Fluid Mechanics PDF
Fluid Mechanics PDF
Fluid Mechanics PDF
Prashant S. Minz
Fluid Mechanics
Prashant S. Minz
Dairy Engineering Division
NDRI, Karnal
Topic Page No
Module 1: Introduction to fluid mechanics
Lesson 1 Units and dimensions, Properties of fluids 5-17
Module 10 : Pumps
Lesson 29 Classification of pumps 153-160
Lesson 30 Reciprocating pumps 161-166
Lesson 31 Centrifugal pump, Pressure variation, work done, efficiency 167-176
Lesson 32 Numericals on pumps 177-178
Fluid Mechanics
Lesson 1
1.1 Introduction
Fluid is a substance which has no definite shape and will continuously deform or flow whenever an
external force is applied to it e.g. water, milk, steam, gas, etc. It cannot preserve its shape unless it
is restricted into a particular form depending upon the shape of its surroundings.
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• Ships, submarines, aeroplanes, Automobiles
• Storage tanks (milk silo, tankers, feed tanks, balance tanks etc.)
• Piping systems for various utilities, pipefitting & valves, flow meters etc.
• Measuring instrument
• Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) systems for optimum performance
• Heat transfer behaviour in processing equipments (such as HTST pasteurizers, spray dryers
1.3 Units and Dimensions
Solution to numerical and engineering problems becomes meaningless without units. One of the
space projects of NASA, Mars pathfinder long back in 1999 crashed because the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory engineers assumed that a measurement was in meters, but the supplying company’s
engineers had actually made the measurement in feet (Fox et al., 2004). This incident truly
represents the importance of units. A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a physical
quantity. The different systems of unit are:
1. SI system: It is the International System of Units (abbreviated SI from the French Le Système
International d'Unités.
2. CGS system: It is a system of physical units based on centimetre as the unit of length, gram as a
unit of mass, and second as a unit of time.
3. MKS system: It is a metric system of physical units based on meter as the unit of length,
kilogram as a unit of mass, and second as a unit of time.
4. FPS system The foot-pound-second system or FPS system is a system of units built on the three
fundamental units foot for length, pound for either mass or force and second for time.
Table 1.1 Commonly used units in CGS, MKS, FPS and SI
Non-standard abbreviations:
fps = feet per second
gpm = gallons per minute
cfs or cusecs = cubic feet per second
cumecs = cubic meters per second
Note: Cusec and cumecs are non-standard abbreviations as it is widely used to measure large water
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· 1 British or imperial gallon = 1.2 U.S. Gallon (±0.1%)
· 1 U.S. gallon = 3.78 Litres
When not specified, assume U.S. gallons
Table 1.2 Unit prefixes in SI system
Factor Prefix Symbol
9 Giga G
106 Mega M
103 kilo k
10-2 centi c
10-3 milli m
10-6 micro μ
10-9 nano n
Dyne = g cm/s2
1 dyne = 10-5 N
1 pound = 0.453 kg
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Pressure units
force per
Pascal Bar atmosphere Atmosphere Torr
square inch
(Pa) (bar) (at) (atm) (Torr)
≡ 1 N/m2 10−5 1.0197×10−5 9.8692×10−6 7.5006×10−3 145.04×10−6
1 ≡
100,000 1.0197 0.98692 750.06 14.5037744
bar 106 dyn/cm2
101,325 1.01325 1.0332 ≡ 1 atm 760 14.696
1 ≡ 1 Torr;
133.322 1.3332×10−3 1.3595×10−3 1.3158×10−3 19.337×10−3
torr ≈ 1 mmHg
6.894×103 68.948×10−3 70.307×10−3 68.046×10−3 51.715 ≡ 1 lbf/in2
Example reading: 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 = 10−5 bar = 10.197×10−6 at = 9.8692×10−6 atm = 7.5006×10−3 torr =
145.04×10−6 psi
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2. Weight Density (ω): Weight of fluid per unit of its volume is called weight density.
3. Specific Gravity: Ratio of density of a substance to the density of pure water at 4°C is called
specific gravity.
4. Specific Volume (v): Volume of substance per unit of its mass is called specific volume.
Unit: m3/ kg
Dimension: M-1L3
5. Vapour Pressure
Liquid exhibits a tendency to vaporise or evaporate. This process takes place at free surface of
liquid where liquid molecules continuously escape to atmosphere. The liquid molecules which
escape from free surface of liquid are in gaseous state, exert their own partial pressure on surface of
the liquid. This pressure produced by the molecules ejected is known as the vapour pressure.
Higher the vapour pressure of free liquid surface, higher will be the rate at which molecules will
escape into the atmosphere.
· Molecular activity increases with increase in temperature resulting in increase in vapour
pressure. Boiling occurs when vapour pressure of the free liquid surface is equal to saturation
vapour pressure.
· Saturation vapour pressure is attained when the space above the liquid is saturated with
vapours of the liquid. Equilibrium is established between the liquid vapour interface in which
rate of molecules escaping from the liquid surface is equal to the rate at which molecules return
to the liquid. For a liquid saturation vapour pressure is the maximum attainable vapour pressure
at a given temperature. Mercury has a very low vapour pressure (1.2 μmHg at 20°C). Therefore,
it is used in barometers and thermometers for accurate results.
6. Cohesion: It is intermolecular force of attraction between similar types of molecules.
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8. Compressibility:
i) Compressible fluids: The fluids which undergoes a change in volume or density when
pressure is applied.
ii) Incompressible fluids: The fluid which does not show a change in volume or density
when pressure is applied.
Compressibility is the property of the fluid due to which there will be a change in volume when the
fluid is subjected to an external pressure and is reciprocal of Bulk Modulus of Elasticity (k).
9. Viscosity: It is property of liquid which provides resistance to flow. For example, flowability of
honey is poor as compared to milk. Honey is highly viscous. The viscosity of honey is much higher
than milk.
· Newtonion Fluids: Fluids which follow Newton’s Law of viscosity are called Newtonian fluid.
· Non-Newtonion Fluids: Fluids which do not obey Newton’s law of viscosity are called non-
Newtonian fluids.
1.6 Newton’s Law of Viscosity
Consider a fluid contained between two parallel plates as shown in the figure 1.4:
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Fig. 1.4 Fluid contained between two parallel plates (Click fpr Animation)
Plate AD is the stationary plate where as BC is the moving plate and distance between the plates is
y units. Initially BC is at rest. The area of the plate is A. Suppose a shear force is applied to top
plate at point B. By shear force we mean a force that is applied tangentially and parallel to a
surface. It can be seen in figure 1.5:
The upper plate starts moving and attains a velocity say u m/s. Now the position changes from
ABCD to AB’C’D as shown in figure 1.6.
As we know, fluid molecules are arranged in layers. When the upper plate starts moving, the fluid
layer just touching the top plate starts moving the same velocity. Then the next layer starts moving
and so on. It can be seen in figure 1.7.
Fig. 1.7 Velocity profile(Click for Animation)
The distribution of fluid velocity from the top plate to the bottom is known as velocity gradient or
velocity profile and is given as:
Velocity gradient =
Shear stress = (shear force)/Area
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Here, μ is known as coefficient of viscosity or dynamic viscosity. The SI unit of dynamic viscosity
is Ns/m2.
CGS units of dynamic viscosity is poise:
1 poise = 0.1 Ns/m2
1 Centi poise (CP) = 0.01 poise
Kinematic Viscosity:
SI Units: m2/s
CGS units = Stoke
1.7 Numerical
Q.1 A plate moves at 2 m/s with a shearing force of 3.5 N/m2. The distance
between moving plate and fixed plate is 0.08 mm. Determine viscosity of
fluid between plates.
Velocity of plate (u) = 2 m/s
As dy is very small
= 1.4×10-2 Ns/m2
Q. 2 Two rectangular flat plates of dimensions 850 mm×600 mm are placed such
that distance between plates is 20 mm. The space between them is filled with
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oil of specific gravity 0.92. The lower plate is fixed. The upper plate moves
at 4.5 m/s and requires a force of 200 N to maintain this state. Determine
dynamic and kinematic viscosity of oil.
Solution: Velocity of plate (u) = 4.5 m/s
Force (F) = 200 N
Area of plate (A) = 850 mm × 600 mm
Distance between plates (y) = 20 mm
Density of subs = sp. gr × density of H2O at 4°C
= 920 kg/m3
= 1.7429 Ns/m2
= 0.0018945 m2/s
Q. A liquid has specific gravity of oil is 1.85 and kinematic viscosity of 8 stokes.
3 What is its dynamic viscosity?
Kinematic viscosity = 8 stokes = 8×10-4 m2/s
Density of substance = sp. gr × density of H2O at 4°C
= 1.85×1000
= 1850 kg/m3
Dynamic viscosity = kinetic viscosity× density of subs
= 1.48 Ns/m2
Q. The space between two parallel plates 5 mm apart is filled with crude oil. A
4 force of 2 N is required to drag the upper plate at constant velocity of 0.8
m/s. The lower plate is stationary. The area of upper plate is 0.09 m2.
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Determine dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity if specific gravity of oil
is 0.9.
Distance between two plates (dy) = 5×10-3
Force required (F) = 2 N
Area of plate (A) = 0.09 m2
Velocity of plate (v) = 0.08 m/s
= 1.38 Ns/m2
Specific gravity (sp. gr.) = 0.9
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Q. The distance between two parallel plates is 10 mm, the space in between is
6 filled with oil of viscosity 0.831 Ns/m2. A flat thin plate of dimensions 1.5 m
* 0.8 m moves through the oil, calculate the force required to drag the thin
plate at the velocity of 1.2 m/s when:
a) Plate is moving at the centre
b) The thin plate is at the distance of 3 mm from one of the plane surfaces.
Solution: v = 1.2 m/s, A = 1.5 X 0.8 m2, µ = 0.831 Ns/m2
a) Ftotal = F1 + F2
= 478.656 N
b) Ftotal = F1 + F2
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= 398.88 + 170.95
= 569.83 N
Numerical Exercise
1. A liquid has a specific gravity of 1.9 and kinematic viscosity of 1 stoke. What is its dynamic
viscosity? [Ans: 0.19 Ns/m2]
2. The space between two parallel plates 5 mm apart is filled with crude oil. A force of 1 N is
required to drag the upper plate at a constant velocity of 0.8 m/s. The lower plate is
stationary. The area of the upper plate is 0.09 m2. Determine: (i) The dynamic viscosity, and
(ii) the kinematic viscosity of the oil in stokes if the specific gravity of oil is 0.9. [Ans: 0.07
3. A plate has an area of 1 m2. It slides down an inclined plane, having angle of inclination 45°
to the horizontal, with a velocity of 0.5 m/s. The thickness of the oil film between the plane
and the plate is 1 mm. Find the viscosity of the fluid if the weight of the plate is 71.72 N.
