Contoh Sinonim Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya: Are Telanjang

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Contoh Sinonim Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

1. a local —> a native —> lokal / penduduk asli

2. a story —> a narrative —> cerita
3. abandon —> desert —> mengabaikan, meninggalkan
4. abandoned —> deserted —> ditinggalkan, diabaikan
5. abroad —> overseas —> di luar negeri
6. absent —> away —> tidak hadir
7. accomplice —> confederate —> kaki tangan, sekutu
8. achieve —> accomplish —> mencapai
9. act —> behave —> beraksi
10. additional —> extra —> tambahan
11. advantage —> virtue —> keuntungan
12. affect —> bear on sth. —> mempengaruhi
13. affect —> impact —> mempengaruhi
14. affluent —> prosperous —> makmur
15. airtight —> hermetic —> kedap udara
16. all-powerful —> omnipotent —> mahakuasa
17. anonymous —> nameless —> tak dikenal
18. apart from —> except —> selain
19. appealing —> attractive —> menarik
20. appoint —> nominate —> menunjuk
21. approach —> near —> pendekatan
22. approximately —> about —> kira kira
23. assassin —> murderer —> pembunuh
24. assembly —> meeting —> pertemuan
25. assess —> evaluate —> menilai
26. associate, put through (telephone) —> connect —> terhubung
27. autopsy —> post-mortem —> autopsi
28. awful —> lousy —> mengerikan
29. backside, behind, bottom —> bum —> belakang, belakang, bawah
30. bancrupt —> insolvent —> bangkrut, pailit
31. bare —> naked —> telanjang #oops maaf ya 😀
32. behind, bottom —> backside —> belakang
33. besides —> anyway —> lagi pula, selain itu
34. bill —> invoice —> faktur, tagihan
35. biological —> organic —> alami / hayati
36. blow up —> explode —> meledakkan
37. break down —> collapse —> kegagalan
38. brow —> forehead —> kening, dahi
39. build up —> accumulate —> mengumpulkan
40. burglary —> housebreaking —> penggarongan
41. by the way —> incidentally —> ngomong-ngomong
42. campaign —> crusade —> kampanye
43. cannabis —> hashish —> ganja
44. casual —> informal —> tak resmi, santai
45. catastrophe —> disaster —> malapetaka, bencana
46. cause —> bring on —> sebab
47. certain —> sure —> tertentu
48. childish —> infantile —> kekanak-kanakan
49. choice —> selection —> pilihan
50. choose —> select —> memilih
51. chorus —> refrain —> ulangan (lagu)
52. clarify; light up —> illuminate —> menerangi
53. clash —> conflict —> bentrokan
54. classify —> categorise (be) —> mengelompokkan
55. clear —> lucid —> jelas
56. cold —> bloodless —> dingin
57. come across —> encounter —> menemukan
58. comedian —> comic —> pelawak
59. comment —> remark —> komentar, ulasan
60. commerce, trade —> business —> perdagangan, perdagangan
61. committed —> dedicated —> melakukan, mempersembahkan
62. communicate —> convey —> menyampaikan
63. compliment —> praise —> pujian
64. comply —> conform —> memenuhi
65. comprehensible —> understandable —> terpahamkan
66. compulsory —> obligatory —> wajib
67. conceited —> immodest —> sombong
68. conference —> convention —> pertemuan, rapat
69. confess —> admit —> mengakui
70. confident —> self-assured —> percaya diri
71. conjuror —> magican —> tukang sulap
72. conquer —> vanquish —> menaklukkan
73. considerable —> appreciable —> sangat, lumayan
74. considerably —> substantially —> sangat
75. consolation —> comfort —> penghiburan
76. constitution —> charter —> piagam
77. contaminate —> infect —> mencemari
78. contemporary —> modern —> kontemporer
79. continual —> continuous —> terus-menerus
80. continuous —> non-stop —> terus-menerus
81. convert —> transform —> mengubah
82. convinced —> satisfied —> yakin
83. corny, tacky —> cheesy —> klise, norak, kurang baik
84. corridor —> hall —> koridor, ruang
85. corrupt —> deprave —> korup, merusak
86. courageous —> brave —> berani
87. crafty —> artful —> licik
