Urban Density and Climate Change: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Urban Density and Climate Change: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Urban Density and Climate Change: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Paper 1
David Dodman2
This paper presents an analytical review of the interaction between urban density, climate
change, and sea-level rise. The paper has a focus on two main themes: the interaction between
urban density and the generation of greenhouse gases and how this affects mitigation strategies;
and the consequences of climate change on urban settlements of varying population densities
and how this affects adaptation strategies. Throughout, there is a recognition that changing
population densities in urban centres can both affect, and be affected by, global environmental
Firstly, and as is already well known, climate change is caused by the emission of greenhouse
gases, primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels. Greenhouse-gas emitting activities are
distributed in a spatially uneven manner. At a global scale, the 20 percent of the world’s
population living in developed countries account for 46.4 percent of global greenhouse gas
emissions, while the 80 percent of the world’s population living in developing countries account
for the remaining 53.6 percent. The United States and Canada alone account for 19.4 percent of
global greenhouse gas emissions, while all of South Asia accounts for 13.1 percent, and all of
Africa just 7.8 percent (Rogner et al 2007). Even greater differences can be seen if individual
countries are compared: per capita carbon dioxide equivalent emissions vary from less than one
tonne (e.g. Bangladesh 0.38; Burkina Faso 0.60) to more than twenty tonnes per year (e.g.
Canada 23.72; the USA 23.92; Australia 26.54) (United Nations Statistics Division, n.d.). Even
within countries there are spatial disparities in the production of greenhouse gases: per capita
emissions in New York City are only 29.7% of those in the United States as a whole (PlaNYC
2007); those in Rio de Janeiro are only 28.0% of those of Brazil as a whole (Dubeux and La
Rovere 2007); and those in Barcelona are only 33.9% of those of Spain as a whole (Baldasano et
al 1999) (for a more detailed discussion of this topic, see Dodman 2009).
The paper therefore examines the implications of different urban densities for the emission of
greenhouse gases (particularly, although not exclusively, in high-income countries), and the
implications of this for global climate change. The paper explores the relationship between form,
density, economy and society within cities to assess whether particular spatial patterns can have
a positive or negative effect on the emission of greenhouse gases and consequently climate
The paper has benefitted from the comments of Gordon McGranahan and Daniel Schensul.
Researcher, Human Settlements and Climate Change Groups, International Institute for Environment and
Secondly, and as is increasingly accepted, the effects of climate change will also be distributed
unevenly. In this case, high urban densities can both contribute to and reduce the vulnerability of
human populations. If populations are concentrated in vulnerable locations, without proper
infrastructural or institutional frameworks, then density can increase risk. However, if effective
means can be found for supporting dense populations in safe locations with suitable
infrastructural and institutional frameworks, then this can provide a viable alternative –
particularly for the urban poor – to living on marginal and unsafe sites.
The paper therefore examines patterns of urban density and vulnerability (particularly, although
not exclusively, in low- and middle-income countries), and the inter-relationships between the
two. Specifically, it examines case studies of high population densities that increase exposure to
the effects of climate change and vulnerability; and case studies of high population densities that
can be seen to reduce risk. If well-managed, the increasing concentration of population in urban
centres can mean reduction in vulnerability to the direct and indirect impacts of climate change;
if poorly managed, it can mean increasing levels of risk for large sections of the urban
These processes do not act in isolation, and cannot be separated from broader demographic,
economic and social transformations. The paper therefore views the interaction between climate
change and urban density in a holistic manner that can identify appropriate, context-specific, and
policy-relevant recommendations. The analysis provided by this paper will help to strengthen
capacity at the national and local levels to comprehend and deal effectively with urbanization in
the face of the challenges posed by climate change.
“What options are left for shaping the city? In essence, perhaps, we have only two. First
is the option of the high-density city. This, we tell ourselves, is the anti-suburban model,
based on an ideal of diversity and inclusiveness. Those infected by the European
prejudice towards cities taking a certain kind of physical form embrace this model in
opposition to what they maintain, for a variety of reasons – sometimes snobbish,
sometimes well-meaning – to be the shortcomings of the low-density city.
“Low-density urbanism, on the other hand, is a model equated with what is considered
the destructive selfishness of the gated community and the environmentally disastrous
results of low-density car-orientated suburbs, which allegedly will become unsustainable
long before fossil fuels run out and which do nothing to support the traditional energy
and vitality of urban life. However, it could equally well be presented as a model of
freedom and sturdy individual choice… To those who promote this model, the high-
density city is, despite the claims of its champions, a claustrophobic, overdeveloped and
dehumanizing ant-hill.
“Is there nothing in between these two poles that could be used as a model for shaping
the city in a constructive and positive way? Is there as yet enough understanding of the
lessons taught by cities outside the traditional compounds of Europe and North America
that have shaped the majority of thought about what cities can be? What can they do to
manoeuvre themselves to a position where they are actually improving life for the people
who flock to them – which, in the end, is the underlying justification for a city?” (Sudjic
2008: 44)
As the extract above indicates, views of urban density have tended to be starkly polarized. Low
density cities are seen to enable individual freedom and spacious living, or to be a profligate and
wasteful use of space and resources. Dense urban populations seen either to be indicative of
claustrophobic squalor, poverty and deprivation; or of diversity and community. On the one
hand, Ebenezer Howard’s protests against urban overcrowding are still invoked: Howard argued
that “It is wellnigh universally agreed by men of all parties… that it is deeply to be deplored that
the people should continue to stream into the already overcrowded cities” (Howard 1996: 346).
On the other hand, Jane Jacobs’ (1996) passionate defense of urban life in The Death and Life of
Great American Cities is still taken as a mantra, particularly for those in the intellectual
movement of ‘new urbanism’ who are opposed to the growth patterns of suburban sprawl and
restrictive residential enclaves. In this latter grouping, low urban densities – frequently
associated with the process of suburbanization – are often characterized as urban sprawl.
