Assessment - BSBMKG603 - Chaitanya
Assessment - BSBMKG603 - Chaitanya
Assessment - BSBMKG603 - Chaitanya
Sydney (Head Office): Level 2, 16-22 Wentworth Avenue
Surry Hills NSW 2010
T: 02 8937 0991
Melbourne: Level 1 &2, 213-215 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
T: 03 0 9077 0758
Marketing objectives:
Growth in seasonal demand in bathroom fittings and mirror categories with linkages
to the other two categories of Houzit: bedroom fitting and decorative items.
Monitor and react on competitor’s activity.
Advertisement on popular articles content site.
Introduce order online.
1. Marketing activities:
Marketing activity
Marketing activity Responsible person Discuss
Magazine Marie (discuss about magazine advertising
advertising and and public relation and potential for
PR the company)
3. Monitor progress:
Monitor progress
Elements Market Marketing Organizational Marketing
changes plan requirements performance
(sessional objectives evaluation
Product Push Keep products Whether the
products to like bathroom marketing has led
match fittings, mirror to increase in sale
seasonal categories and of these products
demand decorative
by ACCC)
products items available
Defamation to customers at
law good price
Distribution Allow Setting up a Whether the
customers to new website customer is able to
buy products access and buy
online products through
Defamation the website
Pricing Pricing of Take The percentage of
products advantage of imported products
should match strengthening in product mix and
those of the of Australian whether people are
Exchange competitors dollar and aware of these
rate include more imported products
products that
are cheaper as
well as more
Marketing Market share Conduct Review the growth
Privacy law
Communication should advertisement in consumer
Copyright increase from campaigns in awareness and
law 11% to 12% magazines, PR whether the market
campaigns and share is growing
Code of
Pricing Exchange rate Australian dollar has been Monitor the trends in
gaining strength which currency rates and
means that the imports will forecast whether these
become cheaper rates stay elevated.
This allows the
organization to plan its
imports and product mix
could be increased
based on the currency
5. KPIs:
Market Share Market share refers to the - Increase market share to 12% from
proportion of the sales of Houzit 11%.
compared to the sales of all the
market players
6. Delegation:
CEO’s Approval
CEO Name MD Rajjaqul Haider
RHaider Date 12/10/2019
Had good meeting Krishna Chaitanya about new marketing activities. The follow
up meeting will be held one month from now.
The has been decided to limit the marketing budget at 15% of total sales.
Accordingly, the marketing plan has been created.
As branches are not being expanded, one way to increase sales and market share
is to open online distribution channel. Our present website would be overhauled to
make it more attractive to the customers, it will be digital marketing friendly and
most importantly it will enable customers to purchase from the website itself and
get it home delivered
Special focus during the season time to meet customer demands
The marketing campaigning would be done for 6 months
Strategies for magazine marketing: Buy advertising space in home-ware
magazines along with getting PR articles about Houzit in these magazines. Marie is
an expert in this area, and she will handle it
Tony who is the specialist in search engine optimization and webpage designer will
be coordinating with the technology consultants to create an advanced website and
coordinate digital marketing efforts. The advertising visuals will also be displayed in
the website and the PR article will be displayed across popular content websites
like facebook and twitter.
In-store promotions will be taken up by me (Chaitanya). The instore promotions will
also carry the advertising visuals and link the featured products with other areas in
the store’s product offers
Marketing Lamberts Mails and face market research, Vital marketing inputs
Expert Consulting to face marketing audits based on market
meetings and marketing research
1. Strategies:
Strategies on Mentoring and Coaching Staff
Context of Focus Suitable person Desire Outcomes
Coaching is given in a group Outlet staff Development of skills and
setting. The structure would be motivation to perform better
a face-to face meeting and
providing tips and motivation Outlet managers Skilled in managing the
Coaching talks. Generally, lasts half a day outlet, the customers and
and is conducted every month. staff
The participants include general
outlet staff and managers
2. Resources:
Resources need for marketing outcome
3. Feedback:
Customer survey Survey of customers who If the customer provides positive feedback,
have purchased the product then employees would be appreciated and
the whole store would be incentivised
Store visits Top managers visit the The suggestions by the observing manager
stores directly and provide would be further discussed by the store
feedback on any area that manager with the store employees and they
could be improved upon would be implemented
Mystery shopper Managers would visit stores The report would be discussed and positives
disguised as a customer and would be appreciated and negatives would
buy products. This way the be commented upon and deliberated on how
experience of a customer to improve the conditions.