[Ans: 0.000077 Ns/m2]
4. A flat plate weighing 1 N has a surface area of 0.1 m2. It slides down an inclined plane at 30°
to the horizontal, at a constant speed of 3 m/s. If the inclined plane is lubricated with an oil of
viscosity 0.1 N.s/m2, find the thickness of the oil film. [Ans: 0.101 m]
5. A plate moves at 2 m/s with shearing force of 3.5 N/m2. The distance between the moving
plate and fixed plate is 1 mm. Determine the viscosity of the fluid between the plates. [Ans:
0.060 Ns/m2]
6. Two rectangular flat plates of dimensions 850mm X 600 mm are placed such that the
distance between the parallel plates is 20 mm. The space in-between is filled with oil of
specific gravity 0.92. The lower plate is fixed. The upper plate moves at 4.5 m/s and requires
a force of 201 N to maintain this speed. Determine the dynamic and kinematic viscosity of
oil. [Ans: 0.002 Ns/m2, 2.17*10-6 m2/s]
7. Determine the dynamic viscosity of a liquid having specific gravity of 1.85 and kinematic
viscosity of 8 stokes. [Ans: 1.752 Ns/m2]
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8. A flat thin plate is dragged at a constant velocity of 1.2 m/s applying a force of 20 N. The
lower plate is stationary and the area of upper plate is 0.1 m2. Distance between the plates is
10 mm. If the specific gravity of oil filled between the plates is 0.92, calculate the dynamic
and kinematic viscosity of oil. [Ans: 1.666 Ns/m2, 1.811 * 10-3 m2/s]
9. Two large parallel flat plates are positioned 40 mm apart. A 2.5 mm thick plate of 0.5 m2 area
is being towed in lubricating oil filled between the plates with a constant force of 200 N.
Calculate the towing speed of plate when it remains equidistant from the two parallel plates.
The viscosity of the oil is 0.946 N.s/m2. [Ans: 3.9 m/s]
10. The distance between two parallel planes is 10 mm. The space in between is filled with oil
of viscosity 0.831 N.s/m2. A flat thin plate of dimensions 1.5 m * 0.8 m moves through the
oil. Calculate the force required to drag the thin plate at a velocity of 1.2 m/s when:
a. the plate is moving at the center. [Ans: 478.65 N]
b. The thin plate is at a distance of 3 mm from one of the plane surfaces. [Ans: 569.82 N]
11. A steel shaft of 60 mm diameter slides smoothly through a pipe of 65 mm internal diameter
and length 120 mm. A vertical force of 250 N is required to pull the shaft back to the original
position at the same constant speed. Determine the viscosity of oil filled between the shaft
and pipe. Take velocity as 4.5 m/s. [Ans: 5.67 Ns/m2]
12. A cubical block weighing 20 kg and having a 20 cm edge is allowed to slide down an
inclined plane making an angle of 20° with the horizontal on which there is a thin film of oil
having viscosity 0.22 N.s/m2. What velocity will be attained by the block if the film
thickness is estimated to be 0.025 mm. [Ans: 0.19 m/s]
13. A flat plate weighing 350 N is sliding on a smooth inclined plate at 25° to the horizontal.
The flat plate is moving with a velocity of 1.35 m/s over the inclined surface. The inclined
plate is lubricated such that the thickness of lubricant applied between the plane and plate is
2 mm. Determine the dynamic and kinematic viscosity of fluid if the area of the moving plate
is 0.8 m2. The density of the lubricant is 1785 kg/m3. [Ans: 0.221 Ns/m2, 1.23*10-4 m2/s]
14. In a stream of glycerin in motion, at a certain point the velocity gradient is 0.25 s-1. The mass
density of fluid is 1289 kg/m3 and kinematic viscosity is 5.2X10-3 m2/s. Calculate the shear
stress at the point. [Ans: 1.6757 N/m2]
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Fluid Mechanics
Lesson 2
2.1 Introduction
Fluid has property that it exerts force on all the sides, top and bottom. Pressure
exerted by fluid is given as force per unit area which is as follows:
Pressure =
The SI unit of pressure is newton per square metre (N/m2). This is also known as
pascal (Pa). The values of standard atmospheric pressure are as follows:
· 760 mm of mercury column
· 10.3 m of water column
· 101.3 kN/m2
· 101.3 kPa
· 1 bar
Pressure in a continuously distributed uniform static fluid varies only with vertical
distance and is independent of the shape of the container. The pressure is the same
at all points on a given horizontal plane in the fluid. The pressure increases with
depth in the fluid.
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p.∆A + ∆A.∆h.ρg =
∆h.ρg =
Pressure variation in any static fluid is described by the above basic pressure height
relationship. This equation describes hydrostatic law and indicates that rate of
increase of pressure in a vertical downward direction is equal to the weight density
(also known as specific weight) of fluid at that point.
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Here h is known as the pressure head and its unit is in metres (m).
The pressure in a liquid is not a function of shape or size of the container. Pressure
is only the function of density and height or depth ‘h’ inside the liquid at which
pressure has to be calculated.
Click for Animation (Fig. 2.2 Pressure for vessel of various shapes)
Gauge Pressure
Absolute Pressure
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Px.δy.δz = δz.δs.Ps.
Px = Ps ---------------(i)
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2.6 Numerical
Q1. A hydraulic press has a diameter ratio between the two piston of 8:1. The
diameter of the larger piston is 600 mm and it is required to support a mass of
3500 kg. The press filled with hydraulic fluid of sp.gravity 0.8. Calculate the
force required on the smaller piston to provide the required force: a) When the
two pistons are at the same level. B) When the smaller piston is 2.6 m below the
larger piston.
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Q2. The diameter of the piston of a hydraulic jack is 6 times greater than the
diameter of the plunger which is 200 mm. They are both at same height and
made of same material. The piston weighs 100 N and supports a mass of 50 kg.
The jack is filled with oil of density 900 kg/m3. Calculate the force required at
the plunger to support the piston and mass if carries at a level 10 cm above that
of plunger.
Q3. The ratio of the diameter of plunger and ram is 1:5, the diameter of
plunger is 40 mm; find the weight lifted by the hydraulic press when the force
is applied at plunger is 500 N.
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Solution. P1 = P2
A1 =
A2 =
P1 = ; P2 =
F1 =
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Fluid Mechanics
Lesson 3
When the fluid is in static condition, there will not be any relative motion between adjacent
fluid layers. The velocity gradient as well as shear stress will be zero. The forces acting on
fluid particles will be due to pressure of fluid normal to the surface and due to gravity.
Consider a plane surface of arbitrary shape immersed vertically in a static mass of fluid as
shown in Fig. 3.1.
C = Centre of gravity
P= Centre of pressure
= depth of centre of gravity from free liquid surface 1-1’
= depth of centre of pressure from free surface of liquid 1-1’
Fig. 3.1 A plane surface of arbitrary shape immersed vertically in a static fluid
The distance of centre of gravity from free surface is . Let P be the centre of pressure at
which the resultant pressure on the rectangular plate acts.
Consider an elementary strip of ‘dx’ thickness and width b at the distance x from the free
surface of liquid. Let pressure acting on the strip is p. If density of the liquid is ρ, then
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Since b = moment of surface area about the free liquid surface, we can take its value
surface as .A
Total pressure force is equal to total area multiplied by the pressure at the centre of gravity
of the plate surface immersed in the liquid.
The pressure on the immersed surface increases with depth. As shown in the following
figure the pressure will be minimum at the top and maximum at the bottom of immersed
Suppose centre of pressure (P) is from the free surface of the liquid;
Thus the resultant pressure will act at a point P much below the centre of gravity. Point P is
known as the “centre of pressure” at which the resultant pressure acts on the immersed
Total moment of pressure force for entire area = ρgIo --------------- (i)
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--------------- (iii)
--------------- (iv)
Ic = moment of inertia of area about an axis passing through centre of gravity.
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= 1000 X 9.81 X 2 X 24
= 470880 N
= 470.88 kN
Centre of pressure ( )=
Ic =
= =
Therefore, = 2.67 m
Centre of pressure ( )=
= =
= 5.26 m
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Q2. A rectangular plate 2 m * 3 m is placed vertically in oil bath such that 3 m side is
parallel to the free surface of liquid. Calculate the hydrostatic force and centre of
pressure if the top of rectangular plate is 2.5 m below the oil surface. Specific gravity
of oil = 0.1
= 3.5 m; A = 6m2; g = 9.8 m/s2
ρ = 0.1 * 1000 = 100 kg/m3
Centre of pressure ( ) =
= 3.59 m
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Lesson 4
Q.1. Change in pressure for a liquid is 2 MN/m2. The volumetric strain induced in the liquid was
0.05. Determine the bulk modulus of elasticity for the liquid.
Q.2. A cylinder having 10 litre volume is completely filled with oil. When a pressure of 9.2
MN/m2 is applied the volume decreases by 500 ml. Find the bulk modulus of oil.
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Q.3. Bulk modulus of water is k = 2.07 × 106 kN/m2. Determine the pressure required to compress
10 litre of water by 0.1 litre.
Bulk modules =
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4.2.1 Different cases for surface tension
Fig. 4.2 Water droplet and its sectional view (Click for Animation)
Case 1: Water droplet
Pressure force
Surface tension force acting around the circumference =
Where, Surface tension
Under equilibrium
Pressure force
Surface tension force acting around the circumference =
Where, Surface tension
Under equilibrium
Pressure force
4.2.2 Capillarity
It is a phenomenon in which liquid in a glass tube capillary rises or falls from its original level due
to the combined effect of cohesion and adhesion.
a) For laboratory purpose the diameter of the glass tube should be greater than 8 mm.
b) For glass tube with length more than 12 cm; the effect of capillarity becomes negligible.
c) Capillary rise occurs in the case of water. But in other case like in mercury there is capillary
4.2.3 Non-wetting and wetting liquid
According to the surface wetting ability liquids can be classified as
Non-wetting liquid: Angle of contact θ > π/2
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Lesson 5
5.1 Introduction
There are many techniques for the measurement of pressure and vacuum.
Instruments used to measure pressure are called pressure gauges. Manometers are
used for the measurement of very low pressures as well as vacuum especially in
hydraulic laboratories.
5.2 Manometers
Manometers are used for measuring pressures by balancing the fluid column of fluid
against another column of fluid of known specific gravity. Manometers can be
classified as:
1. Simple manometers
a. Piezometer
b. U-tube manometer
2. Micro manometers (or single column manometers)
a. Vertical column micro manometer
b. Inclined column micro manometer
3. Differential manometers
a. Upright U-tube differential manometer
b. Inverted U-tube differential manometer
1. Simple manometers
It consists of a glass tube with one end open to the atmosphere and other end
connected to a point at which pressure is to be measured.
a. Piezometer
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= density of liquid
h = height of liquid in the piezometer from the centre of the pipe.
g = acceleration due to gravity.
b. U-tube manometer
The manometer is named so because it consists of a glass tube having the shape of
alphabet 'U’. One end is open to the atmosphere and other end connected to a point
at which pressure is to be measured.
