Bioethics and The Identity of The Human Person: Mircea Gelu Buta Pavel Chiril Adina Rebeleanu

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Romanian Journal of Bioethics, Vol. 8, No.

3, July – September 2010


Mircea Gelu Buta*
Pavel Chiril **
Adina Rebeleanu***
If we ask ourselves what is a man?, what is a person?, then we should start out from the
experience we have about ourselves, the experiences of our body, from the continuity in which
the experience of knowledge and thinking is the experience of our entire person and not of a part
(I'm the one thinking, not my brain thinking about me). On the other hand there are sufficient
biological, anthropological and ontological arguments, which show that the concept of human
being and the one of person may be used as synonymous terms, since they indicate the same
reality. The question is why we still prefer to use the concept of person and not the one of human
being. The answer seems as simple as possible. Although we essentially express the same reality,
yet the concept of person attributed to man serves to express uniqueness, for the way a person is
different from any other beings. Christian faith is presented as a place to be welded ”the claim of
dignity and human life socialization”. Human ego finds actually in God not only his Creator, but
also his absolute interlocutor, not just a master of life, but a Father of life, a Brother in human
history, allowing us to understand the deep meaning of being created after the image and
likeness of God. In this article we want to offer our reflections a scientific but also religious
nature, regarding the secrecy and the permanent miracle of the human person’s life.

Key words: bioethics, human person, dignity, Christian spirituality.

To answer the question concerning repeat what we already know about

the identity of a person it is not sufficient human dignity or ultimately we would
to start from a purely spiritual or purely support the perspectives of a dualistic
rational definition, because we can only anthropology [12].

* Univ. Professor, PhD, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, UBB, Cluj- Napoca, Romania, e-mail:
** Univ. Professor, PhD, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Craiova, Romania
*** Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance, UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

If we want to talk only about physical man’s intellectual or moral conduct and
life and not about rational and immortal predispositions are genetically
soul, then we must bring into question determined or whether his destiny is
the medical term for “psihism”. It is inscribed once and for all in his genes
about the totality of a person's [12]. Of course it is not easy to answer
psychological characteristics underlying these questions. However, genes must be
the human personality. Essentially the considered the foundation of the body.
psychic represents the resultant of a Based on that, by conforming to divine
complex set of factors like the fulfillment providence or by ignoring it, man can
of vital needs, mood, emotions, shape his personality. It is very
emotional structure, intelligence, and dangerous and stupid just to build
capacity for abstraction, practical and something on an unstable soil [17].
creative work. However, the components
of the psihism are not limited to 2. At the junction of
conscious perception. They also integrate heredity with environment
laws of the unconscious, instinctive The paradox of the human being is
impulses, genetic and anatomic that they are born incomplete, having to
physiological factors (cerebral shape by themselves. Therefore, the
malformations, hypertrophy of the frontal environment shapes life permanently. We
lobe, parietal, etc.). can say that every facet of individuality
requires the environment’s participation.
1. The person’s identity Most times, they are a part of our
and genetics tumultuous history. Beyond any doubt,
Genetics explains the permanence of we are both heredity and environment.
the species but also the mechanisms that Nothing is exclusively determined by
generate the irreducible human identity heredity, as nothing is determined
[10]. Man is unique because the genes exclusively by environment [14].
are combined into a single chaining, However, we must not forget that
which distinguishes him from any of his heredity becomes meaningless if an
fellow. There is a gene for every detail of external aggression destroys a child's
his individuality, a certain phenotype, genetic universe. For example, a
consisting of facial features, eye colour, mozartian genetic construction has no
nose shape etc [10]. value for a child with a damaged psychic
There is already sufficient evidence to by encephalitis [14].
convince us that there is a genetic There is also an exception to the law
predisposition to disease. There from the of uniqueness. It is about the
idea of a medicine based on genetic monozygotic twins, where two identical
detection of persons likely to develop a people are subject to the same biological
certain disease. This is what is called destiny, but with different social
predictive medicine. If in the past, we perspectives. Although most
started from curative medicine to develop monozygotic denied the identity,
preventive medicine, now there is a literature has kept the name of
reverse path. Prediction precedes monozygotic pairs with outstanding
prevention, which itself precedes common passions, such as the sea
treatment [5]. explorers Jean and Auguste Picard [14].
However, as Christian bioethicists,
the question we must ask is whether the