The definition and effects of urban sprawl are widely debated. Frenkel and Ashkenazi (2008)
identify five different systems for measuring sprawl – growth rates, density, spatial geometry,
accessibility and aesthetic measures – with settlement patterns identified as sprawl by one
measure not necessarily meeting the other characteristics. Urban sprawl is often associated with
a variety of social problems including “social isolation and obesity; asthma and global warming;
flooding and erosion; the demise of small farms; extinction of wildlife and the unbalancing of
nature” (Gottdiener and Budd 2005: 148). In contrast, however, some planners see sprawl as
inevitable or harmless, arguing that it maximizes the overall welfare of society as an outcome of
free-market decision-making, provides easy access to open space, and results in lower crime
rates (Frenkel and Ashkenazi 2008).
In terms of a broad assessment of quality of life, it appears that the benefits of higher urban
densities are mixed: a study of medium-sized English cities suggested that higher urban densities
have some positive and some negative effects on social equity. Specifically, “likely benefits
include improved public transport, reduced social segregation and better access to facilities,
while the main problems are likely to be reduced living space and a lack of affordable housing”
(Burton 2000: 1969). A similar outcome is likely in relation to the challenges of climate change:
higher urban densities will yield certain advantages for both mitigation and adaptation, although
in extreme cases may have a more general detrimental impact on quality of life; whereas lower
urban densities may have the converse effects. In addition, it is unlikely that there is an
‘optimum’ urban population density, as this will be affected by a variety of social, historical and
environmental factors.
The relationship between urban population density and the environment in its broader sense is
further complicated by the spatial displacement of environmental costs. Although it is often
argued that denser urban settlements make more efficient use of land and other resources, at
least some of this can be attributed to their ‘ecological footprints’ outside the spatial boundaries
of the city (Wackernagel and Rees 1995; Wackernagel et al 2006). This displacement of
environmental costs is particularly relevant to climate change if ‘consumption-based’ rather than
‘production-based’ measures of greenhouse gas generation are utilised. Many cities in North
America and Europe are service-oriented rather than production-oriented, yet traditional
mechanisms for identifying the source of greenhouse gas emissions allocates these to the
location of production, rather than the location of the consumption of the finished product (Bai
2007). As Walker and King (2008: 2000) describe the situation, “Next time you buy something
with ‘Made in China’ stamped on it, ask yourself who was responsible for the emissions that
created it.” But even taking this into account, it is hard to deny that “density is potentially
useful” (UNFPA 2007: 46). Demographic concentration can assist in achieving the ends of
sustainability more broadly, through conserving agricultural land and fragile ecosystems.
At its simplest, urban density is measured by dividing a given population by a given area. In the
case of urban areas, the widely varying definitions of the spatial extent of these areas leads to a
great deal of difficulty in generating comparable statistics for different towns and cities.
Dividing the population of a metropolitan area by the administrative area contained within its
official boundaries is a highly unreliable measure – particularly for comparisons – because the
density will vary according to the definition of these boundaries (Angel et al 2005). In addition,
standard measures of density are calculated over an entire land area, without taking into account
the levels of connectivity. In this regard, the gradual transformation of the urban form of
Curitiba, Brazil, from a predominantly radial-circular form to a more linear pattern of
development has reduced the city’s overall density, yet has facilitated the development of a more
rapid and effective public transportation system and various other social and environmental
In general, standard urban models predict a pattern of negative exponential density gradients
within cities, where there is a gradual decline in population density from the centre of the city to
its outskirts. An analysis of fifty mostly large metropolitan areas by Bertaud and Malpezzi
(2003) shows general support for this model, although in some cities there are substantial
variations. This is usually where there are highly regulatory environments for land use – for
example, cities with particularly rigid regulatory environments such as Seoul, cities such as
Cape Town that developed under repressive population controls, and centrally planned cities
such as Brasilia and Moscow.
It is perhaps also appropriate to see at least some aspects of urban density as fluctuating in a
cyclical pattern. Champion (2001) argues that urbanization, suburbanization,
counterurbanization and reurbanization are stages in a cyclic model. Suburbanization became
significant as an urban feature during the latter half of the nineteenth century, and has been
driven by the negative aspects of city cost, congestion, grime and squalor. Counterurbanization
involves an extension of this process, with overspill to new appendages of metropolitan territory,
but is also accentuated by residents and employers actively seeking out more remote locations to
take advantage of their inherent characteristics. Reurbanization – the increase in population (and
density) in central urban areas – has been observed in western Europe and North America, in the
1980s and 1990s. New York City’s population declined by 3.6 percent in the 1970s but grew by
3.1 percent in the 1980s; Helsinki, Oslo, Stockholm and London also experienced population
growth in that decade – yet in all these cases (except Stockholm) the population of suburban
areas grew at an even faster rate. In this regard, reurbanization results in increased population
densities in the urban core, but decreased population densities for the metropolitan area as a
In general and at a global level, however, there is strong evidence that urban densities have
generally been declining over the past two centuries (UNFPA 2007). Perhaps the most detailed
and compelling assessment of this phenomenon is provided by a recent World Bank report
(Angel et al 2005). This report uses a method of measuring the density of the built-up area (as
defined through satellite imagery) rather than the administrative area of cities, and applies this to
a total of 3,943 cities with populations of greater than 100,000. These cities had a total
population of 2.3 billion people: 1.7 billion in ‘developing’ countries and 0.6 billion in
‘industrialized’ countries. According to the report, the average density of industrialized country
cities in 2000 was 2,835 people / km2, declining from 3,545 people / km2 in 1990 with an annual
change of -2.2 percent. In developing countries, the average urban population density in 2000
was 8,050 people / km2, declining from 9,560 people / km2 in 1990 with an annual change of
-1.7 percent. Alternatively, these figures can be expressed as the average built-up area per
person: 125m2 in developing country cities, and 355m2 in industrialized country cities.
