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Master Instruction


EP100 Analog Positioner

The analog Positioner EP100 with analog input 4 to
20 mA is designed to operate pneumatic valve
actuators. It offers an easy adjustment by means of
switches and potentiometers. The modular
structure of the EP positioner series enables the
feasibility to re-fitt optional equipment (limit switch).


 Configuration by means of switches and  Failsafe position in case of failure of

potentiometers electronics
 Load 300   Protection class IP 65
 Low air consumption  Additional equipments (compatible to EP200:
 Angle range up to 95 degree Integrated inductive limit switches,
 Supply air pressure up to 6 bar (90 psig) independent of device electronics
 Single acting or double acting  Accessories (compatible to EP200:
 Mechanical travel indicator Gauge attachment for supply air and outputs
 Reverse polarity protection and interlock diode Booster relay
 Attachment to rotary actuators according to
VDI/VDE 3845

Repair and maintenance operations must be carried out by qualified personnel!

2 EP100 Master Instruction



1.1 General 3
1.2 Block diagram 3 9 TROUBLE-SHOOTING GUIDE 17
1.3 Operation 3
1.4 Safety Requirements 4 10 MAINTENANCE 18
10.1 General 18
2 LABELS 5 10.2 Supply filter replacement 18
10.3 Removal of the electronics unit 18
3 DESIGN 6 10.3.1 Conversion of positioner 18
3.1 Pneumatic accessories 7 10.4 Replacement of mechanical and
neumatic units 19
4 MOUNTING TO ROTARY 10.4.1 Amplifier replacement 19
ACTUATORS 8 10.4.2 Preamplifier replacement 19
4.1 Type of mount 8 10.4.3 IP-module replacement 19
4.2 Preparation of the positioner 8 10.4.4 Feedback unit replacement 19
4.3 Preparation of the actuator 9
4.4 Mounting of the positioner 9 11 OPTIONS 20
11.1 Limit switch 20
5 PNEUMATIC CONNECTIONS 10 11.1.1 2-wire indicator 21
11.1.2 3-wire indicator 21
6 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION 11 11.2 Position feedback 4 – 20 mA 21

7.1 General 12
- Direction of rotation of DIMENSIONS 23
feedback shaft 13
7.3 - Setting of Input Signal Range
- Split Range 14
7.4 - Gain (G) 15
7.5 - Zero (ZERO) and Span (S) 15
7.6 - Damping (D) 15
7.7 - Travel indicator 15
7.8 Air reducing throttles 16
7.9 Basic adjustment of electronics 16
7.10 Pneumatic test 16

EP100 Master Instruction 3

1 METHOD OF OPERATION Actuators without spring force are controlled by a

double acting positioner. The positioner can be
operated by means of switches and potentiometers.
1.1 General
The intelligent positioner EP100 1 and the pneumatic
actuator 2 form a control loop with the setpoint value w
(from master controller or control system), the output
pressure y and the position x of the actuator on valve 3.
The positioner can be attached to both linear actuators
and rotary actuators.
Actuators with spring force are controlled by a single
acting positioner.

For the supply air, we recommend a filter regulator...

1.2 Block diagram

1.3 Operation
The supply of the electronics unit is diverted from The position x of the actuator is measured by the position
the current signal 4 to 20 mA at the input. sensor (conductive plastic potentiometer) 15 . The desired
direction of rotation is set in 17 via switches S1 and S2. The
The current value is measured and is suited in SPAN is suited to the stroke / rotation angle range via
input circuit 9 to the desired input range (control potentiometer P2, while ZERO is set in 19 via potentiometer
action or split range) via switches S4 - S7. In P3. With switch S3 potentiometer P1 provides an internal
circuit 10 the signal is provided with an adjustable zero adjustment in 18 carried out by the manufacturer
time constant settable via potentiometer (service function). The resulting feedback signal is guided to
P5. control circuit 11.
The resulting internal signal is guided to the analog The IP module receives its maximum drive current via switch
control circuit 11 , the gain of which is adjustable S8 enabling checking of the funktion of the pneumatic unit.
via potentiometer P4. The output of the control
circuit drives the electromechanic converter (IP The position x of the actuator is independently displayed at
module) 12 , which controls the analog single the mechanical travel indicator 16.
acting or double acting pneumatic amplifier 14
through the preampifier 13. The output of the The mechanical limit switch 22 (optional) enables
amplifier 14 is the output pressure y (y1,y2) to the independent alarm signals.
actuator. The pneumatic amplifiers are supplied
with supply air Ps 1.4 to 6 bar (20 to 90 psig).

