8th Issue October 30
8th Issue October 30
8th Issue October 30
Radford to Build
Hotel and Riverfront
News | PG. 04
2 | The Tartan Denae Rauls, SMADs Manager // smads@radford.edu // Advertisements
Editor-in-Chief: Dylan Lepore
Managing Editor:
Sarah Steffey
ssteffey3@radford.edu THE TARTAN
Jeremy Moser
Tartan may be distributed by authorized distributors only.
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Radford VA, 24142.
The Tartan is a student-produced weekly newspaper
maintained in order to provide the Radford University
community with important news issues as well as to
educate students. The newspaper exists to provide an
experiential ground so that students can attempt to achieve
a balance of technique, experience and professionalism as
well as courage in journalism, layout, staff development,
leadership and management. As a newspaper, The Tartan
exists to provide a fair and balanced version of the news to HOME FINALE
Radford University and the surrounding area.
The Radford women’s soccer team claimed a 2-0 victory over
ADVERTISING Gardner-Webb for their last regular-season home game. An
The deadline for all advertising is 5 p.m. on Tuesday
before the desired issue of publication. Ads must be impressive offensive attack from the Highlanders forced a goal
04 06
print-ready and in PDF format; files must be delivered in each period and improved the team to a 7-1 home record.
via e-mail at smads@radford.edu. Please visit our website
www.rutartan.com/wordpress/advertising for more Radford was coming off of a 0-1 loss to Campbell University the
information, including rates and payment methods.
previous Saturday.
The Tartan is committed to correcting errors that appear
in the newspaper. Those interested in contacting the paper RADFORD TO BUILD THE ADDAMS FAMILY
for that purpose can send an e-mail to tartan@radford.
edu or call the main number, 540-831-5474, to make a
correction to any section.
We prefer letters that are 200-400 words and take as their
starting point an article or other item appearing in The
Tartan. They may not have been submitted to, posted Radford University The hit Halloween
to or published by any other media. They must include
announced plans to build movie The Addams MORE THAN A PAPER.
the writer’s full name — anonymous letters and letters
written under pseudonyms will not be considered. For
verification purposes, they must also include the writer’s a multi-story hotel near Family, originally released
Place an ad here.
e-mail address and phone number. Letters will be edited
and used at the discretion of the editor-in-chief for length.
Authors’ individual editorials do not necessarily reflect campus and expand the in 1991, has been remade
the opinion of The Tartan or Radford University. Go to
www.rutartan.com/wordpress/letters-to-the-editor/. riverside part of its into an animated children’s
“Our Opinion” pieces are written collectively by members
campus within the next film, but the remake does
of The Tartan Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is
comprised of the editing staff, the Tea writers, and several years. In his ... not do the original any ...
other Radford University students. These undergraduate
and graduate students represent multiple class levels
and different political, cultural, ethnic, and religious
backgrounds. Members may or may not belong to a variety
of student organizations. The Editorial Board is open to all
RU students who apply.
Here is your
Requests for coverage and tips should be submitted by and Night Time
email to tartan@radford.edu or by visiting www.rutartan.
com/wordpress/submit-news-tips-and-events. Forecast for the
week Oct. 30-
Nov. 5, 2019.
adford University the main event showcased how Foundation and are planned to and seeing the beauty and These developments will
announced plans to build Radford University is expected be demolished. The hotel will excitement of our campus.” come with a new traffic pattern,
a multi-story hotel near to grow over time. likely be completed by 2023 and Radford will be working with a boardwalk by the river, an
campus and expand the riverside Above all, the announcement is estimated to cost between $20 JLL, a Fortune 500 real estate amphitheater, a Champions
part of its campus within the of Radford’s 2020-2030 Master million and $25 million, none of services firm which, according Walk, a zip-line, and a revamped
next several years. Plan got the most attention. which is said to come from state to Hemphill, will provide bridge to connect it all to the
In his annual State of the This plan includes a full- funding. “professional services and main campus.