This trend of reduced urban densities is likely to continue into the future. It is estimated that the
total population of cities in ‘developing’ countries will double between 2000 and 2030, but their
built-up areas will triple (from approximately 200,000km2 to approximately 600,000 km2); in
‘industrialized’ countries the population of cities will increase by approximately 20 percent
whilst their built up areas will increase by 2.5 times (from approximately 200,000km2 to
approximately 500,000 km2). These agglomerated figures for ‘industrialized’ and ‘developing’
countries conceal a great deal of regional variation (Figure 1). Southeast Asian cities were
almost four times as densely populated as European cities, and almost eight times as densely
populated as those in ‘Other Developed Countries’ (including North America and Australasia).
The figures can also be disaggregated by income levels: cities in low income countries are more
than four times as densely populated as cities in high income countries.
In summary, therefore, the average density of built-up areas in all cities, all regions, and all
population sizes is decreasing. However, as has been shown, this is a highly uneven process. In
addition, these figures do not capture the variations in density that exist within cities: although
the density for any given urban area as a whole may be declining, there are likely still to be
pockets of extremely high density, and these are likely to be associated with low-income
residential areas. The following sections of this paper assess – in a greater level of detail – the
relationship between these patterns of urban density and the different aspects of climate change.
Urban form and urban spatial organisation can have a wide variety of implications for a city’s
greenhouse gas emissions. The high concentrations of people and economic activities in urban
areas can lead to ‘economies’ of scale, proximity and agglomeration that can have a positive
impact on energy use and associated emissions; whilst the proximity of homes and businesses
can encourage walking, cycling and the use of mass transport in place of private motor vehicles
(Satterthwaite 1999). Some researchers suggest that each doubling of average neighbourhood
density is associated with a decrease in per-household vehicle use of 20-40 percent, with a
corresponding decline in emissions (Gottdiener and Budd 2005 : 153). Newman and Kenworthy
(1989) suggested that gasoline use per capita declines with urban density (although they
acknowledge that the correlation weakens once GDP per capita is controlled for), while Brown
and Southworth (2008: 653) argue that “by the middle of the century the combination of green
buildings and smart growth could deliver the deeper reductions that many believe are needed to
mitigate climate change”.
Yet cities have often been blamed for generating most of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions,
and contributing disproportionately to global climate change. Referring specifically to climate
change, the Executive Director of the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UN
Habitat) has stated that cities are “responsible for 75 percent of global energy consumption and
80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions”; while the Clinton Foundation suggests that cities
contribute “approximately 75 percent of all heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions to our
atmosphere, while only comprising 2 percent of land mass” (for references to these and similar
quotations, and a detailed critique of these, see Satterthwaite 2008). Yet at the same time,
detailed analyses of urban greenhouse gas emissions for individual cities suggest that – per
capita – urban residents tend to generate a substantially smaller volume of carbon emissions than
residents elsewhere in the same country.
In Barcelona, greenhouse gas emissions per capita in 1996 were 3.4 tonnes of CO2 equivalent,
compared to a Spanish average of 10.03 tonnes (in 2004 – figures for the same year are
unavailable for comparison) (Baldasano et al 1999; United Nations Statistical Division n.d.).
This relatively low level of per capita emissions can be attributed to several major factors: the
city’s economy is primarily service-based rather than manufacturing-based; 90 percent of the
city’s electricity is generated by nuclear and hydro energy; the city’s mild climate and the rarity
of household air-conditioning systems; and the compact urban structure in which many residents
live in apartments rather than individual houses (Baldasano et al 1999).
In London, per capita emissions in 2006 were 6.18 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, or just over half
the British average of 11.19 (in 2004), representing a slight decline since 1990 (Mayor of
London 2007). This occurred despite a rise in population of 0.7 million people during the same
time period (Mayor of London 2007); or an increase from 9.93 million to 10.03 million between
1989 and 2000 using Angel et al’s (2005) methodology of defining the city by its built-up area.
Over this same time period, the built up area increased from 1,573km2 to 1,855km2, and urban
density decreased from 6,314 people per km2 to 5,405 people per km2. In this particular
situation, therefore, per capita greenhouse gas emissions appeared to decline at the same time as
urban density declined. However, the relationship between density and greenhouse gas
emissions in this is complicated. Whilst it may appear that the decreased density did not
influence greenhouse gas emissions, in fact the decline in emissions can be attributed to the
halving of industrial emissions, as industrial activity has relocated to other parts of the UK or
A recent study of greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto deals with the issue of density more
explicitly (VandeWeghe and Kennedy 2007). The study depicts both the overall patterns of
greenhouse gas emissions for Toronto, and also examines how these vary spatially throughout
the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area (CMA): as the distance from the central core increases,
automobile emissions begin to dominate the total emissions. This pattern is supported by
Norman et al (2006), who found that low-density suburban development is 2.0-2.5 times more
energy and greenhouse gas intensive than high-density urban core development on a per capita
New York City also has much lower per capita emissions than the United States as a whole (7.1
tonnes of CO2 equivalent per person in 2005, compared to a national average of 23.9 tonnes of
CO2 equivalent per person in 2004). Despite the city’s high concentration of wealth, the density
of the city’s buildings and the smaller-than-average dwelling unit size means that less energy is
needed to heat, light, cool, and power these buildings; and the extensive public transport system
means that car ownership levels in the city are much lower than those nationally (PlaNYC
Detailed assessments of greenhouse gas emissions have been undertaken in Rio de Janeiro and
São Paulo in Brazil (Rio Prefeitura Meio Ambiente 2003; Secretaria Municipal do Verde e do
Meio Ambiente de São Paulo 2005). These studies utilize the IPCC framework for the creation
of national inventories, and as such are more detailed than many of the other studies discussed in
this paper. The studies show similar trends to the European and North American cities described
above: at the national scale, Brazil’s emissions in 1994 were 8.2 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per
person, while those in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo were 2.3 (in 1998) and 1.5 (in 2003)
respectively. This pattern of emissions is obviously strongly affected by the level of economic
development of Brazil as a country: emissions from solid waste represent a much higher
proportion than in many other cities, whilst emissions from the transportation sector (both
individual and mass transit) are much lower, a situation influenced by the widespread use of
ethanol as a fuel for motor vehicles. However, in the case of Brazil as a whole, the main sources
of emissions at the national level are related primarily to rural activities such as deforestation
and cattle raising.