3. Neuronal man images. It is required a global perception
If anatomical comparisons between of reality. If words are in the service of
the human brain and the one of animals thoughts and their communication, the
have similarities in terms of morphology thoughts are in the service of
(the construction of hemispheres, lobes intelligence, which is related to an
and circumvolutions) as well as the basic objective reality [12].
elements (the composition and
functioning of neurons), however the 4. Body and soul
difference is the importance of The body does not represent a
representation of these components. It is recipient of the spirit but an organ of it. It
about the encephalon index, whose value is a definite space-matter-time issue that
is 1 for an insectivore primitive animal, science is studying with precision and
11.3 for a chimpanzee and 28.7 for man. competence.
Although the difference is significant, Except its principle of unity, the
more important seems to be the relative human body is nothing. The body is not
number of synapses, because the brain pure matter led by an exterior soul. The
works based on information received body is the being considered in its
from the outside, processed internally materiality, while the soul is the being
and organized in hundreds of billions of considered in its spirituality. Therefore, a
nerve cells that compose it [9]. human body is the bearer of a life
From these observations it can be project. Moreover, it is the bearer of a
inferred that to the ”neuronal man” the life desire and experience that founds his
brain activity is the production of mental rights acknowledged by moral [15].
representations, after the nerve cell Man is made of "the dust of this
processes the information obtained world" or more suggestive "Star Dust",
through the sense organs or from an but also from a unifying spiritual
interaction with the environment, either component. Man does not have a soul,
spontaneously by internal focus of but he is a living soul, as he does not
attention [6]. have a body, but he is a vivid body.
Of course, one might wonder whether "The Body" is man in his entirety, but
the brain system can self-perceive or can we must point out immediately, and
be led by itself. The answer is definitely within his limits as a creature. He is a
not because consciousness is not just a being made of meat, which means it is
cluster of neural connections. It is an limited in time and space, which means
interception of all the activities of the he is not God [7].
human body and human language. So it Meat defines thes fragile human
is not a reduction to the activity of a freedom. The body, says St. Paul, ”can
single organ. become spiritual”. On the contrary, when
Every human being has self- the man obeys, he only seeks the identity
consciousness and not a conscience in himself. "You will be like God"
which a part of the body would have it promises the biblical serpent (Genesis 3,
upon itself or upon other part. However, 5); "the body" represents the closed
there is intent in knowledge even more a finite, sealed by death, of the creature
reflection of human [6]. separated from God. In this case, we can
The concept of reflection introduces a say with a formula belonging to St. Paul
new dimension, that of meaning. To again, that the spirit becomes bodily [7].
knowledge is not enough to just handle However, according to the Greek

conception (platonic), man is composed appearance, as an inalienable
of a body and soul. They are both created consciousness. The image of God is the
by God and should not be despised. The one giving absolute value to each human
soul is by nature divine and immaterial, being and makes it sovereign; worthy of
being summoned to attend divine nature respect, whatever the gender, race, age or
(the uncreated energies) through a gift of condition [11].This means that man is a
God. dynamic creature, who exists in
As fully demonstrated by Saint relationship with Trinitarian God. He
Gregory of Nyssa the soul does not exist thinks of Him and relates to Him [13].
prior to body, it does not come "from Related to this subject it can be
somewhere" in the flesh, but according to observed the grammatical plural of
the commandment of God, comes into biblical reference about the creation of
existence simultaneously with the body, man "And God said: Let us make man in
from conception, as witness the liturgical Our image and likeness" (Genesis 1, 26).
feasts of The Annunciation, the The Holy Fathers see in this the first
conception of the Virgin Mary and St. Scriptural revelation on people of the
John the Baptist. The embryo is thus an Holy Trinity [11].
immortal soul and an eternal destiny. Regarding the body, the deserved
Disabled persons and mentally ill respect comes from the fact that it is a
patients have in the same extent an constituent part of human nature,
immortal soul, called for the divine accomplice to the face of God in man
vision. We owe them the particular [11]. In addition, its value is given by the
attention that the weakest and worst fact that the Son of God, being made
affected limbs of the Christ’s body man, thus taking human look, He
deserve. sanctified it, so, as Paul says "the temple
After death, the soul continues to live of the Holy Spirit" (I Cor. 6.19) [1].
separately from the body, but it keeps a By the Incarnation of the Word, who
certain connection with this body called assumed the whole of humanity, every
for the Resurrection, which explains the human is mysteriously covered in the
cult of Saint Relics and the miracles that body of Christ, as Christ, is mysteriously
Saints do through them. The soul identified with each man. Therefore, He
separated from the body has a conscious says that whenever we do something
life, but even the righteous souls who are good or bad to any of our fellows,
with Christ, will enjoy full happiness whether he is the least important of men,
only after the resurrection of the bodies, we do Him something good or bad. (Cf.
in the last day [3]. Mt. 25. 31-46) [1].
It is important to understand that the
5. The principle of the person dignity of a person is conferred by God
The concepts of soul and body enable and not by people. In other words, the
the smooth functioning of the genome sacredness of human life, the sacredness
and neurons. But the man is something of God himself invested in the body from
more than that, he is a person [3]. the moment of conception does not
The way human beings should be depend on its physical and mental health
seen and treated is based on the Christian or quality of its DNA. Here's why an
view that man was created in the image embryo or a patient in advanced state of
and likeness of God [1] (Gen. 1, 27). So, coma is an upright person, which means
every man bears deep inside this a human being, soul and body, visible

