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EIA Guidelines For Proposed Desalination Plants: Department of Environment

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EIA Guidelines


Proposed Desalination Plants

Department of Environment

Ministry of Environment and National Development Unit

MAY 2005
EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

This paper is not a legal document. It serves only as a guideline,

which provides recommended approaches and formats for the
preparation of a comprehensive EIA report on proposed
desalination plant.

This guideline has been prepared by the Ministry of Environment

and National Development Unit in consultation of various
stakeholders. It should be used with flexibility, as a solid base of
practical information to stimulate developer innovation. It is also
meant to be used alongside various other Government advices
that set out policy and guidance relating to desalination.

Soft Copies of this guideline can be requested from the

Environment Assessment Desk of the Department of
Environment or can be downloaded from the website of this


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants


Ministries / Authorities
1. Ministry of Environment & NDU
2. Ministry of Housing and Lands
3. Ministry of Public Utilities
4. Ministry of Agriculture, Food Technology and Natural Resources
5. Ministry of Fisheries
6. Ministry of Health and Quality of Life
7. Ministry of Public Infrastructure & Land Transport (Road Development Authority)
8. Ministry of Local Government and Solid Waste Management
9. Wastewater Management Authority
10. Ministry of Industry & Medium Enterprises, F.S & C.A
11. Central Water Authority
12. Water Resources Unit
13. Mauritius Ports Authority
14. Local Authorities
15. Government Fire Services
16. Irrigation Authority
17. Board of Investment
18. Mauritius Oceanography Institute
19. University of Mauritius
21. Agricultural Research and Extension Unit
22. The Wildlife Club of Mauritius
23. Friends of the Environment
24. Mauritius Marine Conservation Society
25. Institute for Environmental and Legal Studies
26. Eco-Sud
EIA Consultants
27. Dr Harry Phoolchand
28. Delphinium Ltd
29. Sigma Consultant
30. Scene – Ries
31. Gexim Land Consultants Ltd
32. Servansing Jadav & Partners – Consulting Engineers Ltd

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

1.1 Purpose and Scope of Guideline 6
1.2 Project Profile for Desalination Plant 7
1.2.1 Need for Desalination Plant in Mauritius 7
1.2.2 Project Description 7
1.2.3 Environmental Aspects 9
1.3 Need for EIA 10
1.4 Required Expertise 10
1.5 Pertinent National Environmental Regulations 10
1.6 International Treaties 12


2.1 Early Consideration of the Strategic Context 13
2.2 Early Assessment of Options 14
2.2.1 Cost benefit Analysis of a Desalination Plant 14
2.3 Identifying Issues 15
2.4 Prioritising Issues 16


3.1 Title Page 17
3.2 Table of Contents 17
3.3 Executive or Non-Technical Summary 17
3.4 Introduction 17
3.5 Site and Project Description 18
3.5.1 Site Description 18
3.5.2 Project Description 18
3.6 Full Description of the existing environment 20
3.6.1 Establishment of Baseline Data 20
3.7 Climatic Conditions and Associated Impacts 21
3.8 Predicted Environmental Impacts and Potential Mitigating 21
3.8.1 Construction Phase 21
3.8.2 Operation Phase 22 Impacts upon the physical environment 22 Energy Use 22 Air Quality 22 Coastal and Marine Environment Issues 23 Land Issues 25 Landscaping and Visual Impact Assessment 26 Growth –inducing impacts 26 Ecological impacts 27 Impacts on humans 28 Social Impacts 28 Socio cultural and socio economic issues 28 Impacts on Human Health and Safety 29 Noise Impact Assessment 29
EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

3.8.3 Decommissioning Phase 30

3.8.4 Risk Assessment 30
3.8.5 Residual Impacts 30
3.8.6 Cumulative and synergistic effects 30
3.9 Environmental Monitoring Plan 30
3.9.1 Identification of any additional studies necessary to implement
the mitigating measures or monitoring and proposals 31
recommended in the EIA report
3.10 Implementation Schedule 31
3.11 Enhancement Opportunities 32
3.12 Consultation 32
3.12.1 Public Consultation 32
3.12.2 Consultation with Ministries and other Authorities 32
3.13 Alternatives 33
3.14 Conclusions and Summary of Environmental Outcomes 33
3.15 Appendices 33



Annex 1 Requirements of an EIA report according to EPA 2002 37

Annex 2 Guidelines for the submission of EIA reports in soft copy 39
Appendix 1 41
Annex 3 Proposed format for an Environmental Monitoring Plan 42

References 44

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants



Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process having the ultimate objective of

providing decision makers with an indication of the likely environmental consequences of a
proposed activity.

The objectives of an EIA are:-

 To determine environmental compatibility of the project

 To evaluate and select the best project alternative from the options available
 To identify and evaluate the significant environmental impacts of the project
 To incorporate environmental management plans and monitoring mechanisms
 To assess the environmental costs and benefits of the project to the community

In presenting a clear and comprehensive statement of those components which need to be

included in an EIA report for desalination plants, the guideline will not only assist developers
and their consultants prepare better quality Environmental Impact Assessment reports but will
also ensure that sufficient information is available for a proper assessment and for good
decision making.

The objectives of this guideline are namely:-

 To aid in the preparation of reports that are comprehensive in their content and to
reduce cost of EIA
 To protect the environment from costly and irreversible mistakes
 To aid review of the reports
 To avoid time delays and cost overruns

This guideline is by no means exhaustive. Not all matters outlined in this guideline will be
applicable to every proposed development. The EIA report should be tailored to suit the
potential impacts of the proposal. Proponents and consultants are advised to also consult
other relevant documents such as the National Development Strategy (2004), Planning Policy
Guidance by the Ministry of Housing and Lands and relevant regulations and acts (listed at
section 1.5) as well as to consult the general guidelines “A Proponent’s Guide to
Environmental Impact Assessment” prepared by this Ministry and available on this Ministry’s
website http://environment.gov.mu

The proponent checklist presented at Section 4.0 is designed as a method for reviewing the
adequacy of the EIA in terms of compliance to the requirements of the EPA 2002 and
generally accepted good practice in EIA.

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

As our understanding and awareness of the environment improve, this guideline will be
updated to reflect new ideas or issues.



As a small island state, Mauritius is highly vulnerable to natural calamities such as cyclones,
droughts and floods. In 1999, the country experienced a long period of drought, which badly
impacted on domestic water supplies, agriculture, industry and tourism. This was the first
time when many sectors of the economy realised that they have to cater for an alternative
supply of freshwater.

Such long periods of drought are well–known in many parts of the world and there is now
evidence that such long spells of drought are linked to climate change. Unless we are
prepared for such events, our economy, more particularly those sectors, which are heavily
dependent on a large supply of freshwater, may be jeopardised. In addition, climate change
may also impact negatively on our coastal aquifers resulting in saline intrusion. These
aquifers may be seriously affected as salty groundwater rises with sea level rise. It is
therefore imperative to look at available new technologies to generate new supplies of fresh
water and one such technology is desalination.


Desalination is the process of removing salt, other minerals, or chemical compounds from
seawater to provide a source of potable water for domestic purposes, industrial processing,
irrigation, power plant applications, and recharging of groundwater supplies. The challenge to
coastal and island communities whose ground and/or surface water supplies are constantly
under threat is to look for a reliable source of fresh water supplies all around the year.

Desalination reduces typical seawater at about 34,000 part per million (ppm or mg/L) to an
acceptable drinking water standard of below 500 ppm total dissolved solids (TDS). A by-
product of desalination is brine. Brine is a concentrated salt solution (with more than 35 000
mg/1 dissolved solids) that must be disposed of, generally by discharge into deep saline
aquifers or surface waters with a higher salt content. Brine can also be diluted with treated
effluent and disposed of by spraying on golf courses and/or other open space areas.

The most common methods are reverse osmosis and distillation. "Reverse Osmosis" is one of
the most successful method of desalination.

