October Internal Assesment MBA3rdSem

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MBA 3rd Semester
FULL MARK-25 (For each Paper)

Instruction: There are 25 Marks questions for each paper. You have to answer for all the 6
papers you have. (Choose Specialization Papers according to what you have)

MB 301: Entrepreneurship and Project Management

Q1 What are the major problems faced by the management during Project Life Cycle. 10 Marks
Q2 What is the Gantt Chart? How CPM and PERT analysis related with Project Planning? 15 Marks

MB 302 : Corporate Strategy

Q1 Briefly discuss BCG Matrix and Portfolio Management. 10 Marks
Q2 Discuss the Strategic actions for Mergers, Acquisitions, Diversifications, Joint Ventures and De-Mergers
HR Specialization
HR 302 : HR Metrics and Analytics
Q1 Write about different modules of HR Operations like – HR Planning, Hiring, Learning and Development,
Performance Management, Compensation & Rewards, Employee Engagement. 15 Marks
Q2 How Information Technology plays important roles in Human Resource Management? 10 Marks

HR 304 : Organisational Design

Q1 Discuss Boundary Less Organization. 10 Marks
Q2. How does globelizations change the organizational design? 15 Marks

Marketing Specialization
MM 302 : Digital & Social Media Marketing
Q1 Discuss about Face Book Marketing Procedure 15 Marks
Q2. What is Twiter Marketing – Discuss Breifly. 10 Marks

MM 303 : IMC Promotion Strategy

Q1 Discuss the relationship of advertising with other promotional mixes and marketing mix elements
15 Marks
Q2. a) What are the different dimensions of designing and advertisement? 5 Marks
b) What is importance of creativity in advertising? 5 Marks
Finance Specialization
FM 301 : Taxation
Q1 Write short notes on (Any Five)
a) GST b) Tax avoidance c) Perquisite d) MAT e) Capital Gains f) Agriculture
Income 15 Marks
Q2 Discuss the economic effect on direct and indirect taxes. 10 Marks

FM 304 : Corporate Finance

Q1 Discuss about different methods of Capital Budgeting. 15 Marks
Q2 Discussion about the importance of Cash Flow Analysis regarding investment decision. 10 Marks

MIS Specialization
MIS 301 : Relational Database Management System
Q1 Write a short note on hashing (Static & Dynamic) 10 Marks
Q2 Discuss about the concept of query processing 15 Marks

MIS 302 : E-Commerce & Digital Markets

Q1 What are different payment procedures of online shopping? 10 Marks
Q2 How Electronic Data Interchange works in E-CommerceBbusinessCcycle – write in details 15 Marks

Operations Specialization
OM 302 : Operations Strategy
Q1 Discuss about the difference between modern operations strategies in Asia, Europe and USA 15 Marks
Q2 Write a note on Outsourcing and Globalization 10 Marks

OM 303 : Quality Toolkit for Managers

Q1 What is the documentation process for ISO 9000? 10 Marks
Q2 a) How will you introduced 6 Sigma in manufacturing industries? 7.5 Marks
b) Discuss 6 Sigma in Service Industry. 7.5 Marks

Business Analytics Specialization

BA 302 : Application of Analytics in Business
Q1 Discuss about multi dimensional scaling 15 Marks
Q2 Compare customer lifetime value with related matrices 10 Marks

BA 303 : Business Forecasting

Q1 Discuss historical perspective of Business Forecasting. 10 Marks
Q2 Differentiate between ARCH Model and GARCH Model. 15 Marks

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