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Acute appendicitis: What is the gold standard of treatment?

Article  in  World Journal of Gastroenterology · December 2013

DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i47.8799 · Source: PubMed


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9 authors, including:

Cesare Ruffolo Michele Antoniutti

University-Hospital of Padova Azienda ULSS numero 9 Treviso


Marco Massani Ezio Caratozzolo

AULSS2 Marca Trevigiana Treviso 21 PUBLICATIONS   190 CITATIONS   

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Online Submissions: http://www.wjgnet.com/esps/ World J Gastroenterol 2013 December 21; 19(47): 8799-8807
bpgoffice@wjgnet.com ISSN 1007-9327 (print) ISSN 2219-2840 (online)
doi:10.3748/wjg.v19.i47.8799 © 2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights reserved.


Acute appendicitis: What is the gold standard of treatment?

Cesare Ruffolo, Alain Fiorot, Giulia Pagura, Michele Antoniutti, Marco Massani, Ezio Caratozzolo,
Luca Bonariol, Francesco Calia di Pinto, Nicolò Bassi

Cesare Ruffolo, Alain Fiorot, Giulia Pagura, Michele An- treatment of acute appendicitis.
toniutti, Marco Massani, Ezio Caratozzolo, Luca Bonariol,
Francesco Calia di Pinto, Nicolò Bassi, Ⅱ Deparment of Sur-
gery (Ⅳ Unit), Regional Hospital “Ca’ Foncello”, 31100 Treviso, Ruffolo C, Fiorot A, Pagura G, Antoniutti M, Massani M, Cara-
Italy tozzolo E, Bonariol L, Calia di Pinto F, Bassi N. Acute appendici-
Author contributions: Fiorot A and Pagura G equally contrib-
tis: What is the gold standard of treatment? World J Gastroenterol
uted to this paper; all authors contributed to conception and de-
sign, acquisition of data, draft and revision of the article and final 2013; 19(47): 8799-8807 Available from: URL: http://www.
approval of the version to be published. wjgnet.com/1007-9327/full/v19/i47/8799.htm DOI: http://dx.doi.
Correspondence to: Cesare Ruffolo, MD, PhD, Ⅱ Deparment org/10.3748/wjg.v19.i47.8799
of Surgery (Ⅳ Unit), Regional Hospital “Ca’ Foncello”, Piazza
Ospedale 1, 31100 Treviso, Italy. cruffolo@hotmail.com
Telephone: +39-422-322480 Fax: +39-422-322480
Received: June 3, 2013 Revised: September 20, 2013
Accepted: October 19, 2013 INTRODUCTION
Published online: December 21, 2013 In 1894, McBurney[1] described a new technique for the
management of acute appendicitis: this method is still
used when an open approach is required.
McBurney’s procedure represented the gold-standard
Abstract for acute appendicitis until 1981, when Semm [2] per-
McBurney’s procedure represented the gold-standard formed the first laparoscopic appendectomy in Germany,
for acute appendicitis until 1981, but nowadays the a “culture shock” in general surgery since a revolutionary
number of laparoscopic appendectomies has progres- method was discovered by a gynecologist[3]. But a real
sively increased since it has been demonstrated to be “laparoscopic revolution” took place only in 1985 with
a safe procedure, with excellent cosmetic results and it the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed by
also allows a shorter hospitalization, a quicker and less Erich Muhe, using Semm’s technique and instruments.
painful postoperative recovery. The aim of this edito- Laparoscopy was not easily accepted since it was not con-
rial was to perform a review of the literature in order to sidered a safe procedure; nowadays laparoscopic surgery
address controversial issues in the treatment of acute is gaining a primary role in many surgical settings.
appendicitis. The number of laparoscopic appendectomies (LA)
has progressively increased since it has been demon-
© 2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights
strated to be a safe procedure, with excellent cosmetic
results; furthermore, LA allows a shorter hospitalization,
Key words: Acute appendicitis; Surgery; Laparoscopy a quicker and less painful postoperative recovery.
But is laparoscopic surgery the best choice for ap-
Core tip: There are still controversial issues in the pendectomy? Which are the correct surgical indications?
treatment of acute appendicitis such as comparison What are the results from the comparison between LA
between laparoscopic and open appendectomy and vs classic open appendectomy (OA)? Are there selected
the correct approach in special categories of patients. groups of patients in which one of these approaches
The aim of this editorial was to perform a review of the should be preferred? The aim of this editorial was to per-
literature in order to address controversial issues in the form a review of the literature in order to address these

