English q1 Wk1

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Teaching Dates and Time JUNE 5-9, 2017 Quarter 1ST

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards The learner...

Demonstrate understanding of the various forms and conventions of print, non-print and digital materials

Demonstrate understanding of various non-verbal elements in orally communicating information

Demonstrate understanding of various linguistics nodes to comprehend various texts

B. Performance Standards The learner...

Evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various viewing texts.

Orally communicates information, opinions and ideas effectively to different audiences using a variety of literary activities

C. Learning 1.Note significant details of the 1.Infer the meaning of unfamiliar 1.Compose clear and coherent sentences 1.Plan a two to three- paragraph 1.Describe different forms
Competencies/Objectives selection listened to. compound words based on given using appropriate grammatical structures- composition using an outline/other and conventions of film and
Write the LC code for each 2.Observe politeness at all context clues, synonyms and aspects of verbs. graphic organizers moving pictures (lights,
times. antonyms. 2.Infer the meaning of unfamiliar compound 2.Observe politeness at all times. blocking, direction,
3.Show kindness to everyone. 2.Appreciate experiences in life. words based on word parts. 3.Show respect to others characterization, acting,
4.Use appropriate facial 3.Write meaningful sentences using 3.Appreciate the beauty of the environment EN5WC- Ia- dialog, setting or set up)
expressions in delivering some compound words. EN5G-Ia-3.3/ Page 63 of 164 EN5A-Ia-16/ Page 63 of 164 2. Observe politeness
lines of the characters of the EN5V-Ia-12and 13/ Page 63 of 164 at all times
selection listened to. EN5LC- EN5A-Ia-5.1/ Page 63 of 164
Ia-2.1/ EN5OL-Ia-2.6.1 / Page
63 of 164
II. CONTENT Noting significant details of the Inferring Meaning of Unfamiliar Aspects of Verbs Planning a Two to Three Paragraph Forms and Conventions of
selection listened to Compound Words Based on Context Inferring Meaning of Compound Words Composition Using an Outline/Other Films and Moving Pictures
Use appropriate facial Clues, Synonyms and Antonyms. Based on Word Parts Graphic Organizers
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages EN5LC- Ia- 2.1
The Sly Fox -Developing
Reading Power 5 p. 43-45
4. Additional Materials from https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=s http://promethee.philo.ulg.ac.be/engdep1 https://www.youtube.com/wat
Learning Resource (LR) hort+ /download/defiswitt/doc/compounds.pdf ch?v=MNBtdNgH0Ds
portal stories+with+compound+words
B. Other Learning Resources selections, pictures, laptop short paragraph laptop, pictures, metacards Pictures, laptop, graphic organizers, video, laptop, projector
activity sheets outline
A. Reviewing previous Review /Checking of assignment Review Review Review
lesson or presenting the Compound words/synonyms/antonyms Aspects of Verbs
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the A.Setting the Stage A.Setting the Stage A.Setting the Stage A.Setting the Stage A.Setting the Stage
lesson Show pictures of fox and wolf Have you experienced riding a bus? The teacher will show pictures of Ask:
Ask: Are these animals the Did you experience witnessing a trees, flowers, birds, rivers Are you fond of watching
same? commotion on your community? Ask: films?
What can you say What did you feel? Do you take care of our environment? What kind of film do you like?
about the fox? How about the What activity do you usually do to take What things do you notice
wolf? care of our environment? Who is in the picture? when the film is already
If you are going to What makes him so popular around the playing?
choose between the two, who world?
will you want to be? Why? What characteristic of a Filipino does he
As a Filipino, how do you show respect
to others? To God?