and invisible. Here's why infanticide sin" could prevent 40-70% of all
would never be approved and blessed by premature deaths, 33 % of total infirmity
the Church, namely the concept of The cases and 66% of chronic diseases [4].
Gospel [2]. The fact that man hurts so bad his
The sanctity invested by God in a spirit, by working against everything
child from the moment of conception fundamentally useful to him, getting to
does not depend on his/her physical and amputate his being completely by
mental health or the quality of his DNA. immersing deeper into misery, departing
We would mention here the children with the fullness of life and happiness, which
Down disease (Trisomy 21). Everyone was gifted from the start, is really insane,
who takes care of this kind of persons as the Holy Fathers say [4].
knows how much effort is required by You need to realize that the Gospel
their education. But we also know how can free us from the power of magical-
much joy and happiness these children astrological reveries or mistakes. The 18
give to the people around them. people killed by the collapse of Siloam
I remember our professor of tower were not more sinful than other
Paediatrics at the University of Medicine people who lived in Jerusalem, but the
of Iasi living an undisguised joy in the human existence is precarious. (Lc.13 0.4
midst of these children. His face beamed to 5). Neither the born blind, nor his
with joy and his satisfaction was obvious. parents had sinned, but God's work was
Do we really want to live in a world to cure him (In. 9, 1-3) [7].
without children just because there are Suffering has no value. It does not
ultrasounds and that abortion is save aprioristic, and it is capable to
legalized? We think and we hope not, dehumanize or even push man to
because every child, without exception, desperation. Therefore, we do not have to
is entitled to an infinite compassion [2]. seek for it or to maintain it. But when it
cannot be avoided, suffering has to be
6. About suffering assumed Christianly, in order to take
If some Orthodox Christian from it a spiritual benefit. In other words,
theologians support the spiritual value of we try to follow Christ, who by accepting
suffering (Harakas 1990, Breck 1998), the trials accepted the suffering [11].
others consider that suffering is not God's Thus, the medical science has the
plan regarding the man, when relating to duty to fight against suffering, to ease it
the Eastern Holy Fathers’ teachings that or even eliminate it, but ensuring that the
differ from Western thinking of patient is kept conscious. Therefore,
Augustinian inspiration,. They argue that using a drug, in this case, such as
it is an illusion to see in our diseases, morphine, should not provoke any
moreover, in our misfortunes that strike, objection [11].
the seal of our spiritual destiny [11].
Today, reality shows that 50% of 7. The patient should
diseases, infirmity and death are the be seen as a person
result of the lifestyle that people adopt. The fundamental principle to apply in
The control on the risk factors such as relation with the sick man is to consider
unbalanced diet, excessive alcohol him a person. In other words, it is about
consumption, smoking, drugs, sexual taking into account all three dimensions
promiscuity, environmental pollution, of human being. But if the body, soul and
etc., or in theological terms "the fall into spirit refer to its nature, that is what we

have in common; personality refers to of our lives and eventually giving
what everybody has in their own way, something of ourselves. Therefore, the
unique and non-transferable [11]. gift of giving some of your time to the
Knowing this principle helps us see others is now an act of love, because it
the patient first and then his illness, to means you give up yourself to the benefit
respect the psychology of the one who of the others.
suffers, which naturally derives from his The willingness to listen to the
own history and his particular way of patient, or even the mere presence or
life. accompanying the patient to medical
When the patient feels that the advice or investigation, are obviously
members of the medical team caring for qualities required from anyone caring for
him regard him as a unique being and sick people. Moreover, the willingness to
appreciate him for what he really is, listen to the others represents a form of
considering him irreplaceable, that they confessing your faith, because it requires
are sensitive to the suffering that the humility on the part of the listener.
disease causes him, to his own needs and Listening means to stand in the shadow
care about what will happen to him, he of the other, to forget about yourself, to
will declare himself extremely pleased help the other, and only love can do this.
[5]. If sometimes the patient speaks to us
The patient needs to have his and expects us to talk to him, to feel our
suffering understood, and feels the need love, comfort, strength, other times he
to be sympathized. This requires time to needs our silence. Paradoxically, silence
start a deep communication relationship helps even more than the most beautiful
with the patient. This will help you to words. Patients do not need big words or
understand the suffering and needs, to sermons like those uttered by Job's
look at them from the inside, like a friends, presented by the Scripture as an
brother and not just from a technical example of inappropriate behaviour. The
point of view [5]. patient expects a loving conduct from us,
Except for some marginal deviations, which we can only show by carefully
Christianity has never stated that illness listening to the one in pain, for a better
or suffering is a fatality, which should be understanding and knowledge, in order to
accepted as such. In a world where the fulfill the real needs, as much as possible
absence of spiritual values makes it [5].
harder for the patient to give a sense of By assisting the patient to think of
his sufferings and to face temptations God, the spirituality becomes more rich
related to this, in a world where many and noble, because these are the
patients face loneliness, the ability of the moments we manage to clarify our
members of the medical care team to philosophy of life and strengthen our
demonstrate that love for their fellows faith. How right was Professor Julius
represents a very valuable therapy [5]. Hatieganu when saying that ”medicine is
Many of those visiting the patients, science and consciousness”, and if this
being preoccupied with their daily tasks, consciousness represents and means
spend with them only a few minutes. faith, then we deal with probably the
Today, giving a part of our time may be most beautiful definition of medicine [5].
expensive, because it means giving a part

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