88. cranium —> skull —> tengkorak
89. crazy —> loopy —> gila
90. criminal —> crook —> penjahat
91. cruel —> merciless —> kejam
92. cultivate —> domesticate —> mengolah
93. cunning —> foxy —> licik
94. cut —> chop —> memotong
95. dawn —> daybreak —> fajar
96. dawn —> sunrise —> fajar
97. deadlock —> impasse —> jalan buntu
98. deadly —> lethal —> mematikan
99. decoration —> ornament —> dekorasi
100. decrease —> diminish —> mengurangi
101. defeat —> beat —> mengalahkan
102. degree —> measure —> ukuran
103. deliberately —> knowingly —> sengaja, dengan sadar
104. delicious —> scrumptious —> lezat
105. delight —> joy —> kesenangan
106. demonstrate —> illustrate —> menjelaskan
107. denote —> denote —> mengindikasikan, mewakili
108. deny —> disclaim —> menyangkal
109. department —> branch —> cabang, bagian
110. dependable —> reliable —> dapat dipercaya
111. depressing —> miserable —> menyedihkan
112. deprived —> disadvantaged —> kekurangan
113. deregulate —> decontrol —> deregulasi
114. detachable —> removable —> dapat dipindah/ dilepas
115. devout —> religious —> taat, sholeh
116. dice —> cube —> dadu
117. differ —> vary —> berbeda
118. directions —> instructions —> arahan, petunjuk
119. dirty —> soiled —> kotor
120. disgusting —> revolting —> menjijikkan
121. disregard —> ignore —> mengabaikan
122. distinguish —> differentiate —> membedakan
123. distress —> misery —> kesulitan
124. distribute —> hall —> mendistribusikan
125. distrust —> mistrust —> ketidakpercayaan, kecurigaan
126. domestic —> home —> lokal
127. doubtful —> dubious —> ragu-ragu
128. drift —> float —> mengapung
129. dusk —> nightfall —> senja
130. emigrate —> migrate —> beremigrasi
131. emotionless —> impassive —> tenang, tak emosi
132. emptiness —> vacancy —> kekosongan, lowongan
133. endanger —> hazard —> membahayakan
134. engaged —> busy (telephone) —> sibuk, terhubung
135. entail —> ivolve —> memerlukan
136. enthusiast —> fanatic —> penggemar
137. envious —> jealous —> iri, dengki, cemburu
138. environment —> surroundings —> lingkungan hidup
139. essential —> necessary —> penting
140. eternal —> everlasting —> kekal
141. exaggerate —> magnify —> membesar-besarkan
142. examine —> inspect —> memeriksa
143. excessive —> immoderate —> terlalu banyak
144. external —> outside —> luar
145. fabric —> material —> kain
146. fair —> reasonable —> layak, pantas
147. fairly —> quite —> cukup
148. fairness —> equity —> keadilan
149. famed, renowned —> famous —> terkenal, terkenal
150. famous —> noted —> terkenal
151. fate —> destiny —> takdir, nasib
152. faulty —> defective —> salah, cacat, salah
153. favourable —> beneficial —> barmanfaat, baik
154. fidelity —> constancy —> kesetiaan
155. file —> dossier —> arsip, catatan
156. film —> movie —> film
157. final —> last —> terakhir
158. final —> ultimate —> terakhir
159. fitting —> becoming —> menjadi serasi, menyelaraskan
160. fixed —> constant —> tetap
161. flexible —> bendy —> lunak, mudah disesuaikan
162. foolish —> silly —> bodoh
163. forehead —> brow —> dahi, kening
164. fortunately —> happily —> untungnya
165. fragile —> delicate —> rapuh
166. fragrant —> aromatic —> harum
167. free of charge —> gratis —> cuma-cuma
168. function —> operate —> menjalankan
169. fundamental —> essential —> mendasar
170. furious —> livid —> geram
171. gap —> hole —> celah, jarak
172. gather —> collect —> mengumpulkan
173. generally,normally —> usually —> umumnya, biasanya
174. generous —> beneficiant —> murah hati
175. gentle —> mild —> lemah lembut
176. get —> receive —> mendapatkan
177. give up —> renounce —> menyerah
178. good-looking —> handsome —> enak dilihat, ganteng
179. graduation —> commencement —> wisuda
180. great, brilliant —> fantastic —> besar, brilian
181. greedy —> grasping —> serakah
182. grumble —> grouse —> ngomel
