Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited
Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited
Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited
Tender No:
TENDER NO: CE/MZ/HYD/P/e- 03/2019-20.
1. Physical experience:
1. The bidder should be an original manufacturer of the protection relays and should have
manufacturing facility in India for protection relays. The offered Relays have to be designed,
manufactured and tested as per relevant IS/IECstandards.
2. The bidder should be the manufacturer of the Protection relays and should have
manufacturing base in India.
3. The bidder shall have local service and repair centers in Metro cities.
4. Authorised representative of the manufacturer are also allowed to quote, provided they submit
the letter of authorisation from the Manufacturer of Protection relays.
5. The Manufacturer shall stand guarantee for the offered relays for a period of 5 years and shall
provide a letter of undertaking while quoting through their representatives.
6. Any up gradation in firmware/software shall be provided free of cost for the guarantee period.
7. The bidder should have Goods and Service Tax registration holder.
8. The Bidder should enclose the latest certificates of performance satisfactory issued by
competent authority.
9. The relay should be as par with the technical specification mentioned in section-II
10. Bidder should have achieved an annual turnover equal to 80 Lakhs in any one Financial year
during the last five financial years including current financial year duly certified by competent
11. Sample Shall got approved by this office as per clause No. 63.
If the materials supplied by the supplier is found defective & of poor quality at any
stage during the guarantee period. The supplier will immediately replace the
material within a month. Otherwise suitable action will be initiated by the
Chief Engineer/Metro Zone for black listing of contractor for a period of three years
participating in all future tenders of TSTRANSCO by issuing a show cause notice.
The bids should be treated as non responsive in case of not uploading the above mandatory
documents. TSTRANSCO decision is final in this regard.
To qualify for consideration of award of contract, each tenderer should fulfill the following
The details and all Certificates are to be furnished as per the proforma available in the tender
The bidder is subjected to disqualified and is liable for black listing and forfeiture of E.M.D., if
he is found to have mislead or furnished false information in the forms / statements / certificates
submitted in proof of qualification requirements. Even while execution of the work; if it is found
that the contractor had produced False/fake certificates of experience he will be liable for black
listing and the contract will be liable for termination and forfeiture of E.M.D. / Performance
Security and also the amounts due to him.
a) Any other condition regarding receipt of Bids in conventional method appearing in
the Bid documents may please be treated as not applicable.
b) The contractors are to upload the information preferably in Zip format.
c) The contractors should upload the documents duly signing each and every paper.
a. The e-Procurement application is PKI enabled and supports the digital certificates issued
by APTS (TSTS) for signing the bids at the time of submission by bidder. The bidder has
to procure the digital certificates issued by APTS (TSTS) Ltd., Hyderabad following the
procedure laid for the same. Digitally signed bids are to be submitted electronically
through e-procurement without which the tender will not be considered for opening.
b. If the bidders intend to know the procedure of bid submission on e-procurement
platform, suitable training will be given by M/s. Vupadhi Techno Services Pvt. Ltd.,
c. TSTRANSCO reserves the right to cancel/alter the bid conditions at any time.
d. In the process, if the works are stalled due to legal intervention or due to natural
calamities, no compensation will be paid.
5. The bidders shall submit a written Power of Attorney authorizing the signatory of the bid to
commit on behalf of the bidder.
9. SCHEDULES: To be filled up and furnished along with the bid. In case of joint venture,
schedules are to be filled up by both the partners
A) Check List :
B) Delivery Period :
C) Schedule of Quantities & Price :
1. This office is not responsible for any omissions in the bid specification downloaded by the
bidders from the web site.
2. The bidders can verify the accuracy of the down loaded bid specification with the master copy
available at the office.
3. The bidders are requested to check the web site before schedule closing date for any changes in
the tender.