University Address, Radford service, multi-story hotel “I am confident that our needed assistance with product The riverfront project is
President Brian Hemphill, located very close to campus, at campus will serve as a wonderful definition and implementation.” estimated to cost at least $10
who is in his third year at the the intersection of Tyler Avenue backdrop for area visitors and The other big announcement million, according to WDBJ7.
university’s helm, kicked off and Calhoun Street. University guests,” Hemphill of the night, the addition of a
The CHBS Writing Center Is Waiting for You College Student Voting Nearly Doubled
from brainstorming University were able to election of our
B y C a i t l i n B i l l m a n ’22
to revising.” They also The Writing Center B y W e s l e y W a l l ac e ’22
analyze this information lifetime.” The increase in
cbillman1@radford.edu wwallace5@radford.edu
“envision the tutoring would like students by allowing colleges turnout reflected youth’s
he College of session as a conversation to know, “Please recent study around the U.S. to concern for significant
Humanities & about your paper.” They remember that the conducted by Tuft participate in the National issues such as gun
Behavioral Sciences will “provide feedback, Writing Center is not an University found Study of Learning, Voting, control, health care, voter
(CBHS) Writing Center, share tips, and strategies, editing or proofreading that the voting turnout and Engagement (NSLVE). registration, and LGBTQ
located in CBHS 4800, and help you make a plan service. We work with for college students Additionally, the study equality.
offers tutoring sessions to for further developing or during the 2018 midterm found that the highest F u r t h e r m o r e ,
you to improve your
all students who need help revising your project.” elections nearly doubled voting turnout came the increased rate of
with their writing. A face-to-face session
own proofreading and from 2014. from Hispanic students millennial voters shifted
The center is open will consist of reviewing editing skills, but we The report issued by at approximately 36.5 political gender balances
Mondays and Fridays and reading an assignment don’t simply point out Tuft University’s Institute percent, which doubled by electing a minimum
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. aloud. Also, the tutors ask problems or rewrite for Democracy & Higher the 14 percent of Hispanic of 90 female candidates to
and Tuesdays through that goals are set before them for you. We want Education (IDHE) acquired college students who the U.S. House of
Thursdays from 10 a.m. to the meeting. The tutor will to help you learn to the average voting voted in 2014. Representatives.
5 p.m. give feedback on the work become your own best patterns of ten million While women’s Nancy Thomas,
Students can and provide strategies for proofreader and editor.” college students who colleges had the highest Director of the Institute
schedule an appointment more successful writing. attended 1,000 college voting rates among four- for Democracy & Higher
through a Writing Center By the end of the session, and has been helping institutions. year institutions and two- Education, discussed the
account and reserve a time the student should leave students with their writing According to the year colleges, both public active participation of
slot and tutor. Tutoring with a plan for finalizing since. report, the voting rates and private universities college voters.
appointments begin their work. The Writing Center for college students in the had made improvements “At a time of increased
on the hour and last 45 Dr. Katie Garahan and can be reached at 540- 2018 midterm elections with the turnout of college activism and voter
minutes. Justine Jackson of the 831-7605 or by email at were approximately voters between 2014- participation by all
According to the English Department are writingcenter@radford. 39.1 percent, nearly 20 2018. Americans, today’s report
writing centers website, the director and assistant edu. Its hours are Monday points higher than the During the 2018 highlights even greater
the tutors at the Writing director of the Writing and Friday from 10 a.m. 19.7 percent of college midterm elections, many interest among college
Center will work with the Center respectively. to 3 p.m., and Tuesday students who voted in the political activists referred students,” Thomas said.
student on “all phases The Writing Center through Thursday from 10 2014 midterm elections. to the midterms as the
of a writing project opened on Sept. 25, 2017, a.m. to 5 p.m. Researchers at Tuft most “consequential
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, October 30, 2019 | 5
adford University is back in the living room and we
to normal operations, heard like a screech and
per the RU Emergency
a crash and like three,
Alert System, after local law
enforcement responded to
four gunshots,” said
reports of gunshots off-campus. Booth.
