Example Risk Assessment For An Office-Based Business

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The document describes a risk assessment conducted for an office business. It identifies various hazards like slips/trips, manual handling, display screen equipment use, and outlines existing and planned controls for reducing risks.

Hazards identified include slips/trips, manual handling, display screen equipment use, working at height, stress, electrical safety, asbestos, fire, and lone working.

Existing controls include general good housekeeping, use of trolleys for moving heavy items, DSE assessments, 'no bullying' policy, staff training on electrical safety and asbestos, fire risk assessment conducted.

Example risk assessment for an office-based business

The company has 18 staff, with one being a wheelchair user. The offices contain a kitchen where staff can make drinks and heat food – there are toilet and
washing facilities on each floor. The offices are cleaned every evening by contractors, who store the cleaning chemicals in a locked cupboard. The office block is
locked from 9 pm to 6 am Monday to Friday and at the weekends. The building also has 24 hour/7 days a week security cover.

How was the risk assessment done?

The manager followed the advice at www.hse.gov.uk/simple-health-safety/risk/. To identify the hazards, they:
 walked around the office, noting things that might pose a risk;
 checked the HSE advice on employees with disabilities: www.hse.gov.uk/disability/;
 talked to supervisors and staff, including the wheelchair user, to learn from their experience and listen to their concerns;
 talked to the office cleaning contractors, to make sure the cleaning activities did not pose a risk to office staff;
 looked at the accident book to see how previous accidents had occurred.
They noted what was already being done to control the risks and recorded any further actions required. They pinned a copy of the findings on a noticeboard in
the tearoom to encourage staff to help put the actions into practice.
The manager will review the risk assessment whenever there are any significant changes such as new work equipment, work activities or workers.

Do not just copy this example and put your company name to it as that would not satisfy the law and would not protect your employees. You must
think about the specific hazards and controls your business needs.

The HSE site has a template and other examples to help you produce your own assessment.
Risk assessment
Company name: Smith’s Consultants Assessment carried out by: J Smith (Manager)
Date assessment carried out: 12 September 2019

What are the Who might be What are you already doing to What further action Who needs to carry When is the Done
hazards? harmed and control the risks? do you need to take out the action? action
how? to control the risks? needed by?
Slips and trips Staff and visitors  General good housekeeping. Better housekeeping in All staff, supervisors to
may be injured if  All areas well lit, including stairs. staff kitchen needed, eg monitor 7/10/19 5/10/19
they trip over  No trailing leads or cables. on spills.
objects or slip on  Staff keep work areas clear, eg no
spillages. boxes left in walkways, deliveries
Arrange for loose carpet Manager 7/10/19 5/10/19
stored immediately.
tile on second floor to
 Offices cleaned every evening. be repaired/replaced.

