The Plant Cell

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The Plant Cell

Group 4:
Garan, Nikita Alexis
Garcia, Ann Janine
Garduce, Danielle Marie
Geronimo, James Lance
At the end of the exercise, the student should be able to:
 Distinguish the visible parts of the plant cells under the light
 Make a wet mount presentation; and
 Differentiate the types of crystals in plant cells.
What are plant cells?
All plants are made of cells.
– Simplest units of a plant
– Other cell components occur only in the cells of leaves, roots, or
other parts of the plants
– Plant cells have many shapes and sizes.
– The cell wall that surrounds a plasma membrane encloses the
smaller parts called organelles.
– They have roles in photosynthesis, secretion, and oil metabolism.
Fresh plant materials:
 Allium cepa L. (onion)
 Hydrilla verticillata L. (hydrilla)
 Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (tomato)
 Capsicum annum var. annum L. (bell pepper)
 Tradescantia spathacea Sw. (boat of Mosses)
 Solanum tuberosum L. (potato) tuber
 Dieffenbacchia sp.
 Ixora coccinea L. (santan)
Prepared slides (crystals):
 Begonia sp.
 Dieffenbacchia sp.
 Ficus elastic Roxb. (rubber tree)
 Ixora coccinea L. (santan)
 Lugol’s solution (iodine in potassium iodide)
 Microscope slides
 Microscope cover slips
 Scalpel blade
Procedure: The Cell Wall
Prepare a wet mount of the
onion epidermis by peeling a Examine under low-power
small section of thin objective (LPO) and observe the
Gently place a cover slip on the
transparent tissue from the rectangular structures in the
inner surface of an onion specimen. These are the onion
(Allium cepa L.) bulb leaf cells.
adding a drop of water into it.

Note that the primary walls of

Examine each cell’s outer
Draw and label the parts of the adjacent cells are joined by a
boundary called the cell wall,
cell visible under the structure called middle lamella.
then switch to high- power
microscope. Indicate the position of the
objective (HPO).
middle lamella in your drawing.
Procedure: The Protoplasm
Locate the clear, rather Make a wet mount of a
Observe again the onion
grayish body which is young green leaf from
preparation under the
either circular or disc- the tip of the water plant
LPO and then, under the
shaped. This is the hydrilla (Hydrilla
nucleus. verticillata L.).

Observe closely the

Observe the leaf under Carefully shift to HPO
streaming of protoplasm
LPO and select a cell on and locate the matrix or
(cyclosis) along the
the thin margin of the cytoplasm in which cell
margin of Hydrilla sp.
leaf. organelles can be found.
Under HPO.
Procedure: The Protoplasm
Prepare a wet mount of the
Prepare a wet mount of a thin lower epidermis (abaxial side)
epidermal section of a ripe of boat of Moses (Tradescantia
Capsicum annuum var. annuum spathacea Sw.). Note the
L. (bell pepper). vacuoles filled with violet

Examine the wet mount of

onion. Note that the vacuole is
Do the same with an epidermal colorless and has no chloroplast.
wet mount of tomato It contains mostly water and
(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). salts. However, it sometimes
contains visible crystals, starch,
protein bodies, and granules.
Procedure: The Protoplasm

Observe under the Prepare wet mounts of

microscope prepared Dieffenbacchia sp. and
slides of crystals: santan (Ixora coccinea
cystolith, druse/rosette, L.). Observe under the
prismatic, raphides, sand, microscope the presence
and styloid crystals. of crystals.
Procedure: The Protoplasm
Scrape some materials
Place a drop of water
from freshly cut potato
and put a cover slip.
tuber onto a slide.

Then, add a drop of

Lugol’s solution on the
Observe under LPO. side of the cover slip.
Allow the solution to sip
through the wet mount.
Results: The Cell Wall

Cell Wall

Allium cepa L.
Results: The Protoplasm

Cell Wall


Hydrilla verticillata
Results: The Protoplasm

Cell Wall


Capsicum annum var. annum

Results: The Protoplasm

Cell Wall Guard Cells

Pore Epidermal

Tradescantia spathacea
Results: The Protoplasm

Cell Wall

Lycopersicon esculentum
Results: The Protoplasm

Cell Wall



Allium cepa
Results: The Protoplasm

Cell Wall

Solanum tuberosum
Results: Crystals
Common Name Scientific Name Type of Crystal Illustration
Various Begonia Begonia sp. Calcium oxalate

Dumb Cane Dieffenbacchia sp. Calcium oxalate

Rubber Tree Ficus elastic Roxb. Calcium carbonate

Santan Ixora coccinea L.

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