Fire Safety Audit Checklist

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The audit checklist evaluates an organization's fire safety procedures and identifies any deficiencies or inadequate measures across various areas such as fire risk assessment, prevention, detection and alarm systems, emergency procedures etc.

The audit checklist assesses whether appropriate fire risk assessments have been conducted, fire prevention measures are in place, staff training and emergency procedures are adequate, fire detection and alarm systems as well as portable fire-fighting equipment are properly maintained.

The audit checklist evaluates whether the entire electrical installation is in good order, electrical systems and equipment have been tested according to regulations, use of flexible cables and extension leads is minimized, electrical circuits are not overloaded and electrical equipment is kept away from combustible materials.


Name of organisation      

Address of premises      

Identification of area within the premises      

Date of audit      

Audit undertaken by (print name)      

Fire Safety Management

Yes No N/A Comments
Has the fire risk assessment been carried out?      
Is the fire risk assessment record available?      
Have the identified means to reduce or remove      
the significant hazards been carried out?
Have the means to control the risk and      
protection of people in the event of fire been
carried out?
Have staff been suitably trained for these      
Is there suitable monitoring of fire safety      
measures in place?
Can it be demonstrated that monitoring is      
regularly carried out?
Is the risk assessment properly reviewed,      
particularly if the premises or its use
significantly changed?
Fire Prevention — General
Yes No N/A Comments
Is there an effective system for ensuring that      
the quantities and storage of all types of
flammable materials are reasonable and
properly controlled?
Are all areas clean and tidy with no      
inappropriate storage and all combustible waste
properly placed in designated containers?
Is all waste regularly collected and placed in a      
safe place ready for collection?
Are smoking areas properly marked and used?      
Are all employees in high risk areas properly      
informed of the particular risks and the means
to control these risks?
Prior to leaving the premises, are all areas      
inspected for potential fire and unnecessary
equipment turned off?
Are there suitable means to control the risk of      
Have all staff received basic fire prevention      
Do staff understand the need to report any      
potential fire hazards?
Do staff understand the role of self-closing and      
other fire-resisting doors — the need to keep
them closed and free of obstruction to ensure
that they will control the spread of fire and
Are all fire-resisting and smoke-stop doors,      
especially those on hold-open devices, closed
at night?
If any permit-to-work systems are in place, are      
they operated correctly at all times?
Fire Prevention — Electrical Safety
Yes No N/A Comments
Is the entire electrical installation in order?      
Have all electrical systems and equipment been      
tested in accordance with the provisions of the
Electricity at Work Regulations 1989?
Has all remedial work been carried out or the      
items withdrawn?
Are records regarding regular testing of installation,      
equipment and portable appliances up to date?
Is the use of flexible electrical cable and      
extension leads kept to a minimum and only
short lengths used?
Are the electrical circuits free of any evidence of      
Is electrical equipment (eg light bulbs/fittings      
and any electrical heating appliances) kept well
away from combustible materials?
Are staff aware that only trained personnel      
authorised by management can make repairs or
alterations to electrical systems and equipment?
Fire Prevention — Heating and Cooking Appliances
Yes No N/A Comments
Are all heating appliances securely fixed in      
position, suitably guarded and with an adequate
clear space free of storage of any kind?
Is the entire heating installation in good order?      
Are all cooking appliances securely fixed in      
position, properly maintained and used only for
their originally intended purpose?
Are arrangements for liquid or gaseous fuel      
supplies for heating and cooking equipment
easily accessible with well marked shut-off
Are appropriately qualified and registered      
contractors used to carry out all installation and
maintenance of liquid or gaseous fuel supply
Are staff aware that only trained personnel      
authorised by management can make repairs or
alterations to liquid or gaseous fuel-fired
equipment and fuel supply systems?
Fire Prevention — Buildings, Plant and Machinery
Yes No N/A Comments
Are all fire or smoke barriers in good condition      
with any openings for pipes ducts, etc properly
protected by provision of fire-resisting materials
or fire dampers?
Are fire dampers tested regularly for correct      
operation and results recorded?
Are there proper systems and procedures in      
place to control work on new buildings and/or
alterations, repairs and decoration of premises,
such that no fire hazards are introduced?
Are regular checks undertaken and recorded of      
the condition of all fire safety measures within
the premises?
Fire Prevention — Means of Escape
Yes No N/A Comments
Are fire exits of a sufficient number and of      
sufficient width to enable the people present in
any and all areas to evacuate safely?
Do all final exits lead to a place of total safety?      
Are all fire exits readily available?      
Are all final exits and intermediate doors easily      
