Stratification is the
grouping of people
according to differences
in income, occupation,
power, privilege, manner
stratification of living, region where
they live, age, gender, or
race; you can probably
think of other categories.
Types of Social
The Class system
An indicator means
that Factors which
are Responsible for
Social Mobility
Occupation and
income are
considered to be the
main indicators of
Social Mobility.
1. Education
Income and
economic conditions
play a very important
role in changing the
status of an individual
On the basis of
income, individuals
can achieve a high
status is society
4. Motivation
The process of
modernization involves use
of scientific knowledge and
modern technology.
1. Vertical Mobility
• Economic factor
• Political reason
• Religious Factor
• Educational
• Natural disasters
6. Inter-Generational Mobility
Economic inequality
Social inequality
Economic inequality
For example:
Pareto principle(80/20 rule)
80% people have 20% wealth(poorest people)
and 20% people have 80% wealth(richest people).
Income inequality
Vertical inequality
Differences between the rich and the poor
Horizontal inequality
Where people of similar
background,status,qualification,etc have differences in
Pay inequality
Gender inequality
Class inequality
Education inequality
Political inequality
Opportunity inequality
Caste inequality
Urban and rural
Age discrimination
Gender inequality
Gender inequality refers to the unequal perceptions and treatment
of people, based on their gender.
There are many different types of gender inequality such as women
works longer than men ,earnings ,ownership ,survival ,bias in the
distribution of education and health ,freedom and respect of
violence and victimization.
➢ women who have experienced physical abuse.
➢ Women participate equally in work but got less paid than men.
➢ There are approximately 123 million illiterate youths and 61
percent of them are girls.
An Afghan woman
operates a paving
machine on a road that is
to be resurfaced in Kabul,
Afghanistan. Women
working was banned during
the rule of the Taliban but
have now become more
common since the downfall
of the government.
Class inequality
By considering two children Bobby (the son of a
lawyer) and Jimmy (son of a custodial assistant)
who both do well in class, the study found that it
makes it 27 times more likely that Bobby will get a
high profile job, while Jimmy had one chance in
eight of earning a median income.
Education inequality