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Ruffolo C et al . Acute appendicitis

controversial issues. The only remarkable difference was that the patients who
underwent OA presented earlier symptoms and received
a more timely diagnosis of ⅡA than the patients who
OPEN VS LAPAROSCOPIC underwent LA (6 d in OA group vs 11 d in LA group)[9].
APPENDECTOMY A multivariate analysis has shown that development
of abscesses has a higher correlation with the initial diag-
Many comparative studies have already demonstrated the
nosis than with the type of surgical approach. The evalu-
advantages of LA over OA in terms of length of hospi-
ation of selected patients demonstrated a 30% increase
tal stay, use of postoperative analgesics and earlier return
of the risk of ⅡA for every decade of life. This could be
to work[4]. The most controversial issues of these studies
clinically relevant because it suggests the need for care-
have been taken into consideration.
ful monitoring of elderly patients who initially presented
complicated appendicitis, since they are at higher risk for
Surgical-site infection postoperative ⅡA[9]. Finally an explanation for the for-
Surgical-site infection (SSI) rate was significantly lower in mation of ⅡA could be found in the surgical technique
the LA than in the OA group (1.6% vs 3.2% respectively) itself: currently, surgeons performing LA tend to apply
and this gap between the two groups increased in severe
irrigation more freely; therefore, contaminating the entire
forms of appendicitis, such as gangrenous and perfo-
peritoneal cavity[10]; although irrigation as a cause of ⅡA
rated. Some authors estimated that one wound infection
is yet controversial.
could be prevented for every 23.7 patients treated with
LA, instead of OA[5]: this can be explained with the use
of the extraction bag (endo-bag) in LA, which prevents Incisional hernia
the direct contact between the infected appendix, the The incidence of incisional hernia is low in both tech-
wound edges and the inflamed tissues around the appen- niques (0.7% in OA group vs 1% in LA): the development
dix during its removal[5,6]. of post incisional hernias is higher with McBurney’s inci-
Other studies found a higher SSI rate in OA, but also sion, whereas in LA there are incisional hernias only in
a significantly higher intraabdominal abscess (ⅡA) rate in those patients who undergo conversion[11].
LA. The difference in the postoperative complications ac-
cording to the surgical technique were remarkable when Small bowel obstruction
inflammation of the appendix was more severe: in fact, Finally, as far as long-term complications are concerned,
when a periappendiceal abscess was present, there were some studies assessed that small bowel obstruction can
more cases of paralytic ileus (PI) in the LA group and present many years after surgery, especially for open ap-
more cases of SSI in the OA group. This result can be pendectomy. The prevalence of bowel obstruction after
due to the leakage of infected substances, the appendiceal appendectomy increased from 0.63% after 1 year, to
stump not being inverted and the resection side being 0.97% after 10 years, to 1.30% after 30 years of follow
exposed in the intraabdominal cavity during the removal up[11]. In a randomized study, a second look laparoscopy
of the appendix in LA[7]. Some authors suggest that the was performed on 40 patients who had histological con-
use of an Endo-GIA stapler could help minimize these firmation of acute appendicitis, 3 mo after the first op-
adverse effects[8]. Finally, these differences are not statisti- eration: there were adhesions in the 80% of patients that
cally significant in case of gangrenous or/and perforated underwent OA, but only in 10% of LA group[5]. There-
appendicitis[7]. fore, LA seems to be associated with an easier second-
look procedure and a minor infertility rate due to less
Intraabdominal abscess adhesions[12].
In an interesting study that considered 2464 patients, 52 Among long-term complications, small bowel ob-
experienced postoperative abscesses. The patients with struction has a very low incidence, between 0.33% and
a diagnosis of complicated appendicitis had a significant 1.51% in OA. It is known that the risk is higher with
correlation with a higher incidence of intraabdominal negative appendectomy or appendectomy through a
abscess development (67% in complicated appendicitis vs midline laparotomic incision. Then, the choice of LA in
25% in uncomplicated appendicitis, P = 0.01). The ma- suspected appendicitis is correct because it avoids un-
jority of abscesses developed in the pelvis (41%), espe- necessary appendectomy if the appendix is normal and it
cially in those patients who had complicated rather than prevents unnecessary wide incisions[13].
uncomplicated appendicitis (63% vs 18% respectively, P
= 0.01). It is interesting to notice how the formation of
an ⅡA in patients with a diagnosis of complicated ap- SUSPECTED APPENDICITIS
pendicitis did not differ significantly between those who The differential diagnosis of most of the surgical abdom-
underwent LA and those who underwent OA (5.9% vs inal emergencies is based on clinical grounds, laboratory
4.1% respectively, P = 0.44). Moreover, in patients with data and diagnostic imaging. The problem, however, is to
complicated appendicitis there was no significant increase obtain a correct diagnosis of the exact localization of the
in presenting symptoms or in the severity of the case lesion to determine surgical indications and to decide the
history, quite independently from the surgical approach. best surgical approach. Laparoscopy is a valuable instru-