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-------- (iii)
----------- (iv)
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Step 3: Mark the distances of centre of pipe and the liquid level in the vertical
column from the datum line X-X’
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Step 5: Write the equation for pressure head in the left limb starting from center of
Step 6: Write the equation for pressure head in the right limb starting from center of
Step 7: Equate the pressure heads in the two limbs (left and right) to get the value of
Equating pressure head at X-X’ as the pressure at datum line would be equal.
h + h1S1 = h2S2
h = h2S2 - h1S1
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1. Moving downward from a point in a manometer, all the pressure heads will be
2. Moving upward from a point in a manometer, all the pressure heads will be
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Lesson 6
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Micro-Manometer
It is of two types:
i. Vertical column micro-manometer
ii. Inclined column micro-manometer
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Initially, when there is no fluid flowing in the pipe the level of manometer liquid is
at XX’. But due to liquid pressure in the pipe the level of manometer liquid moves
down from XX’ to YY’ in the tank and rises in the right limb to the distance h2 from
ρ1 = density of liquid for which pressure has to be determined
ρ2 = density of manometer liquid (assume mercury)
S1 = Specific gravity of liquid for which pressure has to be determined
S2 = Specific gravity of manometer liquid
δh = Fall in the level of liquid in the tank
A = Area of cross-section of the tank
a = Area of cross-section of the right limb
h = Pressure head of fluid in the pipe (as head of water)
.................................................................................. (i)
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If the cross sectional area of the tank A is very large compared to cross sectional
area of the right limb then i.e. A >> a, then,
Ratio of a/A will be zero and the above equation can be re-written as:
Inclined manometers are more sensitive than vertical column manometers. Initially,
when there is no fluid flowing in the pipe the level of manometer liquid is at XX’.
But due to liquid pressure in the pipe the level of manometer liquid moves down
from XX’ to YY’ in the tank and rises in the right limb to the distance h2 from XX’.
S1 = Specific gravity of liquid for which pressure has to be determined
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‘h1’ is the distance from the datum line XX’ to the centre of pipe
‘h2’ is the height of heavy liquid from the datum line XX’ in the right limb
= length of manometer fluid along the right limb
The rise in the manometer fluid in the right limb will be equal to the fall of level in
the tank.
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Lesson 7
7.1 Introduction
Differential manometers are used to measure the difference of pressures between two points in a
pipe or in two different pipes. There are two types of differential manometers.
1. U-tube upright differential manometer
2. U-tube inverted differential manometer
7.2 U-tube Upright Differential Manometer
It is used to measure pressure difference at two points in a pipe or between two pipes at different
Case 1 - U-tube upright differential manometer connected at two points in a pipe at same
The construction and arrangement of a manometer connected at two different points, A and B, of a
pipe is shown in figure 7.1.
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Case 2 - U-tube upright differential manometer connected between two pipes at different
levels and carrying different fluids
Fig. 7.2 Vertical differential manometer (pressure difference between two pipes)
S1 = Specific gravity of liquid in pipe A
S2 = Specific gravity of liquid in pipe B
S = Specific gravity of manometer liquid
hA be the pressure head in terms of height of fluid in the pipe at point A
hB be the pressure head in terms of height of fluid in the pipe at point B
h is the distance of mercury level in the right limb from the datum line XX’
h1 is the height of manometer liquid level in the left limb from the from the datum line
h2 is the height of manometer liquid level in the right limb from the from the centre of
pipe at point B.
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7.4 Numerical
Q1. A U-tube monometer is used to measure the pressure of oil (specific gravity 0.85) flowing in a
pipe line. It’s left end connected to pipe and right limb is open to the atmosphere. The centre of
pipe is 100 mm below the level of mercury in the right limb. If the difference of mercury level in
the two line is 160 mm, then determine the head and pressure.
= - (40*1+100*13.6) * 10-3
= - (40+1360) * 10-3
= -1400 * 10-3
= -1.4 m
P = ρgh
= 1000 * 9.81 * 1.4
= 13734 N/m2
Q3. A simple U-tube manometer containing mercury is connected to a pipe in which an oil of
specific gravity 0.80 is flowing. The pressure in the pipe is vacuum. The other end of the
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manometer is open to atmosphere, find the vacuum pressure in pipe if the difference of mercury
level in two limbs is 200 mm and height of oil in left end from the centre of pipe is 150 mm
h = h2S2- h1S1
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Q 4: The pressure of water in a domestic supply line was measured using manometer shown in the
figure. Derive the equation for head and determine the pressure. [Ans: h= 1.99 m, p = 19.52
Q 5: Negative pressure in a water pipe was measured using U-tube manometer containing
mercury (Specific gravity 13.6). The left limb was connected to the water pipe and right limb was
exposed to the atmosphere. Height of water upto centre of pipe in the left limb was 30 mm.
Difference between the mercury levels in the two limbs was 50 mm. Determine the vacuum
pressure in the pipe and also derive the equation used. [Ans: h= -0.710 m, p = -6.965 kN/m2]
Q 6: A vertical column micro manometer is connected to a pipe containing oil of specific gravity
0.92. The ratio of area of reservoir to that of vertical column is 150. Calculate the oil pressure in
the pipe. [Ans: h= 7.98 m, p = 78.28 kN/m2]
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Q 7: Difference in pressure in pipe at two points A and B was measured using a differential
manometer. The specific gravity of oil in the pipe is 0.85. If the difference in the mercury level in
the two limbs is 200 mm, calculate the pressure difference. [Ans: h= 2.55 m, p = 25.01 kN/m2]
Q 8: Pressure difference in a water pipe at two points A and B was measured using a differential
manometer. If the difference in the mercury level in the two limbs is 50 mm, calculate the pressure
difference between two points. [Ans: h= 0.63 m, p = 6.18 kN/m2]
Q 9: A U-tube differential manometer is connected to two pipes at A and B. Pipe A Contains oil
of Specific Gravity 0.92 and pipe B is carrying water. If the pressure at point A is 125 kN/m2 find
the pressure at point B. [Ans: h= -3.098 m, p = 30.39 kN/m2]
Q 10: An inverted tube differential manometer having an oil of specific gravity 0.9 is connected to
two different pipes carrying water under pressure. Determine the pressure in the pipe B. The
pressure in pipe A is 2 m of water. [Ans: h= 1.88 m, p = 18.44 kN/m2]
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Lesson 8
8.1 Introduction
• Manometers are suitable for lower pressure i.e. near to atmosphere pressures.
• For measuring medium and high pressure elastic pressure gauge such as tubes, diaphragms,
bellows etc. are used.
• Elastic deformation in these elements shows the effect of pressure.
• Since, there elements deform within elastic limit therefore these gauges are also called
elastic gauges.
· Mechanical gauges are called secondary instruments because they have to be calibrated
with help of primary instrument such as manometer.
8.2 Simple Mercury Barometer
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Transducers are instruments which convert one form of signal into another form of signal.
Electronic pressure transducers sense the signals and convert into electronic/electrical signals
which can be further processed. Few of them are strain gauge, piezoelectric, capacitive, magnetic
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Lesson 9
9.1 Introduction
· Why do a ship weighing tonnes easily floats in sea where as a hammer sinks
in water?
· Why a person does not sink in Dead Sea?
· How a life jacket does help in time of emergency?
9.2 Buoyancy
When a body is submerged in fluid, it experiences an upward thrust due to the fluid
pressure. This vertical upward force is known as buoyant force (FB). It is shown in
Fig. 9.1.The tendency of anybody to be lifted upward in a fluid against the force of
gravity is known as buoyancy.
The point through which the buoyant force acts is called the centre of buoyancy. It
is at the centre of gravity of the volume of displaced fluid. Here in Fig. 9.1 point B
is known as the centre of buoyancy.
Archimedes Principle states that the buoyant force acting on the body immersed in
fluid is equal to the weight of fluid displaced by the body.
This principle explains the loss of weight in a body immersed in fluid, which is
equal to the weight of fluid displaced by it. The volume of fluid displaced by the
floating body is just enough to balance its weight.
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9.5 Numericals
(i) W = (4 * 2 * 1) * 700 * 9.81
FB = Vf * 1000 * 9.81
W = FB (according to Archimedes Principle)
Therefore, 4 * 2 * 1 * 700 * 9.81 = Vf * 1000 * 9.81
Vf = 5.6 m3
(ii) h * 2 * 4 = 5.6
h = 0.7 m
Position of centre of buoyancy = h/2 = 0.35 m
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Q3. A metallic cube 30 cm side and weighing 450 N is lowered into a tank
containing two fluid layers of water and mercury. Determine the position of
block at mercury and water interface when it has reached at equilibrium.
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Lesson 10
10.1 Introduction
In the previous lesson, the position (i.e. center of gravity) of a solid cone affecting
its stability was discussed. This lesson will cover the equilibrium states of the
floating bodies and the factors affecting it.
1. Stable equilibrium
2. Unstable equilibrium
3. Neutral equilibrium
When a body is given a small angular displacement, i.e. it is tilted slightly by some
external force and then it returns back to original position due to internal forces.
Such equilibrium is called stable equilibrium.
If a body does not return to its original position from the slightly displaced angular
position and moves father away when give a small angular displacement such
equilibrium is called an unstable equilibrium.
The body remains at rest in any position to which it may be displaced, no net force
tends to return the body to its original state or to drive it further away from the
original position, is called neutral equilibrium. Fig. 10.1 shows the case of neutral
Click for Animation (Fig. 10.1 Case of neutral equilibrium of a ball floating on
10.3 Metacentre
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Metacentre (M) may be defined as the point of intersection of the axis of body
passing through centre of gravity (G) and original centre of buoyancy (B) and a
vertical line passing through the new centre of buoyancy (B’) of the titled position
of the body.
Click for Animation (Fig. 10.2 Metacentre of a wooden block floating on water)
Metacentric height: The distance between the centre of gravity of a floating body
and the metacentre, i.e. distance GM is called meta-centric height (Fig. 10.2).
Relation between centre of gravity and metacentre in different three types of
In this, position of metacentre (M) remains higher than centre of gravity of body.
In this position of metacentre (M) remains lower than centre of gravity of body.
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Fig. 10.4 shows a air balloon that will be highly unstable when centre of gravity (G)
is above centre of buoyancy (B).
The above cases were of submerged body. For floating body particularly ship the
construction of ship body plays an important role in its stability. It is such so as to
withstand high wave and tide (Fig. 10.5).
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Where I = area moment of inertia of the cross sectional area at the surface of fluid
(Fig. 10.7).
Fig. 10.7 a*b is the cross sectional area at the surface of liquid
Metacentric Height GM = BM - BG
If GM is +ve then G is above point B.