Manual Staff risk injuries  Trolley used to transport boxes of Remind staff that Manager 4/10/19 4/10/19
handling of or back pain from paper and other heavy items when they should not try
paper, office handling collecting deliveries etc. to lift objects that
equipment etc heavy/bulky  High shelves for light objects only. look or appear too
objects, eg heavy to handle.
deliveries of
What are the Who might be What are you already doing to What further action Who needs to carry When is the Done
hazards? harmed and control the risks? do you need to take out the action? action
how? to control the risks? needed by?
Display screen Staff risk posture  DSE training and assessments of Supervisors to monitor Supervisors 4/10/19 4/10/19
equipment problems and workstation carried out by all new to ensure staff continue
pain, discomfort starters. Actions carried out asap. to get breaks away from
or injuries, eg to  Reassessment to be carried out at the computer.
their hands/ any change to work feature, eg
arms, from equipment, furniture or the work Check that identified Manager 21/10/19 4/10/19
overuse or environment such as lighting. actions from self-
assessments are
improper use or  Workstation and equipment set to
from poorly followed up ASAP.
ensure good posture and to avoid
designed glare and reflections on the screen. Tell staff that they are to All staff 21/10/19 21/10/19
workstations or  Shared workstations are assessed inform their manager of
work for all users. any pain they have that
environments.  Work planned to include regular may be linked to
Headaches or breaks or change of activity. computer use.
sore eyes can  Lighting and temperature suitably
also occur, eg if controlled.
the lighting is  Adjustable blinds at window to control Broken window blind Company secretary 4/10/19 2/10/19
poor. natural light on screen near accounts section –
 Noise levels controlled. letter to landlord.
 Eye tests provided when needed,
dutyholder to pay for basic Remind laptop users to Manager 4/10/19 4/10/19
spectacles specific for regular users carry out regular DSE
of visual displays.. assessment to avoid
 Laptop users trained to carry out own problems and identify
DSE assessment for use away from any issues.
office. When used at office, laptop
should be used with docking station,
screen, keyboard and mouse.
Working at Falls from any  Staff stand on chair to file on high Chairs are too unstable. Manager 4/10/19 3/10/19
height height can cause shelves, put up decorations etc. Buy appropriate
Filing on top bruising and  Internal windows cleaned by stepladder and show
shelves, putting fractures. contractor using a stepladder. staff how to use it
up decorations safely.
What are the Who might be What are you already doing to What further action Who needs to carry When is the Done
hazards? harmed and control the risks? do you need to take out the action? action
how? to control the risks? needed by?
Stress All staff could be  Staff understand what their duties Remind staff they can Manager 4/10/19 3/10/19
affected by and responsibilities are. speak confidentially to
factors such as  Staff can talk to supervisors or their manager or
lack of job manager if they are feeling unwell or supervisors if they are
control, bullying, at ease about things at work. feeling unwell or or ill at
not knowing their  ‘No bullying’ policy. ease because of work.
role etc.
Electrical Staff could get  Staff trained to spot and report (to  Ask landlord when the Office administrator 4/10/19 4/10/19
electrical shocks office administrator) any defective next electrical
or burns from plugs, discoloured sockets or installation safety
using faulty damaged cable/equipment. check is due.
electrical  Defective equipment taken out of use  Confirm the system
equipment. safely and promptly replaced. with landlord for
Electrical faults  Staff told not to bring in their own making safe any
can also lead to appliances, toasters, fans etc. damage to building
fires. installation electrics,
eg broken light
switches or sockets.
Asbestos Staff carrying out  Systems in place to inform At next staff meeting, Manager 4/10/19 4/10/19
Asbestos- normal activities contractors and others who might remind staff that the
containing at very low risk. disturb the asbestos, where it is and asbestos must not be
materials Asbestos only a to ensure safe working. disturbed and to report
(ACMs) are risk if fibres are  Partition walls in good condition and any accidental damage
present in released into air asbestos unlikely to be disturbed to the partition walls
some partition and inhaled. during normal activities. immediately.
walls Maintenance  ‘Danger, asbestos, do not disturb’
workers most at signs posted at partition walls.
risk.  Staff told to report any accidental
damage immediately.
 Condition of partition walls checked
What are the Who might be What are you already doing to What further action Who needs to carry When is the Done
hazards? harmed and control the risks? do you need to take out the action? action
how? to control the risks? needed by?
Fire If trapped, staff Working with landlord, fire risk Ensure the actions Manager From now on
could suffer fatal assessment done, see identified as necessary
injuries from www.fire.gov.uk/workplace+safety/ by the fire risk
smoke inhalation/ and necessary action taken. assessment are done.
Lone working Staff could suffer  Staff write visit details in office diary Whereabouts of staff Office admin team From now on
injury or ill health and give a contact number. ‘out of the office’ to be
while out of  Staff not returning to the office after a monitored by office-
toffice, eg visiting visit call in to report this. based staff.
clients’ offices, or  Security staff check all areas,
while working including toilets, before locking up at
alone in the night.

Published by the Health and Safety Executive 11/19

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