of the original mortar.
An exact match is virtually impossible to achieve. In some applications, structural concerns may dictate the use of mortars other
than those recommended. This table is not applicable to pavement applications.
X3.2 Materials:
X3.4 Materials—Mortar shall be specified as one of the
X3.2.1 Use cementitious materials that conform to the
requirements of this specification (C 270).
X3.2.2 Use sand that conforms to the requirements of this X3.4.1 The proportion specification of C 270, Type .
specification (C 270). Sand may be selected to have color, size, X3.4.2 Type K—One part portland cement and 21⁄2 to 4 parts
and gradation similar to that of the original mortar, if color and hydrated lime. Aggregate Ratio of 21⁄4 to 3 times sum of
texture are important. volume of cement and lime.
NOTE X3.1—Type K mortar proportions were referenced in this speci-
X3.3 Selection Guide—Use tuck pointing mortar of the fication (C 270) prior to 1982.
same or weaker composition as the original mortar. See Table
X3.1. X3.5 Mixing:

C 270 – 07
X3.5.1 Dry mix all solid materials. X3.5.4 Add sufficient water to bring the mortar to the proper
X3.5.2 Add sufficient water to produce a damp mix that will consistency for tuck pointing, somewhat drier than mortar used
retain its shape when pressed into a ball by hand. Mix from 3 for laying the units.
to 7 min, preferably with a mechanical mixer. X3.5.5 Use the mortar within 21⁄2 h of its initial mixing.
X3.5.3 Let mortar stand for not less than 1 h nor more than Permit tempering of the mortar within this time interval.
11⁄2 h for prehydration.


X4.1 Example A—A mortar consisting of one part portland X4.2 Example B—A mortar consisting of one part masonry
cement, 11⁄4 parts lime, and 63⁄4 parts of sand is to be tested. cement, three parts sand is to be tested. The weights of the
The weights of the materials used in the mortar are calculated materials used in the mortar are calculated as follows:
as follows: Batch factor 5 1440/~80 3 3! 5 6.00 (X4.2)
Batch factor 5 1440/~80 3 6.75! 5 2.67 (X4.1) Weight of masonry cement = 1 3 70 3 6.00 = 420
Weight of portland cement = 1 3 94 3 2.67 = 251 Weight of sandA = 3 3 80 3 6.00 = 1440
Weight of lime = 11⁄4 3 40 3 2.67 = 133 Masonry Sand
Weight of sandA = 63⁄4 3 80 3 2.67 = 1440 Cement
Portland Lime Sand
Cement Proportions by volume 1 3
Unit weight (lb/ft3) 70 80
Proportions by volume 1 11⁄4 6 3⁄ 4 (Weight printed on bag for masonry
Unit weight (lb/ft3) 94 40 80 cement)
Batch factor 2.67 2.67 2.67 Batch factor 6.00 6.00
Weight of materialB (in g) 251 133 1440 Weight of materialB (in g) 420 1440
A Total sand content is calculated as: (1 volume part of masonry cement) times
Total sand content is calculated as: (1 volume part of portland cement plus 11⁄4
three = 3 parts of sand.
volume parts of hydrated lime) times three = 63⁄4 parts of sand.
Weight of material = volume proportion times unit weight times batch factor. Weight of material = volume proportion times unit weight times batch factor.


Committee C12 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (C 270 – 06)
that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Feb. 1, 2007.)

(1) Information on bulk densities of hydraulic and slag ce-

ments was added to the material table in subsection 6.1.1.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website


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