Roosevelt Institute Progress Report - Thanksgiving 2010
Roosevelt Institute Progress Report - Thanksgiving 2010
Roosevelt Institute Progress Report - Thanksgiving 2010
Thanksgiving 2010
There are a few issues at hand that we need to take care of to have a successful second semester. Either by
email or in-person, please give Nick Bemberg or Jacob Porter feedback on the following items:
o Weekly Events
I think having some kind of regular meeting regarding politics would be a good thing for
Roosevelt at Hendrix to start. One possible weekly event is watching Sunday morning talk
shows every week. We would not actually have to meet on Sunday mornings. We could stream
the shows off the web on Sunday nights so that people will not skip the shows for sleep.
o Special Events
During spring semester I would like to see our chapter host some special events. These could be
events with Harding or the University of Arkansas Fayetteville (they both have active Roosevelt
chapters), a trip to the Arkansas State Capitol or Clinton Library, and a lot of other stuff
o KHDX Show
Roosevelt could host a political radio show on KHDX. No telling how many listeners there
would be but if kept low-pressure and fun a Radio Show would be awesome. It could be
broadcast once a week. There are a lot of options for the way we would format it.
o Volunteer Work
Whether we team up with VAC, Habitat for Humanity, Hendrix-Menifee tutoring, or work by
ourselves, it may be a good idea for us to do some volunteer work. We could try to incorporate a
political agenda (that we all agree on) into our volunteer work.
o Project Pericles - Debating For Democracy 2011 Legislative Hearing (D4D) (Deadline
February 2, 2011)
Our sponsor, Jay Barth, gave me some information about this project by Project Pericles.
Students will work in groups and write a letter to an elected official regarding policy analysis and
creation. From the 28 participating colleges and universities, the best five letters will be chosen
and two students who wrote those letters will go to New York City to “discuss their policy ideas
with a panel of current and former elected officials and other public policy experts.”
Your Homework
• Read over the national opportunities and the Hendrix campus opportunities and figure out your interest
in them.
o Are you interested in writing for the ‘Ten Ideas’ Series?
o Are you interested in writing for SPIL?
o Are you interested in applying for Roosevelt’s Summer Academy?
o Do you have ideas for weekly events our chapter could host?
o Do you have ideas for special events our chapter could host?
o Are you interested in being part of Roosevelt’s Radio show?
o Do you have ideas for volunteer work that Roosevelt could do?
o Do you have an Odyssey project you would like to do with Roosevelt?
o Are you interested in writing a letter for Project Pericles?
• Once you have figured out your answers to the above questions, come to the meeting on December 2
and let everyone else know. At the meeting, we will talk about what we all should do over the break so
that we can start second semester off strong! If you cannot make it to the meeting but are truly
interested, let me know you answers to the above questions before December 2.
• After we have a meeting to discuss our intentions for second semester and winter break, the next
homework assignment will be for everyone to execute our plans. If done well, the results will be
Information on the Ten Ideas Series:
A few examples of ‘Ideas’ are attached, but you can find all six policy journals (60 ideas total) at
Getting published in Ten Ideas would be a really great résumé booster! Who is interested in it? If you are
interested, you will need to do research and writing over the break. Once we get back, we can meet once a
week to critique each other’s writing (see calendar).
Information on ‘Solving Petroleum Impacts Legislatively’ (SPIL):
The research component will include students compiling a state-by-state analysis of the spill’s
repercussions, making use of quantitative measures of the economic and environmental outcomes, to facilitate
cross-state comparison.
The next step will be for the group will evaluate the effectiveness of each state’s and the federal
government’s efforts to mitigate the environmental and economic damage.
Finally, the group will propose improvements to existing policies and the creation of new policies to
improve the efficiency of governmental response. The group will present its findings at a conference hosted by
the University of Georgia.
As part of the investigation, the group may decide to visit one or more of the states salient to the
research project. The group may conduct interviews and observe the work local and state policy-makers are
doing on the ground to better understand the response to the spill and the federal government’s role in
combating the disaster. The trip would most likely take place over Winter Break 2010 or Spring Break 2010.
Roosevelt can help to finance the trip
The writing you do for this will be a policy brief formatted the same as a Ten Ideas policy brief (see
attached for example). Based on who is interested in writing a SPIL paper, we can decide if we would like to
go on a trip to a Gulf State and when we would like to go. Roosevelt (and maybe Hendrix) could help pay for
it. Winter Break is an option if we work quickly and Spring Break is also possible. The UGA chapter will be
traveling to Dauphin Island, AL during winter break to interview local stakeholders, union members, and
government workers. If you submit writing by the deadline, March 15, you are essentially guaranteed a spot at
the conference to present your work. The conference is on April 9 in Athens, Georgia. Transportation there
would be paid for by Roosevelt.
Information on Roosevelt Summer Academy:
“The Roosevelt Summer Academy combines a full-time internship with a training curriculum and
weekly networking events as part of an integrated program of leadership development. Our objective is to bring
new, diverse, and progressive voices into the political process. The program runs for nine weeks, from June 9th
to August 12th, 2011
During the summer of 2010, Roosevelt ran two concurrent programs: The Washington Academy and
The Chicago Academy. Placements included: Center for Community Change, Economic Policy Institute, The
National Security Network, New Democratic Network (NDN), ChoiceUSA, America's Union Movement (AFL-
CIO) and many others. The Chicago Academy will place ten students with different Chicago City Agencies to
work on energy and environmental policy in an urban setting. Last year's placements included: Chicago
Department of Health, Chicago Department of Zoning and Land Use Planning, Chicago Department of
Environment, Chicago Public Schools, Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection.
Each fellowship comes with a minimum $1500 stipend. Applicants with financial need may qualify for
additional funding. We are deeply committed to assembling a diverse group of Academy Fellows and will work
with each person accordingly.
Trainings are an important part of our summer program, examples of some include: policy 101,
communications, online organizing and social media, field organizing, lobbying and fundraising, and coalition
building. Guest speakers comprise another component of our program. Past speakers include: Greg Ehrendreich
from Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Adele Simmons from Chicago Climate Action Plan, and Paige
Finnegan from LEED Council.”
This summer program would be a great résumé booster, would earn you some money, would establish
you with Roosevelt members on other campuses, and be a productive way to spend the summer. I am not sure
how Hendrix members stand as far as chance of being accepted because we have not had a particularly active
chapter. But if this sounds interesting, apply this year. You might get accepted but even if you do not, you will
have a better chance of getting accepted next year.
November 2010
Begin accepting 1 2 3 4 5 6
application for
Roosevelt Summer
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Thanksgiving28 29 30
December 2010
1 -Meeting to 2 3 4
Discuss winter
break and second
semester – 2:30
12 Finals13 Finals14 -Finals15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
January 2011
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 Stop accepting 15
application for
Roosevelt Summer
Watch/Discuss a 30 31
Sunday Morning
Talk Show
February 2011
Watch/Discuss a 13 14 15 16 Meet to discuss17 18 19
Sunday Morning our ‘Ten Ideas’
Talk Show writing
Watch/Discuss a 27 28
Sunday Morning
Talk Show
March 2011
1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10 11 12
14 Deadline for SPIL15 16 17 18 Spring Break19
work to be
28 29 30 31
6 Watch/Discuss a
Sunday Morning
Talk Show
13 Convene to
Discuss Plans for
rest of the
Spring Break20
Spring Break27
April 2011
Fall/Winter 2011 1 2
Odyssey Project
Funding Deadline
3 4 5 6 7 8 SPIL Conference9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
May 2011
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31