3.3 Qualification criteria for opening of the price bid: Should upload all the mandatory
documents as specified in eligibility criteria/NIT and other wise bid will be treated as non
3.4 Even though the tenderers meet the above qualification requirements, they are liable to be
disqualified / debarred / suspended / blacklisted if they have
3.4.1 Furnished false / fabricated particulars in the forms, statements and /annexures
submitted in proof of the qualification requirements and/or
3.4.2 Participated in the previous bidding for the same material and had quoted
unreasonably high value
3.4.3 A history of criminal record in which the tenderer is involved if any.
3.4.4 History of litigation with Govt. during the last 5 years in which the tenderer is
3.4.5 Bidders should specifically indicate whether their firm has been banned/black listed
by any Government department/under taking or power utility for non-performance or
malpractice. Bids of Bidders who are banned/black listed will be treated as non-
3.5 If the percentage quoted by a tenderer is found to be either abnormally high or with in the
permissible ceiling limits prescribed if any but under collusion or due to unethical practices
adopted at the time of tendering process, such tenders shall be rejected.
I. The 'Purchaser' shall mean the Transmission Corporation of Telangana Limited and shall
include its successors and permitted assigns.
II. The 'Contractor' shall mean the bidder whose bid has been accepted by the purchaser and
shall include the bidder's heirs, legal representatives, and successors and permitted assigns.
III. The 'Sub-Contractor' shall mean the person, firm/company named in the contract for any part
of the work or any person, to whom any part of the contract has been sublet with the consent
in writing of the Engineer, and the heirs, legal representatives, permitted successors and
assigns of such persons.
IV. The 'Engineer' shall mean the officer placing the order for the work with the Contractor and
such other officer as may be authorised and appointed in writing by the Purchaser to act as
Engineer for the purpose of the Contract and in case no such officer has been so appointed, the
purchaser or his duly authorized representative.
V. The 'Supervising Engineer' shall mean such officer as may be duly appointed from time to time
by the Purchaser or his Engineer to take general control and supervision of work.
VI. The 'Inspector' shall mean any person or persons nominated by the Purchaser and/or the
Engineer to inspect stores or works under the agreement and/or his duly authorised
representative appointed to act as the Inspector.
VII. The 'Contract' shall mean and include the bid and acceptance thereof, the general conditions,
special conditions, Specifications, Schedules, drawings, Form of Bid, covering letter, schedules
of prices, the final General conditions and the format Agreement executed on the stamped
VIII. The 'Specification' shall mean collectively all the terms, stipulations, and conditions of contract,
technical provisions and annexures thereto and list of corrections and amendments mutually
agreed upon from time to time in writing.
IX. 'Tests on completion' shall mean such tests, as are prescribed by specification, to be made by
the Contractor to the satisfaction of the purchaser before the work is taken over by the
X. 'Commissioning' shall mean the satisfactory operation of the equipment/work as specified,
after all necessary initial tests, checks and adjustments required at site, if any, have been
satisfactorily completed and the equipment / works have been in continuous and
uninterrupted commercial use for at least 30 days.
XI. 'Commercial use' shall mean the use of the work, which the contract contemplates or of
which it is commercially capable.
XII. 'Approval' shall mean the written approval of the Engineer and of the statutory authorities
wherever such authorities are specified by any codes or otherwise.
XIII. 'Month' shall mean calendar month.
XIV. 'Writing' shall include any manuscript, typewritten or printed, statements, under or over
signature or seal as the case may be.
XV.'Letter of Intent' shall mean the purchaser's letter conveying his acceptance of the bid, subject to
such reservations as may have been stated therein.
XVI. ECV: Shall mean Estimated Contract Value.
XVII. RTGS: Shall mean Real Time Gross Settlement.
1.2.3. Validity of Tenders:
Tenders shall remain valid for a period of not less than 90 days from the date of opening
of Tender specified in NIT.
During the above-mentioned period no plea by the tenderer for any sort of modification of
the tender based upon or arising out of any alleged misunderstanding of misconceptions or
mistake or for any reason will be entertained.
In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original time limit, the Tender Inviting
Officer may request the bidders to extend the period of validity for a specified additional
period. Such request to the Tenderers shall be made in writing. A Tenderer may refuse the
request without forfeiting his Bid security. A Tenderer agreeing to the request will not be
permitted to modify his Tender, but will be required to extend the validity of his Bid security
for a period of the extension.
