Research Paper 1
Research Paper 1
Research Paper 1
ELSEVIER Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2529-2543
Musculoskeletal tissue, bone and cartilage are under extensive investigation in tissue engineering research. A number of
biodegradable and bioresorbable materials, as well as scaffold designs, have been experimentally and/or clinically studied. Ideally,
a scaffold should have the following characteristics: (i) three-dimensional and highly porous with an interconnected pore network for
cell growth and flow transport of nutrients and metabolic waste; (ii) biocompatible and bioresorbable with a controllable degradation
and resorption rate to match cell/tissue growth in vitro and/or in vivo; (iii) suitable surface chemistry for cell attachment, proliferation,
and differentation and (iv) mechanical properties to match those of the tissues at the site of implantation. This paper reviews research
on the tissue engineering of bone and cartilage from the polymeric scaffold point of view. 9 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights
Keywords" Tissue engineering of bone and cartilage; Design and fabrication of 3-D scaffold; Biodegradable and bioresorbable polymers
0142-9612/00/$- see front matter 9 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0 142-96 12(00)001 2 1-6
176 The Biomaterials Silver Jubilee Compendium
2530 D. W. Hutmacher / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2529-2543
Table 3 t,,,,~ o
Properties of bioresorbable and bioerodable polymers
Polymer Comparison of Degradation and Molecular weight Mass loss References References Area of Products with
mechanical properties resorption process loss/loss of (in month) a (scaffolds) (medical device) application regulatory
of bioerodable and via hydrolysis mechanical properties approval
bioresorbable polymers (in month) a
Poly(L-lactide) + + + Bulk erosion 9-15 36-48 46, 48, 49, 19, 20, 24 Orthopedic FixSorb System
60-64, 70-72 Surgery, Oral and (screws, nails, pins)
Maxillofacial Neofix (screws,
Surgery nails, pins)
Poly(L-lactide-co-D, + + Bulk erosion 5-6 12-18 22, 23 Oral and ResorPin, Leadfix
L-lactide) 70/30 Maxillofacial MacroSorb System
Surgery, Orthopedic (screws and plates,
Surgery mesh, nails, pins)
Poly(L-lactide-co- + + Bulk erosion 1-2 3-4 28, 63 Suture Periodontal Vicryl Suture,
glycolide) 10/90 Surgery, Surgery, Vicryl Mesh
Polyglycolide + + + Bulk erosion 0.5-1 3-4 6, 30-35, 41, 65 Orthopedic Surgery Biofix
Poly(D,L-lactide) + Bulk erosion 1-2 5-6 6, 31, 34, 49, 60 t..j
a Molecular weight and mass loss vary depending on factors such as chemical structure and composition; presence of ionic groups and of side group defects; configuration of the structure molecular
weight and molecular weight distribution (polydispersity); presence of low molecular weight components (monomers, oligomers, solvents, softeners, drugs, growth factors, etc.); production and
manufacturing procedures and their process parameters, implant design, sterilization method, morphology (amorphous versus semi-crystalline, presence of microstructures and stress within the
components), tempering, storage, implant site. + + + , good; + + , average; +, poor.
t.J "q
178 The Biomaterials Silver Jubilee Compendium
2532 D. W. Hutmacher / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2529-2543
Control of the hydrodynamic and biochemical envi- the scaffold matrix must serve an additional function; it
ronment is essential for the successful in vitro engineering must provide sufficient temporary mechanical support to
of 3-D scaffold/tissue constructs for potential clinical use withstand in vivo stresses and loading. In Strategy I re-
[25]. Computer-controlled bioreactors that continuously search programs, the material must be selected and/or
supply physiological nutrients and gases, serve to regu- designed with a degradation and resorption rate such
late the required cell/tissue culture conditions for a long that the strength of the scaffold is retained until the tissue
period of time. After the in vitro culturing of the 3-D engineered transplant is fully remodeled by the host
scaffold/tissue construct, the degree of remodeling and tissue and can assume its structural role.
