Ajala2018 Article AdsorptionOfAtrazineFromAqueou
Ajala2018 Article AdsorptionOfAtrazineFromAqueou
Ajala2018 Article AdsorptionOfAtrazineFromAqueou
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Properties of raw bentonite clay of Afuze in Edo state which are abundant and cheap bentonite mineral in Nigeria as adsor-
bents for the removal of atrazine in aqueous solution were investigated. The bentonite clay-types were characterized using
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometry and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
Batch adsorption experiments were carried out to determine the equilibrium characteristics, thermodynamics and kinet-
ics of the sorption processes. The data obtained were subjected to Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherm equations,
while pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order rate equations, intra-particle diffusion and Elovich models were considered
for kinetics and mechanism. The results showed that the adsorption processes were described by different isotherm models;
they were all spontaneous (∆G ranges from − 938.34 to − 6263.58 kJ/mol) and exothermic (range of ∆H is − 252.73 to
− 1057.08 kJ/mol), and with decreased randomness, ∆S (− 3.110 to − 0.581 J.mol/K). Pseudo-second-order kinetics model
gave the better fit for all the sorption processes which implies physisorption process as the rate limiting step. Thus, bentonite
clay-types can be used to adsorb atrazine.
214 Page 2 of 11 Applied Water Science (2018) 8:214
of different concentration of atrazine molecule become morphology (Mullan 2006) of the modified and unmodified
important. clay-types, respectively.
The main aim of this study is to prepare a low cost, con-
stant available and environmentally safe adsorbent from ben- Adsorbate
tonite clay and use for removal of atrazine from wastewater.
Thus, the bentonite clay which is always available without The primary adsorbate in this study is atrazine and its struc-
season effect was converted into adsorbents. Batch adsorp- ture is in fig 1. The International union of Pure and Applied
tion, adsorption data, kinetics studies and thermodynamic Chemistry name of atrazine is 2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-
were carried out. (isopropylamino)-1, 3, 5-triazine. The following are the
physicochemical of atrazine based on their relevant on
environment; melting point: 175–177 °C, density: 1.187 g/
Materials and method cm3 at 20 °C, water solubility: 7 mg/100 ml, log octanol—
water partition coefficient: 2.3, vapour pressure: 40 × 10−6
Adsorbents pa at 20 °C, molar mass: 215.69 g/mol boiling point:
200 °C, appearance: colourless solid, molecular formula:
The bentonite clay was utilized for the preparation of the C8H14ClN5. It is usually produced by synthesis but does not
adsorbents. The bentonite clay which was collected from occur naturally (Tomlin 2000)
major deposit of Afuze in Edo state, south -west region
of Nigeria with longitude and latitude of 6°56′24.2″N and Preparation of adsorbate
5°59′07.7″E, respectively.
Working aqueous solutions of different concentrations of
atrazine were prepared by serial dilution using micropipettes
Preparation of adsorbents and standard volumetric flasks from the stock solution of the
atrazine (1000 mg/L) which was prepared by taken 1 g of
Raw bentonite clay was washed with distilled water to atrazine and dissolved in 1 L of distilled water.
remove impurities until its pH reaches 7, and it was further
air-dried, oven-dried and then crushed into small sizes and Adsorption procedure
sieved to < 250 µm to make unmodified (pretreated) ben-
tonite clay type (UBC). While a known quantity (50.0 g) of In each of the factors studied, the atrazine uptake at equi-
unmodified (pretreated) bentonite clay was impregnated with librium qt was calculated using the following expression:
2 M H2SO4 and NaOH differently using ratio 1:2 w/v. It was
shaken vigorously using a Uniscope SM 101 shaker water (Co − Cf )v
qt = (1)
bath for 24 h at 30 °C and then washed with distilled water m
to remove the excess acid until its effluent become neutral
where qt is the quantity of atrazine uptake in mg/g, v is vol-
(pH = 7). (Nwosu et al. 2018, Abu-Elella et al. 2015). It was
ume (L), Co and Cf are the initial and final concentrations in
then filtered under vacuum and dried in oven at 376 K for
mg/L, respectively. The sample bottles containing the mix-
8 h. The dried samples were grounded and stored in airtight
ture of various atrazine concentrations and the clay-types
sample bottle (Nwosu et al. 2018, Gómez-Tamayo et al.
were separately removed from the water bath shaker and the
2008) to produce 2 M sulphuric acid modified bentonite clay
solutions centrifuged to remove the adsorbent. The initial
(2-ABC) and 2 M sodium hydroxide modified bentonite clay
(2-BBC), respectively.