The Bid Security deposited by the successful tenderer will not carry any interest and it will
be dealt with as provided in the conditions stipulated in the tender. The Demand Draft
furnished by the tenderer towards Additional security deposit amount shall be released after
the work is completed in all respects.
The BID SECURITY shall be forfeited.
The Bid Security will be forfeited in the following cases:
i. When the successful bidder does not accept the order after issue of
preliminary acceptance letter or the Letter of Intent.
ii. When the successful bidder fails to furnish the Performance Security within
15 days from the date of issue of preliminary acceptance letter or the Letter of Intent.
iii. When a bidder withdraws his bid or alters the prices after schedule bid
submission closing date and before the expiry of the bid validity period or does not
accept the correction of errors made in his bid or Offers post Bid rebates, revisions or
deviations in quoted prices and / or conditions or any such offers.
iv. No alteration which is made by the tenderer in the contract form, the conditions of the
contract, the drawings, specifications or statements / formats or quantities
accompanying the same will be recognized; and, if any such alterations are made the
tender will not be considered.
2. Applicability
These General Conditions of contract will apply to the extent that they are not superseded
by provisions of Salient features of the Bid.
3 (a) Standards :
The Materials / equipment supplied under this Contract will conform to the Standards
mentioned in the Technical specifications, and, when no applicable standard is mentioned, the
authoritative standards appropriate to the Materials / equipment' i.e., BIS, such standards will
be the latest. All material will be of the best class and will be capable of satisfactory operation
under tropical conditions without distortion or deterioration.
3 (b) Interchangeability:
All similar materials and removable parts of similar equipment will be interchangeable with
each other. A specific confirmation of this should be furnished in the bid.
4. Scope of Work:
This specification covers design manufacture, testing and delivery FADS (Free At Destination
Stores) of the materials described at Schedule of Quantities and Prices and Technical
5. Eligible Bidders:
Vendors for supply of the material / equipment listed in Section-III, of Bid specification and
meeting the qualification requirements described at section-II only need quote. Bids received
from firms not meeting the above criteria will not be considered.
e) Technical Specifications
f) Qualification Requirements
g) Commercial form
h) Performance Security Form
i) Other forms to be duly filled in and enclosed.
6.2 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and Technical
specifications in the bidding documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the
bidding documents or to submit a bid not responsive to the bidding documents in every
respect will be at Bidder's risk and may result in the rejection of its bid.
9. Cost Associated with Bidding: The Bidder will bear all costs associated with the
preparation and submission of its bid, and the Purchaser, will in no case be responsible or
liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
Bidders have to pay a transaction fee @ 0.03% on Quoted price + GST at the time of bid
submission electronically.
Successful bidders shall pay another 0.04% on Quoted price to TSTS towards e-
procurement fund.
All the Schedules will be duly filled online with full details as called for, in the schedules
required for evaluation of bids. Bidders are expected to duly fill in all the schedules and
Sample Forms and enclosed (upload) them to the Bid.
12.2 Even though composite price is given the break-up for all the duties, taxes, freight,
insurance, packing and forwarding etc., will be furnished.
12.3 It is the responsibility of the Bidder to inform himself of the correct rates of duties and taxes
levyable on the materials at the time of bidding.
12.4 The proforma credit available to the bidder on the purchases of inputs (raw materials)
consequent to the introduction of “MODVAT” Scheme may be taken into account while
quoting the prices.
19.3 Submission of BID SECURITY by way of Cheque, cash, money order, call deposit, existing
Permanent Bid security and existing exemptions for Bid security will not be accepted and
will be considered as disqualification.
19.4 Requests for exemption from payment of BID SECURITY will not be entertained in any other
19.5 Any bid not secured as above will be rejected by the Purchaser.
19.6 The successful Bidder's Bid Security Original shall be furnished before placing of order and
the same will be discharged after the award of contract and acceptance of performance
(a) If a Bidder:
i. Withdraws its bid or alters its prices during the period of bid validity specified by
the Bidder on the Commercial Form, or
ii. Does not accept the correction of errors or
iii. Offers post Bid rebates, revisions or deviations in quoted prices and / or conditions
or any such offers which will give a benefit to the Bidder over others will not only be
rejected outright but the original Bid itself will get disqualified on this account and
the Bidder’s BID SECURITY will be forfeited.
