The Tannin Process
The Tannin Process
The Tannin Process
generally useful.
more than three feet long and nine inches broad, and
nailanother board, sixteen inches in width, vertically
end about six inches to let the water drain away from
wipe them,* if the soda has been well washed off, other-
grind only the edges, for the ground glass impedes the
* The writer has never found that the deposit left on the
plates by hard water caused any inconvenience, as in his expe-
rience such deposit is always immediately and entirely removed
by the method of cleaning to he presently described. Should
any kind of water be found to leave a residium which is not
easily cleaned off, the plates must be wiped.
off the
vapour from the eyes, or it may make them
Put the glass to be cleaned in a screw holder, rub
the back over slightly with a tuft of cotton wool and a
few drops of the cleaning fluid, then wipe dry with
a cloth, turn over and fix again with the screw ;
(the best are those which have the rim most turned
in such
grains of gelatine, will work in this way but ;
thick the collodion film will crack when dried and warmed, if
much too thick, when dried spontaneously.
therefore hetter :
exact propor-
usually contains some already; but the
tion of iodide and bromide is not of much importance.
collodion, and the latter, being nearly insoluble
strong alcohol, is almost all precipitated. If therefore-
the presence of iodide of potassium in iodized collo-
dion is shown by turbidity on the addition of bromide,
it will be better to dissolveequal parts of bromide
ammonium and bromide of cadmium in the smallest
under India-rubber.
Collodion which gives a dense and horny film works
well with tannin, but a somewhat porous film is more-
"Prepare the cotton by boiling a. five-per-cent.
Water 1 drachm.
When the temperature sinks to 145 immerse two and
a-half drachms prepared cotton, in tufts of not more
than thirty grains each, taking care that each tuft is
well saturated. Cover up for ten minutes. Then lift
out with two glass spatulas, squeezing out as much of
the acids as possible, and throw into a large quantity
of water, separating the cotton so as to dilute the acid
Alcohol, s.
g. *805 1 ounce.
If the alcohol is really of this strength, which is
The amorphous kind of iodide of ammonium is better than
that which is sold in hard crystals ; the former, though less
stable, much more soluble in alcohol. This unstable and
deliquescent iodide may be kept in the following manner:
Procure a common bell glass (a sufficiently large one of
green glass costs only a few pence), grind the bottom on a
flat stone with sand and water, grease the ground edge and
iodizing solution.
This collodion will work well with a forty or fifty
anything too quickly, and keeps very clean in deve-
loping, but is not very fluid. If the collodion is not
found to flow freely enough, it may be mixed with some
made by Mr. Glover's formula. It is much easier to
Pyroxylins 5 grains.
Bromide of cadmium 8
Alcohol '805 4 drachms.
Ether 4
Put the whole in a tall, shake up until
narrow bottle,
the solution of the pyroxyline and bromide is complete T
then allow to settle clear and decant. If the alcohol
is weaker, or if the pyroxyline is of a kind likely to
s.g. '805, intoa thin heaker, and place on the far side of a bottle
of strong solution of ammonia from which the stopper has been
removed. To avoid the ill effects of the noxious 1'umes of the
bromine, do not remove the stopper from the bottle which con-
tains it until it is held beyond the ammonia, and keep it there
as long as open. Pour into the alcohol about one ounce by
weight of bromine cautiously, a little at a time, stirring with a
much heat will be evolved. Cover with a glass
glass rod, as
plate, and when quite cold pour into a bottle which stops well.
the collodion.
Take the plate off the holder as soon as the collodion
lias ceased to flow, still keeping that side downwards
the bath.
Should the temperature be very high, a quickly-
may not allow of this way of working,
setting collodion
the film becoming too dry, as shown, after excitement,
the next and rub the surface then move the plates up;
salts of silver.
Tbe plates should not be less than half an hour
in the common water: sometimes, when the collodion
is thick and close in texture, much longer may be
required, especially if the water is not very hard.
Should the water be too pure to precipitate nitrate
of silver, it may be used instead of distilled water
for the first and second washing baths, and have a
very small quantity of salt dissolved in it for the third.
and intensity.-'-
By the time that six plates have been put into com-
mon water the first may be ready to be coated with
tannin ; but, if as many as a do/.en or two are to be
phial. Several plates were prepared with each and tried care-
glass, and change the paper.
When the liquid has passed through, filter two or
three times through a fresh paper (after this no future
trouble will be caused in the same way) ; then add one
ounce of alcohol. If this were done before filtering,
Methylated alcohol should never be applied to a film of
/ollodion, as the wood naphtha which it contains is a solvent
-of pyroxyline.
lift the end of the first excited plate with a silver hook
hold of the two corners of this end with the right hand
covered with a clean cloth, detach the holder, and wipe
the back slightly with the left hand ; then, shifting
it under a dry part of the cloth, take hold of the two
lower corners, and wipe again with the right hand. The
draining and wiping will take about half a minute.
The object of wiping the back is to prevent water coming
into contact with the points of the levelling stand, and
then carrying impurities into the tannin solution besides
The corners are here numbered the same as in the cut at page 18,
and the gelatine and collodion are both supposed to have been
drained at 3.
pour on again and let it remain until the next two plates
have been treated in the same manner on the two other
stands. This way of working will give ample time for
page 34],
The glass measures and funnels never require
thereby increased .f
The tannin solution sometimes becomes mouldy if
tut, when the plates are dry, tins point is of little con-
upper end.