Applied Water Science (2018) 8:214 Page 3 of 11 214
Results and discussion
Adsorbent characterization
214 Page 4 of 11 Applied Water Science (2018) 8:214
Applied Water Science (2018) 8:214 Page 5 of 11 214
Fig. 5 Effect of adsorption conditions on adsorption capacities of the active carbons. a Initial concentration; b contact time; c pH; d adsorbent
dosage; e temperature
shifts pHpzc towards lower values, whereas the specific the available adsorption sites with atrazine molecule which
adsorption of anion shifts pHpzc towards higher value (Mall cannot compete with them for adsorption site. This could
et al. 2006). The low uptake capacities at low pH values can be partly due to the fact that protons are strong competing
be attributed to the fact that at low pH, the adsorbent surface adsorbate because of their higher concentration. However, at
is completely covered by H+ increasing the competition for the high pH value, the surface of the adsorbent is saturated
214 Page 6 of 11 Applied Water Science (2018) 8:214
with negative charge which enhances the adsorption of posi- (a) 0.07
y = 0.1791x + 0.0084
tively charged atrazine onto the surface of the adsorbents 0.06
R² = 0.9697
y = 0.1574x + 0.0091
R² = 0.9883
(Liu et al. 2015). 0.05
1/qe (g/mg)
Effect of temperature Plots of the amount adsorbed at 0.04
log qe
to desorb suggesting physisorption (Nwosu et al. 2017, Tang y = 0.5257x + 1.0358
1 R² = 0.9102
et al. 2007). The adsorption capacity of UBC decreased UKC
adsorption capacity decreased from 120.9 to 118 mg/g; the 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1
temperature increases from 308 to 333 k. log Ce
(c) 120
success. 20 2-BBC
0 1 2 3 4 5
The Langmuir adsorption isotherm model Ln Ce
This is explained supposition of a homogeneous adsorbent Fig. 6 Various adsorption isotherms for the removal of atrazine using
surface with identical adsorption sites (Varank et al. 2012). UBC, 2-ABC and 2-BBC Types. (a) Langmuir; (b) Freundlich; (c)
The linearized form of Langmuir equation is given as: Temkin
( ) ( )( ) ( )
1 1 1 1
= + (2)
qe ce bqmax qmax
The Langmuir plots of 1/qe versus 1/Ce for both adsor- Table 1 Adsorption Isotherm Parameters
bents are depicted in Fig. 6a and the Langmuir parameters Isotherm UBC 2-ABC 2-BBC
obtained from the slope and intercept of the plots are listed
in Table 2. The three adsorbents exhibited high correlation Langmuir
coefficient R2 values of 0.907, 0.969 and 0.988 for UBC, qmax (mg/g) 76.92 125.00 111.11
2-ABC and 2-BBC, respectively. KL 0.1340 0.0447 0.0573
It can be observed from Table 1 that the 2-ABC has an RL 0.0694 0.1828 0.1486
adsorption capacity (125.00 mg/g) higher than that of the R2 0.907 0.969 0.988
2-BBC (111.11 mg/g) and UBC (76.92 mg/g). Furthermore, Freundlich
a dimensionless separation factor RL equation is given in KF (mg/g) 15.031 10.839 11.912
Eq. 3: 1/n 0.373 0.525 0.487
R2 0.843 0.910 0.970
1 Temkin
RL =
1 + KL Ce (3)
B 18.46 28.27 26.20
bT 136.46 89.11 96.11
It expresses the essential characteristic of the Langmuir
AT (L/mg) 0.8851 0.4190 0.4722
equation and indicates the nature of adsorption process,
R2 0.667 0.911 0.939
and its value was found to be in between 0 and 1 as listed
Applied Water Science (2018) 8:214 Page 7 of 11 214
Table 2 Kinetic Parameters of Adsorption of Atrazine (KF = 15.031 mg/g) of UBC is larger than that obtained
Kinetic model UBC 2-ABC 2-BBC of 2-BBC (KF = 11.912 mg/g), while 2-BBC is also larger
than of 2-ABC (Kf = 10.839 mg/g). The results indicated that
Pseudo-first 2-BBC has higher adsorption affinity towards atrazine than
k1 (min−1) 0.0253 0.0253 0.000 UBC and 2-ABC. The value of 1/n indicates a favourable
qe (mg/g) 14.06 0.05 8.26 adsorption when 0 < 1/n < 1 (Halif et al. 2007). The adsorp-
R2 0.848 0.895 0.917 tion intensity 1/n is found to be 0.373, 0.525 and 0.487 for
Pseudo-second UBC, 2-ABC and 2-BBC, respectively. It is observed that all
k2 (gmg−1 min−1) 0.0162 3.200 0.000 the three adsorbents satisfy the conditions of heterogeneity.