The implementation of desalination plants also imply the construction of:

1. A seawater inlet pipeline linking the sea water inlet (beach well or inlet located in the
ocean /lagoon) and the desalination plant and
2. A brine discharge pipeline linking the desalination plant to the brine discharge outlet,
which must be located in the ocean in line with international and national legislations.

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

Figure 1 and figure 2 show the Reverse Osmosis and multi stage flash distillation


Feed Treatment

Reject Brine

Figure 1: Reverse osmosis process

Mist Seawater
Eliminator Condenser
Distillate Tubes Feed Seawater
Trays Cooling
Heating Seawater

Condensate Feed Product
Brine Recycle
Distillate from Heat Brine
Recovery Section Brine from Heat Blowdown
Recovery Section

Figure 2: Multi-stage flash distillation

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants


Desalination can result in potentially significant impacts to the natural environment, namely
adverse impacts during construction, significant amounts of energy use for their operation
and air emissions, etc. The severity of the impacts in large part depends on overall plant
design and operation, methods used for effluent disposal and specific physical and biological
conditions in the vicinity of the plant.

However the greatest concern is the adverse impact to the marine resources in the vicinity of
a desalination plant and this due to the discharge of the hyper-saline water that remains as a
byproduct from the desalination process. This saline brine effluent is generally about twice as
salty as the ambient seawater. However, this varies quite a bit depending upon the specific
technology being used, and can range anywhere between 46 000 and 80 000 ppm (typical
salinity in the region is around 33000 ppm). This effluent is denser than seawater and tends to
sink to bottom where it becomes concentrated. Both high levels of concentration and
fluctuations in salinity levels may kill sensitive organisms near the outfall. The impacts of the
brine effluent vary widely as a function of the location of the outfall. Impacts are generally
more severe in rocky substrate than sandy seafloor habitats. Other issues associated with the
discharge are: increased turbidity and concentration of organic substances and metals that are
contained in the feed waters. Additional impacts specific to distillation facilities include
concentration of metals picked up through contact with the plant components, thermal
pollution and decreased oxygen levels.

Intake of water directly from the ocean usually results in loss of marine species as a result of
impingement and entrainment. Impingement is when organisms collide with screens at the
intake, and entrainment is when species are taken into the plant with the feed water and are
killed during plant processes. Impingement and entrainment impacts can be mitigated by the
use of certain designs and technologies. Properly engineered intake structures can reduce the
potential or entrainment and impingement, and in certain cases the need for chemicals.
Structures such as onshore intake wells or infiltration galleries have been proven highly
effective. Appropriately sized screens at the intake, as well as low velocity water flow are
potential mitigation measures for open water intake structures.

The coastal zones of Mauritius are undoubtedly under heavy use and the pressure will not
cease in the foreseeable future given the expansion of the tourism industry and other
developments. The number of tourists visiting Mauritius is on the increase. The Government
is already committed to a target of one million tourist arrivals by the year 2005.
Economically, the coastal zone is by far the most valuable segment of the Mauritian territory.
Located here are the tourist facilities of very high standard, secondary homes, ports, the
fisheries infrastructure and the public beaches.

Coastal and marine resources of small island states are of vital importance to their socio-
economic development. These resources have suffered from the process of development and
are at risk from internal and external threats including climate change and sea level rise.
Action to protect these resources is a priority for current and future plans. The implantation of
a desalination plant will only add further pressure to the coastal zones and have adverse
impacts on the marine ecosystem.

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants


Any development proposal listed in the First Schedule under Part IV, Section 15 (2) of the
Environment Protection Act (EPA) 2002 requires an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Licence. In fact, desalination plants are mentioned in Subsection 11 of the First Schedule of
EPA 2002. Requirements of an EIA report according to EPA 2002 is at Annex 1.

A proponent applying for an EIA licence shall submit in electronic form and in 15 printed
copies of his EIA report and any such additional copies as may reasonably be required by the
Director. Guideline for submission of EIA reports in soft copy version is at Annex 2.


Depending on the scale of the activity / project, a team of cross-functional professionals with
sufficient experience may conduct the EIA for desalination plants.

The areas of expertise may include:-

 Environmental fields /process designs / Cleaner Production

 Hydrographic survey/hydrodynamics / geology / hydrogeology
 Coastal / Chemical/Mechanical engineering
 Oceanography/Water resources / Marine biology
 Socio/environmental/Natural resource – economics
 Surveying/architecture / Planning


The following environmental regulations as well as policies and standards need to be

complied amongst others.
 Environment Protection Act 2002 (GN no. 73 of 27 July 2002)
 Fisheries and Marine Resources Act, 1998 (GN no. 22 of 1998)
 Rivers and Canals Act 1863
 Public Health Act (GN no. RL4/323 – 24 April 1982)
 Planning and Development Act, 2004
 (Dumping Waste and Waste Carriers Licence) Regulations 2002
 Refuse Collection Regulations made by relevant Local Authority
 Environment Protection (Collection, Storage, Treatment, Use, Disposal of used oil)
Regulations 2005 (GN no. 4 of 2005)
 Environment Protection (Drinking Water Standards) Regulations 1996 (GN no. 72 of
22 June 1996)
 Environment Protection (Environmental Standards for Noise) Regulations 1997 (GN
no. 17 of 1997)
EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Environment Protection (Standards for Air) Regulations 1998 (GN no. 92 of 29 August
 Environment Protection (Standards for Hazardous wastes) Regulations 2001 (Page 21)
(GN no. 157 of 2001)
 Environment Protection (Standards of Effluent for use in Irrigation) Regulations 2003
(GN no. 46 of 2003)
 Environment Protection (Standards of Effluent Discharge Permit) Regulations 2003
(GN no. 43 of 2003)
 Environment Protection (Standards for Effluent Discharge into the Ocean) Regulations
(GN no. 45 of 2003)
 Guidelines for Coastal Water Quality

Environment Protection (Standards for Effluent Discharge into the Ocean) Regulations
specify the limits that should not be exceeded regarding the quality of the brine as well as
the distance and depth of discharge point. According to this Regulation:

1. Where there is a lagoon, the brine should not be discharged at a distance less than
300m off the reef barrier and at a depth of less than 30m.
2. Where there is no lagoon, the brine should not be discharged at a distance less than
500m from the High Water Mark (HWM) and at a depth of less than 25m.


49. ‘Coastal zone’

(a) means any area which is situated within 1 kilometre or such other distance as
may be prescribed from the high water mark , extending either side into the sea
or inland;
(b) includes –
(i) coral reefs , reef lagoons , beaches , wetlands , hinterlands and all islets
within the territorial waters of Mauritius and Rodrigues;
(ii) any estuary or mouth of a river and that part of a river , stream or canal
which lies within 1 kilometre from the outermost point of its bank on the
sea at high tide;
(iii) the islands of Agalega and St Brandon , and other outer islets.

‘dumping’ means –
(a) any deliberate disposal of wastes or other matter from vehicles , vessels ,
crafts , platforms or other man- made structures at sea;
(b) any deliberate disposal of vehicles , vessels , crafts or other man- made
structures at sea

“maritime zone ” means the maritime zone under the jurisdiction of the State of
Mauritius , and includes the territorial sea , the exclusive economic zone , and the
continental shelf , as defined in the Maritime Zones Act;
“ zone” means the coastal and maritime zones

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants


International agreements/conventions relevant to the construction of desalination plants are

given herein.

 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), 1982

The main objective is the obligation to prevent pollution damage by addressing particular
sources of pollution, including those from land bases activities, seabed activities, dumping,
vessels and from or through the atmosphere. Mauritius has ratified the UNCLOS, which
entered into force on the 16th November 1994.

 Ramsar convention on Wetlands (http://www.ramsar.org/)

Mauritius has signed the Ramsar convention on 30 September 2001. It owes its origin to the
urgent need to combat widespread drainage and destruction of wetlands and the habitats they
provide for migratory species, notably waterbirds. Thus, construction of desalination plant
should therefore not adversely affect any wetland habitat in Mauritius. Selected sites should
be at least 30 m from wetlands.

