Occult HBV

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Detection of occult hepatitis B and window

period infection among blood donors by

individual donation nucleic acid testing in a
tertiary care center in South India
Cinzia S. Keechilot1, Veena Shenoy2, Anil Kumar3, Lalitha Biswas4,
Sukhithasri Vijayrajratnam5, Kavitha Dinesh3, Prem Nair6
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita
University), Ponekkara, Cochin, Kerala, India, 2Department of Transfusion Medicine, Amrita Institute of
Medical Sciences and Research Center, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University), Ponekkara,
Cochin, Kerala, India, 3Department of Microbiology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and
Research Center, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University), Ponekkara, Cochin, Kerala, India,
Department of Molecular Biology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Amrita
Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University), Ponekkara, Cochin, Kerala, India, 5Center for Nanoscience
and Molecular medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham (Amrita University), Ponekkara, Cochin, Kerala, India, 6Department of Gastroenterology,
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita
University), Ponekkara, Cochin, Kerala, India

With the introduction of highly sensitive hepatitis B surface antigen immunoassay, transfusion associated HBV
infection have reduced drastically but they still tend to occur due to blood donors with occult hepatitis B infection
(OBI) and window period (WP) infection. Sera from, 24338 healthy voluntary blood donors were screened for
HBsAg, HIV and HCV antibody using Vitros Enhanced Chemiluminescent Immunoassay. The median age of
the donor population was 30 (range 18–54) with male preponderance (98%). All serologically negative samples
were screened by nucleic acid testing (NAT) for viral DNA and RNA. NAT-positive samples were subjected to
discriminatory NAT for HBV, HCV, and HIV and all samples positive for HBV DNA were tested for anti-HBc, anti-
HBs, HBeAg. Viral load was determined using artus HBV RG PCR Kit. Of the 24,338 donors screened, 99.81%
(24292/24338) were HBsAg negative of which NAT was positive for HBV DNA in 0.0205% (5/24292) donors.
Four NAT positive donors had viral load of <200 IU/ml making them true cases of OBI. One NAT positive donor
was negative for all antibodies making it a case of WP infection. Among OBI donors, 75% (3/4) were immune
and all were negative for HBeAg. Precise HBV viral load could not be determined in all (5/5) NAT positive donors
due to viral loads below the detection limit of the artus HBV RG PCR Kit. The overall incidence of OBI and WP
infections was found to be low at 1 in 6503 and 1 in 24214 donations, respectively. More studies are needed to
determine the actual burden of WP infections in Indian blood donors.
Keywords:  HBV, Nucleic acid testing, Occult hepatitis B virus infection, Anti-HBc

Introduction surface antigen (HBsAg) immunoassay, has resulted in

Blood donor screening using serological assays alone drastic reduction of transfusion-associated HBV infection,
cannot rule out the risk of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) trans- they still tend to occur due to blood donors with occult
mission. With 37 million healthy HBV carriers in India it hepatitis B infection (OBI). OBI has been defined by the
becomes imperative to screen blood donors using a highly Taormina expert panel as the absence of HBsAg and the
sensitive assay to curtail its transmission to recipients.1 presence of HBV DNA in liver tissues with (<200 IU/ml)
Although, introduction of highly sensitive hepatitis B or without HBV DNA in the serum.2 They further defined
true OBI when viral loads were <200 IU/ml and false OBI
Correspondence to: Anil Kumar, Department of Microbiology, Amrita
Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Amrita Vishwa
when viral loads were comparable to those with overt
Vidyapeetham (Amrita University), Ponekkara, Cochin, Kerala 682041, infection. Serological pattern ‘anti-HBc only’ (absence of
India. Email: vanilkumar@aims.amrita.edu

© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

DOI 10.1080/20477724.2016.1248171 Pathogens and Global Health  2016  VOL. 110   NOS. 7&8 287
Keechilot et al.  Detection of occult hepatitis B and window period infection among blood donors