would be known first hand.
Any discomfort felt or any
delays or low quality of
services or products would
be known to the manager
and detailed report would be
provided to the store
4. Performance:
Increase rate of The digital This can be This is easily This goal is Every
online search to marketing and measured from achievable as highly week
lead to company other the data sustained realistic
advertisement supplied by marketing because the
should lead to google analytics activities will increase in
increase in and trends increase rate of
interest about consumers’ online
5. Scenario analysis 1:
Scenario 1: Coaching and mentoring to Marie
Problem arise Coaching and mentoring Outcome
Lack of confident for Imbibing confidence by Her confidence is improving
decision making providing a safe space
and provide unbiased,
confidential support
Work load distribution to Through mentoring she is She is trying to work with Tony to
fellow employees learning to share work and learn about web marketing, but Tony
think in terms of team is not helping he out
goals and team approach
to solving problems
Generate fresh ideas Giving new perspectives She is learning new things from the
on her ideas and experienced mentor and gaining
encouraging her to come confidence
up with new ideas
Motivation to one-on-one Providing opportunities to She is learning new skills especially
coaching develop new skills and in related to advertising
skills related to areas
where she is interested in
6. Scenario analysis 2:
Scenario 2: Tony
Problem arise Corrective actions Outcome
Lack of leadership skills Give leadership training to Tony develops leadership skills and
Tony which makes him interest in other areas of the
think in a broad manner organization and succeeds in
and not from a narrow management career in the
view of internet marketing organization
Teaching methods Tony should be given Tony learns the importance of
training in how to control sharing of knowledge and how
his attitude and develop a helping others would eventually
friendly and sharing mean helping himself
Present ideas not cope with These ideas are firmly Tony comes up with sustainable and
company’s ethical rejected and explain to ethical internet marketing ideas
standards him why they are rejected
clearly and ask him to
Houzit has implemented its first phase of marketing plan and is reviewing its performance
after 6 months. Houzit is operating in a growing market which according to the marketing
consultant is growing at at least 10%. Houzit had its sales grow at a respectable 14.26%. Its
target was to have a 8.5% growth rate with in a year and it is quite possible that this trend of
growth would continue because the online sales would be starting soon, and this will have
positive effect on the sales. As this is a growing industry, it is not concentrating much on
increasing market share and instead focusing on increasing its sales.
1. Analysis:
Marketing expenditure
Advertising $250,000
PR $30,000
2. KPIs:
growing market
Market expenditure 15% customer 16% customer Marketing cost
acquisition cost acquisition cost control was lax
3. Targets:
The goals for next 12-18 months are
Attributes Targets Causes
Sales growth Above 14.5% With the starting of sales through
internet, the sales would grow
even higher than the present
Market share 12% Not concentrating on growth in
market share in a growing market
as it could cause customer
service and management issues
Industry expected 14% The management consultant
expects the trend would continue
for the next five years
Expenditure to acquire new Will be shifting Online merchandise sale would
business more of marketing be starting soon, and it could be a
budget in to huge growth engine for the
internet marketing company
Houzit’s marketing plan has worked great for the company. The sales growth is more
than expected. With the industry is looking bullish with increased migration this trend will
continue in the near future. With focus on online sales and digital marketing the sales
numbers will grow further. However, the customer acquisition costs are a little higher than
the target, these could be controlled to reach the target by being more efficient with the