(b) In the case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails:
19.8 Bids without Bid security will be rejected and bidder will run the risk of being banned.
20.2 In exceptional circumstances, the Purchaser may solicit the Bidder's consent to an extension
of the period of validity. The request and the responses there to will be made in writing (or by
cable). The Bid Security provided under Clause No.19 will also be suitably extended. A
Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its Bid Security.
22.2 Due consideration will be given to any special devices or attachments put forward by the
Bidder which are calculated to enhance the general utility and the safe and efficient
operation of the equipment / materials.
23.5 Telegraphic quotations and quotations by fax will not be entertained under any
circumstances. Clarification, amplifications, and / or any other correspondence from the
Bidder subsequent to the opening of bid will not be entertained. The Bidders are advised to
ensure that their bids are sent in complete shape at the first instance itself.
24.2 The Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for the submission of bids by
amending the bidding documents in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser
and Bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as
27.2 The Purchaser may waive any minor informality, nonconformity, or irregularity in bid which
does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver doesn't prejudice or affect the
relative ranking of any Bidder.
27.3 If a bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Purchaser and may not
subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the nonconformity.
Further, the purchaser may enquire from the bidder in writing for any clarification of the
bid. The response of the bidder will also be in writing. However no change in the prices or
substance of the bid will be sought, offered or permitted.
Bids will be examined for completeness and for any computational errors.
It will be ensured that the required sureties have been furnished and that the
documents have been properly signed.
In addition the Purchaser’s evaluation of a bid will take into account the net landed cost of
the material at the final destination. For the purpose of evaluation net landed cost is arrived
at by adding all elements of the basic price, allowable discount, GST & any other levies,
packing & forwarding, freight charges, insurance (transit & storage) as quoted by the bidder,
interest on advance if any, unloading at final destination, erection, servicing and other
charges as called for.
In addition any variation up or down in taxes and duties / new levies introduced subsequent
to bid opening and before award will be considered for comparison purposes.
The following criteria may be adopted for taxes and duties for evaluation
a. It is the responsibility of the bidder to quote all taxes and duties correctly without leaving
any column unfilled. Where taxes and duties are not applicable the bidder should enter
“NA”. If no duty / tax is leviable the same may be entered as “NIL”. If any column is left
blank or filled vaguely like “as applicable”, the same will be loaded with the maximum of the
other eligible Bids.
b. Prior to detailed evaluation, the responsiveness of each bid will be determined. A
substantially responsive bid is one that conforms to all the terms and conditions of the
bidding documents without material deviations. For this purpose superscription,
qualification requirement, bid security, validity, delivery, payment term, price schedule,
taxes and duties will be deemed to be the critical provisions and deviations in any one of
these items will be deemed to be a material deviation.
29. The purchaser may waive any minor informality, non-conformity or irregularity in the bid
which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not affect the
relative ranking of any bidder. The purchaser will clearly indicate in the bid specification the
methodology for evaluation of bids.
(a) Bid price, which will include all, costs of manufacture and services at manufacturing
place as well as, Transportation to destination stores, packing and forwarding,
insurance and all Taxes & other legally permissible duties& levies payable.
(b) Delivery schedule offered in the bid.
(c) Deviations in payment schedule from that specified in the general terms and
conditions of the contract.
(d) The cost of components, mandatory spare parts, and service
(e) The availability of spare parts and after-sales services for the equipment offered in the
(f) The projected operating and maintenance costs during the life of the equipment;
(g) The performance and productivity of the equipment offered; and/or
(h) Other specific criteria indicated in the Bid Specification.
(i) Cost of recommendatory spares if any indicated in the relevant price schedule will not
be considered for bid evaluation.
29.1 Any statutory variations of taxes and duties and new levies imposed after opening of the bid
and before award of the contract will be taken into consideration for the purpose of evaluation.
