Thermal and Hydraulic Analysis

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Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating Shell & Tube V10

File: C:\Users\m_anas\Desktop\Anas E-325.EDR Printed: 10/08/2019 at 3:28:35 PM

Overall Summary

1 Size 13.0315 X 118.1102 in Type AES Hor Connected in 1 parallel 1 series

2 Surf/Unit (gross/eff/finned) 177.8 / 165.5 / ft² Shells/unit 1
3 Surf/Shell (gross/eff/finned) 177.8 / 165.5 / ft²
5 Shell Side Tube Side Heat Transfer Parameters
6 Process Data In Out In Out Total heat load kW 175.3
7 Total flow lb/h 22707 44655 Eff. MTD/ 1 pass MTD °F 50.49 / 50.52
8 Vapor lb/h 0 0 12604 11340 Actual/Reqd area ratio - fouled/clean 1.34 / 2.36
9 Liquid lb/h 22707 22707 32051 33315
10 Noncondensable lb/h 0 637 Coef./Resist. BTU/(h-ft²-F) ft²-h-F/BTU %
11 Cond./Evap. lb/h 0 1264 Overall fouled 95.73 0.0104
12 Temperature °C 15 29.34 54 46.66 Overall clean 169.31 0.0059
13 Bubble Point °F 3.92 -6.11 Tube side film 322.65 0.0031 29.67
14 Dew Point °F 273.5 309.92 Tube side fouling 391.8 0.0026 24.43
15 Vapor mass fraction 0 0 0.28 0.25 Tube wall 3804.86 0.0003 2.52
16 Pressure (abs) psi 58.02 57.46 30.41 26.75 Outside fouling 503.17 0.002 19.03
17 DeltaP allow/cal psi 7.25 0.56 5.41 3.67 Outside film 393.06 0.0025 24.36
18 Velocity ft/s 0.34 0.34 83.29 85.69
19 Liquid Properties Shell Side Pressure Drop psi %
20 Density lb/ft³ 63.449 62.589 41.942 42.179 Inlet nozzle 0.15 27.55
21 Viscosity cp 1.4486 1.0457 0.4397 0.4959 InletspaceXflow 0.01 1.58
22 Specific heat BTU/(lb-F) 1.0176 1.0175 0.555 0.5476 Baffle Xflow 0.09 16.44
23 Therm. cond. BTU/(ft-h-F) 0.321 0.332 0.075 0.076 Baffle window 0.02 3.59
24 Surface tension lbf/ft 0.00122 0.00126 OutletspaceXflow 0.01 1.6
25 Molecular weight 18.02 18.02 89.72 89.32 Outlet nozzle 0.28 49.24
26 Vapor Properties Intermediate nozzles
27 Density lb/ft³ 0.249 0.218 Tube Side Pressure Drop psi %
28 Viscosity cp 0.009 0.0089 Inlet nozzle 0.14 3.85
29 Specific heat BTU/(lb-F) 0.4348 0.4285 Entering tubes 0.14 3.84
30 Therm. cond. BTU/(ft-h-F) 0.012 0.012 Inside tubes 3.15 84.88
31 Molecular weight 49.99 48.77 Exiting tubes 0.21 5.54
32 Two-Phase Properties Outlet nozzle 0.07 1.89
33 Latent heat BTU/lb 197.8 193.3 Intermediate nozzles
34 Heat Transfer Parameters Velocity / Rho*V2 ft/s lb/(ft-s²)
35 Reynolds No. vapor 164558.7 150392 Shell nozzle inlet 4.27 1155
36 Reynolds No. liquid 1379.99 1911.81 8568.09 7898.09 Shell bundle Xflow 0.34 0.34
37 Prandtl No. vapor 0.79 0.79 Shell baffle window 0.34 0.34
38 Prandtl No. liquid 11.1 7.75 7.85 8.6 Shell nozzle outlet 7.13 3180
39 Heat Load BTU/h BTU/h Shell nozzle interm
40 Vapor only 0 0 ft/s lb/(ft-s²)
41 2-Phase vapor 0 -74041 Tube nozzle inlet 41.03 1465
42 Latent heat 0 -266804 Tubes 83.29 85.69
43 2-Phase liquid 0 -257417 Tube nozzle outlet 42.25 1509
44 Liquid only 598262 0 Tube nozzle interm
45 Tubes Baffles Nozzles: (No./OD)
46 Type Plain Type Single segmental Shell Side Tube Side
47 ID/OD in 0.584 / 0.75 Number 14 Inlet in 1 / 2.375 1 / 8.625
48 Length act/eff ft 9.8425 / 9.1603 Cut(%d) 35.61 Outlet 1 / 1.9 1 / 8.625
49 Tube passes 1 Cut orientation H Intermediate / /
50 Tube No. 92 Spacing: c/c mm 175 Impingement protection None
51 Tube pattern 60 Spacing at inlet in 10.4331
52 Tube pitch in 0.9375 Spacing at outlet in 9.9232
53 Insert None
54 Vibration problem (HTFS / TEMA) No / RhoV2 violation No

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