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Ruffolo C et al . Acute appendicitis

ment in the case of suspected appendicitis allowing the scess according to the surgical technique; therefore in the
surgeon to correctly evaluate the intraperitoneal condi- presence of an initial diagnosis of complicated appen-
tion of practically every single patient[14]. dicitis with a severe clinical background there is a higher
At first, considering its exploratory nature and its probability of developing an abscess regardless of the
diagnostic accuracy, besides the advantage of a shorter adopted surgical approach[9].
time of hospitalization and reduction of pain on day 1[15], In another 5-year non randomized study considering
LA can be considered the first choice in suspected ap- 1133 patients of which 244 had a complicated appendici-
pendicitis, especially in particular categories, such as pre- tis (and among them, 175 underwent LA and 69 OA), LA
menopausal women. In fact, in these patients, in the pres- patients had a shorter operative time (55 min vs 70 min),
ence of right lower quadrant pain, differential diagnosis reduced length of stay (5 d vs 6 d) and a lower incidence
between acute appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy and pelvic of SSI (0.6% vs 10%)[10]. In the case of complicated ap-
inflammatory disease (PID), is necessary. A laparoscopic pendicitis (gangrenous or perforated), the laparoscopic
exploration of the abdominal cavity allows a rapid and approach also reduced postoperative pain[20].
safe diagnosis; for the former two affections laparoscopy
also represents a therapeutic option, while in the latter
one, samples for culture may also be taken, with the ad- SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF PATIENTS
vantage of avoiding “negative” appendectomies, with a There are clinical settings in which laparoscopy may be
high diagnostic accuracy (96% in women and 100% in the preferred approach: obese patients, immunocompro-
men)[16]. mised patients and elderly patients.
Morino et al[17] evaluated, in a prospective, randomized, In obese patients, in fact, laparoscopy is undeniably
single-institution trial, the role of early laparoscopy in the useful[21], considering at first the difficult exposure of the
management of nonspecific abdominal pain (NSAP) in right lower quadrant during OA, which may require large,
young women. NSAP was defined as an abdominal pain morbidity-prone incisions that are at risk of infections
in right iliac or hypogastric area lasting more than 6 h and of wound complications[5,22]. It is known that BMI is
and less than 8 d, without fever, leukocytosis, or obvious a risk factor for SSI[23]. Furthermore, obese patients have
peritoneal signs and uncertain diagnosis after physical ex- a higher risk of incisional hernias: laparoscopic approach
amination and baseline investigations including abdomi- reduces the risk of incisional hernia[24].
nal sonography. Patients were randomly assigned to early Immunocompromised patients include heart trans-
(< 12 from admission) laparoscopic group or to clinical planted patients and those who received immunosup-
observation group. Compared with active clinical obser- pressive therapy for autoimmune diseases, cancer and
vation, early laparoscopy did not show a clear benefit in AIDS; the risk of infections is higher and the immunity
women with NSAP. A higher number of diagnosis and response could be partial and ineffective due to immu-
a shorter hospital stay in the laparoscopic group did not nodepression. Therefore, these patients may not exhibit
lead to a significant reduction in symptoms recurrences at the typical signs and symptoms of appendicitis and may
1 year. only have a barely positive examination[25]. In these pa-
LA may be performed safely in pregnant patients with tients laparoscopic approach represents the best option:
appendicitis according to the Society of American Gastro- compared with OA, LA is characterized by a lower rate
intestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) guidelines[18]. of postoperative complications (10.36% in LA group vs
22.56% in OA group), a shorter hospitalization (2.9 d
vs 4.9 d) and a lower mortality (0.16% vs 0.61%). These
COMPLICATED APPENDICITIS results can be observed in both uncomplicated and com-
Excellent results are mentioned in several studies about plicated appendicitis, with a considerably lower incidence
the use of LA in complicated appendicitis, though a high- of complications (27.52% in LA group vs 57.50% in OA
er incidence of intraabdominal abscesses has been no- group) and a shorter hospital stay (5.92 d in LA group vs
ticed. Some studies have demonstrated that LA is almost 9.67 d in OA group)[26].
totally comparable to OA as far as operating time, hospi- Finally, elderly patients might significantly benefit
tal stay and postoperative complications are concerned. from a laparoscopic approach[24]; in these patients it is
The rate of postoperative ⅡA was significantly higher in quite difficult to collect anamnestic data, in addition to a
LA when compared with OA (respectively, 14% vs 0%), mild abdominal examination and to laboratory and radio-
while wound infection and pulmonary complication rate logical tests which might not be so diriment. Laparoscopy
were significantly lower (respectively 2.3% vs 8.2% in OA can clarify the diagnosis and also represent a good thera-
group and 0% vs 4.9% in LA group)[19]. peutical strategy[27].
The incidence rate of ⅡA increases considerably
when a periappendiceal abscess or a postoperative il-
eus are present. Particularly, the incidence of ⅡA in INFLAMMED APPENDICEAL STUMP
complicated appendicitis increases remarkably (67% in Stump appendicitis is the acute inflammation of the re-
complicated vs 25% in uncomplicated appendicitis): in sidual portion of the appendix and is a rare complication
these patients, there are no significant differences in the of incomplete appendectomy[28].
postoperative outcome or in the development of the ab- Due to the relevant recurrence rate, a second appen-