29.2 A substantially responsive bid is one, which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the
bidding documents without material deviations. For this purpose superscription,
qualification requirement, bid security, validity, delivery, payment term, price schedule,
submission of test certificates, GST will be deemed to the critical provisions and deviations
in any one of these things will be deemed to be a material deviation.
Award of Contract.
31. Post Qualification:
In the absence of pre-qualification, the Purchaser will determine to its satisfaction whether the
Bidder that is selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated responsive bid is qualified to
perform the contract satisfactorily.
The determination will take into account the bidder’s financial, and production capabilities. It
will be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the bidder’s qualification
submitted by the bidder, as well as such other information as the purchaser deems necessary
and appropriate.
32.2 The purchaser reserves the right to vary the ordered quantity by +/- 50% during the
execution of the contract.
33. Purchaser's Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids
The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding
process and reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring
any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders. The Purchaser will inform the affected
bidder/bidders of its reasons.
34.4 The supplier will have to predefine the Bank Account details after receipt of LOI and before
entering into contract for electronic transfer of payment.
It is not binding on the TSTRANSCO to accept the lowest or any Tender. The TSTRANSCO
reserves the right to place orders for individual items with different Tenderers and to revise
the quantities at the time of placing the order and to order extra materials upto the extent of
the offered quantities within the validity of the Tender. The orders for the items may be split
up between different Tenders to facilitate quick delivery of the materials required. The
TSTRANSCO also reserves the right to accept or reject any particular Tender without
assigning any reasons therefore. The TSTRANSCO reserves the right to vary the ordered
quantity during the execution of the order. The evaluation will be done item wise to decide
(i) “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of
value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in
contract execution, and
(iii) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for
award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in
(iv) Will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be
awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract.
38.2 The Supplier will not, without the Purchaser’s prior written consent, make use of any
document or information except for purposes of performing the Contract.
38.3 Any document, other than the Contract itself, will remain the property of the Purchaser
and will be returned (in all copies) to the Purchaser on completion of the suppliers
performance under the contract if so required by the purchaser.
38.4 The Supplier will permit the Purchase or his authorized representative to inspect the
Supplier’s accounts and records relating to the performance of the Supplier and to have
them audited by auditors appointed by the Supplier.
40. Places/Locations
Particulars of site location to which the equipments/material have to be supplied will be
given to successful Bidders. However, it may please be noted that the destinations for supply
of materials will be site/Stores anywhere in Telangana.
41. Delivery:
Delivery period will be 1 month from the date of receipt of the Purchase Order. The delivery
quoted will be firm, definite, unconditional and on the basis of receipt of materials at
destination in good condition without any bearing on the procurement of raw materials or
any similar prerequisites. The commencement date and date of delivery will be indicted. The
preferred delivery time, which is the essence of this specification, is indicated in the
schedule. Final deliveries are however, subject to confirmation at the time of Contract.
Delay in delivery of materials FADS – (Free At Destination Store/site) due to non-availability
of railway booking, non-allotment of wagons and any such reasons will not be considered. It
is the responsibility of the supplier to make alternative arrangements for transporting the
materials by road or rail so as to see that the material reaches the destination within the
stipulated period. The Purchaser reserves its right to defer the delivery date at any time
after orders are placed without any change in the conclusion of contract or other conditions
of supply. The delivery period, which will be reckoned from the date of the Contract, will be
guaranteed under penalty Clause.
43. Packing
43.1 The Supplier will provide such packing of the Materials / equipment as is required to
prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination, as indicated in
the Contract. The packing will be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling
during transit and exposure to extreme temperatures, salt and precipitation during transit,
and open storage. Packing case size and weights will take into consideration, where
appropriate, the remoteness of the Materials / equipment' final destination and the absence
of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit.
