Stroke Reference Guide
Stroke Reference Guide
Stroke Reference Guide
Version 2.0.1
Revised: June 21st, 2018
that matter
Ability to
We are thrilled that you are interested in measuring outcomes for your stroke patients according to ICHOM
standards. It is our hope that this Reference Guide will facilitate the process of implementing our Standard Set
and ensure collection of comparable data for global benchmarking and learning.
© 2018 ICHOM. All rights reserved. When using this set of outcomes, or quoting therefrom, in any way, we solely require that you always
make a reference to ICHOM as the source so that this organization can continue its work to define more standard outcome sets.
Each Standard Set focuses on patient-centered results, and provides an internationally-agreed upon method for
measuring each of these outcomes. We do this because we believe that standardized outcomes measurement
will open up new possibilities to compare performance globally, allow clinicians to learn from each other, and
rapidly improve the care we provide our patients.
Our Standard Sets include initial conditions and risk factors to enable meaningful case-mix adjustment
globally, ensuring that comparisons of outcomes will take into account the differences in patient populations
across not just providers, but also countries and regions. We also include high-level treatment variables to
allow stratification of outcomes by major treatment types. A comprehensive data dictionary is included in the
Our aim is to make Standard Sets freely accessible to healthcare institutions worldwide to begin measuring,
and ultimately benchmark the outcomes they achieve. In order to have a guide from which we can benchmark
outcomes, we require feedback from initial implementation efforts. As such, this Reference Guide may undergo
revisions on a regular basis. If you have any suggestions or would like to provide feedback, please contact
Thank you.
Patients who have been hospitalized for an index ischemic stroke (IS) or intracereberal
hemorrhage (ICH). Patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) are excluded.
Inclusion of transient ischemic attack (TIA) or patients with IS or ICH who are evaluated
but not hospitalized is not required.
IV Thrombolysis | Thrombectomy | Hemicraniectomy
All patient-reported forms in the Stroke Standard Set are designed to be completed by the patient. However,
for some stroke patients, answering questions and/or completing questionnaires can be challenging. If a patient
is unable to respond to parts or all of a survey, answers should be provided by a proxy, his or her clinician, or
abstracted from medical records.
Treatment/Care Related
Date of index admission and
Discharge + 7 Administrative
Length of stay date of discharge from acute
days data
care hospital
Admission for
Diagnostic evidence
N/A index stroke Clinical
All patients base
Dedicated stroke
Rehabilitation rehabilitation during acute or Discharge + 7 Administrative
post-acute care days data
Discharge destination N/A
Patient Population Measure Supporting Information Timing Data Source
Acute Complications of Treatment
Patients who Symptomatic
received intracranial
Discharge + 7
thrombolytic hemorrhage after N/A Clinical
therapy or thrombolysis or
thrombectomy thrombectomy
Patient-Reported Form
Administrative Form
The Global scores require re-coding of three items so that high scores reflect better functioning.
5=0 No pain
How would you rate your 3=5
Global07 In the past 7 days
pain on average 3=6
After recoding, the Global Physical Health score is generated by summing responses to Global03, Global06,
Global07rescored, and Global08rescored. The Global Mental Health score is generated by summing responses to
Global02, Global04, Global05, and Global10rescored.