If GM is –ve then G is below point B.
10.8 Numericals
Q1. A wooden block of specific gravity = 0.75 floats in water if the size of the
block is 1.2 m * 0.6 m * 0.5 m. Find its metacentric height i.e. GM.
BM = I/V
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OB = h/2 = 0.1875 m
BG = OG - OB = 0.25 - 0.1875 = 0.0625 m
GM = BM - BG
BM =
Q2. A solid cylinder 3 m in diameter and 3 m height is floating in water with its
axis vertical. If the specific gravity of cylinder is 0.7 then find its meta centric
height, i.e. GM.
Q3. A wooden cube side 1 m is floating in water. Specific gravity of cube is 0.7;
Find its meta centric height.
1 * 1 * 1 * 700 * 9.81 = V * 1000 * 9.81
V = 0.7 m3
h * 1 * 1 = 0.7
h = 0.7 m
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OB = h/2 = 0.35 m
OG = 1/2 = 0.5 m
BG = OG - OB = 0.5 - 0.35 = 0.15 m
BM = I/V
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Lesson 11
11.1 Introduction
In Fluid Mechanics, the knowledge of flow behavior is important as the analysis and
calculations depends on the flow conditions.
1. Steady flow
2. Unsteady flow
3. Uniform flow
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4. Non-uniform flow
When the velocity changes from point to point in a flow at any given
instant of time, the flow is described as non-uniform flow.
5. Compressible flow
The flow in which density of the fluid varies during the flow is called
compressible fluid flow. (i. e. ). This is applicable in gas
6. Incompressible flow
7. Pressurized flow
8. Gravity flow
Rotational flow: The fluid particles while flowing also rotate about their
own axis.
Irrotational flow: The fluid particles while flowing do not rotate about
their own axis.
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In this type of fluid flow, particles move along well defied paths or steam
lines. The fluid layers moves smoothly over the adjacent layer. The fluid
particles move in a definite path and their paths do not cross each other
(Fig. 11.1).
In turbulent fluid flow, fluid particles move in a random and zigzag way (Fig.
11.2). Turbulence is characterized by the formation of eddies.
It is defined as the ratio of inertia force of the flowing fluid to the viscosity force of
the fluid. In case of pipe flow, it is determined by using the following equation.
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Streamline: Is an imaginary line and velocity vector at any point on a stream line is
tangent to the streamline (Fig. 11.3).
Streaklines are obtained by joining the locus of points of all the fluid particles that
have passed continuously through a fixed point during time t. Dye steadily injected
into the fluid at a fixed point extends along a streakline.
11.5 Numericals
Q.1 Predict whether the flow would be laminar or turbulent in a pipe of diameter 5
cm. Consider density of liquid to be 950 kg/m3, viscosity 0.2 Ns/m2 and flow
velocity 20 m/s.
Q.2 Calculate the Reynlod’s number if pipe diameter is 4 cm, liquid density 900
kg/cm3, viscosity 0.5 Ns/m2 and flow velocity 10 m/s.
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12.1 Introduction
Continuity equation is one of the widely used formulae in Fluid Mechanics. The
equation based on the conservation of mass is called continuity equation. When
fluid flows in any pipeline, the rate of fluid flowing at every section remains
At section XX’:
Area of pipe = A1
Velocity of fluid = V1
Density of fluid = ρ1
At YY’:
Area = A2
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Density = ρ2
Mass flow rate into the system = Mass flow rate out of the system
For compressible fluid applying conservation of mass,
ρ1A1V1 = ρ2A2V2 (Mass flow rate remains constant)
For incompressible fluid
ρ = constant i.e. ρ1=ρ2= ρ
A1V1 = A2V2
Discharge, Q = AV
Thus, continuity equation relates flow velocity with area of the section, if area of
flow at any section is decreased there is an increase in flow velocity.
12.3 Numericals
Q 1. The area of a pipe at section XX’ is 315 cm2. The area of pipe at section
YY’ is twice the area of section XX’. The velocity at section XX’ is 4.5 m/s. Find
the velocity at section YY’. Also determine the flow rate through the pipe.
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A1V1 = A2V2
Discharge = A1V1
ρ1A1V1 = ρ2A2V2
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12.4 Numericals
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Lesson 13
13.1 Introduction
Bernoulli’s Theorem is based on the conservation of energy in fluid flow. There are three types of
energy namely potential energy, kinetic energy and pressure energy possessed by the liquid. The
theorem explains how these energies change from one form to another form. Many instruments
such as Pitot tube, Venturimeter etc. are working on the principle of Bernouilli’s theorem for the
measurement of fluid flow.
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At YY’
Cross sectional area of pipe = A2
Velocity of fluid = V2
Pressure of fluid = P2
The above equation holds true for an ideal fluid (i.e. when there is no loss of head between two
points). However, in practice some energy is lost due to friction and it is denoted by HL then
13.3 Total Energy Line (TEL) and Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL)
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Fig. 13.2 Total Energy Line (TEL) and Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL)
(1) At points A1, A2 and A3, piezometer tube measures the pressure head (P/ρg) by rise of
liquid in the peizometer tube h1, h2 and h3 respectively.
(2) Points A1, A2, A3 and A4 are located at a height of Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4 above datum
(reference line XX’). Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4 are known as potential heads.
(3) Points L1, L2, and L3 represent the water level in the peizometer and are located at a height
of (Z1+h1), (Z2+h2) and (Z3+h3).
(4) Point L4 is located at tip of nozzle is at height Z4 above datum line.
(5) The line joining points L1, L2, L3 and L4 is known as HGL and (P/ρg + Z) is known as
hydraulic gradient.
(6) Total energy line is line joining points denoting total head is represented as
(7) At tip of nozzle (L4) the liquid is exposed to atmosphere as a result pressure head becomes
(8) For flow in converging pipe there is a decrease in the pressure head (P/ρg) and
consecutively there is a rise in velocity energy.
(9) At tip of nozzle pressure head and entire pressure energy gets converted into K.E. causing
the flow velocity to increase.
13.4 Numericals
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Q 1. Water is flowing through an inclined pipeline of diameter 20 cm & 40 cm at section A & B
respectively. Section A& B are located at height of 2 m & 2.5 m respectively from ground level.
The discharge through pipe is 30 l/s. If the pressure at A is 20 kPa, find the pressure at point B.
1 Pa = 1 N/m2
Q 2. A horizontal pipe of diameter 250 mm carries oil (sp. gravity = 0.89) at the rate of 125 l/s and
a pressure of 32 kPa. The pipe converges to a 100 mm diameter at a section located in down
stream. Determine the pressure at down stream.
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Q 3. The area of cross-section at point A in a converging pipe reduces from 0.45 m2 to 0.22 m2 at
point B. The velocity & pressure at point A are 2.5 m/s and 200 kN/m2 respectively. Neglecting
the frictional head loss in pipe, calculate the pressure at point B which is 6 m above the level of A.
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14.1 Introduction
Bernoulli’s theorem has number of applications. The working of many flow measuring devices are
based on the principle of Bernoulli’s theorem. Some equations used in fluid mechanics are also
derived using the concept of fluid mechanics. Some of the devices used for the measurement of
fluid flow are as under.
1. Stagnation Tube
2. Stagnation Tube + piezometer
3. Pitot tube
4. Flow through nozzle from reservoir
14.2 Stagnation Tube
Stagnation tube is used to measure velocity in an open flow (Fig. 14.1).
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Fig. 14.2 Stagnation tube with a piezometer placed in a pipe (closed flow)
(1) The peizometer measures static pressure of fluid flowing in the pipe.
(2) The stagnation tube measures the stagnation pressure at any point in the fluid.
14.4 Pitot tube
Pitot tube is used for the measurement of fluid velocity. The construction of Pitot tube is shown in
Fig. 14.3. Outer body of Pitot tube consists of ports at point A, for sensing the static pressure of
fluid. At point B, fluid velocity becomes zero and inner tube is for sensing the stagnation pressure.
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The two ends of Pitot tube are connected to U-tube manometer for measuring the pressure
difference between the points A and B.
Fig 14.4 shows a reservoir fitted with a nozzle on the side. Point A corresponds to free water
surface and point B at the tip of nozzle of opening.
At point A
Velocity V1 = 0 (since the top water level is moving very slow compared to velocity of
water at B.
Pressure (P1) = 0
Height of point A from datum line = h
At point B
Velocity = V2
Pressure (P2) = 0
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Height of point B from datum line = 0
Apply Bernoulli’s Theorem:
0 + 0 +h =
V22 = 2gh
V2 =
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Lesson 15
15.1 Introduction
Liquids flow in a pipe due to pressure or gravity. In case of pressure flow, if a piezometer is
connected to the pipe, the rise of liquid is suppose h meters. The pressure, P and head, h are
related by the relation P = ρgh. In SI system of units the pressure is usually measured in terms of
Pa (N/m2) or kPa. In case of liquids it can also be expressed as head i.e. the rise of liquid in the
piezometer. When a fluid flows through a pipe, it experiences some resistance due to which some
of the energy of fluid is lost. The head loss in fluid flow is classified in two categories namely
major head losses and minor head losses. In this module, reasons for such head losses and the
method of estimating these head losses are discussed.
15.2 Flow through pipe
There are two cases of flow:
(i) Closed Conduit
(ii) Open Conduit
(i) Closed conduit: It is a pipe or duct through which the fluid flows by completely filling
the cross-section. Since, the fluid has no free surface; its pressure may be above or below
the pressure of the atmosphere.
(ii) Open conduit: It is a duct or open channel in which fluid flows with the free surface. If a
closed pipe not running full, it may be treated as open channel.
15.3 Pressure/Head Loss
a. Major head losses in pipe flow: The major head losses in fluid flow are caused by friction of
the conveying pipeline. The internal surface which comes in contact with the flowing fluid causes
friction on the fluid layers. The extent of head loss depends on roughness of the pipeline as well as
flow characteristics of the fluid. This head loss takes place continuously in the entire conveying
pipeline/duct and it is characterized as major head loss.
b. Minor losses in pipe flow: Minor head losses include head loss or pressure drop due to pipe
fittings, valves, entrance and exit of pipe, sudden contraction or expansion etc. This head loss is
relatively small in case of very long pipeline but it may be high in case of small pipe network
involving many fittings and valves.
15.4 Major Losses in Pipe Flow (Friction)
The major head losses can be estimated by the following methods:
(a) Darcy’s Formula (flow in pipe)
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Substituting another term called hydraulic mean depth (also known as hydraulic radius) in the
above equation, such that hydraulic mean depth
Now, Substituting two more terms in the above equation such that
15.5 Numericals
Q 1. (a) Using Darcy’s formula calculate head loss due to friction in a pipe of diameter 150 mm
and length 50 m. Velocity of water is 2 m/s and co-efficient of friction is 0.004. Kinematic
viscosity of water is 0.013 stoke.