(Graphic organizer will be used to elicit

C. Presenting examples/instances B.Explaining the Students What B.Explaining the Students What to Do A.Setting the Stage B.Explaining the Students What to Do B.Explaining the Students
of the new lesson to Do Say: We are going to read a short The teacher will show pictures of Yesterday, you have learned about the What to Do
Say: Today, we are going to paragraph about Mark’s experiences on trees, flowers, birds, rivers aspects of verbs and you were able to Say: Today, we are going to
read a story and learn to use his way home. In here, you are going to Ask: compose clear and coherent sentences watch a video. But before we
appropriate facial expressions learn some compound words. And later Do you take care of our environment? using verbs in different aspects. proceed, let us take notes
in delivering the lines of the on, we are going to infer meanings of and analyze the different
characters. You will be learning unfamiliar compound words based on What activity do you usually do to take Today, we are going to write forms and conventions of the
to answer questions based on given context clues, synonyms and care of our environment? paragraphs based on outline/ other film.
the noted significant details of antonyms. graphic organizers.
the selection you listened to. Compound words are words
Set the standards in listening to that are combined together to form new
a story. words and new meanings.
Context clues are the parts of
sentence or paragraph that comes before
or after the unfamiliar words.
Synonyms are words with
similar meanings while antonyms are
those words with opposite meanings.

D. Discussing new concepts and C.Modeling for Students C.Modeling for the Students B.Modeling for Students C.Modeling for Students C. Modeling for
practicing new skills #1 Let the pupils arrange the Read and analyze the following words Students
jumbled letters to identify the The class will read the paragraph. Analyze the following graphic Read and analyze the
word used in the story being A organizer. Answer the questions that following terms:
defined. Mark slung his backpack over follow. a. Setting - can be
a.growing thickly ------- h s y his shoulder and ran. The bus company postdate post(after) + date= after the dat Based on the Semantic web, who is a used for a number of
u b had just introduced a new bus route. supernatural super(more than) + respectful person and a God-loving purposes
b.soft hair of certain animals --- Over the cliffs in the distance, Mark natural= more than the natural person? It might be used for:
--- u f r could see the sea sparkling. With a - ex- president ex( former)+ president= How do Filipinos show respect to • Realism - (Time
c.projecting part of the face smile, he paid for his ticket and sat former president others? and place of setting is made
including the mouth and nose-- down. On the drivers lap there was a nonsense non(without) + sense= without How do Filipinos show love to God? known)
-z l e z m u newspaper with a bold headline reading sense multitask • Atmosphere -
d.having a full rounded shape - ‘Burglar Caught’. At the back of the bus, multi(many) + task= many task (Reinforce desired mood)
----- u m l p p a commotion started up with two teenage B FILIPINO E.g. Horror movies
e.tricky or wise----- y s l boys arguing. Over the bridge, the bus colorless color+ less(without)= without • Symbolism - (Can
traveled on until it pulled up at Mark’s color be conveyed through setting)
Have the pupils listen stop. Below the deep water in the canal, cheerful cheer+ ful (full of)= full of cheer E.g. a storm can represent
to the story “The Sly Fox”. fish swam in the murky depths. Turning breakable break + able (having the quality= inner turmoil
While reading, the teacher down a side alley, Mark reached his front having the quality to break adulthood
emphasizes appropriate door and took out his key. From the back adult+ hood(state/condition of being)= state b. Characterization –
facial expressions for the lines lawn the dog was barking a welcome, of being adult a narrative might use
of the characters of the story. and Mark was very glad to be home at In what part of the words in set A do the • Sympathetic
Instruct the pupils to observe last. syllables added? (at the beginning) characters- With whom the
how the appropriate facial -Syllables added at the beginning of a word audience strongly identifies
expressions are used in are called prefixes. with. They may share
delivering the lines of the story. qualities and values.
Then, pupils will be answering In what part of the words in set B do the • Unsympathetic
the questions. syllables added? (at the last part) Characters- Audience
-Syllables added at the last part of the word dislikes. May increase
are called suffixes. sympathy to main
Say: Prefixes and suffixes change the character.
meaning of words. c. Performance - This
will also affect the way an
audience responds. Elements
of performance include facial
expressions, body language
and delivery of lines.

d. Props, Sets and

Locations - can influence our
interpretation of character as
contribute to the atmosphere
of the film.

e. Camera
Work/blocking - Frequent use
of close-ups can encourage
the audience to identify with a
Wide shots can emphasize
the beauty of a scene or give
a sense of emptiness.
Different angles can make
characters appear powerful
and threatening or weak and

f. Lighting - Soft and

harsh lighting can manipulate
a viewer's attitude towards a
setting or a character.
The way light is used can
make objects, people and
environments look beautiful
or ugly, soft or harsh, artificial
or real. Light may be used
expressively or realistically.
• Backlighting. A
romantic heroine is often
backlit to create a halo effect
on her hair.