4 EP100 Master Instruction

1.4 Safety requirements

Accident prevention Explosion protection

This device complies with regulations for the prevention (Only if ordered)
of accidents Power-Driven Work Aids (VGB 5) of 1st
October 1985. Technical data for explosion protection see Product
Specifications Sheet PSS EVE0107 A-(en).
In option “limit switch” do not touch control vane during
operation - danger of injuries! For installations located in explosive atmospheres, all
relevant national regulations and installation conditions
Electrical safety must be observed, e.g. in the Federal Republic of
This instrument satisfies the conditions for safety class Germany ElexV and DIN VDE 0165.
III, overvoltage category I according to EN 61010-1 or
IEC1010-1. Attention:
When repairing explosion-protected equipment, observe
Any work on electrical parts must be done by qualified the national regulations.
personnel if any supply is connected to the instrument.
Repairs involving parts must be manufacturer’s original
The instrument must be used for its designated purpose parts.
and connected in accordance with its connection
diagram (see pages 17 and 27). The following applies to the Federal Republic of
Locally applicable installation regulations for electrical Germany:
equipment must be observed, e.g. in the Federal Repairs involving parts required for explosion protection
Republic of Germany DIN VDE 0100 resp. DIN VDE must either be carried out by the manufacturer or by
0800. The instrument contains no built-in fuses. authorized personnel and confirmed by certificate.

The instrument must be operated with safety extra low EMC and CE
voltage SELV or SELV-E. For notes regarding Electromagnetic compatibility EMC
and CE labels see Product Specifications Sheet PSS
Safety precautions taken in the instrument may be EVE0107 A-(en).
rendered ineffectual if the instrument is not operated in
accordance with the Master Instructions. In order to ensure EMC protection, the electronic board
has to be screwed to the housing.
Limitation of power supplies for fire protection must be
observed due to EN 61010-1, appendix F
or IEC 1010-1.

EP100 Master Instruction 5


A Nameplate
B Additional label for option “Limit switches”

Nameplate (Example)

EP100  Device specification, Model Code ]

SER.No [ Serial number ]
ECEP [ Number for special engineered version ]

6 EP100 Master Instruction


1a Adapter 1/2"-14NPT (see accessories) 11 Connection base for mounting to rotary actuators
1b Cable gland PG 13.5 12 Travel indicator
2 Plug, interchangeable by Pos. 1 17 Air reducing throttle* for output I
3 Screw terminals 11+ 12- for input (w) 18 Air reducing throttle* for output II
I– to measure input current (see also item 23 ) 19 Shaft for limit switch connection
4 Ground connection 20 Cover with window to 12
5 Female thread 1/4-18 NPT for output I (y1) 21 Air vent, dust and water protected
6 Female thread 1/4-18 NPT for air supply (s) 22 Nameplate
7 Female thread 1/4-18 NPT for output II (y2) 23 Connections for current measurement, 2 mm dia.
8 Direct connection hole for output I (y1) (integrated in side of terminals)
9 Feedback shaft 26 Arrow points to flat of feedback shaft at angle 0°
10 Connection manifold for mounting to linear 27 Ball valve for protection class NEMA 4X

* Service only

EP100 Master Instruction 7

3.1 Pneumatic Accessories

When mounting, check the proper seating of the O-rings
and bolt on the accessories with the two M8 bolts. Unused
outputs are closed by means of plastic plugs.

1/4-18 NPT

101,5 x 60 x 100,5 mm

1/4-18 NPT

Code LEXG -G
Booster for double acting positioner

121 x 39 x 81 mm

1/4-18 NPT

Code LEXG -M
Connection manifold for double acting
positioner with pressure gauge for supply
air s, outputs y1 and y2
3x G 1/8 für
100 x 30 x 45 mm
1/4-18 NPT
Code LEXG -N
Connection manifold for single or double
acting positioner with threads G 1/8 for
pressure gauge for supply air s, outputs y(y1)
and (y2) (supplied without pressure gauge)