qe (mg/g) 111.11 125.00 111.11
R2 0.999 1.00 1.00
Intra-particle diffusion Temkin adsorption isotherm
ki (mg/gmin1/2) 1.471 0.003 0.146
C 100.6 124.9 104.6 It suggests that the heat of adsorption of all the molecules
R2 0.896 0.799 0.873 in the layer is inversely proportional to coverage of the
Elovich adsorbent surface which might be attributed to adsorbate
Α 3.95 × 1012 1.93 × 1052 6.58 × 1044 species—adsorbent interactions. A uniform distribution of
Β 0.287 90.91 3.676 binding energies up to some maximum binding energy is the
R2 0.955 0.881 0.780 characteristics of Temkin adsorption (Tempkin and Pyzhev
1940). The linear form of the Temkin isotherm is repre-
sented in Eq. (5):
in Table 1. This confirms that the adsorption of atrazine is ( )
favourable on the three adsorbents. These are the reasons: qe = ln AT + ln Ce (5)
bT bT
on the surface of the adsorbent, monolayer was formed with
minimal interaction among molecules of adsorbate, immo- and
bile and localized adsorption and all the sites having equal
adsorption energies (Li et al. 2011). RT
bT (6)
Freundlich adsorption isotherm model Figure 6c depicts the Temkin isotherm plots for the
atrazine uptake onto the UBC, 2-ABC and 2-BBC from
This model suggests neither homogeneous site energies which the relevant Temkin adsorption isotherm values are
nor limited levels of adsorption which implies that it can obtained and are shown with values of correlation coeffi-
describe the experimental data of adsorption isotherm cients in Table 1. The BT values indicate the heat of adsorp-
whether adsorption occurs on homogeneous or heterogene- tion obtained as 136.46, 89.11 and 96.15 for UBC, 2-ABC
ous sites and it is not controlled by the formation of the and 2-BBC, respectively, while AT representing the equi-
monolayer (Halif et al. 2007). The linearized Freundlich librium binding energy are 0.8851 (L/mg), 0.4190 (L/mg)
equation is given as: and 0.4722 (L/mg) for UBC, 2-ABC and 2-BBC, respec-
x 1 tively. Thus, these values imply that the atrazine is more
log = log K + log Ce (4) strongly adsorbed on the UBC surface than that of 2-ABC
m n
and 2-BBC, indicating that there is a stronger interaction
From the slope and intercept of the linear plots of ln qe between atrazine and the respective bentonite clays. Similar
versus ln Ce, Fig. 5b, Freundlich parameters KF and 1/n indi- results have been reported as per the adsorption of N-nitro-
cating the measures of adsorption capacity of UBC, 2-ABC phenol using Pili nut shell-derived active carbon (Nwosu
and 2-BBC and its intensity of adsorption, respectively, were et al. 2017). They reported BT value of 24.292 and AT value
obtained and listed with the correlation coefficient value, R2 of 0.162.
(Table 1).
The results revealed that the adsorption of atrazine on
UBC, 2-ABC and 2-BBC obeys both Freundlich and Lang- Adsorption kinetics studies
muir adsorption isotherms, as indicated by high R 2 Val-
ues (> 0.9) except of Freundlich isotherm of UBC with The kinetic experimental data obtained for the adsorption
a fair R2 value (0.84). Moreover, the Freundlich constant of atrazine on UBC, 2-ABC and 2-BBC were interpreted
by means of pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order,
214 Page 8 of 11 Applied Water Science (2018) 8:214
intra-particle diffusion and Elovich kinetic models in features of an initial step linear portion and plateau are
figure 7. attributed to the bulk diffusion; intra-particle diffusion and
the plateau portion represent the equilibrium. The magni-
Pseudo‑first‑order and pseudo‑second‑order kinetic tudes of kid, C and the corresponding regression coefficients
models of the three adsorption system are listed in Table 3. The
pore diffusion rate constant kid values: 1.377 mg/g min1/2,
The linear forms of pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second- 0.003 mg/g min1/2 and 0.146 mg/g min1/2, indicated substan-
order kinetic model equations are given in Eqs. 7 and 8. tial diffusion of atrazine onto UBC , 2-ABC, and 2-BBC,
k t
log qe − qt = log qe − 1 (7) The existence of linear relationship between amount qe
( )
2.303 against t1/2 indicates that intra-particle diffusion participated
during the adsorption process. If the straight line of the plot
t 1 1
= + (8) of qe against t1/2 passes through the origin, then intra-particle
q k2 q2e qe
diffusion becomes the controlling step. The pore diffusion
The plot of linearized form of the equation is shown in rate constants of 0.46 mg/g min1/2 and 0.161 mg/g min1/2
Fig. 6a. The pseudo-first-order rate constant k1, amount of in the adsorption of P-nitrophenol with zeolite and benton-
atrazine adsorbed at equilibrium qe and correlation coeffi- ite have been obtained (Varank et al. 2012). This is simi-
cients are shown in Table 2. The results showed that their lar to the adsorption of Direct Red Dye 81 with bamboo
correlation coefficients R2 obtained for UBC, 2-ABC and sawdust and treated bamboo sawdust where kid values of
2-BBC for pseudo-first-order kinetics model are 0.848, 0895 0.32 mg/g min1/2 and 0.62 mg/g min1/2 were obtained.