E. Discussing new concepts and Afterwards, the teacher will call Read the following words: Study the following sentences Say: Now, let us plan a two-paragraph
practicing new skills #2 each row to deliver the lines of A B . A composition using the details of the
the characters of the story C The president continues motivate pupils to semantic web.
listened to with appropriate backpack front door mother-in- take care of care of the environment A Filipino is a respectful
facial expressions. Then, the law B person. He calls older brother “kuya”
teacher will call some of pupils newspaper back lawn editor-in- The teachers continue to and older sister “ate”. He kisses the
individually in front of the class chief to motivate people to take care of the hands of his parents and grandparents.
to deliver the lines with environment. He is always using “po” and “opo”. He
appropriate facial expressions. How many words were combined to form C shows de respect to parents, elders and
“Don’t move! I’m new word and new meaning? They will continue people in authority.
going to eat you this minute.” What do you call the words with two or with the group his father to inspire people A Filipino is also a God-loving
“I have to use my wits more words that are combined together to of all founded since 2002.ages. person. He believes in one God. He
instead of my legs” form a new word and new meaning? D patterns his life the way God wants it.
“I could have been a How do compound words in column A They will continue to inspire people of all He loves his neighbors. And most of all,
good dinner for you last year. I written? In column B? in column C? ages. he prays not only for himself.
was then very fat and plump. Look at the sentences in tree A and B.
But I had three babies then. Say: Infer the meaning of the underlined When are you going to add –s or –es in
Now I’m slim and not delicious”. compound words in the following your verb?
How did facial expressions sentences. Look at the sentence in tree C. What will be
affect in saying these lines of a. The sky was overcast, rain was added to a regular verb when the action
the characters of the story you expected because it was cloudy was done already? How about in irregular
listened to? (Facial expressions afternoon. verb?
make the story more realistic -. What word in the sentence hint the Look at tree D. What modal will be added to
and emotional) meaning of the unfamiliar word? (cloudy)` the base form of the verb to express
This is an example of context clue. futurity?
Answer the comprehension
questions based on the story - Encircle the synonym of the
heard. underlined compound word.
1.Who were the characters of b. I have read the foreword of the
the story? book “Mother’s Wit”.( conclusion,
2.Where did the story happen? introduction, content)
3.What did the fox do to be not Foreword and conclusion are synonyms,
eaten for dinner by the wolf? they have the same meaning.
4.Why did the wolf not eat the Box the word that has opposite meaning
fox? of the underlined compound word.
5.What was at the bottom of the c. His statement was an example
well that looked delicious and of falsehood. ( truth, lies, rumor)
good? Falsehood and truth are antonyms, they
have opposite meaning.
F. Developing mastery D.Guided Practice D.Guided Practice C.Guided Practice D.Guided Practice D.Guided Practice
(Leads to Formative Refer to LM, Try and The class will be divided into 4 for a The class will be divided into 5 Using the details of the With the aid of the teacher,
Assessment 3) Learn group activity. and play a game called “E-Raffle” .Each semantic web, plan a two-paragraph the class will view the video
Gr. 1- Infer meaning of compound words group will be receiving metacards to write composition. “Stellar Moves: The Story of
through context clues their answer. As the raffle goes, there are Pluto”. The students will take
Gr. 2- Infer meaning of compound words verbs to be flashed with corresponding note of the different forms
through synonyms tense of verb. Each group will compose and conventions of the film.
Gr.3- Infer meaning of compound words clear and coherent sentences using the
through antonyms verb in the tense asked. 2 minutes will be
used to answer each item.
1st word: play tense: future
2nd word: cook tense: past
3rd word: run tense: future
4th word: use tense: present
5th word: see tense: past

G. Finding practical applications E.Independent Practice E.Independent Practice D.Independent Practice Independent Practice Do and Learn
of concepts and skills in daily Refer to LM, Do and For Exercise 1 refer to LM, Do and Learn Exercise 1 The outline contains a Choose a scene from the
living Learn For Exercise 2 refer to LM, Learn Some The following sentences are personality of a Filipino. Write a two- short film. Describe only one
More written in past tense. Rewrite them in paragraph from the listed
present and future tense on the lines below. composition using the following details. forms and
The Filipinos are humane and conventions of film.
a. The rain fell on the green valley. concern to his fellowmen.
Present A.Cares for himself and to his
tense:___________________________ fellowmen
Future tense:________________________ B.Thoughtful, loving, understanding,
helpful, friendly and charitable
b. Jane borrowed Richard’s eraser. C.Ready to give a helping hand when
Present needed
tense:_________________________ D.Ready to share laughter to cheer up
Future those who are lonely

c. The shark swam through the ocean.