8 EP100 Master Instruction

4 MOUNTING TO ROTARY 4.2. Preparation of positioner

Valve must be in failsafe position2) and the direction of
ACTUATORS rotation of the actuator drive shaft must be known. These
items are extremely important for proper functioning. These
4.1 Type of mount items can be checked as follows in case they are not clear:
Applicable to rotary actuators that meet the In the single-acting actuator the force of the installed springs
VDI/VDE 3845 standard for mounting. Installation closes. The pressure-less actuator is in failsafe position.
position of positioner: Through manually feeding compressed air it can be seen
Mount the positioner so that the pneumatic whether the actuator drive shaft rotates to the left or to the
connections are in the same direction as the right. In the powerless EP100 is y1 pressureless.
longitudinal drive axis of the actuator as shown in In the double-acting actuator without spring reset both air
the drawing below. chambers are basically equal. Failsafe position can be either
“open” or “close”. Therefore, indication of the fail- safe
position has to be determined by engineering. Then the
direction of rotation may be determined by manual feeding of
compressed air. In the powerless EP100 is y1 pressureless
and y2 under pressure.
Bolt 2 is screwed into actuator drive shaft 1 for subsequent
centering of the rotary adaptor 3. The attachment console is
mounted to the stroke actuator (see photo).

Attachment diagram for bracket

Attention: The feedback shaft 9 of the EP100 has

no mechanical stop, therefore may spin round. The
permissible rotation angle range is between +50
and –50 degrees around the arrow at the housing
concerning the flat area of the feedback shaft (also
see detail page 13 bottom). Since a rotary actuator
has a rotary angle of about 90 degrees the
mounting as described in the following must be
carried out very precise. Rotary adaptor
Attachment of the positioner to the actuator is
made by using the rotary adaptor kit EBZG -R.

Either the side outputs I (or I and II) are used and
the rear output I is closed by means of the lock
screw 522 588 013.

Pneumatic connections: Do not use Teflon tape for

sealant. The fine fibres could disturb the function
of the EP100. Use only Loctite® #243 for
sealant 1).

Screw-type glands for electrical connections are

used as needed. Any unused threaded holes are
closed by plugs.

Caution! Prevent accumulation of water in the

instrument in this mounting position by sealing
cable entry against water. Provide a continuous
supply of dry instrument air.

1) Apply only to male thread.

2) Failsafe position: Defined position in case of failure of input signal

EP100 Master Instruction 9

4.3 Preparation of the actuator shaft 1 and the rotary adaptor 3. This is achieved by
First the rotary adaptor is being prepared: placing an appropriate number of washers 5 on the
For attachment to a counter-clockwise or left turning feedback shaft stub 9 before attaching the rotary
actuator secure the stud screw 4 on the left side of adaptor. Two washers should result in a clearance of 1
the “R” in the threaded hole of the rotary adaptor mm.
(see the big “L” marked drawing below).
For attachment to a clockwise or right turning actuator Beginning and end positions of the actuator drive shaft
secure the stud screw 4 on the right side of the “L” in 1 and feedback shaft 9 are marked in the figures below
the threaded hole of the rotary adaptor (see the big ( the big “L” for the left-rotating actuator and the big
“R” marked drawing below). ”R” for the right-rotating actuator) by light-grey arrows
Than the feed back shaft 9 should be turned with the for the respective direction of rotation. The feedback
bevelled side (flat part) according to the stud screw 4 shaft is now in the normal position corresponding to the
(on the 0% position of the rotation indicator). Now screw failsafe position of the actuator. No shifting of feedback
and tighten the bolt in the coupling against the flat part shaft anymore!
of the feedback shaft (do not screw against the thread!).
Finally turn the feedback shaft in such a way that the 4.4 Mounting of positioner
“R” or the “L” of the coupling points to the arrow 10 of EP100 positioner and actuator are in failsafe position.
the EP100 housing. Now place the rotary adaptor 3 with Attach the EP100 on the console in such a way that the
two washers 5 on the feedback shaft 9 of the positioner catch of coupling 3 is guided into the groove of shaft 1.
against the stop. Use bolt 2 to center and align the positioner to the
Note : When the product temperature rises, than the actuator. Be careful not to shift shafts 1 and 9 and that
drive shaft 1 becomes longer. Therefore, the rotary both shafts are exactly flush. Fasten the EP100
adaptor 3 must be mounted so that approx. 1 mm positioner to the bracket by means of 4 lock washers
(0.04 inch) of clearance results between the drive and 4 screws M6 x 12.

of rotation
0  100%
of feedback
shaft 9
10 10

of rotation
0  100%
of feedback
shaft 9

Counter-clockwise Clockwise or
or left turning actuator right turning actuator

10 EP100 Master Instruction

Following alignment and mounting of the
positioner to the valve, pneumatic tubing
has to be provided.
The connection illustrations depend on the
respective version.