and 0.917, respectively, which are lower than their corre- Moreover, kid value of 3.2479 mg/g min1/2 has been
sponding pseudo-second-order kinetics model (R2 = 0.999, obtained in the adsorption of phenol using active carbon
1.000 and 1.000). Therefore, adsorption of atrazine onto from olive stones (Bohli et al. 2013). The adsorption of
these various bentonite clay-types revealed that pseudo- P-nitrophenol using active carbon fibre and granular active
second-order kinetic model is better to explain the kinetic carbon gave similar result obtained in this study with kid val-
adsorption process than pseudo-first-order kinetic model. ues of 8.924 mg/g min1/2 and 11.91 mg/g min1/2, respectively
This may be due to the fact the adsorption rate of atrazine (Nwosu et al. 2017).
onto the three clay adsorbents depends on the behaviour over The adsorption data could also be treated using Elovich
a whole range of adsorption process. Figure 6(b) shows the equation that is shown in Eq. 10 (Varank et al. 2012):
plots of t/q against t, and the resulting kinetic parameters are dqt
presented in Table 2. The calculated values of qe were closer = 𝛼e𝛽qt (10)
to the experimental qe values for UBC, 2-ABC and 2-BBC.
The transfer of solute molecules on to solid surface par- This on linearizing and simplifying can be written as:
ticulates from the aqueous phase, and then, diffusion of the 1 1
solute molecules into the pore interiors could be described qt = ln (𝛼𝛽) + ln (t) (11)
𝛽 𝛽
by the intra-particle diffusion rate equation and is given as
(Bohli et al. 2013). where α (mg/g min) and β (g/mg) are the initial adsorp-
tion rate constant and desorption rate constant, respectively.
qt = kid t ∕2 + C (9) Kinetics of adsorption of atrazine with UBC, 2-ABC and
2-BBC also followed Elovich equation with the plots of qt
where kid and C are the intra-particle diffusion rate constant against ln t giving straight lines with fairly high correlation
and boundary layer thickness, respectively. The plotting qt coefficient (Fig. 6d). The Elovich constants α, β computed
against t1/2 as shown in Fig. 6(c) indicates the effect of either from the plots are 3.95 × 1012 mg/g min, 0.287 g/mg for
film pore diffusion or intra-particle diffusion. The general UBC, 1.926 × 1052 mg/g min, 90.91 g/mg for 2-ABC and
Applied Water Science (2018) 8:214 Page 9 of 11 214
6.58 × 1044 mg/g min, 3.676 g/mg for 2-BBC as given in with the highest correlation coefficient values (Table 2,
Table 2. These values might also explain why the adsorption Fig 7).
process took longer time to reach equilibrium.
The comparison of correlation coefficients obtained Thermodynamics studies
for pseudo-second-order kinetic model (R2 = 0.999, 1.000
and 1.000) explained the adsorption process better than Thermodynamic parameters can provide useful and strong
Elovich model (R 2 = 0.955, 0.881 and 0.780). However, information about the mechanism involved in the adsorp-
in overall, the pseudo-second-order kinetic model still tion process. The characterization of equilibrium system like
appears to be the rate determining model as it is the model the adsorption system in this study is described by ther-
modynamic parameters such as free energy (∆G), enthalpy
(∆H) and entropy (∆S) changes which were calculated using
Eqs. 12–14.
ln K = − + (12)
ΔG = −RT ln K (13)
Ci − Cf
K= (14)
214 Page 10 of 11 Applied Water Science (2018) 8:214
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