A variety of factors have been identified as affecting the carbon emissions of cities in Asia.
Lebel et al (2007) examine the ways in which patterns of mobility, the design and distribution of
houses, the organization of food and water systems, and individual lifestyle choices affect
emissions in Manila, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City, New Delhi, and Chiang Mai (although they do
not provide overall figures for these cities). Similarly, Dhakal (2004) examines energy use and
carbon dioxide emissions in four Asian cities – Beijing, Seoul, Shanghai and Tokyo – but
provides only per capita and not total emissions figures for these cities. What is particularly
notable in comparing these cities is that the wealthiest city – Tokyo – has considerably lower
emissions than the two Chinese cities assessed, clearly indicating that there is not an inevitable
relationship between increasing prosperity and increasing emissions.
urban compactness and domestic energy and resources consumption: there is a statistically
significant negative relationship between urban density and energy use efficiency, and between
urban density and natural resources consumption (Chen et al 2008). However, this may be
because the more dense Chinese cities are also those that are more economically successful –
and also because a high proportion of Chinese emissions are generated through the production of
exports. Indeed, 12 percent of Chinese emissions were due to the production of exports in 1987,
a figure that rose to 21 percent in 2002 and 33 percent (equivalent to six percent of total global
CO2 emissions) in 2005 (Weber et al. 2008).
The figures above only compare average figures for urban areas with average figures for the
countries in which they are located. It is also necessary to assess the greenhouse gas emissions
of different types of urban development: both between different cities and within the same city.
In this situation, it appears that decreasing urban density may be implicated in increasing
greenhouse gas emissions, although the data are confounded by a variety of other variables,
including overall income levels. For example, cities in South Asia are not only more densely
settled than cities in North America, but also have much lower greenhouse gas emissions: the
difference in the latter is due much more to income and consumption patterns than to variations
in the former.
Dense urban settlements can therefore be seen to enable lifestyles that reduce per capita
greenhouse gas emissions through the concentration of services that reduces the need to travel
large distances, the (generally) better provision of public transportation networks, and the
constraints on the size of residential dwellings imposed by the scarcity and high cost of land. Yet
conscious strategies to increase urban density may or may not have a positive influence on
greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts. Many of the world’s most densely
populated cities in south, central and south-east Asia suffer severely from overcrowding and
reducing urban density will meet a great many broader social, environmental and developmental
needs. High urban densities can cause localised climatic effects such as increased local
temperatures (Coutts et al 2007). In addition, a variety of vulnerabilities to climate change are
also exacerbated by density: coastal location, exposure to the urban heat-island effect, high
levels of outdoor and indoor air pollution, and poor sanitation are associated with areas of high
population density in developing-country cities (Campbell-Lendrum and Corvalán 2007).
However, these also provide clear opportunities for simultaneously improving health and cutting
GHG emissions through policies related to transport systems, urban planning, building
regulations and household energy supply.
Conversely, some of the apparent climate change mitigation benefits of high urban densities in
industrialized countries may be a consequence of the spatial displacement of greenhouse gas
generating activities to other locations within the same country or internationally. Reducing
greenhouse gas emissions – or addressing climate change mitigation concerns – can only be
meaningfully achieved through a process of reducing both direct and indirect emissions.
However, density is just one of a variety of factors that influences the sustainability of urban
form. Whilst Neumann (2005) concludes that compactness alone is neither a necessary nor
sufficient condition for sustainability, Jabareen (2006) identifies seven design concepts of
sustainable urban form – compactness, sustainable transport, density, mixed land uses, diversity,
passive solar design, and greening – and uses these to compose a sustainable urban form matrix.
Based on these criteria, the “compact city” model is identified as being most sustainable,
followed by the “eco-city”, “neotraditional development” and “urban containment” – although
this classification and ranking is based on reviews of literature rather than empirical research.
However, this analysis does serve to highlight the variety of ways in which urban form and
process can influence overall sustainability, and shows that density alone is not equivalent to
sustainability. A more detailed analysis (Mindali et al. 2004) suggests that the relationship
between urban density and energy consumption is more complex than is often proposed, and that
social, urban structure, and transportation factors all play an important role. The use of
multivariate analysis (accounting for 26 variables) in 31 cities shows that there is no direct
impact of total urban density on energy consumption, but that there are a variety of other
relationships between energy consumption and density attributes. Rather than expressly
examining density, therefore, it is perhaps more relevant to discuss urban form in a broader
sense: as Glaeser and Kahn (2008: 29) conclude, “holding population and income constant… the
spatial distribution of the population is also an important determinant of greenhouse gas
production”. However, other factors such as temperature also strongly influence emissions:
within the United States, cities that experience particularly high July temperatures generate more
emissions as a result of energy use for cooling; whereas cities with particularly low January
temperatures generate more emissions as a result of energy use for heating (Glaeser and Kahn
Overall, however, the research reported by these authors suggests that density is one of several
factors that affects energy use – and by extension greenhouse gas emissions – from towns and
cities. Further, they all point to the importance of analysing urban processes rather than simply
assessing urban form at a particular moment in time.