(b) In the above numerical calculate the head loss using Chezy’s formula considering C = 45.
L = 50 m
D = 0.150 m
V = 2.0 m/s
F = 0.004
v = 0.013 X 10-4 m2/s
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Q 2. In a piping system length & diameter of pipe is 100 m & 300 mm respectively, water is
flowing at velocity of 4 m/s.
(a) Calculate head loss using Darcy’s formula.
Given Kinematic viscosity = 0.013 stokes.
(b) Find head loss if Chezy’s constant C = 45.
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Q 3. Water is pumped from station A to station B in a pipe of length 60 m and diameter 250 mm,
at a velocity of 3 m/s. Assuming Kinematic viscosity of water is 0.013 * 10-4 m2/s. Find the
frictional loss of head by using.
(a) Darcy’s formula
(b) Chezy’s formula where C = 60.
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16.1 Introduction
As discussed in the earlier lecture, minor losses include head loss or pressure drop
due to pipe fittings, entrance and exit of pipe, sudden contraction or expansion etc.
These are considered as minor because pressure drop is small compared to the major
or frictional head loss. Minor Head losses are:
1. Head loss at the entrance of pipe
2. Head loss at the exit of pipe
3. Head loss due to obstruction in pipe
4. Head loss due to sudden contraction in pipe
5. Head loss due to sudden expansion in pipe
6. Head loss due to pipe fittings
Point A shows the place where liquid is entering the piping system from the tank
(Fig. 16.1).
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Head loss at the pipe exit (point A) where liquid gets freely discharged into
atmosphere is given as:
V = velocity
If an irregular obstruction is placed in the pipe it will cause pressure drop. Figure
16.3 shows an irregular object placed in the path of flow.
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After sudden contraction the streamlines contract to pass through a minimum cross
sectional area (Ac) and the fluid stream widens to fill the pipe. This minimum cross
section is known as vena contracta and Ac is the area of cross section at vena
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Formation of eddies takes place between the vena contract and pipe wall.
Head loss due to sudden contraction=head loss upto vena contracta + head loss due
to sudden enlargement.
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Due to sudden enlargement turbulent eddies are formed at the corner of the
enlargement of the pipe section. The formation of eddies cause loss of energy in
form of heat to the surrounding. Let Pe be the pressure of the eddying fluid he be the
head loss due to enlargement.
Since Z1 = Z2
Since mean pressure due to the formation of eddies (Pe) is approximately equal to
the inlet pressure (P1),
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Various pipe fittings like bend, elbow, tee etc also contribute to pressure drop. The
head loss due to pipe fittings is given by the following equation:
KL= Friction loss co-efficient/ loss co-efficient, depend on the shape, size and
type of pipe fittings.
Globe Valve 10
Gate valve(wide 0.2
45° Elbow 0.4
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Bend 2.2
16.8 Numericals
D1 = 200 mm; D2 = 350 mm; Q = 0.5 m3/s
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Q 1. Discharge through a pipe line is 0.05 m3/s. The diameter of pipe at section AB is
10 cm which suddenly changes to 15 cm in section BC. The co-efficient of friction is
0.05 for both the pipes; determine the total head loss from A to C.
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Q 2. Diameter and length of the different sections of a pipe line is given as follows:
Junctions B and C are cases of sudden contraction & enlargement respectively. If the
flow rate is 0.01 m3/s, determine total head loss in entire length of pipe. Contraction
loss co-efficient is 0.45.
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Q 3. Diameter & length of different sections of pipe line connected to a large tank
given as below. There is an abrupt expansion & contraction at junction B & C. Water
is discharged directly into open at end of pipe at D. Determine the height of water
surface above the discharge point to get a velocity of 2.5 m/s at the end of pipe. Take
contraction loss co-efficient as 0.45.
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Lesson 18
Equivalent pipe
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If several pipes of different lengths and diameter are connected in series, it can be replaced by
single pipe called as equivalent pipe. This equivalent pipe of same diameter will have the same
loss head and discharge which several pipes connected in series will have.
Equivalent diameter
The uniform diameter of the equivalent pipe is the equivalent diameter series or compound pipe.
Equivalent length
The length of equivalent pipe which has the same head loss & discharge that of series or
compound pipe.
Neglect the minor losses (frictional loss) and consider only the major head losses (friction loss)
since hminor << hmajor
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Case1. Sometimes length of equivalent pipe is taken to be equal to the length of compound pipe
Le = L1+ L2+ L3+ L4+……….
In such cases diameter of equivalent pipe Deq, can be calculated from Dupit’s equation.
Case2. Sometimes value of equivalent diameter is given & length of equivalent pipe requires
replace compound pipe has to be determined by Dupit’s equation.
18.3 Numericals
Q 1. Three pipes are connected in series
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(a) Calculate equivalent diameter considering the length equivalent pipe to be equal in that of
compound pipe.
(b) Determine the length of equivalent pipe for an equivalent diameter of 40 cm.
Q 2. Consider pipe 1, 2, 3 connected in series of length l1, l2, l3 respectively. D1, D2, D3 with a
diameter of pipe 1, 2, 3.
(a) Determine the eq. length for an eq. diameter of 50 cm.
(b) Determine the eq. diameter if the length of eq. pipe is equal to the length of compound
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19.1 Introduction
In engineering, in particular fluid dynamics and hydrometry, the volumetric flow rate, (also known as volume
flow rate, rate of fluid flow or volume velocity) is the volume of fluid which passes through a given surface
per unit time. The SI unit is m3/s (cubic meters per second). It is usually represented by the symbol Q. Flow
rate can be measured by orifice, notches, weirs etc. which will be discussed in this module.
19.2 Orifice
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Suppose a circular sharp edged orifice is in side of tank which discharges liquid directly into atmosphere (Fig.
19.3). Water jet from the orifice converges to minimum cross-section at XX’ and then diverges again. The
section at which the cross-sections area of jet is minimum & less than that of orifice is known as Vena
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At point A At point B
pA = 0 pB = 0
VA = 0 VB = VB
ZA = h ZB = 0
1. Coefficient of velocity Cv
2. Coefficient of contraction Cc
3. Coefficient of discharge Cd
4. Coefficient of resistance Cr
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- (A dh) =
[-ve sign is from the fact that the head on the orifice decreases with increasing time]
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Note: The above equation is also applicable in case where the orifice is at the side wall of the
tank. Head is measured from the centre of the orifice to the free surface of the liquid.
Fig. 20.2 Horizontal circular tank emptied from an orifice in the bottom
R = radius of the tank; L = length of the tank;
H1 = initial height of the liquid; H2 = final height of the liquid
a = area of orifice
T = time in seconds for the liquid to fall from height H1 to H2
Suppose at any instance height of the liquid in tank is h and there is decrease by dh distance in
time dt. If x is the radius of liquid surface, at distance h from the orifice.
Volume of liquid leaving the tank in time dt.
=A dh = SU L dh
( )
=2x L dh -------------------------------- (i)
= Cd a dt -------------------------------- (ii)
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Since volume of liquid leaving the tank = volume of liquid flowing through the orifice
Equating (i) & (ii)
Negative sign in above equation is because of decrease in head on the orifice with increasing time.
-------------------------------- (iii)
From the geometry of horizontal circular tank,
OS = R and OT = (R-h)
Total time T to empty tank from height H1 to H2 can be calculated by integrating above expression
between H1 and H2.
---------- (iv)
Case 1: Time for emptying the tank completely (H2 = 0)
From (iv)
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Module 7. Flow through orifices, mouthpieces, notches and weirs
Lesson 21
21.1 Mouthpiece
Mouthpiece is an extended form of orifice in which a tube or pipe is attached to the orifice. The length of pipe attached to the orifice is 2 to 3
times diameter of orifice (Fig. 21.1). A mouthpiece is used to measure discharge.
a. On basis of position
b. Flow pattern
i. Running free: Water jet after contraction in mouthpiece does not touches pipe internal walls.
ii. Running full: Water jet after contraction in mouthpiece touches pipe internal walls.
c. Shape of mouthpiece
* a = Area of mouthpiece
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Table 21.2 Classification of mouthpiece on basis of shape
When the mouthpiece length is equal to its diameter, the liquid jet after contracting does not touch the sides of the tube. The mouth piece runs
free i.e. without touching the tube.
α = Area of mouthpiece
αc = Area at vena contracta
V = flow velocity
Mass of liquid flowing per sec = ρ αc V
We know,
Momentum = mass X velocity
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Rate of change of momentum = mass of liquid flowing/sec × change of velocity
Initial Velocity = 0
Final Velocity = V
Cd = Cc × Cv -------------------------(vii)
From equ (v), (vi) and (vii)
Cd = Cc × Cv = 0.5 × 1 = 0.5
Internal cylindrical mouthpiece is also known as Borda’s mouthpiece. Mouthpiece tube is about 3 times its diameter, the liquid jet after
contraction in the tube touches the internal walls of the tube. Such a condition is known as mouthpiece running full (Fig. 21.3).
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Fig. 21.3 Borda’s mouthpiece running full
At point S At point O
Potential head or height from datum line h 0
Pressure Ps Po
Velocity Vs V
Applying Bernoulli’s theorem to the free liquid surface at point S and the outlet of mouthpiece O,
Pα = Po = atmospheric pressure
From equ v
Coefficient of contraction CC = 1
[Since the area of jet at exit equals the area of the mouthpiece]
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Module 7. Flow through Orifices, Mouthpieces, Notches and Weirs
Lesson 22
22.1 Flow Over Notches and Weirs
22.1.1 Notch
A notch may be defined as an obstruction over which the flow of liquid occurs. As the depth of flow above the base of the notch
is related to the discharge, the notch forms a useful measuring device. In case of measuring tank or reservoir, the opening is
provided at the side of the tank such that the liquid surface in the tank is below the top edge of the opening. In fact, this is a large
opening which has no upper edge, so that it has a variable area depending upon the level of the free surface.
21.1.2 Weir
A weir is a notch on a large scale used for measuring the flow of a river, canal etc. It is a concrete or masonry structure of
substantial breadth built across the river in the direction of flow. This allows the excess water to flow over its entire length to the
downstream side. Thus a weir is similar to a small dam constructed across the river, with a difference that the excess water flows
downstream only through a small portion called spillway and in case of weir, the excess water flows over its entire length.
21.1.3 Nappe and crest
The sheet of water flowing through a notch or over a weir is known as nappe or vein. The bottom edge of the notch or the top of
a weir over which water flows is known as sill or crest. The height above the bottom of the tank or channel is known as crest
Orifice Notch
An orifice may be defined as an opening A notch may be defined as an opening
provided in the side or bottom of tank or provided in the side of tank or vessel such
vessel such that the liquid flows through that the liquid surface in tank is below the
the entire orifice. top edge of opening.