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dectomy 3 mo after the outbreak of inflammation, could conservative strategy. The analysis of seventeen studies
be necessary. In a histopathological study Gahukamble revealed that conservative management, with or without
demonstrated that 13 of the 14 removed appendices had interval appendectomy, was associated with less overall
a pervious lumen with a higher risk of recurrent appen- complication rates, less reoperations and similar hospital
dicitis. More recently authors focused the problem of a stay compared with urgent appendectomy.
very long stump also on patients undergoing LA; in fact, In the absence of high quality studies, laparoscopic or
the presence of an excessively long appendiceal stump traditional appendectomy is still the treatment of choice
could be at risk of recurrence also in these patients. Pain for acute appendicitis; some in-progress prospective
in the lower right abdominal quadrant in a patient that studies[34,37] could be helpful in understanding the role of
has undergone LA does not rule out a second episode of conservative management.
acute appendicitis[29]. The possibility of a recurring ap-
pendiceal stump abscess as a complication of LA is high.
When performing LA, the appendiceal stump should be NORMAL APPENDIX: LAPAROSCOPIC
as short as possible and its ligation should not determine MANAGEMENT
ischemia of the stump[30].
Negative or white appendectomy refers to the removal
The tactical modification of appendiceal stump clo-
of non-inflamed appendix and is performed in about
sure, replacing the invaginating suture that nowadays has 15%-25% of patients undergoing surgery for suspected
become the procedure of choice consists in a single en- acute appendicitis[38]. White appendectomy rate is declin-
doligature. Alternatively, there are methods which make ing over time as cited by large studies, due to the availabil-
use of an endostapler, endoligature (endo-loop), metal ity of computed tomography and laparoscopy[39]; in open
clips, bipolar endocoagulation and polymeric clips. All the surgery, the appendix is generally always removed[40].
different techniques have advantages and disadvantages Thanks to the widespread use of laparoscopy, lapa-
depending on the different stages of acute appendicitis; roscopic management of normal appendix represents a
so, the right knowledge about the possible methods and dilemma for the surgeon and no guidelines are available
the appropriate choice between them according to every in this field[41]. When laparoscopy is performed for sus-
single case allows a safe and efficient management of pa- pected appendicitis, exploration is negative in 8%-15%
tients as well as a reduction in hospital costs[31]. but in up to 27% another condition is diagnosed[40]. The
Drainage placement, ultrasound and perhaps an risks of leaving in situ an apparent normal appendix are:
exploratory-therapeutical laparoscopy could be very use- later appendicitis, misdiagnosed subclinical or ‘‘endo’’-
ful in the management of this complication[30]. Finally the appendicitis, missed appendiceal malignancy (carcinoid),
use of CT imaging allows a precise definition of the sur- risk of patient confusion and persisting symptoms[42]. At
rounding anatomy, in particular of the length of the ap- present, the laparoscopic strategy in front of a normal
pendiceal stump[32]. Several authors identify the removal appendix remains controversial.
of the whole appendiceal stump as the major suggested
mean to avoid recurrence of appendicitis[33].
Conversions from laparoscopic to laparotomic
CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT OF In case of conversion, it is useful to perform an adequate
laparotomic incision and an accurate and complete
ACUTE APPENDICITIS abdominal toilette. The conversion of perforated ap-
Acute appendicitis is one of the most frequent condi- pendicitis is often burdened with a higher postoperative
tions seen in a surgical department; urgent appendectomy morbidity [60% in conversion appendectomy (CA), 22%
is considered the treatment of choice because of the low in LA and 38% in OA][8].
incidence of major complications and the relative rapid- A recent study in 2011, which included 745 patients
ity of operation and hospital stay. Nevertheless surgical that underwent LA or OA, asserts that conversion rate
treatment exposes the patient to risks due to general was about 8.6% and mentions that the first cause of con-
anaesthesia and other complications such as surgical site version was the presence of a severe acute inflammatory
infection, adhesions and intestinal obstruction, incisional process (38.7% of the factors which determine conver-
hernia, infertility in female and pneumonia[34]; in this set- sion to OA during operation). In this study, 77.42% of
ting, the role of conservative treatment with antibiotics the patients that underwent CA had previous abdominal
has been investigated in literature. surgery and only 25.81% had a conversion due to adhe-
A recent Cochrane review assessed five low to mod- sions.
erate quality randomized controlled trials[35]; with the Conversion was necessary especially in women over
limit of the analyzed studies, surgical approach remains 65 years old (4.30% rather than 4.02% in the rest of
the gold standard treatment for acute uncomplicated ap- patients)[43]. It is quite interesting that surgeons who per-
pendicitis. Another large meta-analysis compared the two formed at least 50 LA through their study period had a
strategies in the scenario of complicated appendicitis, higher CA rate and this could reflect their will to attempt
abscess or phlegmon[36]; in this case, radiologic-assisted LA in the greatest part of patients, even in not strictly
drainage of appendiceal abscess could be another helpful indicated cases. At the same time the number of conver-