HBsAg and anti-HBs) has been used as a surrogate marker rule out contamination or false positivity. All repeat reac-
for chronic HBV infection, after reports of HBV infection tive samples by ID-NAT were subjected to discriminatory
following transfusion of such blood and blood components NAT (dNAT) using the Procleix Discrimination test kit
(units).3 This resulted in the implementation of anti-HBc (Chiron, USA) to differentiate between HBV, HCV, and
screening of blood donors with recommendations to dis- HIV nucleic acids. All dNAT HBV DNA positive sam-
card positive units. The major drawback of this policy ples were tested for Anti-HBc, Anti-HBs and HBeAg
was the high discard rates in geographic areas endemic to using Vidas ELFA assays (BioMérieux, Marcy-l’Etoile,
HBV. Window period (WP) HBV infections are classified France). DNA was extracted from 200 μl of plasma using
as pre-anti-HBc or pre-HBsAg WP if all serum markers are QIAamp MinElute Virus Spin kit (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden,
non reactive or, as post-anti-HBc or post-HBsAg WP when Germany) and HBV viral load was determined using CE
IgM anti-HBc is positive coinciding with early recovery marked artus HBV RG PCR Kit (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden,
phase. When HBV DNA is detected in the presence of Germany) in Rotor gene Q. The assay targets 134 bp region
anti-HBs as the sole serological marker, it is classified as of HBV core gene and amplifies all genotypes of Hepatitis
vaccine breakthrough infection or abortive HBV infec- B (A-H). The analytical detection limit of the artus HBV
tion. The factors that determine the length of the WP are RG PCR Kit was 0.02  IU/μl. An internal control DNA
doubling time of viremia and the analytical sensitivity provided in the artus HBV RG PCR Kit was included in
of the screening test. This residual risk has been reduced the isolation procedure. It served as a control for DNA
by implementation of nucleic acid testing (NAT) assay isolation procedure and to check for possible PCR inhibi-
which has shortened the core window period. Previous tion. All PCR reactions included one no template control
Indian studies in anti-HBc positive donors have reported (NTC), a positive control (sample known to contain HBV
a wide range of prevalence of OBI with the lowest of DNA) and internal controls. NTC contained all reagents
0.92% reported from Vellore to as high as 30% reported used in the PCR reaction mixture except the template DNA
from Odisha.4,5 The most plausible reason for such varia- and ensured that the amplification observed in the samples
bility would be the use of assays with varying sensitivity was not due to contamination. Internal control PCR reac-
in different studies for screening the donors as well as the tion ensured that the DNA isolation has worked and there
nature of study population. However, a lone study from are no PCR inhibitors in the sample. Positive control in
Delhi done on all HBsAg negative donors reported a prev- the PCR ensured that the HBV specific amplification was
alence of OBI and WP infections at 0.046 and 0.018%, not hampered. The data were tabulated using MS excel
respectively.6 There is absence of any data on OBI and and analyzed using SPSS v20.
WP infections from the state of Kerala to determine its
incidence among all HBsAg negative blood donors. Results
A total of 24338 donors were tested using serological meth-
Materials and methods ods during the study period and 99.49% (24214/24338)
A cross-sectional study was done on blood donors, who were found negative for all serological markers (HBsAg,
donated to the blood bank from March 2014 to October HIV, HCV, malaria and syphilis). The median age of the
2015. The study was approved by the institutional ethics donor population was 30 (range 18–54) with male pre-
committee. Samples were collected after getting informed ponderance (98%). Of the donors 27 (0.11%) were anti-
consent from the subjects. Serum samples from the donors HIV1/2 positive, 51 (0.21%) were anti-HCV positive and
were tested for HBsAg, HIV and HCV antibody using 46 (0.19%) were HBsAg positive. ID-NAT and dNAT
Vitros Enhanced Chemiluminescent Immunoassay (Ortho- testing of serologically negative samples identified five
Clinical Diagnostics, Raritan, NJ, USA). All negative HBV DNA positive donors of which four were positive
samples were screened, by individual donor nucleic acid for anti-HBc and were classified as true OBI. One donor
testing (ID-NAT) for viral DNA and RNA using Procleix was seronegative (negative for anti-HBc and anti-HBs)
Ultrio Plus kit (Chiron, USA). NAT testing was done in and classified as WP donor. Overall, the prevalence of
batches and with each batch nine calibrators comprising of OBI and WP was found to be 0.017% (4/24214) i.e. 1 in
two positive calibrators for HIV-1, HCV and HBV, respec- 6053 donations and 0.004% i.e. 1 in 24214 donations,
tively and three negative calibrators, were also included. respectively. Among the OBI donors 75% (3/4) were
To enhance the disruption of HBV viral particles, target immune (anti-HBs ≥10 IU/L). All (4/4) OBI cases were
enhancer reagent is used. The internal control included in negative for HBeAg. Of the five HBV DNA positive sam-
the target capture reagent ensures the accurate processing ples, viral load for 60% (3/5), including the case of WP
and amplification of each specimen. Measures to prevent donation, were below the detection limit of the artus HBV
false positive results like the use of magnetic separation RG PCR Kit while in 40% (2/5) cases DNA was detected
and wash steps to remove the extraneous components, but could not be quantified by the artus HBV RG PCR
Selection reagent to inactivate the chemiluminescent Kit due to very low viral load. Therefore, in the absence
label on the unhybridized probes were part of the testing of quantifiable viral load genotyping of HBV could not
protocol. ID-NAT-positive samples were tested again to be carried out.