cell/tissue replacement of the bone/cartilage transplant Bone is able to remodel in vivo under so-called physio-
by the host tissue has to been taken into consideration logical loading [27]. It is a requirement that the degrada-
[26]. Cell and tissue remodeling is important for achiev- tion and resorption kinetics have to be controlled in such
ing stable mechanical conditions and vascularization at a way that the bioresorbable scaffold retains its physical
the host site. Hence, the 3-D scaffold/tissue construct properties for at least 6 months (4 months for cell cultur-
should maintain sufficient structural integrity during the ing and 2 months in situ). Thereafter, it will start losing its
in vitro and/or in vivo growth and remodeling process. mechanical properties and should be metabolized by the
The degree of remodeling depends on the host anatomy body without a foreign body reaction after 12-18 months
and physiology [26]. The polymer selection from a ma- (Fig. 1). The mechanical properties of the bioresorbable
terial science point of view is based on two different 3-D scaffold/tissue construct at the time of implantation
strategies in regard to the overall function of the scaffold. should match that of the host tissue as closely as possible
[7]. It should posses sufficient strength and stiffness to
2.1. Strategy I function for a period until in vivo tissue ingrowth has
replaced the slowly vanishing scaffold matrix.
In the first strategy (Fig. 1), the physical scaffold struc- Thompson et al. [28] studied a poly(D,L-lactide-co-
ture supports the polymer/cell/tissue construct from the glycolide) matrix under cyclic compressive loading.
time of cell seeding up to the point where the hard tissue They concluded that changes in surface deformation and
transplant is remodeled by the host tissue. In the case of morphology suggest that the compressive loading ini-
load-bearing tissue such as articular cartilage and bone, tially collapses and stiffens the polymer matrix. The de-
I Hydration
II Hydration and Degradation
III Degradation and Mass Loss
IV Resorption and Metabolisation
I I I V Metabolisation
100% i
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, ' ~D Scat~fold t
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Remodelin", g of tissue
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,' ', Numb, er of weeks
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, B C D ', F 'o
iT M f-~, ~ -,q
Fig. 1. Graphical illustration of the complex interdependence of molecular weight loss and mass loss of a strategy 1 3D scaffold matrix plotted against
the time frame for tissue engineering a cartilage/bone transplant. (A) Fabrication of bioresorbable scaffold; (B) seeding of the osteoblast/cartilage
populations into the polymeric scaffold in a static culture (petri dish); (C) growth of premature tissue in a dynamic environment (spinner flask);
(D) growth of mature tissue in a physiologic environment (bioreactor); (E) surgical transplantation; (F) tissue-engineered transplant assimila-
The Biomaterials Silver Jubilee Compendium 179
D.W. Hutmacher / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2529-2543 2533
crease in molecular weight is slowed down due to the 7 month in a bioreactor reached 40% of the mechanical
reduction of surface area from hydrolysis, until the properties of natural cartilage. The next phase of those
matrix architecture no longer accommodates the mech- research programs will be to evaluate how these tissue-
anical loading and begins to lose its integrity. Conclus- engineered cartilage transplants assimilate and remodel
ively, in Strategy I the scaffold architecture has to in vivo [35]. In an in vivo model, one of the major
withstand mechanical loading in vitro and in vivo. problems from a biomechanical and clinical view point, is
the primary mechanical stabilization of cartilage trans-
2.2. Strategy H plants [28]. This aspect will be discussed below, under
scaffold design, in more detail.
For Strategy II (Fig. 2), the intrinsic mechanical prop-
erties of the scaffold architecture templates the cell prolif-
eration and differentiation only up to the phases where 3. Scaffold design
the premature bone or cartilage is placed in a bio-
reactor. The degradation and resorption kinetics of the Skeletal tissue, such as bone and cartilage, is usually
scaffold are designed to allow the seeded cells to prolifer- organized into 3-D structures in the body [36]. For the
ate and secrete their own extracellular matrix in the static repair and generation of hard and ductile tissue, such as
and dynamic cell seeding phase (weeks 1-12), while the bone, scaffolds need to have a high elastic modulus in
polymer scaffold gradually vanishes leaving sufficient order to be retained in the space they were designated for;
space for new cell and tissue growth. The physical sup- and also provide the tissue with adequate space for
port by the 3-D scaffold is maintained until the engineer- growth [37]. If the 3-D scaffold is used as a temporary
ed tissue has sufficient mechanical integrity to support load-bearing device (Strategy II), the mechanical proper-
itself. ties would maintain that load for the required time with-
Different research groups [29-33] have shown in out showing symptoms of fatigue or failure. Therefore,
a number of studies that a nonwoven mesh made of one of the basic problems from a scaffold design point of
polyglycolide fibers offers degradation and resorption view, is that to achieve significant strength the scaffold
kinetics for Strategy II. However, the challenge for the material must have sufficiently high interatomic and in-
grown cell/tissue construct is to have similar mechanical termolecular bonding, but must have at the same time
properties to the host bone and cartilage. Ma and Langer a physical and chemical structure which allows for hy-
[34] showed that cartilage which was cultured for drolytic attack and breakdown.