A second major inter-relationship between population density and climate change is in patterns
of density and vulnerability. Densely populated urban areas – particularly in low- and middle-
income countries – are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Where there are
dense concentrations of households and economic activities, the effects of climate change can
affect large numbers of people and have a major impact on urban economies – even if they
affect only relatively small land areas. Yet at the same time, if appropriate infrastructure is
developed in areas that are less likely to be influenced by climate change, this provides the
opportunity to build large-scale resilience in a relatively cost-effective manner.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report of 2007
unequivocally states that the earth’s climate system has been undergoing warming over the last
fifty years. Projected future global averaged surface warming (for the decade 2090-99 relative to
1980-99) ranges from 1.1° to 6.4°C, whilst sea level rise (for the same period) is predicted at 18
to 59cm (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007). Mean temperatures are likely to
increase, mean precipitation will fluctuate, and mean sea-level will rise; extreme rainfall events
and tropical cyclones are likely to be more frequent and intense, leading to flooding (both
riverine and storm surge). Population changes and ecological changes may result in increased
exposure to disaster risk. Changes in means will intensify the stresses faced by poor urban
residents on a day-to-day basis, and may reduce or deplete their stocks of assets and resources
they require to face occasional extreme events; while increases in the intensity of these extreme
events will have significant implications for the households, livelihoods and lives of these
groups of people.
Specifically in relation to urban areas, the IPCC report states that “climate change is almost
certain to affect human settlements, large and small, in a variety of significant ways” (Willbanks
et al 2007: 371). Climate change is likely to exacerbate many of the risks faced by low-income
urban residents – the IPCC also states that “poor communities can be especially vulnerable, in
particular those concentrated in relatively high-risk areas” (Willbanks et al 2007: 359). Urban
areas in low- and middle-income nations already house a large percentage of the people and
economic activities most at risk from climate change, including extreme weather events and sea-
level rise – and this proportion is increasing. The types of changes that will affect urban areas
can be summarised as changes in means, changes in extremes, and changes in exposure (Figure
The main impacts of climate change on urban areas, at least in the next few decades, are likely to
be increased levels of risk from existing hazards. For poorer groups, these will present a variety
of impacts: direct impacts such as more frequent and more hazardous floods; less direct impacts
such as reduced availability of freshwater supplies for many cities that may reduce supplies
available to poorer groups; and indirect impacts such as the effects of climate-change related
weather events that increase food prices or damage poorer households’ asset bases (for a more
detailed discussion of the relationship between urban poverty and climate change vulnerability,
see Dodman and Satterthwaite 2008). In addition, poorer groups are disproportionately
vulnerable for a variety of reasons, including:
• greater exposure to hazards (e.g. through living in makeshift housing on unsafe sites);
• lack of hazard-reducing infrastructure (e.g. drainage systems);
• less adaptive capacity (e.g. the ability to move to better quality housing or less dangerous
• less state provision for assistance in the result of a disaster (indeed, state action may
increase exposure to hazards by limiting access to safe sites for housing);
• less legal and financial protection (e.g. a lack of legal tenure for housing sites, lack of
The effects of climate change in densely populated urban areas are clearly illustrated in
Bangladesh. The population of the capital, Dhaka, has grown more than 20-fold in the last fifty
years, and it now has more than 10 million inhabitants. Severe floods – particularly in 1988,
1998 and 2004 – caused by the spill-over from surrounding rivers have had major economic
impacts. Large sections of the city are only a few metres above sea level, and the combination of
sea-level rise and increased frequency and intensity of storms is likely to greatly increase these
risks (Alam and Rabbani 2007). These flooding risks can also be seen in other urban centres in
Bangladesh. Khulna is a coastal city with a population of 1.2 million people. Large parts of the
city are frequently waterlogged after heavy rainfall. In addition, the city experiences problems
with salinisation of surface water, and it is anticipated that climate change and sea level rise will
cause this to worsen in the future.
The proportion of disaster-related deaths and injuries that occur in urban areas in low- and
middle-income nations is likely to grow, in part because an increasing proportion of the world’s
population live and work there (and almost all the world’s population growth anticipated in the
next few decades is likely to occur in urban areas in low- and middle-income nations)
(Satterthwaite 2007). Climate change is likely to increase the number of serious injuries and
deaths from disasters in urban areas significantly – and many cities in low- and middle-income
nations are at high risk from climate change (Satterthwaite et al 2007). In addition, there are
disaster risks that are inherent in an increasingly urbanized world that do not take place in urban
areas – for instance many road, air and sea transport accidents take place outside urban areas but
are linked to the increasing flows of people and goods between urban centres or between rural
and urban areas. However, there is no automatic link between increasing urban populations and
increasing disaster risk; indeed, the experience in high-income nations and some middle-income
nations has been that highly urbanized populations and production structures can also develop
with much reduced risk from most kinds of disaster.
Perhaps not surprisingly, many city case studies also highlight how disaster risk is heavily
concentrated within low-income populations or within urban districts with high concentrations
of low-income groups. These are almost always among the most densely populated sections of
urban centres. Official statistics on the scale of economic losses from disasters can also be
misleading in underplaying the impact of losses on low-income groups. For instance, the
economic value of houses destroyed by floods or fires in, for instance, illegal settlements or of
the possessions they contained may be low in monetary terms yet devastating to the lives and
livelihoods of large numbers of low-income groups. In addition, many losses are qualitative and
hard to measure – for instance the work and school days lost and the disruptions to informal
income-earning activities. Organizations responsible for disaster-response (whether local,
national or international) often have little capacity or incentive to work with low-income groups
and little capacity to address issues in a pro-poor way – for instance in allowing displaced
groups a key influence in recovering their land and rebuilding their homes and livelihoods.