Present tense:____________________

Compose sentences using the

given sets of words. Refer to the word
enclosed in the parentheses to know the
tense of the verb to be used in each item.
Ex: Carlito, swim, beach, (present)
Carlito swims at the beach.

a.Angel, read, pocketbook, (future)

b.Pila, celebrate, Pailah Festival, last year
c.Farmers, plant, rice, ( present)

H. Making generalizations and F.Closure/Assessment F.Closure/ Assessment E.Closure/ Assessment F.Closure/ Assessment F.Closure/ Assessment
abstractions about the lesson Noting details of a Compound words come from Verbs are action words. There are different
story means pointing out the two or more words that are combined There are three aspects of verbs. The clustering graphic organizer shows forms and conventions of the
characters around which the together to form a new word and a new If the action is being done in the present and separates the developed ideas from film. These are setting,
story revolves, the place and meaning. time, the verb is in present tense. other ideas. characterization, plot,
when it happened and the Context clues hint the parts of If the action is done already in the past The use of graphic organizers and performance, costuming,
series of actions that make the a sentence or paragraph that come time, the verb is in past tense. outlines provides the organization of props, set and location,
story itself. before or after the unfamiliar word. If the action is to be done in future time , ideas easy to understand and makes camera work, lighting, sound
Synonyms are words with similar the verb is in future tense. learning more enjoyable. and editing
Use of appropriate facial meanings.
expressions in delivering the Antonyms are words with opposite
lines of the characters in the meanings.
story helps in making the story
more realistic, creative and
emotional. The listeners feel
more excited to know what will
happen next and they become
more imaginative.
I. Evaluating learning IV.Evaluation IV.Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation
Compose sentences using the Answer the following
given sets of words. Refer to the word questions based on the short
Listen to the story to be read by Infer the meaning of the enclosed in the parentheses to know the film “Stellar `
the teacher. Then answer the compound word in each sentence. tense of the verb to be used in each item.
questions that follow. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Ex: Carlito, swim, beach, (present) Moves: The Story of Pluto”.
Aurea is in a hurry Carlito swims at the beach.
preparing to go to school. She 1.My mother and I cross at the overpass. 1.What is the film all about?
didn’t wake up early because The underlined compound word is a.Angel, read, pocketbook, (future) 2.What fictional characters
she watched her favorite late synonymous to ____________. ___________________________________ are used in the short film?
night show. She opened her a.footbridge b. hall way c. road ____ 3.Who are the main
purse and said, “My allowance b.Pila, celebrate, Pailah Festival, last year characters of the short film?
is not enough for the remaining 2.The keywords must be in uppercase (past) 4.How did the story begin?
three days before my next because it is easier to emphasize if they ___________________________________ 5.What does Stellar wants
allowance” she felt so worried. are written in capital letters. What words __ Pluto to do after watching the
It is because she is fond of in the sentence hint the meaning of the c.Farmers, plant, rice, ( present) TV show?
buying bracelets and word uppercase? ___________________________________ 6.What did Pluto think of
necklaces. a.capital letters b. keywords c. ____ himself when Stellar asked
Questions: emphasize him to join in the contest?
1. Who is the main character of 7.What did the friends do to
the story? 3.Manny Pacquiao experienced being make them ready for the
2. Draw the appropriate facial knocked-out in his fights. ___________ contest?
expression related to this line of has opposite meaning with the word 8.Who among the characters
Aurea “My allowance is not knocked-out. had shown being impolite?
enough for the remaining three a.cheated b. defeated c. revived 9.What did Pluto do to show
days before my next love for his friend Stellar?
allowance”. 10.How did the story end?
J. Additional activities for V.Assignment V. Assignment a.
application or remediation Make a comic strip of the story Using your own understanding of the
“The Sly Fox” words, define the following words and
compound words. Use the compound
words in meaningful sentences.
boxing ring-

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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