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sions decreases progressively throughout the career of a tive time is longer both for LA and for OA (47 min vs
surgeon and his equipe[43]. 38 min for LA and 49 min vs 44 min for OA): this could
Another study indicates the presence of a generalized be explained considering the intrinsic didactic nature of
purulent peritonitis as the only significant risk factor for academic hospitals which inevitably causes a little delay in
conversion. Moreover, although patients with previous the operations. Finally in both types of hospitals, hospi-
abdominal surgery are at higher risk of conversion, this is talization for LA was shortened by 1 d[48].
not significantly correlated with sex and age. Converted A parameter to assess the value of a surgical approach
patients are at higher risk of relaparotomy and incisional is long-term quality of life. A German study determined
hernia, independently of the duration of the operation[11]. how a group of patients - including both LA and OA -
Finally, for patients that underwent LA with compli- perceived their quality of life 7 years after appendectomy,
cations requiring reintervention following laparoscopy, through the administration of a specific questionnaire.
there is the possibility of a relaparoscopy for a second The most satisfied patients were those who underwent
look: this has the advantage of maintaining the reduced LA, both for the quick recovery and for the cosmetic re-
morbidity allowed by the first operation. Relaparoscopy is sult[49]. Another work obtained information about overall
very useful for abscess drainage, because it provides the satisfaction by a telephone interview: the LA group had
accurate identification of the causes, for example in case fewer complications and returned earlier to work (median
of appendicular stump insufficiency[44]. 13 d for OA vs 8 d for LA)[13].