183. guarantee —> assure —> jaminan, garansi
184. guarantee —> warrantly —> menjamin
185. habitable —> liveable —> berhuni
186. hairstyle —> coiffure —> potongan rambut
187. halfway —> midway —> setengah jalan
188. harmless —> innocent —> tak bersalah
189. harmony —> concord —> harmoni, keselarasan
190. haunt —> hang-out —> tempat yang sering dikunjungi
191. headstone —> gravestone —> nisan
192. healing —> curative —> penyembuhan
193. heighten —> intensify —> memperkuat
194. heir —> inheritor —> pewaris
195. highlight —> spotlight —> menyoroti
196. homosexual —> gay —> homoseks
197. honest —> sincere —> jujur
198. hoover —> vacuum —> alat pengisap debu
199. however —> notwithstanding —> namun
200. huge —> vast —> besar, luas
201. huge, immense —> enormous —> besar, besar
202. idiot —> fool —> orang bodoh
203. if —> provided —> jika
204. illegal —> unlawful —> tak sah
205. illusion —> phantasm —> khayalan
206. imagine —> visualize —> membayangkan
207. imitate —> mimic —> meniru
208. immediate —> prompt —> segera, cepat
209. impolite —> rude —> kasar
210. in addition —> moreover —> sebagai tambahan
211. inadequate —> insufficient —> tidak memadai
212. increasingly —> more and more —> makin
213. indeniable —> indisputable —> tak dapat disangkal lagi
214. indifferent —> detached —> acuh tak acuh
215. indirect —> oblique —> tidak langsung
216. indisputable —> undeniable —> tak terbantahkan
217. indistinct —> vague —> kabur, samar, tak jelas
218. infer —> deduce —> mengambil kesimpulan
219. influx —> inflow —> pemindahan
220. inform —> notify —> memberitahu
221. innocent —> blameless —> tidak bersalah, suci
222. insanity —> madness —> penyakit jiwa
223. insight —> perception —> wawasan
224. instant —> immediate —> segera
225. intellect —> mind —> intelek
226. intellectual —> highbrow —> cendekiawan
227. intelligent —> clever —> cerdas
228. intentionally —> deliberately —> sengaja
229. interaction —> interplay —> saling mempengaruhi
230. intermediary —> middleman —> perantara
231. interpretation —> construction —> tafsiran
232. intestine —> gut —> usus
233. intolerable —> insupportable —> tak tertahankan
234. intolerant —> illiberal —> tidak toleran, licik
235. intuition —> instinct —> intuisi, naluri
236. investigate —> enquire —> menyelidiki
237. irritate, bother —> annoy —> mengganggu
238. isolated —> remoted —> terpencil
239. jeans —> denims —> sejenis celana panjang
240. justice of the peace —> magistrate —> hakim setempat
241. keen —> eager —> tekun, sangat ingin
242. landing —> touchdown —> pendaratan
243. lesson, course —> class —> pelajaran
244. lethargic —> torpid —> lesu, malas
245. lively —> animated —> mengasyikkan/lincah
246. loafer —> idler —> orang pemalas
247. lobby —> foyer —> lobi, tempat menunggu
248. loney —> isolated —> asingkan
249. lost —> missing —> hilang
250. low season —> off-season —> musim sepi / peceklik
251. lucky —> fortunate —> beruntung
252. lying —> mendacity —> bohong
253. main —> leading —> utama, pokok
254. mainly —> chiefly —> terutama
255. manage —> administer —> mengatur
256. manage —> cope —> mengelola, mengatasi
257. manufacture —> fabricate —> pembuatan
258. many —> numerous —> banyak
259. massacre —> bloodbath —> pembunuhan besar-besaran, pembantaian
260. mean —> intend —> berarti
261. meaningful —> significant —> berarti
262. meanwhile —> in the meantime —> sementara itu
263. memorize —> learn —> menghafal, mempelajari
264. memory —> reminiscence —> ingatan, kenangan
265. mental —> intellectual —> berkaitan dengan batin / jiwa
266. midday —> noon —> tengah hari
267. mimic —> imitate —> meniru
268. misinterpret —> misread —> salah menafsirkan
269. misleading —> deceptive —> menyesatkan
270. miss —> overlook —> kehilangan
271. missing —> lacking —> hilang
272. misunderstand —> misconceive —> salah pengertian