In regard to local governments, dense urban populations in high-income nations take for granted
a web of institutions, infrastructure, services and regulations that protect them from disasters –
including extreme weather, floods, fires and technological accidents. Many of the measures to
protect against these also supply everyday needs, including health care services integrated with
emergency services, and sewer and drainage systems that serve daily requirements but that can
also cope with storms. Almost everyone lives and works in buildings that meet health and safety
regulations and that are served by infrastructure designed to cope with extreme weather. The
police, armed services, health services and fire services, if or when needed, provide early
warning systems and ensure rapid emergency responses. Consequently, extreme weather events
rarely cause a large loss of life or to serious injury. Although occasionally such events cause
serious property damage, the economic cost is reduced for most property owners by property
and possessions insurance. The monetary cost of all the above is also accepted by almost all the
population and the costs of these routinely funded through charges and taxation. While private
companies or non-profit institutions may provide some of the key services, the framework for
provision and quality control is supplied by local government or local offices of provincial or
national government. All the above have contributed much to higher life expectancies and much
reduced risk from disasters.
Only a very small proportion of urban centres in low- and middle-income nations have a
comparable web of institutions, infrastructure, services and regulations, although there are very
large variations between such centres in the extent of provision and the extent of coverage. For
instance, the proportion of cities’ populations living in legal homes built meeting appropriate
building regulations varies from 10-20 percent to close to 100 percent. The proportion of the
population living in homes adequately served by sanitation, waste water removal and storm
drains varies as much; most urban centres in Africa and Asia have no sewers and for many of
those that do, these serve only a very small proportion of the population (Hardoy et al 2001). It
is common for 30-50 percent of the population to live in illegal settlements to which the local
authorities and utilities refuse to extend the infrastructure and services that do so much to reduce
disaster risk (or are prevented from doing so by law or regulation). There are no statistics on the
proportion of the urban population covered by good quality fire services or rapid response to
serious injuries or illnesses (including ambulances and hospitals able to provide rapid treatment)
but the inadequacy or complete absence of such services is evident in many dense informal
However, the fact that disasters often have a disproportionate impact on areas of high population
density does not necessarily imply that density itself is to blame for increasing vulnerability.
Rather, it is the fact that inadequate institutions and lack of infrastructure are often also
concentrated in areas where there are high population densities of low-income urban residents.
In and of itself, reducing density is not a solution to reducing vulnerability to climate-change
related disasters: after all, many poor, dispersed, rural populations also suffer horrendously from
climatic and other disasters. Instead, reducing vulnerability to climate change in high density
urban settlements requires the provision of adequate infrastructure and services: and given the
appropriate political will and financial resources, this can be achieved relatively economically in
dense settlements, as any improvements made can benefit a large number of people.
Low-income groups often have no choice but to locate themselves on already densely populated
marginal land, as no other suitable land is available. Because of this, one particularly important
response to urban climate change vulnerability is to make adequate and appropriately located
land available to low-income urban groups. This approach has been implemented successfully in
the city of Manizales in Colombia, which has managed to avoid rapidly growing low-income
populations settling on dangerous sites (Velásquez 2005). The population of Manizales was
growing rapidly, with high levels of spontaneous settlement in areas at risk from floods and
landslides. Local authorities, universities, NGOs and communities worked together to develop
programmes aimed not only at reducing risk, but also at improving the living standards of the
poor. Households were moved off the most dangerous sites but re-housed nearby, and most of
the former housing sites were converted into eco-parks with strong environmental education
components. A similar approach was implemented in the city of Ilo in Peru (Díaz Palacios and
Miranda 2005): although the city’s population increased fivefold between 1960 and 2000 there
have been no land invasions or occupation of risk-prone areas by poor groups, because local
authorities have implemented programmes (such as the acquisition of an urban-expansion area)
to accommodate this growth and to support the poor in their efforts to achieve decent housing.
At the same time, improvements were made in water supply, sanitation, electricity provision,
waste collection, and the provision of public space. Similar interventions – with a strong focus
on providing safe and accessible land for high density housing for the urban poor – are required
to reduce climate change vulnerability in densely populated towns and cities around the world.
The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report concluded that climate change has already contributed to
the global burden of disease and premature deaths, has altered the distribution of some infections
disease vectors, and has increased heat wave related deaths. It suggests that projected climate
change will increase malnutrition and associated disorders; increase the number of people
suffering from death, disease and injury from heat waves, floods, storms, fires and droughts;
change the range of some infectious disease vectors; increase the burden of diarrhoeal diseases;
increase cardio-respiratory morbidity and mortality associated with ground-level ozone; and
increase the number of people at risk of dengue. The effects of current and projected climate
change will be felt most strongly by the urban poor, the elderly and children, traditional
societies, subsistence farmers, and coastal populations (Confalonieri et al 2007).
Weather and climate can have a wide range of effects on human health. Deaths from cardio-
respiratory disease increase with high and low temperatures; weather affects the concentration
and distribution of air pollutants; higher temperatures reduce the development time of pathogens
in vectors and increase potential transmission to humans; vector species require specific climatic
conditions to be sufficiently abundant to maintain transmission; the survival of bacterial
pathogens is related to temperature; heavy rainfall and flooding are associated with outbreaks of
water-borne diseases due to contamination of water supplies; and drought conditions may affect
water quality due to extreme low flows (Kovats and Akhtar 2008).
Climate change is likely to result in more frequent and intense heat waves. In cities, these are
exacerbated by the urban heat-island effect as a result of lower evaporative cooling and
increased heat storage in roads and buildings – which can make temperatures 5-11ºC warmer
than in surrounding areas. Heat waves can have dramatic impacts on human health: the
European heat wave of August 2003 caused excess mortality of over 35,000 people (Campbell-
Lendrum and Corvalán 2007). Heat waves can result in significant economic effects from
decreased productivity and the additional cost of climate-control within buildings, as well as
generating ‘knock-on’ environmental effects, such as air pollution and increased greenhouse gas
emissions if these cooling needs are met with electricity generated from fossil fuels
(Satterthwaite et al 2007). There is also some evidence that the combined effects of heat stress
and air pollution may be greater than the additive effect of the two stresses (Patz and Balbus
2003). The effects of heat stress are distributed unevenly within urban populations, with elderly
persons being increasing vulnerable to this issue.