Laparoscopic appendectomy: Techniques

LAPAROSCOPY VS LAPAROTOMY: Recently several methods have been proposed to per-
WHICH FACTORS DETERMINE form appendectomy in a laparoscopic fashion. In the
most popular approach, 3 abdominal wall incisions are
SURGEON'S DECISION? performed to insert instruments in the abdominal cavity.
It is known that laparoscopic approach is more expen- According to the patients’ demand of scar-free surgery,
sive, as many studies have reported: an American study new minimally invasive methods have been developed.
evaluated hospital cost behaviour in the years 2000-2005,
including all patients undergoing both LA and OA. Costs Traditional laparoscopic appendectomy [3 port(s) lap-
for LA are 22% higher in uncomplicated and 9% higher aroscopic appendectomy]: In conventional laparoscopic
in complicated appendicitis. They estimate that in 2005 appendectomy, 3 ports are used to place instruments in
exclusive use of open appendectomy would have saved the abdomen (Figure 1). The laparoscope is inserted in
93 million dollars: this finding is particularly important the umbilicus and pneumoperitoneum is induced; the
because appendectomy is a common routine operation site of the other 2 trocars for operative instruments is
in all hospitals. The authors suggest OA as the gold stan- variable, according to the surgeon’s preference and abil-
dard for acute appendicitis, reserving LA only for special ity. The most used locations for trocars are: the lower left
categories of patients[45]. quadrant and suprapubic or lower left quadrant and lower
Cothren et al[46] compared the costs for LA and OA, right quadrant or suprapubic and lower right quadrant or
which were significantly higher for LA: the authors noted both trocars placed on the “bikini line” (suprapubic)[50].
that the total costs for LA were higher although operative Nevertheless, the trocars are inserted respecting the trian-
time and stay in hospital were not so different between gulation rule, with the appendix at the apex of a triangle.
the two methods. Higher costs for LA might be due to The umbilical port is 5-12 mm in diameter while the oth-
the use of specific disposable surgical material for lapa- ers are generally 5 mm large[51].
roscopy. During surgical procedure, many methods are used
Another important factor for the hospital costs is to amputate and extract the appendix and to perform
the severity of illness of the patients at the initial diag- proper hemostasis; the routinely use of peritoneal irriga-
nosis[47]. Even if more expensive, throught the years LA tion and drainage placement is not recommended[52]. The
has become more common because there are undeniable number of trocars can be reduced to 2 using the “puppe-
benefits in hospitalization time and in recovery time: this teer technique”; in this variant, the appendix is suspended
way, higher costs are balanced out by a more precocious using transabdominal threads[53].
return to work of working patients. Recently, one study A laparoscopic surgeon must be skilled with the
found that predicted costs for LA were 1856$ lower than open approach; in fact, open appendectomy represent
for OA while the postoperative complication rate did not the first step in the training of an operator who desires
differ significantly[47]. to perform laparoscopic appendectomy. But when is the
Another crucial factor which influences the choice learning curve completed? It is generally accepted that it
between LA and OA is the training and experience of is completed after 20 operations[54].
surgical equipe. An interesting study compares the expe- To improve the cosmetic result, needlescopic ap-
rience in academic-affiliated and community hospitals. pendectomy has been developed; this term refers to an
The rate of LA and OA in the two kinds of hospitals is evolution of conventional laparoscopy. The only differ-
quite the same, but in academic-affiliated ones the opera- ence between the two regards the instruments’ diameter,