Explanation of abbreviatons:

s Supply air

y1-d Output 1 for direct mounting,

depressurized at currentless
electronics. When using this
output y1 as to be closed by
means of hex. screw.

y1 Output 1, depressurized at
currentless electronics.
When using this output, y1-d
has to be closed by means
of sealing screw and O-ring.

y2 Output 2 for double-acting actuator.

Full pressure at currentless
electronics. Closed at single-acting

n1 Hex. screw with NPT thread

n2 Sealing screw with O-ring

EP100 Master Instruction 11

Connection to terminals (pos. 3+, 3– ):
The safety requirements on page 4 must be
observed! 11+ Input w+
Unused cable glands should be closed off. 12– Input w–
Guide cable through gland 1. The gland is suitable for
cable diameters of 6 to 12 mm (0.24 to 0.47 in). The input current can be measured at tip jacks 23+ and 23-
Observe the tightness of the cable entry. (integrated in terminals, underneath the screws). The tip jacks fit
Provide electrical connection of input line at screw plugs with a diameter of 2 mm (0.08 in).
terminals 3 marked 11+ and 12 - . The terminals are
suitable for wire cross-sections of 0.3 to 2.5 mm2 (22 In order to improve EMV protection by integration into local
-14 AWG). grounding the internal and external grounding conduct
connection 4 is available.
Note: When connecting shielded cable connect the
cable shield only to the system! Do not connect the
cable shield to the EP100!

Optional equipment ‘limit switch’ (see terminals 40 )

EP100-x-T, U
via inductive sensor
Mark Signal
41 + GW1
42 – GW1
51 + GW2
52 – GW2
GW Binary output ext. supplied

12 EP100 Master Instruction

7.1 General
First of all, the nameplate should be checked,
especially with respect to references to Ex / non- Ex,
input signal, single / double acting.
Before starting the positioner the EP100 has to be
mounted to the actuator; an input signal 4 to 20 mA or
split range have to be available. The supply air
connection must have sufficient capacity and
pressure of 1.4 to 6 bar (20 to 90 psig) and should not
exceed the maximum operating pressure of the
The EP100 can be adjusted by means of switches
and potentiometers when the housing cover is

Attention: Configuration using switches and

potentiometers may interfere with operation of the The potentiometers are for the setting of:
actual process! During configuration it is  Zero point (ZERO): P3
recommended that there is no flow through the  Span (S): P2
valve.  Gain (G): P4
 Damping (D): P5
At initial start-up various adjustments have to be set.  Electronics alignment: P1 1)
The following procedure is recommended:
Single-threaded potentiometers with limited rotation angle to
 Setting of direction of rotation of feedback lever set gain (G) and damping (D) are available, where the actual
(chapter 7.2) position is indicated by an arrow. To set zero point (ZERO),
 Setting of input signal range e.g. 4 to 20 mA or span (S) and the electronics alignment1) multiplethreaded
split range (chapter 7.3) potentiometers (approx. 30 rotations) without rotation
 Setting of gain (chapter 7.4) limitation are used.
 Setting of zero and span (chapter 7.5)
 Setting of damping (time constant, chapter 7.6) The switches are for the setting of:
 The position indicator 12 is attached to the  Direction of rotation of feedback lever (switches 1, 2)
desired position after selection of the  Electronics adjustment (switch 3) 1)
transmission at indicator shaft (chapter 7.7)  Signal range (switches 4, 5, 6 and 7)
 The air capacity throttles at the pneumatic  Pneumatic test (switch 8)
output (screws 17 and 18 underneath of the
SERVICE openings) are factory-set to the The switch numbers (1 through 8) are imprinted on the
operating value and are normally not reset electronics. The possible switch position (“I” and “II”) are
(exception see chapter 7.8). imprinted below switch 8. The switch positions are defined as
 When attaching the housing cover make sure follows:
that the venting opening points to the bottom
Switch Position “I”: Switch Position II:

Settings via switches and potentiometers

For the setting of the EP100 and the adjustment of
various parameters 8 dip switches and 5
potentiometers are available.

See electronics imprint as follows:

Switches 3 and 8 must be during operation in position “I”.
Prior to resetting switches 1 to 8 it is recommended to shut-
off the respective part of the installation since processes are
activated influencing and disturbing the current process.
Therefore, it is recommended that no medium flows through
the valve during configuration..

