Design of A Modernized Cassava Peeling Machine
Design of A Modernized Cassava Peeling Machine
Design of A Modernized Cassava Peeling Machine
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The design of a modernized cassava peeling II and III. In model I, an oil drum was punched about two
machine was carried out in this paper. The principles of third millimeter diameter holes per square cm of its surface
engineering design and application using a motorized and eccentrically mounted on shaft with 200 mm by 150 mm
screw mechanism of helical metal wires were adopted on a opening which was made to load cassava inside the drum.
rigid shaft powered by an electrical motor of 1 Hp and Cassava tubers and a predetermined quantity of some inert
applied in the design of the peeling chamber which is materials such as quartziferous pebbles of 3.2 - 4.8 mm hard
cylindrical in shape. The peeling drum was designed with quarry stones are loaded into the drum which was rotated at 40
1.5 mm thick steel flat sheet. The total mass of cassava per r.p.m. The rubbing action of the pebbles on the cassava tuber
batch in the peeling drum was designed to be 20 kg with removed the bark thereby leaving the cassava peeled. There is
weight of 196.2 N occupied in a peeling chamber of volume uniform peeling in this process. Water is being sprayed to
0.978136m3. For 30 minutes of peeling, the peeling force wash the finely abraded peels to prevent fouling and dulling of
required, is 8.437N when the velocity is 25.31m/s. The the abrasive surface as discussed by Odigboh (1983). In model
II , according to Odigboh (1983), balls of expanded metals
torque made by the shaft at the peeling chamber is 2.374
were used to replace the pebbles. Model III, had four abrasive
Nm and torsional stress of the shaft was found to be 6.88 x
cylinders of expanded metal mounted inside the main peeling
105 N/m2. The efficiency of the machine was designed to be
drum driven by a planetary gear arrangement made to rotate
80% at a power output of 42.28 Watt.
about their axes at four times the r.p.m of the main drum and
rotated at 40 r.p.m. Odigboh (1983).
Keywords:- Modernized Cassava Peeling Machine, Screw
The design of cassava peeling machine using an abrasive
mechanism has been carried out by Alhassan, (2018). In
the design consideration of the cassava peeler, the quality of
Cassava is a dicotyledonous perennial plant whose tuber the food as well as the longevity of the material for use in
is very useful in the world especially in the African Continent fabrication was put into consideration (Alhassan, 2018).
In consideration for preservation of the quality of food, the
where it is utilized in the production of starch, garri, akpu,
fabrication materials to be selected should not contaminate the
semo, floor, animal feed etc. The processing of cassava tuber
food and must possess properties capable of resisting
to these products requires the removal of the tuber bark and
the process of cassava peeling is always applied. There are corrosion, wear and tear. The affordability and local
many peeling methods which can be applied to remove the availability of materials as well as the strength of the material
cassava tuber’s bark through a process known as peeling for construction must be considered (Alhassan, 2018).
namely: manual peeling by humans (using knife), chemical The physical and chemical properties of the cassava tuber to
peeling (using hot solution of sodium hydroxide to loosen and be peeled were given due consideration such as the specific
weight, density, size, impact, tensile and compressive strength
soften the skin) according to Igbeka, 1985, and mechanical
(Alhassan, 2018). Experimental procedure by Alhassan
peeling using machines. The use of machines in peeling of
cassava is always faster and saves time in processing of large, 2018 has shown that slow speed rotation of 58 r.p.m with
number of cassava tubers. 2.5,8.7 and 12.5 kg feed rate led to an improved peeling action
when peeling was performed at this speed. It was practically
observed that a slow speed favours the machine operation and
The design of cassava peeling machine has been carried
out by some African scholars but the industrial application of this was achieved using a reduction gear (Alhassan,
these designs over the years have proven some difficulty 2018). The percentage Peeling efficiency (PE) can be
especially in handling of cassava tubers with varying sizes and estimated as the ratio of the mass of cassava to be peeled in a
shapes using either the screws method, abrasives method or batch in unit time to the mass fraction g, of the peeled cassava
the attritions method. Odigboh (1983) has developed three expressed in percentage (Abdulkadir, 2012).
models of cassava peeling machine which was called model I,
V= 25.31m/s Sin =
The force required for peeling the cassava tuber, FP is Angle of wrap
given as
= 180° 2 Sin-1( )
Angle of wrap, is given by the expression, =180 2 But, the power transmitted by the belt will be the power
of the motor, P = 1.0 Hp = 746Watt and
sin-1 … (5) V = 25.31m/s
= 180 + 2sin-1 But (T1 – T2) = 29.47N
J= 4.57 10-7 =
26.546 = 2.897
But V = , Where W2 and W1 are the angular velocities
9.16 = for input and output respectively.
= and =
= and =
Square both sides to remove square root
= 34.562 rad/s and = 314.2 rad/s
(9.16 ) =2
+2.374 Efficiency, ɳ =
8.9056 = + 2.374 … (15)
M = (8.39056 )
If the efficiency of the machine is to be designed for
80% efficiency, then the input power can be estimated as:
M = 916 Nm.
Efficiency of machine
The efficiency of the peeling machine can be calculated 0.8 =
by estimation of power output Po, and the power input Pin
Power output Po = force causing peeling of cassava velocity
at which the cassava is being turned. = 52.85W
= 0.05285Kw
Po = F
PO = 42.28 W = 0.04228 Kw