Raw score to T-score conversion tables: The following conversion tables allow a user to convert simple summed
raw scores from PROMIS global into T-score values on an individual respondent or group of respondents. In all
cases, these conversions only work accurately when all questions on the short form have been answered. T-score
distributions are standardized such that a 50 represents the average (mean) for the US general population, and
the standard deviation around that mean is 10 points. A high score always represents more of the concept being
measured. Thus, a person who has T-scores of 60 for the Global Physical Health or Global Mental Health scales is
one standard deviation better (more healthy) than the general population
Conversion Table applies only when ALL questions on the subdomain have been answered
Hays, R. D., Bjorner, J., Revicki, R. A., Spritzer, K. L., & Cella, D. (2009). Development of physical and mental health summary scores from the Patient
Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) global items. Quality of Life Research, 18(7),873-80. (PMCID: PMC2724630)
Estimating EuroQoL (EQ-5D) index scores: Revicki et al (2009) outlined how to use the PROMIS Global Health
short form to calculate a EuroQoL (EQ-5D) index score. To begin, use the instructions on page 1 to re-score
Global07, Global08, and Global10. Then, use the following formula:
EQ5D score = 0.19123 + (0.00672 * Global2) + (0.00527 * Global3) + (0.00830 * Global4) + (0.04550 * Global6) +
(0.02713 * Global7rescored) + (0.01305 * Global8rescored) + (0.00613 * Global9) + (0.02502 * Global10rescored)
Revicki, D. A., Kawata, A., Harnam, N., Chen, W-H., Hays, R. D., & Cella, D. (2009). Predicting EUROQOL (EQ-5D) scores from the Patient Reported
Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) global items and domain item banks in a United States sample. Quality of Life Research, 18(6),
783-91. (PMCID: PMC2704290)
Assessment recommendations: The assessment time with the smRSq is relatively short, less than 2 minutes.
The smRSq has been validated for phone assessment [2] and with quality of life [2], stroke severity [3, 4], and
stroke size [5].
Translations: The smRSq was originally developed in English. The smRSq has been translated and validated in
Chinese stroke patients versus the standard mRS interview and stroke severity [6].
Department of Neurology
Medical College of Georgia
1120 15th St BI 3076,
Augusta, GA 30912
[1] Bruno A, Shah N, Lin C, Close B, Hess DC, Davis K, Baute V, Switzer JA, Waller JL, Nichols FT. Improving modified Rankin Scale assessment with a simplified
questionnaire. Stroke. 2010 May;41(5):1048-50.
[2] Bruno A, Akinwuntan AE, Lin C, Close B, Davis K, Baute V, Aryal T, Brooks D, Hess DC, Switzer JA, Nichols FT. Simplified modified rankin scale
questionnaire: reproducibility over the telephone and validation with quality of life. Stroke. 2011 Aug;42(8):2276-9.
[3] Bruno A, Close B, Switzer JA, Hess DC, Gross H, Nichols FT 3rd, Akinwuntan AE.Simplified modified Rankin Scale questionnaire correlates with stroke
severity. Clin Rehabil. 2013 Aug;27(8):724-7.
[4] Bruno A, Close B, Gomadam A, Akinwuntan AE, Switzer JA. The simplified mRS questionnaire reflects stroke severity. Int J Stroke 2013;8:E55.
[5] Bruno A, Shah N, Akinwuntan AE, Close B, Switzer JA. Stroke size correlates with functional outcome on the simplified modified Rankin Scale questionnaire.
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2013 Aug;22(6):781-3.
[6] Yuan JL; Bruno A; Li T; Li SJ; Zhang XD; Li HY; Jia K; Qin W; Chen AC; Hu WL. Replication and extension of the simplified modified Rankin scale in 150
Chinese stroke patients. European Neurology, 2012; Vol. 67 (4), pp. 206-10.
Please timestamp all variables. Some Standard Set variables are collected at multiple timepoints, and we will
ask you to submit these variables in a concatenated VARIABLEID_TIMESTAMP form for future analyses. For
example, VARIABLEID_BASE (baseline); VARIABLEID_6MO (6 month follow-up); VARIABLEID_1YR (1 year
follow-up), etc.
Case-Mix Variables
Variable ID: N/A
Variable: Patient ID
Definition: Create a unique patient identifier (e.g. medical record number)
Supporting Definition: This number will not be shared with ICHOM. In the case patient-level data is
submitted to ICHOM for benchmarking or research purposes, a separate ICHOM
Patient Identifier will be created and cross-linking between the ICHOM Patient
Identifier and the medical record number will only be known at the treating
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: On all forms
Data Source: Administrative or clinical
Type: Numerical
Response Options: According to institution
Demographic Factors
Variable ID: AGE
Variable: Age
Definition: Date of birth
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Clinical, patient-reported, or administrative data
Type: Date by DD/MM/YYYY
Response Options: DD/MM/YYYY
Variable ID: SEX
Variable: Sex
Definition: Please indicate the patient's sex at birth
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Clinical, patient-reported, or administrative data
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = Male
1 = Female
999 = Undisclosed
Variable ID: ETHNIC
Variable: Ethnicity
Definition: Varies by country and should be determined by country (not for cross country
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported
Type: Single answer
Response Options: N/A
Variable: Living location pre index event
Definition: Where were you living prior to your stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA)?