Police went to the 500 block She said she saw “someone
of Fairfax Street at 8:25 p.m. and run right past her house” and
an RU alert went out to students through her driveway before
about 20 minutes after. seeing “the car skrrt down the
“An all clear was issued,” road.”
according to Caitlyn Scaggs, “This dude that ran by,” she
the Associate Vice President of said, “he was booking it. He was
University Relations. wearing a big hoodie, it was like
Jenni Wilder, the public a Carhartt, like the rednecks
A Movie Review
he hit Halloween characters look the same. The remainder of the plot Towards the end of the recommend going to see it.
movie The Addams The most disappointing is split up into several different movie, the extended Addams
Family, originally part of the movie was that it stories that don’t flow together family shows up, which makes Overall: 4/10
released in 1991, has been didn’t even follow the original well. For example, it will skip the interior designer worry
remade into an animated storyline. In the 1991 version from Wednesday wanting to go because it will hurt her image.
children’s film, but the remake of The Addams Family, the to public school to an interior She has the town turn against
does not do the original any main plot was that they were designer wanting to fix-up the the entire family, which results
justice. Fans of the original trying to find uncle Fester. Addams’ house. It was choppy in a fight.
who religiously watch it every The entire movie revolved and hard to follow at times. The music is also poorly
year will forget about the new around uncle Fester. In the Another disappointing chosen. There were several
one very quickly. new version, uncle Fester just difference from the original up-beat songs throughout the
The movie stars Oscar appears with no backstory and is that the Addams family movie, which defeated the
Isaac, Charlize Theron, is barely referenced. knew what type of people were purpose of the Addams family
An Restaurant Review
izza, pasta, and all different subs. You can also includes pepperoni, sausage, to dine at Sal’s Jr., the fresh daily. The
works pizza is
things Italian – Sal’s turn any sub into a wrap. Aside mushrooms, ground beef, atmosphere is warm, and the
Jr. has it all. The from subs, Sal’s has seven onions, green peppers, and staff is exceptional.
Italian restaurant in Fairlawn
advertises New York Style
burger options. One dish that I
have tried is baked ziti, a pasta
extra cheese.
Sizes range from mini,
Overall, Sal’s Jr. deserves
its rating for the quality and so flavorful and
Pizza, Italian Cuisine, and a
wide variety of good eats.
dish with a blend of cheeses
and tomato sauce, covered in a
which is 10 inches, to Sicilian,
which is 16 inches. Sal’s has 21
fantastic service, I vastly
recommend. Overall: 10/10
To start your meal off blanket of melted mozzarella. different varieties of pizza to
right, Sal’s Jr. offers a variety It is delicious and big enough offer. If you are not feeling a
of appetizers, which range to share, so keep that in mind whole pizza, you can order by
from traditional bacon cheese for leftovers. Sal’s offers 18 the slice.
fries to fried calamari. The other pasta dishes besides the Wrapping up your meal,
best appetizer is the Sal’s Jr. baked ziti. Sal’s Jr. offers select favorites
sampler appetizer. For $12.49, My favorite dish to order for dessert, including the
this lets you pick three out of a is the pepper steak with mayo, classic cannoli.
list of items that includes fried onions, peppers and melted The wait staff is
mushrooms, fried zucchini, cheese with a side of chips. exceptional. They come back
garlic knots, mozzarella Sal’s is also kid-friendly. numerous times to check on
sticks, chicken tenders, wings, The kid’s menu offers pasta, you and give refills. From
boneless wings, fries or onion grilled cheese, ham and cheese the cooks to the wait staff,
Courtesy of Sal’s Jr. Pizzeria & Italian Restaurant
rings. sub, turkey and cheese sub, everyone is friendly. The food
Sal’s Jr. is one of my family’s cheesesteak, chicken tenders, also comes out very quickly;
go-to’s. We have eaten there and a single slice of cheese I’ve never had to wait long for
for as long as I can remember. pizza. my meal.
The restaurant is seat yourself. Now, let’s talk about their Sal’s is open every day of
Servers bring out delicious famous pizzas. Sal’s Jr. makes the week at varying hours,
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, October 30, 2019 | 7
By Sierra Bradley‘21
Sister Circle: Develop Relationships With the Students and Model Civil Discourse
like race, gender, class, and common issues on a deeper depth about the topic.