273. mix up —> confuse —> mengacaukan, membingungkan
274. model —> mannequin —> model, pragawati
275. modern —> contemporary —> modern, sejaman
276. moment —> second —> saat
277. mood —> temper —> suasana hati
278. motionless —> immobile —> diam, tak bergerak
279. murder —> homicide —> pembunuhan
280. nearly —> almost —> hampir
281. neglected —> uncared for —> terlantar
282. neutral —> impartial —> tidak berat sebelah
283. nonsense —> rubbish —> omong kosong
284. notebook —> pocket book —> buku catatan
285. notes —> paper money —> catatan
286. notorious —> infamous —> terkenal jahat
287. nowadays —> today —> sekarang
288. obstacle —> impediment —> hambatan
289. obvious —> apparent —> nyata, jelas
290. obvious —> transparent —> jelas
291. occur —> arise —> terjadi, menjadi
292. operate —> function —> beroperasi, berfungsi
293. opportunity —> possibility —> kesempatan
294. opposite —> contrary —> sebaliknya
295. organization —> association —> persatuan
296. out of date —> obsolete —> kadaluarsa / kuno
297. outlive —> survive —> bertahan hidup
298. overtake —> overhaul —> berhasil menyusul
299. pair —> twosome —> pasangan
300. particularly —> especially —> terutama
301. passion —> ardour —> bersemangat
302. peaceful —> peaceable —> tenang, damai
303. peak —> zenith —> puncak
304. peddle —> hawk —> menjajakan
305. perfume —> fragrance —> wangi
306. perhaps, possibly —> maybe —> mungkin, mungkin
307. picky —> choosy —> pilih-pilih, cerewet, rewel
308. planned —> deliberate —> berencana
309. plausible —> believable —> dapat dipercaya, masuk akal
310. play down —> minimize —> meremehkan
311. polite —> well mannered —> sopan
312. poll —> ballot —> suara, surat suara
313. poor, naughty —> bad (not good) —> nakal, tidak baik
314. portray —> painting —> menggambarkan
315. postpone —> put sth. back —> menunda
316. precedence —> priority —> hak lebih tinggi
317. preceding —> previous —> terdahulu, sebelumnya
318. precisely —> exactly —> tepat
319. predict —> foretell —> meramalkan
320. premature —> untimely —> terlalu cepat
321. preserve —> maintain —> memelihara
322. previously —> formerly —> sebelumnya
323. principle —> precept —> asas, aturan
324. priority —> precedence —> prioritas
325. privatize —> denationalise —> memprivatisasi
326. profitable —> ecocnomic —> menguntungkan
327. propose —> suggest —> mengusulkan
328. protest —> demostrate —> protes, demonstrasi
329. question —> impeach —> menyangsikan
330. quotation —> citation —> kutipan
331. quote —> cite —> mengutip
332. raise —> bring up —> menaikkan
333. raise, promote —> elevate —> meningkatkan, mempromosikan
334. rare —> infrequent —> langka
335. raw —> uncooked —> mentah, tak dimasak
336. reach —> arrive —> tiba, sampai
337. reasonably —> moderately —> layak
338. rebel —> insurgent —> pemberontak
339. rebellion —> uprising —> pemberontakan
340. receptionist —> clerk —> pramuniaga
341. reduction —> discount —> pengurangan, potongan
342. refer to —> consult —> mengacu pada
343. reflect —> mirror —> mencerminkan
344. refrain —> chorus —> ulangan (lagu)
345. regret —> remorse —> penyesalan
346. regret —> rue —> penyesalan
347. regular —> steady —> tetap
348. reintroduce —> bring back —> membawa/mengajukan kembali
349. relate —> narrate —> menceritakan
350. relevant —> applicable —> berhubungan
351. reliable —> trustworthy —> terpercaya
352. reply —> answer —> menjawab
353. reply —> respond —> balasan
354. represent —> symbolize —> melambangkan
355. reputation —> repute —> reputasi
356. resist —> withstand —> menolak, menentang
357. restrict —> confine —> membatasi
358. resume —> renew —> lanjut, mulai lagi
359. reveal —> disclose —> mengungkapkan
360. right —> correct —> benar
361. rigid —> inflexible —> kaku
362. risky —> dicy —> berisiko
