Knoweldge Management Problems, Causes, and Solutions: Junior Knowledge Workers' Prespectives
Knoweldge Management Problems, Causes, and Solutions: Junior Knowledge Workers' Prespectives
Knoweldge Management Problems, Causes, and Solutions: Junior Knowledge Workers' Prespectives
In the knowledge based society, organizations often encounter problems as they seek to
manage knowledge. Consequently, they try to identify the causes of these problems and find
solutions. In this article, we develop a knowledge management problems-causes-solutions
framework that encompasses: problems associated with knowledge creation,
storage/retrieval, transfer and application; causes, including organizational, human-related
and technical dimensions; and both IT and non-IT solutions. Survey data from 143 junior
knowledge workers is analyzed in a preliminary verification of the framework. The
importance of the framework and its implications for knowledge management research and
practice are discussed.
Knowledge management research and practice have grown at a dramatic pace in the last few
years (Gray and Meister 2006). Given the intensively competitive climate, organizations
position themselves as knowledge-driven companies, seeking to leverage their knowledge
resources in order to achieve competitive advantage. However, organizations are confronted
by a variety of knowledge management (KM) problems. These problems can be addressed
both by identifying the causes and by developing solutions (Alavi and Leidner 2001). Prior
research in the KM arena has tended to focus on organization-level initiatives, as well as
senior management and their strategic application of KM (e.g. Gold et al. 2001). However,
little attention has been paid to frontline and junior knowledge workers who constitute the
majority of knowledge recipients and therefore whose perceptions of the KM process are
likely to be critical to the success of any KM initiative.
In this paper, we report on a survey of junior knowledge workers in Hong Kong,
exploring their perceptions of KM problems, their root causes and potential solutions.
Following this introduction, we concisely review the literature related to KM problems. This
literature is drawn upon in the development of a generic KM problems-causes-solutions
(KM-PCS) framework. We then use this framework to guide the preliminary analysis and
discussion of our data, before concluding with directions for future research as well as
implications for research and practice
At any point and time, knowledge workers may engage in one or more aspects of the
above KM processes (Alavi and Leidner 2001) and at each aspect, they may be confronted
with certain KM problems (Sambamurthy and Subramani 2005). Junior knowledge workers,
for instance, might experience problems in creating new knowledge that would be acceptable
to their peers and seniors, and storing that knowledge in a format readily accessible and
recontextualisable by others. As knowledge receivers, they would need to recontextualise the
knowledge created by others, often with little assistance or training, and then apply it in their
own context. “However, there are several discomforting questions about the
conceptualizations related to the variety of problems that knowledge management solutions
address within firms” (Sambamurthy and Subramani 2005). Hence, the lack of understanding
of KM problems, causes and solutions indicates the difficulty of articulating the role of
information systems (IS) in KM and so fully addressing the practical KM issues related to an
individual’s and an organization’s performance.
The KM literature is fragmentary, providing a variety of explanations for the causes
or contributing factors of some of the KM problems indicated above. Our synthesis of the
literature suggests that organizational structure, as well as human and technical related
causes, are all separately responsible for KM problems.
• Organizational structure factors that can explain KM problems could include structural
capital (Wasko and Faraj 2005), and organizational climate and rewards (Bock et al.
2005; Kankanhalli et al. 2005).
• Human related factors for the KM problems could include motivational issues such as
anticipated reciprocal relationships (Bock et al. 2005) and intrinsic stimulation (Bock et
al. 2005; Ko et al. 2005; Wasko and Faraj 2005).
• Technical related factors for the KM problems could be related to ease of use, usefulness,
insufficient information technology (IT) support, and incompatibility of systems (Joia
KM Problems
The problems identified cover the four KM processes of creation, storage/retrieval, transfer
and application. As junior knowledge workers, most respondents expressed the importance of
KM and KM problems in their organizations from a knowledge receiver perspective. As
knowledge receivers, they desire standardized procedures and specific guidance from
supervisors or the organization. In general, explicit knowledge is helpful but usually missing
in their work, so the KM problems identified through this viewpoint are more related to
explicit knowledge creation, storage, transfer and application.
Knowledge creation:
“Work procedures of work are not standardized”; “Staff seldom share knowledge”;
“The information in the system is not enough”; “The skill of selling various products
can only be learned by new employees when they face the clients”.
Knowledge storage/retrieval
“Staff always repeat the same mistake in issuing credit letter; this kind of mistake
should be stored in the system or as a working guideline. However, we did not have
such practice”; “General staff cannot access Internet for work purposes. Only senior
colleagues have Internet or email functions”; “The company loses knowledge after
retirement of staff”; “The special selling skills cannot be learned from colleagues
because of the high turnover rate”.
Knowledge transfer
“Mentees can’t get enough information from mentors in coaching”; “There is a wide
communication gap between the senior and junior staff. They (senior staff) do not
provide us (junior staff) sufficient knowledge”; “There is no training provided in the
work, which leads a long time for new employees to catch up the job”; “Employees in
different divisions have different work practices, so there is a lack of inter-division
communication”; “Most of our colleagues are very dependent on me. I always spend a
lot of time to communicate with them or answer their questions several times.. They
feel convenient and have developed the habit of asking me questions by phone again
and again”; “The company lacks a well organized computer system for checking or
updating information”.
Knowledge application
“There are different departments in my law firm. Staff cannot identify the major
activities performed by each lawyer. For example, in a commercial department, there
are different cases like trademark & patent, mortgage, listing, etc. Different lawyers are
responsible for different practices although all these practices are classified into
commercial cases. It is difficult for us (legal secretaries) to locate experts and apply
different kinds of expertise in different contexts”.
“Each officer possesses unique and specialist knowledge, but it is difficult for junior
employees to understand and apply them to their work”.
Causes of KM Problems
Though most organizations have recognized the existence of KM problems, the causes of
problems need careful analysis if organizations are to conduct corrective actions. Our
findings indicate that the causes attributed to the KM problems identified can be classified
into three dimensions as below.
11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems
Motivation, expertise and systems form the tripod of successful KM (Joia 2001).
These three components will vary in their relative importance from organization to
organization, but our preliminary analysis indicates that they are equally important for KM,
since as soon as one leg of the tripod is shorter than the others, it will become unbalanced.
From the technical perspective, a knowledge-driven organization should ensure that a KMS is
designed with junior knowledge workers in mind, so that they can learn about the basic
business processes. Such a KMS must be easy to use and its knowledge must be explicit and
easily locatable. From the non-IT perspective, junior knowledge workers’ communication
and involvement in the KM processes deserves more organizational investment.
Our preliminary analysis has provided useful insights into the identification of KM
problems, causes and solutions from the perspective of junior knowledge workers.
Knowledge-oriented organizations demand new organizational forms, organic, flexible and
coordinated enough to allow knowledge to be created, stored, retrieved, and reapplied
through IT enabling. This article is a starting point that guides us to investigate the generic
KM framework with a deeper understanding. We call for more research in the identification
of KM problems, causes and solutions in different contexts.
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