B y A lys s a B o u r n e ’20 I just like having
sexuality given to an individual level. “It’s beautiful to see women
or group that can create different So why should someone of all ages pour into each other.
discussions about,
ith social media forms of discrimination or listen and contribute to this Witnessing the exchange in the not necessarily just
platforms such as disadvantages. conversation? room and the way we all seem to race, but I like having
Twitter, Instagram, The meeting featured an “I just like having discussions get it without having to have all intellectual and educated
or Facebook, having an open open discussion, and concerns about, not necessarily just race, the right words to say to describe
discussion and hearing
discussion can be difficult, were raised about bringing but I like having intellectual and what we all get brings solace to
especially with internet trolls. awareness to Intersectionality. educated discussion and hearing the identities we share,” Ruffin
from those around me,
However, that was not the case Students such as Destiny from those around me, so I don’t said. so I don’t feel like the
on Tuesday night with Sister Goodwin, a political science feel like the only young person Topics like this and many only young person who
Circle. major, were sharing insightful who takes an interest in the others need to be had, and Clubs takes an interest in the
This group, along with realizations of what black social, or economic or any type like Sister Circle are a good start
social, or economic or
others such as the Transgender women go through and other of issue that we continue to when it comes to tackling the
Advocacy Group, Queer People factors of marginalization, along experience,” Goodwyn said. topics that must be approached.
any type of issue that we
of Color, and Brother 2 Brother, with how vital clubs like this can The topics are not only about Sister Circle meets every continue to experience,”
are safe spaces for students to be for students. race; discussions can be about other Tuesday in Heth Hall 157, Goodwyn said.
discuss topics relevant to them. “I thought it would be an any subject that is relevant to at 5:30 pm.
“They are also for faculty empowering moment to be women in their daily lives.
and staff members to develop surrounded by women who The idea of the group was
relationships with the students identify as I identify,” Goodwyn created by intern Essence
and model civil discourse,” said said. “Not necessarily those Collins and an Admissions
Buffy Ruffin, assistant director outside identifications like Counselor, and pursued by Buffy
of the Center for Diversity and sexuality or anything like that, Ruffin. It was then enhanced by
Inclusion. but definitely being a woman another intern, Brianna Harris,
The topic discussed at and being black. I think that from West Georgia University.
Sister Circle Tuesday night was those are two prominent things The curiosity and passion of
about Intersectionality and that I identify with.” the people in the discussions
the importance of sharing the Intersectionality, in this heightened the casual setting.
Photo Courtesy Kate Kalvach | Unsplash
stories of black women who have case, was on being both a woman This was all made possible
died by police brutality. and black. It was a fascinating by Dr. Teisha Martin, Crystal
Kimberle Crenshaw, a scholar conversation, especially for Hubbard, and Dr. Sharon Jones,
of critical race theory, created students who are used to who helped dive into the
the term Intersectionality. It is classroom settings. People in conversation and encourage
about the many classifications these groups can understand participants to think more in-
The tea
8 | The Tartan Jeremy Moser, Copy Editor // jmoser9@radford.edu // The Tea
for what they would like to he bathroom has been a Moving away from
contritbute to the Tartan. relaxing domain since the commercial coffee and entering
invention of the porcelain the building itself, one will find
• Managing Editor toilet in 1596. Initially, such offices of students more attuned
• Culture Editor a device that blesses the user with the human element. One
• Page Designer with total bliss was limited to would think that the stalls would
• News Editor only the wealthy and those be filled with scribbles such as
• Tea Editor of high status. Yet, with the “God’s Dead” or “The Boulder
• Staff Photographers birth of globalization and mass shall just fall down tomorrow.”
production, this wonderful One could see this as a “pro”
Interested? invention is now compulsory for or “con” because one might not
For more information head to every building. wish for there to be a “social
Tyler Hall Room 025 In all sincerity, one might statement” presiding over you.
Monday - Friday not truly trust strangers and the However, some may see these
10 a.m to 5 p.m. hands that keep these facilities statements as entertaining.
tartan@radford.edu maintained. So, I took it upon Continuing to another
myself to inspect and use the popular building, Dalton Hall,
major facilities at Radford that which holds most of the on-
$60.00 $60.00
Sessions Available
October 25, 2019-December 8, 2019
Fridays to Sundays ONLY
RESERVE A SESSION NOW: Visit Tyler Hall 025 to RSVP
10 | The Tartan Zach Potter, Sports Editor // zpotter2@radford.edu // Sports
he Radford women’s Runnin’ Bulldog defenders, and evenly by each period, were Sohrabi gave credit to Lily
soccer team claimed with a low gliding shot, found taken by the Highlanders. Gabi McLane and Mia Wood for the
a 2-0 victory over the back of the net and put the Paupst lead the way with seven amount of running they did
Gardner-Webb for their last Highlanders up 1-0. shots. Though the aggressive throughout the game on defense.