Supporting Definition: Most recent place of residence pre stroke
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 1 = At home, with no community support
2 = At home with community support
3 = In an assisting living home in the community (senior's home)
4 = In a rehabilitation hospital or skilled care facilities (SNIF, IRF, LTACH)
5 = In long term care (nursing home, chronic care hospital)
888 = Other
999 = Unknown
Variable: Living location post index event
Definition: Where are you living now?
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: 90 days post admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 1 = At home, with no community support
2 = At home with community support
3 = In an assisting living home in the community (senior's home)
4 = In a rehabilitation hospital or skilled care facilities (SNIF, IRF, LTACH)
5 = In long term care (nursing home, chronic care hospital
6 = In an acute care hospital
888 = Other
999 = Unknown
Variable: Living alone pre-index event
Definition: Did you live alone prior to your stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA)?
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: If "1 = At home, with no community support"
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 1 = Yes, I lived alone
2 = No, I shared my household with spouse/partner or other person (e.g. sibling,
children, parents)
999 = Unknown
Variable: Living alone post-index event
Definition: Do you live alone now?
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: 90 days post admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 1 = Yes, I live alone
2 = No, I share my household with spouse/partner or other person (e.g. sibling,
children, parents)
999 = Unknown
Variable: Prestroke functional status - Ambulation
Definition: Were you able to walk prior to your stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA)?
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 1 = Able to walk without help from another person with or without a device
2 = Able to walk with help from another person
3 = Unable to walk
Variable: Prestroke functional status - Toileting
Definition: Did you need help from anybody to go to the toilet prior to your stroke or transient
ischaemic attack (TIA)?
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 1 = I could manage going to the toilet without assistance
2 = I needed help to go to the toilet
Variable: Prestroke functional status - Dressing
Definition: Did you need help with dressing/undressing prior to your stroke or transient
ischaemic attack (TIA)?
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 1 = I could manage dressing/undressing without help
2 = I needed help dressing/undressing
999 = Unknown
Variable: Estimated stroke severity: category
Definition: Indicate the estimated stroke severity category by the NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS)
Supporting Definition: NIHSS categories:
NIHSS score 0 = Category 1: No stroke symptoms
NIHSS score 1-4 = Category 2: Minor
NIHSS score 5-15 = Category 3: Moderate
NIHSS score 16-20 = Category 4: Moderate to severe
NIHSS score 21-42 = Category 5: Severe
Note: if no NIHSS score was recorded and/or insufficient documentation exists to
abstract the full score, then indicate a category based on symptom severity.
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Clinical
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 1 = No stroke symptoms
2 = Minor
3 = Moderate
4 = Moderate to severe
5 = Severe
999 = Unknown
Variable: Stroke severity: consciousness
Definition: Indicate the patient’s level of consciousness measured on hospital arrival
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Clinical
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = Fully awake
1 = Somnolent
2 = Coma
999 = Unknown
Variable: Duration of symptoms
Definition: Indicate the duration of the symptoms measured on hospital arrival
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Clinical
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = Less than 4.5 hours
1 = More than 4.5 hours
999 = Unknown
Response Options: 0 = No
1 = Yes
999 = Unknown
Variable: Prior TIA
Definition: Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have had a transient ischemic attack
(this is sometimes called a TIA or mini-stroke)?
Supporting Definition: Item is phrased as a patient reported measure. However, if the patient is unable to
answer, this information can be abstracted from the medical records.
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported, clinical, or administrative
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = No
1 = Yes
999 = Unknown
Variable ID: PRIORMI
Variable: Prior MI
Definition: Have you ever been told by your doctor that you've had a heart attack (this is
sometimes called a myocardial infarction, or MI)?