In the first case, if the precipitated matter is of
phial ;
the exact proportions are of no consequence
first ;
but as soon as the kind of developer required
is indicated, it may be finished more rapidly, by
right one had been tried, it was found that this annoy-
ance could usually be prevented, even where there had
been great over-action of light, by very simple means
that of using more acid in the silver developing solution.
This precaution is, however, not always sufficient with
bromo-iodized collodion, when strong solution of tannin
has been applied, as it is still sometimes difficult to
consequence in a negative.
solution of nitrate of
parts of a twenty-grain silver.
very good developer, and will bring out all the details,
ifa sufficiently long exposure has been given; if not,
pour off the liquid, add the pyrogallic and mix well,
and return to the plate; the
image will immediately
show more detail and darken considerably, the image
brought out by the tannin being paler and redder than
that produced by the pyrogallic.
The following method of commencing the develop-
ment is, perhaps, on the whole better, certainly easier,
but involves the expenditure of more alcohol: Dis-
solve six grains of carbonate of ammonia in two
ounces and a-half of distilled water and one ounce and
a-half of alcohol, s.
g. about -830 (1); this liquid may
be kept ready mixed in a bottle. Dilute five minims
of the alcoholic solution of pyrogallic (page 09) to two
drachms, with the same proportions of alcohol and
water as iu the carbonate of ammonia solution (2).
Measure out as much of (1) as will cover the plate
has been tried, but this plan does not seem to answer
as well as the one just given. For landscapes, four
grains of citric acid to each grain of nitrate will usually
be required to prevent blurring, when the collodion
contains iodide, as the tendency to this fault will be
brighter will the image be; the longer the action of the
* In
printing from negatives of low intensity, it is necessary
to use highly-salted paper and some method of toning which
reduces considerably. In all cases the darkest parts must
reach or nearly approach the bronzing stage, or the positive
will be wanting in vigour: with a faint negative, by the time
that the shadows are deep enough, the most opaque parts wilt
be printed through. A toning mixture which has sufficient
bleaching power will clear the lights of the picture without
reducing the shadows too much, and so produce a brilliant
positive from a somewhat weak negative. This is perhaps the
best way of working, for it is much easier to obtain a good
the latter, the softer will be the result, and the more of
the leather-like colour by reflected light will appear.
The tendency of an under-exposed picture is to be too
solution ;
in such a case blisters of an intense black-
velopment has not been carried far, the image wiJl dis-
already past.
The result of an experiment made to ascertain the
fies with
difficulty, and almost entirely superficial,
glass and glass rod, used to guide the flow of the deve-
loper from the measure to the plate, thoroughly clean
before commencing the development. For this purpose,
make a solution of about twenty grains of any soluble
iodide to the ounce of water, with as much iodine as
vail dissolve. The exact strength is of no consequence,
veloping, fill the glass containing the rod with the liquid,
The superior energy and penetration of the iodine
solution may be proved by dipping the nose of a
water will not penetrate between the film and the glass.
Hyposulphite prepared in this way has been used for a long
time apparently with good effect; hut the advantage gained has
not been accurately tested by comparative experiments.
will do no injury.
A small bag of fine velvet made to fit the end of the
paper in printing.
DEY plates prepared with tannin give very good re-
sults when used for printing transparent positives by
superposition. The action of the tannin and pyro-
gallic acid tends to produce a deep red colour, and the
citric acid to give a blue tone ; hence, by varying the
proportion of the latter, we can produce at will a great
strength at once :
by this means the development will
The tannin process, from its admitting of the use of
a collodion which is less liable to injury, -will produce
negatives better adapted for printing transparencies
than those obtained by other dry collodion processes :
tated, and
the picture rendered brighter and more
intense, and solarization diminished, by pouring
the film after the final washing a solution of gallic acid,
two or three grains to the ounce, and allowing to drain
dry spontaneously: sensitiveness is,
however, slightly
silver ;
if some of the crystals are collected by allowing
them to subside in a glass measure, and then washed
and placed on a clean piece of glass, with a few drops of
distilled water, it will be found that nitric acid has no
dion ;
but it will keep in good working order much longer
than contained acid in fact, almost indefinitely, if
if it
and will
preliminary coating for other dry processes,
answer tolerably well with some kinds of collodion.
otherwise obtainable.
Gum arable used alone, or with tannin, in this way
or loosening of the
produces a tendency to blistering
film, even when gelatine has been
used as a previous
coating. Again, the gum, unless thoroughly
out, renders the developer black and turbid,
tannin has no such effect, and solution of gum does
not filter so easily as that of tannin.
the glass, the film rises from the plate in washing oft
accurately. Bromixed
collodion, however, prepared
with tannin alone, gives results of so good a quality
that it is questionable whether it is worth while to
incur the trouble of applying two coats of gelatine.
Tannin may be used in the preparation of dry plates
just described.
A mixture of honey and tannin works well ; but, in
the few trials made in damp winter weather, no advan-
Five grains of dextrine to two grains of tannin in
one ounce of water will give good results, but with