Densely populated urban areas may become increasingly vulnerable to vector-borne diseases
due to climate change, as shifting climate patterns extend the range of certain vectors. In general,
the higher rates of person-to-person contact in dense urban settlements can help to spread
infectious diseases more quickly. Rapid unplanned urbanization can produce breeding sites for
mosquitoes, high human population densities provide a large pool of susceptible individuals, and
increased temperatures cause an increase in high absolute humidity that can also extend the
species range (Campbell-Lendrum and Corvalán 2007). Diseases spread in this way include
dengue fever, malaria and filariasis. However, although climate change is likely to result in the
expansion of malaria-carrying mosquitoes to some new locations, it is likely to cause the
contraction of this range in other places (Confalonieri et al 2007).
Urban health risks can also be exacerbated as a result of extreme weather events3. In
Mozambique, heavy rains followed by two cyclones in 2000 had the direct impacts of causing
700 deaths and making 500,000 people homeless. However, indirect impacts that affected
human health included the destruction of rural water points and pit latrines in Gaza Province,
and the overflowing of 3,000 septic tanks in the cities of Chókwè and Xai-xai. Extreme events
of this kind are likely to become more frequent as a result of climate change, and the secondary
health effects caused by these in dense urban settlements cannot be ignored. Studies in Nepal
have shown that residents of the Kathmandu Valley are almost twice as likely to contract
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than persons living outside this urban area. The density
of people, traffic, and economic activities in the city contribute to air pollution; but climate
change may accentuate the problem through intensifying temperature inversions and trapping
pollutants in the valley. Other research in Kathmandu shows a distinct association between
temperature and recorded cases of typhoid, raising the possibility that increased temperatures as
a result of climate change may cause an increased incidence of this disease.
But the effects of climate change on human health in densely populated urban settlements are
not insurmountable. Indeed, the current burden of climate-sensitive disease is highest among the
urban poor: it is not the rapid development, size and density of cities that are the main
determinants off vulnerability, but rather the increased populations in hazard zones, flood plains,
coastal hazard risk zones and unstable hillsides vulnerable to landslides. Good environmental
and public health services should also be able to cope with any increase in other climate-change-
related health risks in the next few decades – whether this is through heatwaves or reduced
The examples from Mozambique and Nepal are taken from a series of as yet unpublished studies conducted by the
International Institute for Environment and Development and partner organisations through the CLACC network in
freshwater availability, or greater risks from communicable diseases. However, this requires
firm commitments to provide necessary infrastructure on the part of municipal and national
governments, as well as the mobilization of appropriate financial resources to facilitate this.
In Durban, South Africa, the eThekwini Municipality identifies human health as a key
component of its ‘Headline Climate Change Adaptation Strategy’ (Roberts 2008). This strategy
recognizes that the municipal government will have to respond to greater risks of heat-related
deaths and illnesses, extreme weather (particularly the vulnerability of sewage networks and
informal settlements to flooding), potentially reduced air quality, and impacts of changes in
precipitation, temperature, humidity and salinity on water quality and vector-borne diseases. It
also recognizes the need for public education, to develop community responses, to ensure that
electricity supplies can cope with peaks, to promote more shade provision and increased water
efficiency, to develop an extreme-climate public early-warning system, and to facilitate research
and training for environmental health.
Coastal areas are considerably more densely populated than the world’s land areas as a whole.
Based on a definition of near-coastal areas as being within 100 horizontal kilometres and 100
vertical metres of a coastline, Small and Nicholls (2003) determined that the average population
density of the near-coastal zone is 112 people per km2, compared to an average global
population density of 44 people per km2. This same methodology concluded that, in 1990,
approximately 23 percent of the world’s population, of 1.2 billion people, lived in near-coastal
areas. However, the majority of inhabitants of the near-coastal zone live at moderate population
densities (100 to 1,000 people per km2), and only about one-tenth of the inhabitants of the near-
coastal zone live at the very high population densities (more than 10,000 per km2) associated
with the dense urban cores of large cities.
An alternative, and more recent, methodology (McGranahan et al 2007) identifies the Low
Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) as land area contiguous with the coastline up to a 10 metre
elevation. The LECZ does not imply that all settlements and activities within the zone are at risk
from sea-level rise, but it is a useful proxy for identifying the extent of a country or region’s
population at risk. The LECZ covers 2 percent of the world’s land area but contains 10 percent
of the world’s population and 13 percent of the world’s urban population; of the approximately
600 million people living in the LECZ, approximately 360 million are urban dwellers. In
Bangladesh and China, the population in the LECZ grew at almost twice the national population
growth rate between 1990 and 2000, indicating an increasing densification of the coastal zone:
thus “even as the seaward risks associated with climate change are increasing, the areas most at
risk are experiencing particularly high population growth” (McGranahan et al 2007: 33). On
average, the Least Developed Countries have a higher share of their total population living in the
LECZ (14%) and a higher proportion of their urban population living in the LECZ (21%) – and
it is these countries that are also most at risk from the effects of climate change. By absolute
numbers, China, India and Bangladesh have the highest numbers of people living in the LECZ
(143.9 million, 63.2 million and 62.5 million people respectively); as a proportion of their total
population, the Bahamas, Suriname and the Netherlands have the highest percentages (88
percent, 76 percent and 74 percent respectively – although these figures exclude countries with a
total population of under 100,000 or a land area of less than 1,000 square kilometres).
