A New Method For Determination of Left-to-Right Cardiac Shunts
A New Method For Determination of Left-to-Right Cardiac Shunts
A New Method For Determination of Left-to-Right Cardiac Shunts
{" Na) (2). By the 1960s, the pulmonary T AC was observed
Left-to-right cardiac shunt quantitation can be determined to better delineate between pulmonary and recirculation
from first pass radionuclide angiography. The traditional curves (3).
technique fits a gamma variate to the lung time-activity curve In 1974, Folse and Braunwald used the count ratio method
(TAC) and a second gamma variate to the recirculation (C 2/C) to describe the degree of shunting. The two main
portion of the curve. Problems may arise, however, with the problems with this technique are that single counts are greatly
fitting of the gamma variate to the subtracted recirculation influenced by statistical variation and that all laboratories
curve. We have investigated a new technique in which the
need to develop their own set of normal values.
recirculation fitting is no longer required. The new method
fits a gamma variate to the first-pass portion of the lung TAC. By 1975. Alderson used the exponential area ratio method
This gamma variate is used to generate a curve which simulates (X/Y) to establish shunt values. Alderson stated that the
the expected shape of a normal lung TAC in response to downslope of the lung curve has a monoexponential shape.
systemic recirculation. The simulated data is then subtracted Its value from the peak activity to the beginning of the early
from the observed lung TAC. A correlation coefficient ofr = recirculation is exponentially extrapolated to I% of the max-
0.87 was obtained when these two methods were compared. imum (3). This method gives a quadratic equation for X/Y
We now prefer the new method since it overcomes the problem versus a percent of shunt (4). The main problem with this
offitting the subtracted recirculation position of the curve. method is that normal values need to be established for each
laboratory (3).
In 1973, Maltz and Treves used a gamma variate method
A left-to-right cardiac shunt is defined as the premature return (5,6) to describe a curve with a rapid upslope, a peak, and an
of part of the systemic blood flow to the pulmonary circula- exponential downslope, using the following equation.
tion. Regardless of its cause, the quantitative assessment of a
cardiac shunt by noninvasive technique plays a key role in
the clinical management of a cardiac patient with a ventricular
septal defect (VSD). atrial septal defect (ASD), or patent
C(t) equals the concentration of the tracer at time t, a and B
ductus arteriosus (PDA) ( 1 ).
equal arbitrary parameters obtained from the curve fit, and
Historically, first-pass radionuclide angiography has been
K equals the constant scale factor.
used to evaluate the degree of shunting. The theory behind
The first-pass portion of the pulmonary curve is fitted by
this technique is that if a tracer is delivered to the central
the least squares technique to a gamma variate function. The
circulation as a compact bolus with uniform mixing in the
points chosen to fit the gamma curve are those that are
blood, and there is constant detector counting efficiency, the
approximately 10% of the maximum on the upslope to those
time-activity curve (T AC) of the tracer's first transit through
just before the shunt recirculation peak, which usually occurs
the lung and early recirculation will be proportional to the
respective blood volumes (2). below 70% of the maximum on the downslope. The fitted
lung area is represented as A 1; this is shown in Figure I. The
gamma function curve is then subtracted from the original
DEVELOPMENT OF TIME-ACTIVITY CURVES T AC to give the recirculation curve. This recirculation curve
As early as 1948, Prinzmeter described a T AC over the is then fitted by least squares to another gamma variate
precordium after an intravenous injection of sodium-24 function. The points chosen on the recirculation curve are
10% of the maximum on the upslope and the point after the
maximum on the downslope. This fitted recirculation area is
For reprints contact: J. S. Preslar. CNMT. Division of Nuclear Medicine.
represented as A2 (Fig. I). It is proportional to the shunt,
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Iowa City. Iowa 52242. which is expressed in terms of quantitative pulmonary/quan-
A1- Ac
Our technique fits the first-pass portion of the bolus through
the lung to a gamma variate function as does the Maltz-Treves TABLE 1. Normal Lung Data
method (5). This gamma variate fit is used to generate a curve Recirculation Recirculation
that simulates the expected shape of a normal lung T AC in Patient Minimum Maximum
response to systemic recirculation. The expected normal lung (B)* (C)*
curve is constructed by adding the scaled time integral of the 1 11% 24%
gamma variate to the initial gamma variate curve (10). The 2 17% 30%
integral function is scaled to equal the recirculation portion 3 15% 24%
of the observed lung curve, constrained by a maximum value 4 13% 26%
5 11% 25%
of25% of the curve's maximum (Fig. 2). The 25% maximum 6 16% 25%
level and the time offset of the scaled integral were determined 7 15% 29%
empirically from the inspection of normal lung T ACs (Fig. 3 8 12% 20%
and Table I). 9 17% 29%
The abnormal recirculation is then found by subtracting 10 19% 30%
11 12% 25%
the simulated curve or estimated normal lung curve, point by
point, from the observed lung curve. QP /QS is calculated as Mean 14.4% ± 2.7 26% ± 3.1
A 1/(AI - A2 ) where A 1 is the integral of the gamma variate • Minimum (B) and maximum (C) recirculation points are shown on
and Ac is the integral of the difference curve (Fig. 4 ). the normal lung curve in Figure 3.
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