October Internal Assesment MBA3rdSem
October Internal Assesment MBA3rdSem
October Internal Assesment MBA3rdSem
Instruction: There are 25 Marks questions for each paper. You have to answer for all the 6
papers you have. (Choose Specialization Papers according to what you have)
Marketing Specialization
MM 302 : Digital & Social Media Marketing
Q1 Discuss about Face Book Marketing Procedure 15 Marks
Q2. What is Twiter Marketing – Discuss Breifly. 10 Marks
MIS Specialization
MIS 301 : Relational Database Management System
Q1 Write a short note on hashing (Static & Dynamic) 10 Marks
Q2 Discuss about the concept of query processing 15 Marks
Operations Specialization
OM 302 : Operations Strategy
Q1 Discuss about the difference between modern operations strategies in Asia, Europe and USA 15 Marks
Q2 Write a note on Outsourcing and Globalization 10 Marks