Arduino Based Smart Irrigation System Using Iot: March 2017
Arduino Based Smart Irrigation System Using Iot: March 2017
Arduino Based Smart Irrigation System Using Iot: March 2017
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5 authors, including:
Anila Satish
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology
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All content following this page was uploaded by Anila Satish on 16 December 2017.
3rd National Conference on Intelligent Information and Computing Technologies, IICT ‘17
system using microcontroller and GSM. Based Yunseop kim (2008) proposed a paper in
on the sensed values from soil moisture, which the field conditions were site-specifically
temperature and humidity sensors, the GSM monitored by six in-field sensor stations
sends message to the farmer when these distributed across the field. The GPS and
parameters exceed the threshold value set in the wireless communication has been used to
program. The nutrient content in the soil is not intimate the farmer. Without internet the farmer
determined by this system [4]. cannot access the information about the current
field status [10].
Karan kansara (2015) proposed an
automated irrigation system where the humidity III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
and temperature sensors are used to sense the
soil conditions and based on that microcontroller Nowadays agricultural field is facing lot
will control the water flow. Farmer will be of problems due to lack of water resources. In
intimated through GSM. This system doesn’t order to help the farmers to overcome the
monitor the nutrient content in the soil [5]. difficulties, smart irrigation system has been
Prof C.H.Chavan and P.V.Karnade (2014) used. In this system, various sensors such as pH,
proposed a smart wireless sensor network for soil moisture, DHT11, PIR (intruder detecting
monitoring environmental parameters using system) and pressure sensors are connected to
Zigbee. These nodes send data wirelessly to a the input pins of arduino microcontroller. The
central server, which collects data, stores it and sensed values from the sensors are displayed in
allows it to be analyzed then displayed as LCD. If the sensed value goes beyond the
needed and also be sent to the client mobile.
threshold values set in the program, the pump
Weather forecasting and nutrient content is not
determined in this system [6]. will be automatically switched ON/OFF by the
relay circuit and it is connected to the driver
G.Parameswaran and K.Sivaprasath circuit which helps to switch the voltage. The
(2016) proposed a smart drip irrigation system farmer will be intimated about the current field
using IOT in which humidity, temperature and
condition through GSM module and also
pH sensors are used. Irrigation status is updated
to the server or local host using personal updated in the web page. By using this system,
computer. The farmer can’t access about the the farmer can access the details about the
field condition without internet [7]. condition of the field anywhere at any time.
3rd National Conference on Intelligent Information and Computing Technologies, IICT ‘17
The Microcontroller used here is an
Arduino UNO. The UNO is a Microcontroller It is a Passive Infrared sensor which
board based on ATMEGA 328P. The ATMEGA detects the motion with the variation of Infrared
328P has 32kB of flash memory for storing radiation. It can cover up to 10 meters at an
code. The board has 14 digital input and output angle of ±15 degrees. PIR is as same as outdoor
pins, 6 analog inputs, 16 MHz quartz crystal, light with the motion detector and reacts to
USB, an ICSP circuit and a reset button. The movements made by objects that radiate heat.
UNO can be programmed with the Arduino
software. 2. WI-FI MODULE
3rd National Conference on Intelligent Information and Computing Technologies, IICT ‘17
Fig (b) Hardware Setup
[1] Archana and Priya, ”Design and
Implementation of Automatic Plant
Watering System” presented at
International Journal of Advanced
Engineering and Global technology ,
vol-04, Issue-01 , Jan-2016.
Fig (c) Data Display in Web [3] V.R.Balaji and M.Sudha , “Solar
Powered Auto Irrigation System”
presented at International Journal of
SENSORS SENSOR Emerging Technology in Computer
VALUE RANGE Science and Electronics (IJETCSE), vol-
20 Issue-2, Feb-2016.
3rd National Conference on Intelligent Information and Computing Technologies, IICT ‘17