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Small structure Large structure
Made of metallic plates. Made of concrete/bricks.
Measure small flow rate. Measure large flow rate.
b. Triangular
c. Trapezoidal Q = Q1 + Q2
d. Stepped
Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
b. Triangular
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c. Trapezoidal Q = Q1 + Q2
Note: The discharge equation for rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal weir is same as of notch.
2. Nature of discharge
· Free: Liquid level on the downstream side is lower than the crest.
3. Width of crest
· Sharp: The crest is narrow
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Lesson 23
23.1 Numericals
1. Calculate the flow velocity of water at the opening of an orifice if the orifice is located 4 m
below the water surface in a tank.
= 8.85 m/s
2. Calculate the coefficient of velocity Cv if the actual velocity of jet is 5.1 m/s. Orifice is
located 2m below the water surface in a tank.
= 0.814
3. Determine discharge through a internal mouthpiece (running free) if there are a y mouth
piece is 0.09 m2. The distance between the centre of mouthpiece and free water surface is 2.5
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a = area of mouthpiece
h = distance between the centre of mouthpiece and free water surface.
= 0.315 m3/s
= 0.813 m3/s
5. Determine flow rate through a rectangular hutch if L = 0.20 m and H = 0.15 m. Take
value of cd = 0.645
= 0.022 m3/s
6. Determine flow rate through a triangular hutch if H = 0.20 m and . Take value of
cd = 0.85.
= 0.0207 m3/s
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7. Determine flow rate through a rectangular weir if L = 0.30 m and H = 0.25 m. Take value
of cd = 0.95
= 0.105 m3/s
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Module 8 . Measuring instruments
Lesson 24
24.1 Introduction
Measuring the flow of liquids is a critical need in many industrial plants particularly
dairy and food processing plants. Flow measurement is the quantification of bulk
fluid movement. Flow can be measured in a variety of ways. Positive-displacement
flow meters accumulate a fixed volume of fluid and then count the number of times
the volume is filled to measure flow. Other flow measurement methods rely on
forces produced by the flowing stream as it overcomes a known constriction, to
indirectly calculate flow. Flow may be measured by measuring the velocity of fluid
over a known area. A flowmeter is an instrument used to measure linear, nonlinear,
mass or volumetric flow rate of a liquid or a gas. Both gas and liquid flow can be
measured in volumetric or mass flow rates, such as liters per second or kilograms
per second. These measurements can be converted between one another if the
material's density is known.
24.2 Venturimeter
Venturimeter is used to the measurement of flow rate. It is generally used for large
diameter pipes.
24.2.1 Construction
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The venturi tube has a entrance zone, converging conical inlet, a cylindrical throat,
and a diverging recovery cone. The main sections of venturimeter are indicated in
Fig. 24.3.
a) Entrance Section
It is a straight cylinder having length equal to 5 to 8 times the diameter of the
b) Convergence Section:
Here, the diameter of the tube gradually decreases. The angle of cone is a1 =
21 ± 5°. When liquid flows inside the venturimeter, the velocity of fluid
increases and correspondingly the pressure falls.
c) Throat: At this section, the diameter of the venturemeter is minimum.
Velocity is maximum and pressure is minimum. Throat diameter = 1/3 to 1/4th
inlet diameter.
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d) Diverging section: Again the diameter of the tube gradually increases. Here
due to gradual divergence pressure is build up to the original inlet pressure.
The cone angle is 5-7°.
Small size venturimeter are made of brass or, bronze and large venturimeters are
made of cast iron or stainless steel.
Q = flow rate,
Cd = Coefficient of discharge. It is not constant and depends on pipe geometry,
Reynolds number of the flow etc.
a1 = area at the entrance of venturi
w = ρg
24.2.3 Advantages
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1. The venturi tube is suitable for clean, dirty and viscous liquid and some slurry
2. Loss of head due to installation in the pipeline is small.
3. Original pressure of the liquid can be recovered completely.
4. Accuracy is 1% of full range
5. Not much wear and tear.
6. Characteristics are well established and it is in use since years.
7. Can be used for large flow rates and large diameter pipes.
24.2.4 Disadvantages
Pitot tube is used to measure flow velocity. The construction of Pitot tube is shown
in Fig. 24.4. Outer body of pilot tube consist of ports at point A, for sensing the
static pressure of fluid. At point B fluid vel. become zero and inner tube is for
sensing the stagnation pressure. The outlet C & D is connected to U-tube
manometer for measuring the pressure difference between the points A and B.
Flow velocity
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25.1 Rotameter
A Rotameter is a device that measures the flow rate of liquid or gas in a closed tube. It belongs to a
class of meters called variable area meters, which measure flow rate by allowing the cross-sectional
area the fluid travels through to vary, causing some measurable effect.
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changing the annular area until it again reaches a position where the forces are in equilibrium. To
satisfy the force equation, the rotameter float assumes a distinct position for every constant flowrate.
However, it is important to note that because the float position is gravity dependent, rotameters must
be vertically oriented and mounted.
Q = Discharge
Cd = Discharge coefficient
ρf = Density of fluid
ρ = Density of float
Af= Maximum cross sectional area of float.
aft = annular area between float & tube.
25.1.3 Advantages
1. Simpler in operation.
2. No external power or energy required for its operation.
3. Ease of handling & installation.
4. Relatively low cost.
5. Can handle corrosive fluids.
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(Source: http://www.omega.com/prodinfo/rotameters.html)
(Source: http://www.omega.com/prodinfo/rotameters.html)
For higher pressures and temperatures beyond the practical range of glass tubes, metal tubes are
used. These are usually manufactured in aluminium, brass or stainless steel. The position of the
piston is determined by magnetic or mechanical followers that can be read from the outside of the
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metal metering tube. Similar to glass tube rotameters, the spring-and-piston combination determines
the flowrate, and the fittings and materials of construction must be chosen so as to satisfy the
demands of the applications. These meters are used for services where high operating pressure or
temperature, water hammer, or other forces would damage glass metering tubes. Spring and piston
flowmeters can be used for most fluids, including corrosive liquids and gases. They are particularly
well suited for steam applications, where glass tubes are unacceptable.
(Source: http://www.omega.com/prodinfo/rotameters.html)
Plastic tubes are also used in some rotameter designs due to their lower cost and high impact
strength. They are typically constructed of polycarbonate, with either metal or plastic end fittings.
With plastic end fittings, care must be taken in installation, not to distort the threads. Rotameters
with all plastic construction are available for applications where metal wetted parts cannot be
tolerated, such as with deionized water or corrosives.
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i. Ball Float
The ball float method is a direct reading liquid level mechanism. The most practical design for the
float is a hollow metal ball or sphere. However, there are no restrictions to the size, shape, or
material used. The design consists of a ball float attached to a rod, which in turn is connected to a
rotating shaft which indicates level on a calibrated scale (Fig. 25.7). The operation of the ball float is
simple. The ball floats on top of the liquid in the tank. If the liquid level changes, the float will
follow and change the position of the pointer attached to the rotating shaft.
ii. Chain Float
This type of float gauge has a float ranging in size up to 12 inches in diameter and is used where
small level limitations imposed by ball floats must be exceeded. The range of level measured will be
limited only by the size of the vessel. The operation of the chain float is similiar to the ball float
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except in the method of positioning the pointer and in its connection to the position indication. The
float is connected to a rotating element by a chain with a weight attached to the other end to provide
a means of keeping the chain taut during changes in level (Fig. 25.8).
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Module 9. Dimensional analysis
Lesson 26
26.1 Dimensions
In the SI system there are seven fundamental units: kilogram, meter, candela, second, ampere, kelvin, and
mole. These are also known as fundamental quantities. In fluid mechanics mostly kg, m, s and K is used.
Quantities like force, pressure, energy, acceleration etc are expressed in combination of fundamental
quantities and are therefore called derived quantities. Few of them are mentioned in Table 26.1.
An equation will be dimensionally homogeneous if the dimensions of various terms on the two sides of the
equation are identical. A dimensionally homogeneous equation is independent of the fundamental units of
measurement and is applicable to all systems of units For e.g. taking the following equation:
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The dimension of L.H.S is same as that of R.H.S. = [T]. Thus the equation may be said to be dimensionally
26.4 Application of Dimensional Analysis
· The first step to dimensional analysis is to determine the dimensional homogeneity of any
· Analysis helps to determine the dimensions and thus the units of any quantity.
· Units can be easily transformed from one system to another.
· To establish relationship between number of variables.
· To reduce equations by arranging variables in dimensionless forms.
· Independent variables are identified which will express the functional relationship most closely. A
maximum of three to four variables must be selected.
· If the dependent variable X is some function of the independent variables x1, x2, x3….,the
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equation can be given as:
26.8 Numerical
Q 1. The resistance R experienced by a partially submerged body depends upon the velocity V, length of
the body l, viscosity of the fluid µ, density of the fluid ρ and gravitational acceleration g. Obtain a
dimensionless express for R.
Mathematically following relation can be given:
Number of variable n = 6
Number of fundamental variable m = 3
Therefore, number of π-terms = n-m = 6-3 = 3 π-terms
Choosing length l, velocity V, and density ρ as the 3 repeating variables.
Analysis of π-terms.
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Lesson 27
Group of
Dimensionless No. Significance Application
1. Reynolds Laminar viscous
Numbers flow in confined
passage (pipes)
Free surface flow
2. Froude’s
where effect of
gravity is
Capillary & Sheet
3. Weber’s flow where
Number surface tension is
= density x volume x
= density x Area x velocity x velocity
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In the flow situations where the viscous forces plays an important, Reynolds number
is taken as the criterion of dynamic similarity. Examples are as follows:
Froude’s number (Fr) is the ratio of the square root of the inertia force to the square
root of the force due to gravity.
Froude number
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Weber number (W) is square root ratio of the inertia force to the force of surface
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· Many of the equipments and hydraulic structures like dams, canals etc require lot of
investment and time for construction. A scale down model is tested under simulated
condition to determine its performance. It saves time and resources. If the model fails it
does not put financial pressure on the investors. Model can be easily improved and re-
designing can be done if required.
· In many fields, there is great uncertainty as to whether a new design will actually do
what is desired. New designs often have unexpected problems. A model is often used as
part of the product design process to allow engineers and designers the ability to explore
design alternatives, test theories and confirm performance prior to starting production of
a new product
· Sometimes mathematical relationships and equations are not sufficient to aid in
engineering design. A model provides valuable data on geometrical appearance, force
and pressure distribution, performance, capacity etc.
· Experiments are conducted on models and the problems can be rectified before actual
design and commissioning is done.
· By using model studies, alternate plans and modifications can be tested within a
relatively short time with all flow conditions that can be expected. Also, the design and
operating engineers can observe conditions resulting with a particular arrangement and
satisfy themselves as to the adequacy of the plan.