1) Adjustment of electronic board (in workshop, see page 17)

EP100 Master Instruction 13

7.2 Setting of direction of rotation Direction of rotation of feedback shaft of the double-acting
actuator is a. o. determined by the mounting side and the
of feedback shaft tubing of the pneumatic outputs to the actuator. It has to be
If the actuator moves from starting to end position, considered that in a powerless EP100 the output y1 will
the direction of rotation of the feedback shaft is to become pressureless and y2 contains air supply pressure.
the right or left hand, depending on the mounting
method of the positioner selected and on the The direction of rotation of the feedback shaft is set via
configuration of the actuator (spring closes/ opens/ switches 1+2; see the following illustration.
For proper functioning this direction of rotation
must be set at positioner (via switches 1+2).

The direction of rotation is defined as direction of

rotation of the feedback shaft from the starting to
the end position looking at the positioner from the
front. See following illustration (shown is: left hand
mounting, spring closes, direction of rotation L).

L: left-hand rotating feedback shaft switch 1+2 on “I”

R: right-hand rotating feedback shaftt: switch 1+2 on “II”

If the direction of rotation is not in the right manner, the
actuator moves to the end position with full force, and the
positioner cannot be controlled.

Direction of rotation of feedback shaft for a rotary Definitions

actuator: Stroke stroke range of the membrane actuator is
Actuator opens Actuator opens defined for rotary actuator as angle, angle
rotating to the left rotating to the right range.
0 % position is the mechanical impact at actually closed
valve (caution if using handwheel and
mechanically adjustable stroke limitation!)
100 % position is the mechanical impact at actually open

14 EP100 Master Instruction

7.3 Setting of Input Signal Range

The following input signal ranges can be set for the
EP100 via switches 4 to 7:
0% 100% item S4 S5 S6 S7
4mA 20mA A I I I I
4mA 12mA B I I II I
12mA 20mA C I I II II
20mA 4mA D II II I I
20mA 12mA E II II II I
12mA 4mA F II II II II

The switch positions for the setting of various

signal ranges are imprinted on the electronics. See

For 4 to 20mA the switches 4 to 7 are set to

position “I” (as shown).

This concludes the setting of the input signal


Split Range
If several positioners are operated at one current
loop in sequence with the standard signal 4 to 20
mA, individual valve positions may be allocated to
each device, which also may overlap if necessary.

This function is useful if an additional control range

is demanded which cannot be covered by one
valve only. A valve of smaller nominal size can be
applied overtaking the smallest quantities; a
parallel mounted valve of bigger nominal size
takes on the larger quantities.

Example: Setting the signal range to 12 to 20 mA

It is recommended to shut off current of the
positioner prior to resetting of the input signal
range (turn-off input signal).The switches 4 and 5
are set to position “I” and switches 6 and 7 to
position “II”.

The individual switch positions are shown in the

following illustration.

Split range, subdivision of input signal range Example: At low

current, only the smaller valve positions; from approx. 50 %
the large valve is added

EP100 Master Instruction 15

7.4 Setting of gain (G) 7.7 Setting of the travel indicator

The loop amplification of the positioner is set via The mechanical travel indicator is coupled to the feedback
potentiometer P4 for gain (G). The maximum shaft of the positioner by a gear. The gear has two selectable
possible gain is thereby determined by the stability ratios 1 : 2 and 1 : 6. 1).
behavior of the control loop. It is selected in such a
way that the actuator no longer oscillates at Selection of gear ratio:
constant given input value. For rotation angles of the feedback shaft less than 30° select
Rotation to the right P4: amplification is increased a ratio 1 : 6. This gear selection amplifies the feedback shaft
Rotation to the left P4: amplification is reduced rotation angle six times and for example, a 20° angle is
If the positioner control loop oscillates, gain (G) shown as 120°.
must be reduced. It has to be considered that a
change of gain changes the control deviation, For rotation angles greater than 30 ° select a ratio of 1 : 2.
therefore, requiring setting of the potentiometer for This gear selection amplifies the shaft rotation angle by a
the position range (zero and span). factor of two and for example, a 45° angle is shown as 90°.

7.5 Setting of zero (ZERO) and For rotary actuators the rotation angle is equal to the rotation
angle of the actuator. Consequently, a 90° rotation angle will
span (S) result in a 180° display angle for the 1 : 2 gear ratio.
Following settings in chapters 7.2 through 7.4 at
initial startup setting of zero point (ZERO) and Setting gear ratio:
span (S) are performed as follows: Remove travel indicator 12. Pull out pin 12b for a ratio 1 : 2 or
push in the pin for a ratio 1 : 6. Use a smooth turning
a) Enter starting value of command variable operation to free the gears and to set pin 12b against the
(beginning of stroke). stop. See illustration.
b) Turn potentiometer P3 for zero point (ZERO)
until actuator just begins to move from its end
Rotation to the right P3: zero point is increased
Rotation to the left P3: zero point is reduced
c) Enter final value of variable (end of stroke)
d) Turn potentiometer P2 for span (S) until
actuator exactly reaches its end position.
Rotation to the right P2: span is increased
Rotation to the left P2: span is reduced

These settings influence amplification, therefore

adjusting in chapter 7.4 may become necessary!