I I ',
9 . i 9 9
00% i_ . . . . . . ,:
: Molelzula \ 9construct r e n i o d e l i n g a n d
I w;igl~t los; ! /ii ~ //;\ ~ell/tissue repla[~ement by the
: ] ' i / I i ~ / 9i host tissue
I9 ,, !9/ 1 ! ~ \',: ":
9 , 9 construct in:vitro : :
I)% :i
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Fig. 2. Graphical illustration of the complex interdependence of molecular weight loss and mass loss of a strategy II 3D scaffold matrix plotted against
the time frame for tissue engineering a cartilage/bone transplant. (A) Fabrication of bioresorbable scaffold; (B) seeding of the osteoblast/cartilage
populations into the polymeric scaffold in a static culture (petri dish); (C) growth of premature tissue in a dynamic environment (spinner flask);
(D) growth of mature tissue in a physiologic environment (bioreactor); (E) surgical transplantation; (F) tissue-engineered transplant assimila-
180 The Biomaterials Silver Jubilee Compendium
2534 D. W. Hutmacher / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2529-2543
Ingber and his group [38,39] design their scaffolds For tissue engineering a bone transplant, the creation
based on a concept which they named tensegrity. of a vascularized bed ensures the survival and function of
Geodesical 3-D constructs were designed by applying seeded cells, which have access to the vascular system for
tensegrity so that the entire scaffold structure evenly nutrition, gas exchange, and elimination of by-products
distributes and balances mechanical stresses. The walls, [41]. The vascularization of a scaffold may be compro-
layers or struts that make up the interconnecting scaffold mised by purely relying on capillary ingrowth into the
framework are connected into triangles, pentagons or interconnecting pore network from the host tissue.
hexagons, each of which can bear tension or compres- In situ, the distance between blood vessels and mesen-
sion. However, the mechanical rational of the tensegrity chymal cells are not larger then 100 gm [42]. Therefore,
design concept has been known for centuries in the area the time frame has to be taken into account for the
of civil engineering. Gothic architects used a stone skel- capillary system to distribute through larger scaffold
eton structure of stone columns and ribs supported by volume. It may also be possible to control the degree and
arches and buttresses to build cathedrals (Fig. 3). rate of vascularization by incorporating angiogenic and
Another point, which has to be focused on is the anti-angiogenic factors in the degrading matrix of the
diffusion of nutrients into the 3-D scaffold. Although, an scaffold.
interconnected macropore-structure of 300-500 ~tm en- From a biomechanical and clinical point of view, the
hances the diffusion rates to and from the center of tissue-engineered bone or cartilage transplant should
a scaffold, transportation of the nutrients and by-prod- allow for a mechanically secure and stable fixation on or
ucts is not sufficient for large scaffold volumes. A fluid- to the host tissue [29]. For bone, the currently available
dynamic microenvironment provided by a bioreactor can medical devices, such as pins, screws, and plates might be
mimic the interstitial fluid conditions present in natural used. However, the integration of a device-like part into
bone and cartilage in a macroporous scaffold architec- the 3-D scaffold design can be advantageous. The ration-
ture. Bioreactors permit in vitro culture of larger and ale for such an innovative design concept will be for the
better organized 3-D cell communities than can be tissue engineering of an osteochondral bone transplant is
achieved using standard tissue culture techniques [40]. described below.