288 Pathogens and Global Health  2016  VOL. 110   NOS. 7&8

Keechilot et al.  Detection of occult hepatitis B and window period infection among blood donors


General Biologicals, Taiwan.

OBI is generally broadly defined as the presence of HBV

Qualisa, Qualpro Diagnos-

Organon Teknika, Boxtel,

Monolisa ULTRA Bio-rad

Vitros ECI (Ortho-Clinical

Vitros ECI (Ortho-Clinical

Vitros ECI (Ortho-Clinical

Monolisa HBsAg ULTRA
Biomerieux, Boxtel, The
Span Diagnostics, India
DNA in the absence of HBsAg.2 In 2008, Allain provided
HBsAg assay
a more specific definition as the presence of HBV DNA,

Diagnostics, USA)

Diagnostics, USA)

Diagnostics, USA)
The Netherlands without HBsAg, with or without HBV antibodies, out-

side the acute phase window period.7 Acute phase of HBV

tics, India
infection before the appearance of HBsAg is not considered

OBI as the patient eventually develops all the markers of
HBV infection.8 Subsequently in 2008,international work-

gen GmbH, Hilden, Germany)

shop on OBI defined it as the presence of HBV DNA in

Artus HBV RG RT-PCR (Qia-




(Gen-Probe Inc.) Artus HBV
the liver of an individual testing negative for HBsAg with
HBV DNA system
Nested PCR (in-house)

Nested PCR (in-house)

Nested PCR (in-house)

Nested PCR (in-house)

Nested PCR (in-house)

a cut off value for serum HBV DNA (<200 IU/ml).9 This

new definition will exclude patients with HBV DNA level
(Gen-Probe Inc.)

(Gen-Probe Inc.)
comparable to overt HBV infections due to HBV escape

mutants and are classified as false OBI. Some authors
have classified OBI as seropositive (anti-HBc alone or
together with anti-HBs) or s­ eronegative (no antibodies).10
The probability of detecting HBV DNA is highest in sub-
Overall prevalence

jects who are anti-HBc positive and anti-HBs negative and

0.16 and 0.78
of OBI (%)

such individuals are more likely to transmit infections.11






The several reasons for OBI include recovery from a past

infection indicated by the presence of anti-HBs, infections
Blood donors were screened using nucleic acid testing (NAT) and anti-HBc testing was performed only in NAT-positive samples.

due to surface escape mutants and chronic carriers with

anti-HBc alone. There is a close association between
27.2 and 20.9

prevalence of OBI and the endemicity of HBV infection

leading to varying rates in different geographical regions.