 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea(SOLAS), 1974

 Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and
Coastal Environment in the Eastern African Region and Related Protocols (Nairobi

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants



The outcome of an EIA is a formal document, which presents all the relevant information
about the EIA process. Four bodies of information arise from an EIA process: methodology,
data, results and conclusions derived from them. The use of graphical information such as
maps, tables and graphs, is an effective way of improving communication. The EIA shall also
be accompanied by supported appendices, the baseline study report and the environmental
assessment that will provide technical detail on specific issues, assumptions and modeling

However, the document must also provide a summary level of detail adequate to allow the
average reader to make an informed decision on the project.

It is the proponent’s responsibility to identify and address, as fully as possible, the matters
relevant to the specific proposal and to comply with the statutory requirements for the
preparation of an EIA report. The following factors are important when preparing an EIA

 Early Considerations of the Strategic Context

 Early Assessment of Options
 Identifying Issues
 Prioritising Issues


Prior to embarking on a desalination plant, a proponent and /or his consultant(s) shall ensure
that the proposed development is compatible with the zoning of the site and that relevant
clearances including planning clearance, land conversion permit, rezoning certificate, lease
agreement and clearance from Fire Services, CWA, CEB have been obtained.

 If the undertaking is not in the appropriate zone and in the absence of proof of
land ownership/ authorization to use the site for the proposed development, the
application will not be considered

 No permit for development shall be granted in respect of an undertaking , unless

there is in relation to it an approved preliminary environmental report or an EIA

 No development shall be allowed on sensitive coastal areas including mangroves

and wetlands; and conservation areas and their buffer zones, e.g. marine parks,
islet nature reserves and islet natural park

 Natural drains shall not be blocked

 The beach and the sea shall remain a public domain

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Selected sites shall ensure the following buffers:

(i) At least 50m from High Water Mark (HWM)
(ii) At least 30m from wetlands
(iii) 30 m from any waterbody as per Rivers and Canals Act 1863

 Intake of water for desalination shall not be located near any wastewater outfall

 The resulting wastewater must be treated and discharged to the satisfaction of the
Wastewater Management Authority so that no prejudice is caused to the quality of
our water resources and our lagoons

 There should be a proper sanitary seal for any borehole

 Measures proposed for the protection of water resources shall be to the

satisfaction of Ministry of Public Utilities

 Measures proposed for the protection of marine resources shall be to the

satisfaction of Ministry of Fisheries and MOI

 The microclimatic conditions of the site plant shall be taken into consideration in
the design and location of the plant

 Heavy fuel oil (HFO) or diesel shall not be used in the desalination plant.
Electricity, gas, kerosene or solar energy shall be the preferred option for energy


The objectives for the undertaking should be developed to fulfil any identified need and
should encompass the principles of Sustainable Development (SD). SD principles should be
considered when identifying options for all aspects of the proposal. All feasible alternatives
that could satisfy the objectives of the proposal should be considered. When weighing up
options, the biophysical, economic and social costs and benefits throughout the whole life
cycle of the proposed development should be considered. The “do nothing” option should
also be included in these considerations.


Desalination of seawater can be an important technology for ensuring a reliable coastal water
supply; however, the conditions under which desalination is appropriate must be carefully
identified and considered.  Variables that determine cost for desalinated water among others

(a) Water source: From an economic standpoint, one of the primary benefits of seawater as
a source of potable water is that it is free. Seawater is seen as inexhaustible and non

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

interruptible, and therefore not subject to price variations due to scarcity or supply and

(b) Review energy cost for bulk water uses and availability of suitable local energy
sources: Energy requirements are the single largest direct cost in producing desalinated
water. It continues to represent about half the cost in such operations.

(c) Desalination methods: distillation generally has higher energy costs than reverse
osmosis because of the need to heat the source water. In assessing the applicability of
each technology the following should be considered: Installation cost, Engineering cost,
Maintenance cost, Power consumption, Ease of control and manipulation, the yield, their

(d) Scale and capacity of facilities: there may be economies of scale with certain types of
desalination facilities, although this is likely to depend on the particular characteristics
and location of a given facility.

(e) Analyze the economics and engineering issues of distributing desalinated water
through existing networks: A desalination facility must be able to either connect to an
existing distribution system or construct new distribution system to get water to the end
users. This cost will vary by location, size of the service area, and other factors.

(f) Review cost of demand management and alternative sources of water supply from

(g) Review cost of desalinated water versus water from CWA

(h) Review and assess current user tariffs

(i) Explore the economic costs of desalination excluding any subsidies on capital costs

(j) Maintenance and cleaning: Each desalination facility requires some level of anti fouling
treatment and regular maintenance and cleaning, which will vary on the desalination
method used, the type of materials used and other factors.

(k) Full time or part time operations: the capital and maintenance cost must be analysed.
Given the prohibitive operational cost, desalination plants can also be run on an “as
required” basis to back-up the normal main supply in dry seasons.


The general framework for an EIA is usually a precursor to identifying potential

environmental issues; the proponent must be able to outline:

 the important characteristics of the project which will determine the scope of the
potential impacts
 the proposed site and a preliminary assessment of sensitivity of the site.

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

If the proposed characteristic on the site should change, then the potential comforts may also
change. If at any time change occurs, the scoping process for the EIA should be reviewed.


The EIA process should focus attention on the key issues of concern. Not all issues identified
will have the same degree of relevance for all proposals. The relative importance placed on
different issues will vary from case to case, and is a function of the scale of the proposal and
the sensitivity of the receiving environment. Issues should therefore be prioritized according
to their importance in the decision- making process.

When prioritising issues, consideration should be given to the potential severity, temporal and
spatial extent of any beneficial and adverse effects; their direct impacts as well as any
indirect, secondary, tertiary or cumulative impacts; and whether the effects are continuous or
intermittent, temporary and reversible or permanent and irreversible.

The outcome of the identification and prioritisation process should result in:

1. a list of all issues with a preliminary estimate of the relative significance of their
2. identification of the key issues
3. an explanation as to why other issues are not considered key.

The EIA should address the key issues as fully as practicable. However the level of analysis
should reflect the level of significance of the impacts and their importance on the proposal.

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants


The EIA on a proposed desalination plant shall ensure that all the environmental parameters
have been addressed and their consequences recognised and taken into account in the project
design. The EIA report should not comprise statements of a general nature but instead shall
provide substantive and indicative information on the proposed activity, the measures
proposed to mitigate all adverse impacts as well as the opportunities for environmental
enhancement so as to enable a proper assessment.

The EIA shall be duly signed and dated by either the proponent or his appointed legal
representative and countersigned by the consultant. Under section 85(1) of EPA 2002, any
person who submits a false report or submits a report misleading in any material particular or
provides false or misleading information shall commit an offence.

The format below provides a guide on the content of an EIA report for proposed desalination


This should contain details of

 The full title under which the EIA has been prepared
 Location of project
 The team responsible for the EIA or name(s) of the consultant(s)/consultancy firm
 The proponent names and signatures
 The date of application

3.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS indicating the different chapters with their respective
page numbers


The summary should be concise and give a short overview of the proposal to facilitate
understanding of the proposal by the general public. The language used should be simple
and non-technical.

It should primarily focus upon key environmental impacts and the proposed mitigating
measures and should include a clear map or aerial photograph of the location.

It should provide background information on the project, promoters, any experience in
similar projects, project cost-benefit analysis, time scale for the development and

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

employment opportunities as well as the technical, economical and environmental features

essential to the project.


This section should describe the site and project and indicate the justification and rationale
underlying the project.


A description should be given in general terms to indicate the nature and broad character
of the local environment.