Supporting Definition: Item is phrased as a patient reported measure. However, if the patient is unable to
answer, this information can be abstracted from the medical records.
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported, clinical, or administrative
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = No
1 = Yes
999 = Unknown
Variable ID: CAD
Variable: Coronary artery disease
Definition: Have you ever been told by your doctor that you have coronary artery disease?
Supporting Definition: Item is phrased as a patient reported measure. However, if the patient is unable to
answer, this information can be abstracted from the medical records.
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported, clinical, or administrative
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = No
1 = Yes
999 = Unknown
Variable ID: AFIB
Variable: Atrial fibrillation
Definition: Have you ever been told by your doctor that you have atrial fibrillation?
Supporting Definition: Item is phrased as a patient reported measure. However, if the patient is unable to
answer, this information can be abstracted from the medical records.
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported, clinical, or administrative
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = No
1 = Yes
999 = Unknown
Variable ID: DIAB
Variable: Diabetes mellitus
Definition: Have you ever been told by your doctor that you have diabetes?
Supporting Definition: Item is phrased as a patient reported measure. However, if the patient is unable to
answer, this information can be abstracted from the medical records.
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported, clinical, or administrative
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = No
1 = Yes
999 = Unknown
Variable: Hypertension
Definition: Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have high blood pressure (this is
sometimes called hypertension)?
Supporting Definition: Item is phrased as a patient reported measure. However, if the patient is unable to
answer, this information can be abstracted from the medical records.
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported, clinical, or administrative
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = No
1 = Yes
999 = Unknown
Variable: Hyperlipidemia
Definition: Have you ever been told by your doctor that you have high cholesterol (this is
sometimes called hyperlipidemia or dyslipidemia)?
Supporting Definition: Item is phrased as a patient reported measure. However, if the patient is unable to
answer, this information can be abstracted from the medical records.
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported, clinical, or administrative
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = No
1 = Yes
999 = Unknown
Variable ID: SMOKE
Variable: Smoking status
Definition: Do you currently smoke, or have you smoked cigarettes or tobacco over the past
Supporting Definition: Smoking status (of cigarettes or tobacco). Item is phrased as a patient reported
measure. However, if the patient is unable to answer, this information can be
abstracted from the medical records.
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Patient-reported
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = No
1 = Yes
999 = Unknown
Variable ID: ALCOHOL
Variable: Alcohol use
Definition: Do you drink more than one alcoholic drink a day?
Supporting Definition: One standard alcoholic drink is:
12 ounces of regular beer (about 5% alcohol)
5 ounces of wine (about 12% alcohol)
1.5 ounces of distilled spirits (about 40% alcohol)
Treatment/Care Related
Variable: Diagnostic evidence base
Definition: Indicate how the diagnosis was made
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Clinical
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = Clinical symptoms alone
1 = Clinical + CT
2 = Clinical + MRI
Variable ID: ADMDATE
Variable: Date of index admission
Definition: Date of admission for index event
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Admission for index event
Data Source: Administrative data
Type: Date by DD/MM/YYYY
Response Options: DD/MM/YYYY
Variable: Date of discharge
Definition: Date of discharge from acute care hospital
Supporting Definition: N/A
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Discharge
Data Source: Administrative data
Type: Date by DD/MM/YYYY
Response Options: DD/MM/YYYY
Variable ID: REHAB_IN
Variable: Rehabilitation inpatient acute care
Definition: Did the acute inpatient care include dedicated stroke rehabilitation?
Supporting Definition: Dedicated stroke rehabilitation during acute care
Inclusion Criteria: All patients
Timing: Discharge
Data Source: Administrative or clinical
Type: Single answer
Response Options: 0 = No
1 = Yes
999 = Unknown
Variable ID: REHAB_OUT
Variable: Rehabilitation post acute care
Definition: Did the post-acute care include dedicated stroke rehabilitation?
Supporting Definition: Dedicated stroke rehabilitation during post-acute care, either hospital based or out
patient/home based