43.2 The packing, marking, and documentation and outside the packages will comply strictly with
such special requirements as will be expressly provided for in the Contract and in any
subsequent instructions ordered by the Purchaser. The supplier will be required to make
separate packages for each consignee, each package will be marked on three sides with proper
paint / indelible ink with the following;
1 Contract Number
2 Supplier’s name
3 Packing list reference number
43.3 The supplier, whenever dispatches material to a destination should prepare the following
information in the form of packing slip in quadruplicate and send the same to the consignee
and obtain his acknowledgement. The consignee will return to the supplier one copy of the
packing slip with his remarks. The proforma of packing slip will be as follows:
1. Contract No.& Date.
2. Quantity allotted to the stores and rate applicable.
3. Quantity so far supplied to the stores and the rate applied.
4. Quantity now supplied and the rate applied.
5. Total quantity supplied under the Contract with rates applied.
6. Programme for supplying the balance quantity to the Stores.
45. Insurance
45.1 The Materials / equipment supplied under the Contract will be fully insured against loss or
damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation and delivery and also
storage for 45 days at destination stores / site, before taking in to stock.
The insurance will be in an amount equal to 100% FADS value of Materials / equipment on
all risks basis. The policy will have a provision for extension to cover further storage if
necessary at destination stores / site at TSTRANSCO cost. The insurance beneficiary shall
45.2 The Bidder shall a) Initiate and pursue insurance claim till settlement and b) Promptly arrange
for repair and or replacement of any damaged items in full irrespective of settlement of
insurance claim by the under writers. (c) All costs because of insurance liabilities covered
under the contract will be to supplier’s account. The supplier shall provide the Purchaser with
a copy of all insurance policies and documents taken out by him in pursuance of ‘Contract’.
Such copies of documents shall be submitted to the purchaser immediately after such
insurance coverage. The supplier shall also inform the Purchaser in writing at least sixty (60)
days in advance, regarding the expiry, cancellation and /or change in any of such documents
and ensure revalidation/renewal etc., as may be necessary well in time.
The risks that are to be covered under the insurance shall be comprehensive and shall include
but not limited to, the loss or damage in transit , storage, due to theft, pilferage riot, civil
commotion, weather conditions, accident of all kinds, fire, flood, war risk (during ocean
transportation) bad or rough handling etc., The scope of such insurance shall cover the entire
contract value.
46. Transportation
The Supplier is required under the Contract to transport the Materials / equipment to a
specified place of destination defined as normally the district stores, transport to such place of
destination, including insurance and storage, will be arranged by the Supplier, and the related
costs will be included in the Contract Price only.
48. Warranty/Guarantee:
48.1 The supplier will warrant for the satisfactory functioning of the material / equipment as per
specification for a minimum period which is mentioned in the Technical specification from
the receipt of the material / equipment at TLC Stores or site in good condition and on
certification by the concerned that the material is installed and trained in all aspects.
48.2 The Supplier warrants that the Materials/equipment supplied under the Contract are new,
unused, of the most recent or current models and those they incorporate all recent
improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the Contract. The
supplier further warrants that all Materials / equipment supplied under this Contract will
have no defect, arising from a design and / or materials as required by the Purchaser's
specifications or from any act of omission of the Supplier, that may develop under normal
use of the supplied Materials / equipment.
48.3 All the material will be of the best class and will be capable of satisfactory operation in the
tropics under service conditions indicated in clause 22 without distortion or deterioration.
No welding filling or plugging of defective parts will be permitted, unless otherwise specified,
they will conform to the requirements of the appropriate Indian, British or American
Standards. (Where a standard specification covering the material in question has not been
published, the standards of the American Society for testing of Materials should be followed).
48.4 The entire designs and construction will be capable of withstanding the severest stresses
likely to occur in actual service and of resisting rough handling during transport.
48.5 Unless otherwise specified the warranty period will be as specified in the Technical
specification from the date of acceptance of the Materials / equipment. The Supplier will, in
addition, comply with the performance guarantees specified under the contract. If, for
reasons attributable to the Supplier, these guarantees are not attained in whole or in part,
the supplier will at its discretion either, make such changes, modifications, and/or additions
to the Materials / equipment or any part thereof as may be necessary in order to attain the
contractual guarantees specified in the contract at its own cost and expense and to carry out
further performance tests as per the relevant standards.
