Radio Frequency Optimization of Mobile Networks in Abeokuta, Nigeria For Improved Quality of Service
Radio Frequency Optimization of Mobile Networks in Abeokuta, Nigeria For Improved Quality of Service
Radio Frequency Optimization of Mobile Networks in Abeokuta, Nigeria For Improved Quality of Service
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Radio Frequency Optimization is an important process in verifying and monitoring the performance of any GSM radio network
already deployed in an area. It is a periodic activity that is done to maintain a good radio quality of service and enhance end
users’ perception. This research work aimed at improving the Quality of Service (QoS) of the GSM radio network deployed within
Abeokuta City, Nigeria in order to retain existing subscribers and attract new ones while continually expanding the network. A
drive test was carried out in dedicated mode with the goal of collecting measurement data as a function of location and to identify
the eventual black spots in the GSM radio network. The data collected were analysed in post-processing software tool (MapInfo
Professional) to identify the causes of problems and determine how these problems can be solved effectively and efficiently. Poor
network coverage and degradation in QoS were encountered in some parts of the city. This performance was due to the land
topology and the presence of physical obstructions in the propagation environment. The Hand-Over (HO) failures were mainly
due to Base Station Controller (BSC) synchronization issue. Therefore, additional Base Stations were planned to be deployed in
those areas; and the BSC synchronization issue was resolved. This will resolve frequent network complaints that lead to
customers’ dissatisfaction and boost the revenue of the mobile network provider.
Keywords: Radio Network Optimization, QoS, Speech Quality Index, Drive Test
Optimization (RNO) teams play a very significant and vital Ugwoke et al (2014) carried out an investigation on QoS
role in optimizing an operational network to meet the ever- status in Nigeria while leveraging software engineering
increasing demands from the end users [8]. concepts to develop an optimization drive test plant for
improving QoS thresholds by service providers [14]. The
Cellular network operators must periodically optimize their research work in [15] analysed QoS and identified the areas
networks to accommodate traffic growth and performance on the GSM network where congestion occurred, the causes
degradation. Optimization action after service rollout is to of congestion on GSM network and presented a congestion
correct the expected errors in network planning and the comparative analysis on each of the GSM networks in
benefits like improved network capacity, enhanced coverage Nigeria using MTN, CELTEL (Formerly ECONET),
and quality of service [9]. GLOBACOM, and MTEL.
1.2 Drive Test Investigation Approach Shoewu et al (2011) in [16] presented a report on the quality
of service of network optimization and evaluation of Key
Drive tests are the most common measurement tool used by Performance Indices provided by GSM operators
radio network operators to probe the quality status and solve considering the ability to establish and maintain call
network problems. Drive Testing is a method of measuring connections, call retention, handover, inter and intra
and assessing the coverage, capacity and Quality of Service network call set-up. The work consequently developed a
(QoS) of a mobile radio network [2]. It is conducted for model of service quality and a set of dimensions for
checking the coverage criteria of the cell site with the RF comparative evaluation which was opined to direct
drive test tool. The data collected by drive test tool in form regulators and service providers.
of log files are assessed to evaluate the various RF
parameters of the network. The technique consists of using a In this research work, a drive test was carried out in
motor vehicle containing mobile radio network air interface dedicated mode with the goal of collecting measurement
measurement equipment that can detect and record a wide data as a function of location and to identify the eventual
variety of the physical and virtual parameters of mobile black spots in the GSM radio network deployed in
cellular service in a given geographical area [10]. Abeokuta. The data collected were analysed in post-
processing software tools to identify the causes of problems
Field measurement and network assessment are usually done and determine how these problems can be solved effectively
through drive testing over the coverage area of respective and efficiently. This will thereby improve the radio QOS in
base stations under observation. The data set collected can Abeokuta. This is a periodic activity aiming to maintain a
include information such as [11]: signal intensity; signal good radio quality of service and end users perception. The
quality; interference; dropped calls; blocked calls; call goals are to improve quality of service, retain existing
statistics; service level statistics; Quality of Service (QoS) subscribers and attract new ones while continually
information; handover information; neighbouring cell expanding the network.
information and; GPS location co-ordinates.
1.3 Review of Related Works
2.1 Geographic Description of the Coverage Area
Popoola et al (2009) evaluated the network performance and
quality of service (QoS) of GSM cellular system in Nigeria Abeokuta is situated at 7°9′39″N Latitude, 3°20′54″E
using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The result of the Longitude and 67 metres elevation above the sea level. It is
study shows that the QoS of GSM system in the country is the largest city and capital of Ogun State in South-Western
unreliable [12]. Agajo et al (2012) optimized GSM network region of Nigeria. It is situated on the east bank of the Ogun
performance by developing a pilot study. Simulations were River, near a group of rocky outcrops in a wooded savannah
carried out to assess various parameters and [17]. As of 2005, Abeokuta and the surrounding area had a
recommendations were made on how to improve on the population of 593,140. Figure 1 shows the propagation
efficiency of the wireless communication network [9]. environment of the mobile radio network investigated.
Volume: 03 Issue: 08 | Aug-2014, Available @ 175
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
The flexibility of MapInfo Professional software in post-
processing of raw data and the different ways of result
presentation offer it a very indispensable tool to network
optimization Engineers. The results obtained in terms of
received signal level, received signal quality and event
handover failure rate were differentiated by colours.
Volume: 03 Issue: 08 | Aug-2014, Available @ 176
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Fig 3: Coverage Plot of Received Signal Level The GSM radio network coverage statistics are presented in
Figure 6. This shows the percentage contribution of different
Figure 4 presents the coverage plot of frequency band received signal level ranges to the radio network coverage in
distribution of the radio networks deployed within the city the Abeokuta City.
under study. The two frequency band investigated were
GSM 900 MHz and DCS 1800 MHz. The deployed GSM
900 MHz radio network in the city accounted for 7,341
measurement points; while 193,604 measurement points
were the contribution of the DCS 1800 MHz radio network
Volume: 03 Issue: 08 | Aug-2014, Available @ 177
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Issue: 08 | Aug-2014, Available @ 178
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
The Mobile Station (MS) sensitivity is a component of link
budget. This factor is dependent upon the receiver noise
figure and minimum level of the Output Signal-to-Noise
ratio needed. The recommendation for the MS sensitivity in
GSM 900 and DCS 1800 are -102 dBm and -100 dBm
respectively [6]. The average received signal level
experienced in the city is highly satisfactory; about 98.45%
of the total coverage area investigated has received signal
level below -91 dBm.
Fig 12: Received Signal Level of Poor Coverage Area Fig 15: Ariel View of the Poor Coverage Area
Volume: 03 Issue: 08 | Aug-2014, Available @ 179
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Issue: 08 | Aug-2014, Available @ 180