 Ownership of land and proof thereof, or lease agreement clearly indicating the
owner’s consent to the project ; Land extent
 Present zoning of site as per approved Outline Scheme (obtainable from the
Town & Country Planning Board or the local authorities)
 Certified and comprehensive site and location plans drawn to scale (1:2500)
with known landmarks as reference points and showing water bodies, wetlands and
any other critical habitat, boreholes, residential areas, animal farms and hotels in the
surroundings, etc together with aerial photographs
 Site characteristics in terms of site location, landform (topography plan);
present and past land use (if known), indication of other similar projects in the
surroundings, accessibility to site and width of access roads, existing infrastructures
and availability of public utilities, flora and fauna
 Surrounding environment indicating adjacent residential areas / built-up
environment, environmentally sensitive areas, watercourses ,boreholes, designated
sites of interest, other attributes of the area e.g. amenities, recreational and
agricultural values, location of risk groups
 Compatibility of land uses and proposed activity within the area


This should describe the project and indicate the justification and rationale underlying the
project, including:

 The project proponent

 Objective and justification of project (Future demand for additional water requirements
should be clearly stated)
 Benefits and disbenefits of the project
 Details on the water treatment plant
 Components of the project including raw materials, processes, products, types of
pollutants and their concentration, etc
 Design, size and scale of the project
EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Detailed specification of technology to be used; its maintenance and viability (The

extent, magnitude, duration, severity, significance, etc of impacts will depend on the
technology used and on the scale of the activity)
 Nominal capacity of plant (m3 /day)
 Source and volume of sea/feed water intake. Physical, chemical and biological
characteristics, process of intake, pre-treatment and storage of feed water (with
appropriate design calculations and drawings).
 Quality of water to be produced including the level of total dissolved solids in parts
per millions (ppm) (The uses of the water to be produced should be specified –
whether for drinking or / and other domestic and / or commercial uses)
 Types of machinery to be used on site (The equipment and the plant should be
certified (ISO, AU, etc) and comply with International Standards)
 Plans and policies with which the project conforms
 Detailed site / layout plan drawn to scale (1:2500) indicating site boundaries (as per
title deeds) and showing all structures proposed to be put up on site (including fuel
tanks, brine silos, freshwater silos and their respective capacities, treatment/disposal of
brine, intake and outfall pipes including their respective sizes and length and flow rate
of the liquid) with setbacks from boundaries (including setbacks and landscaping
works from high water mark (HWM), minimum distance of plant from the sea,
minimum distance of plant from nearby residential areas and hotels, swimming and
other nautical activities, etc)
 The type, dimension and length of submarine pipelines to be used
 The pipe laying methodology and the means of anchoring the said pipelines
 A layout plan indicating the exact pipeline route and depth (longitudinal and cross
sections on land and underwater)
 Detailed plans of buildings including elevations, plot coverage and gross Floor Area
(Any associated building to be built to accommodate the equipment of the desalination
plant should be designed to be in harmony with the coastal environment using hard and
soft landscaping features)
 Extent of land area covered v/s open space
 Provision of parking facilities ; entrances and exits ; Access to public transport
 Provision for utilities and resources
 Time scale of operation (number of months in operation, number of hours per day,
whether permanent or temporary)
 Capital investment, operating costs and waste disposal costs
 Source and volume of brine/wastewater generated. Physical, chemical and biological
characteristics, storage, treatment and disposal of brine/wastewater (with appropriate
design calculations and drawings)
 Cleaning process and discharge of resulting wastewater
 Storage and disposal of membrane in case of Reverse Osmosis technology

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Detail design, specification and layout of surface drains for storm water disposal
indicating its final exit
 Source, type, generation, collection and disposal of solid waste (alternative such as
re-use and recycling should be considered); Mass balance
 A specification of requirements with respect to extreme events (cyclones, floods ,
sea level rise , tsunamis , earthquake , etc)
 Training requirements of the project
 Employment opportunities during construction , operation and decommissioning
 Contingency plan in case of fuel spill and/or brine spill (The contingency plan
should clearly indicate the procedures and persons to be contacted in the case of
such an event)


The description should provide details of the environment in the vicinity of the development
site and any aspects of the wider environment likely to be affected by the project. In this
regard, topological, physical, visual, meteorological, social, cultural, heritage, economic and
aesthetic aspects should be considered. The relevant descriptions should be elaborated and to
serve as a baseline for assessing environmental effects.


 Data source, data collection methodology e.g. survey, matrix or checklist and results of
site investigation
 Any constraints in collection of data or omissions in data collected and proposed
remedial measures
 Result of site investigation in form of a geotechnical report including subsurface strata,
maximum level of water table and results of a soil percolation test, trial pits etc
 Information on the uncertainties and assumptions involved in interpreting or using
results for predictive methods and analytical techniques and a description of gaps in
baseline and other data used in the preparation of the EIA report.
 Baseline data on prevailing ambient air quality, water quality, background noise , soil
characteristics , ecological resources and conditions (including existing flora, fauna and
habitats, natural features, site sensitivity and ecologically sensitive areas, microclimate,
hydrology / hydrogeology, management practices, type of existing coastal development,
 Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the coastal water and also details on
the flushing in the lagoon and out reef should be given.
 A bathymetric study of the lagoon and the adjoining outer ocean
 The description of the chemical oceanography parameters including sea water analyses,
determination of lagoon and ocean water salinity, temperature, horizontal and vertical
EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

visibility measurements using Secchi Disk reading and description of any sign of
anthropogenic contamination or pollution, in the area of project
 The quantification of the physical oceanography parameters including the wave and tidal
patterns, the water circulation and the currents velocity and direction to determine the
brine dispersion patterns
 The description of the geological oceanography including the type of substrate (whether
coralline or rocky) to cater for the risks of brine permeation into coralline substrates


Description of the expected environmental conditions at the time of probable project

implementation, e.g. temperature, rainfall, wind direction, wind speed and associated
constraints e.g. summer season, rainy season, cyclonic period, tidal regime and respective
water current studies etc.



This part should include impacts during construction , operation phase and
decommissioning phase on the following issues: affected stakeholders/community; air
quality; noise; water quality of existing terrestrial water body in the surrounding; solid and
liquid waste management; terrestrial ecology, visual and landscape (obstruction of views by
machinery, piping, or tall structures) disturbance of dune, surfing zone, and seafloor ecology
including marine flora and fauna, critical coastal habitats; disturbance to archaeological
resources; erosion; interference with public access and recreation; non-point source pollution.
For each impact the section should state steps to be taken to avoid or reduce it and the likely
effectiveness and adequacy of mitigation.


 Impacts of construction and demolition activities (if any) on the physical environment
such as site preparation, removal of vegetation, risk of soil erosion, loss of amenity,
levelling and other earthworks to be undertaken, like placing water pipes for inland
water distribution, power transmission lines and distribution facilities
 Frequency, duration and location of intrusive operations
 Transport of raw materials
 Public nuisances in terms of noise, dirt, odours, fumes, visibility , emissions, traffic
 Any proposed filling, or dredging activities in coastal waters
 Impacts of construction of a sea water inlet pipeline linking the sea water inlet and the
desalination plant

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Impacts of construction of a brine discharge pipeline linking the desalination plant to

the brine discharge outlet


 Proper timing of construction activities

 Mitigation measures commonly required for construction activities should be
incorporated (e.g., construction schedules that minimize impacts on public access
and recreation, visual screening, noise buffers, siting away from high resource areas,
limited construction zones and corridors, etc.)
 The numbers and lengths of pipelines and power transmission lines should be
 Site pipeline routes to minimise impacts to sensitive areas;
 Site plants in locations where existing intake or outfall structures may be used or
minimise the size of new seawater intake and outfall structures; and
 Sediment control measures during construction of plant should be specified
 Architectural design and natural buffers to reduce visual impacts
 Precautionary measures against risk of sand erosion

Desalination plants require significant amount of energy for their operation. Secondary
impacts resulting from the increase in power production needed for the desalination plants
should also be considered. These impacts include higher levels of air emissions, increased
entrainment and impingement of fish from intake of cooling water, higher levels of hot water
discharges to the ocean, and effects from additional transportation and storage of fuel namely
oil and gas.