48.6 The Purchaser will promptly notify the supplier in writing of any claims arising under this
48.7 "Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier will within 30 days repair or replace the defective
Materials / equipment or parts thereof, free of cost at the ultimate destination. The supplier
will take over the replaced parts/Materials / equipment at the time of their replacement. No
claim whatsoever will lie on the Purchaser for the replaced parts/Materials / equipment
48.8 If the Supplier, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within the above period, the
Purchaser may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary, at the Supplier's
risk and expense duly deducting the expenditure from subsequent bills / bank guarantee
and without prejudice to any other rights which the Purchaser may have against the
Supplier under the Contract.
49.3 The supplier should invariably submit test certificates before dispatch so that the test
certificate can be checked up and approved well before becomes due for payment.
49.4 The performance guarantee to be executed in accordance with the specification shall be
furnished on a stamp paper of value of Rs. 100/- The Bank Guarantee shall be extended
suitably in case the equipment / material is found defective within the guarantee period. The
defective portion or those of the equipment / material so replaced or renewed should give
satisfactory performance till the expiry of 6 months from the date of such replacement /
renewal or until the end of guarantee period which ever is later.
49.5 Payment for the materials supplied will be made by cheque on any scheduled bank at the
Head quarters of the paying officer.
49.6 If the supplier has received any over payments by mistakes or if any amounts are due to the
TSTRANSCO due to any other reason, when it is not possible to recover such amounts under
the contract resulting out of this specification, the TSTRANSCO reserves the right to collect
the same from any other amounts and / or Bank Guarantees given by the company due to
or with the TSTRANSCO
50. Prices
Prices charged by the Supplier for Materials / equipment delivered and Services performed
under the Contract will not vary from the prices quoted by the supplier in its bid, with the
exception of any price adjustment authorized in the contract.
The date issue of Form-13 ie., the date of receipt of materials at destination stores in good
condition will be taken as the date of delivery. Materials / Equipment which are not of
acceptable quality or are not confirming to the specification would be deemed to be not
delivered. For penalty, the number of days would be rounded of to the nearest week and
penalty calculated accordingly.
The penalty specified above will be levied and would be adjusted against subsequent
pending bills.
55.2 In the event the Purchaser terminates the Contract in whole or in part, the Purchaser may
procure, upon such terms and in such manner, as it deems appropriate, Materials /
equipment or services similar to those undelivered, and the Supplier will be liable to the
Purchaser for any excess costs for such similar Materials / equipment or Services. However,
the Supplier will continue performance of the Contract to the extent not terminated.
61. Notices
61.1. Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to this Contract will be sent to the other
party in writing or by cable, telex, or facsimile and confirmed in writing to the other party’s
61.2. A notice will be effective when delivered or on the notice's effective date, whichever is later.
Technical Specification for 220V DC 3 O/C +1 E/F (IDMTL with HIGHSET) Numerical
Over Current Relays
Communication Requirements:
1. USB front port for local communication to read data or to change settings.
2. RS 485 port or RJ45/FO port in the rear for remote communications.
3. Support IEC 61850 or IEC-60870-5-103 or MODBUS protocols for integrating with station
4. The relay shall support dual FO or dual RJ 45 ports for supporting redundant communications
according to PRP or HSR as per IEC 62439-3 for IEC 61850 communications. HSR or PRP can be
selectable at site.
5. IEC 61850 communication shall support a minimum of 32 Virtual Inputs and 32 Virtual outputs
for GOOSE communications.
Protection Functions:
3. Other Features:
The relay shall also have the following functions
a. Blocked over current.
b. Circuit Breaker Fail.
c. Circuit breaker condition monitoring.
d. Circuit breaker control.
e. Circuit breaker state monitoring.
f. Current transformer supervision.
g. DC super vision.
