Speed Checker On Highway: Shubham Chhipa

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Shubham Chhipa

ABSTRACT for highways. The proposed system will

Now-a-days we hear news about accidents check on rash driving by calculating the
on Highways very frequently. And in most of speed of a vehicle using the time taken to
the cases main reason of accident is over travel between the two set points at a fixed
speed. Although all highways do have distance. A set point consists of a pair of
signboards indicating maximum speed limit sensors comprising of an IR transmitter and
for the sake of driver’s safety, but still an IR receiver, each of which are installed
people does not obey highway speed limit. on either sides of the road. The speed limit is
The project mentioned here is “Speed set by the police who use the system
checker and over speed detector for depending upon the traffic at the very
Highways”. This project is designed and location. The time taken by the vehicle to
developed by taking into consideration the travel from one set point to the other is
problem mentioned above. We have used calculated by control circuit. Based on that
two sensors in this project. These sensors time it then calculates the speed and
detect the vehicle speed. Condition is that, displays that on seven segment displays.
the two sensors should be installed at a Moreover if the vehicle crosses the speed
distance of 100 meters apart from one limit, a buzzer sounds alerting the police.
another. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD This concept can be extended in future by
display) is connected to this project. This integrating a camera with the system which
display will show the vehicle speed. It will could capture the image of the number plate
also intimate user if vehicle speed crossed of the vehicle to sends that to the traffic
the maximum speed limit or not. The project authorities.
also has a Buzzer. Over speed condition is KEY WORDS- consideration, sensors,
indicated by turning on the Buzzer. Many congestion, IR
analysts and policy makers have argued that
building more highways is an Ineffective THEORY
response to congestion: specifically, that it Principle of operation
is infeasible to add enough highways. The system basically comprises two laser
Capacity in large urban areas to provide transmitter-LDR sensor pairs, which are
much relief. But this making of highways is installed on the highway 100 meters apart,
just showing the path for accidents because with the transmitter and the LDR sensor
of no speed limits in these highways. In of each pair on the opposite sides of the
order to overcome this problem we have road. The installation of lasers and LDRs is
designed equipment called as Speed checker shown fig below. The system
Displays the time taken by the vehicle in Until now we have seen about speed checker
crossing this 100mdistance from one pair to to detect rash driving on highways using 555
the other with a resolution of 0.01 second timer and microcontroller. By adding
from which the speed of the vehicle can be another advanced wireless technology, we
calculated as follows: can make the circuit to operate remotely to
achieve an efficient rash-driving control

FIG.1-block diagram of speed checker on


Speed (kmph) = Distance/Time

This proposed system consists of a power- Fig.2- circuit diagram of speed checker on
supply block, microcontroller, IR sensors, highway
Relays, Buzzer, Lamp and Displays. The
entire system gets it power from the power- Vehicle Speed = Distance between 2
supply block and the microcontroller acts as sensors / Time taken by the timer
the major component of the whole systems. This project contains following blocks
IR sensors are placed on either side of the 1. Microcontroller – We have used 89s51
road, for detecting the speed limit of the microcontroller which is 8051 series
vehicle. The microcontroller is programmed microcontroller.
by using embedded C programming that 2. Sensors – We have used IR sensors i.e.
calculates the time duration between two IR transmitters and IR receivers.
sensors, correspondingly gives the speed. If Applications and Advantages:
the speed limit exceeds then relay gets 1. This can be used at Highways (National
activated and the lamp gets ‘on’ while the Highways, State level Highways).
buzzing sound gives indication to the police
that the vehicle is crossing the speed limits 2. This project can also be used inside
and displays the information on the LCD university campus areas or inside any
Display. company’s premises.
Future Development: http://www.projectsof8051.com/speed-
1. A CCTV Camera can be placed on the checker-and-overspeed-detection-for-
highway. If any vehicle has crossed the highways/
maximum speed limit then this camera will
be triggered to take a picture of the vehicle. https://www.scribd.com/doc/136681391/S
2. We can add voice announcement system. peed-Checker-for-Highways-project-
It will intimate the driver that he/she has report
crossed the over speed condition. http://www.elprocus.com/speed-checker-
3. We can implement the GSM technology. to-detect-rash-driving-on-highways/
So that the nearest highway security
authorities will be informed about the http://www.wikipedia.com
vehicle which has over speed.

Fig.- speed checking on highway


1.there are many accidents due to high

speed , so by using this technology on
highway, we can stopped these types of

2.the people also safe on road during

cross it.



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