Weather and Climate Factors
Weather and Climate Factors
Weather and Climate Factors
Learning Objective: Weather and Climate Factors
NGSS Standard: MSESS2.D1 Weather and climate are influenced by interactions
involving sunlight, the ocean, the atmosphere, ice, landforms, and living things. These
interactions vary with latitude, altitude, and local and regional geography, all of which can
affect oceanic and atmospheric flow patterns.
Students will be able to:
1. Explain the difference between climate and weather.
2. Explain the factors that determine climate.
3. Explain how some of these factors work together to determine regional climates.
Time Required: 90 minutes
Materials Needed:
● Teacher computer with internet access and projector
● Student computers/laptop/tablet with internet access (preferably one per student but at
least enough for small groups of 3 4 students)
● Colored pencils/crayons/markers
● How Air Moves Handout (attached)
Teacher Preparation:
● Create Playlist 1, a 10minute p laylist in L egends of Learning with the following game
found in the Weather and Climate Factors learning objective:
o Bottles: Weather and Climate
● Create Playlist 2, a 20minute p laylist in Legends of Learning with the following game
found in Weather and Climate Factors learning objective:
o Battle of Wits Climate
● Make copies of How Air Moves handout
Engage: 15 minutes
1) The teacher will play the video “Climate Factor Rap” on YouTube
2) The teacher then leads a discussion about the video, namely the difference between
weather and climate and the factors that affect climate.
Explore: 10 minutes
1) Students will s ign in to Legends of Learning and enter your teacher code .
2) Launch Playlist 1 to your students.
3) Students will complete B ottles: Weather and Climate Factors as the teacher assists
students as needed. Stopping game play to address the questions asked in the game
may be needed.
Explain: 25 minutes
1) The teacher will play the video “Bill Nye the Science Guy on Wind (Full Clip)”
2) Students will be given the How Air Moves handout with an illustration showing the
different movements of air over land and water in a coastal area at both night and day.
3) Students will describe in words, the step by step process of convection currents to
create a land breeze and a sea breeze.
Elaborate: 25 minutes
1) Students will log on to the NASA DATAGLOBE Digital Earth System site:
2) Jigsaw: Teacher will group students into groups of 23. Each group will examine
Surface Temperature and Insolation animations and develop a one slide PowerPoint
(or similar program) which will describe ONE of the following:
a. Describe the rotation of the Earth and the role this rotation plays in the unequal
distribution of heat on Earth.
i. The Earth’s rotation causes the Coriolis Effect. This causes a
deflection of direction in both the wind and ocean currents. The
deflection is to the ‘right’ in the Northern Hemisphere, and the ‘left’
in the Southern Hemisphere. Due to these deflections, currents in
the ocean, and air, are formed. This causes an unequal distribution
of heat across the Earth.
b. Describe what role the oceans and their currents play and how they affect
regional climates.
i. The oceans play a pivotal role in climate regulation. Currents, both
warm and cold, determine the relative harshness, or temperance
of a region’s climate.
c. Describe how, if at all, these patterns change over several years. Have there
been shifts in global temperatures or have they remained fairly consistent?
i. Wind patterns/currents, such as the Jet Stream, and Gulf Stream,
have remained mostly constant for many, many years. There have
been shifts in global temperature; they have NOT remained
3) Once completed, the teacher will lead a discussion in which the groups share out their
Evaluate: 15 minutes
1) Launch Playlist 2 for students.
2) Students will play B
attle of Wits Climate War and be assessed on their ability to
answer the questions provided in the game correctly.
3) Teacher will analyze student results to determine what concepts need to be a focus for
Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________________
How Air Moves
Directions: Using the diagram below, explain in your own words what is happening
to the air at each point to create sea breezes and land breezes.
Sea Breeze:
A _ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
B _____________________________________________________________________________________________
C _____________________________________________________________________________________________
D _ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Land Breeze:
A _ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
B _____________________________________________________________________________________________
C _____________________________________________________________________________________________
D _ ____________________________________________________________________________________________