Non-Destructive-Testing Methods For Concrete Structures: Letters
Non-Destructive-Testing Methods For Concrete Structures: Letters
Non-Destructive-Testing Methods For Concrete Structures: Letters
Main targets:
• Improved safety of aged facilities Database Countermeasures
• Lower maintenance costs
• High-accuracy and efficient inspection/diagnosis
methods are becoming strongly demanded.
Rust generation
Generation of cracking
Generation of flaking
Generation of flaking
In comparison with Generation of arterial Occurrence of Growth of blood Blood-swelling
disease. For example, sclerosis. Disease blood swelling swelling bursting/bleeding
a brain hemorrhage symptoms: none Slight numbness Reduction in Impairment of motion
High blood pressure,
high cholesterol level Ideal situation Maintenance coverage for current tunnels
Table 1. Main degradation phenomena of RC structures and application range of non-destructive testing.
Inspection items for RC structures and Black text: commercially available technology
non-destructive testing methods Red text: developed technologies
a comparatively wide application range—so that less along a structure in a given time period, and by using
inspection equipment has to be carried to the inspec- a frequency filter*1 to detect arbitrary-component
tion site. Moreover, we are introducing an acoustic waves and an averaging procedure*2 that averages
method—called macroscopic ultrasound—that is dif- several thousand pulses. As a result, the reflected
ferent from conventional ultrasound methods. waves of interest can be isolated after a few seconds
(Fig. 3).
3. Macroscopic ultrasonic method An example of the received waveform when this
ultrasonic method is used for measuring concrete
Although the macroscopic ultrasonic method is a thickness is shown in Fig. 3. Here, the reflected
commonly used ultrasound method, it has a different waves from the underside of the concrete are clearly
measurement principle. Most ultrasound methods for isolated by means of a 3000-repetition averaging pro-
inspecting structures irradiate ultrasonic waves (puls- cedure and a frequency filter. This result clearly
es or bursts) into comparatively uniform materials shows that it is possible to precisely capture reflected
like steel structures and diagnose the internal condi- ultrasonic waves from a target within concrete that
tion of the structure from the sound waves reflected contains composite materials.
from matter with different elastic properties and from This result illustrates why we chose to call this
transmitted waves that propagate through the struc- method a macroscopic ultrasonic method: all of the
ture. When concrete is irradiated with ultrasound reflected waves (including noise and scattered waves)
waves, however, the waves are scattered by water, are received, but the noise is suppressed to reveal the
voids, gravel, and other things in the concrete, so the desired reflected waves.
received ultrasound waves contain a lot of noise. As a
result, it is difficult to identify the desired reflected
waves from places like the underside of a concrete *1 Frequency filter: A filter that selectively extracts high- and low-
structure or from embedded steel-reinforcing bars. frequency waves from ultrasound waves propagating through
Thus, high-precision measurement has not been pos- concrete with a large bandwidth according to a search target.
sible. *2 Averaging procedure: A special feature of the macroscopic ultra-
sonic method. It sequentially irradiates and averages a pulsed
Our macroscopic ultrasonic method, on the other wave over a specific time while a search unit is moved. As a result,
hand, suppresses noise by sequentially irradiating constant waves remain temporarily, but arbitrary ones are elimi-
pulses from an ultrasound search unit as it is moved nated.
Search unit
(composite material)
Fig. 3. O
verview of macroscopic ultrasound method and example of
waveform obtained during concrete thickness measurement.
4. Method for estimating amount of sured while the units are moved parallel to the bar’s
steel-reinforcement corrosion orientation.
Examples of spectral waveforms that have been
The amount of corrosion of steel-reinforcing bars Fourier transformed from the reflected ultrasound
in a concrete structure must be examined in order to waves obtained by the measurement method are
understand their corrosion state and assess the load- shown in Fig. 5. This graph indicates that as the
bearing performance and durability retained by the amount of corrosion of the reinforcing bars increases,
concrete. When reinforcing bars in concrete become the waves reflected from the structure being exam-
corroded (i.e., rusted), rust is generated on the surface ined become weaker across a specific frequency
of the bars, and fine cracks begin to grow as the rust- band.
ing expands. Ultrasound waves are reflected differ- The relationship between the strength of the reflect-
ently depending on a material’s shape and quality. ed-wave spectrum and the amount of corrosion was
Therefore, we are using this characteristic to develop investigated in the following manner. The reflected-
a method for estimating the amount of corrosion of wave-spectrum strength is expressed as the area
steel-reinforcing bars in steel-reinforced concrete. under a spectrum in a certain frequency range, and
An overview of the measurement method is given the amount of corrosion of a steel-reinforcing bar is
in Fig. 4. Two wide-bandwidth piezoelectric-element expressed as the ratio of the bar’s weight before and
sensors are used to provide separate units for trans- after corrosion. The relationship between them is
mitting and receiving signals. During a measurement, shown as a bar graph in Fig. 6. This graph indicates
to capture reflected waves from a certain region of a that if the area under the reflected-wave spectrum
reinforcing bar, the separation between the search obtained from the non-corroded bar is taken as a
units is kept constant, and reflected waves are mea- baseline, the area under the reflected-wave-spectrum
Steel reinforcing bar
100 Ultrasound-wave
Area of reflected-wave spectra input direction
Area of reflected-wave spectrum
Fig. 6. V
ariation in the area of reflected-wave spectrum Fig. 7. Ultrasound waves generated within the material.
accompanying an increase in steel-reinforcing-bar
corrosion amount.
Correlation coefficient (r)=0.82 80
Compression strength (kN)
20 20
0 0
3 500 4 000 4 500 5 000 3 500 4 000 4 500 5 000
Acoustic velocity (m/s) Acoustic velocity (m/s)
and the elastic modulus*3 of the material through units (i.e., the transmission method), internal-propa-
which they are propagating—to estimate the com- gation waves can better characterize the elastic prop-
pression strength of concrete from the acoustic veloc- erties of the concrete (Fig. 8). In the case of rein-
ity of ultrasound waves propagating in the concrete. forced-concrete (RC) structures laid in the ground
Acoustic velocity is calculated from the propaga- such as manholes and tunnels, however, this trans-
tion time of an ultrasound wave within a material. mission measurement method is inapplicable.
Ultrasound waves propagating through a material are Accordingly, concrete-compression-strength estima-
categorized into two types (as shown schematically in tion utilizing the acoustic velocity of surface-propa-
Fig. 7): waves propagating within the material (here- gation waves (from an ultrasound search unit placed
after, internal-propagation waves) and waves propa- on one surface of the material under examination) has
gating on the surface of the material (surface-propa- been tried. However, the surface layers of concrete
gation waves). Internal-propagation waves have and the interior of construction materials contain
higher pulsation energy when ultrasound is irradiated large variations. As a result, the variation in acoustic
directly towards the material interior than surface- velocity is also large, so it has been difficult to esti-
propagation waves. mate the compression strength of an entire concrete
Research performed up until now has shown that structure (Fig. 9).
when concrete is placed between ultrasound search Given these drawbacks, we applied the special
characteristic of our macroscopic ultrasonic method
*3 Elastic modulus: A parameter that expresses the elastic properties (namely, high-accuracy measurement of reflected
of a material.
waves from a measurement target) to devise an ultra-