7.6 Setting of damping (D)

Potentiometer P5 for damping (D) influences the
dynamic behavior of the actuator at a
discontinuous change of the input signal. The input
signal is provided with an additional time constant Turn the travel indicator 12 to the desired position, put it on
for this purpose. The time constant is only the gear shaft against the stop and pinch the wire ring for
noticeable in the position control loop if the time secure coupling.
constant set via potentiometer is larger than the
position time of the actuator.

Rotation to the right P5: damping is increased

Rotation to the left P5: damping is reduced

The effect of the positioning time may be checked

by entering input signal jumps. The range limits
and the gain are not influenced by a change.

1) The values are rounded for making easier calculations. The exact ratios
are 1 : 1.83 and 1 : 6.28:

16 EP100 Master Instruction

7.8 Air reducing throttles 7.10 Pneumatic test

Attention: Service only Attention: Service only
Air flow to the actuator may be reduced via air To check the pneumatic parts of the positioner by directly
reducing throttles 17 and 18 . applying current to the IP module (no control).
Procedure: Put switch 8 in position ”II” (see illustration).

Ex-factory the air capacity is non-throttled;

generally, this is the most favorable setting. In the
non-throttled condition the screw head is even with
the amplifier surface. Since the flatness of the
screw heads is not visible in the installed
electronics, the basic setting can be restored as
 turn off air supply
 carefully turn air reducing throttle screw Attention!
clockwise until impact, thereafter 5 complete Resetting of switch 8 initiates actions influencing and possibly
return rotations (counterclockwise) disturbing the current process! Therefore, no medium should
 restart air supply flow through the valve during these settings.
Reducing of output air capacity
Setting switch 8 to position “II” actuates a pneumatic test
Attention: Service only checking the function of the positioners pneumatic system
Output air capacity may be reduced in exceptional including its control. If switch 8 is set from position “I”
cases only in small volume actuators with a small (condition of operation) to position “II”, the pressure in the
spring range if after optimization of the control still actuator goes to nearly air supply pressure. The actuator
oscillating tendency exists (amplification of control moves to the direction associated with maximum pressure.
loop is too high). For this purpose turn air reducing
throttle screws 17 and 18 to a maximum of 5 If no reaction is shown, check:
rotations clockwise. - does air supply exist?
- is plug connected to IP module?
Caution: Amplifier may be damaged if a loud If these items are okay, possibly the electronics or a
noise can be heard from amplifier resulting from pneumatic part are defect. Exchange see page 18.
too strong reducing. Immediately turn back
throttles significantly! During operation switch 8 must be in position “I” at all times!

7.9 Basic adjustment of electronics 8 DECOMMISSIONING

Attention: Service only Before decommissioning the unit, disconnect supply air and
The electronics unit has been sufficiently factory- the electrical input signal.
adjusted; an adjustment at delivery is not required.
The potentiometer is secured by means of lacquer
against unintentional operating.
In the event an adjustment of the electronics
becomes necessary (e.g. following exchange of
electronics) the procedure is as follows:

a) Enter input current 4 mA.

b) Switch S3 to “II”: positioner control loop is
c) Turn potentiometer P1 until actuator just begins
to move from its end position.
d) Return S3 to “I”.

EP100 Master Instruction 17

Fault Possible cause Beseitigung
Check pneum. connections,
Pneum. connections were interchanged
see page 10
Check electric connections,
Actuator does not react Electric connections were interchanged
see page 11
to existing input signal or
Wrong setting of zero and span Check, see page 15
to changes of input signal
Carry out Pneumatic Test,
IP module or pneumatic part defective
possibly change part, see page 19
Direction of rotation interchanged Change direction of rotation
Supply air capacity insufficient Check air supply
Output pressure does not reach Carry out Pneumatic Test, possibly
IP module defect
full capacity change module, see page 19
Filter in air supply connection plugged Exchange filter, see page 18
Positioner mounted on wrong side or Check mounting side as per table
switch1+2 set faulty (R/L) page 13
Actuator moves to end position Pneumatik test still active (switch 8 = “II”) Return switch 8 to “I”, see page 16
Pneumatic connections were
Check connections, see page 10
interchanged (double-acting version)
Gain too high Reduce gain, see page 15
Loosen packing gland slightly or
Unstable behaviour, Friction on valve packing too great
position control circuit oscillates
Piston actuator:
Reduce gain, see page 15
Friction at cylinder too great
Check air supply (max. 6 bar)
Positioner does not fully decompose Check gain, see page 15
Stroke range cannot be set
pressure Carry out pneumatic test
(switch 8 = “II”), see page 16
No air supply Connect air supply
No input signal Connect input signal
Pneumatic test is without effect
IP module is not connected, or Connect IP module, or
IP module or a pneumatic part defective exchange part (workshop)