Just as the LECZ contains a greater share of the world’s urban population than of its rural
population, it also contains a greater share of large urban settlements than of small urban
settlements (McGranahan et al 2007): overall, 65 percent of urban settlements with populations
of greater than five million are located – at least partially – in the LECZ. Perhaps alarmingly
from the perspective of climate change risk, in some countries both the absolute number and the
share of the population living in the LECZ is growing rapidly. In both Bangladesh and China,
the population in the LECZ grew at almost twice the national population growth rate between
1990 and 2000: even as the coastal risks associated with climate change are increasing, the areas
most at risk are experiencing particularly high population growth. However, it is difficult to
estimate precisely how many people are at risk from the sea-level rise that climate change will
bring. The number of people affected by coastal flooding as a result of climate change will
certainly increase: one estimate suggests that 10 million people were affected by this
phenomenon in 1990, but that this number may have more than tripled by the 2080s (Nicholls
In India, the deltas of the Ganga, Krishna, Godavari, Cauvery and Mahandi on the east coast;
and Khambhat and Kachchh in Gujarat; Mumbai and parts of the Konkan coast and South
Kerala are particularly vulnerable. India’s coasts – especially its western seaboard and stretches
along the Bay of Bengal – are expected to grow dramatically in population, infrastructure and
industrial investment in the next two decades, leading to a non-linear increase in coastal sea
level rise vulnerability (Revi 2008). Elsewhere in Asia, large sections of the urban and rural
population in densely populated deltas such as the Ganges-Brahmaputra (that includes Dhaka),
the Mekong, the Chang jiang (also known as the Yangtze which includes Shanghai) and the
Chao Phraya (with Bangkok) are particularly vulnerable to sea-level rise and changes in run-off.
Large sections of Mumbai, Dhaka and Shanghai are only 1 to 5 metres above sea level (de
Sherbinin et al 2007).
Sea-level rise is also expected to cause a variety of impacts in densely populated African cities.
Half of the continent’s 37 ‘million cities’ are within or have parts within the low-elevation
coastal zone. Frequent coastal floods in Mombasa, Kenya, result in the destruction of homes and
property, the loss of human lives, and the increased incidence of diseases such as cholera and
typhoid. Around 17 percent of Mombasa’s land area could be submerged by a sea-level rise of
0.3 metres, with a larger area rendered uninhabitable or unusable for agriculture because of
water logging and salt stress (Awuor et al 2008). Inundation of land and salination of water
supplies not only affect densely populated areas, but may also be a factor encouraging people to
relocate – thereby increasing population densities elsewhere. Elsewhere in Africa, the Nile, the
Niger (with Port Harcourt) and the Senegal (with Saint Louis) have large urban and rural
populations at risk (Diagne 2007).
Densely populated coastal areas are also at greater risk from extreme weather events such as
tropical cyclones (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007). There is some evidence
that hurricane force winds will become more frequent and more intense, and possibly also that
the hurricane belt will move southwards. Highly urbanized coasts most at risk from these events
include Vietnam, Gujarat in west India and Orissa in east India, the Caribbean (including major
urban settlement such as Santo Domingo, Kingston, and Havana), and central America.
There is little information explicitly linking density within coastal settlements and risk from
climate change. However, it is mostly low-income households living in informal or illegal
settlements that face the greatest risks from flooding, and who are also most severely affected by
extreme weather events (Satterthwaite et al 2007). These same people are also those who are
most likely to live in densely populated communities and settlements. The risks to human
settlements could be reduced if people and enterprises could be encouraged to move away from
the coast, or at least from the most risk-prone coastal locations – however, current population
movements are in the opposite direction, and turning these around is likely to be slow, costly or
both (McGranahan et al 2007). Preventing settlement in vulnerable locations can best be
achieved by urban and national authorities ensuring that adequate safe land is available for low-
income urban residents. And where technological and infrastructural solutions are necessary to
protect already existing settlements, high urban densities means that these are more likely to be
cost effective.
This paper has examined the relationship between urban density and climate change, and has
accounted for this relationship from the perspectives of both mitigation and adaptation to climate
change. Future patterns of greenhouse gas emissions and consequent climate change will be
driven substantially by the activities taking place in urban areas; similarly, the ways in which
climate change impacts the lives and livelihoods of more than half the world’s population will
also be mediated through actions that are taken – or not taken – in towns and cities. What is
clear, however, is that there is no ‘ideal size’ for urban settlements – indeed, “different sizes and
shapes of cities imply different geographical advantages” (Batty 2008: 771). In addition, there is
no ideal density for cities and towns – instead, broader issues of urban form and structure are
equally or more important.
There is also a complicated series of interactions between urban density, economic status, and
greenhouse gas emissions. The residents of the densely populated cities of low- and middle-
income countries are generally wealthier than residents of their hinterlands, yet far less wealthy
than residents of the (less densely populated) cities in high-income countries. This confounds a
straightforward relationship between urban density and greenhouse gas emissions: in low-
income countries, residents of denser settlements are likely to have higher per capita emissions
as a function of their greater wealth than residents of surrounding areas; in high-income
countries, residents of denser settlements are likely to have lower per capita emissions than
residents of surrounding areas as a result of smaller housing units and greater use of public
transportation systems.
In relation to the impacts of and adaptation to climate change (and other environmental hazards),
density has another set of effects. The extremely high population densities of many urban areas
in low- and middle-income countries contribute to environmental health problems and may
concentrate risk in particularly vulnerable locations, and any potential sustainability gains from
greater densification are likely to be limited where densities are already high. Indeed, “under
these circumstances the merits of urban densification postulated for developed country cities
seem far less convincing in the context of developing countries” (Burgess 2000: 15).
In summary, therefore, density is one of several major components affecting the ways in which
urban areas will influence and be affected by a changing climate. Adopting ‘increasing
densification’ as a strategy without assessing these other factors – including distribution of
employment opportunities and the nature of transportation systems – is not likely to provide
lasting sustainability or resilience benefits. Yet in association with a wider awareness of urban
form and process, well-planned, effectively-managed, and densely-settled towns and cities can
help to limit greenhouse gas emissions and facilitate resilience to the challenges of climate
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