 Preference for desalination technologies and plant designs that reduce energy
consumption; one method for reducing energy use in all types of desalination plants is
by employing energy recovery method. For instance, in the case of distillation, heat in
the brine and fresh water leaving the plant, is used to preheat the feedwater.
 Use of renewable energy resources (solar energy, Ocean Thermal energy), when
 Siting of the proposed plants near to power plants capable of cogeneration. AIR QUALITY
According to EPA 2002 new development shall comply with requirements imposed on air
pollution. The production of energy for use in desalination plants, however, will increase air
emissions. In addition, substantial increases in air emissions could occur if a new power plant
or cogeneration facility is built for a desalination project.

 Emissions inventory to indicate the sources, baseline and incremental concentrations

 Dispersion of pollutants and air quality modeling

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Impacts of the air pollutants on human health and the environment

 Assessment of impacts by comparing concentrations with standards


 Compliance to Air quality regulations / guidelines

 Preference for reduced energy use, and
 Use of alternative energy sources to minimize air emissions
 Carry out regular maintenance on all plant components
 Preference for desalination technologies and plant designs that reduce energy
consumption; one method for reducing energy use in all types of desalination plants is
by employing energy recovery method. For instance, in the case of distillation, heat in
the brine and fresh water leaving the plant, is used to preheat the feed water
 Use of renewable energy resources (solar energy, Ocean Thermal energy), when
 Siting of the proposed plants near to power plants capable of cogeneration. COASTAL AND MARINE ENVIRONMENT ISSUES

Marine resources in the vicinity of a desalination plant can be affected by the constituents
present in the waste discharges, by the waste discharge method used, and by the process of
feedwater intake.

The constituents of water discharged from desalination plants depend in part on: the
desalination technology used; the quality of the intake water; the quality of water produced;
and the pre treatment, cleaning, and Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane storage methods used.
All desalination plants use chlorine or other biocides, which are hazardous to marine
resources, to clean pipes and other equipment and sometimes to pretreat the feedwater.

In general, discharges from desalination plants may have the following types of potentially
adverse constituents and qualities:

 Salt concentrations above those of receiving waters (seawater salt concentration is

about 32000 ppm; desalination plants discharge brine with 46,000 to 80,000 ppm).
 Temperatures above those of receiving waters (about 5° C increase at the point of
discharge) for discharges from distillation plants;
 Turbidity levels above those of receiving waters;
 Oxygen levels below those of receiving waters from deaeration to reduce corrosion
(distillation plants only);
 Chemicals from pretreatment of the feedwater (these may include biocides, sulfur
dioxide, coagulants (e.g., ferric chloride), carbon dioxide, polyelectrolytes, anti-scalants
(e.g., polyacrylic acid), sodium bisulfite, antifoam agents, and polymers);
 Chemicals used in flushing the pipelines and cleaning the membranes in RO plants
(these may include sodium compounds, hydrochloric acid, citric acid, alkalines,
polyphosphate, biocides, copper sulfate, and acrolein);

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Chemicals used to preserve the RO membranes (e.g., propylene glycol, glycerine, or

sodium bisulfite);
 Organics and metals that are contained in the feedwater and concentrated in the
desalination process; and
 Metals that are picked up by the brine in contact with plant components and pipelines.
The EIA report should give details on the:
 Impacts on water quality and the ability of the water body to assimilate and disperse
the pollutant ( dilution factor , residence time)
 Current and wave frequency at intake point and any proposed outfall
 Impacts to the marine environment from accidental discharges of hazardous materials
 Impacts to commercial fishing and navigation during construction of intakes and
outfalls and during operation;
 Interference with public access and recreation from pipelines, wells or other structures;
 Impacts from increased chloride concentration - RO product water may have higher
levels of chlorides than other water sources (using product water with high levels of
chloride for irrigation may result in more water use and adverse impacts on soils;
chloride levels should be reduced.
 Cumulative impacts of the desalination plants in the coastal zone
 Detail design, specification and layout of surface drains for storm water disposal
indicating its final exit
 Impacts on sediment transport and consequences on the beach morphology


 Alternative treatment processes and technologies that eliminate the need for biocides
can also be used. For example, ultraviolet light may be used instead of biocides to
remove biological organisms;
 Intake and outfall siting and design to avoid sensitive locations and not to be located
near any waste water outfalls;
 Low flow velocities at intake channels and through intake structures to minimize
entrainment and impingement of marine species and to reduce the need for
 Intake design to reduce the potential for entrainment and impingement (e.g., screens at
the intake to reduce entrainment);
 Use of onshore intake wells or infiltration galleries to eliminate entrainment of marine
 Outfall siting and design to ensure an adequate mixing rate and dilution volume to
minimize adverse impacts;
 Outfalls to the open ocean, not to estuaries or other areas with limited water circulation;

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Use of pretreatment techniques that minimize or eliminate the need for hazardous
chemicals; Removal of hazardous constituents, organic compounds and nutrients
(sulphates and phosphates) in the brine waste stream prior to discharge;
 Evaluation of whether landfill disposal would have more or less impacts than ocean
 Mixing with sewage treatment plant or power plant cooling water discharges (when
mixing of discharge streams is intended, ensure that a desirable proportion of each
discharge is maintained to enhance dilution);
 Use of pipes that have minimal corrosive properties by hazardous substances
(polyethylene or titanium is preferable to copper nickel); and
 Timing of operations to minimize impacts (e.g., intermittent operations to minimize
discharges at times during the lunar month when fish migrations are highest; or
operation only during the winter season when the ocean is more turbulent, and
discharges would be more readily diluted).
 Quality control procedures and personnel training to avoid accidental discharges of
hazardous chemicals;
 Secondary containment for chemical feed lines and provisions for leak detection;
 Placement of navigational buoys on any new intakes and outfalls;
 Notification of commercial fishing interests prior to constructions
 Provisions for public access and timing of construction to avoid peak recreational
 Architectural design and natural buffers to reduce visual impacts;
 Equipment enclosures to reduce noise levels;
 Siting to avoid pollutants near the intake; and
 Recycling or reuse of solid wastes LAND ISSUES

 Impacts on land , boreholes , caverns ,rocks

 Discharge or release of persistent and / or toxic chemicals, microbiological agents,
radiation or thermal energy
 If disposal of brine on land, then result of site investigation in form of a geotechnical
report including subsurface strata, maximum level of water table and results of a soil
percolation test, trial pits etc, negative effects on the quality and/ or quantity of the
biophysical environment
 Whether land contamination ; soil being contaminated with pollutants
 Geological characteristics of site being determined by geological maps ( rock types
present on site and in surrounding area , properties of these rocks , location of any lines
of weakness within the bedrock)

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Impacts on water table and treatment proposed

 Impacts on geology of site and the likely geological constraints such as geological
feature being threatened with destruction, the potential for vegetation growth in soil
being compromised
 Traffic implications, including a brief traffic impact analysis
 Whether height of buildings causing communication network interference


 Proper siting
 Colonisation of vegetation to stabilise slopes and to establish nutrient cycling

 Loss of areas of distinctive landscape character, valued landscapes (e.g. local beauty
spots), specific landscape elements (coastline, woodlands), viewers of the landscape
(residents, tourists, visitors), conservation interest (archeological sites, historic
landscapes, important habitats)


 Careful siting , planning and design of the development to ensure that it is sympathetic
to its surroundings
 Preservation of scenic views and valued features
 Compensation for the loss of landscape resources e.g. mature vegetation by replacing
with an equivalent resource e.g. planting new trees GROWTH-INDUCING IMPACTS

The construction of desalination plants to meet water supply needs may result in growth-
inducing impacts. Limited water is often the major constraint to development in many parts
of the coast. Therefore, new desalination projects in coastal areas could lead directly to new
development and a resulting increase in population migration to coastal areas. New
development served by the plant could in turn interfere with long-term regional goals for
growth control.