18 EP100 Master Instruction


10.1 General 10.3.1 Conversion of positioner

The positioner EP100 requires little maintenance. Positioner of the EP series consist of identical
When replacing components during repair work, the mechanical and pneumatic components and
safety requirements on page 4 must be observed! accessories.
A conversion to either a “digital” or “intelligent”
positioner is possible by simply exchanging the
10.2 Supply filter replacement electronics unit.
An obstructed supply filter can be replaced. Unscrew
the air supply fitting, remove the filter and exchange
a) exchange electronics unit, see chapter 10.3
the filter with a new one.
b) mark change on nameplate
c) start-up - see associated master instructions:
10.3 Removal of electronics unit
Pull off travel indicator 12 . To remove the electronics Reference to explosion-proof devices:
unit 40, loosen the 7 screws at front, see illustration Conversion of the electronics unit has to be
below. considered as change to explosion-proof device, and
Lift off electronics unit vertically to top. Disconnect therefore, only permitted in accordance with country
plugs 41 and 42 (see page 25) from the board. Do not specific regulations.
use tools to remove plugs because components could Valid in the Federal Republic of Germany: Conversion
be damaged. to be certified as change according to § 9 ElexV by an
Tight-fitting plugs can be easily removed by tilting authorized expert.
them diagonally inward before pulling them off.

Connect plugs 41 and 42 to the new electronics unit

40 and attach the new unit by using the 7 screws at
front (attention with the cables).

EP100 Master Instruction 19

10.4 Replacement of mechanical

and pneumatic units
First remove the electronics unit 40 (see preceding

10.4.1 Amplifier replacement 10.4.3 Replacement of IP module

Release the pneumatic amplifier 43 from the base Remove the IP module 48 from base plate and
plate and replace O-rings between the amplifier and replace with new IP module. Replace the O-ring
base plate1). between IP module and base plate and install new IP
Use 3 O-rings for a single-acting amplifier and 5 O- module.
rings for a double-acting amplifier. If replacing a
single-acting amplifier with a double acting, remove 10.4.4 Replacement of Feedback unit
sealing screw 44 before installation. First remove feedback lever or rotary adapter from
The air capacity throttle screws have to be released feedback shaft. Now remove retaining ring from
until the screw head is even with the amplifier surface feedback shaft 9 (see page 6). Remove screws and
( = no throttling). pull out complete unit 49 consisting of feedback shaft,
gears and position sensor.
10.4.2 Preamplifier replacement Insert new feedback unit 49 and secure with screws.
Unscrew the preamplifier 45 from the base plate by Remember to replace the retaining ring at feedback
removing screws 46 and 47 . shaft.
Replace 4 O-rings between preamplifier 45 and base
plate1) and install new preamplifier.

1) The base plate consists of a manifold and air ducts. O-rings are
required to guarantee sealing of the mounted elements.

20 EP100 Master Instruction


11.1 Limit switch

Rebuild to this option resp. exchange
Remove three screws 1 including tooth lock washer
from plastic cover.
Attach limit indicator 2 so that the flattened shaft end
19 contacts the groove of the limit indicator shaft in
the positioner.
Attach limit indicator by means of three screws 3 and
washers. The feedback shaft at back of positioner
should easily be turnable, thereby also moving the
vanes of the limit indicator. If this is not the case,
loosen screws 3 and flush- align the shafts of
positioner and limit switch (turn coupling shaft several
Replace short travel indicator 12 by long travel
Screw high cover 20 (or standard cover with insert
frame) on housing.

Switch functions
Feedback lever, feedback shaft and the control vanes
are all connected to each other, without an
intermediate transmission. The control vanes are
therefore moving simultaneously with the same angle
rate as the feedback lever. The length of the control
vane corresponds with the swing angle of 120°.

Both control vanes are located on different planes.

Each control vane can be seen independently from
the other, because each has its own sensor.

