Antipolo Series

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9 Antipolo series

The antipolo series Is a fine, mixed, perthermic family of typic tropudalis. They are
moderately to deep well drained soil occurring on undulating to rolling hills and ridged with localized
valley. A horizon are brown to dark brown, dark brown, to yellowish brown or dark reddish brown clay,
clay loam or silty clay loam. Argillic bt horizons are yellowish, red, strong brown, reddish brown or
yellowish-brown clay with none to few distinct clear brown, reddish brown, dark reddish brown, or
yellowish red mottles and sometimes light gray to gray when used for paddy rice. Partially and highly
weather rock fragments are present and increases in abundance with depth. Iron manganese
concretions may occur. C horizon, 40-90 cm deep, are strong brown yellowish red clay with common to
many weathered rock fragments. Few Fe-Mn Concreations may also occur in this layer. Underlying in
this horizon is hard consolidated rock.

Typifying Pedon:

Antipolo clay (Profile pit No. 52 soil map sheet No. 6) and vegetated with forest three shrubs
and grasses has the following morphological, physical and chemical characteristics:

Horizon length (cm) Description

A 0-11 -Reddish brown (5yr 4/4) moist, silty clay loams; moderate small and
medium angular to sub angular blocky structure sticky, plastic , firms; common fine and medium roots;
clear wavy boundary Ph 5.5 plastic firm; many partially ang highly weathered black (107R 2/1) volcanic
rock fragments ; common innocoated manganese Concreations; Ph 6.3 bedrock

Type location:

The typifying pedon is located Sitio Daang bakal, Bo Delapaz, Antipolo, Rizal between 121 9’ 25”
East longitude and 116 35’ 55” North latitude.

Similar soil series and their differentiate:

Antipolo series somewhat similar to Pinungay series, although some soils classify as Troudalfs,
the former is generally shallower and are derived from basalt while deeper Pinungay soils are derived
from shale. The antipolo soils occurs on undulating rolling hills and ridges with localized valleys of the
volcanic foot slopes while the pinungay series occurs on the upper and rounded volcanic hills and ridges.

Antipolo soils is also somewhat similar to the well-drained shallow to moderately deep to
Novaliches and Bugarin series and the generally deeper cimarin soils. Their main difference is on their
physiographic position and parent material. Novaliches series is derived from volcanic tuff, Camarin
series from conglomerate while both and Bugarin series are developed from alsatic materials.

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