Fabrication and Manufacturing of Go-Kart: With Effective Time Saving, For Beginner
Fabrication and Manufacturing of Go-Kart: With Effective Time Saving, For Beginner
Fabrication and Manufacturing of Go-Kart: With Effective Time Saving, For Beginner
Abstract— Go-Kart racing is running and constantly This matching process affects manufacturing and fabrication
growing concept all over the world. Go-Kart is four wheeled time of project. Delay in fabrication and manufacturing result
vehicle designed for racing and in some countries for enjoyment in cost increasing in unwanted location of project activity
purpose only. It is neither factory made product nor path.
professional engineers made product. Kart racing is accepted as
most economic form of racing. As a free time, it can be II. PARTS OF GO-KART
performed by anyone with permitted license from age of 10 Go-Kart consists of various parts are as follows:
onwards. It is bridge between theoretical knowledge and 1. Chassis
practical knowledge. It is fun activity. We have designed, 2. Engine and Power Transmission System
fabricated and manufactured of Go-Kart for racing application.
3. Steering Assembly
The project includes design of ideas, imaginary concept,
designing, analysis, teamwork, project management and 4. Breaking System
development, costing and budgeting. The main objective of car 5. Electrical wiring and Engine wiring
is to make that car within a time, without any loss of time. So the
remaining time can be utilized to increases the performance of III. CHASSIS
car to get better result in racing. Most of time is wasted in A. Material selection
manufacturing and fabricating various parts of car. There are
Various materials are available to manufacture Go-
various reason that we have founded such availability of
machinery, availability of electricity, skill person etc. which Kart chassis but focusing on competition list of material
affect vastly the completion time of project. But there are can be preferred by using different research papers. From
several locations of project where without affecting it we can research papers and rulebook our team has selected
maintain performance of project and achieve desirable project AISI1018 (American Iron and Steel Institute-1018)
within time. material because of better mechanical properties
compared with other material properties.
Go-Kart is four wheeled racing car used by anyone and B. Designing and Analysis
made by professional and non-professional person also.
Driver in Go-Kart may or may not be professional. They
denote Formula1 car in manners of speed but it is less costly. Fig. 1, ANYSIS model of Go-Kart Chassis
They are widely used for racing in America and now
increasing its craze in India because of cost effectiveness and
racing thrill. Go-kart is simple, lightweight and easy to
operate. Most of Go-kart used simple mechanical principle to
manufacture its body. As craziness increases new participate
introduce itself in competition. Each team is challenged to the
many positive and negative aspects throughout the design
process to achieve the exact solutions. We decided to stay
focus on the event because of high point value. This was our
first time , so the questions were in front of us such as how
many time design will consume?, how many time
manufacturing will consume?, what will be cost of project?,
because most of new comers in competition face the problem Fig. 1. ANSYS Model of Go-Kart Chassis
of matching the design model with actual model in less error.