By adjusting the screws (after loosening the center

screw 10 ), the control vanes can be adjusted
relatively to the angle rate, so that e.g. one vane dives
into and another dives out of the sensor (see

Setting limit switch trigger points

Loosen center screw 10 (1-2 turns; do not remove!),
otherwise the control vanes will be damaged during
the following steps.

Set trigger point switch GW1:

Turn screw at number 1 until desired switch behavior
is reached.

Set trigger point switch GW2:

Turn screw at number 2 until desired switch behavior
is reached.

To fix switch points retighten center screw 10.

Do not touch control vanes during operation, danger

of injuries! Levels of control vanes (illustration without cover)

EP100 Master Instruction 21

11.1.1 2-wire limit switches Random adjustment of the current values

at the end points
The limit switch module type “T/U” contains two 2-wire a) Move the actuator to the end position, where you
sensors (Type SJ2-N or SJ2-SN) according to the want to adjust the current.
DIN 19234 or NAMUR (power supply 8 Volt DC). b) Press both buttons simultaneously for about 2s.
Then both LED’s are alternating flashing in a slow
c) With push button S1 „Config Output 4mA“ the
output current value can be decreased and with
push button S2 „Config Output 20mA“ the output
current value can be increased. Pressing the
buttons for a short moment results in a small
Connection to a switching amplifier with integrated change and pressing the button for a longer time
control circuit. results in a fast mode for a bigger change. The
value of the current can be freely decreased
41 (+) Sensor 1 between about 3,3 and increased up to 22,5 mA.
42 (-) Sensor 1 d) Without any additional manipulations of the push
51 (+) Sensor 2 buttons the new value is automatically saved. After
52 (-) Sensor 2 a few seconds, the device returns into the normal
operating mode, indicated by both LED’s that are
then light up again.
11.1.2 3-wire limit switch
The limit switch module type “R” contains two 3-wire
sensors (Type Si2-K08-AP7), 10..30 Volt DC, Trouble shooting of the position transmitter
normally closed, PNP-Output.
The components of the position transmitter are under
constant surveillance by the installed micro controller.
Errors are detected and indicated when both LED’s
are off or both LED’s are parallel flashing at a fast
In the event of a fatal error, e.g. potentiometer not
41 (-) Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 connected, an output current of more then 24mA will
43 (+) Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 be shown in addition to the error indication given by
42 Switchable output Sensor 1 the LED’s (fast flashing).
52 Switchable output Sensor 2
In this case check the following:
a) if the potentiometer is correctly connected to the
11.2 Position-feedback transmitter 4 - 20mA electronic board.
The electrical position-feedback transmitter is an b) if the potentiometer is within its working span.
accessory either installed in the factory (no retrofit When both LED’s are off, the supply voltage
possible). It converts the rotary movement of an should be checked (minimum tension, polarity).
actuator into an electrical standard signal 4...20mA.
The start-up procedure is described in step 7.1 – 7.7.
The electronic connection of the position transmitter
must be assured. Both LED’s are then light up.

Adjusting the start of the measuring range (4mA)

a) Move the actuator to the starting position.
b) Press push button S1 „Config Output 4mA“ longer
than 2s. During this time LED 1 lights up. After 2s both
LED’s are light up again, the value for 4mA is stored.

Adjusting the end of the measuring range (20mA)

a) Move the actuator to the end position.
b) Press push button S2 „Config Output 20mA“ longer
than 2s. During this time LED 2 lights up. After 2s both
LED’s are light up again, the value for 20mA is stored.

22 EP100 Master Instruction

12 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION IN controller is not exceeded (RL of an EP 100 is approx.

300 Ohm).
COMBINATION WITH CONTROL The output voltage (idle voltage) must be >8.5 V per
UNITS connected positioner. The total line capacitance is not
to exceed 1 µF.

 The safety requirements in page 4

Example: 2-fold split range
must be observed!


12.1 Non-intrinsically safe operation
The EP100 can be connected directly to the 4 - 20 mA 4 - 20 mA
output of the process control system or controller.
Load RL is approx. 300 Ohm.

4 - 20 mA

12.2 Split range In the case of intrinsic safety, the same conditions as
If several actuators are to be controlled from an described in 12.1 apply. The settings of the position
identical conduct variable and carry out full stroke only controllers are described on page 13.
in a certain portion of this conduct variable, an
individual EP100 is to be provided for each actuator.
The zero and span of which can be set to the
respectively desired partial range of the conduct
The positioners are electrically switched in series. It is
important that the permissible load of the process
control system or

EP100 Master Instruction 23


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