 Siting of plants near existing seawater intake facilities (e.g., intake pipelines or
seawater wells);

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Siting of plants near existing energy sources and distribution systems;

 Siting of plants near existing fresh water distribution mains to distribute the product
 Sizing of plant capacity to be commensurate with the planned level of development
 Assessment of the long-term growth-inducing impacts of proposals for long-term
projects and for projects that are intended to be temporary, but may become permanent

Ecological impact assessments are concerned with impacts not only on the structural features
of the ecosystems (e.g. habitats, species) but also on their functional aspects (e.g.
nutrient cycling).

Predicting the ecological impacts of development is one of the most difficult stages in the
assessment process due to the complexity of natural systems and the still limited knowledge
of how ecosystems function and respond to external changes.

Three main approaches or categories of techniques for ecological evaluation have been

 Systematic approaches are the most frequently used technique and involve an
assessment of the characteristics of habitats or ecosystems
 Indicator species approaches rely on the presence (or absence) of particular species,
which can be used as surrogate for more complex or comprehensive data
 Inventory approaches are the least used technique and primarily involve producing a
classification of the ecological resources under consideration, following which each
category can be evaluated.

The EIA Report should include:

 Prediction of the ecological impacts of the proposed development

 Direct losses of habitats, flora and fauna, natural features (Feeding grounds, shelter,
breeding sites and areas used during seasonal migration may be lost) , including
habitat fragmentation
 Negative effects on the health of biota including plants , animals and fish
 Threat to rare and endangered species
 Reduction in species diversity or disruption of food webs
 Determining the significance of the ecological impacts. Factors include the timing
 of the impact, duration and frequency of the impact, timescale within which the
impact is being investigated, spatial scale of an evaluation, the nature conservation
value of a species or habitat

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Disturbance of aquatic organisms and aquatic habitats

 Hydrological disturbances – changes in the quality and quantity of surface and
groundwater flows
 Changes in the physico-chemical environment.


 Proper siting of project away from sensitive or protected areas

 Proper timing of construction activities if possible, when valued species are absent
 Use of pollution control equipment and establishment of appropriate working practices
such as the fencing of working areas to reduce disturbance to adjacent habitats
 Proposed restoration programmes e.g. landscaping and rehabilitation proposals and
their role in mitigating impacts such as compensatory rehabilitation with indigenous
species; provision of new appropriate habitats; opportunities for colonisation habitat
 Compensation or enhancement, i.e. to compensate for the adverse effects of the
proposals by enhancing the conservation value of non- impacted sites
 Translocation / transplantation of plant and /or animal species to sites not affected by

 Impacts on local populations, namely demographic aspects ,displacement of people,

labour demands, etc
 Impacts on social infrastructure namely educational, recreational and health care
facilities; transport; waste collection, treatment and disposal facilities; housing; water
and power supply; public safety
 Impacts on land use namely conversion of land use from primary agricultural land, etc SOCIO CULTURAL AND SOCIO ECONOMIC ISSUES

There may also be social and economic consequences, which could be either positive or
negative, arising from development. The economic and social impact of desalination plant
should be examined in order to establish the total impact of such developments on the
environment. This needs to be done not only in terms of costs, but also in terms of
potential benefits of a development.

Possible effects to be considered in the EIA may include:

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 local market demand for potable water

(i) analysis of supply of domestic water from CWA
(ii) future demand for potable water
 Economic impacts in terms of their potential effects on employment opportunities and
income levels
 Increase in unemployment and shrinkage in the economy
 Potential economic impacts as a result of this development in terms of cost-benefit
Socio-cultural impacts including adjacent centres of population; current activities carried out
by different stakeholders; and recreational use on site.

 Impacts on cultural property, also termed as cultural heritage or cultural resources such
as sites, structures and remains of historic, religious, cultural, archaeological or
aesthetic value. Man- made features (e.g. burial grounds, monuments, listed buildings)
as well as unique, natural sites (e.g. waterfalls, lakes, mountains) must be considered.
 Reduction of the quality and quantity of recreational opportunities or amenities
 Detrimental changes in the current use of lands and resources for traditional purposes;
loss of religious sites IMPACTS ON HUMAN HEALTH AND SAFETY

 Negative effects on human health , well-being or quality of life

 Studies of Health effects and risks resulting from potential exposures to health
 The nature, magnitude and likelihood of exposure should be assessed
 Health and Safety Plan shall be provided.


 Safety measures for personnel, protective equipment as per Health and Safety
 Medical check up of workers
 Capacity building and training of personnel (There should be competent and trained
personnel to operate the desalination plant) NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT

 Type of noise in terms of level or magnitude, frequency, duration and constant or

intermittent nature
EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Timing, for example daytime versus night

 Type of equipment and machinery used during construction and operation


 Careful choice of site location, layout, machinery and processes

 Fitting of silencers to engines
 Maintenance of equipment
 The source of noise should be enclosed
 Acoustic screening
 Soundproofing e.g. by fitting double glazed windows


Information pertaining to the decommissioning of the project at the end of its life cycle
and associated impacts, proposed measure to return the site as far as possible to its former
state, or rehabilitation measures, sediment control measures


 Frequency and severity of adverse events such as chemical spillage, technological

failure, natural disasters, etc
 Probability of occurrence, reversibility, catastrophic potential, impacts on humans and
the environment


The EIA should indicate all unavoidable impacts. These should be justified in terms of
benefits of the project and enhancements.


 The ability of the natural and social environments to assimilate cumulative stresses
placed on them
 The likelihood of negative synergistic effects


EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP) should include provisions made for on-site
monitoring during site preparation, construction, operation and decommissioning phases;
future maintenance requirements; and provision for audit during the operation of the project.
The proposed general format for EMP is at Annex 3.

The EMP should include the following pertinent information:

1. During the project inception stage: a description of the baseline information and a
benchmarking exercise based on the oceanographic characteristics in the form of an
Oceanographic Report describing the bathymetry as well as the biological, chemical,
physical and geological oceanographic characteristic of the lagoon and the outer ocean
before the project is implemented. The Oceanographic Report should include the setting
up of at least three monitoring stations; one within the lagoon in front of the site; one
monitoring station at the brine discharge point in the outer ocean and one control site far
from the site to confirm if there is any local or general degradation of the marine
environment. The monitoring sites should be clearly marked in the water using pegs and
Line Intercept Transects for benthic surveys, fish count, seawater quality analyses and
underwater photographs should be replicable at the various stages of the project.

2. During the project implementation phase: the monitoring sites should be surveyed and
checked regularly (at least once a week) using the same methodology as described in the
previous paragraph to detect any sign of beginning of environmental degradation during
the works on land and in the sea

3. During the project commissioning and operation, the monitoring should be effected on
the same sites using the same methodology as described above at regular intervals of at
least three months to detect any sign of degradation of the marine biodiversity and take
any remedial action as required before it is too late.



The proponent should indicate if other studies would be required in due course to monitor
effectiveness of proposed mitigative measures.


The proponent should provide an implementation schedule for the proposed project
which shall include:

 EIA Reference
 Environmental impacts identified
 Recommended mitigation measures

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Objectives of the recommended measures and main concerns to address

 Responsible officer (party to implement the measures)
 Location of the impacts and measures
 Appropriate Implementation time and place of the measures
 Requirements or standards for the measure to achieve
 Responsible officer/party to provide feedback to the relevant authorities

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants


A brief outline should be given of any enhancement work such as landscaping and
embellishment which is planned. This should be distinguished from mitigation measures,
which are integral to the project and form part of the proposed development. For example
upgrading of an access road for the public; participating in environmental upgrading
campaigns; providing community services and compensation to affected stakeholders.