regular-season home game. An Perez and Oliver were pursuit was nonstop, the “An average soccer player
impressive offensive attack from not done with their offensive Gardner-Webb goalkeeper runs about seven miles a game,”
the Highlanders forced a goal in prowess in the second half. saved nine total would-be shots Sohrabi said, “I would guess they
each period and improved the However, their roles reversed for from tallying goals for the ran more than that tonight.”
team to a 7-1 home record. the final goal of the match. Highlanders. The Highlanders are going
Radford was coming off of a Perez found Oliver in the Two goalkeepers into the Big South Conference
0-1 loss to Campbell University middle of the pitch after running saw playing time for the Championships beginning on
The RU Funnies the previous Saturday. The through a gauntlet of defenders. Highlanders. Courtenay November 1st. They come with
How has the price of opinions Highlanders were looking to Another wall of defenders stood Kaplan and Lexi Dean both had the best overall regular-season
remained $0.02 over the years even bounce back and did so with in the way, seeming to end the three saves in each of their record in the conference.
after inflation? great confidence. attacking play, but Oliver made respective halves played. With Brianna Oliver, the owner of
--- Senior Nelia Perez got off a nice move past both defenders Perez’s first-half goal, she broke one of the goals and an assist
What did Mario say when he broke up to a quick start within the first and took a shot with her left foot the tie between herself and on the night, said that this win
with Princess Peach? six minutes of the first period. that found the back of the net Paupst, tallying a total of nine “should definitely help with
It’s not you, it’s a-me, Mario! Freshman Mia Wood stole the effortlessly. goals on the season. our confidence level,” and, “our
--- ball from the opposition and The 59th-minute goal was When head coach Ben hopes are high.”
I heard Mars has no atmosphere. found Brianna Oliver on the left- the last of the match and sent Sohrabi was asked about the
Could we create an atmosphere wing. the Runnin’ Bulldogs packing. overall performance of the
by dimming the lights and playing
An Italian astronaut!
--- adford men’s soccer also managed a great attempt in Thiam put a shot past High Point minutes later. Illias Kosmidis
Two satellites decided to get married. succumbed to another the first half. goalkeeper Keegan Meyer in the beat the Radford defense and
The wedding wasn’t much, but the second-half collapse, However, Faye didn’t bottom left corner. Thiam’s shot evened the score at 1-1.
reception was incredible! losing 3-1 against High Point maintain good contact on the put the Highlanders ahead 1-0 High Point would tie the
--- last Saturday on senior night. shot resulting in an easy save within one minute of the second game off a corner kick just four
Why do penguins walk softly? The Highlanders came out for the Panthers. The first half half.
Because they can’t walk hardly. shooting seven total shots ended with the score still 0-0. The effort was short-lived, TURN TO MEN PAGE 11
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, October 30, 2019 | 11
of the match. That goal ended the pitch. The Highlanders also Radford honored their regular season will be against
any chance for a Highlanders had 15 fouls, almost three times seniors, which included: Longwood at Cupp Stadium Nov.
minutes late. The ball crossed comeback and ended their hopes as many as the Panthers, who defenders Thure Ilgner and 6. Radford will also be without
into the box, deflected off of ending senior night with a only had six. Jacob Wilkinson, midfielders midfielder Octavio Ocampo who
Radford forward Robinson, and win. Robinson led the way for Victor Valls and Wyatt Erzen, accumulated enough yellow
went into the back of the net for Radford had four more shots Radford with three shots. and forward Liam Deacy. cards to be suspended.
a goal. than High Point, with 13 totals Radford goalie Joseba Incera had The Highlanders now see
High Point’s Kosmidis for the game. However, they a rather ineffective game, only themselves riding a three-game
finished off the Highlanders with weren’t able to turn the shot posting two saves and allowing losing streak.
a late goal in the 84th minute advantage into any success on three goals. Their final match of the
Last year by the numbers:
22 papers, 30 locations, 200+
articles, 128,428 website views,
and a plethora of open and
growing opportunities!