· The cost of model studies varies with area of study, characteristics of the streams,
nature of the problem, and number of plans and alternate plans to be tested before an
acceptable solution is developed. The cost of model studies has usually been less than
0.10 percent of the cost of the project, a small price to pay for the assurance that the
most practical and economical design has been developed.
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28.3 Examples of Model Studies
· Models for builds are made to determine geometric appearance, stability under
different wind velocities and patterns.
· Equipment and its components are first tested by making models for its performance.
· Hydraulic structures like dams, canals, reservoirs, spill ways etc require model testing
before its design is finalized.
· Automobiles, planes, rockets require model testing in wind tunnels.
28.4 Similitude
“Similitude” in a general sense is the indication of a known relationship between a model and
prototype i.e. model tests must yield data that can be scaled to obtain the similar parameters for
the prototype.
The results obtained model experiments can be applied to the prototype only if a complete
similarity exists between the model and prototype and for that the two systems must be (i)
geometrically (ii) kinematically and (iii) dynamically similar.
28.4.1 Geometric similarity
A model and prototype are geometric similar if and only if all body dimensions in all three
coordinates have the same linear-scale ratio. It requires that the model and the prototype be of the
same shape and that all the linear dimensions of the model be related to corresponding dimensions
of the prototype by a constant scale factor. Usually, one or more of these pi terms will involve
ratios of important lengths, which are purely geometrical in nature.
Thus for geometric similarity,
lm, bm, hm, and dm = respective dimensions of the model
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The motions of two systems are kinematically similar if homogeneous particles lie at
homogeneous points at homogeneous times. In a specific sense, the velocities at corresponding
points are in the same direction and are related in magnitude by a constant scale factor. This also
requires that streamline patterns must be related by a constant scale factor. The flows that are
kinematically similar must be geometric similar because boundaries form the bounding
streamlines. The factors like compressibility or cavitations must be taken care of to maintain the
kinematic similarity.
Let points 1 and 2 represent the homologous (corresponding) points in the model and prototype.
The conditions of kinematic similarity are as follows:
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Impulse and
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Module 10 . Pumps
Lesson 29
29.1 Introduction
Pumps are used to transfer and distribute liquids in various industries. Pumps convert mechanical
energy into hydraulic energy. Electrical energy is generally used to operate the various types of
29.3 Classification
There exist a wide variety of pumps that are designed for various specific applications. However,
most of them can be broadly classified into two categories as mentioned below.
i. positive displacement
ii. dynamic pressure pumps
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The term positive displacement pump is quite descriptive, because such pumps are designed to
displace a more or less fixed volume of fluid during each cycle of operation. The volumetric flow
rate is determined by the displacement per cycle of the moving member (either rotating or
reciprocating) times the cycle rate (e.g. rpm). The flow capacity is thus fixed by the design, size,
and operating speed of the pump. The pressure (or head) that the pump develops depends upon the
flow resistance of the system in which the pump is installed and is limited only by the size of the
driving motor and the strength of the parts. Consequently, the discharge line from the pump
should never be closed off without allowing for recycle around the pump or damage to the pump
could result. They can be further classified as:
Pumping takes place by to and fro motion of the piston or diaphragm in the cylinder. It is often
used where relatively small quantity of liquid is to be handled and where delivery pressure is quite
Piston pump: A piston pump is a type of positive displacement pump where the high-pressure seal
reciprocates with the piston. The pump has a piston cylinder arrangement. As the piston, goes
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away after the delivery stoke, low pressure is created in the cylinder which opens the suction
valve. On forward stoke, the fluid filled inside the cylinder is compressed which intern opens the
delivery valve for the delivery of liquid.
In rotary pumps, relative movement between rotating elements and the stationary element of the
pump cause the pumping action. The operation is different from reciprocating pumps, where
valves and a piston are integral to the pump. They also differ from centrifugal pumps, where high
velocity is turned into pressure. Rotary pumps are designed so that a continuous seal is maintained
between inlet and outlet ports by the action and position of the pumping elements and close
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running clearances of the pump. Therefore, rotary pumps do not require valve arrangements
similar to reciprocating pumps.
Gear pumps: uses the meshing of gears to pump fluid by displacement. They are one of the most
common types of pumps for hydraulic fluid power applications. The rigid design of the gears and
houses allow for very high pressures and the ability to pump highly viscous fluids.
Lobe pump: Lobe pumps are similar to external gear pumps in operation in that fluid flows around
the interior of the casing. As the lobes come out of mesh, they create expanding volume on the
inlet side of the pump. Liquid flows into the cavity and is trapped by the lobes as they rotate.
Liquid travels around the interior of the casing in the pockets between the lobes and the casing.
Finally, the meshing of the lobes forces liquid through the outlet port under pressure.
Screw Pump: These pumps are rotary, positive displacement pumps that can have one or more
screws to transfer high or low viscosity fluids along an axis. Although progressive cavity pumps
can be referred to as a single screw pumps, typically screw pumps have two or more intermeshing
screws rotating axially clockwise or counterclockwise. Each screw thread is matched to carry a
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specific volume of fluid. Screw pumps provide a specific volume with each cycle and can be
dependable in metering applications.
Vane pump: A rotary vane pump is a positive-displacement pump that consists of vanes mounted
to a rotor that rotates inside of a cavity. In some cases, these vanes can be variable length and/or
tensioned to maintain contact with the walls as the pump rotates.
Rotary plunger pump: The pumping action takes place by rotating rotor and reciprocating plunger.
In a rotary plunger rotary pump, the axes of the plungers are perpendicular to the rotational axis of
the rotor or at an angle of not less than 45° to the axis; the rotor is located eccentrically with
respect to the axis of the case.
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Suction and forced delivery of the liquid occur with the reciprocating motion of the plungers as a
result of centrifugal forces and spring action. Rotary pumps of this type may have as many as 72
plungers arranged in multiple rows, provide a delivery Q ≤ 400 liters/min, and build up a pumping
pressure ρ ≤ 100 MN/m2 .
In dynamic pressure pump, during pumping action, tangential force is imparted which accelerates
the fluid normally by rotation of impeller. Some systems which contain dynamic pump may
require positive displacement pump for priming. They are normally used for moderate to high
discharge rate. The pressure differential range for this type of pumps is in a range of low to
moderate. They are popularly used in a system where low viscosity fluids are used.
They use a rotating impeller to increase the pressure of a fluid. Centrifugal pumps are commonly
used to move liquids through a piping system. The fluid enters the pump impeller along or near to
the rotating axis and is accelerated by the impeller, flowing radially outward into a diffuser or
volute chamber (casing), from where it exits into the downstream piping system. Centrifugal
pumps are used for large discharge through smaller heads. These types of pumps are used for
supply of water and handling of milk in dairy plants.
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A propeller pump is a high flow, low lift impeller type device featuring a linear flow path. The
propeller pump may be installed in a vertical, horizontal, or angled orientation and typically has its
motor situated above the water level with the impeller below water. These pumps function by
drawing water up an outer casing and out of a discharge outlet via a propeller bladed impeller
Turbine pumps are centrifugal pumps that use pressure and flow in combination with a rotary
mechanism to transfer fluid. They typically employ blade geometry, which causes fluid
circulation around the vanes to add pressure from inlet to outlet. Turbine pumps operate using
kinetic energy to move fluid utilizing an impeller. The centrifugal force drives the liquid to the
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housing wall in close proximity to the vanes of the impeller or propeller. The cyclical movement
of the impeller produces pressure in the pumping bowl. The shape of turbine pumps also
contributes to suction and discharge rates.
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30.1 Introduction
Reciprocating pumps create and displace a volume of liquid by the action of a reciprocating
element. The pump consists of cylinder, piston or plunger and drive arrangement for to and fro
motion of the piston. These pumps are called positive displacement pump as they delivers volume
of the fluid filled in the cylinder irrespective of the delivery head and develops higher pressure as
compared to centrifugal pumps. However, liquid discharge pressure is limited only by strength of
structural parts. A pressure relief valve and a discharge check valve are normally required for
reciprocating pumps. Reciprocating pump is used in milk homogenizer in dairy industry in order
to develop high pressure. Reciprocating pumps can be further classified into two types, as given
i) Piston Pumps
ii) Diaphragm Pumps
30.2 Piston Pump
Hand pump is a simplest form of piston pump used in villages for lifting water from the tube well.
Though, these pumps are replaced by sub-mersible electrically operated pumps even in villages.
The piston pump is one of the most common reciprocating pumps for a broad range of
applications prior to the development of high speed centrifugal pumps. Reciprocating pumps are
used in low flow rate applications with very high pressure.
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Fig. 30.2 shows a single acting reciprocating pump having piston which moves forwards and
backwards in a close fitting cylinder. The movement of piston in the cylinder is obtained by
connecting the piston rod to crank by means of connecting rod. The crank is rotated by means of
an electric motor. The suction and delivery valves are suitably placed which are one way valves.
As the crank rotates from A to C (θ = 0° to θ = 180°), the piston moves towards right in the
cylinder. This creates partial vacuum in the cylinder. As the pressure on the water surface is
higher, the liquid enters the cylinder through suction valve. The movement of piston from C to A
(θ = 180° to θ = 360°), closes the suction valve and opens delivery valve and the liquid is forced in
the delivery pipe.
Fig. 30.2 Working and main parts of reciprocating pump (single acting)
The reciprocating pumps are further classified as single acting and double acting. In case of single
acting pump as shown in Fig. 30.2, the pump delivers one effective discharge stoke per one
revolution of the crank (i.e. one suction stoke and one delivery stroke). Double acting
reciprocating pump has suction valve and delivery valve on both the sides of the piston as shown
in Fig. 30.3.
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30.2.2 Capacity of reciprocating pump
The capacity (Q) of a single acting piston or plunger pump is proportional to its displacement per
unit time. The displacement is the calculated capacity of the pump, assuming 100% hydraulic
efficiency, and is proportional to the cross sectional area of the piston (A), the length of its stroke
(L), the number of cylinders (n), and the speed (N) of the pump (r.p.m. of the crank).
It is obvious that the rate of discharge will be double neglecting the volume of piston rod in case
of double acting pump.
The actual discharge under field conditions will be less as compared to theoretical discharge. The
difference between actual discharge and theoretical discharge of the pump is called slip of a pump.
It is expressed as % slip which is given by:
The major component of slip is the leakage of fluid back through the discharge or suction valve as
it is closing (or seated). It can reduce calculated displacement from 2 to 10% depending upon
valve design and condition. Another important factor that affects a capacity of reciprocating pump
is called volumetric efficiency (VE). VE is expressed as a percentage and is proportional to the
ratio of the total discharge volume to the piston or plunger displacement.
The ratio (r) is shown to be (c+d)/d where d is the volume displaced by the piston or plunger and c
is the additional volume between the discharge and suction valves. The smaller is this ratio, the
better the volumetric efficiency. Expressed mathematically as:
VE = 1 - (P * b * r) – S
Where, P is pressure, b is the liquid’s compressibility factor, r is the volume ratio, and S is slip.