This section should indicate who has been contacted about the project. It should include:

 Statutory bodies, environmental and amenity groups and local residents, local
fishermen, hotel operators, leisure boat operators etc. likely to be affected by the
proposed development.
 Means for contacting the public for providing publicity about the project (leaflets,
public display, questionnaires, letters, etc.).
 A brief summary of responses of public detailing the areas of concern highlighted and
their contribution to the EIA.



Proponents and consultants embarking on a desalination plant are advised to consult the
following Ministries/ Authorities prior to finalising their EIA report:

 Ministry of Housing & Lands

 Ministry of Agriculture, Food Technology & Natural Resources
 Ministry of Public Utilities (WMA, WRU, CWA)
 Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport (RDA)
 Ministry of Local Government and Solid Waste Management
 Ministry of Fisheries
 Ministry of Health & Quality of Life
 Ministry of Industry & Medium Enterprises, F.S & C.A
 Government Fire Services
 Municipalities/ District Council
 Mauritius Research Council
 Mauritius Oceanography Institute
EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Beach Authority


This section should give an outline of:

 The alternatives to the project

 The “Do Nothing” option - what will be the outcome of not undertaking the project?
 the alternative considered to be the “ most environmentally friendly” even if this is not
the project
 Can the project be undertaken elsewhere?
 Any alternative manner or process in which the undertaking may be carried out so as to
cause less harm to the environment.
 An evaluation of the impacts of each alternative, with clear information on the criteria
used to assign significance and for rejecting the alternatives
 The stage in the planning process when they were rejected



Include any irreversible residual impacts, which cannot be mitigated.


These should include information, which would cluster the main body of the text, such as
plans and maps; species lists; press releases; written responses to the project.

As appropriate, include any additional technical information and description of approaches or

methods used to provide conclusions in the EIA report; a full list of reference materials;
names and qualifications/expertise of the EIA consultants and experience in preparing
pertinent EIA Reports for the previous years.

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants



1. EIA duly signed by proponent or legal representative__________________________

2. EIA duly signed by consultant who prepared the report_________________________
3. Number and quality of printed EIA copies submitted (18)______________________
4. Name and Address of Proponent___________________________________________
5. Name, address and qualifications of consultants_______________________________
6. Conformity of soft copy version to proposed guidelines________________________
7. Title page_____________________________________________________________
8. Table of contents_______________________________________________________
9. Executive or non-technical summary_______________________________________
10. Introduction___________________________________________________________
Background information on project, promoters, any experience in similar
Project cost-benefit analysis___________________________________________
Time scale for development___________________________________________
Employment opportunities____________________________________________
Technical, economical and environmental features of project_________________
11. Site Description________________________________________________________
Copy of Title deed / Notary’s Certificate / Permission from Owner____________
Zoning, land extent__________________________________________________
Site plan (prepared and signed by land surveyor)___________________________
Context plan_______________________________________________________
Certified site / location plan to scale ____________________________________
Known landmarks___________________________________________________
Surrounding environment_____________________________________________
Number of similar undertakings in the area_______________________________
Compatibility of land uses within the area________________________________
12. Project Description_____________________________________________________
Principle , concept and purpose of desalination plant________________________
Benefits and disbenefits of the project___________________________________
Design, size and scale of project________________________________________
Capacity of plant(m3 per day)__________________________________________
Quality of water to be produced________________________________________
EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

Source and volume of sea/feed water intake_______________________________

Types of machinery to be used_________________________________________
Detailed site/layout plan______________________________________________
Detailed specification of technology used_________________________________
Plans policies and regulations with which the project conforms_______________
Detailed plans of buildings____________________________________________
Capital investment___________________________________________________
Provision for utilities_________________________________________________
Surface drains______________________________________________________
Disposal of wastewater_______________________________________________
Disposal of solid waste_______________________________________________
Contingency plan____________________________________________________
13. Description of existing environment________________________________________
Baseline data_______________________________________________________
Detailed bathymetric study of lagoon____________________________________
Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the coastal water___________
14. Climatic conditions and Associated impacts__________________________________
15. Predicted Environmental Impacts and Potential Mitigating measures______________

Construction Phase Operation Phase Decommissioning

Environmental Impacts Mitigating Impacts Mitigating Impacts Mitigating
Issues Measures Measures Measures
1. Energy use
2. Air quality
3. Coastal and
marine issues
4. Land issues
5. Landscape and
visual impact
6. Growth –
7. Ecological
8. Social impacts
9. Socio- cultural
and economic
10. Human health
and safety
11. Noise impact
EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

Construction Phase Operation Phase Decommissioning

Environmental Impacts Mitigating Impacts Mitigating Impacts Mitigating
Issues Measures Measures Measures
12. Risk
13. Residual
14. Cumulative
and synergistic

16. Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP)_____________________________________

During site preparation and implementation phase_______________________
During operation phase____________________________________________
During decommissioning phase_____________________________________
17. Identification of additional studies_________________________________________
18. Implementation schedule_________________________________________________
19. Enhancement opportunities_______________________________________________
20. Public consultation _____________________________________________________
21. Consultation with relevant stakeholders_____________________________________
Permit / clearances obtained___________________________________________
22. Alternatives___________________________________________________________
23. Conclusion____________________________________________________________
24. Appendices___________________________________________________________
25. References____________________________________________________________

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants



The Environment Protection Act provides a general guide on the contents of an EIA
document which shall contain a true statement and description of:

(a) the name and address of the proponent;

(b) the ownership of the undertaking and of the land on which it is being conducted;
(c) the name, address and qualifications of the consultant who prepared the EIA;
(d) the precise location and surroundings of the undertaking, the zoning of the site and
the number of similar undertakings in the area;
(e) the principle, concept and purpose of the undertaking;
(f) the direct or indirect effects that the undertaking is likely to have on the
(g) an assessment of the social, economic and cultural effects which the undertaking is
likely to have on the people and society;
(h) any actions or measures which the proponent proposes to take to avoid, prevent,
change, mitigate or remedy, as far as possible, the likely effects of the undertaking
on the environment;
(i) an assessment of the inevitable adverse environmental effects that the undertaking is
likely to have on the environment, people and society, where it is implemented in the
manner proposed by the proponent;
(j) an accurate assessment of the irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources
which will be involved in the undertaking, where it is implemented in the manner
proposed by the proponent;
(k) any alternative manner or process in which the undertaking may be carried out as to
cause less harm to the environment;
(l) an environmental monitoring plan;
(m) information pertaining to the decommissioning of the project at the end of its life
cycle and associated impacts, proposed measures to return the site as far as possible
to its former state, or rehabilitation measures;
(n) in the case of a new infrastructure proposal, an environmental management plan to
be implemented during the construction phase; and
(o) such other information as may be necessary for a proper assessment and review of
the potential impact of the undertaking on the environment, people and society.

Furthermore Section 19 states that, the EIA shall contain particulars of the schedule of works
undertaken by the proponent and his consultants in the preparation of the EIA, including
particulars of any consultation held with the public in the area where the undertaking is to be
EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

Section 18 also provides for the EIA to be accompanied by:

(a) satisfactory proof of ownership of the undertaking;

(i) a site plan prepared and signed by a land surveyor;
(ii) a non-technical summary of the report;
(iii) a certificate issued by a notary expressing his opinion as to the ownership of
the land on which the undertaking is to be executed, or where the proponent is
not the owner of the land, by a written evidence of the permission of the
owner, and a certificate issued by a notary expressing his opinion as to the
owner’s title.

On applying for an EIA licence, a proponent shall submit to the Director of Environment an
EIA report:

(a) in electronic form, and in 15 printed copies, and such additional copies as may
reasonably be required by the Director;
(b) Signed by the proponent or his duly appointed legal representative and
countersigned by the consultant who prepared the report.

Furthermore, the Director may request such additional information from the proponent as he
thinks necessary.