4. Display: At least 32 character alphanumeric backlit LCD display unit, Tactile keypad for
browsing and setting the relay menu
5. Auxiliary Supply: It shall be possible to energize the relay with either DC or AC supply Range
220V DC/230 AC (+/- 15%)
6. Contact Ratings: The relay shall comply with the following requirement of contact rating
Rated voltage: 300V
Continuous current: 10 A
Short duration current: 30A for 3s
Make: 250A for 30 ms
Break: DC: 50W resistive
DC: 62.5 W inductive (L/R=50ms)
AC: 2500VA resistive (cos = unity)
AC: 2500VA inductive (cos=0.7)
Mechanical Durability> 10000 operations
Measurement Functions:
The relay shall be capable of displaying the below mention parameters on the display available in
the relay:
1. Primary phase Currents & Voltages.
2. Primary Earth Current.
3. Secondary phase Current & Voltages.
4. Secondary Earth Current.
Recording Functions:
The relay shall be capable storing the below mentioned
1. Fault record – The relay shall have the facility to store atleast 5 last fault records with
information on cause of trip, date, time, trip values of electrical parameters.
2. Event record – The relay shall have the facility to store at least 2000 time stamped event
3. Disturbance records – At least 75 seconds of disturbance records shall be provided in
the offered Numerical relays at a sampling frequency of 1200Hz or above. Each record
shall store data from 8 analogue channels and 32 digital channels. The data from DR
function shall be available in IEEE/COMTRADE format. The DR duration must be
programmable with at least 1.5 Sec and a maximum of 3 Sec in each Disturbance
Signature of Bidder
With Seal and Date
Date: .......
TO: (Name and Address of Purchaser)
Gentlemen and/or Ladies:
Having examined the Bidding documents, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the
undersigned, offer to supply and deliver. ......................... (Description of Work / Materials /
equipment) in conformity with the said bidding documents for the sum of. ............. (total bid
amount in words and in figures) or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the
schedule of prices attached herewith and made part of this Bid.
We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to deliver the Materials / equipment in accordance with the
delivery schedule specified in the Schedule of Requirements.
If our Bid is accepted, we will obtain the guarantee of a bank in a sum equivalent to 5% of the
Contract Price for the due performance of the Contract, in the form prescribed by the Purchaser.
We agree to abide by this Bid upto ……………. (for the Bid Validity Period) specified in Clause and it
will remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.
Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this Bid, together with your written acceptance
thereof and your notification of award, will constitute a binding Contract between us.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive.
We certify / confirm that we comply with the eligibility requirements as per clause of the bidding
Dated this........... day of. .............2019
[Signature] [in the capacity of]
Whereas. .............. (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has submitted its Bid dated (date of
submission of bid) for the supply/erection of. .................... (Name and /or description of the
Materials / equipment/work) (hereinafter called "the Bid").
KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE. ............. (Name of bank) having our
registered office at. ........... (Address of bank)(hereinafter called "the Bank"), are bound
unto. ............... (Name of Purchaser) (hereinafter called "the Purchaser") in the sum of
for which payment well and truly to be made to the said Purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its
successors, and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this
day of 2017.
THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:
1. If the Bidder
a) Withdraws its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid
Form; or
b) Does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Bid Specification, or
2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the Purchaser during the
period of bid validity;
(a) Fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Bid
(b) Fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form if required; or
We undertake to pay the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first
written demand, without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided
that in its demand the Purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it,
owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred
condition or conditions.
This guarantee will remain in force up to and including Thirty (30) days after …………….
(Specification Date) the period of the bid validity, and any demand in respect thereof should reach
the Bank not later than the above date.
. ....................
(Signature of the Bank)
NOTE: This will be executed on a Rs.100/- non-judicial stamp paper issued by a scheduled Bank.
NOTE: This will be executed on a Rs.100/- non-judicial stamp paper by a scheduled Bank.
Delivery shall be completed within 1 month reckoned from the date of issue of
technically and commercially clear Purchase Order.
Name of the Work: Procurement of 220V DC 3 O/C +1 E/F (IDMTL with HIGHSET) Numerical
Over Current Relays required for 33KV Twin feeder C & R Panel to various
EHT substations under the jurisdiction of Chief Engineer/Metro-Zone
Total Price
Sl. Item Description Qty. Price Rs. GST
Rs. Ps.
No. Ps.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e=(c+d)*b)
220V DC 3 O/C +1 E/F (IDMTL with
HIGHSET) Numerical Over Current 120
Relays required for 33KV Twin feeder C Nos.
& R Panel
Chief Engineer
Metro Zone/Hyderabad