Arduino Based Smart Irrigation System Using Iot: March 2017

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Conference Paper · March 2017

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Anila Satish
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology


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3rd National Conference on Intelligent Information and Computing Technologies, IICT ‘17


R.Nandhini1, S.Poovizhi2, Priyanka Jose3, R.Ranjitha4, Dr.S.Anila5
Students- Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Sri Ramakrishna Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore.

nandhinimythi95@gmail.com1, puvipoovi555@gmail.com2, priyankajose05@gmail.com3,

ranjitharam6@gmail.com4, anila.ece@srit.org5

Over irrigation occurs because of poor

distribution or management of waste water,
Abstract: An automated irrigation system for chemical which leads to water pollution. Under
efficient water management and intruder irrigation leads to increased soil salinity with
detection system has been proposed. Soil consequent buildup of toxic salts on the soil
Parameters like soil moisture, pH, Humidity surface in areas with high evaporation. To
are measured and the Pressure sensor and the overcome these problems and to reduce the man
sensed values are displayed in LCD. The power smart irrigation system has been used.
intruder detection system is done with the help
of PIR sensor where the birds are repelled from II. LITERATURE REVIEW
entering into the field. The GSM module has
been used to establish a communication link Archana and Priya (2016) proposed a
between the farmer and the field. The current paper in which the humidity and soil moisture
field status will be intimated to the farmer sensors are placed in the root zone of the plant.
through SMS and also updated in the webpage. Based on the sensed values the microcontroller
The farmer can access the server about the is used to control the supply of water to the field.
field condition anytime, anywhere thereby This system doesn’t intimate the farmer about
reducing the man power and time. the field status [1].

Key-words: Microcontroller, Sensors, intruder Sonali D.Gainwar and Dinesh V.

detecting system, IOT Rojatkar (2015) proposed a paper in which soil
parameters such as pH, humidity, moisture and
temperature are measured for getting high yield
from soil. This system is fully automated which
I. INTRODUCTION turns the motor pump ON/OFF as per the level
of moisture in the soil. The current field status is
Agriculture is the backbone of all not intimated to the farmer[2].
developed countries. It uses 85% of available
fresh water resources worldwide and this V. R. Balaji and M. Sudha (2016)
percentage continues to be dominant in water proposed a paper in which the system derives
consumption because of population growth and power from sunlight though photo-voltaic cells
increased food demand. Due to this, efficient .This system doesn’t depend on electricity. The
water management is the major concern in many soil moisture sensor has been used and based on
cropping system in arid and semi-arid areas. An the sensed values PIC microcontroller is used to
automated irrigation system is needed to ON/OFF the motor pump. Weather forecasting
optimize water use for agricultural crops. The is not included in this system [3].
need of automated irrigation system is to
overcome over irrigation and under irrigation. R.Subalakshmi (2016) proposed a paper to
make irrigation system simpler, the complexities
involved in irrigation is tackled with automation

3rd National Conference on Intelligent Information and Computing Technologies, IICT ‘17

system using microcontroller and GSM. Based Yunseop kim (2008) proposed a paper in
on the sensed values from soil moisture, which the field conditions were site-specifically
temperature and humidity sensors, the GSM monitored by six in-field sensor stations
sends message to the farmer when these distributed across the field. The GPS and
parameters exceed the threshold value set in the wireless communication has been used to
program. The nutrient content in the soil is not intimate the farmer. Without internet the farmer
determined by this system [4]. cannot access the information about the current
field status [10].
Karan kansara (2015) proposed an
automated irrigation system where the humidity III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
and temperature sensors are used to sense the
soil conditions and based on that microcontroller Nowadays agricultural field is facing lot
will control the water flow. Farmer will be of problems due to lack of water resources. In
intimated through GSM. This system doesn’t order to help the farmers to overcome the
monitor the nutrient content in the soil [5]. difficulties, smart irrigation system has been
Prof C.H.Chavan and P.V.Karnade (2014) used. In this system, various sensors such as pH,
proposed a smart wireless sensor network for soil moisture, DHT11, PIR (intruder detecting
monitoring environmental parameters using system) and pressure sensors are connected to
Zigbee. These nodes send data wirelessly to a the input pins of arduino microcontroller. The
central server, which collects data, stores it and sensed values from the sensors are displayed in
allows it to be analyzed then displayed as LCD. If the sensed value goes beyond the
needed and also be sent to the client mobile.
threshold values set in the program, the pump
Weather forecasting and nutrient content is not
determined in this system [6]. will be automatically switched ON/OFF by the
relay circuit and it is connected to the driver
G.Parameswaran and K.Sivaprasath circuit which helps to switch the voltage. The
(2016) proposed a smart drip irrigation system farmer will be intimated about the current field
using IOT in which humidity, temperature and
condition through GSM module and also
pH sensors are used. Irrigation status is updated
to the server or local host using personal updated in the web page. By using this system,
computer. The farmer can’t access about the the farmer can access the details about the
field condition without internet [7]. condition of the field anywhere at any time.

S.Reshma and B.A.Sarath (2016) proposed BLOCK DIAGRAM

an IOT based automatic irrigation system using
wireless sensor networks in which various SOIL DC PUMP
sensors are used to measure the soil parameters. MOISTURE
This system provides a web interface to the user SENSOR
to monitor and control the system remotely. DRIVER
Weather monitoring is not done in this system CIRCUIT
Joaquin Gutierrez (2013) proposed a PRESSURE MODULE
gateway unit which handles sensor information,
triggers actuators, and transmits data to web
application. It is powered by photovoltaic panels PIR SENSOR MODULE
and has duplex communication link based on
cellular internet interface that allows for data DHT11
inspection and irrigation scheduling to be SENSOR
programmed through web page [9].