Anti-HBc seropositive


Table 1  Demographics of published Indian studies on occult hepatitis B virus infection in blood donors


Subjects living in highly endemic countries are more likely

to develop OBI.12 The nature of biological material tested
also determines the prevalence as high positivity is seen
for liver when compared to serum.12
Anti-HBs (%)
5.3 and 1

The high prevalence (Table 1) of ‘anti-HBc alone’




blood donors in India justifies the implementation of NAT

for screening for transfusion-transmitted HBV infections.5
However very few centers have actually migrated to NAT
Anti-HBc (%)

testing due to cost constraints. Although pre-conversion

10.8 and 3.7

window period has been shortened by use of sensitive






serological test, detection of newly infected cases still

remains an Achilles heel. The risk of transmission has
reduced considerably by shortening of the window period
to 40–50 days and 15–34 days with minipool NAT and
Male (%)





ID-NAT, respectively.13 The potential of ‘anti-HBc alone’



blood units transmitting HBV was first reported in 1978.14

It was in this background that anti-HBc screening was
Blood donors, (n = 94247)

Blood donors, (n = 24338)

recommended to prevent HBV transmission from HBsAg

Blood donors, (n = 24694

Blood donors, (n = 1027)

Blood donors, (n = 2175)

Blood donors, (n = 1300)

Study population (n)

Blood donors, (n = 729)

negative blood donors.15 Subsequent studies showed the

Blood donors, (1700)

Blood donors, Delhi

proportion of ‘anti-HBc alone’ donors having HBV DNA

was very low resulting in high discard rates of blood
(n = 28465)

units. Therefore, the strategy of using anti-HBc screening

and 6159)

to detect OBI is not practical in Indian set up and is

­recommended only in areas where seroprevalence is low
(<2% anti-HBc positivity).16
Kochi/2016 (Pres-

The overall prevalence of HBV among blood donors in


our study was very low (0.19%) classifying it as an area





ent study)*

with low endemicity. As expected the frequency of OBI

was also found to be very low at 0.017% which is similar
to the studies from Delhi (Table 1).4,6 Most of the Indian

 Pathogens and Global Health  2016  VOL. 110   NOS. 7&8 289

Keechilot et al.  Detection of occult hepatitis B and window period infection among blood donors

studies on OBI were done on anti-HBc positive donors. detected most of the infected cases but the residual risk
Only one recent study from Delhi has actually looked for of transmission of OBI and WP infection still exists. Anti-
OBI in all HBsAg negative donors which detected addi- HBc screening is not an option in Indian setting due to the
tional cases of WP donors.6 Indian studies have reported a high discard rates that it entails and its inability to detect
wide range of OBI prevalence in anti-HBc positive donors WP infections. More studies are needed to determine the
(Table 1). In the year 2010, a study from Delhi reported a actual burden of WP infections in Indian donor population
prevalence of 27.2% among anti-HBc positive donors.17 so as to implement the use of NAT-based screening for all
Incidentally in the same year another study from Delhi HBsAg negative blood donations.
reported a prevalence of only 7.5%.4 Similar studies in
OBI among anti-HBc positive donors from Kolkata and Conflicts of interest
Odisha reported a prevalence of 21.3% and 30%, respec- The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
tively (Table 1).18,19 The most recent study from the state
of Tamil Nadu found OBI in only 16.7% of the anti-HBc Ethics approval
positive donors. These high HBV DNA positive rates in The study received ethical approval Amrita Institute of
anti-HBc positive donors reported in various Indian stud- Medical Sciences and Research Center Ethics Committee.
ies is in total disagreement with the low anti-HBc pos-
itivity (6%) reported from studies from highly endemic Funding
countries.20 The reason for such variation in the preva- Cinzia Keechilot was supported by The Indian Council
lence of OBI would be due to the use of HBsAg assay of Medical Research initiated the Short Term Studentship
with ­varying sensitivity, HBV prevalence and the type of Program for MBBS graduates (Grant No. 2015-01331).
population in which the study was done. Among the five
cases that were HBV DNA positive by NAT in our study
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17 Chaudhuri V, Nanu A, Panda SK, Chand P. Evaluation of serologic
In Summary the incidence of OBI and WP infections screening of blood donors in India reveals a lack of correlation
was found to be low at 1 in 6503 and 1 in 24214 donations, between anti-HBc titer and PCR amplified HBV DNA. Transfusion.
respectively. The use of a very sensitive HBsAg assay

290 Pathogens and Global Health  2016  VOL. 110   NOS. 7&8

Keechilot et al.  Detection of occult hepatitis B and window period infection among blood donors

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