Any proponent who gives false or misleading information, or fails to disclose any material
fact or information in a EIA, shall commit an offence, and shall on a first conviction, be liable
to a fine not exceeding 50,000 rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years.

Any proponent who contravenes section 15(2) shall on a first conviction, be liable to a fine
which shall be not less than 50,000 rupees and not more than 100,000 rupees and to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 4 years.

The Director of Environment may serve, or cause to be served, on any person who
commences or carries on any development or activity without the relevant licence or permit
issued under the EPA 2002 a stop order prohibiting the development or the activity.

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants



Under Section 18 of the New Environment Protection Act 2002 and to allow more
transparency, applicants submitting EIA reports should submit same in both hard copy and
soft copy versions. The objective of adhering to the specifications, as set down below is to
ensure that users can download the EIA reports through the Ministry’s Website in a more
user-friendly format. In this connection the Ministry strongly appeals to you for your
collaboration and co-operation in this matter.


The soft copy version of the report, which should be identical to the hard copy version,
should be submitted in electronic file preferably on a CD or in WinZip format in floppy disks.

(a) The document should be broken into its different chapters with each chapter in a
separate file. The executive summary also should be treated as a chapter and
submitted in a separate file. If a chapter exceeds 50MB, then it should be further
broken down into files of less than 50 MB.

(b) The table of contents also should be submitted in one separate file. All the
chapters/headings/appendices listed under the table of contents should have
proper naming. This is important to allow the user to know which file he/she is

(c) The table of contents should provide links to the different chapters including the
executive summary and appendices.

(d) All filenames must:

be less than 8 characters
be in small letters
start with a letter

(B) The soft copy version should be page numbered, in the same order as the
hard copy and should be submitted in any one of the following 2 different
Html format.
PDF format

All html files must be in the htm extensions file format. All image files must be in the gif/jpg
extension file format.

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

(C) The EIA section will open the electronic file in the presence of the applicants in
order to ensure that the hard and soft copy versions are absolutely the same. In
case the soft copy version does not contain documents, which are present in the
hard copy version, the applicants would be called upon to fill in the form as per
Appendix 1. Decision to accept or reject the soft copy version would be taken by
the EIA Division and the applicants would be informed at a later stage.

The Ministry encourages applicants to submit their soft copy version reports at the time of
submission of the EIA reports (hard copy versions) in order to allow timely processing.

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

Appendix I

Please indicate which documents are missing from the softcopy version of the EIA report

TITLE OF REPORT: ………………………………………………………………………...


FULL NAME: …………………………………………………………………………...

DESIGNATION: ………………………………………………………………………..
PHONE: ………………. FAX: ……………… EMAIL: ………………………….
SIGNATURE: …………………………………………………………………………...
DATE: …………………………………………………………………………………...


Verified by: ………………………………………………………………………………...
Signature: …………………………………………………………………………………..
Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants


Proposed format for an Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP)

Proposed format for EMP:

1. Site Preparation and implementation phase

Site characteristics (include plans/photographs/drawings/ showing the project area any

environmental sensitive receivers and ambient air/water/sea water qualities)
Works involved and proposed mitigating measures to prevent negative impacts on
water course /road users/immediate neighbours.
Clauses to be included in contract documents to ensure implementation of proposed
mitigating measures.
Person/s responsible for informing the authorities on the date of commencing works
and monitoring the proposed mitigating measures.
Reporting procedures to the authorities.
2. Operation Phase

Parameters to be monitored (e.g. effectiveness of the fire fighting provisions, traffic

behaviour to and from the desalination plant, effectiveness of measures taken in
respect of liquid and solid waste management, measures adopted in respect of energy
conservation and waste minimization techniques).
Monitoring methodology
Equipment to be used and calibration details
Monitoring locations and control stations
Monitoring frequency and duration
The institutional system by which monitoring data will be collected, collapsed
(standards), analysed, interpreted and action taken if necessary to prevent or reduce
unwanted impacts
Contingency plan (in case of emergencies such as uncontrolled discharge of
pollutants, fire outbreak, natural calamities)
Maintenance component including building maintenance, daily and periodical
maintenance of the site, setting up of appropriate maintenance teams for treatment
plant, standby generator, etc.
Management structure for maintenance and monitoring.
Reporting procedures to the authorities.
3. Decommissioning phase
Works involved and proposed mitigating measures to prevent negative impacts on
water course/road users/immediate neighbours.
EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

Clauses to be included in contract documents to ensure implementation of proposed

mitigating measures.
Person/s responsible for informing the authorities on the date of commencing works
and monitoring the proposed mitigating measures.
Reporting procedures to the authorities.

An EMP should not be taken as a nice piece of paper included in the EIA report to influence
positively the decision-maker. Instead an EMP should be implemented by the proponent,
documented in regular reports. It is proposed that the report resulting from the
implementation of an EMP should contain the following:

 An executive summary.
 Basic information on the project including a synopsis of the project organization,
management structure (for maintenance and monitoring), and works undertaken
during the monitoring works.
 A brief summary on the requirements of the EMP including all parameters
monitored; methodology used; environment quality performance/standards limits;
environmental mitigating measures as recommended in the EIA report and consent
condition imposed in the EIA licence; and environmental requirements in contract
 Status on the implementation of the mitigating measures and pollution control
 Drawings/plans showing the project area, any environmental sensitive receivers and
the location of the monitoring and control stations.
 Monitoring results including date, time frequency and duration.
 Presentation of monitored parameters (preferably graphical plots of trends)
 Constraints and any factors which might have affected the monitoring results
 A summary of non-compliance of the environmental quality performance limits.
 A review of the reasons for and the implications of non-compliance including
review of pollution sources and working procedures;
 A description of the actions taken in the event of non-compliance and deficiency
reporting and any follow-up procedures related to earlier non-compliance;
 A summary record of all complaints received (written or verbal) for each media,
including locations and nature of complaints, liaison and consultation undertaken,
actions and follow-up procedures taken and summary of complaints;
 A summary record of notification of summons, successful prosecutions for breaches
of environmental protection/pollution control legislation, and actions taken to
rectify such breaches;
 A forecast of the works programme, impact predictions and monitoring schedule for
the next three months; and 45
EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

 Comments, recommendations and conclusions for the monitoring period.


1. Ministry of Environment (September 2002): Environment Protection Act

2. Ministry of Environment (2002): Meeting the challenges of sustainable development

3. Ministry of Housing & Lands ( July 2004): Draft Design Guidelines

4. Ministry of Housing & Lands (August 1993): Planning Guidelines

5. The World Bank (August 1998) : Environmental guidelines

6. Asian Development Bank (1993) :Environmental Assessment Guidelines

7. Division of water, Environment and forest technology, CSIR, Stellenbosh (Sep. 1996):
Strategic Environmental Assessment)
8. University of Mauritius, B. Eng Civil Thesis by Ramma/V.Proag : Potential of
Desalination In Mauritius
9. University of Mauritius, Project by Gogulsing/P.Seejore : Desalination plant at CEB of
Port Mathurin Thermal Power Station; Assessment of viability of installing an “Alpha-
Laval” desalination Plant
10. University of Mauritius, Project by Ahamud/ R.Gopee, UOM, B. Chem. Eng):
Desalination of seawater by reverse osmosis process
11. http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/mna/mena.nsf

12. http://www.coastal.ca.gov/desalrpt/dchap5.html

13. http://www.paua.de/desalination.htm

14. http://www.paua.de/Impacts.htm

15. http://www.cepmagazine.org/

16. http://www.aguadulcefreshwater.com/html/about_us.html

17. http:/ /www.resources.ca.gov/ocean/97Agenda/Chap5Desal.html

18. http://www.surfrider.org/about.asp

19. http://www.owue.water.ca.gov/recycle/desal.cfm

20. http://www. twdb.state.tx.us/desalination/desal/SOW

EIA Guidelines for Proposed Desalination Plants

Department of Environment
19 May 2005


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