3rd National Conference on Intelligent Information and Computing Technologies, IICT ‘17

The Microcontroller used here is an
Arduino UNO. The UNO is a Microcontroller It is a Passive Infrared sensor which
board based on ATMEGA 328P. The ATMEGA detects the motion with the variation of Infrared
328P has 32kB of flash memory for storing radiation. It can cover up to 10 meters at an
code. The board has 14 digital input and output angle of ±15 degrees. PIR is as same as outdoor
pins, 6 analog inputs, 16 MHz quartz crystal, light with the motion detector and reacts to
USB, an ICSP circuit and a reset button. The movements made by objects that radiate heat.
UNO can be programmed with the Arduino
software. 2. WI-FI MODULE

2. SENSORS The ESP8266 Wi-Fi module is a self -

contained SOC (System on Chip) with
a) SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR integrated TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol) protocol stack that
Soil Moisture sensor is used to measure the can give any microcontroller access to any Wi-
moisture content present in the soil. When the Fi network. Each ESP8266 module comes pre-
soil moisture value read by the sensor is above programmed meaning, it can be simply hooked
the threshold value, low level (0V) will be the up to Arduino device to get Wi-Fi ability. This
digital output and if it is below the threshold module has a powerful enough on-boarding
level, high level (5V) will be the digital output. process and high storage capacity that allows it
The digital pin is used to directly read current to be integrated with the sensors and other
soil moisture value to see if it is above threshold application specific devices.
or not. The threshold voltage can be regulated
with help of potentiometer. 3. GSM MODULE

a) PH SENSOR GSM (Global System for Mobile

Communication) is a standard developed by the
PH is the measure of acidity or alkalinity European Telecommunication Standards
of water solution which is determined by the Institute (ETSI) to describe protocols for
relative number of hydrogen (H+) or hydroxyl second-generations (2G) digital cellular
(OH-) ions present. The pH value (below 7) is networks used by mobile phones. GSM
said to be acidic and (above 7) is said to be describes a digital, circuit-switched network
basic. The pH of a solution can change with optimized for full duplex voice telephony and
temperature respectively. also expanded to include data communications,
packet data transport via GPRS (General Packet
b) DHT11 SENSOR Radio Services). The longest distance the GSM
DHT11 sensor is used for measuring specification supports in practical is 35
temperature and humidity. It uses a capacitive kilometers (22mi).
humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the
surrounding air. This sensor is cost effective,
provides low power consumption and up-to 20
meter signal transmission is possible.


The differential Pressure transmitter is

used for measuring trace of differential pressure, Fig (a) GSM Module
PCB will transduce it to differential pressure
signal thereby it can be used for weather

3rd National Conference on Intelligent Information and Computing Technologies, IICT ‘17


The main objective of this

smart irrigation system is to make it
more innovative, user friendly, time
saving and more efficient than the
existing system. Measuring four
parameters such as soil moisture,
temperature, humidity and pH values
and the system also includes intruder
detecting system. Due to server updates
farmer can know about crop field nature
at anytime, anywhere.

Fig (b) Hardware Setup
[1] Archana and Priya, ”Design and
Implementation of Automatic Plant
Watering System” presented at
International Journal of Advanced
Engineering and Global technology ,
vol-04, Issue-01 , Jan-2016.

[2] Sonali.D.Gainwar and

Dinesh.V.Rojatkar ,“Soil Parameters
Monitoring with Automatic Irrigation
System” presented at International
Journal of Science, Engineering and
Technology Research(IJSETR),vol-
04,Issue 11,Nov 2015.

Fig (c) Data Display in Web [3] V.R.Balaji and M.Sudha , “Solar
Powered Auto Irrigation System”
presented at International Journal of
SENSORS SENSOR Emerging Technology in Computer
VALUE RANGE Science and Electronics (IJETCSE), vol-
20 Issue-2, Feb-2016.

[4] R.Subalakshmi and Anu Amal,

Soil Moisture -10c to +85c “GSM Based Automated Irrigation
using Sensors” presented at Special
Pressure ±102 mmH2O Issue published in International Journal
of Trend in Research and Development
(IJTRD), March-2016
Temp -55c to .
+150c [5] Karan Kansara and Vishal Zaweri,
Humidity 40% ”Sensor Based Automated Irrigation
System with IOT” presented at
pH Sensor 6.5 to 7.5 International Journal of Computer
Science and Information Technologies,
vol-06, 2015.

3rd National Conference on Intelligent Information and Computing Technologies, IICT ‘17

[6] C.H.Chavan and V.Karnade ,”

Wireless Monitoring of Soil moisture,
Temperature and Humidity using Zigbee
in Agriculture” presented at
International Journal of Engineering
Trends and Technology (IJETT) ,vol-11,

[7] G.Parameswaran and K.Sivaprasath,

”Arduino Based Smart Drip Irrigation
System Using IOT” presented at
International Journal of Engineering
Science and Computing (IJESC),May-

[8] S.Reshma and B.A.Sarath Manohar

Babu, ”Internet of things Based
Automatic Irrigation System using
Wireless Sensor Networks” presented at
International Journal and Magazine of
Engineering, Technology, Management
and Research, vol-03, Issue-09, Sep-

[9] Joaquin Gutierrez and Juan

Francisco, “Automated Irrigation
System using a Wireless sensor Network
and GPRS Module” presented at IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and
Measurement, 2013.

[10] Yunseop Kim and Robert

G.Evans, “Remote Sensing and Control
of an Irrigation System using a
Distributed Wireless Sensor Network”
presented at IEEE Transactions on
Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol-
57, July-2008.

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