363. roller —> curler —> rol, alat pengeriting
364. rubbish —> garbage —> sampah
365. rude —> impolite —> kasar
366. rumour —> hearsay —> isu
367. run out —> expire —> keluar
368. rush —> hurry —> buru-buru
369. sample —> pattern —> contoh
370. satan —> devil —> setan
371. satisfactory —> passable —> memuaskan, cukup baik
372. seem —> appear —> kelihatan, nampak
373. seize —> grab —> meraih
374. selfish —> egocentric —> egois
375. senseless —> mindless —> bodoh, tanpa pikir panjang
376. sensitive —> touchy —> peka
377. sentence —> condemn —> menghukum
378. serviette —> napkin —> serbet makan
379. set up —> establish —> mempersiapkan
380. shame —> disgrace —> malu
381. shortage —> scarcity —> kekurangan
382. shut —> close —> menutup
383. sign —> signal —> tanda
384. silly —> foolish —> bodoh
385. silly —> stupid —> bodoh
386. single —> unmarried —> tidak ada pasangan alias jomblo :d
387. sofa —> couch —> sofa, sejenis dipan
388. soil —> earth —> tanah
389. sparkle —> glitter —> berkilau
390. specific —> particular —> spesifik
391. speculation —> hypothesis —> spekulasi
392. spine —> backbone —> tulang punggung, tulang belakang
393. sprint —> dash —> cepat
394. start —> begin —> mulai
395. starvation —> hunger —> mati kelaparan
396. steady —> stable —> tetap, stabil
397. stock —> inventory —> persediaan
398. stomach —> belly —> perut
399. strange —> unusual —> aneh
400. stress —> emphasize —> menekankan
401. structure —> constitution —> struktur
402. stubborn —> cussed —> keras kepala
403. stubborn —> obdurate —> keras kepala
404. stupid —> dull (person) —> bodoh
405. summary —> abstract —> ringkasan
406. summary —> precis —> ringkasan
407. sunset —> sundown —> matahari terbenam
408. supervise —> oversee —> mengawasi
409. supply —> provide —> menyediakan
410. suppose, assume —> imagine —> kira, asumsikan, bayangkan
411. sweet —> candy —> manis
412. tailor-made —> tailored —> buatan penjahit
413. temporary —> transitority —> sementara
414. tender —> bid —> tawaran
415. terrible —> awful —> buruk sekali, mengerikan
416. terrorism —> terror —> terorisme
417. testomony —> testament —> surat
418. the aristocracy —> nobility —> kaum ningrat
419. the rest —> remainder —> sisanya
420. thing —> object —> benda
421. things —> matters —> berbagai hal
422. thoughtful —> considerate —> bijaksana
423. thoughtless —> inconsiderate —> tak memperhatikan
424. timely —> well timed —> tepat waktu
425. tip —> gratuity —> semacam uang yang diberikan
426. tornado —> twister —> angin topan
427. total —> complete —> seluruh
428. totally —> completely —> dengan sepenuhnya/seluruhnya
429. tough —> hard —> sulit
430. toxic —> poisonous —> racun
431. trace, tip —> hint —> jejak, tip
432. tremble —> quake —> gemetar
433. unbearable —> insufferable —> tak tertahankan
434. unexpected —> unforeseen —> tiba-tiba, tak terduga
435. unfaithful —> untrue —> tak setia
436. unharmed —> unhurt —> tanpa luka
437. unhurt —> uninjured —> tanpa cedera
438. unlucky —> unfortunate —> sial
439. unpleasant —> disagreeable —> tidak menyenangkan
440. unspoken —> unstated —> yg tdk dikatakan
441. unusual —> uncommon —> luar biasa
442. urgent —> pressing —> penting
443. useless —> vain —> tak berguna, sia-sia
444. valid —> legitimate —> sah
445. vanish —> disappear —> lenyap, menghilang
446. vinaigrette —> french dressing —> mayones
447. vineyard —> winery —> kebun anggur
448. virtually —> practically —> sebenarnya
449. vital —> imperative —> sangat penting
450. voiceless —> unvoiced —> tak bersuara
451. waterproof coat —> mackintosh —> mantel tahan air
452. weird —> bizarre —> aneh
453. whether —> if —> apakah
454. wicked, evil —> depraved —> jahat, jahat
455. worthless —> nugatory —> tak berguna
456. worthless —> valueless —> tak berguna

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