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School Grade Level 8


Teaching Dates and

Quarter 4th

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

1. Content Standards The learners demonstrates The learners demonstrates The learners demonstrates The learners demonstrates
understanding of key understanding of key understanding of key understanding of key
concepts of inequalities in a concepts of inequalities in a concepts of inequalities in a concepts of inequalities in a
triangle, and parallel and triangle, and parallel and triangle, and parallel and triangle, and parallel and
perpendicular lines. perpendicular lines. perpendicular lines. perpendicular lines.
2. Performance The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to
Standards communicate mathematical communicate mathematical communicate mathematical communicate mathematical
thinking wtih coherence and thinking wtih coherence and thinking wtih coherence and thinking wtih coherence and
clarity in formulating, clarity in formulating, clarity in formulating, clarity in formulating,
investigating, analyzing, and investigating, analyzing, and investigating, analyzing, and investigating, analyzing, and
solving real-life problems solving real-life problems solving real-life problems solving real-life problems
involving congruent involving congruent involving congruent involving congruent triangles
triangles using appropriate triangles using appropriate triangles using appropriate using appropriate and
and accurate and accurate and accurate accurate representations.
representations. representations. representations.
3. Learning
Competencies / The learners illustrates The learners illustrates The learners illustrates The learners illustrates
Objectives theorems on triangle theorems on triangle theorems on triangle theorems on triangle
inequalities ( Exterior Angle inequalities ( Exterior Angle inequalities ( Exterior Angle inequalities ( Exterior Angle
Inequality Theorem,Triangle Inequality Theorem,Triangle Inequality Theorem,Triangle Inequality Theorem,Triangle
Inequality Theorem, Hinge Inequality Theorem, Hinge Inequality Theorem, Hinge Inequality Theorem, Hinge
Theorem ).(M8GE-Iva-1) Theorem ).(M8GE-Iva-1) Theorem ).(M8GE-Iva-1) Theorem ).(M8GE-Iva-1)
a. State and illustrate a. Identify the a. Identify the a. Determine the
the triangle inequality relationships of the relationship between relationship of the
theorem angles and sides of a the sides of a triangle sides and angles of a
b. Apply the triangle triangle and the angle triangle using Hinge
inequality theorem to b. Determine the opposite them. Theorem
determine possible measures of the b. Describe the triangle b. Write a conclusion
measures for the sides of a triangle inequality theorem. using Hinge theorem
sides of a triangle. using the measures c. Practice the value of and its converse.
c. Develop the value of of the angles. perseverance. c. Practice the value of
equality. c. Develop the value of sharing one’s idea.
II. CONTENT Triangle Inequality
Exterior Angle Equality Hinge Theorem and the
Triangle Inequality Theorem Theorem Converse of the Hinge
Theorem 2
A. References

1. Teacher’s Pages 415 - 445 Pages 415 - 445 Pages 435 - 436 Pages 415 - 445
Guide pages
2. Learner’s Mathematics Learner’s Mathematics Learner’s Mathematics Learner’s Mathematics Learner’s
Materials pages Module for Grade 8, pages Module for Grade 8, pages Module for Grade 8, pages Module for Grade 8, pages
395-396 391-395 400-402 403 - 407
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)

B. Other Learning https://www.khanacademy.org/m onlinemathlearning.com/ext http://www.virtualnerd.com/g

Resources ath/geometry/hs-geo- erior-angle-theorem.html eometry/triangle-
foundations/hs-geo- http://study.com/academy/le relationships/inequalities-
polygons/v/triangle-inqequality- sson/exterior-angle- two-triangles/hinge-
theorem theorem-definition- theorem-definition
https://www.mathsisfun.com formula.html
A. Reviewing previous
Video presentation on the
lesson or presenting Think-Pair Share Video Presentation on
triangle inequality theorem. Think-Pair Share
the new lesson Exterior Theorem

B. Establishing a
purpose for the Presentation of Objectives Presentation of Objectives Presentation of Objectives Presentation of Objectives
C. Presenting examples/
instances of the Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity/Inquiry-based Group Activity/Inquiry-based
lesson Illustrative Example Illustrative Example Approach Approach
D. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills Think-Pair-Share Activity Think-Pair-Share Activity Small Group Activity
E. Discussing new Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice
concepts and Name the shortest side and Compare the measure of
practicing new skills Guided Practice the longest side of the
exterior <1 with either
#2 Like or Unlike remote interior <4 or <6
triangles. using the relation symbols
>, <, or =.
F. Developing mastery Independent Practice
(Leads to Formative Independent Practice Independent Practice Use symbol >,< or = to
Independent Practice
Assessment 3) Fill in the blanks. complete the statements
about the figure.

G. Finding practical Given the lengths of two List down the sides in Use >, < or = to compare Complete with <,.,or =.
applications of order from the longest to the
concepts and skills in shortest length. the measure of angles.
List down the integer
daily living
values of the third side.
generalizations and If two sides of one triangle
abstractions about Triangle Inequality Theorem are congruent to two sides of
the lesson The sum of he lengths of any another triangle, but the included
two sides of a riangle is greater angle of the first triangle is
than the length of the third side.
greater than the included angle of
Y Triangle Inequality Exterior Angle Equality the second, then third side of the
Theorem 2 Theorem first triangle is longer than the
If one angle of a triangle is The measure of an third side of the second.
larger than a second angle, then exterior angle is equal to
the side opposite the first angle is the sum of the measures
longer than the side opposite the of the remote interior
Z second angle. angles. If two sides of one triangle are
congruent to two sides of
XY + YZ > XZ another triangle, but the third
YZ + XZ > XY side of the first triangle is longer
XZ + XY > YZ than the third side of the second,
then the included angle of the
first triangle is larger than the
included angle of the second.
I. Evaluating learning Challenge Yourself!
Challenge Yourself! Make the necessary
Tell whether a triangle can markings on the illustration
Challenge Yourself!
be constructed with Challenge Yourself! based on the given. What
Find the value of x.
conclusion can you make if
segments having these there is any given the facts
lengths. about the two triangles?
J. Additional activities
for application or Journal Writing Journal Writing Journal Writing
1. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No.of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No.of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?


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