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visceral injury and port site hernia due to the presence

of a unique abdominal wall incision: for this reason it is
known as “scarless” surgery. In a recent randomized con-
trolled trial, SILS was associated with higher post-oper-
tative pain and more intravenous analgesics requirement;
better wound cosmesis and higher satisfaction scores
were also observed[62]. On the other hand it also has some
technical challenges, like loss of triangulation (the corner-
Laparoscope stone of laparoscopy) and instrument crowding (sword
fighting)[63]. Although it is a technical challenge, in skilled
hands, it is considered a safe procedure; patients seem to
appreciate when a SILS approach is performed because
surgical incisions are hidden in the umbilicus. Recent
Appendix studies compared SILS and conventional laparoscopic
Instruments appendectomy: no significative differences in the opera-
tive time, length of hospital stay, post operative pain and
complication were observed[64,65].
The red cross represents the trocar site
The learning curve of single incision laparoscopic
appendectomy is between 5 to 10 cases[66]. To reduce
Figure 1 Traditional laparoscopic appendectomy: 3 ports are used to the need of special materials and the costs, SILS can be
place instruments in the abdomen. performed using nonarticulating instruments and con-
ventional trocars: early data suggests that it can represent
in fact in the needlescopic approach 3-mm or less trocars an economic and safe option, even if operative time is
are used[55]. The first needlescopic appendectomy was longer[67]. In this approach, an adequate follow-up to de-
performed in 1994. The use of smaller trocars poten- tect the risk of post-incisional hernia is needed because
tially reduces postoperative pain and length of hospital many trocars are inserted in a very small area. There are
stay due to minor abdominal wall incisions[56]; patients also original ideas to reduce costs, i.e., the use of a surgi-
can quickly return to normal activity. On the other hand, cal glove like a multi-lumen port where instruments pass
this technique is more challenging for surgeons with a via the cutting fingers[63]. However, it is very difficult to
risk of longer duration of surgery and higher conversion determine the costs of SILS[68].
rate[57]; these disadvantages will probably disappear after Lacking of available evidence, no recommendations
an appropriate learning curve and an increase of surgi- can be made on the effectiveness of SILS vs conventional
cal skill. Needlescopic appendectomy is likely to be more multi-incision laparoscopic appendectomy[69].
expensive than the traditional approach due to equipment
costs[58]. This fascinating laparoscopic evolution is not Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery: In 2004
routinely recommended because of the lack of scientific Rao et al[70] described a new real “scarless” procedure
evidence: large randomized controlled trials are necessary. performing a transgastric appendectomy. Natural Orifice
It can, however, represents an option in selected patients, Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) represents
like young women. the forefront of laparoscopic surgery and the next world-
wide focus on minimally invasive surgery[71]; using a mul-
Single-incision laparoscopic surgery: The continuous tichannel endoscope, the access to the peritoneal cavity is
evolution of laparoscopic surgery and the ambition of obtained via natural orifices like vagina, rectum, stomach
better cosmetic results always tend to less invasive pro- and bladder. This technique allows to perform many sur-
cedures. Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) for gical operations without visible scars; avoiding abdominal-
acute appendicitis in children began in 1992[59]. The de- wall incisions, postoperative pain is minor and recovery is
velopment and diffusion of this technique was quite slow faster. SILS is considered a bridge between conventional
due to the lack of adequate instruments; healthcare en- multi-ports laparoscopy and NOTES.
gineering ideated multilumen ports, special laparoscopes Regarding acute appendicitis, in female patients a
and articulating instruments to facilitate the surgeon’s transvaginal approach can be used (TVA, TransVaginal
work[60]. SILS is now diffused in many surgical specialties Appendectomy); an incision performed in the posterior
and skilled surgeons can perform several operations in fornix of vagina permits the access to the peritoneal cav-
this way, i.e., adrenalectomy, Heller myotomy, large bowel ity (Figure 2).
surgery, splenectomy, bariatric surgery[61]. A prospective study comparing TVA to traditional
In SILS, a multi-luminal and single port device is 3-port laparoscopic appendectomy showed significantly
placed transumbilically: through this device, laparoscope less post-operative analgesia demand (Patient Controlled
and instruments can reach the abdominal cavity. The Analgesia morphine utilization) and faster return to
proposed advantages of SILS are better cosmetic results, normal activity; compared with the conventional laparo-
reduced wound infection, postoperative pain, bleeding, scopic approach there were no differences in the length

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P- Reviewers: Amin AI, Okumura K, Vettoretto N

S- Editor: Zhai HH L- Editor: A E- Editor: Zhang DN

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