The compressibility factor for water is quite small but at pressures greater than 10,000 PSI it does
become a factor. Although there is no cylinder wall around the plunger at the bottom of its stroke,
it still displaces fluid equal to its own volume. The actual capacity of the pump is given by:
Qact = Qth * VE
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A simplex pump, sometimes referred to as a single pump, is a pump having a single liquid (pump)
cylinder. A duplex pump is the equivalent of two simplex pumps placed side by side on the same
foundation. The driving of the pistons of a duplex pump is arranged in such a manner that when
one piston is on its upstroke the other piston is on its downstroke, and vice versa. This
arrangement doubles the capacity of the duplex pump compared to a simplex pump of comparable
30.2.5 Triplex pump
A positive-displacement reciprocating pump that is configured with three plungers. Generally milk
homogenizer are of triplex type.
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Fig. 30.7 (a) Single cylinder double acting pump or double cylinder single acting pump
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Module 10 . Pumps
Lesson 31
Centrifugal pump uses a rotating impeller to increase the pressure of a fluid. Centrifugal pumps
are very common in food and dairy processing industry. These pumps deliver large flow rate at
low or medium head and are used for low viscous liquid like water, milk, juices, cream etc.
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It consists of shaft and impeller. Shaft is coupled with a motor to give drive to the pump. An
impeller is a rotating component of a centrifugal pump, usually made of iron, steel, bronze, brass
or aluminium which transfers energy from the motor that drives the pump to the fluid being
pumped by accelerating the fluid outwards from the center of rotation. Different types of impeller
Open type impeller: It consists of vane which accelerates the fluid. The number of vanes can vary
from 2 to 8 or more.
Semi-closed impeller: It consists of vane attached to plate on one side. Industrial application of
such types of impeller is for pumping liquids containing suspensions.
Closed impeller: The vane is enclosed by two disc or plates. Shrouds or sidewall encloses the
vanes. The liquid moves in between the cavity between the vanes and plates.
It can also be classified as based on major direction of flow in reference to the axis of rotation
1. Radial flow
2. Axial flow
3. Mixed flow
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31.2.2 Casing
It is the cover housing the impeller. The rotating impeller increases the kinetic energy of the
liquid. The casing helps to covert this kinetic energy into pressure energy. The main function of
casing is to enclose the impeller at suction and delivery ends and thereby form a pressure vessel.
The pressure at suction end may be as little as one-tenth of atmospheric pressure and at delivery
end may be twenty times the atmospheric pressure in a single-stage pump.
The vanes of the rotating impeller impart a radial and rotary motion to the liquid, forcing it to the
outer periphery of the pump casing where it is collected in the outer part of the pump casing called
the volute. The volute is a region that expands in cross-sectional area as it wraps around the pump
casing. Purpose of the volute is to collect the liquid discharged from the periphery of the impeller
at high velocity and gradually cause a reduction in fluid velocity by increasing the flow area This
converts the velocity head to static pressure. The fluid is then discharged from the centrifugal
pump through the discharge connection.
Volute casing: This is named from the spiral shape of the casing which is so constructed to act as
a collector for the liquid as it leaves the outer edge of the impeller vanes. In volute pumps area of
flow gradually increases from throat towards the delivery pipe. The increase in area of flow
decreases the exit velocity and hence pressure increases in the casing.
Vortex: Vortex casing is a casing in which circular chamber is provided between the casing and
the impeller. Vortex casing will increase pump efficiency by reducing eddies formation to a
considerable extent.
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Diffuser: In diffuser casing, the fluid passes through a ring of fixed vanes or diffuser after
the fluid has left the impeller, that diffuse the liquid, this provides a more controlled flow
and a more efficient conversion of velocity head into pressure head. Providing fixed
diffuser increases the efficiency of the pump up to 90 percent.
A pipe whose one end is connected to the inlet of the pump and other end dips into water in a
pump is known as suction pipe. A foot value is a non- return value fitted at the lower end of the
suction pipe which helps to fill water during priming. The suction pipe is connected to the opening
(eye) of the impeller. Discharge pipe is provided on the pump casing to attach delivery side.
The bearing housing encloses the bearings mounted on the shaft. The bearings keep the shaft or
rotor in correct alignment with the stationary parts under the action of radial and transverse loads.
The bearing house also includes an oil reservoir for lubrication, constant level of oil, jacket for
cooling by circulating cooling water.
The centrifugal pump operates by the transfer of energy (or angular momentum) from a rotating
impeller to the fluid, which is normally inside a casing. The fluid enters at the axis or ‘eye’ of the
impeller (which may be open or closed and usually contains radial curved vanes) and is
discharged from the impeller periphery. On rotation of impeller, partial vacuum is created in the
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casing which causes the suction of liquid from the reservoir. The maximum possible suction lift is
10.3 m of water. The kinetic energy and momentum of the fluid are increased by the angular
momentum imparted by the high-speed impeller. This kinetic energy is then converted to pressure
energy (‘head’) in a diverging area (the ‘volute’) between the impeller discharge and the casing
before the fluid exits the pump. The head that these pumps can develop depends upon the pump
design and the size, shape, and speed of the impeller and the flow capacity is determined by the
flow resistance of the system in which the pump is installed.
Thus, these pumps operate at approximately constant head and variable flow rate within limits.
Centrifugal pumps can be operated in a ‘closed off’ condition (i.e. closed discharge line), because
the liquid can re-circulate within the pump without causing damage. However, such conditions
should be avoided, because energy dissipation within the pump could result in excessive heating
of the fluid and/or the pump or unstable operation, with adverse consequences. Centrifugal pumps
are most appropriate for ‘ordinary’ (i.e. low to moderate viscosity) liquids under a wide variety of
flow conditions and are thus the most common type of pump. The following discussion applies
primarily to centrifugal pumps.
The operation in which the suction pipe, casing of pump and a portion of delivery pipe is filled by
the outside source of liquid before starting the pump. Foot value is necessary at the end of suction
pipe to fill water in the pipe for priming. This process removes air from impeller and casing
necessary for pumping of liquid.
Capacity: It is the water handling capability of a pump commonly expressed as either cubic meter
per minute (m3/min).
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Cavitation: It is a phenomenon caused as a result of vapor bubbles imploding. This is the result of
bubble formation at the suction point due to pressure difference.
Discharge Port: It is the point where the discharge hose or pipe is connected to the pump.
Datum: It is used as reference of the horizontal plane for which all the elevations and head are
Dynamic Discharge Head: It is the static discharge head plus the friction in the discharge line
also referred to as Total Discharge Head.
Dynamic Suction Head: It is the static suction lift plus the friction in the suction line also referred
to as Total Suction Head.
Friction Head: It is the head required to overcome the resistance to flow in the pipe and fittings. It
is dependent upon the size, condition and type of pipe, number and type of pipe fittings, flow rate,
and nature of the liquid.
Friction Loss: It refers to the reductions in flow due to turbulence as water passes through hoses,
pipes, fittings and elbows.
Priming: Most centrifugal pumps are not self-priming. In other words, the pump casing must be
filled with liquid before the pump is started, otherwise the pump will not function. If the pump
casing becomes filled with vapors or gases, the pump impeller becomes gas-bound and incapable
of pumping. To ensure that a centrifugal pump remains primed and does not become gas-bound, it
is necessary to attach a foot valve at the end of the suction pipeline.
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Fig. 31.10 Pressure variations in a pump
Static Suction Head (hs): It is the vertical distance between the centre of the impeller to the free
surface of the water from where water is to be pumped. If the liquid level is above pump
centerline, hs is positive. If the liquid level is below pump centerline, hs is negative. Negative hs
condition is commonly denoted as a ‘suction lift’.
Static Discharge Head (hd): It is the vertical distance between the pump centerline and the point
of free discharge or the surface of the liquid in the discharge tank.
Total Suction Head (hs): It is the suction reservoir pressure head (hps) plus the static suction head
(hs) plus the velocity head at the pump suction flange (hvs) minus the friction head in the suction
line (hfs).
HS = hps + hs + hvs + hfs
Total Discharge Head (hd): It is the sum total of discharge reservoir pressure head (hpd), static
discharge head (hd), the velocity head at the pump discharge flange (hvd) and the total friction
head in the discharge line (hfd).
hd = hpd + hd + hvd + hfd
Manometric head: It is defined as the head against which a centrifugal pump has to work.
hs = Suction head
hd = delivery head
The main characteristic curves of a centrifugal pump consistes pf variation of head (hm), power (P)
and discharge (Q) with respect to speed (Fig. 31.11) The operating characteristic curves is shown
in fig. 31.12.
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Pump efficiency, η (%) is a measure of the efficiency with which the pump uses the input power
to convert the energy into useful output.
η = Pout/Pin
η = efficiency (%)
Pin = power input
Pout = power output
31.8 Water Horse Power (WHP) and Brake Horse Power (BHP)
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The work performed by a pump is a function of the total head and the weight of the liquid pumped
in a given time period. Pump input or brake horsepower (BHP) is the actual horsepower delivered
to the pump shaft. Pump output or hydraulic or water horsepower (WHP) is the liquid horsepower
delivered by the pump. These two terms are defined by the following formulas.
BHP is the brake horse power required (W)
ρ is the fluid density (kg/m3)
g is the standard acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s2)
H is the energy Head added to the flow (m)
Q is the flow rate (m3/s)
η is the efficiency of the pump (decimal)
The head added by the pump (H) is a sum of the static lift, the head loss due to friction and any
losses due to valves or pipe bends all expressed in metres of fluid. Power is more commonly
expressed as kilowatts (103 W) or horsepower (multiply kilowatts by 0.746). The value for the
pump efficiency η may be stated for the pump itself or as a combined efficiency of the pump and
motor system. The energy usage is determined by multiplying the power requirement by the
length of time the pump is operating.
a) Nature of liquid
· Type- Water, Beverage, Juice, milk, cream etc
· Density
· Viscosity
· Clear liquid/suspended
b) Capacity (m3/min or m3/h)
c) Suction head (m)
d) Discharge head (m)
e) Total head (m) = suction head + discharge head
f) Pump installation (horizontal or vertical)
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g) Power requirement (kW)
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Lesson 32
32.1 Numericals
A = 0.25 m2
L = 0.15 m
N = 50 rpm
number of acting =1
= 0.03125 m3 /s
2. Calculate the power required to drive the single cutting reciprocating pump for
water of following specification.
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3. Calculate water horse power for centrifugal water pump if flow rate is 4500 liter/h.
head added to the flow is 10 m.
1 m3 = 1000 L
4. Calculate brake horse power for centrifugal water pump if flow rate is 1000 litres/h.
Head added to the flow is 10 m pump efficiency is 86%.
1 m3 = 1000 L
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