Queen Bee

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Some of the key takeaways from the passage are that raising your own queens can save money and provide self-sufficiency, disease resistant stock is available, and local adaptation can be maintained. Queen rearing also allows one to observe the fascinating natural process and is a rewarding investment of time.

The requirements for successful queen rearing according to the passage are having a good breeder queen, queen rearing equipment such as a grafting tool and cell cups, appropriate lighting and magnification if needed for grafting, and warm temperatures of 80-94 degrees F for queen cells until they are placed in mating nucs.

The steps provided in a simple queen rearing technique are to give the breeder hive an empty comb on day 1 for egg laying, graft larva on day 4 and place in a queenless cell builder colony, remove completed queen cells on day 14 and keep one behind, and allow virgin queens to mate starting on day 22 requiring nice weather and drones.

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Queen Rearing for

Commercial and Hobby
ueen Bees Beekeepers
H Queens

ns from Raising your own queens is very

aii rewarding in many ways.

Queens  Save money while having the satisfaction of self sufficiency

 You control the quality and reduce the risk of introducing pests and beekeepersc
ic Queen
diseases advice on ge
in beek
en sources  Disease resistant breeding stock is now available
What's happ
ted queen  Well adapted local stock is utilized in matings, conserving bio diversity Bee World
 By working with nature, a fascinating natural process is unveiled Honeybees i
 Raising your own queens is the best investment of your beekeeping Glenn Apiar
ensitive time
Requirements for successful queen rearing
olution to Beekeeping
 A good breeder queen to graft larva from.
s VSH  Grafting requires good light, good eyesight or appropriate magnification. Beekeeper A
 Grafting larva of the proper age (1-24 hrs old).
on for  Queen rearing equipment (grafting tool, cell cups, cell bars and frame) San Diego B
can be made or purchased. Some queen kits eliminate grafting
 Natural mating requires 69 degree temps. and mature drones (15 days
 Several good books on queen rearing explain the principles of bee
n the biology.
 Queen rearing classes.

A Simple Queen Rearing Technique




graphy  Day 1 - Give breeder hive an empty dark brood comb to lay eggs in.
 Day 4 - Transfer (graft) larva into artificial queen cell cups, from the
breeder comb. Place the frame into a strong colony (cell builder) made
queenless the day before.
 Day 14 - Remove completed cells from cell builder. Leave one cell
ions behind to replace the queen. Keep queen cells warm (80-94 F) until
they are placed in queenless hives (mating nucs).
ental  Day 22 - Virgin queens are ready to mate. They require nice weather
ation (69 F), and an abundance of drones to mate with. A few colonies within
a mile are adequate for providing drones for mating.
earing  Day 27 - If queens mate without weather delay, they should now be
oduction laying eggs.
 Weather delays in mating will add days to the process, after 3 weeks
tour delay, virgin queens may start to lay unfertilized eggs.
 Time your activities so that warm temperatures and drones are available
program when the queens are ready to mate.

How to graft queens
Grafting is simply the process of
ge filler transferring larva from the worker cell of
the breeder's hive to an artificial queen
eca test cell. The shape of the cell, along with
the queenless condition of the hive
Apiaries receiving the newly grafted cells
stimulates the workers to feed them a
diet which make them develop into

A grafting tool can be as simple as a bent piece of wire, or several varieties

can be purchased. The tool is slipped under the larva which is lifted out and
placed in the bottom of the queen cell cup. Priming the cells with a small drop
of royal jelly or even diluted honey makes it easier to float the larva off the
tool. Don't flip over the larva. An unsteady hand is helped by bracing it lightly
on the comb.

Good light is essential, a headlamp works well, sunlight is ok if done quickly.

Magnifying lamps are useful for those with poor eyesight.

Some people are expert grafters from the start, others need more practice.
Grafting is what prevents most people
from attempting queen rearing. This is
unfortunate, because with an hour or two
of practice, anyone can acquire this
valuable skill. Give it a try.
The Breeder hive
 Graft from your best colony, or purchase a selectively bred breeder.
 Use the youngest (smallest) larva.
 By placing an empty brood comb in the brood nest 4 days before you
graft, the larva will be the right age.

Setting up the Cell Building Colony

 Any strong hive can serve as a cell builder.
 Remove the queen one day before you graft
 Place grafted cells in center of the brood
 Place about 30 cells per colony.
 Large cells will be produced by well
nourished colonies.
 Feeding is not necessary if a light honeyflow
is on and pollen is abundant.

Setting up Mating Nucs

 Cells are placed in queenless colonies the day before they hatch.
 The mating process is usually only 75% successful.
 Small mating colonies minimize the losses due to unsuccessful queens.
 Mini-nucs are convenient for raising large numbers of queens.
 Cells can be placed in any queenless colony.
 Most queenless colonies will accept cells without queen cell protectors.
 Recent research shows that queen quality is best when they are left to
lay eggs in the nuc for about a month.

Mating conditions
 Queens are ready to mate 5-7 days after hatching.
 Temperature must be at least 69 F with no strong winds.
 Virgin queens mate with 10 to 20 drones on one or more flights.
 Drones and queens may fly a mile or more to drone congregation areas.
 Queens will begin laying eggs 2 to 4 days after mating.
 Mating can be delayed up to 3 weeks and still be successful.

Good books on queen rearing

The following books all describe in detail, various methods of raising from one
to a thousand queens. Most of the tricks of the trade are in these books.

Queen Rearing and Bee Breeding (1997) by Harry LaidlawJr. and Robert
Page Jr., Wicwas Press, Cheshire, Connecticut.

Successful Queen Rearing by Dr. Marla Spivak and Gary Reuter

Contemporary Queen Rearing (1979) by Harry Laidlaw Jr., Dadant and

Sons, Hamilton, Illinois.

Breeding Queens (1997) by Gilles Fert, O.P.I.D.A., Argentan, France.

Rearing Queen Honey Bees by Roger Morse

Book Sources:

Wicwas Press - Comprehensive of bee books

Bibliofind - Good internet source of used and out of print bee books.

Successful Queen Rearing by Marla Spivak and Gary Reuter

Queen Rearing Classes

Successful Queen Rearing Short Course by Dr. Marla Spivak and Gary Reuter at
University of Minnesota

The Art of Queen Rearing by Susan Cobey at UC Davis

Instrumental Insemination and Bee Breeding Workshop by Susan Cobey at UC


Advanced Workshop on the Technique of Instrumental Insemination by Susan

Cobey at UC Davis

Queen rearing supplies

Mann Lake Ltd.- Plastic cell cups, cages,
grafting tools, kits, nuc boxes.

Dadant & Sons Inc. - Books, supplies

- Books, videos
A. I. R oot C o.
Brushy Mountain Bee Farm - Jenter system, supplies.

Betterbee Inc. (800) 632-3379 - Supplies and kits

Walter T. Kelley Co. (502) 242-2012,- Wood cages, wax

cups, grafting tools

Suki Glenn office manager

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