4. Scaffold fabrication
Table 4
Currently applied 3D scaffold fabrication technologies
Fabrication technology Processing Material properties Scaffold design and Achievable pore Porosity Architecture Reference
required for reproducibility size in Jam in %
t...~ o
Solvent casting in Casting Soluble User, material and 30-300 20-50 Spherical pores, salt particles remain 47
combination with technique sensitive in matrix
particular leaching
Membrane lamination Solvent bonding Soluble User, material and 30-300 <85 Irregular pore structure 48
technique sensitive
Fabrication of non-woven Carding, Needling, Fibres Machine controlled 20-100 <95 Insufficient mechanical properties 30-35, 41,
Plate pressing 63-65
Melt moulding Moulding Thermoplastic Machine controlled 50-500 < 80 r~
Extrusion in combination Extrusion Thermoplastic Machine controlled < 100 < 84 Spherical pores, salt particles remain 49
with particular leaching through dies in matrix
Emulsion freeze drying Casting Soluble User, material and < 200 <97 High volume of inter-connected 54-56
technique sensitive micropore structure
Thermally induced Casting Soluble User, material and < 200 <97 High volume of inter-connected 58-61
phase separation technique sensitive micropore structure t..a
Supercritical-fluid Casting Amorphous Material and < 100 10-30 High volume of non interconnected 53
technology technique sensitive micropore structure
Supercritical-fluid Casting Amorphous Material and Micropores < 50 <97 Low volume of non-interconnected 54
technology in technique sensitive macropores < 400 micropore structure combined t~
combination with with interconnected
particle leaching macropore structure t~
3-D printing in and without Solid free form Soluble Machine and 45-150 < 60 100% interconnected macropore 69-72 t~
combination of particle fabrication computer controlled (triangles, pentagons, honey comb, etc.),
leaching design and fabrication layer by layer,
by use of water-based binder incorpo-
ration of biological agents into
matrix possible
Fused deposition modelling Solid free form Thermoplastic Machine and > 150 < 80 100% interconnected macropore structure 29
fabrication computer controlled (triangles, pentagons, honey comb, etc.),
design and fabrication layer by layer
182 The Biomaterials Silver Jubilee C o m p e n d i u m
2536 D.W. Hutmacher/ Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2529-2543
very thin wall sections: otherwise, it is not possible to fabrication of a truly interconnecting pore structure de-
remove the soluble particles from within the polymer pends on the processing method and parameters as well
matrix [46]. Mikos et al. [47], using the above-described as on the used equipment [57,58].
technology, fabricated porous sheets and laminated them Several groups [57-60] studied thermally induced
to 3-D structures. Chloroform was used on the attach- phase separation technology to process polymeric 3-D
ment interface for the lamination process. This fabrica- scaffolds. This technique has been used previously to
tion technology is time consuming because only thin fabricate synthetic membranes for non-medical applica-
membranes can be used. Another disadvantage is that the tions. The method has been extensively applied in the
layering of porous sheets allows only a limited number of field of drug delivery to fabricate microspheres, which
interconnected pore networks. Solvent-casted polymer- allows the incorporation of pharmaceutical and biolo-
salt composites have also been extruded into a tubular gical agents, such as bone morphogenetic proteins
geometry [48]. The disadvantages of the above technolo- (BMPs) into the polymer matrix. In general, the micro-
gies include the extensive use of highly toxic solvents, and macro-structure is controlled by varying the polymer
time required for solvent evaporation (days-to-weeks), material, polymer concentration, quenching temper-
the labor intensive fabrication process, the limitation to ature, and solvents. However, current research shows
thin structures, residual particles in the polymer matrix, that the method, similar then emulsion freeze-drying
irregularly shaped pores, and insufficient interconnectivity. technique, is user and technique sensitive and that the
The supercritical fluid-gassing process has been known processing parameters have to be well controlled. Nam
for many years in the non-medical polymer industry [49] and Park [57] as well as Zhang and Ma [58] fabricated
as well as in the pharmaceutical community [50]. This polymer and polymer/HA specimens with a porosity of
technology is used to produce foams and other highly
porous products. The polymers which can be used for
this technology have to have an high amorphous frac-
tion. The polymer granules are plasticized due to the
employment of a gas, such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide,
at high pressures. The diffusion and dissolution of the gas
into the polymer matrix results in a reduction of the
viscosity, which allows the processing of the amorphous
bioresorbable polyesters in a temperature range of
30-40~ [51]. The supercritical fluid-gassing technology
allows the incorporation of heat sensitive pharmaceut-
icals and biological agents. However, on average only
10-30% of the pores are interconnected [51,52]. Harris
et al. [53] combined this technology with particulate
leaching to gain a highly interconnected void network.
The researchers could control porosity and pore size by
varying the particle/polymer ratio and particle size.