operable from the inside without the use of a key?
Are all corridors, gangways and stairways      
forming part of escape routes free from
obstruction and not used for storage?
Are floor and stairway surfaces in good      
condition and free from tripping and slipping
hazards, particularly including any external
stairs and paths?
Are fire-resisting and smoke-stop doors in good      
condition, with fully operating self-closing
devices and the doors closing fully onto
Do all doors on escape routes open in the      
direction of travel?
Are all escape routes clearly and properly      
signed throughout their lengths, with internal
doors not forming part of a route clearly labelled
as such?
Are all escape routes provided with adequate      
lighting at all times of the day and night?
Is adequate emergency lighting provided and is      
it fully serviceable?
Have appropriate provisions been made for the      
safety of persons with special needs, such as
the young, old or disabled?
Fire Prevention — Actions in the Event of Fire
Yes No N/A Comments
Are there clearly defined written fire action and      
emergency evacuation procedures, including
provision for ensuring that everyone is out of
the building?
Are all employees fully aware of these      
procedures and their own particular duties and
responsibilities in the event of an evacuation?
Are suitable "Fire Action" notices prominently      
displayed around the premises?
Have appropriate staff been appointed to take      
control in the event of a fire (Fire Marshal) and
to summon the fire brigade for all fires, no
matter how small?
Are there sufficient fire wardens available to      
provide for all working hours (including lunch
and tea breaks), taking into account holidays
and sick leave?
Have appropriate arrangements been made for      
dealing with those who are not normally on the
premises such as members of the public,
visitors and contractors?
Are the fire evacuation assembly areas in safe      
locations, clear of the building and away from
fire brigade vehicle access and parking?
Are there alternative evacuation areas available      
in the event that the nominated ones are not
Are emergency evacuation routes and      
procedures checked by carrying out drills at
least once per year?
Fire Prevention — Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
Yes No N/A Comments
Can a fire alarm be raised without placing      
anyone in danger?
Is the fire alarm system in full working order?      
Are there sufficient fire alarm call points located      
near to every exit from each floor and from each
Are all alarm call points unobstructed and      
clearly visible?
Are the audible signals from the fire alarm      
operated weekly and clearly audible throughout
the premises?
Fire Prevention — Portable Fire-fighting Equipment
Yes No N/A Comments
Is there adequate provision of portable fire      
extinguishers which are suitable types for the
fire risks where they are positioned?
Are all portable fire extinguishers and fire      
blankets suitably located, positioned on
brackets securely fixed to the wall and available
for immediate use — not obstructed or hidden?
Are the locations of all portable fire      
extinguishers and fire blankets clearly
identifiable even without the provision of
appropriate signs?
Fire Prevention — Notices and Fire Safety Signs
Yes No N/A Comments
Are sufficient appropriate fire safety notices and      
signs used throughout the premises?
Are all fire safety signs throughout the premises      
present, undamaged and clearly visible?
Do all "panic bar" fire exit doors have suitably      
positioned "Push Bar to Open" signs?
Fire Prevention — Fire Service Facilities and Liaison
Yes No N/A Comments
Is there adequate access to the site and all      
buildings to enable fire brigade vehicles to get
close enough for fire-fighting and rescue
Are all fire hydrants in the vicinity clearly      
indicated and accessible?
Is the fire brigade familiar with the premises and      
any particular special hazards relating to the
premises or the activities within it?
Fire Prevention — Testing, Maintenance and Records
Yes No N/A Comments
Are the fire detection and alarm system tests      
carried out and recorded?
Are the emergency escape lighting systems      
properly tested, maintained and these
Are the portable fire extinguishers and fire hoses      
properly tested, maintained and these recorded?
Is the automatic sprinkler system properly      
tested, maintained and these recorded?
Are any other fixed fire suppression systems      
properly tested, maintained and these recorded?
Are any smoke or heat control systems properly      
tested, maintained and these recorded?
Are all automatically closing doors or shutters      
and similar properly tested, maintained and
these recorded?
Are any emergency generators properly tested,      
maintained and these recorded?
Are any evacuation or fire-fighting lifts properly      
tested, maintained and these recorded?
Are their suitable records of the regular fire      
safety maintenance tests?
Are there suitable records of fire evacuation      
Audit Results
If all answers to the questions above are "yes" or "n/a", your fire safety procedures are currently adequate. No
further action is required at this time. Simply sign and date the form in the spaces provided below.
If one or more answers to the questions above are "no", your fire safety procedures are currently inadequate.
Sign and date the form in the spaces provided below, and record deficiencies and remedial actions in the
“Action required following fire safety audit” form.

Audit undertaken by (print name)      

Audit undertaken by (print name)      

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