Whang et al. [54,55] developed a protocol for the
fabrication of aliphatic polyester-based scaffolds by using Fig. 4. Polymerdisks with a diameter of 500 ~tm and 40 gm thickness
the emulsion freeze-drying method. Scaffolds with poros- allow to stack a 3D scaffold with a porosity of 98%.
ity greater than 90%, median pore sizes ranging from 15
to 35 gm with larger pores greater than 200 gm were
fabricated. The scaffold pore architecture was highly in-
terconnected which is necessary for tissue ingrowth and
regeneration [54]. Based on their results from an animal
experiment, the interdisciplinary group proposed a scaf-
fold design concept which results in in vivo bone regen-
eration based on hematoma stabilization [56]. The
authors compare their in vivo bone engineering concept
to the induction phase of fracture healing. The osteop-
rogenitor cells which are in the blood of the osseous
wound are embedded in the scaffold microarchitecture
via the hematoma. The multipotent cells differentiate to
osteoblasts due to the presence of growth factors which
are released by the host bone. However, the emulsion Fig. 5. Schematicillustration of the fused deposition modeling(FDM)
freeze-drying method is user and technique sensitive. The process.
The B i o m a t e r i a l s Silver J u b i l e e C o m p e n d i u m 183
D. W. Hutmacher/ Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2529-2543 2537
Fig. 6. (a) 3D scaffold systems of various porosity and pore geometry fabricated by FDM. Magnification x 7.5, scale bar represents 1 mm. (i)-(iii)
lay-down pattern: 0/90~ nozzle tip: 0.016"; porosity: 50, 68, 75%; (iv)-(vi)0/90~ 0.010"; 50, 68, 75%; (vii)-(viii)0/60/120~ 0.016"; 68, 75%; (ix) 0/60/120~
0.010"; 80%; (x)-(xii) 0/60/120~ 0.010"; 50, 68, 75%. (b) Left: cross-sectional view of freeze-fractured PCL scaffold with lay-down pattern
0/72/144/36/108 ~ Right: plan view of same specimen. (c) Left: top view of PCL-HA scaffold with lay-down pattern 0/60/120 ~ The material
composition consists of 80% PCL and 20% HA by weight. Right: a close-up view of the same specimen at a higher magnification, shows that HA
particles are at the scaffold surface. (d) Freeze-fracture cross-sectional surface ( x 23) of a bioerodable scaffold designed for a bone/cartilage interface.
A 0/60/120 ~ and a 0/90 ~lay-down pattern of the roads shown in the upper and lower portion respectively of the SEM picture. Despite being fabricated
with different lay-down patterns, the porosity (67%) of both portions could be made identical. However, by applying FDM the porosity of each
portion of the 3D scaffold can be varied according to the road spacing for individual layers.
184 The Biomaterials Silver Jubilee Compendium
2538 D.W. Hutmacher / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2529-2543
Fig. 6. (Continued).
be only used for Strategy II since their physical proper- Rapid prototyping technologies as well as so-called 'wa-
ties do not allow load-bearing applications. fer stacking systems' [66] (Fig. 4) have the potential to
All the above-described technologies except the mem- design a 3-D construct in a multi-layer design within the
brane-lamination method, do not allow the fabrication of same gross architectural structure.
a 3-D scaffold with a varying multiple layer design. Such In engineering literature [67] Rapid prototyping Tech-
a matrix architecture is advantageous in instances where nologies (RP) also called Solid Free Form fabrication
tissue engineers want to grow a bi- or multiple tissue (SFF) methods are defined as a set of manufacturing
interface, e.g. an articular cartilage/bone transplant. processes that are capable of producing complex-free
The Biomaterials Silver Jubilee Compendium 185
D.W. Hutmacher / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 2529-2543 2539
the preceding layer. Parts are fabricated in layers, where the research and application scope of F D M results in
a layer is built by extruding a small bead of material, or a need/demand to evaluate the critical factors for using
road, in a particular lay-down pattern, such that the layer the new polymeric and composite materials on F D M
is covered with the adjacent roads. After a layer is com- systems [74].
pleted, the height of the extrusion head is increased and At present, the author's multidisciplinary group has
the subsequent layers are built to construct the part. In been able to evaluate the parameters to process a number
the past, non-medical and medical F D M users could of potential scaffold materials, such as P C L and
only use a few non-resorbable polymeric materials, such P C L / H A by F D M . To our knowledge, we are the first
as polyamide, ABS, and other resins. The broadening of group to report the processing of bioresorbable scaffolds
Fig. 8. (a) Schematic illustration of a perfusion culture chamber for tissue engineering a bone/cartilage interphase; (b) schematic sketch of the
bioreactor concept for the tissue engineering of bone and cartilage simultaneously, in the one device like scaffold architecture.
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